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MUNDO OBRERO • Clima antiinmigrante • Irán 12

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!

July 9, 2009 Vol. 51, No. 27 50¢

General strike resists

Honduras coup
Mass movements oppose military regime
By Berta Joubert-Ceci

June 30—Some 200 heavily armed

soldiers from the Honduran army sur-
rounded the house of democratically G20 IN WORKERS TO STONEWALL
elected President Manuel Zelaya at dawn
on June 28. After firing on the house, sol-
diers forced their way in, pointed their ri- Sept. protests planned ‘Keep our plant open’ LGBT Pride
fles at Zelaya’s head and chest, and forced 7 7 5
him into a vehicle. They drove him to an
airplane that flew him to Costa Rica.

Israeli navy seizes aid ship

This blatant military coup has thrown
down a challenge to all of progressive
Latin America. It aroused immediate
mass resistance from Honduran mass or-
ganizations and active hostility from pro-
gressive governments throughout Latin
America and progressive organizations
worldwide. It has received no open dip-
Viva Palestina USA to defy blockade of Gaza
lomatic support anywhere in the world, By John Parker
even from reactionary imperialist powers.
According to a Cuban press agency re- June 30–Today units of the Israeli navy
port from Honduras, “The main trade blockading Gaza attacked and boarded
unions, farmers, youth and social organi- the Free Gaza Movement boat, the Spirit
zations in Honduras are on the second day of Humanity, abducting 21 human rights
of a strike against the dictatorial govern- workers from 11 countries. The passen-
ment in the country.” (June 30, Prensa gers and crew, including Noble laureate
Latina) Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Rep.
Zelaya has promised to return to Hon- Cynthia McKinney, are being forcibly
duras after he addresses the Organization dragged toward Israel. The boat is carry-
of American States in Washington. OAS ing humanitarian aid to Gaza with an in-
Secretary-General José Miguel Insulza, ternational delegation that set sail from
United Nations General Assembly Presi- Cyprus, Greece.
dent Miguel D’Escoto, Argentine President McKinney was a 2008 presidential
Cristina Fernandez and Ecuador President candidate on the Green Party ticket. She
Rafael Correa will accompany him. is also one of the main participants in an-
Though the coup forces have already is- other heroic campaign, along with New
sued an arrest warrant for Zelaya should York City Councilmember Charles Barron
he come home, every social and progres- and British MP George Galloway, sending
sive sector is organizing to welcome Ze- medical supplies to Gaza. Photo: Annie Johnston
laya with a massive march. Viva Palestina USA will leave July 4 Viva Palestina banner in San Francisco Gay Pride march.
from New York City, with hundreds of
Who backs the coup people taking a convoy of trucks through ist Jewish organizations. from the 75 tons of depleted uranium left
This military coup served the interests Egypt to the border of Gaza to deliver These organizations and individuals by Israel during its illegal war. (AlJazeera.
of the tiny group of wealthy oligarchs much-needed medical supplies to the be- are determined to have their voices heard net, June 27)
and right-wing, pro-U.S. political forces sieged people of Gaza. in opposition to U.S.-Israeli aggression,
in Honduras that oppose the Zelaya ad- This is the second trip initiated by Gal- especially since the latest war crimes es- Concrete solidarity
ministration. These rightists are against loway — the first was launched in Febru- calated by Israel against Gaza last year. with Palestinian people
reforms Zelaya has been making that aim ary from Europe — and is being done in According to Palestinian officials and This is why the effort by Viva Palestina,
to help low-income people, workers and cooperation with Ron Kovic, the anti-war human rights groups, that one-sided war along with the call for an international
the disadvantaged. They abhor Honduras’ activist, veteran and author. This is the by Israel — funded and armed by the boycott against Israel and actions to close
decision last year to join the Bolivarian first trip organized by Viva Palestina USA. United States — killed at least 1,440 Pal- down Israeli embassies, is receiving wide
Continued on page 10 The national office of Viva Palestina estinians, 900 of whom were civilians, in- support.
USA is in Chicago, but orga- cluding 431 children. It is estimated that “There’s a new atmosphere in the U.S.
nizing from the ground up is 20 percent of children in Gaza suffer post- over Palestine,” stated Galloway on the
Subscribe to Workers World being enthusiastically initi- traumatic stress syndrome as a result of homepage of the Viva Palestina Web site,
Eight weeks trial: $4 One year: $25 ated from many areas and witnessing Israel’s violence. “The phenomenal response to this tour
sectors – from anti-war or- Half of Gaza’s hospitals were destroyed, demonstrates that.” (
Name Phone
ganizations to human rights exacerbating the medical emergency for Judy Greenspan from the International
Email and social justice organiza- many civilians wounded in the attacks. Action Center (IAC) will be traveling from
tions and activists, to local None of this horror even takes into ac- Oakland, Calif., as part of the delegation
Address City/State/Zip mosques and other religious count the many people yet to fall victim Continued on page 9
Workers World 55 W. 17 St., 5 Fl., NY, NY 10011 212-627-2994 groups, including anti-Zion- to leukemia and other illnesses resulting


Page 2 July 9, 2009

San Francisco.
Leonard Peltier demands his freedom H In the U.S.
By Judy Greenspan Leonard Peltier demands his freedom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
San Francisco Supreme Court denies right to DNA evidence . . . . . . . . . 2
Solidarity needed to stop war on immigrants. . . . . . . . . . 3
A press conference and vigil were held at the down-
town federal building June 26 to support Leonard Peltier Another case of FBI entrapment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
and his upcoming parole effort on July 28. Supporters Disabled activists protest budget threats. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
are being asked to write letters on behalf of Peltier, a Transit Workers election signals progressive shift. . . . . . . 4
leader of the American Indian Movement and one of the UFCW vs. Acme supermarkets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
longest-held political prisoners in the U.S. San Francisco: 40 years of Pride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
The press conference marked the 34th anniversary
‘Bail out LGBT people, not banks!’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
of the attack by FBI agents and other police on Oglala-
Lakota Native American activists on Pine Ridge Reser- ‘Strange Fruit’ describes horrors of lynchings . . . . . . . . . 5
vation. On June 26, 1975, two FBI agents were shot and Still no recovery in sight for workers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
killed during a shoot-out and Peltier was charged with WW PHOTO: JUDY GREENSPAN The Great Crash: ‘Articles encourage action’. . . . . . . . . . 6
their murders. Despite the absence of eyewitnesses and Supporters of Leonard Peltier rally in front of San Francisco
Federal Building. (Kathy Peltier, center) Plans to confront G20 in Pittsburgh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
any evidence proving Peltier’s involvement in the shoot- Actions target Wells Fargo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
ings, this Native American leader was sentenced to two try fails to keep its treaties, this country fails to keep its
consecutive life terms in prison. word. This country has failed to follow its own Constitu- H Around the world
The press conference was attended by Peltier’s daugh- tion - the treaty between the people and the government. General strike resists Honduras coup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
ter, Kathy Peltier, who urged everyone to continue to sup- We are that evidence.” Peltier’s full statement can be
Viva Palestina to defy Gaza blockade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
port her father’s parole bid for freedom. Tony Gonzales read at
and Sampson Wolfe, two local Native American leaders During his more than 33 years of incarceration, Peltier ILWU: Free Cuban 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
of the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, also spoke. has continued to speak out in support of Native peoples’ Koreans rally against U.S. aggression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A short statement by Peltier was read at the press con- rights. He has won international acclaim and support for Protest at U.N. hits Honduras coup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ference, which stated in part: “I am not a philosopher or his tireless activism on behalf of human rights for Indig- El Salvador’s ‘date with history’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
poet or a singer or any of those things that particularly enous peoples. Peltier is an internationally acclaimed Mumia on Stateless ‘state’ of Palestine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
inspire people, but the one thing that I am is the evidence writer and artist. In 2004, Leonard Peltier ran for U.S.
African Union summit addresses gender equality. . . . . . 11
that this country lied when they said there was justice for president on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket.
all. I am the evidence that the attitude, the powers that Letters supporting Peltier’s parole effort should be ad-
H Editorials
be still hold us in a grip. dressed to the U.S. Parole Commission, 5550 Friendship
“They hold us in an emotional grip. They hold us in U.S. Imperialism: Hands off Iran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Blvd., Suite 420, Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7286. Your let-
a poverty grip. They hold us in a cultural deprivation ter must reference Peltier’s prison number, 20815-7286.
H Noticias En Español
grip. And we as a people are the evidence that this coun- Free Leonard Peltier! n
Irán. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

As ranks of exonerated grow Clima antiinmigrante. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Supreme Court denies prisoners’ Workers World

right to DNA evidence

55 West 17 Street
New York, N.Y. 10011
Phone: (212) 627-2994
Fax: (212) 675-7869
By Greg Butterfield suddenly constitutionalize this area would short-circuit
what looks to be a prompt and considered legislative re-
Marches and rallies were held in state capitals and oth- sponse” by the individual states.
er cities June 27 to mark the National Day of Action for Alaska is one of three states that still have no laws on Vol. 51, No. 27 • July 9, 2009
the Wrongly Convicted. Organizers of the actions, includ- the books giving prisoners access to genetic evidence. Closing date: June 30, 2009
ing families whose loved ones were put to death or died in However, many states that have such laws also severely Editor: Deirdre Griswold
prison, said that up to 10 percent of the 2.3 million-strong limit prisoners’ rights to testing, including time limits
Technical Editor: Lal Roohk
U.S. prison population may be wrongfully convicted. and no access for those who admitted guilt under coer-
“It can happen to anybody,” Walter Swift told pro- cion or for plea bargains. Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell,
testers outside the Michigan capitol in Lansing. Swift, a Justice John Paul Stevens, in his dissenting opinion, Leslie Feinberg, Monica Moorehead, Gary Wilson
Black man from Detroit, was convicted of rape in 1982 noted, “The DNA test Osborne seeks is a simple one, its West Coast Editor: John Parker
and sentenced to 55 years in prison. He was exonerated cost modest, and its results uniquely precise. Yet for rea- Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe,
and released last year after DNA testing proved his in- sons the State has been unable or unwilling to articulate, it Greg Butterfield, Jaimeson Champion, G. Dunkel,
nocence. (Lansing State Journal, June 28) refuses to allow Osborne to test the evidence at his own ex- Fred Goldstein, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Hales,
The protests came just nine days after a 5-4 U.S. Su- pense and to thereby ascertain the truth once and for all.” Kris Hamel, David Hoskins, Berta Joubert-Ceci,
preme Court decision overturned a lower court ruling in Osborne was represented by attorney Peter Neufeld of Cheryl LaBash, Milt Neidenberg, Bryan G. Pfeifer,
the case of William Osborne, an Alaska prisoner who had the Innocence Project, the group that helped Swift win Betsey Piette, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Gloria Rubac
argued for and won his right to DNA testing in a 1994 his freedom. Since 1989, some 240 prisoners have been
Technical Staff: Sue Davis, Shelley Ettinger,
sexual assault case. Osborne had offered to pay for the exonerated because of DNA testing, according to the
Bob McCubbin, Maggie Vascassenno
test himself. Innocence Project.
In denying prisoners’ rights to DNA testing, the Su- Seventeen people sentenced to death row have been Mundo Obrero: Carl Glenn, Teresa Gutierrez,
preme Court’s far-right majority, led by George W. Bush- freed so far because DNA testing proved their innocence. Berta Joubert-Ceci, Donna Lazarus, Michael Martínez,
appointee Chief Justice John Roberts, claimed that “to Continued on page 10 Carlos Vargas
Supporter Program: Sue Davis, coordinator
JOIN US. National Office Buffalo, N.Y. Durham, N.C. Rochester, N.Y. Copyright © 2009 Workers World. Verbatim copying
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Solidarity needed to stop war on immigrants

By Teresa Gutierrez of immigrant rights activists.
Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, as
There is a war going on inside this coun- the postponed meeting was finally held
try—a war against immigrants, especially on June 25, that the “votes aren’t there”
undocumented immigrants. This war is for immigration reform. (Christian Sci-
escalating, and like most wars, it is taking ence Monitor, June 25) Neither is the
many casualties. The casualties are in- political will to challenge the right wing.
nocent children, women and men whose Some in the movement say that the
only crime is the need to survive, to find a Obama administration is caving in to
way to live and work in the United States. right-wing anti-immigrant sentiments
This unrelenting war demands that the and the administration is fearful of tak-
progressive and working-class movements ing a progressive stand.
pay close attention as it has great bearing Not long ago, Vice President Joe Biden
on the class struggle. Current develop- was quoted as saying that as long as the
ments regarding immigration policy in the economic crisis looms, it will be “diffi-
U.S. are both encouraging and ominous. cult” to provide legalization for undocu-
Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio is nation- mented workers. This kind of statement
ally and internationally infamous for what promotes further divisions among U.S.-
can only be described as a reign of terror born and foreign-born workers.
against not only immigrants but against Ignacio Meneses, a leader of Latinos
people of color and the poor. Inmates of Unidos in Detroit and a key organizer
all nationalities are treated brutally and of that city’s May Day rally, addressed
constantly humiliated in Arpaio’s jails. The Protesters in Arizona target Arpaio. ww photo: Paul Teitelbaum union and progressive activists during
sheriff’s practices have become so appall- the People’s Summit and Tent City in
ing that a national outcry has forced the a tail light bust, you might land in jail for a agents. One case involved a Guatemalan Detroit June 14-17. There Meneses de-
Justice Department to investigate Arpaio’s night or in a hellish detention cell. woman whose children were taken from bunked this lie.
conduct as well as that of his deputies. her in a round-up. She spent years trying Meneses pointed out that legalizing the
On June 19, well-known civil rights ac- Anti-immigrant attacks on the rise to get her children out of foster care. undocumented would raise the standard
tivist Rev. Al Sharpton traveled to Phoe- Spurred by the economic crisis, the In Ann Arbor, Mich., immigrant rights of living of all workers; that this would
nix. His trip shed much-needed light on right wing is sharpening their weapons, activists report that undocumented work- help the economy as the undocument-
what is going on in this region of the coun- escalating their racist diatribe. This dan- ers who cannot show certain papers are ed could come out of the shadows, join
try. Meeting in a predominantly African- gerous rhetoric is leading to more and not allowed to receive their children’s unions, buy cars and homes, and join the
American church, it also helped build unity more anti-immigrant crimes. birth certificates. fight for workers’ rights.
between the Black and Latina/o communi- In Mount Vernon, Ohio, a group of The right wing is fueling anti-immigrant Not legalizing the undocumented con-
ties around the immigration issue. teenagers was charged with putting a sentiment in other ways as well. They are tinues the age-old ruling-class tactic of
Rev. Sharpton daringly met with Arpa- noose around the neck of a Latino boy in blaming immigrants for the high cost of divide and conquer. In addition, as the
io, primarily to discuss the sheriff’s noto- May 2008 and dragging him in a park- health care. The real culprit, of course, is “Buy America” campaign fills the air,
rious racial profiling. “We didn’t come to ing lot. Were it not for the intervention of the pharmaceutical and medical industry, that also leads to a dead end. Instead of
start trouble,” said Sharpton in response some strangers who stopped the attack, which is behind the for-profit instead of building class solidarity, “Buy America”
to attacks from Arpaio. “We came to stop the youth, Roberto Cantu, might have for-people health care system. only fuels competition among workers
trouble.” (BET, Jun 22) The meeting be- been lynched. This blaming the undocumented for here and abroad. It also leads to anti-
tween Sharpton and Arpaio followed a Despite this noose attack and yelling all the ills of society, however, resonates immigrant attacks as Mexican or Chinese
meeting with victims of racial profiling racist epitaphs, including “Get the Mex­- among a sector of the population and workers are seen as the enemy by those
conducted by Arpaio’s department. i­c­an,” Cantu said, only one attacker was must be challenged. influenced by this reactionary rhetoric.
What is happening in Arizona is just a sentenced to only 10 days in jail and the The only solution to the war on immi-
sample of the attacks against immigrants charges of aggravated assault were drop­ Government policy at a standstill grants—and to the war against all work-
sweeping the country. Racial profiling ped. (Mansfield News Journal, June 17) The Obama administration has not ers in this country—is solidarity, organiz-
against “foreign-looking” workers has be- Other equally repugnant episodes are yet moved forward on passing a progres- ing and fighting back. Together in unity,
come epidemic. Driving while Latina/0, taking place around the country. There are sive, humane, pro-worker immigration workers can meet the challenges ahead.
Jamaican or Nigerian has become a rea- horror stories of children placed in foster policy. In fact, a meeting with members Gutierrez is a coordinator of the New
son to be stopped, victimized, detained homes after their parents are detained by of Congress regarding immigration was York May 1 Coalition for Worker and
and deported. Should a seat belt break or Immigration and Customs Enforcement postponed several times, much to the ire Immigrant Rights.

Newburgh 4 meeting exposes

Another case of FBI entrapment
By Joe Piette Hussain, who used the name Maqsood, mer, BMW or other expensive vehicle, Newburgh, Khader said targeting these
White Plains, N.Y. to a “drug dealer preying on poor kids” or asking for James and offering money to men by the FBI is entrapment and called
a “pimp targeting young girls right off the her and their children. Cromitie avoided the four “victims of capitalism.”
Relatives of the Newburgh 4 spoke on bus in Times Square.” him for weeks at a time, telling Barnes, Lynne Jackson of Project SALAM
June 18 at a forum in White Plains, N.Y. Hussain is the same agent who was “Don’t take nothing from him.” raised the similarities among many of
Everything they said reinforced charges used by the FBI in the widely publicized But the agent eventually caught Cromi- the FBI entrapment cases, including the
by the Islamic community that the FBI is terrorism case against Albany, N.Y., piz- tie at home, and on May 21, five SWAT use of informants who suggest the crime,
entrapping innocent Muslim men for po- za-shop owner Mohammed Mosharref vans and a truckload of armed men at- recruit and organize the conspiracy, and
litical reasons. Hossain and Yassin Muhiddin Aref in tacked Barnes’ home, slammed her to the finally arrange the purchase of weapons.
Sensational headlines in May accused 2004. Instead of wasting taxpayer mon- ground and held a gun to her head. No Ferik Duka, father of three of the Fort
James Cromitie (aka Abdul Rahman), ey on frame-ups, McWilliams wants the search warrant was ever shown. Dix 5, spoke on the phony terrorism cases
David Williams, Onta Williams and government to “give men coming from Another speaker at the forum, who was since 9/11, with many “arrests and con-
Laguerre Payen with conspiracy to use jail something solid,” like jobs they can afraid of losing her job, refused to reveal victions despite no facts.” He explained
weapons of mass destruction within the feel proud of and raise families with. her name. She had already lost her long- that by targeting innocent Muslim men
U.S., which carries a maximum penalty of McWilliams’ sister, Elizabeth, mother time job as a housekeeper when her boss here, the U.S. justifies its “wars against
life in prison, and conspiracy to acquire of David Williams, described how she found out about the charges against her terrorism” abroad.
and use anti-aircraft missiles, which car- and her sick son, who needs a liver trans- partner, Onta Williams. She described Mauri’ Saalakhan of the Peace and
ries a mandatory minimum of 25 years plant, were swarmed by an army of cops. Newburgh as an impoverished city, and Justice Foundation ended the meeting by
and maximum of life in prison. She said both were handcuffed and held could not understand why the FBI picked announcing a July 3 rally in Washington,
All four men were ex-prisoners strug- for five hours, even though Homeland her town in which to stage this frame-up. at which family members of Muslim de-
gling to make a living. Security must have known Williams did Nada Khader, representing the fendants are invited to speak. Among the
Alicia McWilliams, aunt of David Wil- not live there. She reported that Williams WESPAC Foundation which hosted the issues to be addressed will be the relent-
liams, asked why his parole officer never had said he knew a man who was soon event, explained that Laguerre Payen, less targeting of Muslim organizations,
intervened during the year-long govern- going to “help with the medical bills” for who was unemployed and took medica- the use of agent provocateurs in Islamic
ment operation. She questioned how a his brother. Now she is torn over which tion for schizophrenia before his arrest, communities, and harsh sentencing of up
petty drug dealer like her nephew could son she has to help the most. was not represented by counsel because to life in prison for convictions in cases in
suddenly become a terrorist mastermind. Kathleen Barnes, fiancé of James he is from Haiti and has no family in the which no one was harmed. For more de-
Explaining that all the defendants were Cromitie, described how the informant New York area. tails, contact
poor, uneducated and Black, McWilliams stalked Cromitie and her family. She said Pointing to the 50 percent unemploy- or call 301-762-9162. n
compared agent provocateur Shahed Maqsood showed up often in his Hum- ment rate for African-American men in
Page 4 July 9, 2009

San Francisco.

Disabled activists protest budget threats

By Judy Greenspan by legislators and Gov. Arnold Schwar-
San Francisco zenegger, but it specifically exposed the
inhumane cuts aimed at disabled people
Chanting “They say cut back, we say in California. Under Governor Schwar-
fight back!” over 400 disabled activists zenegger’s budget proposal, disabled peo-
and their supporters took over the street ple would lose their independence with-
in front of the State Office Building in San out attendants and aid and be forced into
Francisco June 23 to “Stop the governor institutions and nursing homes.
from slashing programs for people with Speaker after speaker challenged every-
disabilities, kids, and poor people.” Sev- one to fight against the “cuts-only” budget
enteen people both in and out of wheel- and to support the rights of people with
chairs were arrested in a civil disobedi- disabilities. A large group went into the
ence action. streets and held a die-in during the pro-
The demonstration was called a “Peo- test. Jean Stewart, a long-time disabled
ple’s Day of Reckoning” and coincided writer and activist, addressed the crowd
with the 10th anniversary of the U.S. Su- from the street before she was arrested:
preme Court’s Olmstead decision, which “The governor is doing this deliberately.
stated that people with disabilities have a He is saying ‘screw the people.’ We should
right to live in the community, not just in be shutting down this country.”
nursing homes. The action was organized Several other rallies were held around
by a diverse group of disabled people, se- the state by the People’s Day of Reckoning
niors, single-payer health care advocates, Coalition which said loudly and clearly,
union members and others. “The state budget is killing us!”
Not only did the action target the anti- Greenspan was arrested as part of the
people budget currently being proposed civil disobedience action.
Struggle vs. General Motors
South African workers fight for jobs same arrogant contempt for law and con- tion to which the retrenched workers are lesson to other employers across sectors
By Martha Grevatt
tract that autoworkers here are familiar entitled. GMSA has further been ordered that South Africa is not a banana republic.
In just eight months, over 20,000 with, in April GMSA unilaterally laid off to consult with NUMSA in order to reach “Otherwise we shall also unleash mass
South African autoworkers have been “re- 280 workers, followed soon after by an- consensus should it contemplate any oth- strikes if and when we find it necessary in
trenched.” In response to these and other other 130. NUMSA sued and won a court er retrenchments. This order means that defense of workers.”
layoffs in manufacturing, the National ruling that the retrenchments (South Afri- the letters of retrenchments that GMSA This fight with GMSA is in line with
Union of Metalworkers of South Africa can term for layoffs) were illegal. issued in April to 130 workers who are still resolutions passed by NUMSA’s Job Se-
has launched a “fight for jobs” campaign. In a news release issued on the day of the in its employ are null and void. curity Conference held in Gauteng April
NUMSA won a major victory on June 17 court victory, NUMSA stated: “The Labor “NUMSA welcomes the Labor Court 23-26. “The time of endless talks is over,”
in the Johannesburg Labor Court against Court in Johannesburg has today found judgment and shall zealously continue the chairperson of the union’s Wits Cen-
General Motors South Africa. that the retrenchments initiated by GMSA defending and advancing the interests of tral region, Motsamai Ponya, stated at
South Africa’s labor law requires a com- during April this year were procedurally all its members. that event. “We need concrete steps on
pany to consult with the workers’ union unfair. Following this the Labor Court “The union will further study the judg- the part of employers and government
before laying them off. Displaying the shall determine the amount of compensa- ment to determine whether to challenge to save our jobs.” NUMSA’s Job Security
the substantive fairness of GMSA’s April program also included a call “to agitate

Transit Workers election

2009 notorious retrenchments. We shall for worker and state takeovers of compa-
also leave no stone unturned in ensur- nies that are on the verge of liquidation.”
ing that the retrenched workers receive a It was the determination to take the

signals progressive shift

fair compensation in terms of the wages struggle to the streets that won the work-
that they would have earned had they not ers’ victory in court. These South African
been illegally and unlawfully retrenched autoworkers are demonstrating to the
as well as in terms of other losses that world that through militant class struggle
By G. Dunkel elson, a track worker and union activist, they have incurred as a result of GMSA’s jobs can in fact be saved. All who work in
New York representing the Take Back Our Union barbaric retrenchments. this ruthless industry must follow their ex-
caucus. Members of TBOU have been ac- “We hope that today’s Labor Court ample and declare a halt to “endless talks.”
Subways and buses move New York tive in the Million Worker March Move- ruling and NUMSA’s determination in Martha Grevatt has worked 22 years
City—delivering over 6 million rides per ment and the Stella D’Oro solidarity cam- defending workers against unscrupulous at the Chrysler plant in Twinsburg,
workday and running 24 hours a day, 365 paign, as well as working closely to fight employers such as GMSA provide a future Ohio. Email:
days a year. Transit Workers Union Local cutbacks with the union that represents
100 represents the 37,000 workers who
operate the system. These workers have
faculty and staff at the City University of
New York.
UFCW vs. Acme supermarkets
Workers stand up
the power to shut down New York when On June 25 the New York Daily News
they strike, as they last did in December reported that United Invincible “suffered a
2005. series of stunning defeats ... when ballots

to anti-union threats
Because New York bosses need mass for delegates to the international’s conven-
transit to run in order to make profits, tion were counted. [They] lost about 40 of
transit workers are subject to harsh, unre- 67 of the head-to-head contests against the
lenting pressure from management at the anti-Toussaint ‘Take Back Our Union.’”
Metropolitan Transit Authority and the “The TBOU is excited and pleased By Betsey Piette threat of their livelihood, into no-strike
city administration of billionaire Mayor over such overwhelming support from Philadelphia pledges, wage freezes, pension cuts and
Michael Bloomberg. our membership,” TBOU spokesperson significant losses in benefits.
The union paid a big fine for the 2005 Charles Jenkins told Workers World. Four thousand workers at Acme super- In a full page ad in the Philadelphia In-
strike, which was illegal under New York’s “Our members made an outcry for change markets in Philadelphia and its suburbs quirer on June 26 exposing the company’s
anti-union Taylor Law. Members lost two after 8-and-a-half years of misdirection. have worked under a contract extension threats, the union wrote: “The company
days’ pay for every day they were out, and They seemed to agree with our program.” since February 2008 while their union, is trying to take advantage of a challeng-
Local 100 also lost its dues check-off. This While ballots for the executive offices Food and Commercial Workers Local ing economic environment to wring con-
means the local has to collect dues indi- in the union—president, vice-presidents 1776, bargained with the company. cessions from its workers. Its proposals
vidually from each member, an arduous and others—won’t be counted until De- Even though the union has never would gut their health care benefits, deci-
organizational task. cember, Jenkins said, “Our members cast threatened to strike or take job actions, on mate their pension benefits and lower the
Roger Toussaint, who led the 2005 both ballots at the same time. Our victory June 9 Acme gave the union its “last and standard of living for workers who have
strike, recently gave up his post as presi- in the delegate races indicates we will do best” final offer and threatened to termi- labored for Acme for many years.”
dent of Local 100 to take a top job with well in the executive races.” nate the existing contract and implement Food prices at Acme, as at most local
the national TWU in Washington. Curtis The TBOU intends to try to push the na- its own proposal unilaterally. markets, continue to rise as the cost of the
Tate, acting president of Local 100, is run- tional TWU in a more militant direction, This gun-to-the-head approach by economic downturn is passed onto work-
ning for a full term on the United Invin- concluded Jenkins, who won election as a Acme management mirrors auto industry ing and poor families. It is doubtful that
cible caucus slate backed by Toussaint. delegate and is running for elected office executives’ tactics earlier this year when this giant supermarket chain would pass
Running against Tate is John Samu- in his division. n United Auto Workers were forced, under Continued on page 5 July 9, 2009 Page 5

San Francisco.
40 years of Pride
By Judy Greenspan Pride contingent, which was filled with
San Francisco people carrying blue and white balloons
and Israeli flags. Despite pressure from
This year’s LGBT parade on June 28 the pro-Israeli leadership of the contin-
was led by a contingent of veteran activ- gent, loud chants of “Free, free Palestine,
ists from the early years of the Gay Liber- end, end the occupation” filled the street.
ation Front. In the spirit of Stonewall and Carrying banners that read, “Queer
to mark the 40th anniversary of the early Jews Against Israeli Injustices,” the IJAN
struggle for LGBT liberation, two exciting grouping was met with cheers and peace
actions were held along the LGBT parade signs by hundreds of people along the
photo: Annie Johnston
march route. LGBT parade route. Later, IJAN joined
At the beginning of the day, queer with the Viva Palestina contingent to de- LGBT activists fighting the budget cuts announced severe cuts to LGBT-friendly
members and their supporters in the In- liver a strong message in support of Pal- held a die-in in front of San Francisco drop-in health clinics, trans-focus clinics,
ternational Jewish Anti-Zionist Network estine. Mayor Gavin Newsom’s convertible that HIV/AIDS outreach, homeless youth pro-
(IJAN) pushed their way into the Jews for Later in the afternoon, a coalition of was in the parade. Newsom has recently grams and other essential services. n

‘Bail out LGBT people, not banks!’

ww Photo: Monica Moorehead ww Photo: Brenda Sandburg

Pride weekend kicked off in New

York City on June 26 with a militant march
for trans and gender non-conforming
(TGNC) peoples’ rights. The Trans Day of ‘Strange Fruit’
describes horrors of lynchings
Action marched from Union Square past
New York’s Human Resources Administra-
tion to demand that all people receiving
public assistance, including TGNC people
of color, be treated with respect and By Dolores Cox “Strange Fruit” was banned from radio The 2002 documentary contains file
dignity. Harlem, N.Y. airways as being too radical, and turned footage of the thousands of Communist
The annual event is led by TransJustice, June is Black Music Month, proclaimed down by record companies because they Party members, unions and other activ-
a project of the Audre Lorde Project, New so by former President Jimmy Carter. In did not want to offend white Southern ist groups who took to the streets of New
York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, two spirit, honor of Black Music Month, there was customers. During the many decades of York marching against racism and for
trans and gender non-conforming people a film series showing in New York at the terrorism against Black people by white workers’ rights during the 1900s. It also
of color center for community organizing. Schomburg Center for Research in Black extremists the lynchings were brought shows file footage of the 1960s Civil Rights
On June 28, a contingent that included Culture based in Harlem. to the public’s attention by the NAACP, Movement, which revived the song. And it
the Bail Out the People Movement, Work- One of the films, “Strange Fruit,” is the Black newspaper editor and contains interviews of past and
ers World Party, the International Action
Center and the youth group Fight Imperi-
first documentary exploring the history
and legacy of the famous Black singer,
activist Ida B. Wells, the Com-
munist Party USA, union Film. present human rights activists.
The songwriter died in 1968,

alism, Stand Together marched under the Billie Holiday, who popularized the song leader A. Philip Randolph and and “Strange Fruit” was played
slogans “40 years and counting—Stone- “Strange Fruit.” The song tells a dramat- other civil rights activists. A at his funeral.
wall means fight back!” and “LGBT people ic story of the U.S.’s grim past. “Strange federal anti-lynching bill was also intro- Robert and Michael Rosenberg were the
need a bailout, not the banks!”
Fruit” is a protest song highlighting the duced in the U.S. Congress. However, it adopted children of Abel Meeropol and
—LeiLani Dowell
thousands of rampant racist lynchings was successfully filibustered and perma- Ann Meeropol. Their parents were Julius
of African Americans in the South. It was nently defeated by white Southern mem- Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg, Jewish-
originally performed by Holiday in the bers of Congress. American communists found guilty of pro-
UFCW vs. Acme first integrated New York City nightclub,
Cafe Society, in 1939.
The song was published in the 1930s
in “N.Y. Teacher,” a union magazine. The
viding secret atomic bomb information to
the Soviet Union. They were executed in
Continued from page 4 The profound lyrics are: “Southern music and lyrics were written by a Jew- New York’s Sing Sing Correctional Facil-
onto its customers any profits made from trees bear a strange fruit. Blood on the ish poet named Abel Meeropol. He was ity in 1953. They were the only two U.S.
cutting employee expenses. leaves and blood at the roots. Black bodies inspired to write it after seeing a photo citizens executed for espionage during the
UFCW Local 1776 used the ad to seek swinging in the summer breeze. Strange of several Black men hanging from a tree Cold War; the case against them was built
support from Acme customers and to fruit hanging from the poplar trees. Pas- with a cheering white crowd below them. on an anti-Semitic Red Scare campaign.
pressure the company to resume contract toral scene of the gallant South. The bulg- He wrote it under the name of Lewis Allan. Despite worldwide protests against this
negotiations. Letters calling for manage- ing eyes and the twisted mouth. Scent of Meeropol was a New York high school legal lynching, President Dwight Eisen-
ment to return to the bargaining table magnolia sweet and fresh; and the sudden teacher, an active union member and hower refused to stay their execution.
should be sent to Acme/Supervalu, P.O. smell of burning flesh. Here is a fruit for Communist Party member. He was The Black historian, writer and activ-
Box 990, Eden Prairie, MN 55440. Acme the crows to pluck. For the rain to gather, among the numerous people interrogat- ist Elombe Brath, in a 1995 N.Y. Amster-
is owned by Supervalu, which can be con- for the wind to suck. For the sun to rot, for ed by the U.S. House Committee on Un- dam News newspaper article, described
tacted at or by call- the tree to drop. Here is the strange and American Activities during the McCarthy- “Strange Fruit” as “Capitalism’s bitter
ing 952-828-4000. n bitter crop.” era witch hunts. crop.” n
Page 6 July 9, 2009

Still no recovery in sight for workers

By Fred Goldstein male-dominated New York Times, shows the biggest absolute decline and the larg- bust cycle. But those cycles are changing—
perplexed frustration: “Why rampant est percentage jump in the 68 years since a lot less boom and a lot more bust, cer-
Bob Herbert, who is an op-ed colum- joblessness is not viewed as a crisis and the Great Depression ended. (Real Unem- tainly as far as the workers are concerned.
nist for the New York Times and also an approached with a sense of urgency and ployment Rate Hits a 68-Year High, www. The bosses have more and more been rely-
African American, wrote in a recent piece: commitment the crisis warrants, is be- ing on artificially created bubbles to revive
“There are now five unemployed work- yond me.” What is behind this? There are many the profit system. They increasingly rely on
ers for every job opening in the United factors, but the most important is that paper profits and speculation. This shows
States. The ranks of the poor are growing, To bosses, revival means profits this is the age of the scientific-technologi- the sickness of the capitalist system, that it
welfare rolls are rising” and young male Of course, in a newspaper that is really cal revolution. The bosses are in a race to is in a stage of decline and decay.
workers over a broad front “are falling one of the central organs of big business, make more profits and reduce their labor
into an abyss of joblessness.” it is natural that there could be no truthful costs; they do this by bringing in technol- Growth ‘based on bubbles’
Herbert goes on to show that official un- discussion of this crisis. In the first place, ogy to replace workers. This shows itself This was expressed indirectly by one
employment, now 9.4 percent, is heading the bosses regard this as a crisis of prof- in each boom-and-bust cycle. of the more renowned financial experts
toward 10 percent at a good clip. He con- its, of lost business. Uppermost in their Each new round of technology puts in the academic establishment, Nouriel
tinues: “Economists are currently spread- minds and the minds of the vast majority workers’ skills into machines. This lowers Roubini of New York University. Roubini
ing the word that the recession may end of their economists and economic advis- the workers’ skills required. Lower skills became a renowned figure after the pres-
sometime this year, but the unemploy- ers is the revival of profits. mean lower wages and more competition ent economic crisis broke out.
ment rate will continue to climb. That’s But in addition, this is a crisis of a new among workers. And the workers have Prior to the crisis, in 2006, he chal-
not recovery. That’s mumbo jumbo.” type. If there should be any sort of “capi- less buying power. lenged all the financial experts who said
For the working class, employed and talist recovery,” it will be a recovery for the At the same time the development of the housing bubble was no problem and
unemployed, truer words were never capitalists, not the workers. This sort of technology raises the productivity of la- would not really spill over into the econ-
spoken. recovery first showed itself after the 1991 bor. More goods and services are turned omy. He predicted that the masses were
Herbert shows that in November 2007 downturn. It appeared again, even more out in less time. With more productive overloaded with debt and that the prob-
the officially unemployed numbered 7 strongly, after the 2000-2001 downturn labor, more commodities to sell and lem was far larger than just the housing
million. Now the figure is about 14 mil- in which the high-tech bubble had burst. less buying power in society, it becomes bubble. He predicted that the bubble
lion. He cites a study by the Center for These were the first “jobless recoveries.” more and more difficult for the capitalist would burst and be followed by a global
Labor Market Studies at Northeastern Herbert points out that the Obama ad- system to start up the boom part of the economic crisis.
University in Boston showing that, dur- ministration is talking about a recovery boom-and-bust cycle. When he first put forward his prognosis
ing this period, so-called “underutilized this year—and yet, at the same time, the It also means that it is harder and hard- at a conference of the International Mon-
workers” had increased from more than administration concedes that unemploy- er to bring jobs back into the economy af- etary Fund, he was labeled “Dr. Doom.”
15 million to close to 30 million. ment may go up to 10 percent! ter each bust is over. Now, since the crisis he predicted in detail
He points out that three quarters of the The big business economists, when With 30 million workers officially un- has materialized, he is one of the most cel-
6 million workers laid off in the last year asked about this, mumble about the “lag” employed or underemployed—many of ebrated economists on the lecture circuit.
were given permanent layoffs—meaning between the economic upturn and an up- them discouraged from even looking An interview with Roubini by James
their jobs were destroyed. And he high- turn in employment. But, after the 1991 for jobs or forced into part-time work— Fallows, called “Dr. Doom Has Some
lights the plight of young workers. Half of downturn, it took 18 months to get back should there be an upturn in business Good News,” appeared in the April issue
the 7 million job losses since November to pre-downturn levels. After the 2001- (and that is not guaranteed at all!) mas- of the Atlantic Monthly. Toward the end
2007 were sustained by workers under 30. 2002 downturn, it took 27 months. Dur- sive unemployment will still remain, of the interview, Fallows asked him about
Herbert, one of the few Black voices al- ing the present crisis, the drop of 7 million along with low wages. the economic future.
lowed any expression by the rich-white- jobs in the 19 months of this recession is Capitalism operates by the boom-and- Roubini observed that “We have a
growth model that has been based on
The Great Crash:
bubbles. The only time we are growing is
when there’s a big bubble. The question is,
review can the U.S. grow in a non-bubble way?”
When Fallows turned the question back

‘Articles encourage action’ to him, “he answered by returning to the

damage caused by the boom-and-bust cy-
cles and the need to find a different path.”
“The Great Crash: How and Why It which brought down the curtain on 20 bine sensible, well-proportioned Marxist Capitalism has no “different path.” It
Happened, What Workers Can Do to years of Wall Street’s globalization utopia. journalism with a rank-and-file action has been following the boom-and-bust
Fight Back,” a compilation of articles At every turn the articles seek to en- program for the labor movement. From cycle since it began. Now the repetition
from Workers World newspaper; $5, courage independent labor and political “Capitalist Bosses Plan Permanent Job of that cycle requires bigger and bigger
available from action and resist attempts by the chief- Loss” (page 38): “In the present crisis the bubbles which lead to bigger and bigger
By Jay Rothermel tains of U.S. finance capital to shift all historic methods of reviving the profit- crises for the workers.
costs of the crisis onto the backs of work- ability of capitalism, of restoring capital- The bigger the crisis, the more the
“The Great Crash” collects 23 articles ing people and the oppressed. An article ist accumulation and prosperity, appear bosses try to push it off on the workers.
that originally appeared in Workers from October 2008 (page 26) spells this to have run their course, as they did dur- Capital tries even harder to lower its labor
World weekly newspaper from 2006 to out: “… it is vital for workers to have a ing the Great Depression. This is what has costs as a means of restoring profits, low-
2009. This 47-page booklet should be clear and unambiguous program of de- the ruling class running scared. ering wages and replacing workers with
read by everyone grappling with the cur- mands that meet their own needs and put “Working class leaders, labor leaders, machines. This destroys jobs, creating
rent world capitalist crisis. “The Great the burden on the bankers and the rich to community organizers and activists in all more poverty and more unemployment.
Crash” is no dry, opaque economic trea- pay. ... As the unemployment rate rises, it spheres must come to grips with the pros- The working class needs a “different
tise. The articles are written in a plain, is urgent to demand a freeze on all work- pect that there is no way out of the crisis path,” all right. It needs a path that leads
clear, accessible style and are free of jar- place closings and job layoffs and an ex- except for mass intervention and mass out of capitalist exploitation and produc-
gon and sectarianism. tension of unemployment benefits. There struggle.” tion, a path out of this system where prof-
The earliest article in the collection is must be a freeze on utility cutoffs and a “The Great Crash” does not stop ex- its come before the rights and the very
from the fall of 2006, entitled “As Housing rollback in gas, food and utility prices.” plaining and motivating at the trade lives of the workers and the oppressed.
Market Falls, Is $10 Trillion Bubble Ready One of the first areas of resistance to union level of political activism. The ar- The present crisis must be fought by
to Burst?” The article noted, “The capital- the crash and crisis developed around ticles spell out clearly that while the labor organizing, by international working class
ist economy is drowning in debt, deficits, foreclosures and evictions between 2007 movement must start bringing its social solidarity, by mass mobilization, by orga-
and the crisis of hyper-speculation in non- and 2008. Community activists, neigh- weight to bear around specific issues to- nizing the unemployed, by fighting to stop
traditional mortgage lending.” bors and friends of victimized homeown- day, only by connecting these fights to layoffs, by occupying plants before they
Stories that follow focus on the conse- ers came together using militant direct- broader questions can the struggle for so- can be shut down, by demanding the right
quences of debt-fueled overproduction, action tactics to turn back the evictions cialism be put on the agenda in the United to a good-paying job, by refusing to accept
bailiffs. According to the article “The States and around the world. To quote the capitalist scheme of things and, above
Housing Crisis and a Fightback Program” from the booklet’s final article (page 47): all, by putting the rights of workers before
(page 31): “There must be a moratorium “What are we waiting for? Let’s organize … the rights of bosses. n
on foreclosures and evictions to keep peo- and fight for it!”
ple in their homes and stop the destruc- Jay Rothermel is a Workers World
New publication! What is behind the devastat- tion of our communities by racist, preda- subscriber in Cleveland.
ing onslaught on workers’ jobs and homes? tory banks. … The billions being given to
This compilation of articles from Workers the mortgage companies to bail out their
World, beginning in 2006, analyzes the devel- failing loans should be used instead to Low-Wage Capitalism by Fred Goldstein
oping worldwide economic crisis and provides train youth as plumbers and electricians is a most timely and important work, as the
strategies for a fight-back movement against and carpenters, in a city like Detroit, to work­ing class prepares for a “fightback”
the corporations and banks. repair the 18 percent of homes that are during the greatest crisis of capitalism
vacant due to foreclosures and turn them since the Great Depression.
Available from
over to the homeless.”
Get extra copies for your friends –C larence Thomas, Executive Board ILWU Local 10
Articles in “The Great Crash” com- Order online www.
and co-workers. Order today! & Co-chair, Million Worker March Movement July 9, 2009 Page 7

September protests
Organizers announce plans
to confront G20 in Pittsburgh
By John Catalinotto
From left,
New York
Paul Quintos,
Jan Loenn,
Organizers from the Bail Out the Peo- Sara Flounders,
ple Movement and the Million Worker Larry Holmes,
March Movement held a news conference Ramsey Clark,
here on June 26 at the United Nations Brenda Stokely,
Church Center, along with other com- Emelia Dorsu.
munity organizers and some of the par-
WW photo:
ticipants at the U.N. Economic Summit. John Catalinotto
They announced plans for protests at the
next G20 summit scheduled in Pittsburgh
on Sept. 24-25.
Larry Holmes, a spokesperson for BOPM is planning “a major mobiliza- was held at all, independent of what it Brenda Stokely of the Million Worker
BOPM, said the group wants to bring tion on the weekend before the meeting,” was able to agree on. It was apparent that March and the New York Solidarity Co-
a large enough number of unemployed said Holmes, “and will have a presence the elite powers of the G8 especially had alition for Katrina/Rita Survivors spoke,
people to Pittsburgh so that the cry would throughout the week, including on Thurs- done everything possible to sabotage the as did Emelia Dorsu, originally of Ghana,
be heard on a global scale for “the right day and Friday, Sept. 24 and 25. There G192 conference on the economic crisis. who is an 18-year veteran worker at Stella
to a job or income for all at living wages.” will be many other groups—from unions Unable to cancel it, these big powers did D’Oro in the Bronx and a strike spokes-
This would be the first step in addressing to anarchist youth—who will be demon- their best to water down the conference’s person. Dorsu explained the struggle of
growing unemployment on both a na- strating.” conclusions. her union and the workers for a decent
tional and international scale and would Human rights activist and attorney Others at the news conference included contract.
be organized in the spirit of international Ramsey Clark discussed the conference Paul Quintos of the Ibon Foundation in Victor Toro, a Chilean activist and im-
solidarity—jobs or income for all. that wrapped up June 26 at the U.N. the Philippines, Jan Loenn, secretary- migrant threatened with deportation,
The G20 meeting had originally been known as the G192. He congratulated general of the International Student & explained the connection of his personal
set for New York in September, but the U.N. General Assembly President Miguel Youth Movement for the U.N., and Sara struggle to that of all undocumented im-
fear of major protests resulted in the capi- D’Escoto Brockman, who was the driv- Flounders, co-director of the Internation- migrants for their rights and asked peo-
talist summit being moved to Pittsburgh. ing force in seeing that such a meeting al Action Center. ple to support him in court on Aug. 26. n

As bank forces closure of plant

Actions target Wells Fargo, support
UE workers los angeles Chicago

By Betsey Piette

“Wells Fargo got bailed out, the work-

ers got sold out!” was the message deliv-
ered by UE members and allies in more
than 20 cities from Boston to Los Angeles
Photos: UE
Photo: Sekou Parker

on June 26 in coordinated, nationwide

Wells Fargo, one of the country’s larg-
est banks, received a $25 billion taxpayer
bailout supposedly designed to save jobs
and businesses. Yet the bank is unfairly
forcing the closure of Quad City Die Cast-
ing, a viable factory in Moline, Ill., where
members of UE Local 1174 work, by cut-
ting off the normal line of credit needed
by the company to stay in business.
In Boston, 30 picketers braved a strong
“noreasterner” storm to march outside the
Boston Wells Fargo Commercial Building.
Protesters included members of UE locals new haven boston
204, 262 and 279, and strong participation
from USWA 8751 Boston School Bus Driv-
ers Union, International Action Center, and John Braxton, co-president of AFT explaining the struggle to bus riders and settlements for people in Atlanta at risk
Women’s Fightback Network, Jobs with Local 2026 and a leader of Jobs with Jus- building workers. The action was orga- of losing their homes.
Justice, students and housing groups. tice, went into the bank to deliver a “notice nized by the Los Angeles Bail Out the Other cities where protests took place
Over 30 people picketed outside the of default” on Wells Fargo’s obligations to People Movement. included Costa Mesa, Calif; Cedar Rap-
Center City branch of Wachovia Bank the people of the United States. At first In Chicago, more than 75 protesters ids, Iowa; Davenport, Pa; Charleston,
in Philadelphia where UE Local 155 bank officials refused to call the manager from unions and community groups used W.Va.; New Haven, Conn.; Portland,
President Ron McCullough explained the and instead called the police, but when crime scene tape to cordon off the park- Ore.; LaCrosse, Wis.; Erie, Pa.; and Ra-
struggle by members of Local 1174 to save customers in the lobby began to stop and ing lot of a Wells Fargo Home Mortgage leigh, N.C. In Washington, D.C., UE lob-
their jobs and Wells Fargo’s role in forc- listen to the protesters a manager finally branch. They drew chalk outlines of the bying teams visited over 100 congres­
ing the pending plant closing. Wachovia, came to receive the letter. bank’s worker-victims on the pavement sional offices, including every member
a giant regional bank, was bought out by Amekin Jackson, a young, underem- and wrote messages charging the bank of the Senate Banking Committee and
Wells Fargo in October during the bank- ployed and homeless Black worker, was with “jobicide” and “homeicide.” Pro- the House Financial Services Committee,
ing industry meltdown. in the bank looking for a first-time home- testers chanted “Wells Fargo, this sucks. with information on the injustice being
“Workers are the ones who built this buyers loan when she received a leaflet. Where’s our 25 billion bucks?” perpetuated by Wells Fargo.
country and who make the economy Jackson was so incensed by Wells Fargo’s Demonstrators, including members Sen. Barbara Mikluski of Maryland
grow,” McCullough stated. “It’s the CEOs action that she came out to join the protest. of the Atlanta Fighting Foreclosures responded, “Everyone is mad at Wells
like the ones at General Motors who are As picketers at Wells Fargo’s main cen- Coali­tion, picketed in front of the mid- Fargo.” The largest city in her state, Bal-
running the country into the ground. ter in downtown Los Angeles chanted town Wacho­via branch. Protesters linked timore, is suing Wells Fargo for racially
Workers have to stick together and make “Wells Fargo, Shame on You,” their mes- Wells Fargo’s denial of credit to Quad discriminatory and predatory mortgage
our voices heard.” sage echoed off the high-rise building. City Die Casting to their demands for a lending practices that resulted in massive
A delegation, including McCullough They distributed hundreds of leaflets foreclosure moratorium and reasonable home foreclosures. n
Page 8 July 9, 2009

ILWU Convention says

‘Free the Cuban 5, end U.S. blockade’
By Clarence Thomas

International Longshore and Ware-

house Union members from Alaska, Cali-
fornia, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and
Vancouver, British Columbia, gathered
in Seattle for the 34th ILWU Convention
from June 8 to 12. The delegates adopted
resolutions introduced by Local 10 calling
for freedom for the Cuban 5 and by Lo-
cal 34 to end the U.S. blockade of Cuba. Right to left: Mirta Rodriguez, Maria Eugenia Rodriguez,
Clarence Thomas (right) hands a card to Magali Llort, mother and sister of Antonio Guerrero imprisoned in
These resolutions are evidence that ILWU
mother of Fernando González. Florence, Co.; Adriana Pérez, spouse of Gerardo Hernández
international solidarity is alive and well.
Photos: DELORES LEMON-THOMAS imprisoned in Victorville, Calif., denied any visitation;
The ILWU international president was decision not to review the Cuban 5 case, Rosa Aurora Freijanes, spouse of Fernando González,
instructed to write to President Barack it becomes more critical for union leaders imprisoned in Terra Haute, Ind.
Obama asking him to look into the case of and others to demand their freedom. business sector.
the Cuban 5 and immediately free them. The convention also reaffirmed the In an interview on CNN on May 13 with exploitation. All that changed with the
The ILWU tradition of solidarity has union’s decades-long opposition to the correspondent Jim Acosta, a port com- revolution that triumphed on Jan. 1, 1959.
been guided by the principle that “ILWU U.S. trade embargo. The resolution adopt- missioner from Tampa, Fla., a shipping Workers in the U.S. have much to learn
policies and actions on foreign affairs ed by the convention calls on the Obama company tycoon and a U.S. cigar maker from a socialist society like Cuba which,
have always been built on the belief that administration to seize the moment and agreed that it’s time to end the embargo. despite the U.S. blockade, provides free
international labor solidarity and world finally bring an end to the embargo and With the collapse of the capitalist econ- education from kindergarten through
peace are the cornerstones of social and travel ban against Cuba. omy, various sectors view an end of the graduate school and has eradicated il-
economic justice for all workers including One of the things this writer learned blockade as an opportunity for business literacy. Despite the U.S. blockade, the
the membership of the ILWU.” from the recent visit to Cuba was that the to create jobs. Latin American School of Medicine an-
In late April an ILWU delegation spent U.S. government wants to make the Cu- Acosta reported that ports along the nually provides 4,500 medical students
12 days in Havana. While there they met ban people lose affection for Fidel Castro Gulf Coast are drawing up business plans from around the world with entirely free
with spouses and mothers of the Cuban 5 and their commitment to the revolution hoping for an end to the 47-year-old trade tuition and produces doctors, including
and made a commitment to them to take by way of economic hardship. The U.S. embargo against the island. “Port officials U.S. graduates, who agree to practice
the issue of their loved ones’ imprison- plan has tried to create an atmosphere with the Port of Mobile, Ala., are plan- medicine for five years in poor communi-
ment to the ILWU Convention. of desperation brought on by lack of re- ning their own trade mission to Cuba this ties and/or communities of color.
The Cuban 5 have been imprisoned for sources, food, medicine and medical July,” he said. Once the blockade is lifted, workers
more than 10 years for monitoring the ac- equipment that would lead to the over- Arthur Savage, a Tampa shipping own- from the U.S. can learn firsthand the ben-
tivities of right-wing paramilitary groups throw of the Cuban government. The plan er, said, “If we increase the ships, that ties efits of living in a socialist country. Even
in south Florida that plot attacks against has failed. right to jobs.” with the U.S. travel ban, tens of thou-
Cuba. On June 15, the U.S. Supreme During my visit to Havana I learned Cuba was once a playground for the sands of U.S. residents travel to Cuba ev-
Court refused to review their appeal. first hand of the impact of the embargo on rich, powerful and famous, with casinos, ery year. It is time for the blockade and
Ricardo Alarcon, president of the Cu- the Cuban people. Construction supplies prostitution and swank hotels. U.S. corpo- travel restrictions to end.
ban National Assembly, told “Democracy are scarce. Certain fruits like bananas are rations and organized crime worked hand Clarence Thomas is a member of
Now” on June 17 that even the June 2008 not available all year round. People who in hand with the colonial Cuban govern- ILWU Local 10 in San Francisco, a
negative decision by the 11th Circuit Court were part of the delegation that visited ment. There was racism and a color and convention observer and co-chair of
of Appeals shed some important light on Cuba during the “special period” after the caste system, high rates of illiteracy and the Million Worker March Movement.
the case. Five times that U.S. court stated Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 described
the Cuban 5 didn’t gather or transmit se-
cret information affecting U.S. national
security, resulting in its decision to or-
tremendous food shortages on the island.
Now there is new “eco-socialism” where
organic gardens thrive throughout the
Koreans rally against
U.S. aggression
der resentencing for three of the Cuban city, even on top of buildings.
5. Even during their trial in 2001, three A growing wave of voices beyond the
U.S. generals and a rear admiral acknowl- progressive community in the U.S. is
edged that the accused had not commit- calling for an end to the embargo. These
ted espionage against the U.S. voices represent shipping companies,
As a result of the recent Supreme Court port commissioners, farmers and the

Protest at UN hits
Honduras coup, U.S. role Photos: Korean Central News Agency

By Caleb T. Maupin

Some 100,000 people poured into Kim deterrent,” meaning that having such
Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, capital city weapons at its disposal for self-defense
of the Democratic People’s Republic of would protect the DPRK from attack by
Korea, on June 25. This massive crowd in the U.S. (June 25)
a country of only 22 million people gath- Thousands of troops remain stationed
ered at a rally and commemoration enti- on the border between north and south
tled “June 25, The Day of Struggle Against decades after the Korean War unofficially
U.S. Imperialism.” The event marked the ended. Successive U.S. administrations
anniversary of the day in 1950 when the have refused to sign a peace treaty.
U.S. started the war which killed millions Three days after the rally, BBC News re-
of Korean people. ( ported that the DPRK’s economy is grow-
Revolutionary and anti-imperialist ing substantially despite the continued
speeches were given by representatives of political and economic attacks from the
urban and agricultural workers, youth and U.S. and its allies. Agricultural produc-
student organizations. Pak Pyong Jong, tion in the DPRK has increased 11 percent
vice-chair of the Pyongyang City People’s this year, giving the people greater nutri-
Committee, said that the people of North tional sustainability in the face of brutal
Korea must “wage a staunch struggle to sanctions. (June 28)
protect the ideology, the system and cause Despite the attacks from the United
Chanting in Spanish, “Zelaya, friend, the people are with you!” and “Army of the coup, of the DPRK and win a final victory in the States and world capitalism, the DPRK
imperialist instrument!” 200 demonstrators rallied and marched to the United Nations confrontation with the U.S.” (Korean Cen- under the leadership of Kim Jong Il con-
in New York on June 29 protesting the military coup in Honduras. Coup leader Romeo tral News Agency, June 25) tinues to resist the attempts to reinstate
Vasquez got his training at the U.S. Army’s “School of the Americas” in Fort Benning, The New York Times reported that colonialism and imperialist oppression
Ga., along with the rest of the Honduran military officers. speakers at the rally referred to the recent and fights to maintain its system of social-
—Heather Cottin testing of atomic weapons as a “nuclear ism and self-reliance. n July 9, 2009 Page 9

Humanitarian aid bound for Gaza defies blockade By Mumia Abu-Jamal from death row.

Israeli navy seizes aid ship; Stateless ‘state’

Viva Palestina USA set to go of Palestine
Contiued from page 1
From a June
and says she is determined to help build 15 audio column
solidarity. “I am honored to be part of at www.prison-
the Viva Palestina convoy to Gaza. As a Go to
long-time anti-Zionist Jewish activist, I www.millions-
embrace Viva Palestina as a critical part to
of the international solidarity movement read updates on
worldwide,” said Greenspan. Mumia’s case.

According to national organizers, Viva he presiden-
Palestina USA has raised several million tial election of
dollars to fund this material aid effort, Barack Obama has
and in the beginning of July, hundreds so electrified the
of Palestine solidarity activists will drive world that expectations have swept past
in a convoy of trucks and other vehicles reality into the realm of the silly.
to deliver this humanitarian aid to the Some of this is surely driven by the
people of Gaza. corporate media, which no longer covers
Along with Cynthia McKinney and Cement ready for loading on boat bound for Gaza.
the news, but engages in what might be
Charles Barron, who will be at a send- called “pre-news”—as it tends to predict
off event at the House of Lords Church crucial funds that you raise will literally Palestinian people. Yet, like the U.S. at- what will or may happen—the better to
in Brooklyn, N.Y., on July 3, Ron Kovic be saving lives, comforting the afflicted, tempts at re-colonizing Iraq, none of Is- not be scooped by competitors. And as
—whose Vietnam War experience was and giving hope to those who have suf- rael’s U.S.-supplied weapons of mass de- news makes its hard turn to opinion, it
portrayed by Tom Cruise in the film fered for far too long. struction has been capable of destroying sometimes builds up Obama as a world
“Born on the Fourth of July”—is a ma- “You will be representing your coun- the Palestinian people’s will to continue leader, in ways that are simply unreason-
jor participant in Viva Palestina USA. try, … not with rockets and bombs, he- fighting the illegal occupation. able.
Not only was Kovic born on the date the licopter gun ships, and weapons of war, It is this spirit of resistance that will This was seen in the run-up to the Ira-
convoy is leaving, but he is also deeply but with love, compassion, and a sincere continue to inspire many more Spirit of nian presidential elections, where news
committed to justice. respect for the lives and dignity of all hu- Humanity trips and Viva Palestina con- coverage all but predicted the election
Addressing the participants of the con- man beings. That is what Viva Palestina voys loaded with medical supplies and of opposition candidate, Mir-Hossein
voy in a statement, Kovic said: “I want all USA is about and that is why we must do various other forms of international soli- Mousavi, and the fall of the irascible
of you to know how much I admire ev- all we can … in the days to come to make darity with the people of Palestine. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The result
eryone involved and committed to this this courageous and extraordinary jour- Parker is an organizer with the Inter- predicted, talking heads opined about
most extraordinary and historic mission. ney to Gaza a reality.” national Action Center in Los Angeles the global influence of Obama over the
What you do … is of great importance, June 6 was the 42nd anniversary and is part of the Viva Palestina USA elections. As for stolen elections, did mil-
the inspiring words that you speak, the of the Israeli seizure of Gaza from the delegation. lions of Americans take to the streets to
protest the stolen elections here in 2000?
Similarly, much news coverage

El Salvador’s ‘date with history’ centered on Obama’s hard line on the

Israelis, as in his Cairo address when he
called for a freeze in settlements.
So slanted is U.S. policy toward Israel
By Oscar Faria Nicolas Maduro, representing that a halt in construction in illegal set-
San Salvador, El Salvador Venezuela, gave way to the main tlements is seen as somehow “hard line.”
focus of the evening, President of For their part, Israeli right-wingers,
“And that wave of anger at its very El Salvador Mauritius Funes. many supporters of newly elected presi-
limit, of yearning for justice, of trampled “I could not govern this coun- dent Binyamin Netanyahu, have postered
rights that begin to rise from the soil of try, knowing that we did not have Tel Aviv with images of Obama wearing
Latin America, that wave could no longer relations with a country so filled an Arab headdress (known as a kaffi-
be stopped. That wave of anger growing with solidarity and as strong as is yeh), emblazoned with the words “Jew
every day that passes because that wave Cuba. I would be ashamed to be Hater” and “Anti-Semite” in English and
shapes the majority in all aspects, those president of a separatist country,” Hebrew (an allusion to his Muslim name
who with their work accumulate wealth, commented Funes, who was about and family background).
create values, make the wheels of history to resume relations with Cuba the To “freeze” a situation that is funda-
turn and who now are waking up from same day that he took office. mentally unjust is to preserve the status
the long, brutalizing sleep to which they El Salvador President Mauritius Funes. From the beginning, Funes sig- quo—a state of affairs that leaves the
have been subject.” naled that he was exhausted from Palestinian people in an unjust and un-
Apparently the wave, which Com- the first in El Salvador from the left. his long day and apologized for the delay in tenable situation.
mandante Ernesto Che Guevara spoke of After revolutionary singers from Cuba his arrival. He began his speech: “Thanks On top of that, Netanyahu recently
at the General Assembly meeting at the and Mexico, President Daniel Ortega to all who are here, to all the countries that announced an essential rejection of
United Nations in 1964, arrived at the of Nicaragua began his speech. Prais- have come to this celebration, to this date Obama’s “freeze” and an alleged sup-
borders of the Salvadoran Sea, when on ing ALBA, PetroCaribe and the Central with history.” port of the establishment of a Palestinian
June 1, Mauritius Funes took office as American Union CA-4, he presented re- As Funes took the microphone and be- state—albeit a demilitarized one, with
the head of the smallest country in the grets from his counterpart Hugo Chavez, gan to talk, the crowd, already diminished foreign affairs to be overseen by Israel.
Americas. president of the Bolivarian Republic of by fatigue and a short rain typical of the This is a state only in the sense that
“Funes! Funes! Funes!” shouted the Venezuela. Chavez could not attend the Salvadoran winter, watched him. “To fight the old South African Bantustans were
sea of red, which vibrated with the songs event for “security reasons of which we against corruption, to fight against orga- independent territories; that is to say,
of the people–people who, under the will not enter into detail,” said Ortega. nized crime, a government that always sup- not at all.
trusteeship of the right-wing party, saw “The FMLN and FSLN [Sandinista ports the poor and the needy before it takes The Palestinians have had their best
their currency replaced by the dollar and Front] are brothers, not only because care of its family and/or the privileged lands seized and Swiss-cheesed by
fled to the cities. our countries are brothers, but because groups”—these were the three outstanding settlements; their parliament has been
“Today is a day of hope and of joy,” we shared the same struggles for more points of Funes’ speech that showed his po- cast into prison; their water is rationed;
commented one of the supporters than 40 years.” litical tendency or indicated what might be and their homes have been bulldozed,
armed with a handkerchief on her head, Cuban vice-Ambassador Esteban Lazo the methodology of his government. all while Western leaders crow about
an FMLN flag [Spanish acronym for Hernandez declared: “Salvadoran sisters The new government must develop a a “peace process” that is, ultimately, a
Farabundo Martí National Liberation and brothers, I am happy to express my new plan to confront the worldwide eco- freeze in oppression.
Front], a Che shirt and vibrant with an gratitude and my congratulations from nomic crisis already reaching El Salva- Meanwhile, Israel, not only the most
energy that she had maintained through- our President Raul Castro, former-Presi- dor—such as a new plan to arouse activ- powerful military in the region, but an
out the day while waiting for the main dent Fidel Castro and all the Cuban peo- ists to retake the reins of the destiny of the undeclared nuclear-armed state, ac-
event—“Chávez and Funes.” ple.” He opened his speech expressing country. After more than 12 years of war cepts the idea of a Palestinian state but
The event began late, and when the support to Funes and emphasizing his and 20 years of rightist regimes, the peo- only if demilitarized—and this is seen as
masters of ceremony announced that it happiness because finally, after 50 years, ple of El Salvador are waking from a long progress! n
would be only a few more minutes until Cuba and El Salvador were to resume po- and brutal sleep.
litical and commercial relations. Order Mumia Abu-Jamal’s book,
Funes arrived, there were people with sad The writer is an activist and member
After a short but strong speech prais- ‘Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners
faces leaving the celebration because they of FIST–Fight Imperialism, Stand To-
ing the FMLN and the struggle in Cen- Defending Prisoners v. the USA,’
had been there for more than eight hours gether–in Raleigh, N.C. This article was
tral America for a Latin American union, at
awaiting the arrival of the new president, translated from Spanish.
Page 10 July 9, 2009

U.S. Imperialism: Honduras strike resists

Mass movements oppose military
Hands off Iran Continued from page 1 protection. As the military broke into

Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), an the house, the ambassadors embraced
he media’s focus shifted June 29 Remember Florida? A group of right-
organization promoting regional cooper- Rodas to prevent the troops from harm-
from Central Asia to Central Ameri- wing Republicans, mainly counter-revo­lu­
ation that already includes Bolivia, Cuba, ing her.
ca. The lies continued in the tionary Cubans of Dade County, counted
Dominica, Ecuador, the Grenadines, Ni- Soldiers beat them away and then
corporate media, only with fewer items on behind closed doors. Rather than challeng-
caragua, Saint Vincent and Venezuela. took Rodas and the Cuban ambassador
Iran, at least this side of the Atlantic. It ing this real electoral fraud—and the
ALBA member countries commit to away with them. They forcibly took Ro-
still showed the power of the Big Lie—two disen­fran­­chise­ment of tens of thousands
work for the benefit of the peoples, not das to a military air force base and sent
Big Lies in this case, where an omnipres- of African Americans—Al Gore avoided an
the multinational corporations, to put her to Mexico. They left the Cuban Am-
ent media machine gives the impression open battle among the ruling-class parties
people first before profits, to make soli- bassador in the middle of a road.
that everyone believes something and and instead threw the election to the
therefore it must be true. Supreme Court. He lost. George W. Bush darity their slogan for trade and coop-
eration in cultural, sports, science and People’s resistance
The first lie is that there was signifi- won. to the coup regime
cant electoral fraud that stole the election Washington has no business lecturing every other endeavor, and to work as a
non-competitive group for the integra- Roberto Micheletti, president of the
for the incumbent President Mahmoud the Islamic Republic on alleged electoral
tion of the region. National Congress and the main coup
Ahma­dinejad. There is no evidence that fraud.
This is in sharp contrast to trading plotter, was quickly sworn in as the “new
this is so. A landslide Ahmadinejad victory The second point of exaggeration in-
relations with the U.S., the Honduran president” of Honduras in a replay of the
is consistent with earlier polls, with the volves charges of state repression against
economy’s dominant trading partner. 2002 Venezuela coup against President
strength of his political organization that demonstrators. For context, however,
Zelaya took office in 2005. Although Hugo Chávez. Micheletti read a phony
held 60 meetings for him in every corner consider two of Iran’s neighbors. Over the
he comes from the center-right Liberal June 25 “letter of resignation” alleged to
of Iran—his opponent only campaigned eastern border lies Afghanistan, to the
Party, he has more recently taken pro- be from Zelaya, but where his signature
in the major cities—and his record in the southwest, Iraq.
gressive positions, even expressing soli- had been forged. A few minutes later,
2005 election. Bush, U.S. president by fraud, presided
darity with the Cuban Revolution. Zelaya appeared on TeleSur television
Iran has held 10 presidential elections over an invasion of Afghanistan in October
and on CNN in Spanish from Costa Rica
since the 1979 revolution and elected 2001 and Iraq in March 2003. The occu-
Leading up to the coup saying that he did not resign at all, but
six different presidents. The country pations have continued.
The coup plotters struck just as a poll was forcibly removed from office.
has 46,000 polling places, with 14 poll Over a million Iraqis have been killed,
was about to take place. The voters were Upon learning of the coup, Honduran
workers—including the opposition—who some in battles with the U.S., some in
being asked to express their opinion social movements began to gather be-
watched each other quickly count the battles with the puppet regime or death
about having a non-binding poll dur- fore the Presidential Palace in support
860 ballots in each place and send in the squads, many by state repression. Maybe
ing the next elections in November on of Zelaya and rejecting the coup regime.
totals to Tehran. These are uncomplicated 4 million of the 25 million Iraqis are refu-
the question of whether they wanted to They defied a curfew Micheletti had
ballots, with only four candidates for gees. The country has been left in ruins.
change Honduras’ Constitution. The poll imposed and stayed through the night,
only one office—president. No chads. No When the Pentagon pulled U.S. troops out
was non-binding because the Legisla- vowing they would stop the usurper
misaligned names. Compared to Florida in of the cities June 30, even the U.S. puppet
ture’s anti-Zelaya majority had passed from reaching the palace. The people
2000 Iran is above suspicion. regime celebrated.
a law preventing any referendum from built barricades in several streets sur-
In addition, Ahmadinejad and his op- A similar story applies for Afghanistan.
being conducted 180 days before the end rounding the palace, wrote pro-Zelaya
ponents, including his main opponent Even the puppet regime of Hamid Karzai
of a president’s term, and Zelaya’s term and anti-Micheletti graffiti on walls, set
Mir Hossein Mousavi, are all part of the complained that the U.S. was slaughtering
ends in early 2010. tires on fire and parked water trucks in
Iranian governing power structure. All of his own police, not to speak of the regular
The Honduran people had sent front of the presidential building.
them have allies in powerful positions. killing of civilians.
400,000 signatures to the president’s of- Unions, students, women and other
A massive fraud under those conditions Washington has no business lecturing
fice requesting a referendum on chang- social sectors mobilized. An effective
would be virtually impossible. Tehran about state repression.
ing the current Constitution, which they national strike was started on June 29
To top it off, as a concession to those And no one, whatever their opinion of
perceive as inadequate for the needs of and all schools were closed. The next
Iranians who believed in fraud because the Iranian government, or their sympa-
the majority of the population. day three major public-sector labor
their candidate lost, the top electoral body thies with women’s struggle for equality or
On June 24, Zelaya ordered Chief of unions launched a general strike. About
held a recount of 10 percent of the ballots workers’ right to organize, has any busi-
Staff Gen. Romeo Vásquez, a graduate of 100,000 workers joined the strike, ac-
on television for all to see, the ballot places ness adopting the Big Lies of the imperial-
the notorious School of the Americas in cording to Oscar Garcia, vice president
chosen at random throughout the country. ist media. Anyone against colonialism and
the U.S., to distribute the polling mate- of SANAA, the Honduran water workers
When Ahmadinejad was ahead by about the subjugation of peoples and nations
rial to the voting centers throughout the union. (CNN, June 30)
the same amount as in the election, it was must say first and foremost: “U.S. imperi-
country. Vásquez refused, claiming the Micheletti started a reign of terror,
past time to call the election over. And alism, hands off Iran!” n
consultation was “illegal.” Zelaya then ordering the dispersal of the demonstra-
they did.
ordered Vásquez removed from office. tors, by force if needed. The country was
Later the Supreme Court, also opposed militarized. The army closed the roads,
to Zelaya, reinstated Vásquez. preventing groups of Indigenous peo-

Prisoners’ right to DNA evidence The ballot boxes, which had been held
on a military airbase, were later liberated
ples and others from traveling to Tegu-
cigalpa to join the resistance.
Continued from page 2 easier for cops and prosecutors to interro- by the people and by Zelaya himself. Electricity was cut in most of Tegu-
Since the resumption of the death penalty gate suspects who have not received proper Before the coup, many sectors allied cigalpa, making both phone and Inter-
in 1976, 133 prisoners facing execution legal counsel. Again by a 5-4 vote, the court to the oligarchy, including members of net communication extremely difficult.
have been exonerated, according to the overturned a 1986 ruling that forbid police Congress, opposition groups, clergy and The official television channel was shut
Death Penalty Information Center. Dan- from questioning a suspect without an at- businesspeople, called on people to stay down as were several other stations that
iel Wade Moore of Alabama was the most torney present if the person requested one. home and abstain from voting. had been reporting about the coup. Only
recent in May. About half of exonerated This is a basic right that every person in the private channels were on the air, broad-
Zelaya and his cabinet casting cartoons and other programs
death-row prisoners had made confes- country is acquainted with, thanks to innu-
under attack that had nothing to do with the events,
sions under police coercion. merable TV police shows and movies.
DNA testing is no gift from on-high pro- On April 6 the court refused to consider When Zelaya arrived at the airport and falsely reporting that there was
vided by the government, courts or police. the appeal of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a world- in Costa Rica on June 28, he and Costa complete calm in the country.
Kirk Bloodsworth, the first death-row pris- renowned political prisoner on death row Rican President Oscar Arias gave a joint The repression intensified. Helicop-
oner exonerated by modern DNA evidence, in Pennsylvania. And on June 15 the court press conference. Arias expressed his ters hovered, heavily armed troops and
learned about the process accidentally indicated it would not consider the appeal opposition to the coup and solidarity tanks reinforced the military and the
while reading a book in a prison library. of the Cuban 5 political prisoners during its with Zelaya, who for the first time was police were called in. The armed forces
(Mountain Echo, Feb. 13, 2008) next session. able to publicly denounce the coup. inside the Presidential Palace grounds
The Supreme Court’s attack on DNA test- Supporters of wrongfully convicted Troy Back in the Honduran capital of Tegu- at one point started marching towards
ing was the latest indication that the capital- Davis, a prisoner on Georgia’s death row, cigalpa, the military tried to hunt down the demonstrators, who were outside
ist state is continuing its relentless attack on were awaiting word if the court would take every one of Zelaya’s cabinet members, the fence. Shots rang out and tear gas
the hard-won rights of working class and up Davis’ appeal on June 29 or 30–the last who are still at risk. The army surround- was thrown against the unarmed peo-
oppressed people despite the shift in power two days of this term. ed the home of Foreign Minister Patricia ple. By the end of the day on June 29, it
from Republicans to Democrats. The U.S. Supreme Court, with its unelect- Rodas, who called on the ambassadors was reported that one person had been
It appears, in fact, that the court is grind- ed, appointed-for-life status, is the wing of of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela for Continued on page 11
ing ahead with a right-wing urgency driven the capitalist state charged with regulating
by the sea-change in mass political con-
sciousness indicated by last year’s election
the degree of repression according to the
needs of the ruling class. The good news is
Subscribe to Workers World newspaper
Eight weeks trial: $4 One year: $25
of first African-American President Barack that even a reactionary court can be forced
Obama and by the deepening economic to grant concessions when confronted with Name Phone Email
crisis of the profit system, which may point a militant people’s movement. Building this
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to stormy class struggles ahead. kind of fightback movement is the most ur-
On May 27 the Supreme Court made it gent need of poor and working people today. Workers World 55 W. 17 St., 5 Fl., NY, NY 10011 212-627-2994 July 9, 2009 Page 11

African Union summit addresses gender equality as

coup Global economic crisis
killed, more than 100 wounded and more
than 300 imprisoned. impacts African women
TeleSUR and the media By Abayomi Azikiwe Other delegates to the AU pre-
TeleSUR, which is based in Venezuela Editor, Pan-African News Wire summit meeting on women’s affairs
but serves all Latin America, was the only reported that the efforts launched to
media consistently informing the world Delegates convened in Sirte, Libya, improve gender equality have made
about this horrible event. Even CNN in for the 13th Ordinary Session of the As- gains in Africa. Geebile Ndlove of
Spanish showed footage from TeleSUR. sembly of the African Union, a meeting Swaziland noted that even though
This struggle showed the crucial role of of heads of state to be held July 1-3. The equality has not been realized, “The
the progressive media. The internation- summit’s theme is “Invest in Agriculture good work that happens at the com-
al progressive community was able to for Economic Growth and Food Security.” munity level, it is women who are
quickly respond because of TeleSUR. Its Over the last two years Africa has been taking the lead. And then, of course,
courageous video crews transmitted con- severely affected by the downturn in the in some southern African countries,
stantly, interviewing people in Teguci- world economy, resulting in 53 million there are more and more women
One of the hundreds of women who occupied
galpa, showing images of the struggle that more people being thrust into poverty. As getting into political positions like
the ChevronTexaco oil export terminal in
brought tears of condemnation. a result of the legacy of colonialism and parliament. I can’t say much for
Escravos, Nigeria in 2002 demanding jobs, schools,
Late June 29, because of their crucial neo-colonialism, the prices of exports Swaziland, but it’s improved from
water, electricity and other neccessities.
role in exposing this criminal coup, the from the continent have gone down while what it was five years ago.”
TeleSUR crew members were detained, the cost of food, fuel and other commodi- In the west-African state of Nigeria, backed government in Kenya, the paper
their cell phones and personal documents ties imported into Africa has increased which has the largest population of any says the fact that the “government has
confiscated. Thanks to the diligent action drastically. country on the continent, Luisa Ono yet to ratify the Protocol on the Rights
of many people involved in media work According to Abdoulie Janneh, the Ellchomun told the AU gathering that of Women in Africa is indicative of the
and the help of the Venezuelan ambas- United Nations Under Secretary and Ex- there has been an increase in awareness culture of male dominance that dictates
sador, they were released and resumed ecutive Secretary of the Economic Com- along with new laws that protect women’s many social and cultural practices in the
broadcasting the next day. mission for Africa (UNECA), the AU Ex- rights. “In Lagos state where I live, there’s nation. In Kenya reproductive health is
ecutive Council—which met prior to the [a] law on domestic violence to protect not a government priority and provision
Progressive Latin American summit—has an essential role to play in the rights of women in marriages,” said of services are extremely limited with
leaders respond ensuring the continent speaks with one Ellchomun. respect to family planning and maternal
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa voice on international questions involv- Helen Chasowa, a delegate from Ma- health.”
and Venezuelan President Chávez made ing the economic crisis, as well as the lawi, said the government there has a goal In an attempt to chart a way forward,
it clear that never again would a Latin post-Kyoto negotiations related to cli- of achieving 50 percent representation Ervin and Muriithi stress the signifi-
American country be abandoned to right- mate change. for women in most state institutions and cance of state structures investing in the
wing coups. Nicaraguan President Daniel Janneh noted that political stability was agencies, including the vice-presidency. improvement of the social conditions of
Ortega quickly volunteered his country for largely dependent upon economic stabil- “For the past elections we had, we made women.
three very important emergency confer- ity. He said the economic growth rate in sure we must have at least 50-50 in par- The authors illustrate the importance
ences to discuss Honduras. All were set Africa was 6 percent last year and could liament — in all leading organizations. of enhancing the status of women in over-
for June 29, the day after the coup. First possibly drop to 2 percent by the end of So we are coming up, we have achieved all plans to foster economic development.
ALBA met, then the System of Central 2009. Janneh appealed to the upcoming something.” “History demonstrates that investment
American Integration (SICA), and finally G20 summit, to be held in Pittsburg in However, with the worsening economic in women’s economic security and their
the Rio Group, which has 24 Latin Ameri- September, to fulfill its promises of as- situation in most African states, activists place within the workforce helped pull the
can and Caribbean member nations. The sistance made four years ago at the gath- feel that the gains that have been made United States out of the Great Depression
U.S. belongs to none of these three groups. ering in Gleneagles, Scotland. Billions of could be reversed during the present pe- and aided the stabilization of the Latin
Expressing urgency, these leaders were dollars were promised to foster economic riod. American economies during the regional
firmly determined to prevent a right-wing development in Africa. In a paper published prior to the AU economic crisis of the 1990s. However, a
coup from taking away the advances that summit, Hilary N. Ervin and Caroline focus on the massive wealth of resources
the popular and progressive movements Women say gender issues Muthoni Muriithi point to the effects available on the continent and responsi-
and governments throughout the region must be addressed of the world economic crisis on Africa ble adjustments that focus on the human
have attained. Even less progressive Latin Prior to the AU summit, advocates for and the specific impact on women. “The development and specifically women’s so-
American governments denounced the women’s rights stressed the necessity of slowdown in growth will likely deepen cio-economic empowerment is important
coup and demanded the immediate rein- implementing existing protocols on gen- the deprivation of the poor and the large during this period of economic turmoil.”
statement of Zelaya. der equality. In a two-day pre-summit on number of people clustered just above the
The ALBA and the SICA countries both women, AU Agricultural Commissioner poverty line, who are particularly vulner- Capitalist crisis hampers
vowed to recall their ambassadors from Rhoda Peace Tumuslime delivered a re- able to economic volatility and temporary women’s liberation
Honduras until Zelaya was reinstated. port on the status of gender slowdowns.” (Pambazuka, Is- It is important that advocates for gen-
Other measures taken were the closing of equality on the continent. sue 439) der equality in Africa are placing empha-
the borders with Honduras, a stop to loans Tumuslime discussed as- The authors continue: “This sis on the impact of the economic crisis on
and funding, including for sports and cul- pects of the history of women’s is particularly true for African the status of women. Western capitalist
tural events, and several other measures status in Africa and stressed women who for a long time financial institutions, whose policies have
that would paralyze the coup regime. the necessity of the AU to ef- have been the face of poverty prevented the full realization of national
Even OAS and U.N. working groups fectively address these issues, in Africa. In Africa many wom- independence on the continent, have
held emergency meetings that con- especially regarding agricul- en are already struggling daily been responsible in many ways for the
demned the coup. The full OAS will meet tural production and food se- against an entrenched patriar- failure of development programs to ad-
on July 1 in Washington, D.C. curity. In many African coun- AU Agricultural chy, enforced through formal equately address the necessity of abolish-
Nearly every progressive movement tries women are responsible Commissioner Rhoda and informal social, cultural, ing inequality for women, which has been
worldwide has condemned the coup. for the production of 80 per- Peace Tumuslime. political and economic prac- inherited from the legacies of slavery, co-
Most governments have publicly opposed cent or more of the food sup- tices. They often face rampant lonialism and neo-colonialism.
it. Brazil, Chile and Mexico have joined ply, yet women’s decision-making author- sexual and psychological abuse, which In those African states where revolu-
ALBA and SICA in recalling their am- ity falls far short of their overall economic is further exacerbated by the numerous tionary national liberation movements
bassadors from Honduras. The Spanish contribution to society. conflicts on the continent.” and efforts to build socialist societ-
Foreign Minister says he will recommend “The women have always been there Ervin and Muriithi call for the adoption ies have occurred, there have been the
similar actions by the European Union. and they starve in order to feed their hus- and implementation of the AU’s Protocol greatest achievements in regard to the
Even the U.S. president, secretary of state bands. They starve in order to feed their on the Rights of Women in Africa, which enhancement of the status of women. In
and ambassador to Honduras have had to children, and they starve in order to look has only been accepted by less than half South Africa, for example, women have
publicly oppose the coup and recognize after the sick, to look out for the HIV the state structures on the continent. This achieved over 30 percent representation
Zelaya as the only Honduran president. people in the hospitals. Without women, document demands fundamental rights in parliament as well as representation
The U.S. role appears to be ambigu- I don’t think, we would be anywhere,” for women in society. in executive branch of government. The
ous. Because of the ongoing connection Tumuslime stated in her address. (VOA, It calls for the “elimination of female educational achievement of women has
between the Pentagon and the Honduran June 18) genital mutilation, the rights of widows, been mandated by legislation passed dur-
military, it is doubtful that the Hondu- Tumuslime also examined why the ex- the rights of women to property and in- ing the post-apartheid period.
rans could move without the knowledge isting initiatives aimed at development heritance; calling on states to invest in During the period of the revolution in
of significant figures in the U.S. govern- have not done nearly enough to guaran- social programs for women; the right to Ghana under Kwame Nkrumah, the na-
ment and the Pentagon. President Barack tee women’s equality. “We need to look food security and housing; a right to sus- tion led the continent with participation
Obama’s public rejection of the coup— at approaches that have been used in the tainable development; the prevention of of women in government and civic affairs.
though relatively mild—is a first and past in trying to improve the status of ru- early marriage for girls; and sexual and Great accomplishments took place re-
raises the question of who in U.S. ruling ral women, build on what has worked and reproductive health rights among others.” garding education and the rights of wom-
circles is making policy. n change strategies that have not worked.” With specific reference to the U.S.- en in family and community life. n
M ndo Obrero ¡Proletarios y oprimidos de todos los países, uníos!

Tras la conmoción en Irán

Por John Catalinotto en CNN o reciben noticias de estaciones Bajo otras circunstancias el occidente tamaño de las protestas ha disminuido.
basadas en California en el idioma Persa. en el pasado lo ha hecho y podría hacerlo ¿Qué pasó con las manifestaciones en
La confrontación entre los políticos de nuevo: calumniar a ambos políticos; las ciudades del occidente—más reciente-
gobernantes de Irán que ha resultado en Elección presidencial: ¿Qué fuerzas? ahora los está alabando. mente en Londres en contra de la cumbre
manifestaciones en las calles de Teherán Según las leyes iraníes, los cuatro can- El grupo Mousavi-Rafsanjani planteó del G20—donde las tácticas policiales
no ocurre aisladamente. Está sucediendo didatos presidenciales tienen que ser por primera vez la cuestión del presunto fueron brutales y resultaron en muertes?
en un país que todavía enfrenta sanciones hombres religiosos nominados por el fraude, incluso antes de que terminara la El gobierno de Perú recientemente llevó
y naves de guerra de Estados Unidos, hos- Poder Judicial y aprobados por el Parla- votación. Según el primer anuncio oficial, a cabo una masacre de manifestantes in-
tilidades de parte de cada capital imperi- mento. Por eso todos fueron aceptados Ahmadinejad ganó las elecciones con un dígenas. La policía de los EEUU rutinari-
alista y reportajes venenosos de la prensa por la estructura de poder de la República 63 por ciento, mientras que Mousavi re- amente mata a jóvenes africano-ameri-
capitalista occidental. Islámica y la clase capitalista gobernante. cibió un 34 por ciento de los 40 millones canos/as y latinas/os. Los/as haitianos
Esta confrontación le sigue a los 30 Los políticos imperialistas y la prensa de votos. siguen siendo baleados en Puerto Prín-
años de intensos esfuerzos por Estados capitalista han satanizado al Presidente La aplastante victoria electoral, aunque cipe por exigir el regreso de su presidente
Unidos y otros imperialistas de hacer incumbente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Al la oposición la considera demasiado democráticamente electo, quien fue forza-
retroceder la revolución enormemente él se le conoce por su apoyo a la causa pal- grande para ser creíble, es consistente con do al exilio por agentes estadounidenses.
popular que tuvo lugar en 1979. Esa revo- estina, por su fuerte defensa del programa encuestas anteriores y con los comicios de Sin embargo, los medios de comuni-
lución aunque progresista, no llevó a Irán nuclear de Irán y por otorgar subsidios a 2005. Los encuestadores estadounidens- cación corporativos nunca enfocan su
al socialismo. Pero liberó al país de las los sectores pobres de la sociedad iraní. es Ken Ballen y Patrick Doherty escriben mirada hostil en estos países de la misma
garras que los imperialistas y su títere sha En cuanto a ideología y lucha de clases, que su muestra de un millar de iraníes manera con que están haciendo contra el
tenían sobre un país que ahora tiene 71 los revolucionarios socialistas o comuni- a través de las 30 provincias indicó una régimen de Irán.
millones de habitantes en un área que es stas se diferencian claramente de Ahma- victoria de dos a uno para Ahmadinejad. Las manifestaciones reflejan una ira que
tres veces el tamaño de Francia. dinejad en muchos aspectos. Sin embar- (Washington Post, 15 de junio) Esta dife- va más allá de los resultados de las elec-
Los imperialistas no dicen nada sobre go, en el conflicto actual él está en el lado rencia también se mantuvo entre los az- ciones. Mousavi claramente es más popu-
los avances de esta revolución en edu- antiimperialista. eríes, el segundo grupo étnico más grande lar entre los/as iraníes más acomodados.
cación, salud y ciencia. Ellos odian su El candidato más importante de la oposi­ de Irán, aunque Mousavi es azerí. La con- Sin embargo, parte de la ira en las calles
apoyo a los movimientos revolucionarios ción es Mir Hossein Mousavi, quien fue pri­­- clusión de los dos encuestadores fue que puede reflejar demandas legítimas para
en Palestina y el Líbano. Washington ha mer ministro del 1981 al 1989. Mousavi probablemente ganó Ahmadinejad. mejorar los derechos de los trabajadores
buscado todo tipo de debilidad o conflicto presidió durante la Guerra Iran-Irak y la Para el 23 de junio, el Consejo de y de la mujer. De los 3,5 millones de estu-
interno en Irán en un esfuerzo por dividir ejecución de miles de disidentes políticos, Guardianes de Irán había aprobado la diantes universitarios en Irán— seis veces
al liderazgo y revertir la revolución. muchos de ellos revolucionarios de izqui- elección. El Consejo había informado de lo que era en los tiempos del sha pro-oc-
Hasta el discurso aparentemente con- erda. A pesar de esta historia, Mousavi se “irregularidades” en 50 ciudades que po- cidental—más del 60 por ciento actual-
ciliatorio del Presidente Barack Obama en presenta ante el pueblo como un reformis- drían implicar hasta 3 millones de votos. mente son mujeres. (Spiegel Online, 10 de
el Cairo, donde admitió la intervención de ta, especialmente sobre cuestiones sociales. Estas discrepancias podrían simplemente junio) Este es un avance enorme para las
Estados Unidos en el año 1953 que der- Sin embargo, a mitad de la campaña, involucrar a personas que votaron fuera mujeres, pero al mismo tiempo hay menos
rocó al gobierno democrático de Irán re- Mousavi se alineó con el ex presidente Ali de su distrito, algo que es permitido en las posibilidades para las mujeres de encon-
emplazándolo con el sha, estuvo dirigido Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, nombrado elecciones iraníes. En cualquier caso, no trar un trabajo que para los hombres.
a apoyar aquellos en el liderazgo de Irán por la revista Forbes en el 2003, una de cambiaría el resultado. Pero la presencia de algunas reivindi-
que quieren adecuarse a Estados Unidos las personas más ricas de Irán. Rafsanjani caciones legítimas no significa que una
en vez de confrontarlo. todavía tiene el puesto de presidente de la Manifestaciones en Teherán lucha va en una dirección progresista. Los
En contraposición hostil frente al Asamblea de Expertos, la cual elige a los Para el fin de semana del 20-21 de ju- políticos capitalistas saben cómo apelar a
discurso más suave de Obama están los líderes supremos de Irán. nio, la cobertura masiva de los medios de la insatisfacción de las masas con el fin de
buques de guerra con jets bombarderos El nombre Rafsanjani, está asociado comunicación occidentales comenzó a en- lograr su propia agenda. El peligro aquí
y misiles que regularmente navegan el a riquezas, corrupción y peor aún – a la fatizar sobre una presunta represión de las es que el imperialismo de los EEUU, un
Golfo alrededor de Irán, amenazando privatización económica. El promueve el manifestaciones en Teherán por parte del poderoso enemigo de la revolución iraní,
con aniquilar el programa nuclear de acomodo entre Irán y Estados Unidos. estado. Estas protestas habían alcanzado que puede dañar a Irán tanto económica
Irán. Israel se suma a las amenazas, Para que se dé esta relación, Washington proporciones masivas en la semana del 15- como militarmente, está haciendo todo lo
las cuales son observadas por muchos definitivamente exigiría que Irán detenga 20 de junio y se propagaron fuera de los posible por fomentar y sacar provecho de
iraníes por medio de televisiones con su apoyo a los movimientos de liberación, barrios de la elite que son el baluarte de esta lucha, en nombre de la democracia,
señales de satélite que ven las noticias como en Palestina y el Líbano. las fuerzas en contra de Ahmadinejad. El por supuesto. n

Clima antiinmigrante provoca asesinatos

Por Paul Teitelbaum Fronteriza y de la Seguridad estatal de Arizona desde en el Refugio Nacional de Fauna Silvestre
Tucson, Arizona de la Patria (DHS por las siglas enero. Estas incluye la re- Buenos Aires; el agua era para salvar la
en inglés), y es la base de las ciente ley propuesta SB vida de inmigrantes indocumentados/as
El 30 de mayo, tres miembros de la torres de vigilancia ultra tec- 1175, la cual requeriría a que atraviesan esta zona difícil y seca. Este
reaccionaria organización Minutemen nológicas SBINET de la DHS/ la policía en todas las ciu- “crimen” lleva una sentencia de hasta un
invadieron la casa de Raúl Flores en Ari- Boeing. dades, todos los pueblos año en la cárcel y una multa de $10.000.
vaca, Arizona, asesinándolo a él, a su hija Estos asesinatos racistas y condados del estado a El mensaje dado por el juez y los fiscales
de 9 años Brisenia Flores, e hiriendo a su siguen al reciente asesinato del implementar la ley federal federales es claro: No trate de hacer algo, ni
esposa Gina María González. Los racistas Dr. George Tiller y al ataque en de inmigración, preguntar siquiera el acto más mínimo, para mostrar
estaban vestidos con uniformes militares. el Museo del Memorial al Ho- el estado inmigratorio de solidaridad con los/as inmigrantes.
Ellos le dijeron a la familia que habían es- locausto en Washington, D.C. cada persona detenida y Mientras continúa la crisis económica,
tado con la Patrulla Fronteriza antes de donde el agente de seguridad entregar a las personas in- el estado de Arizona está recortando los
que saquearan la casa y les dispararan. afro-americano Stephen Johns Brisenia Flores documentadas a los agen- presupuestos de educación, salud, y to-
Activistas locales inmediatamente fue asesinado por un nazi. Estos crímenes tes federales si las acusaciones locales son dos los programas sociales. Además está
recono­­cieron a los tres Minutemen que no son los actos de “asesinos individuales anuladas. eliminando los empleos de cientos de tra-
fueron arrestados por esta atrocidad como enloquecidos” como los medios tienden a La ley SB 1280 haría un delito grave el bajadores/as del estado, del condado y de
parte del grupo que atacó las actividades presentarlos. Son el resultado de un ambi- “ocultar, hospedar o evitar que se descu- la ciudad. La introducción de legislación
del Primero de Mayo 2009 en Tucson. ente racista y antiinmigrante estimulado bra” a una persona indocumentada. antiinmigrante y la instigación de sen-
Residentes de Arivaca dicen que la fa- por los anfitriones ultra derechistas de pro- La ley SB 1069 tiene el propósito de timientos racistas que coinciden con la
milia Flores es muy conocida y querida. gramas de televisión como son Lou Dobbs, eliminar los programas de Estudios Étnic- crisis económica son intentos de sembrar
Describieron a Raúl “Junior” Flores como Rush Limbaugh, el ex-representante es- os y las organizaciones multiculturales es- divisiones y miedo entre el pueblo para
un buen padre y un hombre generoso. tadounidense Tom Tancredo y otros, por tudiantiles en todas las escuelas del estado. impedirle que se una.
(Green Valley News, 2 de junio) las horribles redadas de terror del ICE (la Y para añadir a este ambiente de rac- Pero un movimiento de resistencia
Arivaca es un pueblo pequeño del sur Migra), y por el dinero de los impuestos ismo y fervor antiinmigrante, un volun- está creciendo, con jóvenes y mayores,
de Arizona que queda a 10 millas de la asignado para mantener en operación a tario local de ayuda humanitaria fue de- estudiantes, maestros/as, trabajadores/
frontera, con una población de un poco racistas como el Alguacil Joe Arpaio. clarado culpable de acusaciones federales as—negros/as, blancos/as, y latinos/as—
más de 1.600 personas. Está constante- Hay treinta leyes antiinmigrante que de esparcir basura en un parque federal uniéndose para exigir el fin del racismo y
mente ocupado por agentes de la Patrulla han sido presentadas en la legislatura porque dejó botellas de un galón de agua la persecución de inmigrantes. n

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