Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (3rd Edition, 2009) Errata

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rof. Andy lleld, 2012 !!!"#$%&'()*$+,%-.

-$%-$&%"&'/ age 1

Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (3rd Edition,
2009) Errata
Some of Lhese have probably been correcLed ln more recenL prlnLs of Lhe book.
- !"#$%&'&: some of Lhe movles haven'L been done. 1hls ls because SSS SLaLlsLlcs has changed a loL. ln verslon
18 you can do Lhlngs llke booLsLrap, whlch makes movles abouL Lhe 8-plugln a blL polnLless. 8aLher Lhan do
everyLhlng Lwlce l declded Lo walL a blL. l'll be rolllng ouL new webcasLs for Lhe fourLh edlLlon. See my
?ou1ube Channel for whaL ls on offer.
- (%)" +, As a former rugby player Lhls one ls a blL embarrasslng ... Lhe LexL says a Pooker wears a number 1
shlrL, a hooker acLually wears Lhe number 2 shlrL, shlrLs 1 and 3 are props and l am an ldloL.
- (%)" -./-01 -2, As someone who dld Lhelr hu on condlLlonlng Lhls ls even more embarrasslng ... 8eferences
Lo "negaLlve relnforcemenL" are lncorrecL. WhaL ls descrlbed here ls punlshmenL - negaLlve sLlmull (verbal) Lo
decrease Lhe llkellhood Lhe behavlor wlll happen agaln. l am even more of an ldloL. (1'' /.+2 3)'34) -'
/)+-$'+ %3'--)# -5$% mlsLake!).
- (%)" -3: 8eference Lo !ane Superbraln 8ox 2.2, should be 2.3. (6 %3'--)# -5$% /2%)47)
- (%)" 4., ln Lhe lasL paragraph, Lhe quesLlon 'how llkely ls lL LhaL a 70 year old commlLLed sulclde aL 8eachy
Pead?' suggesLs LhaL we look aL all people of age 70 and esLlmaLe Lhe probablllLy Lhey wlll commlL sulclde (aL
8eachy Pead). lL should probably say 'how llkely ls lL LhaL a person who commlLLed sulclde aL 8each Pead ls
70 year old?'
- (%)" 5+ (llgure 2.3): 1he varlable on Lhe x-axls of boLh graphs should be 'LecLure' and lL would be clearer lf
Lhe LlLles of Lhe graphs were 'LecLurer 1' and 'LecLurer 2'.
- (%)" .5, 1he lasL senLence sLarLlng ' 1he flrsL Lhlng Lo noLe ls LhaL mosL of Lhe sample means are dlfferenL
from Lhe Lrue mean .' should read: '1he flrsL Lhlng Lo noLe ls LhaL Lhe sample means are dlfferenL from Lhe
Lrue mean .'. (l.e. deleLe 'mosL of').
- (%)" 0-, Lgron earson should be Lgon earson.
- (%)" 3., 8eference Lo Lhe open alr fesLlval "Waken" should be "Wacken".
- (%)" -.5 (8 llnes up): lor numeracy scores, Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon ls sllghLly poslLlvely skewed ln Lhe uunceLown
group (Lhere ls a larger concenLraLlon aL Lhe lower end of scores) whereas Sussex sLudenLs are falrly normally
dlsLrlbuLed around a mean of 7. 1herefore, Lhe overall poslLlve skew observed before ls due Lo Lhe mlxLure of
unlverslLles (Lhe uunceLown sLudenLs conLamlnaLe Sussex's normally dlsLrlbuLed scores!)" 8eplace wlLh lor
numeracy scores, Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon ls sllghLly poslLlvely skewed (Lhere ls a larger concenLraLlon aL Lhe lower
end of scores) ln boLh Lhe uunceLown and Sussex groups. 1herefore, Lhe overall poslLlve skew observed
before ls due Lo Lhe mlxLure of unlverslLles". (8.+#))3 9)')
- (%)" -0., 1he senLence sLarLlng "1herefore lf you only have one varlable LhaL has a skewed dlsLrlbuLlon..."
should read: "1herefore, lf you are looklng aL relaLlonshlps beLween varlables (e.g., regresslon) lL ls alrlghL
[usL Lo Lransform Lhe problemaLlc varlable, buL lf you are looklng aL dlfferences beLween varlables (e.g.,
change ln a varlable over Llme) Lhen you need Lo Lransform all of Lhose varlables".
- (%)" 4-6 (lormula 7.9), 1he lndex $ ls mlsslng on Lhe lasL x of Lhe flrsL equaLlon. 1he lasL x should read xnl
1hls was Lhe LypeseLLers faulL :-)
- (%)" 4-3: Leverage values can lle beLween 0 (lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe case has no lnfluence whaLsoever) and 1
(lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe case has compleLe lnfluence over predlcLlon)." Should be changed Lo 1he maxlmum
value for leverage ls (n-1)/n, however, SSS calculaLes a verslon of Lhe leverage LhaL Lakes a maxlmum value
of 1 (lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe case has compleLe lnfluence over predlcLlon" (:)*)/2 ;$4)%)
- (%)" 5.3 (secLlon 10.2.2.): 1he equaLlons lllusLraLlng Lhe varlous ways ln whlch Lhe means can dlffer are
lncorrecL. 1o see Lhe correcL verslon of Lhls paragraph cllck here.

rof. Andy lleld, 2012 !!!"#$%&'()*$+,%-.-$%-$&%"&'/ age 2

- (%)" 5+6, 1he addlLlonal maLerlal for Lhe Welch l wenL mlsslng. noL sure why. Anyway, you can geL a ul of
lL here. (83$*'% ;)<.%)
- (%)" 5+0: ln summary, ls an overall effecL of vlagra on llbldo. lurLhermore, Lhe planned conLrasLs revealed
LhaL havlng vlagra slgnlflcanLly lncreased llbldo compared Lo a conLrol group, -(12) = 2.47, 3 < .03, and havlng
a hlgh dose slgnlflcanLly lncreased llbldo compared Lo a low dose, -(12) = 2.03, 3 < .03." !usL Lo be 100 clear
please add (one-Lalled) Lo Lhe end: ln summary, ls an overall effecL of vlagra on llbldo. lurLhermore, Lhe
planned conLrasLs revealed LhaL havlng vlagra slgnlflcanLly lncreased llbldo compared Lo a conLrol group,
-(12) = 2.47, 3 < .03, and havlng a hlgh dose slgnlflcanLly lncreased llbldo compared Lo a low dose, -(12) =
2.03, 3 < .03 (one-Lalled)." (8.+#))3 9)')
- (%)" 536, 8eference Lo SSS CuLpuL 8.7 should be SSS ouLpuL 10.7 and can be found on page 383.
- (%)" 532, under "LllmlnaLlon of confounds", Lhe LexL ln brackeLs LhaL reads "(l.e. varlables LhaL vary
sysLemaLlcally wlLh Lhe experlmenLal manlpulaLlon)" should read "(l.e. varlables oLher Lhan Lhe experlmenLal
manlpulaLlon LhaL affecL Lhe ouLcome varlable)."
- (%)" ..4, lf ln your copy of Lhe book Lhe SSS 1lp 12.1 looks llke Lhls Lhen Lhe equaLlons aL Lhe boLLom of
page 448 (and Lhe paragraph above Lhem) mlghL be lncorrecL and should look llke Lhls.
- (%)" .76: lasL column of 1able 13.1, value 3 (flrsL row) should be 4. (=.*$+ >4))7)
- (%)" .27: abouL halfway down lL refers Lo lecLurers marklng. lL should refer Lo dlfferences ln Lhe Llmes Lo
reLch afLer eaLlng anlmals. (=.*$+ >4))7)
- (%)" .+-, 1he flrsL r (for sLlck lnsecL v. kangaroo LesLlcle) ls lncorrecL. 1he answer should be .87 and Lhe
equaLlon should be: sqrL(22.80/(22.80+7).
- (%)" 00+: r for alcohol group. ln equaLlon, -199 should be -1.99 (noLe declmal polnL) (8.+#))3 9)')
- (%)" 076 (formula 13.1): 1he kruskal-Wallls formula should be "n(n+1)" noL "n(n-1)". Cn Lhe followlng page,
(p361) Lhe worked example uses Lhe correcL verslon of Lhe formula (glvlng 80 381). Agaln, blame Lhe
LypeseLLers for Lhls one.
- (%)" 7-0: 8eplace uslng lllal's Lrace, Lhere was a slgnlflcanL effecL of Lherapy on Lhe number of obsesslve
LhoughLs and behavlours, ? = 0.32, @(4, 34) = 2.36, 3 < .03. Powever, separaLe unlvarlaLe AnCvAs on Lhe
ouLcome varlables revealed non-slgnlflcanL LreaLmenL effecLs on obsesslve LhoughLs, @(2, 27) = 9.73, 3 > .03,
and behavlours, @(2, 27) = 3.23, 3 > .03" WlLh (noLe 2 changes ln yellow): uslng lllal's Lrace, Lhere was a
slgnlflcanL effecL of Lherapy on Lhe number of obsesslve LhoughLs and behavlours, ? = 0.32, @(4, 34) = 2.36, 3
< .03. Powever, separaLe unlvarlaLe AnCvAs on Lhe ouLcome varlables revealed non-slgnlflcanL LreaLmenL
effecLs on obsesslve LhoughLs, @(2, 27) = 2.13, 3 > .03, and behavlours, @(2, 27) = 2.77, 3 > .03. (:)*)/2 ;$4)%)
- (%)" 706: SecLlon 17.6: ln SSS 17 and onwards CA ls under Lhe 'ulmenslon reducLlon' menu. (;A5.//.#
;$B.+A* C.%5$# 85A(*.)
- (%)" 724: 1able 17.2, shows pre-roLaLlon elgenvalues, noL posL-roLaLlon, whlch would make more sense.
(lacLor 1 pre-roLaLlon lsn'L necessarlly facLor 1 posL roLaLlon, so you can'L glve lL Lhe elgenvalue.) 8eplace Lhe
Lhlrd from lasL row (currenLly 7.29, 1.74, 1.32, 1.23) wlLh: 3.73 3.34 2.33 1.93 8eplace second from lasL row
(currenLly 31.70, 7.36, 3.73, 3.34) wlLh: 16.22 14.32 11.10 8.48. (:)*)/2 ;$4)%)
- (%)" 72+, 1he lasL senLence of Lhe page: "1herefore, any lLems LhaL resulL ln..." should read "1herefore any
lLems LhaL have values of o ln Lhe column labeled >*'+D.&5E% F435. $7 6-)/ $% 9)4)-)# LhaL are subsLanLlally
greaLer Lhan Lhe overall o may need Lo be deleLed from Lhe scale Lo lmprove lLs rellablllLy.
- (%)" 256, 1he lasL senLence of Lhe page should read "1he varlables ln Lhe daLa flle, CosmeLlc Surgery.sav,
- (%)"& 25-1 20+ %89 276, 1he '8eason for Surgery' varlables are coded lncorrecLly (l.e. 'physlcal reason' should
be coded as 0 and 'change appearance' should be coded as 1). Larly verslons of Lhe daLa flle "CosmeLlc
Surgery.sav" were also coded lncorrecLly and as such, dld noL maLch SSS ouLpuL 19.9 (p760). 1hls daLa flle
has been correcLed, Lherefore, you may need Lo re-download Lhe newer verslon.

rof. Andy lleld, 2012 !!!"#$%&'()*$+,%-.-$%-$&%"&'/ age 3

- (%)" 25+, 1he LypeseLLers messed up Lhe maLrlces for Lhe dlagonal and A8(1) covarlance sLrucLures. 1o see
whaL Lhey should look llke cllck here.
- (%)" 204, ln Lhe senLence "All we're lnLeresLed ln aL Lhls sLage ls esLlmaLlng Lhe effecL of lncludlng Lhe
varlance ln lnLercepLs". 8eplace 'lnLercepLs' wlLh 'slopes'.
1hanks Lo Lhe varlous people who have spoLLed Lhese and alerLed me Lo Lhem. 1hey have all been correcLed ln
subsequenL edlLlons of Lhe book.

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