Aby Warburg's (1866-1929) Dots and Lines. Mapping The Diffusion of Astrological Motifs in Art History

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German Studies Association

Aby Warburg's (1866-1929) Dots and Lines. Mapping the Diffusion of Astrological Motifs in Art History Author(s): Dorothea McEwan Source: German Studies Review, Vol. 29, No. 2 (May, 2006), pp. 243-268 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press on behalf of the German Studies Association Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/27668033 . Accessed: 24/09/2013 01:10
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and Lines. Mapping

(1866-1929) Dots
the Diffusion of

Astrological Motifs

inArt History


The Warburg
Abstract: to research The the art theorist he and "Wanderstra?en traced time and

Institute, University
intellectual der Kultur," historian conceived of

of London
it his life's goal As

made Aby Warburg as the pathways as translated oneself to orient

of the mind.

"image historian" over and music Mnemosyne


the metamorphoses to probe what



into art, literature, in space. The

a compilation of particular of photographs to chart the development Atlas, tool of orientation. Less widely known is and is one such well-known symbols images, and their shifting in his quest, to understand motifs here, place presented astrological an evolving intellectual world view.




"What does itmean

"Was bedeutet es,

to orient oneself
sich im Raum

in space?"?this

is the rough
was posed by


zu orientieren?"?

on the morning of the day on which he died, 26 October 1929, Aby Warburg as incoming Rector of Hamburg University would have been adding, "my speech While called something like this."1 paraphrasing Kant's "What does itmean to orient oneself in thought?"2 Warburg's question formulated his quest for orienta
tion. The immediate prompt was Ernst Cassirer's inaugural lecture as Rector of

on 7November Hamburg University the Philosophical Concept of Truth."

Leopold von Ranke 's task, as an historian,

1929 on "Forms and Change of Forms in In it the philosopher Cassirer touched on

to make visible the "universe of ideas."3

used the term "orientation" frequently in his research into "die Warburg Wanderstra?en der Kultur,"4 the highways of culture, the pathways of the mind or the journey of images, intellect, and more precisely into the "Bilderwanderung," literal and metaphorical.5 Thus, despite his own insistence on being an "image or
picture historian"6 and not an "art historian," he used the label "historian" loosely,

linear history or histories, but certainly not in a Rankean sense of constructing in the sense of excavating those thought processes that led people to a spatial in the cosmos, not unlike a geological map, which shows grasp of orientation
strata, exist rock yet are formations, invisible to faultlines, the eye. and routes of subterranean water courses that

A short note on Aby Warburg: Aby Warburg, founder of the 1866-1929, inHamburg, abbreviated to KBW Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg or "K?nnte besser or jokingly referred to as "Keimzelle bedeutender Werke" in 1933 and incorporated asThe werden,"7 which was transferred to London

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Institute into the University of London in 1944, embodies the scholar, Warburg went who intellectual, visionary beyond narrow confines of academic life in
general and German academic institutions in particular.


as an art historian,
works of art to masters

he transcended
or schools. He

the purely

formal tradition
the trans


to understand

mission of thought, the transmission and metamorphoses of images; he called his endeavor the research into the "Wanderstra?en des Geistes,"8 paths traced or taken by the mind, meandering bye-ways of the mind, from classical antiquity
to Renaissance Europe and beyond to contemporary art. In his correspondence

with Franz Boll, the great scholar of classical philology, Warburg stressed that the academic summer courses in 1913, precursors of the fully fledged Hamburg in 1919, needed to offer lectures on which was only established University and the of intellectual linguistics exchange thought "on the significance of the world view of classical antiquity for the culture of the present time."9 Warburg went further, he was interested in the myriad ways of expressing
fascination: visual, aural, and emotional or put differently in images, language,


and religions. He studied the "paths taken by the mind," the staging of scientific thought, tracing the history of disciplines posts in the development color: how turned into mathematics, how alchemy gave changing numerology
birth to chemistry, how invocations and incantations evolved into a corpus of

religious texts and songs, stories and literature; how astrology, through scientific observations of the celestial sphere became astronomy. Particularly the triad of art, literature, and religion embodies for him the corpus of culture, that which needs to be tended and nurtured so that it can be harvested, enjoyed, and handed on. Warburg's Warburg's quest for orientation will be discussed in three sections: 1. understanding of the role of astrology; 2. his explanation of this role with the help of similes likeWanderstra?en, the rotating observation tower and theMnemosyne Atlas project; and 3. tool of the Wanderkarte. Warburg's 1. of Astrology Understanding Warburg's Franz Boll, The research by the professor of classics atHeidelberg University, into the belief in astrology in classical antiquity, published as Sphaera in 1903 but commented on byWarburg only in 1908, was an eye-opener for Warburg. Some 20 years later he would explain that Boll's Sphaera was the first collection
in word and image to document "the critique of pure un-reason," a "phenom

for a history and psychology of intellectual orientation."10 enological in one direction of research, the survival of pagan antiquity It guided Warburg in an altogether different worldview, that of a Christianized Europe. How was collection it possible that something which had been termed superstitious by the Church could surface in aChristian country? To wit, the so-called Sphaera Barb?rica, the the Palazzo della Ragione in Padua or in astrological frescoes in the Salonenof the Palazzo Schifanoja in Ferrara.12 The Christian message had been unable to extinguish the influences of astrology, where pagan gods were believed to exert

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as seen

in tarot










divination by a host of practices, using anything from everyday objects to purpose cut gemstones. Warburg followed Boll in looking at astrology as representing
an important of understanding, development albeit on a the road to human perception, rudimentary it was enlightenment; an "Erkenntnisrudiment";13 a store

as such itwas a fertile field of expression with which Warburg the documented human of survival of ahidden classical heritage. When passions, researching images he looked at the formulae which had been created in classical "Urleidenschaften," as antiquity; and furthermore, he followed their journeys and metamorphoses
he the became nature convinced and contents that of allowed they the memory one to draw certain conclusions about of humankind.14

A short sketch ofWarburg's preoccupation with images of planetary gods makes us realize that this topic accompanied Warburg throughout his life. He on in the and the World of the Gods of "The Early Renaissance Antiquity spoke in 190815, stressing the evidence in a lecture inHamburg South and the North" of the survival of the ancient gods in different guises, allegories, interpretations of classical authors like Ovid. Further, he showed in his lecture on "Church and Court Art at Landshut" in Bavaria in 190916 the pervasive presence of images of planets: they decorated a fireplace in the Castle of Landshut, Southern Germany,
an example of one more station on the peregrinations of images of the gods of

in 1911, "The Journeys antiquity and their wanderlust. A lecture inHamburg of the Sphaera Barb?rica''11 threw light on another stage of their journeys, preserved in the frescoes in the Sphaera Barb?rica in Salone, Padua, for which
there is a panoply of tables, schemata, and charts in Warburg's working papers,

tree (fig. I, see next page) showing origins and derivations such as a genealogical and theMiddle and for the first time a geographical map of theMediterranean East (fig. 2) showing the journey of images with lines sketched in color.18 The in the best known of these lectures was "Italian Art and International Astrology Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara"19 delivered at theTenth International Art Historical in Rome in 1912. It marked Warburg's leadership in this undisputed Congress area of research, with his interpretation of the frescoes in Palazzo Schifanoja, in particular the Decans, the gods ruling 10-day periods. (The term derives from the division of the signs of the zodiac into three parts of 10 degrees each.) called them the "missing links" between image and symbol20 and in Warburg
troduced his listeners to a new view of astrology, documenting the centuries-old

to theMiddle of images of the planets from theMediterranean peregrinations to the route and from there East, Mesopotamia, Spain. By documenting Egypt
an of image astrological classical antiquity answers he could took, present on the artistic culture of Europe. concerning the influence

art historian, Fritz Saxl, who In 1910,Warburg had met the young Viennese enthusiasm for the history of astrology aswell as for Rembrandt. sharedWarburg's In a telling aside many years later Saxl remembered a conversation where Warburg he would have had put it bluntly to Saxl that if he wanted to work for Warburg

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Figure 1:Leitfossil. For transcription

1911 (WIA,III.78.2.[43]) of the words see p. 263.

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Bilderwanderung Warburg's Wanderkarte: Figure 2: so-called "Die Sphaera der Albricus, Barb?rica, Humanistische

Restitution." Lecture

in 1911 (WIA,m.78.2.[24]). Hamburg,

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to decide









both fields was, simply, impossible.21 At that time Saxl researched a handbook of magic, called in Arabic Gh?yat al-Hakimfi H-sihr and in Latin Picatrix, the work of the Andalusian mathematician al-Majriti [or al-Madjriti], who died c.1004. Saxl proudly reported to that he had discovered that King Maximilian Warburg owned a splendid copy o? Picatrix?1 Warburg was excited as, now that he had further proof, itwould be possible to establish one more route along which ideas To publish Picatrix was therefore an traveled, from the Arabs toMaximilian.
important task, as it presented a source for the understanding of early modern

indeed, the publication o? Picatrix24 was a project which would and his staff for many years to come. occupy Warburg was not interested in researching Babylonian astrology as such, but Warburg in the "practical purpose of cosmological oracular technique,"25 as exemplified by the lectures "Classical Star Images in Renaissance Art" atHamburg University in 1913 (fig. 3) and "Pagan-antique Prophecy in Words and Images in the Age of Luther" inHamburg in 1917.26 The influence of Babylonian astrology could be charted by the "Wanderung," the journey of oriental astrology. The ongoing belief in astrology27 had to be interpreted as one that provided continuity in discontinuity, old beliefs in chang ing times. To understand the processes whereby it adapted to and was adopted by occultism.23 And
the new circumstances reemergence.28 encountered Warburg would was be a contribution also to interested its modern therefore understanding in it in the

sense that it presented a block to enlightenment and the "good European" had to fight this block:29 he engaged with gusto in the unmasking of astrology as fraud, particularly in times of upheaval and war. found it a paradigmatic Thus, Warburg example in his research into the at the images of the gods of classical processes of social memory. Looking antiquity and their survival and /or resurfacing in a Christian milieu occupied Warburg throughout his life, from his student days in the 1880s (fig. 4) to his correspondence with Father Joseph Fischer, the author of the cartographic work on Ptolemy,30 in 1902 and to his final years when the topic had fanned out to embrace an investigation into the thought processes of image making and the
metamorphosis of memorizing or memory, which Warburg presented in a con


form in his Picture Atlas orMnemosyne Atlas

towards the end of his life.

2 .The High Roads, theMnemosyne Atlas and the Rotating ObservationTower and cosmological images were the vehicles traveling onWarburg's Astrological "high roads" or "Wanderstra?en." As much as he was keen on the index in a book,
which was like a compass needle pointing he was to a particular a visual passage?and research planned, to

indeed, towrite
the way

the "index of indexless books," because "the lack of indices impedes

of books,"31 keen on tool, charts,

to the hearts

show the origins of ideas and images and their journeys over vast territories and timescales.The language andmethod used by Warburg were those of cartography.

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Dorothea McEwan




?ill ti||ft||ii?ip ""':" fo1i???laff?l!?!lilil?ii?ll?i


?JHfHfHlWiHI llllll:nill,.''."


IlitlIl?llllii?i?liH .i

[ti:I i ?I

:J?::??*?l Mi'


3: "Orientexpress," Ferienkurs, of words Transcription

1913 (WIA, IIL87.4.[5]). on p. 263.

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O Vi



Grundlegende Bruchst?cke Zu Figure 4: IL 21/11/1898. einer Ausdruckskunde, pragmatischen "Reactionsform Ein auf

(WIA, druck." III.43.2.1.[46]). Transcription 264. of p. words on

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are used

to present




spanning cannot contours, orient






one does from

not a bird's

in a two dimensional
its layout, one eye view, links,

layout. If one finds oneself

oneself. over But bridges obstacles

in a

labyrinth, from above,



visible and may be grasped intellectually. term "Wanderstra?e" is not easily rendered into English. It obviously its that of awalking route. It occurred in other goes beyond primary meaning, such as the so-called and distributions, that mapped developments disciplines a classification scheme following Atlas the Atlas Plants, research,32 of Linguistic the naturalist Linn?,33 the Picture Atlas ofArt History^ or in the ethnological study by Adolf Bastian, The World in its Reflections in the Changing Thought of the an illustrated volume that Gombrich called Peoples,ls which was accompanied by an "ethnological picture book in the form of an Atlas."36 The linear investiga tion into the origins and spread of particular languages or plants or paintings, new forms, had a long tracing their distinct dialects, offshoots, variations and in the history of art, where tracing the development established counterpart in of style was an important component of the discipline.37 A "Wanderstra?e" was a a course it for all that and more; path, provided understanding Warburg's an artery along which ideas coursed, semi hidden, but vital for the health of the sense from landmark to organism. But ideas were not only carried in a physical become The
landmark by traveling scholars, merchants, pilgrims and beggars. In uncharted

territories or on the high seas itwas only natural that travelers were guided by the stars and, by extension, by a belief in the guiding properties of the stars.
In order vantage point of intellectual to understand was necessary, the network from which a to orient in order of arteries, oneself, to see the roads, the movement the traffic, an "observation as he was such post," library



termed it in the famous letter to the classicist Ulrich vonWilamowitz-Moellendorff in 1924.38 In another letter he spoke of his library as "the revolving observation can be tower, from which the intellectual past of the Orient and the Occident
viewed."39 Another time he called it the "Lynceus Tower," an observation post

like the Argonaut Lynceus, from which one could view far away developments, who was famous for his sharp eye and penetrating gaze backwards into the past.40 even saw in his library an observation tower from which "the entire Warburg
trade route of culture and symbols between Asia and America could be viewed."41

A pertinent Hamburg tradition with itsColonial Academy was invoked when he declared the Kulturwissenschaftliche
to be "a tower observing the movement the trade routes of cultural

and shipping tradition Bibliothek Warburg

scanning "our

exchange,"42 of ideas"44was

field of vision."43Therefore
great map of

the project of the Picture orMnemosyne

of civilizations, or rather



sible only because Warburg's library presented such a nodal or vantage point. because itwould be in Saxl was as excited about the Atlas project as Warburg,
his view "a revelation for German since minds," He the most saw it not early Renaissance J. Burckhardt. important publication as a the "corpus," on definitive the

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treatment of a topic, but a selection which pointed in the direction that research should take. It was therefore necessary to do research in every library in France and Italy so that the routes along which the images traveled became clear.45 Observation and memory had created pictures and stories and these were to be a in way that their diffusion and direction would become visible. arranged to tie down these peregrinations in the However, proved difficult. Warburg, first instance, put up mobile walls in the KBW on which he arranged photo on the cloth-covered graphs grouped according to topics. He pinned them up mobile walls so that they could easily be taken down again and rearranged anew. could choose his examples from his vast collections of several thousand Warburg and could use them as auto cues when explaining the journeys of photographs a to images library users, standing in front of the illustrations arranged to fit
particular lecture topic. This ever shifting arrangement was not conducive to


a definitive


a publication,

and had to remain fragmentary.46

3. "Wanderkarte"

I have introduced I have explained the importance of astrology toWarburg, the the high roads orWanderwege, you to the terminology used byWarburg,
rotating the tool A map observation tower and the Mnemosyne Atlas. It is now time that we

look at the method Warburg "

of the Wanderkarte." presents in a bird's

eye view.

to put these all together

It makes it easy to grasp

by employing
large chunks of


For Warburg

maps were

in the

tools, or finding
of roads of

aids, for his

ideas. He was

for his


and selective like all mapmakers. His selection had a purpose, to show the diffusion of ideas. He realized that he needed specialist tools to organize thematerial, to codify tomake visible meaning. The method for providing the synoptic tool with which on or arteries and the work the rotating observation towers filled the high roads was what he called theWanderkarte, the map of images. Itwould be a with images tool to chart human inventiveness aswell asmemory. Itwould psychogeographical amapmaker,
show what has remained hidden or what we would see "as if a sort of autonomous

fate had blown the works of Arat andTeukros hither and thither."47 He referred to theGreek poet and astronomer Aratus whose books describing constellations were called Aratea inCicero's translation and illustrated inCarolingian times; Teukros or Teucer the Babylonian was the Egyptian astronomer and astrologer (fig. 5). Back in 1913, for the summer course with Franz Boll and Carl Bezold on "Classical Star Images inRenaissance Art," Warburg had used amap that his wife was an outline map Mary had drawn, probably between 1908 and 1911 (fig. 2). It routes to of the images with astrological information. chart the specifically drawn tomake visible the diffusion and direction, lines then inserted dots and Warburg or real, of the images of these constellations traveling through time supposed and space.48 By the summer of 1926, immersed in his Atlas andWanderstra?en

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he needed





or maps.

In the first instance, he contacted the economic historian Heinrich Sievek sea routes in could he him find of trade routes, ing: help printed maps particular from Flanders to Italy, and if not, could he draw them, so thatWarburg could use them for his lectures?49 Sieveking replied in the same At time the negative.50
Warburg wrote to Max Georg Schmidt, the mapmaker, whose new edition of a

Welthandels,51 was supposed to be printed by history of world trade, Geschichte des the publishers Joachim Perthes in the next few months.52 There was even talk of "buying" back the map from Perthes publishers if they did not publish quickly enough and to instruct another publisher with the task.However, Schmidt could not revoke his contract as Perthes promised to go to print quickly. Schmidt was commissioned specifically to provide largemaps or wall charts for two purposes: first, for an exhibition project called "Bild und Zahl als Werkzeuge
menschlicher Orientierung" was in consultation or "Image and and Number as tools of human orienta

tion,"53 to be mounted

in the new German Museum

negotiations with

of Technology
the director,

in Munich.54
Oskar von

for providing exhibition material for a history of astrology to give the Miller, proper introduction to an exhibition on the history of astronomy. This project, however, fell through, even though detailed plans had already been drawn up, sure of its didactic importance, approached the Hamburg and so Warburg, city
authorities and was able to convince them to mount such an exhibition in the

projected planetarium inHamburg.55 To chart the history of astrology Warburg needed maps indicating particular places of learning and commerce, where old to and new ideas collided. He saw this exhibition project as his contribution
the education of the young, to introduce them to enlightenment, not a treasure

house filled with

Luther article,

curiosities.56 also needed maps Secondly, Warburg

to show the route of

for a projected


edition of his
was sent eight


trade routes.57

with mapped


of countries

and was requested

to mark


basin and Apart from the particulars of the outlines of the Mediterranean as some 15 and Saxl drawn earlier, years Europe, by Mary Warburg Warburg needed to be clear about what developments they wanted to show. A number of letters between Saxl andWarburg followed, in which routes were discussed. Was "our Aratea" coming from Rome and going to Ireland or did it originate in Alexandria or inGallia?58 Schmidt was instructed that the finished product should not look like a geographical map, but be more schematic; what was important
to see was the overall direction of trade routes, caravan routes, sea routes.59

Max Georg Schmidt produced one map, thinking that entries for trade routes on one map only.60 He sent it to Saxl of all periods could be accommodated in 1928 cataloguing the large holdings of astrological and who was in London in the library of the British Museum and elsewhere. manuscripts mythological When Saxl received the map he immediately saw what was wrong with it:To fix

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and chart a diachronic movement presented considerable difficulties and to do use themap so on one map sheet only was simply by confusing.61 Saxl decided to then from He and ordered proceeded multiple copies Germany. Mary Warburg
to make entries on three maps, one for each period. He entered dates, names of

towns, of people, and most importantly lines indicating the direction of diffusion "favorite child," as he of thought. With these entries he could finish Warburg's was so not called theWanderkarte.The difficult for the road network task, he found, from the twelfth century onwards, with the onset of the reception of images from classical antiquity, but was very different for the images in antiquity itself. He Wilhelm therefore requested the help of Gundel, a classicist and eminent scholar on the history of astrology, to chart the route astrology took from East to West, starting with Plato, and then the route back from Alexandria and Rome, which he called "Hellenized antiquity," to the Orient and its further spread into Gaul.62 The first of those deals with an impossibly long time span, from 500 BC to 500 AD. Gundel, enthusiastic about the commission, went to work with a vengeance. He entered in purple ink places and events, such as the origin of
astrology, sense of a predictions but of eclipses, appearances of comets and meteor showers,

just as he would
prophecies, names of people star priests,

the horoscopes
as a collective and moon scholars

of individuals,
noun for calendars,


"Chaldaei" not in the

oracles, end of world the to enter he mentioned not want


movements, and travelers

mysteries; in but did antiquity,

as it would go too far them all on a map charting intellectual development and be confusing?names of people with their places of birth attached do not
necessarily mean that these places were important for their astrological Arab studies.63

The Western


countries have relatively few handwritten

countries, Greece, Egypt, modern Turkey,




have very many handwritten additions.64 It is all but Iran, and Afghanistan unusable, and, crucially, it does not show any lines denoting diffusion or direction. The historical information superimposed on a geographical map makes the information on the map crowded and nigh on unintelligible. Just three examples will suffice to demonstrate that this "map" did not work: he made an entry for of south Alexandria, "here studies Solon, Pythagoras, Plato, Sadoxus, Heliopolis, cf. [Hermann] Kees, Sechnuphis (Plato's teacher), by P.W." ["hier studiert Solon, (Plato's teacher) Pythagoras, Plato, Sadoxus, cf. [Hermann] Kees, Sechnuphis bei P.W."]; an arrow pointing to Bordeaux and explaining "Ausonius 4. Jd p." [Ausonius Decimus Magnus, Latin poet and teacher, 310P-394], and additional information for Palermo "Scribonius 1 Jd. aweissagte dem Tiberias sein Schicksal, starb 42 v.Chr." ["the astrologer Scribonius prophesied forTiberius an illustrious

Saxl revised this map

of thought, it presents a

in blue, with much

good overview of

fewer entries, but lines of diffusion

"The most important trade routes

to the times of Alexander the Great" [broken lines] and "The most trade routes to the time of the Roman Empire" [continuous lines].


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two maps









the sixth to the twelfth centuries" and "The most important trade routes from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries" (fig. 6). While Gundel was busy filling his map with far too many entries, Schmidt mailed his map in three copies again to Saxl in London inAugust 1928, and Saxl them, but then mislaid them. He was "utterly desperate,"65 but did acknowledged not informWarburg When Saxl did informWarburg that he could not right away. find the route maps?a major drama?he softened the blow by suggesting that Schmidt should be asked to draw them again, and to take amore differentiated
timeframe into account.66 However, when Saxl returned to London in March

1929, he found them there.67 To Warburg, research into memory, the overall need to find one's bearing, to understand one's world, to find one's guiding light, was connected with providing of university tools, be they the constant urgent appeals for the establishment or be inHamburg University, of Archaeology institutes, such as aDepartment lacked the they books, photographs and maps in his library. People in the North culture; compass and the direction as they had no knowledge ofMediterranean the KBW as the "observation tower with the most subtle set of instruments" was the place from which to conduct such research and a vehicle for enlighten ment. He cited as a good example the importance of the reconciliation of Pope Pius XI and King Victor Emanuel III in Italy in 1929: it could not possibly be inHamburg, because it did not know anything of Catholicism. understood He was convinced that his method and instruments were right. They had as character and exemplified by a "brilliant discovery" which application global Saxl had made and which would attract the greatest admiration.68 The "discovery" was the floor mosaic in Beth Alpha, Palestine. The room in which the mosaic of astrological images was found was a late Hellenistic Jewish
cult room. It was non-literal a rare example representations, of the Jewish but using faith, otherwise strictly images. given to non-visual, astrological Scholarship

today is still divided on how to interpret this.69 The Wanderkarten were exhibited in the Planetarium exhibition in 1930 and theMary Warburg map was incorporated into plate A of theMnemosyne Atlas. It shows three pictures: (fig. 7) the representation of the sky populated by zoomor images of stars of 1684, theWanderkarte and a hand phic and anthropomorphic
drawn Tornabuoni-Medici genealogy. The pictures are captioned "Orientation,"

"Exchange" and "Social Integration." The first picture is the map of mythological images of stars in the night sky, the second is the route map of images, the third the family tree of an important family which traced its origins from the fifteenth century back to classical antiquity. In this way a single research topic, family its link to the general research topic of orientation.70 research, exemplified
Thus, research into visual memory, mapping the movement of memory,

turned into amultimedia project: it comprised the creation of charts outlining the journey of images, superimposed onto geographical maps, the arrangements

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x ,


7: Phte A,Mnemosyne Atlas.

1930 (WIA, IE. 108.8. l).Transcription

p. 263.

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of photographs on mobile walls and a projected publication in book form.War burg, with the help of dots and lines, tried to supply the guiding principles and orientation in the maze of our intellectual heritage, away beyond the rudiment of perception called astrology, pointing to a life no longer governed by fear. He found it important to show people that from a vantage point even higher than a tower they could see spread out below them the network of roads and understand
connections. He commissioned a German airmail stamp from the graphic of artist

Otto Heinrich
air travel would

provide the

and supplied both sketches and caption. At long last

overview method, the internationality airspace

was like amap in outline. Itwas the synoptic medium with which to see the land and sea spread out below the onlookers and from which they would perceive the "Wanderstra?en," the routes linking people. Strohmeyer's design was not executed as a stamp, but as a linocut called "Idea Vincit," which exemplified to that the soaring aeroplane of ideas will win through and will overcome Warburg fear.71 Warburg valued it somuch that he presented it to dozens of friends, family members, and politicians, and took itwith him to Italy where he hung it up in his
hotel rooms, perhaps as a personal reminder that it is possible to conquer fear.

"routes of culture" presented aweb or net, inwhich one nodal point was andWarburg's Hamburg library. It would have delighted him if it would have been seen and used as hypertext in aworldwide web of information and symbols. The

are from the Photo credits: All illustrations Institute Archive of the Warburg by permission Director of theWarburg ? The Warburg London. Institute, Institute, 1 Bibliothek Warburg, Charlotte Schoell Aby Warburg. Tagebuch der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Glass/Karen eds. (Berlin: Akademie 555. Michels, 2001), Verlag, 2 Immanuel Kant, Werke, Band III, Schriften zur und Logik, Wilhelm ed. Weischedel, Metaphysik am Main: Insel Verlag, sich im Denken orientieren?" (Frankfurt 1958), 267: "Was hei?t: 3 Ernst Cassirer, "Formen und Formwandlungen des philosophischen Wahrheitsbegriffs," in: Universit?t Reden (Hamburg: C. Boysen, 1929), 29. Hamburgische Verlag 4 Dorothea der Kultur. Die Aby Saxl Korrespondenz McEwan, Wanderstra?en Warburg-Fritz Fritz der Antike. Zur Einf?hrung in die Bibliothek Saxl, "Das Nachleben Warburg," 11/4 (1921): 245, where he used the phrase "Wanderstra?en Hamburger Universit?tszeitung, der Kultur"; Fritz Saxl, "Die Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek in Warburg Hamburg," in: et al, eds Ihre Geschichte, Organisation und Ziele, L. Brauer Forschungsinstitute: (Hamburg: 1930), 355, where H?rtung, 6 to C. Neumann A.Warburg he used (art historian), the phrase "Wanderstra?en der Tradition," 355. : 20 March 1917 Warburg Institute Archive (here (hereafter: GC): Kopierbuch (hereafter: KB) VI, 289. cell of

1920 bis 1929 (Hamburg-M?nchen: D?lling und Galitz Verlag, 2004). 5

after: WIA), General Correspondence 7 Poster for the 60th birthday m.1.2.3. 1926. "Germ WIA, party of A. Warburg, works" and "Could be better": WIA, III. 1.2.3. significant 8 : to F Saxl, 31 December A. Warburg 1921 GC: W/Saxl file (hereafter: W/S). 9 to F Boll, 20/02/1913: A. Warburg "?ber die Bedeutung des antiken Weltbildes GC, die Kultur der Gegenwart." 10 to G. A Warburg 19March 1925: GC Bing, F. Saxl and C Hertz, 11 Marco La tirannia astri: di Palazzo Bertozzi, degli gli affreschi astrologici




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260 German

Studies Review

29/2 (2006)

an ed. (Livorno: and Sillabe, 1999). Bertozzi presents augmented analysis of the iconography sources and in Marcus Manilius' Greek and Indian, Persian, (in ancient astrology, Egyptian of the 21 decans in the 1469-70 mural Astron?mica) (various artists) represented paintings d'Est? in the Salone dei Mesi The (Ferrara, Palazzo Schifanoia). by Borso on a transla of the cycle, and includes (in appendix) study builds interpretation Warburg's tion ofWarburg's 1912 essay "Italienische und internationale Kunst im Palazzo Astrologie zu Ferrara Schifanoia and a translation of Elsbeth in Jaffa's study of the decans, published commissioned of Aby Warburg, David Britt, Pagan Antiquity, Program, 12 Graziella upon Pietro 1999). Federici "Pietro Vescovini the appendix Gesammelte trans. (Los Angeles: Schriften The (1932): Getty The Renewal Aby Warburg, Research Institute Publications of



confirms the dependence of the fourteeth-century frescoes of astronomical Federici (1257?c.1315) theory images: Graziella e d'Abano del Palazzo della Ragione di Padova," gli affreschi astrologici

(1986): 50-75. LabyrinthosV/9 13

Personal 1901: WIA: ich III, 10.2. "Veth portraitirt, page 60, entry for 13 August Diary V?lker haben beides z?hle; die primitiven gegen abergl?ubische Abneigung; Aberglauben ist ein Erkenntnisrudiment: werden wollen ist ein Symptom und gez?hlt werden abgebildet des Bewu?tseins der H?hepunkt?berschreitung." to the Dutch referred here Warburg drew up a statement of expenditure for Veth's when Jan Veth. Warburg painter expenses painting Warburg's 14Eduard Rosenbaum parents. to Richard Fick, the function 19 November 1929. Enclosed statement G. Bing's of a library/research institute: GC. und die Fr?hrenaissance im S?den und Norden," Verein f?r 14 December IH-73.1. 1908, Hamburg: WIA, "Kr?nzchen," der Sphaera in in Warburg's III.78.1 on 16 house, and IIL78.2.

on the tasks of KBW and 15 "Die antike G?tterwelt

Geschichte, Hamburgische 16 The Renewal, 561. Warburg, 17 in a group Lecture called given 1911. "Die Wanderungen December 18WIA,IIL78.2.[21;22;24]. 19 The Renewal, 563-92. Warburg, 20 to Saxl, 31 December Warburg toW. Ahrens

Hamburg, Barb?rica":


22 A. Warburg 23 A. Warburg 24 Orientalist

21 F Saxl to PaulWarburg

1921: GC: W/S. 7March of 1914: GC. 1916: GC. Magie," in:

(banker), 5August 1926:GC: W/S.

(writer), editor "Picatrix, 16 February the periodical Der Islam, ein arabisches Handbuch hellenistischer 1923), von 94-124. S?d nach Nord und ihre R?ckkehr nach

to C.H.Becker, Helmut Ritter,

in the following in Berlin Gesellschaft year, in the The Renewal, printed of Science in 1920. Warburg, of theHeidelberg Academy Proceedings 597-697. 27 a lecture on "Zum Bild to F. Saxl, 11 January A. Warburg he suggested 1921, in which or "Das Problem des Kulturaustausches zwischen Osten und Westen" materialienproblem GC. von der Antike der Bilderwanderung zwischen Osten und Westen bis zum Mittelalter": It was published in: und ihr Ziel," by Fritz Saxl, "Die Bibliothek Warburg Vortr?ge der Bibliothek Warburg, 1-10. 1, 1921-22 B.G.Teubner, 1923), (Leipzig: 28 F. Saxl to the Africanist 18 February C. F. Meinhof, 1922: GC. 29 586. The Renewal, Warburg, 30 aus dem Ende des XV. Der "Deutsche Ptolem?us" Fischer, (um 1490) Joseph Jahrhunderts " Faksimiledruck. nach der arabischen Bearbeitung der des 1910); (Strasbourg, Afrika "geographike

1921-22, B.G.Teubner, (Leipzig: Vortr?ge 25 "Die Planetenbilder auf der Wanderung Italien": WIA, III.87.2.2. 26 Also in the Religionswissenschaftliche

This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions





Ptolemaeus "Ptolem?us

von Muhammad


al-Hwarizmi, Fischer,

Hans S.J.,


appendix of Africa

und Agathod?mon," 1916).

by Joseph

von Mzik, and two


an ed., with and one

31 Warburg


to Paul Flemming
Sch?del, Romanist

WIA: GC; KB VI (historian), 24 February 1918:

, 360,

361. 32 Bernhard atlas of the

frequently was amember of the committee of brother and head of the bankM. M. Warburg, Warburg's which the latte, he used to request confidential advice from Aby Warburg, the foundation, comments. in the case of the Sprachatlas, WIA: 15 August 1915. GC, spiked with negative 33 Carl Hoffmann, nach dem Linn?schen (c. 1910). System Pflanzenatlas 34 a. zur in die Kunstgeschichte Bilderatlas Wilhelm N, 1909). Tesdorpf, (Esslingen Einf?hrung 35 unter dem Wandeides in ihren Adolf Bastian, Die Welt (Berlin, V?lkergedankens Spiegelungen in Ernst H. Gombrich, An Intellectual 1887); comments (Leiden: E. ^4?>y Biography Warburg. an on Plate of the arrangement 55b. J. Brill, 1970), 285; with example 36 285. Gombrich, Aby Warburg, 37 to 9 September 1928: GC. O. Fischel W, (art historian) 38 to U. v. 2 3April 1924: GC; A. Warburg Willamowitz-Moellendorff, "Beobachtungsstelle" or "observation point." 39 or to G. A Warburg 20 July 1924: GC; "Aussichtsdrehturm" (classist), Herbig "revolving observation tower." 40 to Senator C Cohn, A. Warburg 6 September 1928: GC. 41A "Durchbruch nach 1927. "Wenn er [Saxl] dann zur?ckgekehrt Amerika," Warburg, 4July sein wird, eines Asien WIA: glaube ich sicher Beobachtungsturmes, vom und Amerika [5]. zu sein, dass unser Institut der die ganze Wanderstra?e Observatorium hamburgischen auch den h?chsten und der Kultur Symbole Anforderungern zwischen w?re":

languages for funding

was on a at and dialect University, working linguistic Hamburg of the Iberian Peninsula, theWissenschaftliche petitioning Stiftung etc. As Max M. A. of equipment, for field trips, purchase Warburg,

aus bestreicht,


42 A Warburg
43 A. Warburg

to ErichWarburg
to the classicist

(banker), 29 June 1928:GC 24 October 1929:GC

of which was published Bilderatlas Mnemosyne (Ber 2000. Schriften, Studienausgabe, von Ost nach

44 E. Strong (a family friend) toA Warburg, 45

E. Fraenkel 46 The to A. (classicist) Warburg, versions collection of the different Warnke/Claudia as late as 2000: Martin

E. Jaff?: GC

24 February 1927: GC one is in the Archive, only Warburg. Gesammelte Der


lin: Akademie vol. II. 1 of Aby Warburg, Verlag, 47 to A. P. Ruben 2 June (Hebrew scholar) Warburg, 48 Die Fixsternhimmelsbilder der Sphaera Barb?rica West." 5 August 49 A Warburg 50 H. Sieveking 51 Max Georg 52 A. Warburg 53 A. Warburg Mnemosyne, sche Funktion 1913: WIA: to H. to A. Sieveking III.78.2 [24].

1924: GC. auf der Wanderung 1926: GC.

Schmidt, toM. G.

Warburg, Geschichte Schmidt,

28 August (economic historian), 2 September 1926: GC. des Welthandels 2 December 2 October (manuscript, im Gesch?fte (Berlin/Leipzig: 1926: GC.



to E Schumacher,

1927: GC.

Logik, Ghirlandajo" des Ged?chtnisses

Also "Bilderwanderung bis Eckener, antichaoti 1929); "Bild und Zahl als polare 6 October 1929: WIA, der Orientierung,"

III.12.12.[45]. 54 28 September F. Saxl to A Warburg, 1927: GC: W/S. 55 to the architect F. Schumacher, 2 October A. Warburg 1927: GC. 56 to K Umlauf 1928: GC. A. Warburg 13 of Hamburg October University,

This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

262 German

Studies Review

29/2 (2006)

57 toM.G. KBW 20 March 1928: GC. Schmidt, 58 F. Saxl to A. Warburg, 1928: GC. 23 March 59 22 April F Saxl toM.G. 1928: GC. Schmidt, 60 to A. 20 August 1928: GC. M.G.Schmidt Warburg, Warburg, 62 W Gundel, F Saxl to in Vienna. 61 E Saxl to A. 26 May 1928: GC: W/S.





by R. Larisch

to A Warburg, 1928: GC. Gundel 25 August are in italics 28 1928: WIA: dated IV2.1. These entries Gundel, August uncaptioned, on the list in the appendix. 65 E Saxl toM.G.Schmidt, 1928: GC. 29 September 66 E Saxl to A. Warburg, 28 January 1929: GC: W/S. 67 6March E Saxl to A. Warburg, 1929: GC: W/S. 68 toMax 1929: WIA: 25 March GC, WFam. Warburg Warburg, 69 "Brief an Gisela Warburg McEwan/ 1929," Dorothea niece) vom 14.May (AbyWarburg's Martin die 'Pioniere 4/8 4?8; Dorothea Treml, McEwan, eds., Trajekte (2004): "Gegen der Diesseitigkeit,'" Jerusalem: University 70 Claudia Wedepohl, Kultur" Proceedings ibid.: Press, 9-11; Eleazar 1932. L. Sukenik, The Ancient Synagogue of Beth Alpha. der und

63 W. 64 W.

14 June 1928:GC.

in der Gegenwart. und um 1900." 16-18 and October Mitterbauer 2003, Graz, Zentraleuropa University Helga Katharina eds. (Vienna, 227-54. Scherke, 2005), 71 Idea.' die 'Pioniere...'"; Dorothea '"Die siegende, McEwan, McEwan, "Gegen fliegende von imWechsel und Ein k?nstlerischer der K?nste Aby War b?rg," in: Der Bilderatlas Auftrag eds. (Munich: Wilhelm Sabine Flach, and Marianne Streisand, Medien, Inge M?nz-Koenen Fink Verlag, Reihe Trajekte, 121-51. 2005),

zu Ein Versuch Wanderstra?en "Ideengeographie: Aby Warburgs um 1900 the Kulturelle R?ume, of Conference "Entgrenzte Transfers Internationales des Spezialforschungsbereichs Modern?Wien Symposion

This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions




Appendix 1: Leitfossil. Figure Der Mann mit dem Bianchini Porphyrius der Perser Achmet, Axine ["axe"] 1911 Beil

I: Transcription Dekane Der Mann mit

of Words dem





Abu Masr Aben Esra percinctus" echte[!] teukrischer "chorda

(einheitliche [!]) Archetypus

Picatrix in ejus manu Hbg[Hamburg] ascionum incidentem Un Alfonso Wie [* "fascionem" wird arma fascionem* incidens

Wien, Hann. Abano,




assia* arab.[isch] "assia" 1913 ?bersetzt?

hs [Handschrift]

(Schifanoja) "axe"]


be "ascionem,"


be "ascia,"


3: "Orientexpress," Orient-Express



Augsburg N?rnberg Conventionelle subjektiven Grenzpf?hle inneren geistigen der Aufkl?rung Hamburg m?hsam und national geographisch technisch Lebenskraft Organisch Aufkl?rung Mathematik imponderable Vern?nftigkeit Figure 4 and 5: Next two pages ?> Atlas. mit des 1930 Hinzuf?gungen zwischen nach einer holl?ndischen Osten u. besondere[?] u. Aberglauben u. Fetischismus h?chstens unorganisch des Tatsachengebietes und undenkbar



7: Plate A, Mnemosyne Figure Der antike Sternenhimmel Sternkarte. Die Westen. Der Stammbaum der Familie "Wanderstra?enkarte"





This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions




? O ON


:w?rts r?cl

Gec ?chtnis

Wissenschaft Reactionsform-

Symbolik die R?ckfall in umfangreichere

Bezeichnung Name

Bild Namen

Bild Physiognomik

organisierter Niederschlag Kunst Wer Umfang subjective Fragestellung Reactionsform Eindruck auf


Mimik Physiognomik (Woher) Urheber


social Ausgangspunkt (Wissen) Recht

contr?re Figure Grundlegende 4: Bruchst?cke II

regulirte dynamische (subjectiv-objective) Bewg{Bewegung] Kampf Mimik als (Besitz) regulirte Ortsbewg.


R?ckseite]: "Dein May"


This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions


o sI


Padua igeli Heidelberg

[Handschrift] hs renzel



Teucer 5: Figure in position. central 1911

Planispherium Bianchini Denderah Picatrix

This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions



Studies Review

29/2 (2006)

The "Wanderkarte" entries These are

II: Entries

on the Wanderkarten

names in print. features of towns drawn map, by Mary Warburg, are four extant in theWarburg of this map listed below. There copies of towns, names of additions Archive with handwritten Institute dates, names featuring of thought. the direction of diffusion and most lines indicating people, importantly Wilhelm Gundel entered dated 28/08/1928, On one?uncaptioned?copy of this map, have relatively few handwritten theWestern countries additional information; European additions, countries, italics on Fritz Saxl Mediterranean the Eastern countries, Greece, handwritten have very many Iran, Afghanistan the list below IV. (WIA, revised of thought important important this map modern Egypt, additions. These Turkey, entries Arab are in

diffusion "The most "The lines]. Saxl's [The "The (WIA, most

with many fewer entries, lines but, crucially, The map is captioned: IV. (WIA, to the times of Alexander trade routes the Great" trade routes to the time of the Roman Empire"

of direction





additions other most IV

are underlined. are captioned: routes from the 6th to the 12th centuries." (not illustrated)

two maps important important


"The most]





12th to the on WIA,

15th centuries."

(fig. 6) (WIA,


Towns England: Additional: time Line The London;

and Events


IV. 2.2.4).

Sandwich. Oxford; Northampton; a. war von M. in Brit. l.Jh. Asklepiades lange Zeit in Britain]. ?Entry crossed out.] going North to Ruthwell Amsterdam. Br?gge [Bruges]; Mecheln [Malines]. Cross. Dumfriesshire,

[1st century BC,

has spent a long


Netherlands: Antwerpen; Aigueperse;

Belgium: France:


Paris; Tournai. Auxerre; Bordeaux; Lille; Lyon; Marseille; Avignon; ? AD, with Anthedhis, Quadius AD]; [5th century century S.Jh.p lV/V.Jh.[4thSth arrow to arrow to (Haedner) Lyon]; Caecilius Arborius Argicius 3Ajh. p.[3A century AD, with Krinas in the Arat AD; Ausonius, [?] l.Jh. Bordeaux]; vicifiity ofAvignon]; 4.Jh. p [4th century in the vicinity Marseille]. p [1st century AD, of Narbonne. Barcelona; Salamanca; Tarragonal Aichach; Cadiz; Sevilla; Malaga; modern M?rida]; Augustea, nova, modern Carth.[ago Carthagena] Cordoba; Bamberg; Stendal; Berlin; Brandenburg; Ulm; Weimar; Coruna; Toledo. Caes.[araugusta, modern

Toulouse; Spain: Leon;


Zaragoza]; Germany:





Hamburg; I la?furt;Heidelberg; Kiel; Leipzig; L?neburg; L?beck; Naumburg; N?rnberg

[Nuremberg]; Wolfenb?ttel; Additional: Regensburg; W?rzburg. Trier ?Tr?ves], Stra?burg; 3. Jh., Wetzlar; Wittenberg;




of 3rd century AD].

This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions




Switzerland: Czech Poland: Russia: Austria: Carnuntum. Italy: Mantua; [Venice]. Additional: Crot?n; Neapel Republic: Krakau Moskau


[Basle]. Budweis; Prag [Prague].

[Cracow]. [Moscow]. Wien [Vienna].


Ferrara; [Naples];

Florenz Padua;

[Florence]; Palermo;

Genua Pavia;

[Genoa]; Perugia;


Mailand Livorno; Rom [Rome];

[Milan]; Venedig

BC to 4th century AD, near Rome]; Capri, Tibul 2.J.t. a.?4. Jh. p. [2nd millennium 1. Jh. a, weissagt dem Scribonius, lus; Syracus, Firmicus M.[aternus] 4.Jh.p [4th century AD]; s c. 42 BC, with etwas 42 v. Chr., [1st century BC, sein Schicksal, Tiberias Tiberias fate, foretells an arrow to Palermo.]. pointing Samos. [Athens]; und Thrasyll; Kos, Berosos 3Jh a, Sch?ler Antipater Rhodos, Tiberius undAchinapolus Harlicarnass: [3rd century BC; student ofAntipater Scylax, Freund des Panaitios andAchinapolus]; v. Chr., lie.de.die.II 2nd und Cassandrus 88, vor ihm: Anchialus of Panaitios 2Jh [Scylax, friend him Anchialus and BC, Cassandrus]. century before Athen [no printed Apollonia, entry]. Theagetos convertiert zum Christentum [?] [converts to Christianity, near



Albania: Additional: Durazzo]. Romania:

Sirm.[Sirmium. Kostolac].

[no printed Sremska

entry]. Mi trovica];Singid.




Hipparch, Cyprus: BC]; Paridonius. Turkey: onia, Boghazki?i South

2. Jh.

a [2nd century




1. Jh.

[1st century





Province]; et


[in the vicinity Nicaea ;

of Sanliurfa]; Konstantinopel
of Iconium]; Myrlea

[renamed Apameia,

[Cyzicus, in Bithynia]; Lystra [Lyca

Pontus Bithynia province]

; [Cappadocia]; Soloi [Soloi/Pomeiopolis]. [Bithynia] Tyana

Additional: with von [3rd century BC, studies (3 Jh a) studiert bei Chaldaeern; Byzantion Spigenes von Carion Heraiskos 5 Jh p.Ch [5th century AD]; Parilli, Artemidor studiert Chaldeaens]; arrow a. to bei Chaldaeern with with Kleostrat 6. Chaldeaeans, Teneios, [studies Kyzikos]; Jh. [born 2nd century BC, with [6th century BC, with arrow to Kyzikos]; Hipparch, 2.Jh.a.geboren arrow toNicaea]; astrol. 3Jh a.,cf ccalV 150 [3rd century BC, with arrow to Nicaea]; Protagoras Apollinos [?] 2Jh [2nd century]; Kommagene,

a [4th century BC]; Knidos, Eudoxos 4Jh Myndos, Grab des Antiochos [grave ofAntiochos]. of Laodocia. site, west Syn. [Syneta; supposed





Kilise K?y]. Iraq: Babylon; Bagdad [Baghdad]; Basra; Erbil [Irbil, Sulaymaniyah]; Mossul Sindschirli [Sinjalah?; Muhafazat as Sulaymaniyah];
Additional: Kidznan der Chaldaeer, 2.-3. 2nd/3rd century BC, possibly Chaldeaen, u.a. Edessa urn 1-8 p, fu?t aufKritodem,

the von goes

vielleicht Quelle des Hipparch? [Kidznan Jh.a., near Erbil]; the source for Hipparchos?; Theophil to 8th century, beruft sich auf die alten Aeg. [c. 7th

This content downloaded from on Tue, 24 Sep 2013 01:10:47 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions



Studies Review

29/2 (2006)

142 back among other toKritodem, sources, near Baghdad]; Horoskop quotes old Egyptian vomj. v. Chr. (vielleicht schon griech. R?ck...) written in 142 Greek BC, [horoscope possibly already ... aus to Seleukos aus Babylon, [tear in paper, rest illegible, arrow pointing Babylon]; Diogenes am Tikris on a. Seleukia Seleukia stoischer lokier, [Stoic Philosoph 2Jh. [Diogenes from Tigris]; 2nd century BC]. philosopher, Syria: Apamea Palmyra Lebanon: Additional: [on the outskirts of Horms]. of Hama] ; Dolyche [Doliche, D?l?k, northwest of Ain tab] ;


[no printed entry] Sidon [Sayda], Dorotheus

2. Jh.

p [2nd century AD]. Iran]; Shush]; of Isfahan Oum the river [Isfahan [Oimis, Province, Damghan]. South of

Iran: Gundeschapur Western [Gundeshapur, Susa [in southwestern Iran, modern Teheran]. India: Ozene [Ujjain] Balch [Central India, on

the banks near

Shipra]. Northern

Bactria, [Balkh; Paktra, Afghanistan: Province of Afghanistan]; Herat. Kab.[ul]; Turkmenistan: Merw Pakistan: [Margiana], [no printed entry]. in northwestern [no printed entry].



Pesch.[Peshawar, Jarg. Uzbekistan: Buchara; Israel: Sam Jerusalem








[no printed



[no printed Jordan: entry]. Petra; Aelana [Al Aqabah]. Saudi Arabia: Kufar [Qufar].

; Aswan; Egypt: Akhmim [Upper Egypt, East bank of theNile, opposite Sohag] Alexandria;
Denderah Egypt]; Additional: [Dendara, Elefantine Tentyra, [Elephantine, Upper Aswan Edfu and Luxor, Upper [Between Egypt]; in the river Nile in the Aswan island area]; Theben

[Thebes, Upper Egypt].

hier studiert Solon, [2nd century BC, near Alexandria]; Heliopolis: bei P.W. [here studied Solon, Plato, vgl. Kees, Sechnuphis Pythagoras, a. Plato, Eudoxus in P. W.]; Memphis, Eudoxus, f. Kees, Sechnuphis [4th century BC]; Bolos 4Jh. vonMendes, Ende 5. Jh.a. [end of 5th century BC]; Babylon; Teukros von Babylon, a? [Teucer ljh. 1st century BC?]; Hephaestis [4th century BC?, near Thebes]; Odapius of Baby Ion in Egypt, 4.jh.p? 3 Jh v. Chr. [3rd century BC]. Thebanus Hypsikles, Plato, 2Jh.a Pythagoras, Eudoxus, entry]. Septimius entry]. in seiner Jugend Sterndeuter [Carthage. S. Augustin was an Severus * 146p.Chr. [146AD].

[no printed Libya: Additional: Leptis. Tunisia: Aditional: astrologer

[no printed

Augustin Karthago. in his youth].

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