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Concepts and aims of National Philosophy of Education

Philosophy can be interpreting as thinking about thinking, or rational and constructive opinion or idea, which is usually related to worldliness and eternal matters. The philosophical through or opinion is actually the result of research conducted by philosophers using scientific, systematic and logical methods. The main aim of philosophy is to search for, as well as to prove reality, and to provide direction or guide for the improvement and advancement of the mankind, culture and nation. Philosophy of education can be explained as guidance, course of direction, or rational opinion on matters related to education. The formulation of National Philosophy of Education (FPK) was based on rational and critical thinking, with reference to the national ideology which had been clearly defined in the past Education Reports and Education Policy, including the Five National Principles (Principles which guide and govern the nation: Rukun Negara). This National Philosophy of Education will enlighten pupil to excel and, at the same time, provide guidance and course of direction to all education effort, weather within or outside the situation of learning. It is also carefully and systematically designed by education experts who had considered comprehensively all education aspects related to the requirements of individuals, society and nation. The National Philosophy of Education (FPK) served as an enlightenment to provide guidance and course of direction to all efforts on education. Thus, it is important for teachers and educators to study and interpret its contents in detail in order to implement successfully all education programs according to the aim and aspirations of the National Philosophy of Education (FPK). Actually the contain of the National Philosophy of Education (FPK) and teachers education is as following below: Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, in order to produce

individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically, balanced and harmonies, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is design to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being to contribute to the betterment of the nation, family and society. (Source: BPG) Based on the roles of the FPK, the main objective of the National Education is to produce knowledgeable, competent and responsible individuals to become useful Malaysian citizens. In other word, the Objectives of National Education are mainly aimed for Malaysians to acquire some qualities. There are believe in and devotion to God, knowledgeable, be responsible to self, society, religion and nation; possess balanced and firmed personality and to practice tolerance so as to foster unity among people of various races. Other than developing the overall and balanced potentials individuals, it is also hoped that through the process of education, Malaysia will achieve some of the education objectives. There are to produce individuals who will be responsible and able to fulfill their as good and useful citizens. Moreover, the objective is also to produce individuals who will be progressive, skillful and competent in carrying out their duty perfectly, with the aim to contribute towards the advancement and advancement and development of the nation. In addition, it is also want to produce individuals who will be able to understand, accept and abide by the democratic principles and laws of the Constitution. Other than that, the objective is also to produce individuals who will be loyal to the King and love the nation and to produce individuals who will be able to understand and practice the five National Principles (Rukun Negara), and possess tolerant attitude so as to foster unity among various races. Finally, the education objective is also to reduce the gap among races in various fields through the provision of adequate facilities to the less fortunate groups.

As a conclusion, the FPK is important to us because it will make the citizen more skillful and knowledgeable. Every citizen should follow the element of FPK.


There are various factors which had played important roles in the determination of the contents, aims and aspiration of the FPK. These include religious, political, economic, individuals and other factor as well. Each of the factors has its important. The religious factor says Islam is the official religion in Malaysia. Other religious such as Christianity, Buddhism and so on are free to embrace and worship. All these elements are clearly written in the National Construction. Islam is the import basic factor to be a considered during the process of planning FPK. This religious factor could be clearly identified in the following expression of the FPK. It says that to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonies, based on firm belief and devotion to God.. The social factor is also one of the main factors due to various races of citizens residing in Malaysia. The harmony and prosperity of the nation depend very much on the peoples attitude towards the practice of tolerance, cooperative and mutual respect among the various races. This positive attitude is the most important factor to achieve racial harmony which is also considered an important criterion to attain peace and stability of a multiracial society. The aim of achieving racial unity has become one of the main objectives of FPK as stated in the expression to produce Malaysians citizens who are capable of achieving a high level of personal well being to contribute to the betterment of the nation, family and society. Political factor in FPK stated that it was drawn up according to the spirit of national ideology which was reflected in the official documents such as Education Report, Malaysia Plans and the Five National Principles (Rukun Negara). The objective to achieve racial unity was the basic considerations when planning up the FPK.

In the economic factor, it says that Malaysian who is trained with special skills in various fields can assist in the development of the national economy by upgrading their productivity. Such noble aim can be achieved with efforts to produce individuals who are knowledgeable and competent, responsible and capable to contribute towards the betterment of the nation, family and society. The ambition to develop Malaysian economy obviously becomes the prime objective of the national education based on the FPK. Other that that, the individual factor says that potential of individuals can be developed through the process of education. These individuals potentials cover all intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical aspects. Holistic development by integrating all potential of individuals in such a manner will produce balanced and harmonious citizens. They will always try to inculcate positive attitude, enjoy spiritual peacefulness and ever ready to face challengers in life. Thus, the ambition to produce balanced and harmonies individuals were also one of the aspirations of FPK. Moreover, the international factor, another important factor which could be ignored was the influence of the development of international education system. In this connection, new ideas acquired from international education seminars and forums would definitely influence the design of the FPK; for example, the education programmers such as democratization and globalization of education, and lifelong which were discussed and adopted by the UNESCO in the eighties. The influence of these international factors can be identified at the beginning of the FPK which stated that Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort., which clearly reflected the concept of lifelong education with respect to globalization of education. As a conclusion, there are a lot of factor in FPK which is playing important role in aim of the FPK. So, as a Malaysian citizen, we should know that entire factor in order to develop the FPK.

We know that the education of Malaysia is an on-going process to develop human potential in all aspects, in order to produce harmonious and balanced individuals based on the belief in and devotion to God. Hence, the main objective of education is to produce citizens who are knowledgeable, competent, responsible and possessed noble character. This is to ensure that they are capable of achieving personal well-being and also to contribute for the harmony and progress of the nation. We can use ontology, epistemology, axiology and logic to analyze all essential elements contained in the National Philosophy of education (FPK). There are several elements in the National Philosophy of Education (FPK). One of the elements is to develop potential of individuals. Potential are inborn talent and abilities possessed by individuals. The talent and ability are considered gifts of God, which cover intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of any individual. These potential ought to be developed and improved constantly throughout process of education. Other than that, holistic and integrated potential will also make the individuals potential ought to be developed up to the optimum level by way of integrating their talent and ability which are closely related to each other Moreover, a balanced and harmonious individual is also one of the elements in FP. This objective can be achieved when all potential have been developed in an overall, consistent, and harmonious manner. A well-balanced and harmonious individual is one who possesses integrated personality and able to enjoy contentment and happiness spiritually. In the same way, the person will always feel grateful and ready to accept challenges as well as willing to make efforts to overcome problems encountered. However, the Intellectual aspects is covers the element of cognitive knowledge, including critical and creative thinking.

In addition, Spiritual and emotional aspects are the covers elements such as belief in God, embrace religious faith, spiritual stability, emotional intelligence, appreciation of moral values and norms of society, good behavior, loyalty and willing to sacrifice for the people and country. Other than Spiritual and emotional aspects, physical aspects is one of the aspects in FPK. This aspect includes such as maintaining physical agility and good health so as to be able to work independently and contribute towards personal well-being as well-being as well as the betterment of family, society and nation. Belief in devotion to God is the belief concern with the human confidence that the surrounding environment does not exist by itself. It was created by God. The laws of nature are actually laws of God. Thus, individuals should exemplify devotion, trust and responsibility to God in respects of the efforts to administer and developed the environment. Next, the element of educated people Malaysia who possess positive attitude, such as love to read, diligent to acquire and apply the knowledge, will not only benefit themselves but also others as well. In addition, the Malaysians who are competent possess knowledge and various skills are able to contribute for the progress of the nation. They are capable to perform duties competently and satisfactorily according to the condition and requirement. Moreover, the Malaysians with noble character are also one of the elements in FPK. This elements is refers to people who possess qualities such as politeness, well-disciplined, harmoniously integrated and practice noble value in their daily activities. Malaysians who are responsible conscious of their responsibility towards God, race and nation will perform their duties honestly and dedicatedly. The element in FPK is Malaysians who are capable to give contributes for the countrys development. Through proper training, people can use their productive and innovative skills to upgrade their productivities to a higher level of economic development.

The last element in FPK is harmony and prosperity of society and nation. Racial harmony can be achieved through the practice of proper attitude such as religious tolerance, cooperate with others, mutual respect and foster unity among various races. The harmonies environment which is peaceful and stable will guarantee economic development and advancement in all fields, and eventually, national prosperity and advancement will be materialized in due course. As a conclusion, I would like to say that to become a knowledgeable, competent and responsible, every citizen in Malaysia should follow the elements in FPK due to our vision 2020.


National Philosophy of Education (FPK) is considered an important document for teachers and pupils to study, to understand, to heed and to follow closely. In addition, educators need to understand its profound implications, in order to realize the aims with successfully and the aim and aspirations of the FPK. Since its official proclamation in 1998, FPK had become the basic consideration since its official proclamation in 1988 for the reformation of the education system in Malaysia. From the eighties, all educational planning and activities were based on the aspirations of the National Philosophy of Education (FPK). The introduction of the FPK in the community has bought along various implications to the education system in Malaysia. There are three types of implications of the FPK. Implications of FPK on school tradition/culture, implications of the FPK on education reforms, and implications of the FPK on the roles of teacher are the three most important implication of the introduction of the FPK. The first implication is Implication of FPK on School Tradition/culture. The organization of school was to be restructured to create conducive atmosphere so that pupils can follow closely the aim and aspiration of the FPK. These reforms include Upgrading the existing facilities for pupils to developed their potentials in the aspects of intellectual, spiritual, emotion and physical harmonious and well-balanced. Other than that, FPK reorganize social activities to foster the development of the school culture. These social activities will influence pupils to acquire noble values according to the aspirations of the FPK.

Moreover, the changes in the school learning environment would encourage pupils to develop intellectual potentials, so as to acquire sophisticated knowledge, especially through the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), effectively. This would eventually foster the love for knowledge, and finally establish firmly a learning culture among them. The co-curriculum activities will become an important component in the school curriculum, with the aim to develop the emotional and social aspects of the pupils, and to foster unity among various races through social interaction. In Malaysia, schools have gone through several stage of reformation on the education system since Independence. These are called Implication of FPK on education Reforms. There are some examples which show the school has gone several stages. For example, the introduction of the comprehensive education system which is implemented in 1965 and the introduction of the Integrated Science and Modern Mathematics for primary and secondary schools which is implemented in 1971. Other that that, the introduction of new curriculum KBSR for primary schools which is implemented in 1983 and the introduction of integrated curriculum KBSM for secondary schools which is implemented in 1989 shows that the schools have gone through several stage of reformation . Moreover, they introduce of Science and Local Studies as two new subjects to replace the subject of Man and Environment in the primary school in 1994. There are also the implemented of the Smart Concept in 2000 and Malay language was replaced by English language as the medium of instruction for the subjects of Mathematics, Science and other technical subjects since 2003. These education reformations provide conducive atmosphere for schools to develop and upgrading according to the strategies which have been determined. Schools have to accommodate changes so as to develop and progress according to the context of dynamic schools. Effective changes in the Malaysian education system are based from the usual and routine type to a new system. The changes are including the style of administration and leadership in schools changes from autocratic to democratic style.

Other than that, the routine, stereotype service changes to loving and empathic type of service. The technical rationally which assumed that all are equal and homogenous, routine and static changes to reflective rationally with different and heterogeneous, unique and dynamic individualities among pupils. In addition, the strategy of teacher-oriented in teaching learning activities changes of the application of pupil-oriented strategy. The education programmed from knowledge-base changes to integrated education program which includes development of spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical aspects. Teachers who are dynamic will always be responsive and adaptable to face education changes from time to time. Only dynamic teachers are able to face these new challengers. Similarly, only dynamic schools are capable of playing effective role to fulfill the aspiration and progress of individuals, society and nation. The third implication is implication of FPK on the Roles of Teacher. With the declaration of FPK and Vision 2020 in 1988 and 1991 respectively, the main objective and aspiration of Malaysians to build a united society through the education programs has become clearer. Teachers as agents of change in education for the future generation are responsible to assists in realizing the aims and aspirations of the FPK and Vision 2020, particularly the National Education Objectives. The responsibilities and roles of teachers in Malaysians schools are to educate pupils to become useful citizens of the future generation, who should be knowledgeable, possess noble character and able to achieve well-being for personal self, and contribute for the development and progress of the society and nation. Other than that, teacher must educate pupils so that they will possess various types of living skills, especially in the technical and vocational fields, as well as to fulfill the aspiration and progress of individuals, society and nation according to the aspiration of FPK Moreover, the roles of teacher in Malaysian schools are to act as agent of change to bring along innovations to fulfill the aspirations and progress of pupils,

society and nation, so as to realize the objectives of National Education based on FPK. With these developments, changes in the school curriculum should be in line with the course of direction determined according to the aspiration of FPK. These are include changes in the syllabus which should be oriented towards an integrated programmed and changes in learning materials with emphasis on noble values which should be integrated with every subject in the school curriculum.

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