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Punctuation Marks
A well written piece of work must also have good punctuation. By learning to use different forms of punctuation you will be able to communicate and express your ideas and arguments more clearly. This picture show all of the punctuation mark that been used in writing. Below, we have listed the most frequently used forms of punctuation and their functions.

Full Stops (.) have three distinct uses. 1. to mark the end of a sentence; 2. to indicate abbreviated words, and 3. to punctuate numbers and dates. For Example : i need to go to school.

Colons (:) are used to separate a clause that introduces a list, quotation or summary.

For example, You must take the following on the trip: sweatshirt, swimmers, and clipboard.

A colon can also be used to separate an initial sentence or clause from a second clause, list, phrase or quotation that supports the first in a particular way.

For example, Writing an assignment is not easy: to begin with you have to do a lot of research.

Semi-colons (;) Separate two complete sentences that are, however, closely linked. The semi-colon can be replaced by a full-stop, but the direct link between the two parts is lost.

For example, To err is human; to forgive, divine. Do not go near the lions; they could bite you.

Commas (,) Have a vital role to play in longer sentences. They separate information into readable units. Skilful use of commas can ensure the correct reading of a sentence, especially one that starts with a long introductory element.

For example, Although the ironic theory of mental control can explain the increase in unwanted thoughts that occurs when the suppression of those thoughts is attempted, it is unable to explain why this occurs for some types of thoughts and not others.

Sets of commas also serve to separate items in a list.

For example, Clinical psychologists assess and treat a wide range of psychological disorders, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and schizophrenia.

Question marks (?) Are used at the end of a sentence that is a question.

For example, What are some of the causes of depression?

Apostrophes () Have two uses. 1. One is to show that something has been left out.

For example, when we use the words or phrases, Dont, Itll, Shell

2. The second is to indicate ownership or possession.

For The dogs tail






Hyphens (-)
Link two or more words that would not normally be placed together, in order that they work as one idea.

For example, There are several dieting-related disorders.

Dashes (--)
are like brackets; they enclose extra information.

For example, There are three major types of eating disorders anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder and the diagnostic criteria can be seen in DSM-IV.

Commas work just as well, and they are probably more frequently used than dashes in academic writing.

Type Of Writing


Cursive Writing

Cursive is any style of handwriting that is designed for writing notes and letters quickly by hand. In the Arabic, Latin, and Cyrillic writing systems, the letters in a word are connected, making a word one single complex stroke. The word "cursive" comes from the Latin cursivus, meaning "flowing".[1] In the United Kingdom, the phrase "joined up writing" or "joint writing" is far more commonly used, while the term "running writing" or "handwriting" is most commonly used in Australia. Cursive is also commonly known as simply "handwriting" in Canada and New Zealand. Cursive is considered distinct from the so-called "printing" or "block letter" style of writing, in which the letters of a word are unconnected, and from "print-writing", which is a cross between cursive and printing, with some unconnected letters and some connected. In Hebrew cursive and Roman cursive, the letters are not connected. In the research domain of handwriting recognition, this writing style is called "connected italic", to indicate the difference between the phenomenon of italic script and sloppy appearance of individual letters ("cursive") and the phenomenon of connecting strokes between letters, i.e., a letter-toletter transition without a pen lift ("connected cursive"). The origin of the cursive style is associated with practical advantages (writing speed, sparse pen lifting avoids ink smudges with the quill) and the individuality of the provenance of a document, as opposed to machine font.


Script Writing

Script writing is a combination of art and science. Spefically ,its the ability to creatively transform a message or story into both a written and visual context that will be performed by live actors and, at the same time, adhere to a traditional three-act structure and strict formatting rulers insofar as master scenes, actions and dialogue. There are many type of script writing type. Below is the common script that commonly used. Hollywood Script writing for the movies is called screenwriting and the finished products are called screenplays. Scripts that are written for TV production and movies of the week are called teleplays. Broadway Script writing for the live stage is called playwriting and takes the form of monologues, one-acts, full-length plays and musicals. Training Videos In the corporate sector, script writing applies to audio and video productions that not only teach new skills and sales techniques, but also provide improvisational exercises in leadership, teamwork, decision-making, tolerance and sexual harassment sensitivity. Audio Script writing for radio programs, commercials and/or Internet podcasts combines vocal narration/dialogue with cued sound effects and music. Documentaries Script writing for documentary programs primarily involves voiceover narration and interview questions. The interview answers are generally unscripted. Speeches Events involving an emcee, an awards ceremony or an employee/celebrity roast don't come about by accident. Script writing is a critical component in ensuring that all the right things get said at the right time and in the proper allocation of time. Readers' Theatre Script writing is employed in the classroom as a tool to expand vocabulary, share ideas in a theatrical context, provide a forum for discussion, foster teamwork and encourage selfesteem.

Judith H. Haag, Hillis R. Cole (1980). The Complete Guide to Standard Script Formats: The Screenplay. CMC Publishing http:// .

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