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theSun | THURSDAY JULY 2 2009 9

news without borders

Khmer Rouge
Comorons protest over prison survivor
recalls torture

crash, black box located

MORONI: French and US aircraft and it was able to pick her up. She Daddy, I couldn’t swim very well. I Relatives
PHNOM PENH: A distraught
survivor of the Khmer Rouge’s
main prison urged his former
jailer yesterday to reveal the
truth about his wife’s execution
three decades ago so he could
taken in 1977 to Tuol Sleng. “My
wife and I put our hands behind
our backs, and then they cut our
hands. Then my wife cried and
said, ‘What did we do wrong?
We are both orphans,’” said
hunted yesterday for survivors really showed incredible physical grabbed on to something but I don’t of the finally collect her ashes. Bou Meng, the third survivor to
from a plane that crashed off Co- and moral strength.” know what’.” passengers Bou Meng was asked by the testify this week.
moros, while in Paris expatriates Comoran Vice-President Idi The airline said 75 Comorans on the judge at Cambodia’s war crimes The couple were then
from the Indian Ocean archipelago Nadhoim told Reuters no other and 65 French nationals were on Yemenia court to compose himself as blindfolded with black cloth,
tried to block another flight by the survivors had been found. “But we board, along with one Palestinian flight at the he testified against prison chief Bou Meng said, and he realised
same airline. haven’t given up hope,” he said in and one Canadian. – Reuters Marseille Duch, accused of overseeing the they were being sent to prison
The European Commission a telephone interview. airport. extermination of 15,000 people as they were taken to be pho-
sent a letter to the airline, Yemenia, As a flotilla of boats took to at the communist regime’s Tuol tographed.
saying its aircraft could be banned sea off the main Grande Comore Sleng prison. The court was shown the
in the European Union after a island at first light, angry Comoran The 68-year-old also described photo of his wife, Ma Yoeun,
Yemenia-run Airbus A310-300 expatriates tried to block passen- how his torturers beat him bloody who Bou Meng said was about
went down in the Indian Ocean gers from checking into another to make him confess to being a 25 at the time. With the number
on Tuesday with 153 people on Yemenia flight from Paris’ Charles CIA spy, but said that he escaped 331 pinned to her black shirt,
board. de Gaulle airport to Yemen. his wife’s fate after he was put to she looks directly from the
The plane was coming in to land “We don’t want any more work painting pictures of Khmer frame with a worried, pleading
at Moroni, the Comoran capital, on coffins travelling. We don’t want Rouge leader Pol Pot. expression.
the final leg of a trip from Paris and Yemenia any more,” said protester “There is a question I would Bou Meng said that during
Marseille to Comoros via Yemen. Idris Ahmed. like to ask to Mr Kaing Guek Eav,” torture sessions blood flowed
The cause of the crash was still un- The survivor from the flight, Bou Meng said, using Duch’s full to the floor.
known, but the black box has been identified as Bakari Bahia, had cuts name. “My torturer asked me to
located, state-run Yemenia said. to her face and a fractured collar- “I want to know if he asked count the lashes. And when I
Just one survivor – a 14-year- bone, but was stable overnight after his subordinates to smash my got to 10 lashes he said, ‘How
old Franco-Comoran girl – has being picked up on Tuesday. wife at Tuol Sleng or Choeung Ek can you get to 10 lashes? You’ve
been found in the sea so far, having Her father, Bakari Kassim, (the so-called killing field where only had one lash,’” he recalled,
held on to floating material in the told French TV channel i-Tele prisoners were executed) so I taking out a handkerchief to
darkness of the early hours. he had contacted his daughter by can collect her ashes to make wipe his eyes.
“She clung to a piece of debris telephone. her soul rest in peace.” “Every time they beat me up,
from the plane for 12 hours,” “I asked her what happened Bou Meng said that under they asked me questions. When
French Cooperation Secretary and she said ‘We saw the plane fall the regime he first worked at did I join the CIA and who intro-
Alain Joyandet told France Info in the water. I found myself in the a technical school, then was duced me to the CIA network? I
radio, adding she would be flown water. I was hearing people speak made to build dams and canals did not know what a CIA agent
to a Paris hospital. but I couldn’t see anyone. I was in and finally planted vegetables or network was, so how could I
“She signalled to a passing boat the dark. I couldn’t see anything. before he and his wife were respond?” he added. – AFP

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