Agan Jr. vs. PIATCO Case Digest

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Agan Jr. Vs.

PIATCO Case Digest

Agan Jr. Vs. PIATCO 402 SCRA 612 G.R. No. 155001 May 5, 2003 Facts: Some time in 1993, six business leaders, explored the possibility of investing in the new NAIA airport terminal, so they formed Asians Emerging Dragon Corp. They submitted proposals to the government for the development of NAIA Intl. Passenger Terminal III (NAIA IPT III). The NEDA approved the NAIA IPT III project. Bidders were invited, and among the proposal Peoples Air Cargo (Paircargo) was chosen. AEDC protested alleging that preference was given to Paircargo, but still the project was awarded to Paircargo. Because of that, it incorporated into, Phil. Intl. Airport Terminals Co. (PIATCO). The DOTC and PIATCO entered into a concession agreement in 1997 to franchise and operate the said terminal for 21years. In Nov. 1998 it was amended in the matters of pertaining to the definition of the obligations given to the concessionaire, development of facilities and proceeds, fees and charges, and the termination of contract. Since MIAA is charged with the maintenance and operations of NAIA terminals I and II, it has a contract with several service providers. The workers filed the petition for prohibition claiming that they would lose their job, and the service providers joined them, filed a motion for intervention. Likewise several employees of the MIAA filed a petition assailing the legality of arrangements. A group of congressmen filed similar petitions. Pres. Arroyo declared in her speech that she will not honor PIATCO contracts which the Exec. Branch's legal office concluded null and void. Issue: Whether or Not the 1997 concession agreement is void, together with its amendments for being contrary to the constitution. Held: The 1997 concession agreement is void for being contrary to public policy. The amendments have the effect of changing it into and entirely different agreement from the contract bidded upon. The amendments present new terms and conditions which provide financial benefit to PIATCO which may have the altered the technical and financial parameters of other bidders had they know that such terms were available. The 1997 concession agreement, the amendments and supplements thereto are set aside for being null and void. The petitioners have local standi. They are prejudiced by the concession agreement as their livelihood is to be taken away from them.

RUPERTO A. AMBIL, JR. vs SANDIGANBAYAN, G.R. No. 175482, July 6, 2011 FACTS: An information was filed before the Ombudsman against herein petitioners Ambil and Apelado, then governor of Eastern Samar and Provincial Jail Warden of Eastern Samar ,respectively, for allegedly ordering and causing the release from the Provincial Jail of detention prisoner Mayor Francisco Adalim in violation of Section 3(e) of R.A. No. 3019. At the pre-trial, petitioner admitted the allegations in the Information reasoning however that Adalims transfer was justified considering the imminent threats upon his person and the dangers posed by his detention at the provincial jail. After trial, the Sandiganbayan found them guilty of the offense charged. ISSUE: WON the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction over petitioners? HELD: The jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan over petitioner Ambil, Jr. is beyond question. The same is true as regards petitioner Apelado, Sr. As to him, a Certification from the Provincial Government Department Head of the HRMO shows that his position as Provincial Warden is classified as Salary Grade 22. Nonetheless, it is only when none of the accused are occupying positions corresponding to salary grade 27 or higher shall exclusive jurisdiction be vested in the lower courts. Here, petitioner Apelado, Sr. was charged as a co-principal with Governor Ambil, Jr., over whose position the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction. Accordingly, he was correctly tried jointly with said public officer in the proper court which had exclusive original jurisdiction over them the Sandiganbayan.

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