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Final Project Antecedent Duty


DHARMA ARINDRA D. 7305.030.010

Design Of Buckboost Converter For Uncontrolled Rectifier Based On Mi­

crocontroller (Hardware).


For nearly a century, a lot of electronics equipments and also industrial ma-
chines needing direct current (dc) voltage for power source. That electronics equip-
ment ought to be supply by stable dc supply in order to have a good performance.
Battery or accu are the good dc supply. But for application which requiring bigger
power source, energy from the battery is not enough. The bigger power source is al-
ternating current (ac) , for that reason a rectifier circuits is needed to converting ac to
After ac sorce is rectified, so will be existed a dc power source. But belong to 

the growth of technology, much more of application requiring dc power source which 

have a variable output voltage according to usage requirement. Applying of buck­

boost converter system as a switching dc regulator can answering that requirement 

with realizing a dc power supply with a variable dc output voltage. With buckboost 

converter system, value of output voltage can be regulated higher or lower than its in­

put voltage value. Cause of that, side of the other type of switching dc regulator, 

buckboost converter system own the more wide output voltage range.

Advantage of using the buckboost converter system also got by its ability to in­

creasing the power factor quality. Amenity using, support by appliedly the microcon­

troller system as switching controller of buckboost converter, so the process of output 

voltage regulation will be done easier.

So, expected with this final project realizing, will be proved a higher efficiency 

from buckboost system application as a switching dc regulator.

On the first planning, converter dc-dc which have been designed must be able to

have variable output value. That output value can be regulated higher or lower than buck-
boost system input voltage. On this project, the output range expected can be regulated from
0 volt dc until 300 volt dc.


On studied book, ”Power Electronic Circuits” written by Issa Batarseh,

Wiley International Edition [1], is explained about uncontrolled diode rectifier cir-
cuits as substance book about uncontrolled rectifier which used on this final project.
In that book, explained that rectifier circuits is have been the most common power
electronic circuits used to convert ac to dc. In the majority of applications, diode rec-
tifier circuits are placed at the front end of the power electronics 50/60 Hz systems,
interfaced with the sine-wave voltage produced by the electric utility. In dc-to-dc ap-
plication, at the rectified side or the dc side, a large filter capacitor is added to reduce
the rectified voltage ripple. This dc voltage maintained across the output capacitor is
known as raw dc or uncontrolled dc. Such circuits are said to be uncontrolled since
the rectified output voltage and current are a function only of the applied excitation,
with no mechanism for varying the output level.
In more explanation on that book, explained about single phase full wave rec-
tifier. This circuit type have been often used because it can produce higher output
voltage with lower ripple.

Figure 1. Full-bridge rectifier circuit with resistif load.

On book ”Power Electronics SECOND Edition” written by Muhammad H.
Rashid, Englewood Cliff, New Jersey [2], completely explicated about dc choppers,
switch mode regulator. Buckboost as one of switching dc regulator can produce out-
put voltage which higher or lower than its input.

Figure 2. Diagram of buckboost converter circuit.

This circuit goes into two modes of operation. During first mode, the switched

is turned ON and the diode (Dm) is got reverse biased from input current, which in-
crease flow trough inductor (L) and transistor (Q1). During second mode , transistor
Q1 is turned OFF. And the current is flow trough L, then passing C, continued to Dm
and load. Energy which stored on L will be transfering to load, and inductor current
will be decreasing until Q1 is turned ON again on the next cylus.

Figure 3. Buckboost converter with closed analysis.

When switch is turned ON causing diode reverse biased so the current will flow
trough to the inductor, charging the inductor and then increasing inductor current.

Figure 4. Buckboost converter with open analysis.

When switch is turned OFF, diode is reverse biased so the current will flow
trough L, C, Dm and load. Energy which stored on L is discharged. Also said on tis
book, that buckboost regulator gives a negative output voltage without using the
transformator. This regulator have a high efficiency too.
On book studied, Dr. Zainal Salam “Power Electronics and Drives” [4], explic-
ated about dc to dc converter (chopper), which then be a substance book about buck-
boost output principal. Said that buck-boost can produce higher or lower output
voltage than the input. With a note, if duty cycle of PWM as switching trigger is
more than 50%, so the output voltage is higher than input. And if duty cycle PWM
less than 50%, so output voltage is lower than input.
While on book studied, Herri Kartono on his final project titled “Rancang Ban-
gun Konverter Buckboost Pada Konverter Perbaikan Faktor Daya Dua Tingkat” [5],
have designed and realized power supply with buckboost system as PFC (power
factor correction). At his final project conclusion, Herri Kartono said that there are a
power factor correction with using buckboost converter. In the beginning, power
factor on diode bridge is 0,75 and after buckboost converter is attached on output
side of diode bridge, power factor is become 0,96.


Designing and realizing dc­dc converter circuit with using buckboost converter 

system which can be produce higher or lower output voltage than input. Value of out­
put voltage expected can be easier regulated by applied of microcontroller as switch­

ing controller buckboost system. Finally, using of this converter system expected  can 

realize a dc power supply with high power factor quality.


Hoped, later this device will be increasing the efficiency level of dc supply us­

ing, both on easier operating and more wide output range, and also power factor cor­

rection which have produced.


Procedure to finishing this final project is explain as follows:

a. Literature Study

Literature study is done by reading the substance which obtained from 

textbook or journals which relevant with this final project. Textbook and journals 

which taken as literature is :

• Textbook which connected with base theory of “buckboost converter”.

• Books which explicated dc regulator.

• Reference books from final project before.

• Books which relevan with this final project.

• Etc.

b. System Planning

On the beginning plan, this final project will be developed to a regulator 

circuit which able to produce stable dc voltage as the requirement and also able to 

increasing its power factor value. To reach that plan, first single phase power 

source is rectified with full wave rectifier, then its result filtered by inductor and 

capacitor so voltage ripple can be minimized before used  as  input voltage of 

buckboost converter. On its principal, this dc regulator work based on switching 

frequency from mosfet. To controlled value of output voltage from this regulator, 

so needed to controlling the value of duty cycle, where on the planning that duty 

cycle  will triggered by PWM  circuit. This duty cycle value determining time 

which needed by mosfet when turned on or off. That time changes then influen­

cing cyclus changes of buckboost so output voltage can be variable.




Figure 5. Block diagram of final project

c. System Simulation

Simulation before making hardware circuit is aim to knowing the per­

formance of buckboost converter which have planned. If system performance is 

not same as the requirement, so the system must be redesigned, both of topology 

and its value component. Simulation can be run on PSIM or EWB software.

d. Making and Examination Hardware

From planning result, then hardware is realized continued to examination 

that at each sub­system before all of it was integrated. To knowing all of the sys­

tem had been planning is equal with requirement, so integration is needed for 

each circuit. First integration was taking on PWM circuit control which function­

ing to produce voltages pulse with variable value. Then, continued to buckboost 
converter circuit, are the output voltage is same as the standard which have been 

determined. After each subsystem connected in a intact circuit., examination is 

doing to knowing performance from the system was been developed.

e. Experiment and system analyse.

On this chapter, would explicated about circuit performance analys so the 

output from circuit which have finished have been knowable, after we got the res­

ult from real condition ( not from simulation), then the next step is analyzing and 

repairing until this final project target is done.

f. Making Report

After project result is tested and said enough to reach the standard have 

been determined, so will continue with making report according as this final pro­

ject title. In this making report process, all of the result was got on process to fin­

ish this final project must be explicated completely and detail.


Tabel 1. Activity time schedule

No. Activity
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Literature study
2. System planning
3. System simulation
Making and

4. Examination

Experiment and
system analyse
6. Making report



Name : Dharma Arindra Dangkua

NRP : 7305.030.010

Majors program : Elektro Industri

Study program : Diploma 3


Name : Ainur Rofiq Nansur, ST.MT

NIP : 131 859 915

Rank / Faction   : IIIc / Penata tk.I

Functional position : Lektor Kepala

Structural position : Kepala Jurusan

Majors program : Elektro Industri

Expert knowledge :  Power Electronic, Electric Drive

Name : M. Safrodin, B.Sc

NIP : ­

Rank / Faction   : ­

Functional position : ­

Structural position : ­

Majors program : Elektro Industri

Expert knowledge : Pemrograman


Tabel 2. Expense Cost

No. Substance Name Volume Each cost Cost

(Rp) (Rp)
1. ATMEGA16L 1 30.000 30.000
2. Dioda Bridge 10A 6 20.000 120.000
3. Filter inductor 1 20.000 20.000
4. Filter capasitor 1 30.000 30.000
5. Mosfet 1 25.000 25.000
6. RLC buckboost 50.000 50.000
7 ADC 1 85.000 85.000
8 KEYPAD 4x4 1 30.000 30.000
9 LCD 2x16 2 60.000 120.000
10 Solder wire 1 30.000 30.000
11 Cable 50.000 50.000
12 Etc 200.000 200.000
Total Cost 790.000

[1] Batarseh Issa, “Power Electronic Circuits”, Wiley International Edition.

[2] Rashid, Muhammad H., “Power Electronic Circuit, Devices, and Apllica-
tions,” Second Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc, 1993.
[3] Prastilastiarso, Joke, “ Elektronika Daya 2, “ college chapter, 2004.
[4] Salam Zainal, Dr. ”Power Electronics and Drives”, UTM-JB, version 3,
[5] Herri Kartono, ” Rancang Bangun Konverter Buckboost Pada Konverter
Perbaikan Faktor Daya Dua Tingkat”, PENS Final Project 2006.
[6] Johan Siswahyudi, ”Rancang Bangun Flyback Konverter Sebagai Regu-
lator DC”, PENS Final Project 2007.
[7] Heres Deny Wasito, ”Sepeda Statis Sebagai Sumber Energi Untuk Pera-
latan Rumah Tangga”, PENS Final Project 2007.

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