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FREE DIY Survival Kit. From "Ranger Rick" F. Tscherne US Army, Ret. 1972-93 Well, what do you think?

Pretty neat, huh? Look at all this stuff it contains, a lmost everything you need for a survival situation. Cool, ain't it? Oh, by the way, the name of this survival kit, those letters F-R-E-E D-I-Y stand for... From Recyclable Everyday Expendables Do It Yourself Survival Kit Or another name for it is.. The Do-It-Yourself, Cheapskate, Low-Income, Poor Man 's Survival Kit. Which I think is a bit more appropriate based on the kind of pe ople who keep trying to scam me and don't keep their word. Especially when my SO S Survival Kits only cost about 20 bucks which ain't much compared to what other s are selling their survival kits for online. And everything you see here in this photo can be easily found and acquired from around your home, your neighbors garbage cans and or from some trash dumpsters b ehind stores and shopping malls. And yep, it's all FREE! You don't have to pay a dime for any of it, how bout that? And so go ahead and take another good look at this photo and then read on to see what some of these items are and what they can be used for in a survival situat ion. And if you know anyone who can't afford to buy a decent, inexpensive, survi val kit like the ones I sell on my website (, feel free to pass along this FREE DIY Survival Kit to them. And so here's what all those items are that you see in the photo; IMPROVISED COOKING KIT - The frying pan you see in the photo is made out of a la rge tuna can with a "snap on & off" handle which was made from some cut up coat hanger wire. The tin can cup with the handle is also a "snap on & off" handle ma de from coat hanger wire as well as the big can, the "bucket" you see there with the handle. Yep, all these items are easy to find and make, all you need is a l ittle bit of immagination, that's all. IMPROVISED CANTEEN WATER CONTAINERS - Besides using some zip-lock sandwhich bags and condoms (NEW ones - NOT used ones, of course) as improvised fold-up water c ontainers. You can also use any old reusual plastic water bottle too and then at tach to it some tie-down cord so you can carry or wear it around your waist or n eck. Oh, and somethng else I found in a dumpster that makes a great improvised c anteen are those aluminum can "Munster Energy" drinks" that also come with a scr ew on & off aluminum cap too. Yea, I can't believe these are tossed away after y ou finish drinking it. Besides being able to find these in some trash cans near some of those "shop & go" stores, you can also find them in the trash cans and d umpsters behind some gymns. As there are a lot of exercise freaks & weight lifti ng gurus who like to drink this stuff there. IMPROVISED LANTERN, HEATER & STOVE - All made out of aluminum and tin cans along with some duct tape and a piece of cloth. But..what's extrememly important and very, very dangerous to use is gasoline as the fuel. NEVER use gasoline but inst ead some NON-vaper and NON-combustable fuel like BBQ and Zippo lighter fluid. Ho w do you make these improvised lanterns, heaters & stoves out of aluminum & tin cans? Just Google: "How to make a coke can stove & lantern" and up will pop a do zen or more pages on your computer screen. Check it out! IMPROVISED GENERAL DIRECTION COMPASS - All you need are some very thin narrow na ils, pins or sewing needle and some thin wire (copper if possibe) and a cork or

some small piece of wood. And also a small battery, AA, C, D or one of those sma ll square 9 volt batteries. Don't worry, they don't have to be new nor fully cha rged, they just need to have some power left in it. And also a plastic or paper cup too. To make a compass out of all these items simply wrap the wire tightly a nd entirely around the nail, pin or sewing needle numerous time and then connect one end of the wire to negative portion of the battery and the other end to the positive portion for for about a minute or until the battery and or the wire st arts to get a bit warm or hot to hold onto. Then remove the wire entirely from t he nail or needle, fill the cup up with some water, place the nail or needle on a piece of cork, wood or a leaf and then PRESTO! You got yourself an improvised, homemade, magnetized needle and general direction compass. IMPROVISED FIRE STARTER & TINDER - If you look closely at my photo you will see several different types of fire starters, some common, regular, old paper matche s and some strike anywhere wooden matches too. And then there are two BIC lighte rs, a small orange colored one and a big one that you can easily find on the gro und or in a garbage can due to it running out of gas and no longer useful to a c iggarette smoker. is still useful, to a survivalist. And to make and use them like those over-priced & over-rated "Spark-Lite" fire starers. All you hav e to do is remove the top metal covering so the flint & striker wheel are more e xposed so you can get the sparks down closer and on top of the tinder to ignite it. And if you cut off the bottom of these BIC lighters you can then use that co mpartment for storing cotton balls inside of it. Oops, I almost forgot. I also f ound an old pencil sharpen in a trash can too. Which can be used to make "paper thin" thinder for starting fires besides cotton and clothes dryer lint or all th ree together. To learn more about how to make these BIC lighter just go to this link here: IMPROVISED FISH & SNARE KIT - Can be easily made out of sewing pins, needles, sa fety pins, cut up aluminum coke cans & pull tabs, nylon string, dental floss, wi re, etc. Which the pins can be bent and made into fishing hooks, the alumunium f rom coke cans and the pull tab too can be cut up and made into some fishing lure s and some string and dental floss can be used for fishing line and some wire ca n be used for making snare traps. To learn mre about how to make and use some of this stuff for fishing, just go to this link here: http://www.survivaloutdoorsk IMPROVISED CUTTING TOOLS & KNIVES - The ones you see in the photo I made out of a can-lid top, a broken file saw, a jig saw blade and a window paint cleaner raz or blade all attached to some wood and or cork along with some duct tape. To lea rn more about saws & cutting tools, go to this link here: http://www.survivalout IMPROVISED RAIN JACKET & RAIN PONCHO - Can be made out of some large trash bags. What's the difference between rain jacket and rain poncho? A trash bag rain jac ket has one hole for your head and two more holes for your arms. A rain poncho j ust has a hole for your head and the sides of the trash-bag are cut & open on bo th sides like one of those Mexican poncho blankets.Or unless you don't want to m ake any holes in it so you can cover and wrap it around your head and body, just cut open the two sides of the trash bag. IMPROVISED SHELTER - Can be made out of some big, good size trash-bags or plasti c sheets. It really doesn't matter what kind of tie-down you use, but it does ma tter how you attach it to the trashbag and plastic. Which is by placing a very s mall, smooth, round rock on the corners of it and in some other places too if ne eded. Then wrap the rock inside the plastic and then wrap the tie-down around th is rock and plastic too so the tie-down won't come off. Don't never try to make a hole in the plastic and then add any tie down to it or the tie-down will rip a nd come through the plastic, use a very small rock instead to attach the tie-dow n to it. To learn more about improvised shelters, go to this link here: http://w IMPROVISE SIGNAL DEVICES - What you see in the photo are some bright, orange, cl oth, though orange is a much better color and can be seen further away, bright r ed can be used too if you can't find any orange. To use it for signaling, either wave it with your hand or attach it to a stick and then wave it vigorisley to g et someone's attention along with an improvised shiney signaling device like a b roken mirrow, tin can lid, aluminum foil, CD, etc. To learn more about improvise d signal devices, just go to this link here: m/signaling.htm IMPROVISED WATER FILTER & PURIFICATION KIT - The water filters in the photo are both, some regular cloth and some coffee drip paper filters too. To purify the w ater for safe consumption, boil it for at least 7 x minutes or use Clorex Bleach regular "non-scented" and then add 4 x drops per every quart of water. To learn more on this simply google: "How to use Clorex Bleach to purify water." To lear n more about how to safely purify water just go to this link here: IMPROVISED NITE-TIME LIGHT SOURCE (Besides a fire) - What you see in the photo i s not only some old, used, birthday & church candles but some lanterns made out of several small plastic "whiskey bottles" and some cloth ran through some cut u p, rolled up aluminum cut from a coke can so that the heat won't melt the rim of the plastic bottle. But..once again...what's extrememly important is that you u se on NON-vaper and NON-combustable fuel. In other words do NOT use gasoline nor that Coleman lantern nor stove fuel but instead use either some Zippo lighter f luid or BBQ lighter fluid. IMPROVISE WEAPON KIT - All you need are a bunch of thick rubber bands, some nail s of different sizes, tape, cord, etc so you can easily make a bow & arrow, slin gshot, throwing star, etc. To learn more about how to make these type of weapons , just go to this link here: Now before someone writes and asks.."Hey Rick, why didn't you include this, or u se that, or why not use..blah, blah, etc.". Guys & gals, there are so many other unlimited things that you can find and use to make your own FREE DYI Survival K it and this here is just one sample kit. Personally, when it comes to wanting or needing a survival kit it's best NOT to purchase any of those over-rated, over-priced, name-brand, super-dupper, everyth ing-you-need survival kits. But instead buy a basic "starter" or "ultra-lite" su rvival kit that comes with the six basic essential items needed in all survival situations which is a knife, fire starter, flash-lite, signal mirror, whistle an d a compass. And then depending on how often and how far out into the boonies yo u go as well as what the temperture is, you can always purchase more stuff later on. Basically, I agree what they say in all these survival handbooks and on those ot her survival sites and forums..." the best survival kit is one that you put toge ther yourself to fit your own personal comfort and survival needs. Make sense and some good advice? You betcha! "Ranger Rick" F. Tscherne US Army, Ret. 1972-93 Author, The Ranger Digest Series I-IX Developer, SOS Survival Kits Owner,

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