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Notice of vacancy CONS/AD/099

GENERAL INFORMATION Department Place of work Title of post Function group and grade DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS WHO WE ARE Within DG A, the Security Office acts on behalf of the Secretary-General of the Council in his capacity as security authority of the General Secretariat of the Council and operates under the authority of the Deputy Director-General for security, safety and information and communication systems. Led by a Director, Security Office has the task of organising the protection of persons, buildings, property, activities and classified information. The Security Office has sole responsibility for dealing with matters relating to counter-espionage and threat-mapping. WHAT WE PROPOSE We offer a challenging post in an area that is among the cross-cutting security priorities of the GSC. The administrator will contribute to the work of the Security Office by providing expertise and advice in the field of counter-espionage. He/she will carry out high-level analyses, draft complex notes on the threats facing the GSC and propose counter-measures. He/she will represent the GSC before the Member States' security and intelligence authorities. He/she will advise the GSC authorities on the political and strategic decisions to be taken in this area. PURPOSE OF POST Under the authority of the Director of the Security Office, the Administrator will: - be responsible for organising counter-espionage activities with the aim of effectively ensuring the security of the persons, property, sensitive and classified information at the GSC; - organise awareness-raising programmes in this field for GSC staff; - draw up a map of espionage threats to the EU's interests; - coordinate and liaise on counter-espionage matters with the intelligence and security services of the Host State, the Member States and other organisations. DG A: Administration; Security, Safety and Information and Communication Systems - Security Office Brussels Administrator Temporary agent - AD 8 27/09/2013



Analyse all security risks in relation to the Council's interests and activities; Analyse and evaluate intelligence gathered for security purposes; Depending on the operational environment, identify risks of compromise and the relevant specific counter-measures to be put in place. Contribute to the planning and development of policies in the field of security and counter-espionage and to the guidelines necessary for their implementation; Coordinate the implementation of the measures needed to tackle risks and threats in areas relating to the security of the Council; Contribute to organising training activities in the area of security of persons and information; Monitor the implementation of policies and guidelines on security and counter-espionage; Liaise with internal and external contacts; Draft documents on security matters.

COMPETENCES REQUIRED - Possess a good understanding of the workings of the EU, its organisation, its institutional procedures and the Union's policies in general;

- Have a thorough knowledge of the activities of the European Institutions in the field of security and

- Have a good knowledge of the European intelligence and security services; - Have expertise in the organisation, operation and modus operandi of the intelligence services which
represent a threat to the European Institutions; - Have direct and recent experience of investigations and inquiries in the field of counter-espionage;

- Be capable of adapting his/her professional expertise in a complex multilateral environment; - Demonstrate excellent decision-making skills and sound judgment in critical situations, as well as good
multitasking skills; - Have good interpersonal skills and be able to manage complex situations in an international and multicultural environment; - Be versatile, well-organised and able to take initiatives;

Demonstrate discretion in handing sensitive and confidential information; Know how to process classified information; Be able to give presentations to audiences of high-level managers; Be a strong team player; Demonstrate excellent summarising, analytical and drafting skills; Be fully conversant with computers and office technology; - Have a thorough knowledge of one of the official languages of the European Union and a satisfactory knowledge of another to the extent necessary to carry out the duties to be performed. In practice, in the interests of the service, a very good knowledge of English and French is required.

PERSONNEL SECURITY CLEARANCE (PSC) The duties to be performed require security clearance allowing access to classified documents (EU TOP SECRET level). Those applying for the post will be understood to be prepared to undergo security screening under Council Decision 2001/264/EC of 19 March 2001. This security clearance must be obtained from the national competent authorities before taking up employment at the GSC.


CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION Applicants must: - be nationals of one of the Member States of the European Union; - enjoy their full rights as citizens; - have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the laws concerning military service; - The applicable provisions of the Staff Regulations provide that an official may be appointed only on condition that he produces the appropriate character references for the performance of his duties. Under no circumstances will the Administration recruit a candidate who has passed the selection procedure but cannot produce the appropriate character references for the of the duties envisaged when the recruitment offer is made. The Administration also reserves the right, after evaluating the file, to remove from the reserve list the name of a candidate who cannot produce such references. - have completed a full university education attested by a diploma or a certificate issued by a higher education institution in a relevant field or by an institution such as a military, police or intelligence academy, or have equivalent vocational training; - have at least 15 years' professional experience in governmental organisations such as the security or intelligence or police services, or in international organisations whose work is related to security or defence, including at least 10 years' experience in the field of counter-espionage. N.B. The minimum of one year's professional experience required when the normal duration of studies is three years counts as an integral part of the diploma and cannot be counted towards the professional experience required. Applicants must fulfil all the conditions for admission at the time of applying. SELECTION PROCEDURE In order to assist the Authority empowered to conclude the contracts in its choice, a Selection Committee will be set up with instructions to draw up a list of the best candidates. The Committee will initially examine applicants' qualifications and experience and then interview those shortlisted with a view to establishing a reserve list. To identify candidates who can be admitted to the interviews, the Selection Committee will select candidates on the basis of their qualifications after having established the criteria by which it will assess those qualifications. Candidates will be selected on the basis of the information given in their application. The Committee will select those candidates who satisfy the eligibility conditions and who possess the qualifications (especially diplomas and professional experience) that are most relevant in terms of quality and level to the nature of the duties described in this vacancy notice. The interview will enable the Selection Committee to complete its assessment of the candidates according to the specific skills and qualifications required. The interview will be conducted in French and English. ________________________________ The successful applicant may be offered a contract as temporary agent, on the basis of Article 2(b) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union.1 The initial duration of the contract is four years (including a probationary period of six months), renewable for a further period not exceeding two years. Engagement will be at grade AD 8 with a basic monthly salary of EUR 6,299.95 (first step). In addition to the basic salary, the agent may be entitled to various allowances, in particular a household allowance, expatriation allowance (16 % of basic salary + household allowance), dependent child allowance and education allowance. The salary is subject to a European Union tax deducted at source and is exempt from national taxation.

Staff Regulations of Officials and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union, laid down by Council Regulation (EEC, EURATOM, ECSC) No 259/68 and last amended by Council Regulation (EU) No 1239/2010 of 20 December 2010 -


APPLICATION Applications should be sent by mail, preferably registered, to the Recruitment Service, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, rue de la Loi 175, B-1048 Brussels, no later than 27/09/2013, the postmark being taken as proof. Consideration will only be given to complete dossiers comprising: a) the application form (Annex 3) the original, not a copy duly completed, dated and signed; b) a motivation letter accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, in English or French, preferably in the Europass format (, covering the applicant's entire career, listing, inter alia, the applicant's qualifications, language knowledge, experience, and current duties; and c) supporting documents relating to diplomas and professional experience (photocopies only). Supporting documents relating to professional experience must come from a third party and it is not sufficient simply to send the CV mentioned in b). None of these documents will be returned. RE-EXAMINATION OF APPLICATIONS The procedures relating to requests for review, appeals and referral to the European Ombudsman are set out in Annex 1 to this vacancy notice. DATA PROTECTION The rules governing the processing of personal data in connection with this selection procedure are set out in Annex 2 to this notice. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The European Institutions apply an equal opportunities policy and accept applications without discrimination as to sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origins, genetic characteristics, language, religion or beliefs, political or any other opinions, membership of a national minority, wealth, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.


Annex 1 REQUEST FOR REVIEW APPEALS PROCEDURES COMPLAINTS TO THE EUROPEAN OMBUDSMAN If, at any stage of the selection procedure, you consider that a decision adversely affects you, you may use the following means: Request for review of the decisions taken by the Selection Committee Within ten days of the date of the letter notifying a decision taken by the Selection Committee, you may submit a written request for a review of such decision, setting out the reasons for your request, to: Council of the European Union Recruitment Service Rue de la Loi 175 B-1048 BRUXELLES e-mail address: Appeals You may submit a complaint to the appointing authority against a negative reply to your request for review or any other act adversely affecting you, under Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union, within the time limits provided for, to: Council of the European Union Advisers Unit, DGA 1B Rue de la Loi 175 B-1048 BRUXELLES You may bring a case before the European Union Civil Service Tribunal under article 91 of the Staff Regulations if the complaint referred to above has been rejected. Complaints to the European Ombudsman Like any other citizen of the Union, you may make a complaint to: The European Ombudsman 1, avenue du Prsident Robert Schuman BP 403 F-67001 Strasbourg Cedex under Article 228(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Decision of the European Parliament of 9 March 1994 on the regulations and general conditions governing the performance of the Ombudsman's duties published in Official Journal of the European Communities L 113 of 4 May 1994. You should note that complaints made to the European Ombudsman have no suspensive effect on the period of time laid down in Article 90(2) and Article 91 of the Staff Regulations for the lodging of complaints or appeals with the European Union Civil Service Tribunal under Article 270 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. ___________________


Annex 2 DATA PROTECTION As the institution responsible for organising the selection procedure, the General Secretariat of the Council ensures that applicants' personal data are processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the institutions and bodies of the European Union and on the free movement of such data. The legal basis for the selection procedure is the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Union. The selection procedure is conducted under the responsibility of the Human Resources Directorate (DG A I A), Staffing and Mobility Unit, and the controller is the head of that unit. The information provided by the applicants will be accessible to members of the Recruitment Service and of the Selection Committee, and, if necessary, to the legal advisers' unit. The purpose of the processing operation is to collect data identifying all the applicants for a post with the Secretariat General of the Council and to support selection procedures. The data in question are: personal data that make it possible to identify the applicants (surname, first name, date of birth, sex, nationality) information supplied by the applicants to facilitate the practical organisation of the procedure (postal address, e-mail address, telephone number) information supplied by the applicants to make it possible to assess whether they meet the admission conditions laid down in the notice of vacancy (nationality; languages; applicants' qualifications and the year they were awarded, type of diploma/degree, name of awarding institution; professional experience) where applicable, information on the type and duration of applicants' security clearance. The processing begins on the date of receipt of the application. Applications are filed and stored in archives for two years. All applicants may exercise their right of access to and right to rectify personal data. Substantiated requests should be e-mailed to the Recruitment Service at Applicants may have recourse at any time to the European Data Protection Supervisor ( ____________________


Annex 3
COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION General Secretariat Rue de la Loi 175 B-1048 Bruxelles

Application Form NOTICE OF VACANCY CONS/AD/099



SURNAME : . Forename(s) : .. SEX :

2. 3.

ADDRESS (Please inform us immediately of any change of address)



Street :N : .... Post code : ..........Town : Country : .. E-mail :.. Tel. home: Mobile : Work : .

4. 5. 6.

DATE OF BIRTH : .. NATIONALITY (in the case of dual nationality, please indicate both)
Current : ..

Main language : .. Other languages :

7. 8.

IT SKILLS : .. SECURITY CLEARANCE : If YES to what level ?




Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates FROM


Title of qualification awarded

Enclose numbered photocopies

See enclosure N

See enclosure N

See enclosure N

See enclosure N

See enclosure N

See enclosure N


10 . PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Enclose numbered photocopies). If necessary continue on separate sheet(s)

I . (CURRENT POSITION) Name and address of employer Occupation or position held FROM (DD/MM/YY) TO (DD/MM/YY)
Years : . / ./ /./ Months : . Days : .


Enclose numbered photocopies

See enclosure N

II .
Years : . / ./ /./ Months : . Days : .

See enclosure N

Years : . / ./ /./ Months : . Days : .

See enclosure N

Professional experience TOTAL





11. Do you have a physical disability or are your specific circumstances such as to create problems in
connection with the organisation of the tests ? If yes, please give details (to enable the Administration to make the necessary arrangements, if it can). .

DECLARATION ON HONOUR 1. 2. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the statements made on this application form and on the annexes thereto are true and complete. I further declare that: a) I am a national of one of the Member States of the European Union and enjoy my full rights as a citizen; b) I have fulfilled all obligations imposed on me by the laws concerning military service; c) I can produce character references as to my suitability to perform the duties envisaged, in particular that I do not have a criminal record and that there are no legal proceedings pending against me. 3. I am aware that my application will be rejected if I fail to submit, within the time limit set, all supporting documents required to prove that I meet the conditions of eligibility (see vacancy notice).

Date : ..

Signature :

Enclosures : Number of documents ..



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