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Scene 1 Visuals: Waterfall / children playing in the water / rain Scene 2 Visuals: Background / stock images / videos / of Founder,

Mother, Dr. Jayadeva, Hansaji Scene 3 Visuals: Parisamwada

Speech: Extract from Outlines of Yoga (Mrs.D)

Extra info: Male voice narrator

Speech: Background material from Yoga for Total Health Dr. Jayadeva`s story

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Speech: Hansaji and Dr. Jayadeva on Yoga for Children

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Scene 4 Visuals: Photographs of the family and clippings Scene 5 Visuals: Classroom children playing with the balloons, then sitting quietly in Sukhasana and Vajrasana (conditioning postures)

Speech: Hansaji on Yoga

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Silence game kids sitting in silence attending the outer noise visuals like intensified noises of breeze, birds, bee, ant)

Faith game white and blue beads either children playing, or we have DVD with explanation ready.

Speech: Children are very playful and full of energy we develop the potential to condition and calm them (much needed process for understanding the importance to sit in quiet based on Dharma Bhava). Bringing attitudes in a way of games. Sharing of children (their thoughts, imagination). Voiceover - Child`s mind can be easily molded and channelized at this stage...Importance to inculcate the sense of Duty (Self, Family and Friends, School, Society, Humanity). Duty helps to avoid pain and suffering in life. The importance of Faith to overcome difficult situations in lifeFaith in all aspects of life. Faith is important to reduce

Extra info: Reference to Conditioning Values of Life p.2

Game Animals in the circle

Skits prepared and performed by kids on Yamas and Nyamas. Blind-leading game. Kids competing in two groups, one child is leading the other (blindfolded) around mats without touching them only by the tip of a finger. Singing a song on Duty. Scene 6 Visuals: Exterior location in garden children blindfolded, touching trees, leaves, flowers, stationery items, smelling different scents and objects. Awareness of breath - Walking meditation in the garden. Children watching their breath while walking one breath in while doing a step, one breath out while doing another step. Questioning children in the classroom how is their breath in different situation running, angry, nervous, calm. Ball games juggling, playing with ball in groups. Asanas in the classroom Konasana, Talasana, etc., Trataka, mainly Jnana Bhava. Suggestion to perform Asanas in playful game animals, picnic, etc. Game on Flexibility either children playing the game or the video clip.

anxiety and increase effectiveness. Doing things and succeeding that is Faith. Even if some parts of the picture is incorrect, still we are getting the whole picture. Objective not to put too much attention on missing parts in our lives. Over-voice on stressing on Yamas and Nyamas through playful yet effective methods.

Speech: Awareness is brought about by training of the senses.

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Voice-over on awareness of connection of breathing patterns and mental states. TYI giving importance on the awareness of breath in coordination with regular activities and body movements.

Values of Life p. 7

Developing concentration and awareness. Importance of spine in Yoga. Flexibility of the body brings flexibility of mind.

Values of Life p. 9, 10.

Visual of stretched rubber band and Asana simultaneously. Scene 7 Visuals: In the kitchen cutting vegetables, outside picking leaves, watering or planting plants Group game on forming a letter or a number through group constellation in mute, with mutual coordination and cooperation. Origami session. Dance game and partner games

Speech: Extra info: Karma Yoga excellence in work, Values of Life p.20 without expecting results/fruits. Taking care of people and environment. Selfless actions. Objectiveness, getting a bigger picture, being a part of a bigger whole. Removing I-sense.

Game on Clarity. Asanas in the classroom.

Importance of recreation, building of useful interests and hobbies, developing skills through playing is also Yoga. Showing that TYI includes a wholesome curriculum which is also fun for kids. Importance of Letting go. Importance of relaxation, especially in older children and students with exam stress. Pressure from parents onto kids and importance of relaxation, objectivity, reduce stress on results- for parents too.

Scene 8 Visuals: Asanas in the classroom visuals of various animals and corresponding asanas cobra, lion, frog, cat. Tranquility game children playing with magnified version of the game. Scene 9 Visuals: Interviews with kids, parents, teachers.

Speech: Achieving the position of the animal brings sense of achievement / confidence.

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Speech: How Yoga has influenced their lives / studies / parenting / teaching. Experiences of growing with Yoga / Yogic environment.

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Scene 8 Visuals: Clips of the baby in the womb and its journey through childhood with parents influencing and teaching in happy environment. Kids laughing, playing. Kids of all nationalities coming together.

Speech: Parenting is essential. Their lives and motivations influence the childrens` upbringing. Children are not taught, they see, observe and imitate the surrounding. Let`s bring about an attitude to help our children flourish and grow in a stress-free and happy world.

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