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News and Notes from Ms.

Dohertys Classroom For the Week of: September 23, 2013

Heres what we are working on!

Reading: We are working on Monitoring understanding and how to Write reading response journal letters. Math: We are working on collecting and analyzing data this week. We will continue to work on writing math journal entries. Secret # is 14. Writing: This is our last week in our opinion-writing unit. We will continue to practice giving reasons for our opinion and facts to back it up. Social Studies: We are finishing up latitude and longitude. Our next map skill will be using a scale. Science: Our mock rock dissection is
complete. This week, we will observe crystals and then next week perform a scratch test on various minerals.

Dates to Remember
Sept. 27: Student Council Election Family Night at SSS Sept. 28: Ryan Loves Birthday

Help Wanted!
II am still looking for volunteers for: Room Parent, Math Stars, Math Olympiad, and Grand Friends Lunch. Let me know if you are interested

Other Reminders
Please make sure to return the permission slip by Friday if your child is going to run for council.

Star Student We will be starting Star Student in the next few weeksJ

Buddies Here We Come! On Friday we will be meeting our buddy class, Mrs. Silvers Kindergarten. We will meet monthly to participate in different academic activities.

What We Have Been Up To

Language Arts
During Daily 3 in reading, students have been doing a great job working independently on reading response letters, taking tracks, and reading both to themselves and partners. We read both How Many Days to America? And Jimmy Zangwows Out of This World Moon Pie Adventures. to help model sharing our thinking in writing and discussions. Last week we brainstormed ideas and filled out our opinion pillars about why we would make a good student council member, I was proud of the great ideas the kids brainstormed!

Classroom Happenings

Our classroom routines are falling into place nicely. The kids are really engaged in Class Dojo. They are earning many Warm and Fuzzies and we are well on our way to earning our first reward!

Other Exciting Events

Our class did a terrific job defining for an upcoming all school meeting what our schools core value of DEDICATION. Ask your child what DEDICATION looks like in the classroom.

Math Daily 5

During Daily 5 in math, students are instructed in small groups, while independently working on activities to challenge them based on the concepts of the unit. Last week the kids worked on cracking a code based on place value.

As always if you have any Questions, please email me at

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