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Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/beta Reference: Feud of the Red Clouds Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta

Feud of the Red Clouds Turn 3: Softening Up

15 seconds to target.
-Attributed to: HweVere Tormentor Pilot

A pair of Tormentor Bombers from the Dagger Squadron Built and Painted by Airspace Member: Vedal Slayer
The latest phase of the Feud of the Red Clouds was a savage affair. The war struck hard at the inhabitants of Rutilus as the various factions began bombing the aerial platforms. Now, not just pilots were in the line of fire, but the techadepts and menials as well. The war began to take a heavy toll on machines, materials and personnel. Again, the forces of Mistress Merciebvaux were pushing hard to destroy all resistance. However, everywhere they were met with stiff opposition. The forces of Boss Badaxe and Magos Archivald pushed back just against the Chaos advance hard. Eager to take control of the planet themselves. Boss badaxe used his typical ork savagery and cunning, while Magos Archivald looked to his Tau allies for aid.

The continuing assault by Mistress Mercievaux and Magos Cy Belle seems impossible to maintain. Commander Plegabo and EirYuan the Corsair Prince seem all too willing to let the Chaos forces vent their fury early, and counterattack once they are spent.

Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/beta Reference: Feud of the Red Clouds Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta

++Sit Rep by Region++

Warzone 1: Station Lambda The distance between Station Lambda and Station Severus is vast. Only the largest bombers could make the trip without refueling. Plus, the Tau air blockade of the outer edges of Station Severus makes the task of flying a bomber from Severus to Lambda almost impossible. However, Lambda is just a much a target of Mistress Mercievauxs war plans as any of the other stations. As part of her all-out assault, Tormentor bombers have been deployed to bases on the area of Station Alpha. From these hard won forward-operating bases they have been deployed on long range raids into the regions around Station Lambda. However, to date the Eldar forces in Lambda have been able to easily intercept and turn back these forays into their airspace. Due to the distances involved, only minimal fighter support has been available to protect the Tormentors, and the unprotected bombers have proven no match for the Corsair interceptors. Despite their success at clearing the airspace around Station Lambda, the corsairs are expereincing their own internal unrest. The numbers of Dark Eldar participating in the campaign continue to rise. This has unsettled many of the more orthodox members of the Eldar expedition. These internal tensions have forced Eiryuan to consider moving to a stronger offensive footing earlier than he had planned. The corsair prince had been all too willing to keep his rivals battling for control of Station Alpha and letting them expend their numerical superiority on each other, rather than his smaller numbers.
Dark Eldar Razor Wings- WIP Scuplted by Airspace Member: Easy E

However, the growing unrest from his allies and the Dark Eldar themselves have caused him to consider using the Dark Eldar raiders to spearhead a targeted offensive. Exactly where and how is still to be decided. Controlled By: Eldar Warzone 2: Station Ro Around Station Ro, the Feud of the Red Clouds remained quiet. Envoy Twala and her allies strategy was to attack outwards, and to keep their enemies at arms reach has proven to be successful. No new attacks were directed at the Tau and their Guela allies. Chaos forces had managed to implant themselves in scattered pockets around Station Ro. However, the Tau air blockade in the outer ring of Severus has cut of support to these Chaos outposts. Therefore, they have been unable to launch further attacks, and have been conserving their fuel, foodstuffs, and aircraft for a potential future assault.

Pockets of Ork elements within the area of Ro have also been oddly quiet. Perhaps, so far away from the over sight of Boss Badaxe, they have instead turned toward petty internal disputes? Either way, they have not pressed the attack with

Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/beta Reference: Feud of the Red Clouds Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Warzone 3: Station Alpha After a difficult week of sustained air attack and dogfights through out the warzone, this stage of the campaign has been relatively quiet. Chaos and Ork forces have solidified their hold over the region, leaving only the immediate airspace surrounding Station Alpha in Imperial hands. The situation for the Imperials is rather desperate, as resources have begun to run low, and siege of the xenos and traitors has taken its toll. Routine air patrols have become harder for Imperial forces to maintain, as spare parts and routine maintenance has become difficult. Thankfully, the Space Elevator of Station Alpha has been able to keep the defenders able to resupply badly needed foodstuffs and water from the Imperial logistical support of Taskforce 351. For there part, the Chaos and Ork forces had mostly eyed each other across the turbulent airspace of Warzone 3. Both sides have seemed content to consolidate their position, and fortify the gains they made in the initial attack waves. How long this unofficial peace can hold is unclear. To complicate things, Dark Eldar Raiders are still being sighted in the region. However, they have not offered battle. Many strategists believe they are gathering intelligence for future xeno attacks. Controlled by: Disputed Warzone 4: Station Epsilon The skies around Station Epsilon have been some of the most hotly contested airspace during the Feud of the Red Clouds. The last cycle was no exception as Chaos forces attempted to cripple the Orks to such a degree as to knock them out of the war. The Orks have responded in typicallu Ork fashion. By trying to kill stuff.

Tau Barracuda from the Talons Painted by Airspace member: Kelsik

typical Ork ferocity. Without the harassing attacks from Chaos and the Orks; the Tau have been able to focus on upgrading Guela aircraft to help in the defense of Station Ro, and upgrading the air defense systems of the station. In addition, the Air and Fire caste warriors have begun planning the next phase of their attacks into the region around Station Severus. They plan to capitalize on the gains made by their air blockade, and attempt to cripple the Chaos threat at its heart. Controlled by: Tau

Imperial Reinforcements Painted by Airspace member: World Bleeder

Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/beta Reference: Feud of the Red Clouds Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta This weakness in command-and-control may leave the Orks vulnerable to feint attacks. However, so far Chaos forces have not been able to capitalize on these weaknesses. Controlled by: In Dispute Warzone 5: Station Severus The airspace around Station Severus has remained securely in Chaos hands. No one has seriously challenged them in this region. However, Ork pockets have penetrated the outer edges, and the Tau aligned forces have managed to place a limited air blockade around some outlying stations. These small pockets of resistance have proven to be no major impediment to continued air operations from Severus. However, Magos CyBelle has pressed Mistress Merceivaux to expel these elements from the outlying platforms. His argument is that the sustained push to capture all of Rutilus is being hampered by a lack of supplies. In the short run, this problem is negligible, but as the war continues to fall into a protracted war of attrition these supply restrictions could prove decisive. So far, his pleas have mostly been ignored as his Mistress has focused on spreading the war to all corners of Rutilus. The growing strategic disputes inside the Chaos command bunker may prove to be a decisive final element in the outcome of the war. So far, the coalition of traitors, renegades, mercenaries, and heretics has managed to hold strong. However, in the face of stagnation and lack of clear victory; it may splinter as each warlord attempts to gain their own advantages from the ongoing Feud of the Red Clouds. This could prove be a point that other factions can exploit in the coming days of the war. Controlled by: Chaos

Orks and Chaos go Head-to-Head Painted by Airspace members: CheesyRobman and Vedal Slayer

Like much of the Chaos efforts on Rutilus, the Chaos attack around Station Epsilon focused on Tormentor bombing raids. However, unlike near Station Lambda; these raids were heavily supported by chaos fighter cover all the way to the target zone. As a result, Chaos Tormentor raids were far more effective around Station Epsilon than in other warzones. They exacted a heavy toll on Ork construction facilities, gas harvesting stations, and other key logistical targets. These raids also provided another useful purpose. They provided valuable intelligence about the true depth of the Orks power. As the Feud grinds on, the death match between the Orks and traitors has settled into a war of attrition. On Station Severus, there are some quiet whispers about there own ability to keep up with the growing logistical demands of the escalating Feud. Another key piece of information the Raids have uncovered is the poor command-and-control Ork forces possess. It is not uncommon for some raids to face no resistance, and others to be overwhelmed by Ork fightas on route to the target.

Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/beta Reference: Feud of the Red Clouds Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta Conclusion With the latest stage of the Feud of the Red Clouds wrapping up, many of the Aerial Platforms of Rutilus have been left in ruins, defense emplacements destroyed, and storage facilities devastated. This state of affairs leaves them ripe for air assault, and to then springboard to the next. This type of platform hopping campaign will ultimately lead to the fall of the Great Stations. Ork and Chaos forces are well positioned for such a campaign, and they have already made in roads into a number of warzones. The forces of Chaos have pushed hard into the territory of Station Alpha and Epsilon, but have also made their presence felt in Ro and Lambda. The Orks have been a serious problem around Station Alpha. They have also raided and looted in the regions of Ro and Severus. However, in the case of the Orks, this has left their own Station Epsilon potentially vulnerable to attack, as the Ork menace flies outward looking for a good scrap. The Tau have also made some inroads into other warzones. However, their efforts have mostly left a lighter footprint. They have effectively.
Hell Talons attempt to re-supply an Aerial Platform Painted and built by: Easy E

thrown air blockades around support platforms for Station Severus and Epsilon
The Eldar have been secure in Station Lambda, slowly uncovering and dismantling the work of the former owners. Their raids have extended into the battles swirling around Station Alpha as well. However, for the most part they have been an isolated foe.

Meanwhile, the Imperials of Taskforce 351 and Magos Deanarus are on the back foot. They have barely managed to keep the Orks and Traitors from directly attacking Station Alpha. A trickle of reinforcement sand supplies are flowing in, but they are in no position to start a serious offensive campaign without clawing back Station Alphas territory first. However, Commander Plegabo is a cunning logistician, and the Imperium is nothing if not resilient,
The Feud of the Red Clouds is still far from over, with no clear faction dominating the others. An effective offensive here, and a poor defense there could make the difference between victory and defeat. Can the renegades rest control of the planet from the loyalists? Will the xenos depose those who have ruled Rutilus for so long? Only you can help decide the outcome fo the Feud of the Red Clouds.

Dagger Squadron raids an Ork held Platform Painted by: CheesyRobman and Vebdal Slayer

Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/beta Reference: Feud of the Red Clouds Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta

Feud of the Red Clouds Turn 1: Appendix

Tutorial Links
CheesyRobmans Tutorial for assembling an Ork Bommer

Fluff Links
VedalSlayers Ashkelon Rising Monticus Fall of the Black Sheep

Points Totals
Players Points Batre Purchasi Painti Modelli ps ng ng ng Hobby Total Medal Bar 37 58 11 10 7.5 8.75 8 7 3 10.5 5 10.5 9 25 5 15 3 26 2 77 x 3 80.5 x 22 x x x x x x

1 Star 2 Star 3 Star

CheesyRobm an Vedal Slayer Monticus Easy E Kelsik World Bleeder Ky-Maru Sparx Unknown

16 94.75 x

8 16 11


1.75 18.25 x
8 16 x 4 15 334.5

Inquisitorial Report: A4567/893/beta Reference: Feud of the Red Clouds Access Code: ********** Level: Magenta

Feud of the Red Clouds Turn 1: Appendix

Factions Imperials Chaos Tau Eldar Orks Factions Imperials Chaos Tau Eldar Orks Factions Imperial Chaos Tau Eldar Orks Factions Imperials Chaos Tau Eldar Orks Factions Imperials 1 Station Epsilon- Warzone 4- Orks WZ 4: Players Points Adjusted Points 5 5 1 2 8 19 8 9.5 Station Ro- Warzone 2- Tau WZ 2: Players Points Adjusted Points Station Lambda- Warzone 1- Eldar WZ 1: Players Points 1 1 6.25 17 Adjusted Points 6.25 17

Station Alpha- Warzone 3- Imperial WarZone 3: Players Points 4 1 1 1 Station Severus- Warzone 5- Chaos Warzone 5: Players Points

Adjusted Points 10.75 20 5 16.5 2.6875 20 5 16.5

Adjusted Points

3 2

66.75 17

22.25 8.5

Tau Eldar Orks

1 3

7 67.5

7 20.83

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