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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 4, July August 2013 ISSN 2278-6856

A Review on Cloud Computing

Amit Puri 1, Dilbag Singh2 and Richa Sharma3

Global Institutes of Management & Emerging Technologies Technologies, Amritsar

ABSTRACT: A brief review of cloud computing technology

has been done in this paper. Cloud computing provide IT resources on an ON-Demand and Pay- As-You-Use basis. Then the characteristics, architecture model and environment models of the cloud computing has been discussed. The pros and cons of cloud computing has been discussed along with their applications in different fields. As the last step the main thing i.e. the security, security controls and security issues are revisited.

Keywords:- Cloud Computing, Architecture, Services, Services Model, Security etc.

Cloud computing provide a model to deploy computing infrastructure and application on demand.[3] Cloud computing is concept of computing technology in which user use the internet and remote server for maintain their data and application.[1] In some other words we can say that cloud computing is phenomenon that focused on sharing data and computation over the internet see fig (a). Cloud computing provide IT resources on an ON-Demand and Pay- as-You-use basis.[4] All the members in the cloud need to be trusted by each others. Trust is the major base of the consumers and services providers which involved in the cloud computing environment. The basic need of cloud clients are confidentiality of their data.

Fig. (a). Cloud computing[3] Characteristics Of Cloud Computing: - Following are the main characteristics of cloud computing: ON DEMAND SELF SERVICES:- In cloud computing you can use computing resource at any time without the human interaction with each service provider. [2] Network Compatibility:- Cloud computing is compatible over the network which allows the user to access the computing resources by user platform like Mobile, Laptops etc.[5] Resources pooling:- Resource Pooling is compatibility with cloud computing which dynamically assign Volume 2, Issue 4 July August 2013

computing g resources to the user according to their demands.[3] Transparency in service:- Cloud computing provide usage measured service which offers transparency to user and service provider. Resource usage is measured by some parameters like storage usages, CPU hours, and bandwidth usage etc.[5] Self Organizing: - Cloud computing is self organizing model it means that service provider managing their resource according to their consumption. If there is need to change in the resource the service provider will take action. [3] Charging according to usage:- Cloud computing provide utility based pricing services; it means the exact price depends on the service taken and usage by the user. [3] Multi-tenancy:- In cloud computing the services provided by various providers is co-located in single centre. Issue related to different services is managed by the owner of those services.[2] Cloud Computing Architecture The cloud computing services model is categorized in three types named as IAAS, PAAS and SAAS see fig.(b). Brief introduction of these models is given below:[4] IAAS (Infrastructure as a service):- IAAS consists of the layer of storage, hardware, servers and network computing.[1] IAAS model has low level abstraction which offers user to access the components through the virtual machines.[3] IAAS is more flexible. In some other words, this model provides server, software and network equipment as a service. E.g. Amazon S3, SQL Azure. PAAS (Platform as a service):- This model is providing the application which is developed using programming languages and tools which supported by providers. PAAS focus on development of user application and it does not consider the infrastructure cause of high level of abstraction.[3] This model also provides services and software development without downloading tools and software on the machine. e.g., Google application engine, windows azure.[1] SAAS (software as a service): - In this model user access the software which is developed by someone else and it provides the services on web with help of web browser.[1] SAAS does not provide control of cloud infrastructure. In some other words we can say that clients access software services from the cloud instead of running direct on their computer. e.g. Google docs, Sale force CRN, SAP Business.[3] Types of Cloud Environments: - There are four type of cloud environment named as Private, Public, Hybrid and

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 4, July August 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
Community Cloud and cloud computing environment are of multiple types based on their usages.[1] Public Cloud: - This cloud is designed only for the general public. These types of clouds are administrated through third party provider which offers pay-peruse.[14] Private cloud: - Private cloud is designed for single use only it means it is used by single organization only. It provides high level security, reliability this is also called internal clouds, and it may be operated by an organization itself [14]. Legal aspects: - If there is no service level agreement used in the service then in case of lose of data users cannot claim to the service provider.[9],[10]. Portability: - Different service providers have different infrastructure and in case of user want to migrate to another it is very difficult [10].

Application of Cloud Computing

E-Learning: - Cloud Computing is Used In e-learning. E-learning is a platform by which students can read books, article by internet. In some other words we can say that cloud computing provide cost effective computing infrastructure to students, faculty members, researches for reading online [4]. Enterprise resource planning (ERP): - an organization use different software for manage information such as human resource, payroll, finance and administration. These things are big change for growth of the organization. ERP system provide the multiple use accessibility and available of resource there is only need to install ERP application on the ERP cloud so that organization can access them by network connection [13]. E-Government: - Resource change with demand on time to time, Purchase new software license, Limit data storage is the big challenge for the government. Cloud computing improve the way of government function It can help government to address there challenges by providing elastic and highly available environment, then government is free from the burden of upgrading maintenance and license of software and they can concentrate only on their work. Cloud computing provide the cost effective & best infrastructure to the government.[13] Cloud Computing Security:- Cloud computing security is a part of the computer security, Network Security and Information security. It consists of set of policies, Technologies and control mechanism for protecting the data and infrastructure of cloud computing. Security Control: - Security control is used to remove weakness in the system and reduce effect of attacks. These controls are categorized as follows. Deterrent control: - These controls prevent purposeful attack on a cloud system. These controls do not reduce the actual vulnerability of a system. Preventive Control: - these controls recover attack and reduce the damage and violation to the systems security. Corrective Control: - These controls reduce the effects of attacks. Detective control: - These controls detect the attacks that may be occurring to the system.

Fig. (b). Model of cloud computing [12] Hybrid Cloud: - It is Combination of Public and Private Cloud .In this Service one part runs in Private cloud whereas remaining part runs in Public cloud. Hybrid Cloud is more flexible than Public and private clouds and It also provide more security.[3] Community Cloud:- This cloud offer the infrastructure available to specific organization but not for all other Public.[14]

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cost: It based on only pay per usages which reduces the cost of owning the infrastructure.[6],[7]. Performance: because of large network of powerful computers the performance is increases [7],[8],[9]. Scalability: User can request to Provider for upgrading the resource according to the requirement.[8] SpeedyImplementation:Service implementation in the cloud computing is fast sometime in hours.[7] Mobility: User can access their document from anywhere any time.[9]

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Lose of Data: Customers are responsible for the security of their data. In case of lose of data they will be in high trouble.[7],[9]. Hijacking: No login security is available. Anyone can easily register their self and in this case risk of account hijacking is very high.[9] No service control: - User has no control over the service which they use.[7] Trust breaking: - In some case employee do the filling to the data which is only based on trust.[10] Volume 2, Issue 4 July August 2013

Security Issue in cloud computing

Web services issue:- User accesses the cloud computing environment by using web services. Web services attacks also effects the cloud environment. XML signature Page 385

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: Email:, Volume 2, Issue 4, July August 2013 ISSN 2278-6856
attacks are common attacks which occurrs on the web services. Web service use XML signature to protect the clients name, attributes and value for unauthorized users, it is unable to protect the position in the document. Cause of this reason an attacker can manipulates the SOAP messages.[12] Malware Injection: - These types of attacks can inject a malicious service into the cloud. If once time malicious software is enter to the cloud system the attackers had to trick the cloud system to treat the malicious software as a valid instance. To protect the cloud from the attackers hash value can be used and as this an attackers is need to make correct hash function to inject in the cloud which is not possible.[11] Flooding attackers: - If the clients send more requests, then cloud system automatically provide new service instance to support the clients requirement. This is also may be the cause of occurrence of DoS which is basically occurs when multiple request are send to server for services.[12] Conclusion and future Scope:- Today cloud computing is highly useful technique of network based computing on based of pay per use model. This technique cost effective technique for the clients. In the Future the cloud computing Data center will be based on the virtual Network. In the IDC project it is define that more than 2.5 billion user will be connect to internet over the next five years with more than 10 billion devices. In simple words, we can say that in future cloud computing will be very useful. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 2009. [9] R. Buyya, C. S. Yeo, and S. Venugopa, Marketoriented Cloud Computing: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering it services as computing utilities, in Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA) 2008. [10] Top Threats to Cloud Computing V1.0, Cloud Security Alliance, March 2010. [11] Amazon web service, [Online]. Available: [12] Danish Jamil and Hassan Zaki, security implication of soap and webservice interface to the cloud computing system, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. [13] Danish Jamil and Hassan Zaki, security issues in cloud computing and counter measures, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. [14] Ahmed E. Youssef, Exploring Cloud Computing Services and Applications, Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences. [15] Qi Zhang Lu Cheng Raouf Boutaba, Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges, J Internet Serv Appl (2010).


References:[1] Ilango Sriram and Ali Khajeh-Hosseini Research Agenda in Cloud Technologies, 2010. [2] ics%20of%20cloud%20computing.pdf [3] [3]Srinivasa Rao,Nageswara Rao And E Kusuma Kumari Cloud Computing: An Overview, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. [4] Alan S. WEBER Cloud Computing In Education In The Middle East And North Africa (Mena) Region: Can Barriers Be Overcome?,International Scientific Conference Elearning and software for education Bucharest, aprtil 28-23,2011. [5] Christopher Olive, Cloud Computing Characteristics Are Key, General Physics Corporation. [6] Rajnish Choubey, Rajshree Dubey and Joy Bhattacharjee, A Survey on Cloud Computing Security,Challenges and Threats , International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering. [7] David S. Linthicum, Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in your Enterprise, Pearson, 2010. [8] Mehrdad Mahdavi Boroujerdi, Soheil Nazem, Cloud Computing: Changing Cogitation about Computing, Volume 2, Issue 4 July August 2013 Amit Puri Received his M.Tech & MCA Degree and at presently he pursuing Phd. He is also working as an Assistant Professor at Global Institute of management & emerging Technologies. His area of Interest is Software Engineering Dilbag Singh Completed his Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial training in 2008 and is presently pursuing A.M.I.E from Institution of Engineers, India. He is also working as an instructor at Global Institute of management & emerging Technologies. Er. Richa Sharma received the B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering from Punjab Technical University and at present now pursuing M.Tech in computer science and engineering from Punjab technical university. She is Working as an assistant professor at Global Institute of management & emerging Technologies.

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