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Chicagoans have sex 73 times a year. On average. According to condom maker
Trojan. But are we rolling like thunder under the covers or just rolling over? Bad
news, Chicago: The city's sexual frequency doesn't sound so super-freaky com-
pared to Houston (H-town gets down Jo' times a year, claiming the No. t spot),
Atlanta (88 times a year) or even the national average (84). In fact, our scoring
average of 73 tied for seventh among the to largest U.S. cities in Trojan's States of
Pleasure survey, released Wednesday.

About two out of three Chicagoans reported

being satisfied with their sexlives in the Trojan
survey—below Atlanta's 73 percent (highest)
bite 'tercet than Boston's 6o percent (lowest).
Think you know sex stats?
Take RedEyes quiz and weigh
in on Chicago's sex drive at
Houston? Atlanta? Really? C'mon, Chicago—
you can do it! And do it now, because folks are
looking to get lucky this weekend, according
redeyechIcagq.conVsex or tweet
with the hashtag Onadeyetalk TONIGHT?
to Trojan, which said condom sales tradition-
ally boom over the 4th ofJuly weekend. As for Trojan's survey is just the latest to take a peek
fireworks in the bedroom, the people RedEye under America's sheets, and the findings can
approached laughed and shook their heads in be added to a pile of competing numbers from
disbelief at the Chicago figures, particularly the other companies and magazines. But relation-
frequency They expressed shock at how low ship experts told RedEye a number is just a
the city's number is on the survey number—and nothing to be insecure (or smug)
"That's kind of bogus," said Joseph Sorrell, about.
24,11410 lives on the West Side. "A lot of people The "right" amount of sex for a couple Lauren Carney, 21, said she doesn't compare The Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global
are not having sex? What's the world coming depends on the couple and how important sex herself against survey data such as Trojan's. "I've Survey, conducted online in zoo6, found that
to?" is to their relationship, therapists said. Survey always felt that you can make numbers and stats Americans have sex 85 times a year on average
Sorrel, a student, claims he gets busy once a data doesn't paint a complete picture, they said, say anything you want," said Carney; a student (global average: 103 times). But only 48 per-
day and thinks others should too. "It's time for advising couples against focusing on frequency who lives in St. Charles. cent of Americans said they were fully satisfied
change," he said findings. Instead, couples should discuss how Trojan conducted its survey online, collect- with their sex lives in the Durex survey; which
To Blake Young, 27, an average of 73 times a satisfied they both are with the sex they're hav- ing data from r,000 respondents r8 and older quizzed more than z6,000 people t6 years and
year seemed about right. ing. across the U.S. In addition, t5o surveys were older in 26 countries.
1 have kind of a low sex drive so I'm fine Ilva Rosson, 23, of Lakeview, said he's "per conducted among adults in each of the to larg- Stats bombard people even at the magazine
with twice a week," said Young, a bike mes- fectly satisfied" with his sex life. "We arc new- est U.S. cities, including Chicago. The margin rack. Chicago magazine's July issue, reported
senger who lives in the West Loop. He said he's lyweds so it might be unique," he said, adding of error on Trojan's statistics is 8 percent. that 16.4 percent of Chicago-area residents
satisfied with that frequency as long as the sex with a laugh: "I might have a different answer Trojan isn't the only condom maker spewing 18 and older have sex in an average 24-hour
is new and exciting. in decade." , „ <' . PF:410.

Tune into
Let's get frequency
it on By Lawlor Vivanco
We asked RedEye's
Twitter followers a very
personal question: Couples often ask whether their sex lives are
What day of the week normal, said Richard Carroll, director of the Sex
do you have sex the and Marital Therapy Program at Northwestern
most? We got some University Feinberg School of Medicine.
really creative answers. ills answer: There's no one rate of sexual fre-
Let RedEye put you in quency that fits all couples,
the mood every day at Frequency of sex tells only how often peo-
dicago. COMPILED BY ple are doing it, said Joy Davidson, author of
SCOTT REMMERS, "Fearless Sex." It doesn't provide insight into a
relationship or what the people involved in it
@annapulley thurs- really want.
days. after 30 rock (my And frequency isn't all that matters, DaLielson
world)) said, noting that people can have frequently
@David Jellez I bad sex. Don't obsess over the idea that every-
would have to say one is getting some all of the time—movies and
mondays but not dur- TV shows plant that seed, but sex experts warn
ing football season against buying into it.
"The dilemma is people have a lot of unre-
@thewayoftheld alistic expectations about sex," Carroll said.
Wednesdays, which
means I should be
"People have a lot of myths about sex, and
getting laid about certainly the media presents a distorted view
three hours from now. of sex. I think all of that can breed feelings of
Sweet! insecurity and inadequacy"
What matters most is that couples be upfront
@tangokjewelry any about what they want, therapists said. It's up to
day the kids are in bed couples to decide if they're having enough sex
early. -)
and how important sex is to the relationship.
@Jany_Julce Sunday Sex itself doesn't always equal happiness.
morning, about 430 Frequency can decline over the course, .nf a
am, just after the bars relationship. Things can start hot and heavy
close and no more and taper off as the relationship matures,
liquor is left to be but that doesn't necessarily signal a problem,
poured! (That classy Carroll said
enuf for ya?) However, a sudden or dramatic drop-off in
sex frequency can be a red flag for other prob-
crickit lems, including stress, depression, emotional
txtable difficulties and sexual dysfunction, he said.
If one partner is dissatisfied or wants sex
more than the other, he or she should talk about
OR MINE? it—but remember to keep things positive and
On what day of open, therapists said
Still, Trojan's rankings for Chicago had some I think! disagree (with the week do you When one partner feels there's a drop in
locals ready to get, er, take action. After all, the have sex the most? frequency, it can trigger insecurities about the
the numbed but Pm Text "sex" and the
survey did note that 6z percent of Americans love or level of attraction in the relationship,
wish they were having more sex. also In the theater world, number of your Carroll said, insecurities that cause people to
Ty ler Worrell, 27, of Wicker Park, said he'd so Pm surrounded answer to 87708. react angrily rather than talk it out. The result-
You'll get the poll ing resentment or guilt can be an added barrier
like to find a steady girlfriend to raise Chicago's by different people. [The number, is results instantly.
frequency rate. He said he falls in line with the higher In my group of peers because 1.Sunday to having more sex.
number from Trojan's survey, but added that he 2. Monday "The alternative is to bring it up at a time and
isn't happy about it. we've surrounded ourselves with open- place where both people are in a good state of
"The average is totally unsatisfactory" he minded people. Very confident people." 4. Wednesday mind, ready and able to talk about the issue
said "It should be double or triple." NEWS SERVICES 5.Thursday without anger and blame and each person being
AND REDEYE'S LEONOR MANGO, MELANIE KUCERA AND DEREK ELLEN DOMONKOS 27, of Uptown, reacting to new survey 6. Friday able to express what it is they want," he said.
WAINER COMMUTED. data that says Chicagoans have sex 73 times a year on average 7.Saturday LYIYANCOSPIRIRIDIUMM

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