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PHL 100

Electromagnetic Waves and Quantum Mechanics Instructor: Kedar Khare

Topics I will broadly cover

Electromagnetic waves
4 Lectures Continue using Griffiths book

Introductory Quantum Mechanics

9 Lectures Reference text: Eiseberg and Resnick

Relevance of Electromagnetic Waves and Quantum Mechanics

Mobile phone:

How many technologies do you see here ?

Sound -> electrical signal and vice versa (EM) Electromagnetic induction, piezo, others Transmission/ receiving of RF signal (EM) Current drives antenna radiation Receiving is reciprocal Circuitry Semiconductor technology needed QM Digital Camera What is a digital pixel array? Concept of potential well (QM) Photoelectrons need to be stored Others

Radio Astronomy:

How is signal detected? Antennas again (EM) How is the image formed ? Correlation of signals from antennas gives Fourier transform of image (QM/statistical effect associated with light) What is the achievable resolution? Related to uncertainty principle What is typically detected ?

NCRA, Pune e.g. 21 cm spin transition in Hydrogen (QM)

What is the nature of forces such as friction? Electromagnetic Why is the matter stable ? Why dont I fall through the ground ? Paulis exclusion principle (QM)

Nano-mechanics 3D devices using two-photon lithography ~ 300 m


Quantum Biology ?

Nature Physics 2013

Birds sense direction using magnetic fields mechanism uses some sophisticated Quantum ideas such as coherence.

Topics you have already learnt

Vector calculus: grad, div, curl, ... Electric fields in matter: P, E, D Magnetic fields in matter: M, H, B Electromagnetic Induction Maxwell equations and boundary conditions Electromagnetic waves Reflection/ Transmission at dielectric boundary Brewster angle, Total internal reflection Wave-packets, Group/ phase velocity

Topics you will learn in EM part

EM waves in a conducting medium Complex k vector Skin depth Reflection at a metal boundary Dispersion Plasma frequency

Maxwell equations in terms of free charges/currents

D = f B = 0 B E = t H = Jf D + t
[ Griffiths 7.3.5]

D = 0 E + P B = 0 ( H + M )

Boundary conditions

D2 B2 || E2

= f = 0 = 0

B1 || E1 H1||

1 , 1

H 2|| = K f n

2 , 2

When there are no free charges/ currents at the interface, all the r.h.s.s above are zero.

[ Griffiths 7.3.6]

EM Waves in conductors
Ohms law:
Jf = E

Continuity equation:

= = E = f t

t f (t ) = f (0) exp
We will consider only steady state solutions.

Maxwell equations in a conductor

E = 0 B = 0 B E = t E B = E + t

Curl of Curl E equation gives:

E =


t2 B

E + t B + t


B =


Modified wave equations. How do we solve them? Linearity => Try plane-wave like solution

Trial solution substitute in modified wave equation

E = E 0 exp [ i ( k z t )]
Dispersion relation

k2 =

2 + i

k = k r + i ki

Solve pair of equations:

k r2 k i2 = 2 2 k r ki =

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