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Colonial Heights United Methodist Church Non-Profit Org.

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The Colonial News

(423) 239-6031 or 6081
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The mission of Colonial Heights United Methodist Church is that by the Grace of God and the Guidance of
the Holy Spirit, we will LEAD people to Christ, DISCIPLE people in Christ, and SERVE people for Christ!


You may have noticed some changes lately in the

Narthex!! The Abiding Friendship Circle realized
there was a need to make this area brighter and
more welcoming, so we approached the Board of
Trustees with our decorating ideas and funding
suggestions. After approval from the Trustees,
PAST POISONS AND FUTURE LIVING! the circle started this process using monies avail-
able from past fundraising projects and donations
Recently several folks have mentioned inactive mem- from circle members.
bers who have gone inactive for a variety of reasons
from hurt feelings to being overlooked. I call these We have already purchased and placed several
“Past Poisons.” For no good reason someone was items of furniture and plans are to add chairs,
overlooked, felt a barb, or maybe had a strong negative lamps, pictures, decorative items, crown molding,
altercation within the congregation. What ever the rea- and to have the walls and ceiling repainted. We
son, poison set in , resulting in infection. What happens need your help to get this transformation finished
VOLLEYBALL CAMP AT COLONIAL HEIGHTS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH then is a downward trend into the status of “inactive.” by making a donation in honor or in memory of a
loved one, a friend, or an event. We have already
I want to track down any and every one of these “past received several donations that have helped in the
SESSION 1 JULY 13-16 (3RD-5TH GRADERS) SESSION 2 JULY 20-23 (6TH—8TH GRADERS) poisons” that has someone in an inactive role. If you purchase of these items, but more are needed.
are one suffering from this kind of poison, please call
9:00 AM—12:00 PM me at either the church number (239-6031) or my num- If you would like to help, more information can be
ber (765-3577) and let’s set up a conversation. I will obtained by contacting either Nancy Jackson
promise a good ear and a prayer. (239-8025) or June Reed (863-4921 or Specific items have already
NAME: ______________________________________________________________ AGE: ___________ Someone might ask, “Pastor, what if you get 20 calls?” been chosen and approved and are just awaiting
Then I make 20 visits! Blessings. purchase with these donations.
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________
In Christ, Pastor Tom We hope you will choose to become a part of this
PHONE: ____________________________________ SCHOOL: _____________________ process and help us see this project through to
P.S. I am going to be out making a number of general completion for all to enjoy.
SESSION: ____________________________________ SHIRT SIZE: ___________________ visits—taking advantage of daylight savings time. I
would love an invitation to your home. Give me a call. God Bless from the Abiding Friendship Circle.

JUNE 28 JULY 10 Golden Oldies in Wytheville

Good Samaritan Cir- Pastors, Staff and Ministries of CHUMC
The Front Porch 70 Thank you to the family of Angela Bellamy for donating the
Traditional Service 141 cle—No meeting in July. JULY 23 Bays Mountain Planetarium
Our children and youth flowers from the wedding for us to use at Pastor Angela’s
and cookout reception.
Total Worship 211 Abiding Friendship Cir-
cle—No meeting in July. Paul Bragg Our hearts could not contain the joy as the flood of love
Sunday School 147 poured our way on Sunday, June 21. My Colonial Heights
Dot Campbell family showed themselves proud as you went to great ex-
pense to honor me and my family. There are some days
OUR GIFTS Nancy Collins in life that I will never forget, they are few and far between,
In Memory Of: Given By: but this day will be filled in my heart as unforgettable.
BUDGET Joann Bowery Victoria Cuddy Janice Fields
Receipts 6/28 $ 5,899 As my husband would say, “I am elephant proud and gi-
Kent and Angie Harris raffe glad to know you.” Thank you again for every act of
In Honor Of: Given By: (Jane Harris’ son & daughter-in-law) kindness and love shown to me and my family.
OUR SERVICE Kids in the Kitchen— Faith, Hope, Love—Angela Hardy Cross & family
Tuesday, June 7th from Ferril Harrison
JULY LECTOR 9 AM—12 PM in the Min- To Our Church Family— I want to thank you for all your
Mark & Susan Pavlin prayers, phone calls, cards, and visits. My mother has
istry Center. The first 20 Valice Hawkins
Please sign up at the Welcome gone home to be with the Lord. We praise the Lord for all
kids (Preschool—5th PROMOTION SUNDAY he has done for us. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.
Center to be a Lector in 2009.
Grade) to sign up will be Brad Jefferson Love, through Christ our Lord. —Karen & Sonny Little
JULY OFFERING STEWARD cooking up a storm in the August 16th is Promotion Sunday. To celebrate, we
Phil Smith kitchen. Boys and girls will be having a church-wide breakfast in the Ministry Janet Manning’s father Many thanks to those of you who so willingly helped our
will actually learn by do- Center. Breakfast will be served from 8 – 10 AM. Interfaith Hospitality families feel loved the way we love
ing while we prepare Please drop-in for a time of fellowship with your Jesus Christ.
Arthur McNutt
recipes! We will learn church family! Have you ever wondered what Sun-
kitchen safety and how to day School programs are offered at CHUMC? Now Thanks to Sam Hiester for making a CD for Buffalo Moun-
Betty O’Leary tain Camp. It was greatly appreciated by all the staff.
HOMEBOUND MEMBER follow a recipe. Our reci- is your chance to learn! As part of this event, each
OF THE MONTH pes will be kid friendly Sunday School class will be sharing information Michael Putman A special thanks to all who fixed packages to send to Zim-
and copies will be sent about their class. Afterwards, classes have the op- (Frances Reed’s grandson) babwe. CHUMC contributed 44 health kits.
Bob & Ann Cross home with participants to tion of either remaining in the Ministry Center for a
310 Lake Aire Drive enjoy. The best part is devotional given by one of our teachers or may pro- Edie Roach
Kingsport, TN 37663 we will be able to taste ceed to their classrooms during the Sunday School THOUGHTS ON PRAYER
239-8867 our creations. The kids hour (10 -11 AM). At 11 AM, we will have a com- Mary Schwartz
will be able to take home bined service in the Ministry Center. Old-time Blue- Continuing the discussion of A.C.T.S. today. The “S” is
Please let the Crosses know samples to share with grass/Gospel songs will be shared by the Front for supplication. The dictionary defines supplication as a
Harold Shell humble request.
how much they are thought of family members too! Porch Singers. This is a great opportunity for our
and cared about by sending a Cost is $3.00. church to come together in one service to worship Betty Starnes In Colossians 1:9-10 Paul prays for the church, “For this
card, calling, or visiting. the Lord!
reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not
Rhea Starnes stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with
the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and
Wanda Stewart understanding. And we pray this in order that you may
live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every
CHUMC’s “Got Talent” Variety Show will be held on way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the
October 24th as part of the Church-wide Bazaar. As Mack Whitlock
UNITED METHODIST knowledge of God.”
MEN the final event of the day, we need some enthusias-
tic volunteers! If you want to be a part of this excit- Joann Wood Do our prayers reflect a concern for God’s will and God’s
Irvin Schwartz & family
Thursday, July 2 on the death of ing event, please let us know. Please note that tal- glory and a desire that our lives will be pleasing to God?
ent is not a requirement! We would like to encour- Our At-Home Members Or are our prayers more of a to-do list that we give to
6:30 PM in Ministry Center Mary Schwartz
age individuals of all ages, as well as groups (for God? Asking Him to intervene in the health and financial
and Those who are in a nursing home/assisted living needs of our family and friends?
MENU: Baked chicken, the family of example, Sunday School classes, circles, youth,
green beans, calico corn, Donald Ellis etc.) to participate. Come with your own ideas/act or
All serving in our military It is not wrong to ask for these things. But if this is all we
salad, dessert and if you need some ideas, our team has some skits pray about we are treating God as a “divine servant” who
Karen Little and family available. All we need are volunteers to fill the is there to meet our needs when in fact He is the one who
Paul Worsham will discuss spots. A sign-up sheet is located at the Welcome
his recent Africa trip. on the death of is to be served. Maybe we could humbly ask God what
her brother, Center or you may contact Mike/Melissa Shelton (If you would like to be removed from this list, he wants us to do. Ask Him what He is doing and how
(349-9919) or Shannon/Jeanita Large. please contact Jane Miller in the church office.) we can be a part of it.
Milton Smith
GOLF CART MINISTRY Why should you come to Calling All Men?
The golf cart has been repaired and up-
As a dad, granddad, or just as a man, what kind of legacy do you want to
graded and is now in service. Drivers are
leave in this world? Your legacy is an expression of your personal values,
needed for the 9:00 worship service, 10:00
priorities, intentions and is designed to help guide and inspire others. We
Sunday School, 11:00 worship service,
believe that coming to this gathering will help strengthen your journey of
and 12:00 after the service. Usually the
godliness and righteousness.
cart is available 15-20 minutes prior to
each time. Some have combined times (ex. some have
volunteered to drive both before and after the 9:00 ser- Legacy Sessions:
vice, which would include the 10:00 schedule , or before for Morning and Afternoon Sessions
AND after the 11:00 service). All times are flexible and
Someone to keep the your availability at one time slot and/or more is up to you.
Lebanon Road sign Please consider this vital ministry. A sign-up sheet is on Legacy Session 1: Sharing Your Faith in Hard Times
the welcome center. Volunteer today! What do you say when a friend has lost his job or there has been a tragedy in
updated. your own life? Sharing our faith during these hard times can be difficult and
intimidating. Learn how to be ready to live a life that leaves a legacy.
Must be able to spel. Leader: Rev. Jason Roe

Legacy Session 2: Christian Marriage is a Holy Covenant

Contact Danny Flem- How we can strengthen marriages, beginning with our own.
ing if interested. UNITED METHODIST MEN
Leader: Ginny and Rev. Pete Rowlett
The UMM meet for dinner on the 1st Thursday of Legacy Session 3: Facebook: You and God are Friends
each month. The next meeting is July 2. An excel- Are you a Facebooker? If so, then you are putting yourself out there for the world to catch a glimpse of who you are,
lent meal is prepared for us each month—the menu what you stand for and where you are going. Is it accurate? Are you living your life in such away that honors God? You
will be announced nearer to meeting time—and a are invited to join the chat; your friends will be online with you. Who knows what might get posted on your wall!
variety of programs are planned for the coming AM only - Youth Session (Adults Welcome)
FALL CHURCH BAZAAR months. Meeting time is 6:30 PM. Every man in the Leader: Roger Williams
church is a member and encouraged to attend regu- PM only - Young Adult Session (Adults Welcome)
Beginning the week of June 1
and continuing through the larly. Please prayerfully consider being a part of this Leader: Rev. Brad Hyde
summer months, we will be col- program of the church. You are needed!
lecting items for the October Legacy Session 4: Breathing In, So We Can Breathe Out
Bazaar Garage Sale by appoint- The 3rd Thursday of each month a group of men Breathing in the things of God through prayer and other spiritual disciplines; so we can breathe out a life that leaves a
ment. Please call Edna Vesley from CHUMC meet at Shoney’s at 8:00 AM for a legacy that reflects the image of Christ.
(239-8955), Nancy Locke (239-9083), or Lesa prayer breakfast—a short devotion and time of Leader: Rev. Mickey Rainwater
Worsham (349-5740) to set up a time to deliver prayer for the church, followed by breakfast and fel-
your items. Please remember to price your lowship. We leave as we need to. Some of the Legacy Session 5: Fatherhood Legacy (Parenting)
items and no clothing please. Being a Godly father centers around our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Living out Biblical truths in our own
wives are coming and usually meet separately. Re- lives translates into relationships with our children. Our Legacy is our family and our relationships.
serve the THIRD THURSDAY of each month at 8:00 Leader: Rev. David Graves
PRAYER VIGIL Legacy Session 6: A Man, A Can and A Plan
The recipe for Financial Security in Challenging Times.
August 22, 2009 from 6 am until 6 pm Leader: Cliff Amos
Mark your calendars now.

Do you have concerns about our church?

Do you have concerns about our schools?
Turn your worries into prayers. Bring these
concerns before the Lord. Help all of us to do
this by placing your concerns in the Prayer
Concerns Box in the back of the church or min-
istry center.

Hope to see you on the 22nd of August

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