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You and your friend Written By Anthony Brennan

2013, Anthony Brennan Self publishing ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This script contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this script may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher

INT. NEW YORK STUDIO APARTMENT FADE INTO APARTMENT The scene opens to Christian walking around his lounge, he has some rope by his side and is trying to suss out a logical way to hang it, he hops up on the coffee table and puts his head in it, he than tugs it to see how strong it is the scene flashes to him walking around the room as he psychs himself up into doing it, he picks up some magazines and starts reading them,he makes some tea and finishes it, he starts walking up to the chair and puts his head in the noose he has tied and looks around the empty apartment and smiles, he kicks the chair out INT. NEW YORK HOSPITAL FADE INTO LIGHT All you see are emergency lights flashing as doctors are moving him to ER they are saying murmured words and yelling out stats and there next move DOCTOR Does he have any known allergies? ELIZABETH No, none that I know. Holy fuck I mum this isnt him please make sure he is okay please please DOCTOR Okay, just wait here and if you need to contact anyone please do. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM Christian is being kept in a private room where he is rehabilitating, he receives a visit from his best friends Alla and Regan. They speak with the doctor outside the room DOCTOR The good news is he is stable and is resting now ELIZABETH And the bad news? DOCTOR Unfortunately he has had some serious brain damage occur, he is (MORE) (CONTINUED)



DOCTOR (contd) stable but he is showing signs of memory loss ELIZABETH Oh my god DOCTOR The good news is it most likely will be short term but thats not to say any where between 1 months time to three or 4 years its really a case by case basis but we will do our best to monitor him, Im going to refer him to a specialist and in the mean time I am also recommending him for psychological evaluation just really to access where he is at, he may have forgotten that he tried to commit suicide but anything can trigger his memory and were not sure if that happens that he will be stable enough to deal with that. Also he may have a vague recollection of who you two are so just please take it easy try not to load on too much. Ill check in with him in a couple of hours ELIZABETH Okay, oh my god REGAN Thank-you so much doctor ELIZABETH Fuck, I cant even REGAN I know, should we go in now, hes awake They enter the room, the room should seem very clinical and morbid. Christian looks blank and unaware of his surroundings, he smiles and waves at Elizabeth and Regan ELIZABETH Oh my god, hello you. You gave us a scare, please dont do that again.




REGAN Hey mate, come here ELIZABETH We umm brought you a gift but ahh we werent umm we couldnt bring it in REGAN How are you feeling? ELIZABETH yeah, how are you feeling, do you need anything else? CHRISTIAN Im fine, Im Christian ELIZABETH We know REGAN You alright buddy? CHRISTIAN Are you happy? Im happy or at least I think Im happy. I umm keep thinking things through and I cant place where I am, I know your faces but I cant remember anything, details they umm they are all blurry like when you know someone maybe puts up cellophane and they grease over it with something and hold it up, that blurriness is hurting me, these things and these people keep talking and you know what I hear? Nothing, quiet blur. REGAN try not to think too much mate, just relax CHRISTIAN I wish I could wonder why I feel happy but I cant place the feeling like you know youve lost someone its ahhh its just hard you know? The camera should shoot to Christian tapping his fingers on the side of the bed in a quiet manic way, it should be subtle but it should be noted.




ELIZABETH You are going to get through this we are here, Regan and I were moving in with you at your place okay were going to help you with this Christian pauses and waits he stares blankly at Regan and Elizabeth CHRISTIAN Im Christian Elizabeth starts crying and grips his hand INT. CHRISTIANS APARTMENT Elizabeth is in the lounge and Regan is in the kitchen they are clearing out his apartment of sharp items, Regan lifts up a ornament REGAN What do you think? ELIZABETH yes definitely, sharp edges look. Look we really just need to get rid of anything that a kid could harm himself with. Elizabeth stares at the place where she found Christian and takes a deep breath. The movers come in and are shifting around some of the furniture REGAN Are we ready? ELIZABETH Yeah, I think so REGAN Okay The scene flashes to Christian coming into his apartment, he looks around and is in amazement that there are pictures of him and Regan and Elizabeth on the wall REGAN In case you had any dealt we arent who we say we are (smiles)




ELIZABETH Just stop being and weirdo and go get us some food, Chris did you want your usual, oh crap you have CHRISTIAN No its fine, yeah lets get my usual (short laugh to himself) ELIZABETH (looking at Christian wondering why he is laughing) CHRISTIAN Oh its just I have "a usual" I cant remember it, its just strange is all ELIZABETH We could get you something else maybe Chinesse or french CHRISTIAN no its fine honestly just get my usual (smiles quietly than moves over to the pictures) As he examines the pictures he puts his finger over them, the feel of the picture becomes familiar he looks over at a picture with his ex boyfriend, perplexed he unpins the pictures and holds it CHRISTIAN Umm who is this? ELIZABETH Thats ahh, thats you and your ex Walt CHRISTIAN Wait, Im gay?! ELIZABETH (Elizabeth looking shocked) Umm, I... yes CHRISTIAN Im joking haha ELIZABETH Oh haha I see you havent lost your asshole-ness


CONTINUED: CHRISTIAN Well he is quite the looker ELIZABETH and quite the player CHRISTIAN Oh god really, he looks so sweet. Wait, did he cheat on me? ELIZABETH Umm I, yes CHRISTIAN oh wow (looks at how distressed Elizabeth is) ELIZABETH how do you feel, fuck I shouldnt of said anything CHRISTIAN no its fine, I suppose I was going to find out eventually (smiles softly) anyway its all in the past well its kind of like it didnt happen ELIZABETH aww fuck Im sorry CHRISTIAN This is my apartment huh? (he says softly curious) ELIZABETH yup, you have rent control so youre pretty lucky and me and Regan, were going to take care of your rent, weve signed out of our leases so dont worry about that CHRISTIAN you didnt have to do that (looks around his apartment slowly and fades out as he keeps looking through the photos) ELIZABETH So basically your mum and dad are in Europe, I can try and contact them but you havent spoken to them in years





CHRISTIAN I havent? ELIZABETH Umm no, Im not sure why you dont really talk about it (camera stays on her and the audience is aware that she is lying) INT. CHRISTIANS APARTMENT/ INT. LOUNGE The scene cuts to them eating take-out and watching The Hangover, Christian observes everything for the first time. CHRISTIAN Im going to go to bed, I well today has been weird REGAN Aww fuck yeah, I cant begin to imagine how fucked up it is to forget your whole life I mean its like your life ELIZABETH (slaps Regan) Excuse him, you will learn to love/hate him or if your like me its just pure hate REGAN Hey! ELIZABETH Im kidding you poo breath loser CHRISTIAN Im kissing you with this poo breath, Im going to put my stank all over you ELIZABETH that is absolutely disturbing, I suppose this is the best version of dirty talk Im going to get (they start play fighting, christian observes in bemusement at the two of them and there unique version of romance)




CHRISTIAN Good night Christian walks into the hallway and looks confused, Elizabeth tells him its the bedroom on the left, he smiles and walks in INT. CHRISTIANS APARTMENT/ CHRISTIANS BEDROOM The room is very clinical and cold and lacks any character, he hops in his bed, the feeling is that he is very disconnected from his friends and this bedroom, he feels cold and out of place, like a foster child would feel if he was being put into a foster home INT. CHRISTIANS APARTMENT - DAY TIME - MORNING 2 WEEKS LATER The scene shows a monotonous routine of Regan and Elizabeth taking Christian to therapy sessions, lots of small talk at dinner and breakfast. The scene flashes to the current day, Elizabeth and Regan are making breakfast, Regan stands outside the hallway and looks at the two of them setting the table, he sits down at the table REGAN Morning beautiful CHRISTIAN Morning (Picks up newspaper), I guess I should start looking for a job, this apartment probably doesnt pay for itself and I know you said you would pay for the rent but... ELIZABETH Hey umm you know what, you dont worry about that, Reg and I we are paying for everything, we both have adult jobs like proper adults (giggles to herself) and we want you to just relax and take it easy honestly REGAN Yeah we have everything covered mate, just be your beautiful self and let us take care of you




CHRISTIAN Thats really lovely, honestly it is, but I mean I would prefer to pull my weight plus I might go a bit crazy being inside all day ELIZABETH (Sits down at the table and looks at Regan) Well apart of my job is fund raising for various charities, I have a few that you might want to look at, you know the type of stuff that is worthwhile and you would be doing me a huge favor CHRISTIAN (smiles and starts eating) Okay, that sounds good, what type of charities? ELIZABETH (Elizabeth reaches into her work bag and grabs out some pamphlets) Hear are just a few for you to look at and when I get home we can go over whatever ones might interest you REGAN She makes me go to them all the time so it might be good for you to fill my place every now and than, I mean not like I dont love helping others but you know sometimes its like "We get it, youre poor" Christian and Elizabeth look at him in disapproval REGAN Tough crowd ELIZABETH okay well we better go or else were going to be late (kisses christian on the forehead) Ill see you after and you know my numbers and that are on the fridge so if you need anything please call, a cleaner is coming over later on and Ill call on my lunch break


CONTINUED: CHRISTIAN Ill be fine, like I always tell you ELIZABETH (Elizabeth stares at him and her hands start shaking and she snaps back) I know but it doesnt mean Im still not going to be just a phone call away REGAN Or me (kisses him on the forehead) CHRISTIAN Guys Im okay, honestly REGAN We know, have a good day mate. If you want to go shopping, I left my credit card on the bench so feel free to get some gossip magazines, or maybe some gay porn, I hear Bears and Cubs is quite the read ELIZABETH Why dont you lend him yours, you have a subscription REGAN Dont get jealous honey, you know you make a great bear, she takes advantage of my twink like traits ELIZABETH Im leaving you for a real man


They both walk out the door and leave, Christian looks around the empty apartment and stares at his food and starts chopping it up, he reads through some of the pamphlets and one of them drops on the ground, he picks it up and its for an Elderly home, the banner reads "Everyone needs a friend, this would be a great opportunity to give purpose to someone Elses life" The picture is of an elderly woman and a volunteer both smiling, he looks intensely at the picture CHRISTIAN (talking to himself) They look happy, are you happy? Everyone needs a friend, everyone needs a friend, everyone needs a friend (starts hitting his head and snaps out of it)


EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - DAYTIME He goes for a walk outside the apartment down the road, as he is walking, he is watching everything like it is the first time he has seen anything, he breathes in and out and carrys on walking down the path, he arrives at some shops and stares at them, he sits down next to homeless person, the homeless man is an elderly white male he sits and watches people, the homeless guy does not bother Christian but watches as he sits CHRISTIAN Everybody needs a friend (talking to himself) I guess thats the truth isnt it? Its the truth and thats that than The homeless man just stares at him and wonders why he is talking to himself. BOB Are you talking to me kid? CHRISTIAN Huh? BOB I said are you talking to me? CHRISTIAN I umm, I dont know (snaps back to himself) BOB Okay, there is a food station just down the road and a shelter not far from here, they will help you, where do you come from kid? CHRISTIAN I dont know, I dont know who I am BOB Okay well thats good, memories can be painful, who needs them (he smiles knowingly) CHRISTIAN Yeah, I guess so BOB Do you have any family?




CHRISTIAN I do, I dont talk to them apparently, I umm I have friends who I guess are like my family BOB Cant have friends when your on the street kid CHRISTIAN What do you do? BOB Me? Well Im an investment banker CHRISTIAN (christian starts laughing) I guess that was a stupid question BON All questions are stupid kid, so if your not homeless, than I guess your just bat shit crazy CHRISTIAN I am not bat shit crazy, you just have a skewed view of the world BOB You dont say? Trust me, I know crazy, I saw a lady on third eat her own nails for breakfast, than cut herself for a drink, I know crazy kid CHRISTIAN All the best people are crazy, bat shit insane, or at least Im told. BOB Thats just a saying people say to make yourself feel better CHRISTIAN Youre very cynical BOB Well I guess I am than Christian looks at him and smiles, he gets up and walks away




BOB Well bye than Christian walks back ten minutes later and throws a subway roll in front of him and sits down at the bus stop. Bob doesnt know how to act, he grabs the roll CHRISTIAN Do you think that its possible to feel connected to someone else, when you feel so distant? BOB (Unwrapping the subway at lightning speed) Thanks kid (carries on eating, starts talking with his mouth full) The problem isnt about connecting to other people you know? Its about how you deal with yourself, people they come and go but you, you are your only friend, now I know people will feed this shit to you, that you need someone to be complete but knowing your own fucking body and mind is the greatest thing you can give yourself, I mean you know its great if you can find someone who can deal with you, eating and shitting together all the time, if they can take that suicide leap than more power to them but rely on no one, they always let you down. CHRISTIAN (Hands Bob a drink) Do you think its strange to want to scream all the time, I feel like screaming all the time, just at the top of my lungs, I feel so fucking away and disconnected. Am I really that crazy? BOB Kid, Im not the greatest person to get advice from, I mean you know? (gestures to himself) CHRISTIAN I want your advice though




BOB (finishes chewing) There is nothing wrong with wanting to scream, I do it a couple of times a day to keep thugs from stealing what money I have collected, you know gives them the crazy vibe. If you want to scream than you scream kid, this world, theres not much free but your voice its yours, dont fucking worry about it. Scream CHRISTIAN Huh? BOB Go on scream CHRISTIAN What now? BOB Yes, you said you feel like screaming, do it CHRISTIAN I cant its... Cuts in through Christian and starts screaming like a maniac, Christian becomes frightened and steps away from Bob until he notices people around him walking away, Christian smiles and laughs, Christian starts screaming CHRISTIAN FUCK! CUNT! PUSSY LICKER! NEEDLE TWAD! FUCK FUCK FUCK! Chrsitan runs out of breath and looks up at the sky, he feels reinvigorated and happy, he looks at Bob who is smiling CHRISTIAN I cant believe it, that felt so good BOB Good kid, wave that freak flag, at least thats what the kids say CHRISTIAN How would you know that?


CONTINUED: BOB Being homeless has its advantages you know? CHRISTIAN Really, well please tell me more about this glamorous life? BOB Oooh look who is suddenly alive with wit and banter, smart ass. You learn a lot from watching people kid, people move and they go and they move and go and its the same day in and day out, well at least from the surface thats what it looks like but when you watch people enough you learn there habits, the weird things they do, there routine, people will show who they really are when no one is looking kid. So I learn, I sit here, sometimes sleep but mostly sit and warch, people dont care about what a homeless person thinks of them so Im invisble. CHRISTIAN Really? BOB yup (Christian sits down next to bob again after recovering his breath) See that lady over there, she is talking to her husband again, she calls him at this time normally, I know that because that guy with the bagel has just passed her, he always gets his bagel when this womans husband calls, she was away last week, I think she had the flu, who knows... CHRISTIAN You know all that from just watching people? BOB Yup, pathetic isnt it? (smiles) CHRISTIAN I have to go now, Ill talk to you soon. Thank-you for today





BOB Thanks for the food kid CHRISTIAN (Gives him a $20 note) Here, go get some more food for later BOB I cant take this kid, its your money CHRISTIAN Now your going to act humble and quiet, be quiet please and take this money, go get some fucking food BOB (smiles) Thanks kid Christian is about to walk away before Bob calls out BOB Whats your name kid? CHRISTIAN Christian BOB Christian, my names Bob CHRISTIAN Bye Bob, thank-you for today He walks away from a perplexed looking Bob, who had not encountered someone as enigmatic as Christian before. Christian keeps walking and makes his way back home INT. CHRISTIANS APARTMENT - DAY TIME - EVENING Regan and Elizabeth have come home and have got take out, they sit down in front of the table to watch "The Voice" ELIZABETH Oh god if she gets through I am going to tear my hear out, Im going to go batshit insanse on this tv




REGAN She scares me sometimes mate (to Christian) CHRISTIAN (Christin smiles) Hey Liz, you know how you said I could talk to you about helping out at some charities? ELIZABETH Yeah? Did you find one you liked? CHRISTIAN Actually, I did INT. NURSING HOME - DAYTIME Receptionist is at the front and talking Christian through some of the guidelines. The scene should show Christian tapping his pen repetitively against the sign in chart JANINE You sign in here (points to register book) and you sign out when your finished, this is the procedures and guidelines book, you will need to go through that before you start. Volunteers are urged not to get personally involved in peoples lives, these people here, they come in quicker than they leave, god bless there souls. Sign here please Janine strikes Christian as a very upfront and brutally honest administrator, he likes her honesty and smiles through the entire orientation. As he is walking through the nursing home he is trying his best to watch as closely as he can to everybody, he walks past some lonely looking elderly people and smiles at them, they return the kindness with a general nod and retreat back into themselves. Christian finds comfort in there loneliness JANINE ... So what were doing with the volunteers at the moment is just trying to rotate responsibility for example Donna there (points to an overly optimistic Christian woman) she is responsible for story reading and Diedra over there (MORE) (CONTINUED)



JANINE (contd) (points to a bored looking obese woman) she is responsible for food and you, you will be responsible for the dance class, do you dance? CHRISTIAN (stutters to get out words) I can, I just, some basic dancing JANINE Perfect CHRISTIAN Okay JANINE Dont worry too much, it will be an achievement to get up for some of these people CHRISTIAN Oh, okay JANINE Well thats us done than CHRISTIAN Okay, thanks JANINE Youll keep kid EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - DAYTIME Christian sits down next to Bob and hands him some Asian take-out, Bob smiles at him and he gets up BOB How have you been kid? CHRISTIAN Good, I signed up at a nursing home to volunteer BOB Oh shit, Im sorry CHRISTIAN No, Im excited, these people they are kind of a comfort you know?




BOB Why? Because theyre cookoo as well? CHRISTIAN (fake laughs) Probably though (serious voice) , there was a certain comfort in there loneliness BOB See kid, its stuff like that, that makes me think your a looney CHRISTIAN Ive told you that I am, you know that. Now, I have the rest of the day off, what do you want to do? BOB What? Dont you have some snooty friends to have coffee with CHRISTIAN nope just you BOB Huh? Wow your must be pretty boring if you need me to escort you places CHRISTIAN I dont need you to escort me anywhere, I want you to hang out with me today, if you want? BOB (pauses for a moment) I know the perfect place EXT. SECLUDED PARK - UPPER EAST SIDE The scene shows them busing together, Christians non nonchalant attitude about sitting next to a homeless man is met with mixed critical views from uncomfortable bus passengers, he kindly ignores everyone else and does not notice what the big deal is about, they venture off the bus. They carry on walking and Bob takes him to a secluded park CHRISTIAN This is where you have taken me to kill me, isnt it?




BOB Smart ass, come look over here Bob shows christian a view of the city that is uncompromising in its beauty, he is made to feel breathless CHRISTIAN (starts screaming) FUCK TWAD! Bob joins in on the screaming, the scene flashes to them eating from there picnic to the sunset. They venture back at nightime, Christian falls to sleep on Bob and bob smiles and looks out on the city lights.They return to there original location where Bob stays EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - NIGHT TIME CHRISTIAN Thank-you for today again BOB It was a good day kid, now head home, it gets pretty dangerous around here at this time of night CHRISTIAN Okay, where are you sleeping tonight, not here. BOB Ill be okay, Ill sleep at the shelter tonight CHRISTIAN Take this food and eat it or save it BOB I still have change left from the $20 you gave me kid, Im fine CHRISTIAN Its fine, just take it, Ill get the basket off you when I see you next BOB Okay kid. Hey I umm I really had a good day today




CHRISTIAN Me too Bob, thanks again. BOB Now hurry up and walk home CHRISTIAN Are you sure you are going to be okay? BOB Im fine kid, hurry the fuck up and head home please CHRISTIAN Okay, Ill see you later BOB Yup (bob carries on walking in the other direction) As Bob is walking, Christian watches him from around a corner shop and notices that he goes back to the seat, he sets his bed on the bus stop. Christian walks away, the scene flashes to Christian walking back with camping gear and a tent, he puts it down in front of him. Bob shocked that he has been caught out on his lie just stays still and saids nothing. Christian looks at him intensely than smiles and kisses him on the cheek and walks away. This is the second time Bob has a perplexed look on his face at the end of a meeting with Christian

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