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AIM for Business Flows


SAMBA Financial Group Admin To Pay


Mohd Elbaw Wissam Hajjar June 4, 2009 15-11-2009 MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/Ver 1.3 1.3

Creation Date: Last Updated: Document Ref: Version:

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Document Control
Change Record

Date 22-Jun-09 28-Jun-09 3-Jul-2009 1-sep-2009

Author Mohd Elbaw Mohd Elbaw Mohd Elbaw Wissam Hajjar

Version Draft 1a 1.2 1.3 1.4

Change Reference No Previous Document


Name Mohd Elbaw Sohiyb Sakaji Balagi KS

Position Oracle Project Manager SAMBA Project Manager SAMBA IT Project Manager


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Name Library Master

Location Project Library Project Manager

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SAMBA reserves the right to amend or change the contents of this document if any contents not in line with Sambas policies and procedures which has already been delivered to Oracle.

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009


Document Control .................................................................................................ii Event Catalog......................................................................................................... 1 Admin To Pay ............................................................................................... 1 Process Listing and Process Descriptions ............................................................ 4 Payroll & Compensation Definition ......................................................... 4 Process Relationships for Payroll & Compensation Definition ............. 6 Function Hierarchy ................................................................................................ 7 Payroll Definition ......................................................................................... 7 Process Step Catalogs ........................................................................................... 9 Payroll Definition ......................................................................................... 9 Function Hierarchy .............................................................................................. 10 Compensation Definition ......................................................................... 10 Process Step Catalogs ......................................................................................... 12 Recurring Earning Elements Definition ................................................ 12 Process Step Catalogs ......................................................................................... 13 Non Recurring Earning Elements Definition ....................................... 13 Process Step Catalogs ......................................................................................... 28 Deduction Elements Definition ............................................................... 28 Process Step Catalogs ......................................................................................... 30 Recurring Deduction Elements Definition ........................................... 30 Process Step Catalogs ......................................................................................... 33 Information Elements Definition ............................................................ 33 Accruals ........................................................................................................ 33 Process Step Catalogs ......................................................................................... 35 Employer Charges Elements Definition ................................................ 35 Process Listing and Process Descriptions .......................................................... 37 Payroll To Payment ................................................................................... 37 Process Relationships for Payroll to payment ......................................... 40
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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Function Hierarchy .............................................................................................. 41 Process Step Catalogs ......................................................................................... 42 Assign To payroll ....................................................................................... 42 Assignment Change................................................................................... 42 Salary Change ............................................................................................. 43 Personal Payment Method ....................................................................... 43 Moving & Relocation Expenses............................................................... 43 Samba Club Contribution ......................................................................... 43 Salary in Advance ...................................................................................... 44 Housing in Advance .................................................................................. 45 Schooling Fees ............................................................................................. 46 Annual Medical Checkup Claim ............................................................ 48 Overtime Request ....................................................................................... 49 Thursday Overtime Request .................................................................... 50 Cash Flow Loan .......................................................................................... 52 Cash Flow Loan Transactions.................................................................. 53 Housing Loan Request .............................................................................. 54 Purchase Housing Loan Transactions ................................................... 55 Construction Housing Loan Transactions ............................................ 56 Element Set .................................................................................................. 58 Assignment Set ........................................................................................... 58 Consolidation Set ....................................................................................... 58 Quick Pay ..................................................................................................... 58 Daily Payroll Run ....................................................................................... 59 Retro Pay (Enhanced) ................................................................................ 59 Monthly Payroll Run ................................................................................. 60 Rollback Payroll Run ................................................................................. 60 Retry Payroll Run ....................................................................................... 60 Pre Payment ................................................................................................ 60 Saudi Payment Output File ...................................................................... 61 Saudi Payroll Archiver .............................................................................. 61 Saudi Payroll Register ............................................................................... 61 Saudi Pay slip Report ................................................................................ 62 Open and Closed Issues ...................................................................................... 63 Open Issues .................................................................................................... 63 Closed Issues ................................................................................................. 63

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Event Catalog
Admin To Pay
Event ID Name Type Description Frequency


Payroll Compensation Definition

& Setup

A payroll defines a group of employees with a Once common frequency of payment and a common pay date; it can be Weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly. SAMBA will have different Payrolls to meet the pay policies of SAMBA and Country regulations. Employees are assigned to payroll through their assignment screens SAMBA has a compensation structure of fixed Pay element (e.g. Basic Salary, Housing Allowances, Transportation Allowance .etc) And variable Pay element (e.g. Bonus (Sign On Bonus, Guaranteed Bonus etc). For both types these compensations have eligibility rules by which a potential employee becomes eligible for such benefits.

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BF.015 Future Process Model Event ID Name Type Description

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Frequency


Payroll to Payment

Payroll Processing


Time Collection To Payroll Payroll Processing

SAMBA Payroll dept. will be responsible for running the payroll for the compensated Earning / Deduction elements. The data for payroll will be fed from several places like Self-Service Requests, Contract Changes, and Management awards etc. The Actual result will depend on Employment type, Grade, and Position of the employee. The Final Results are calculated dynamically during the Payroll process. These results will be verified by a reconciliation activity versus the previous month payroll results. The Payment of Payroll depends on the defined payroll payment methods. SAMBA staffs are paid by direct transfer to their SAMBA Staff account, For the new joiners whom dont have SAMBA Staff bank Account their salary will be paid by cheque. Pay / Deduction Elements are used to capture various time attendance events, The Unpaid Leave deduction, Overtime Allowance, Thursday Overtime Allowance, and Shift allowance will be linked to the occurrence of employee time attendance records. In order to fit this purpose SAMBA will require to define work schedules, work plan for shifts, rotation plans and Holiday Calendars.

Daily / Weekly/ Monthly / As and When Occur

Daily / Weekly/ Monthly / As and When Occur

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BF.015 Future Process Model Event ID Name Type Description

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Frequency


Absence Management

Payroll Processing

Corresponding to the submitted leave request as described in BF015_Hire_To_Retire_VER_1.3.Doc, This process is made to manage each type of absence from payroll aspect. Each type of leave will either have an Earning Element associated to the occurrence of absence records (E.g. Vacation Allowance is linked to Paid Leave request) or Have deduction element (E.g. Unpaid Leave Deduction for the unpaid leave days )

Daily / Weekly/ Monthly / As and When Occur

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Process Listing and Process Descriptions

Payroll & Compensation Definition
Process ID Event Process Title Description of Process Output

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BF.015 Future Process Model Process ID Event Process Title Description of Process

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Output


Payroll & Compensation Definition

Payroll Definition

This process involves the definition of 8 payroll registers for KSA Business Group that represents two legal entities; SAMBA and SAMBA Capital. The eight payroll register are: 1- SAMBA Regular Payroll This payroll register will include all employees having employment type as local Staff 2- SAMBA Special Payroll This payroll register will include specific individuals identified by HR, and this payroll will be handled in a special way 3- SAMBA Consultant and Agency Payroll: This payroll register will include all employees whose employment types are Direct Consultant, Agencies Consultant, Temporary consultant except KHALDA staff 4 - SAMBA Capital Regular Payroll This payroll register will include all employees with their employment records registered under SAMBA Capital Legal Entity. 5 - SAMBA Capital Special Payroll This payroll register will include specific individuals identified by HR, and this payroll will be handled in a special way 6- SAMBA KHALDA Payroll This payroll register will include all KHALDA employees working for SAMBA 7- SAMBA Capital KHALDA Payroll This payroll register will include all KHALDA employees working for SAMBA Capital 8- SAMBA Capital Consultant and Agency Payroll: This payroll register will include all employees whose employment types are Direct Consultant, Agencies Consultant, Temporary consultant except KHALDA staff

For KSA Business Group, the following payroll registers are: -SAMBA Staff Payroll -Management Payroll - Consultant Payroll - SAMBA Capital Payroll -SAMBA Capital Management Payroll - KHALDA Staff Payroll


Payroll & Compensation Definition

Compensation Definition, Compensation Eligibility

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BF.015 Future Process Model

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Process Relationships for Payroll & Compensation Definition SAMBA Bank Function: Payroll & Compensation Definition
Description: Function Owner: Date:



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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Function Hierarchy

Payroll Definition
Function ID # PAY01.01 .01

Function Description Payroll Definition

Function Owner Designated Payroll Officer

Type Setup


This process involves the definition of 5 payroll registers for KSA Business Group that represents two legal entities; SAMBA and SAMBA Capital. The eight payroll register are: 1- SAMBA Regular Payroll This payroll register will include all employees having employment type as local Staff 2- SAMBA Special Payroll This payroll register will include specific individuals identified by HR, and this payroll will be handled in a special way 3- SAMBA Consultant and Agency Payroll: This payroll register will include all employees whose employment types are Direct Consultant, Agencies Consultant, Temporary consultant except KHALDA staff 4 - SAMBA Capital Regular Payroll This payroll register will include all employees with their employment records registered under SAMBA Capital Legal Entity. 5 - SAMBA Capital Special Payroll This payroll register will include specific individuals identified by HR, and this payroll will be handled in a special way 6- SAMBA KHALDA Payroll This payroll register will include all KHALDA employees working for SAMBA 7- SAMBA Capital KHALDA Payroll This payroll register will include all KHALDA employees working for SAMBA Capital 8- SAMBA Capital Consultant and Agency Payroll:

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Function Hierarchy (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

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BF.015 Future Process Model Function ID #

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Function Owner Type Notes

Function Description

This payroll register will include all employees whose employment types are Direct Consultant, Agencies Consultant, Temporary consultant except KHALDA staff

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Function Hierarchy (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Process Step Catalogs

Payroll Definition
ID PAY01.01.0 1.01 Description Define a Payroll Frequency Once Notes Enter the Payroll Name (Unique Payroll Name Is entered), Payroll Period Type (Calendar Month will be used as Payroll Period Type) , Enter the end date of the payroll's first period (31-Jan-1950 is the end date of the 1st Payroll period) and the number of years for the system should initially generate the payroll's calendar Open the calendar year on a 2 years basis For the chosen Payroll Periods in STEP PAY01.0101.01, the start and end date of each period should be defined. As SAMBA will use a calendar month, the start and end date should exactly match the start and end of each calendar month. SAMBA will have two Payment Method: - Direct Deposit: The default payment method that will be used for all SAMBA Staff. - Cheque: This payment method may be used for new joiners who do not have SAMBA staff Account and maybe used for Direct Consultant and Temporary consultant Each Payroll register will have the code of GL books. This code will be used with the inherited cost center from employee assignment and expense code of the Pay / Deduction Element Agent Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic

PAY01.01.0 1.02

Enter The Payroll Period dates


Designated Payroll Officer


PAY01.01.0 1.03

Enter Payroll Valid Payment Methods


Designated Payroll Officer


PAY01.01.0 1.04

Enter Payroll Costing Details


Designated Payroll Officer


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Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Function Hierarchy
SAMBA Bank Function: Compensation Definition
Description: Function Owner: Date:



Compensation Definition
Function ID # PAY01.02 .01

Function Description Recurring Earning Elements Definition

Function Owner Designated Payroll Officer

Type Element Definition

Notes Element Such as Basic Salary, Housing Allowance, Transportation allowance, Driver Allowance, Shift Allowance and Teller Allowance are recurring Earnings elements that represent most payments made to an employee. These elements normally processed in the regular payroll run of each period. Element Such As Vacation allowance, Salary Advance , House In Advance, Schools Fees , Annual Medical Checkup, Maternity Claim , Overtime Allowance , Thursday Compensation ,Cash Flow Loan , Housing Loan , Guaranteed Bonus , Sign On Bonus and Management Bonus, retention bonus, target oriented bonus, Incentive Compensations, etc are non-recurring earning element which will be processed as and when occurs Element such as Sick Leave Deduction non-recurring deduction s that represent the absentia records. Element such as SAMBA Club, Salary In Advance recovery , Advance House Allowance Recovery , ESIP Contribution , ESPP Contribution , Housing Loan Commission , Cash Flow Commission etc are recurring deductions limited to either to the outstanding balance (Salary In Advance, Advance House Allowance) or limited to employee enrollment in ESIP or ESSP Plan. Other Elements such as Gosi Annuities Employee charges represent the social security deduction for Saudi Nationality Employees only those who are registered in GOSI.

PAY01.02 .02

Non-Recurring Earning Elements Definition

Designated Payroll Officer

Element Definition

PAY01.02 .03 PAY01.02 .04

Non Recurring Deduction Elements Definition

Designated Payroll Officer

Element Definition

Recurring Deduction Elements Definition

Designated Payroll Officer

Element Definition

PAY01.02 .05

Information Elements Definition

Designated Payroll Officer

Element Definition

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Element such as ESPP Allocated Number of Shares , ESPP Settlement , ESPP Round Up Difference , ESIP Settlement , CAP Participation , CAP Allocated Number of Shares , CAP Round Up Difference , CAP Settlement and LTBP Round Up Difference are considered as Information elements which can Function Hierarchy 10 of 63

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BF.015 Future Process Model Function ID #

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Function Owner Type Notes be used to represent information items that are used or not used in payroll processing. They can also be setup to hold information for use in other elements, and to trigger the processing of other elements, for example, loan details. Employer Charges element represent payments such as GOSI Annuities Employer, GOSI Hazard Employer made to Social Security statutory bodies by the employer for the employee. Also include ESIP Employee contribution Interest, ESIP SAMBA Contribution, ESIP SAMBA Contribution Interest, ESPP Employee Contribution Interest, ESPP SAMBA Contribution and LTBP Awarded Options which represent SAMBA Liability to Benefit plan for the employees. Balances represent the outstanding of allotted Benefits or credit facilities or any reporting dimension that will be used for Report Analysis these balance are described under Balance Definition in page 19. Elements such as GOSI Payment, Recruiting Agency payment, Life Insurance, Medical Insurance, School Payment, and House Payment will be considered as Third Party Payment since payment Is made to an external organization (3r d party).

Function Description

PAY01.02 .06

Employer Charges Elements

Designated Payroll Officer

Element Definition

PAY01.02 .07

Balances Definition

Designated Payroll Officer

Element Definition

PAY01.02 .08

Third Party Payment Element

Designated Payroll Officer

Element Definition

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Function Hierarchy (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Process Step Catalogs

Recurring Earning Elements Definition
ID Description Freque ncy Notes Agent Automatio n


Basic Salary


Is an automatic element created to all SAMBA and SAMBA Capital employees, It holds the data of the monthly Basic salary for each employee Is an automatic element created to all consultants (are not employee), It holds the data of the billing salary for consultants Is an automatic element granted to employees based on their contract, either it is Monthly that is calculated (ABS/12 *4) /12 or a fixed amount determined in the contract of the employee. Hiring is classified into 3 categories: 1- Non Professional Hires = > Not eligible for housing allowance during probation period 2- Professional Hire (Local) => Eligible for the housing allowance (From Hire Date) that is paid at end of probation 3- Professional Hire (Foreign) => Eligible for the housing allowance (From Hire Date) provided no accommodation is provided by the bank and probation does not apply for their case Is an automatic element granted to employees based on their grade, either it is Monthly that is derived from grade rate or a fixed amount determined in the contract of the employee Is an automatic element granted to employees based on their grade, either it is Monthly that is derived from grade rate or a fixed amount determined in the contract of the employee Is an automatic element granted to employees who have specific positions working on shifts (Defined Later in OTL), and it is specified in People group in the assignment screen, and it should not be granted during probation Is an automatic element granted to employees who works as Teller and it is specified in People group in the assignment screen, and it should not be granted during probation Is an automatic element granted to employees who have specific job as a broker at Samba Capital, and it is specified in his People group in the assignment screen, and it should not be granted during probation

Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer



Consultant Salary Housing Allowance





Comment [s1]: Check numbering

PAY01.02.02.3 PAY01.02.02.4 PAY01.02.02.5 PAY01.02.02.6 PAY01.02.02.7

Transportation Allowance Driver Allowance Shift Allowance Teller Allowance Brokerage Allowance

Designated Officer Designated Officer Designated Officer Designated Officer Designated Officer

Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll

Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Comment [s2]: Should be through a user defined table as agreed earlier with Oracle- Samba suggest we use user defined table Comment [s3]: Should be through a user defined table as agreed earlier with Oracle- Samba suggest we use user defined table

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Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

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BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Process Step Catalogs

Non Recurring Earning Elements Definition
ID Description Freque ncy Once Notes Agent Automatio n Automatic


Vacation allowance

The Allowance is one basic salary amount (Prorated from Joining date till end of joining year) paid to employee if the employee applies for a Paid Leave of 2 weeks or more, and include the request of issuing the vacation allowance. In case the employee did not request for a vacation allowance throughout the year, then he will be granted the value of 1 basic salary (Prorated from Joining date) at the last period of the year (December) Vacation Allowance Eligibility Criteria: - Vacation Allowance Amount is equal to one Month Basic Salary prorated from the employees joining date - Employment Type is Employee - In the employees contract, Furloughs Allowance should be No - Applied only if employee have requested a Two Consecutive weeks of paid leave - Applied only if Employee request vacation allowance in annual Leave request - In case the employee did not avail the two weeks, and upon his return he will fill a return from leave request, where upon the approval the line manager with his comments he will either recover the allowance or not recover, and this request will be passed to HR - In case employee did not avail the two consecutive weeks, and vacation allowance is already taken, then he will not get the allowance again -In case the employee takes his vacation allowance, and later on he gets a salary increase, then we only take into consideration the basic salary at the time he applied for the request, and disregard any other changes. -In case employee will apply for the vacation prior to the vacation by 30 days or more, then he will not get the allowance but prior to 30days from the actual vacation start date. If he applies for a vacation within 30 days of his vacation start date, he will get the allowance at the time of application. End of Employment Rule: - In Case of Resignation, the prorated vacation allowance based on current ABS will be deducted /Paid based on whether he took the vacation allowance or not depending on the last working date Vacation Allowance Formula: Vacation Allowance = 1 Month Basic Prorated from Joining date till end of joining year only if Furlough Allowance is set to No NB: In case Furloughs allowance in the contract is Yes, then in case the employee didnt apply for any vacation throughout the year, instead of paying the amount at the end of the year, we have to send a notification to HR that Furlough Allowance should be paid to these staff

Designated Payroll Officer

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BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Freque ncy Once Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Automatio n Automatic


Salary In Advance

The Employee may request to have Salary advance, this maybe with respect to his Net Salary or a certain amount that is less than one Net Salary. The Maximum number of salary advances allowed per a single request is 3 salaries. Salary In Advance Eligibility Criteria: - Maximum number of salary in advances is 3 per request; however this should be subject to a special approval. - This request is not retroactive, that is the employee will get the salary in advance value at the time of application - No overlapping requests are allowed between years. - Request Date must before 3 Calendars day of Payroll Run.(Global Value) - Employment Type is Employee - Employment Type is Khalda Staff as long he gets a third party element (Khalda Staff Salary in Advance) -Employee can not apply for salary advances prior to the completion of his probation period -A reserve amount of 500 SAR (Global Value)(for Officers)/per salary and 200 SAR (Global Value)(Non Officers) /per salary will be deducted from the net salary before paying to the employee ( For all employees & Khalda Staff). The deducted amount will be given back to the employee through the respective payroll .

Designated Payroll Officer

End of Employment Rule: - In Case of Resignation/Termination the outstanding balance will recovered from employee EOS indemnity.

Salary In Advance Formula: Salary In Advance = Net Salary Reserve Amount

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BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Freque ncy Once Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Automatio n Automatic


Advance Housing Allowance

For Employee who have Regular / Fixed Amount Housing Allowance as per the agreed contract details, the Employee may request to have this allowance in advance, as long as the requested amount does not exceed his annual housing amount Advance Housing Allowance Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Employees under probation can apply for housing in advance but it should go for special approval - Only Employees who are eligible for House Allowance as defined in Employment contract to be paid on monthly basis or Fix Amount per Annum. - Request Date must before 3 Calendars day of Payroll Run. - Maximum Amount employee can requested is ceiled by the Annual Housing Allowance amount. For Employee who receive Housing Allowance on Monthly Basis Annual Housing Allowance amount = (ABS/12) * 4 For Employee who receive Housing Allowance as Fix Amounts per Annum. Annual Housing Allowance amount = Fix Amount per Annum -Monthly recovery will be equal to the monthly housing allowance End of Employment Rule: - In Case of Resignation/Termination the outstanding balance will be recovered from employee EOS indemnity.

Designated Payroll Officer

Advance Housing Allowance Formula for recovery: If the outstanding amount >= monthly housing allowance Housing In Advance Recovery = Monthly housing allowance If the outstanding amount< monthly housing allowance House In Advance Recovery = outstanding amount

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BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Freque ncy Once Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Automatio n Automatic


School Fees

School Fees allowance is annual variable amount depending on employees contract. In his contract the employee will have a ceiling amount for resident children and a ceiling amount for nonresident children if any, along with the number of children eligible for schooling If employee claims schooling fees for a past period then the whole amount will be expensed, else whatever will be considered as future payment will be amortized. School Fees Allowance Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Schooling fees depends on the contract -System should validate that the child applied for is less than 18 years(parameter) at the time the schooling years starts - System should validate the amount applied for is not greater than the amount offered in the contract for a specific scholastic year. - A Scan Copy of the paid Invoice to the school should be attached with claim request.

Designated Payroll Officer

End of Employment Rule: - In Case of Resignation/Termination the outstanding balance will be recovered from employee EOS indemnity.

School Fees Formula: Invoice Period < request Date (current date) School fees = Amount Expensed Invoice Period > Request Date (current date) School fees = Amount Amortized, and a monthly amortization amount will be calculated

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BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Freque ncy Once Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Automatio n Automatic


Annual Medical Checkup

The reimbursement of Annual Medical Checkup is based on submitted invoice. The eligibility of this Allowance is based on employee Grade and age of employee. The Remuneration amount is ceiled by fix Annual Medical Checkup amount| of 2,000 SAR.(parameter) Annual Medical Checkup Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Grade is T and above is fully eligible - Officials (Character grades) staff aged >= 40 are eligible - Annual Medical Checkup Year should be for the previous Year or the current Year - Employee Can Claim only once per Annum -No Carry over is allowed for unclaimed Annual Medical Checkup. The Balance will be reset on Jan of each Calendar Year. - A parameter to insure the minimum time between 2 annual medical checkup reports will be added to validate requests End of Employment Rule: - None

Designated Payroll Officer


Maternity Claim


Annual Medical Checkup Formula: If Invoice Amount is greater than fix Annual Medical Checkup amount| Annual Medical Checkup = fix Annual Medical Checkup amount| If Invoice Amount is Less Than fix Annual Medical Checkup amount| Annual Medical Checkup = Invoice Amount This element is granted to women who are pregnant Any woman who has a period of service less than 1 year, she will be entitled for a maternity leave without pay And she would still be entitled for her full annual paid leave. Any woman who has a period of service between 1 and 3 years, bank will pay for half of the maternity leave ( if she takes 70days then we pay for 35 days) and regarding her annual paid leave she will be entitled for half that period as well ( if she is entitled for 30 days paid leave, she will be entitled for 15 paid days only) In case a woman uses her annual paid leave balance prior to maternity leave, then we will deduct the value of 50% from her paid leave Any woman who has a period of service greater than 3 years, she will be entitled for the full payment of the maternity leaves (70 days) and she will not be entitled for a paid vacation for that year.

Designated Payroll Officer


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BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Freque ncy Once Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Automatio n Automatic


Moving & Relocation Expenses

Reimbursement of Moving and Relocation expenses is made available to some of new hired employees or to employees transferred to far destinations to assist in the cost of the physical movement This is a request submitted by the employee from self service along with supporting documents This includes some other expenses such as housing allowance already paid This amount is paid on actual Moving & Relocation Expense Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - For New Joiner , The Employee Can claim for this allowance as per his contract - For Employees Transferred to different Location, if request was initiated by bank management End of Employment Rule: - None

Designated Payroll Officer

Moving & Relocation Expense Formula: Moving & Relocation Amount = Requested Amount as per receipts PAY01.02.02.08 Relocation Allowance A relocation allowance is made available to some of new hired employees or to transferred employees (regions) to assist in the cost of the physical movement In case of new hire, this element should be automatic only if mentioned in the contract In case of transfer, then line manager will apply for this request For international hires, they get the value of 1 basic salary For local hires and transfers, they get the value of the 1 basic salary + 1,500 SAR (parameter) End of Employment Rule: - None

Relocation Allowance Formula: Relocation Allowance = 1 basic Salary ( International Hires) Relocation Allowance = 1 basic Salary + 1,500 SAR (parameter) (Local Hires and transfers)

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BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Freque ncy Once Notes

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Overtime Payment

The allowance for overtime can be compensated in money that equals number of hours performed outside the normal working hours. The amount in money is calculated by Overtime rate Hours as follow: - Working Days (Saturday Wednesday) A rate of one Hour and a half Rate will be applied to each performed one hour overtime. - Non Working Days (Friday) A rate of 2 hours Rate will be applied to each performed one hour overtime. - In overtime, we need to deduct 3 hours from the total worked hours in a week - Example: if employee works 4hours then he get the value of 1 hour. - Public Holiday: A rate of two Hour Rate will be applied to each performed one hour overtime. Overtime Allowance Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Only numeric grades are eligible for overtime - Employment Type is Khalda Staff - Max Number of Overtime Hours should not exceed 48 hours per month -For Friday overtime, the total hours per month should not exceed 24 hours -For weekdays overtime, total hours should not exceed 32 hours per month - Number of Hours per Month is 240 Hours. - If during payroll run, the amount of overtime acquired by an employee exceeds 20% of his monthly basic salary, then we should only pay him 20% of his monthly basic salary, and discard the rest. End of Employment Rule: - None

Designated Payroll Officer

Overtime Allowance Formula: In case of Working Days Overtime Allowance = (ABS/12) /240 * (Number of Approved Overtime Hours * 1.5 Hour) In case of Weekends (Friday Only) Overtime Allowance = (ABS/12) /240 * (Number of Approved Overtime Hours * 2 Hour) In case of Public Holidays Overtime Allowance = (ABS/12) /240 * (Number of Approved Overtime Hours * 2 Hour)

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Thursday Compensation

This allowance will be based on the Line manager decision. Once an employee registers his Thursday overtime hours, the action will go to his line manager and the manager will have one of the following three options: 123Days in Lieu Leave: he can grant him a day in lieu in case the employee worked for a minimum of 6 hours (parameter) Paid Day: the employee will be given 12% of MBS / 4 if he worked for minimum of 4 hours (parameter) Worked hours: Overtime will be considered as a weekend overtime, and he will earn the number of worked hours * weekend rate.

Designated Payroll Officer

Thursday Compensation Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Employment Type is Khalda Staff - Number of Hours per Month is 240 Hours.

End of Employment Rule: - None

Thursday Compensation Allowance Formula: 1- Days in Lieu Leave: he line Manager can grant him a day in lieu in case the employee worked for a minimum of 6 hours (parameter) 2- Paid Day: the employee will be given 12% of MBS/ 4 if he worked for minimum of 4 hours (parameter) 3- Worked hours: Overtime will be considered as a weekend overtime, and he will earn the number of worked hours * weekend rate.

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Cash Flow Loan

A cash Flow loan is a sort of credit facility given to top performer employees, in which SAMBA lends a fund to employees An interest rate of 3 %( parameter) will be applied on the outstanding loan balance during the loan tenure period which is 36 Month as max. Employee can request for additional Cash Flow loan only if he has paid off 18 months of his ongoing cash flow loan Employee cannot request for a new loan unless 18 months has passed after beginning of a previous loan (Employee can apply. Such request is treated as exceptional loan) Cash Flow Loan Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Employment Type is Khalda Staff - Min. of two years in Service. - Max. Loan Amount can be requested is 30% (parameter) of Annual Basic Salary - Max. Loan Settlement tenure should not exceed either 36 Month - Total of current Deduction along with the Cash flow loans installment should not exceed 43% of Gross Salary. - Gap of 18 Month Between two loan request - Commission of 3% will be applied on the Cash Flow Loan Outstanding Balance, This commission will calculate on prorate mode. The full details of this element will be discussed on Cash Flow Loan Commission Element. Cash Flow Loan Functionality Feature : - Employee Can make Full Settlement or partial Settlement without effecting the Cash Flow Loan Settlement Tenure period. - Employee can request to reschedule the Settlement Tenure period.

End of Employment Rule: - In Case of Resignation/Termination the outstanding balance will be recovered from employee EOS indemnity. Interest on all the outstanding balance will be calculated up to resignation date

Cash Flow Loan Formula: If Requested Amount > 30% of Annual Basic Salary Cash Flow Loan Amount = 30% of Annual Basic Salary If Requested Amount < 30% of Annual Basic Salary Cash Flow Loan Amount = Requested Amount Loan Settlement Tenure period = 36 Month or Cash flow Loan Installment = Cash flow Amount / Loan Settlement Tenure period

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Housing Loan

Housing loan is a sort of secured credit facility given to Saudi Nationality Employees, in which SAMBA makes the fund payment to house landlord or to the construction company. No interest rate is applied on the outstanding loan balance during the loan tenure period which is 180 months - A pool parameter will be created in the table value but this pool value will not be validated against while applying for a loan -Employee Should Settle the outstanding balance before reaching the retirement age of (60 Years ) -Employee should settle any amount over the period of 180 months Housing Loan Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Only Saudi Nationality Employees are eligible. - Min. of 6years of consecutive period in service. There are exceptional cases that need to be entered only from the core HR screens. - Employee Age >= 25 Years . - House Loan Principle Amount is linked to the Employee Grade Grade ---------R &S T & Up Grade U & Up Grade V & Up Grade Max. Principle Amount (Parameter) --------------------------------Up to 600K SAR Up to 800K SAR Up to 900K SAR Up to 1500K SAR

Designated Payroll Officer

The loan amount is calculated using the maximum allowed amount as per his grade or 85% of the value of the property (house) whichever is less. Ex1: Max per grade = 600,000 property value = 600,000 then loan amount = 85 % of 600,000 = 510,000 Ex2: Max per grade = 600,000 property value = 800,000 then loan amount = max per grade = 600,000 Ex3: Max per grade = 600,000 property value = 500,000 then loan amount = 85 % of 500,000 = 425,000 - Max. Loan Settlement tenure should not exceed either 180 Months or the retirement age whichever is early. - Total of current Deductions along with the Housing loans installment should not exceed 43% of Gross Salary. - Commission of 0 %( parameter) will be applied on the Housing Loan Outstanding Balance. - The Payment will be either paid to the employee staff account or to the landlord - After applying the committee should have around 6 months to approve this request - There are three types of Housing Loan; 1- Purchase House 2- Constructions housing loan 3- Renovation housing loan ( details to be provided later )

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Purchase Housing Loan - Employee will apply for this request through self service - Upon approval of the loan, the approved amount is paid to Landlord or the employee if he submit related invoices - The paid amount will be recovered over the period of 180 months whatever this amount is. - We need to capture the details of the contract that to be entered by HR and not the employee upon applying for this request. The contract details will include: - Contract Number, Contract date, Property Owner, Insurance company name, policy number, insurance amount, insurance date, insurance expiry date, evaluation amount Purchase Housing Loan Transaction - Freeze Amount ( Exceptional only applied from the Entry Screen of employee by payroll user) - Partial Payment Deduct from outstanding balance, and recalculate monthly payment based on number of months remaining - Full Payment Pay the full outstanding balance Construction Housing Loan - The approved amount will not be released unless the employee applies for a release amount request either to his account or to the construction company. - As per submitted Invoice by Employee or as per constriction project progress certificate submitted by the constriction company, a Payment release will be issued from the approved Pool Amount. - The Loan Settlement Tenure period start to count from the first payment release. The tenure period is 180 Months. We need to capture the details of the contract that to be entered by HR and not the employee upon applying for this request. The contract details will include: - Contract Number, Contract date, Property Owner, Insurance company name, policy number, insurance amount, insurance date, insurance expiry date, evaluation amount Construction Housing Loan Transactions -Freeze Amount: ( Exceptional only applied from the Entry Screen of employee by payroll user) -Partial Payment: - In case of partial payment, the remaining outstanding balance will be divided by the remaining number of months and a new value of recovery will be derived. -Full Recovery: Pay the full outstanding balance


Housing Loan

Once End of Employment Rule: - In Case of Resignation/Termination the outstanding balance will be recovered from employees EOS indemnity

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Guaranteed Bonus

Based on the contract, SAMBA will provide a guaranteed bonus to the employee. Upon signing the contract the employee will earn this bonus element as per the terms and conditions and based on the amount entered in the contract and the splitting duration details of this bonus also mentioned in the contract. This bonus is normally awarded during annual bonus cycle and will be compensated with a combination of Management Bonus, Retention Bonus and Stock Options. Example: If I sign in Jan, and in my contract I have the value of 100,000 split on 2 years, then by end of first year I will get 50,000 and by the end of the second I will get 50,000 A sign-on bonus is a sum of money paid to a new employee and is designed to be an incentive for that employee to join SAMBA, and may be paid on several payments to the employee as per the contract of the employee. Sign On Bonus Eligibility Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Sign on Bonus Amount is variable amount defined on employment contract details called as Sign On Bonus Amount - Paid Once per Employment service. - We should take into consideration that he has to stay with samba for a certain period of time post taking this bonus. End of Employment Rule: - If employee is resigning prior to the period mentioned in the contract, then the full amount will be recovered from the employee.

Designated Payroll Officer


Sign - On Bonus


Designated Payroll Officer


Sign On Bonus Formula: Sign on Bonus = Sign On Bonus Amount PAY01.02.02.14 Management Bonus Retention Bonus Once Based on the performance of Employees and the overall performance of SAMBA , a sum of money is paid to employees as annual incentive as per their performance As per the performance of Employees and entire SAMBA performance, a sum of money is awarded to eligible employees as annual incentive. This amount is paid in installments after specific period (presently 50% is paid after one year and the remaining 50% is paid a year later). These payments are subject to continues performance of the employee. In case if employees performance is not satisfactory during this period, his retention payment will be ceased. Some employee are contractually eligible for Retention Bonus. These contractual Retention Bonuses are paid as per the terms and conditions specified in the contract. - The difference between retention and management bonus, is that we reserve the amount and we dont pay until due dates ( we need to split the payments into different dates) PAY01.02.02.16 Target Oriented Bonus Once Upon meeting agreed targets, and the terms of conditions of employment contracts, employees are awarded the target oriented bonus. The details of the contract will be identified in the contract of the employee. This bonus is normally awarded during annual bonus cycle and will be compensated with a combination of Management Bonus, Retention Bonus and Stock Options. This is an earning element, where Payroll users will enter the values for employees either one by one or using a batch element entry. (later on we might do this through a self service request and validations) Designated Payroll Officer Automatic Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Automatic





Incentive Compensation


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R and R Allowance

It is an earning element; granted to specific employees. It is Initiated and approved by Bank Management and HR and entered by the designated payroll officers. The payroll officer will enter the amount to be paid to the employee. - the R and R destination is identified in the employees contract Eligibility Criteria: - Samba employees only. End of Service: Prorated amount ( the amount is full year, so at time of resignation) will be recovered when full amount was paid, or if not paid, then we pay the prorated amount

Designated Payroll Officer


Furlough Allowance (Only to Home Country)


It is an earning element; granted to specific employees as per their contract and entered by designated payroll officers. The payroll officer will enter the amount to be paid to the employee. Employees eligible for Furlough Allowance are not eligible for Vacation Allowance. Eligibility Criteria: - Samba employees only. End of Service: Prorated amount ( the amount is full year) so at time of resignation this amount will be recovered if full amount was paid, or if not paid, then Samba will pay the prorated amount

Designated Payroll Officer



Per Diems


It is an earning element; given to specific employees by the payroll users. The payroll user will enter the amount to be paid to the employee. Family Rate = Married Employee and family members are living at post of assignment Employee Only rate = Single employee or Married with family living abroad Eligibility Criteria: - Samba employees only. - Married Employee and his dependants staying in Saudi Arabia End of Service: Prorated amount ( the amount is full year) so at time of resignation this amount will be recovered if full amount was paid, or if not paid, then Samba will pay the prorated amount

Designated Payroll Officer


Calculation Rule : X = of dependants living in Saudi Arabia Y= If X = 0 then we use employee rate ( defined above) Y= If X >=1 then we use family rate (defined above) Per Diems = Number of days (contract) * X + 1 (Employee) * Y

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Visitation Allowance

It is an earning element; granted to specific employees as per their contract and entered by designated payroll officers. The payroll officer will enter the amount to be paid to the employee. This is only for kids attending boarding school outside the kingdom. Eligibility Criteria: - Samba employees only ( specific employees only) End of Service: Prorated amount ( the amount is full year) so at time of resignation this amount will be recovered if full amount was paid, or if not paid, then Samba will pay the prorated amount Visitation Allowance = Amount Entered by payroll user as per employment contract

Designated Payroll Officer


Temporary Accommodation Allowance


Is an earning element granted based on a self service request done by the employees manager based on a start and end date. This element is prorated based on the requested dates, and will have an amount equal to a global value Only employees having a position of Management Associates are eligible for this element This element is not subject to probation period This is a non recurring earning element which will be requested the employees manager through Manager Self Service, where the manager will enter only the amount to be paid to the employee Only employees working at Branch Banking (Organization) are allowed to take this request Probation period should be completed before requesting this amount Is a non recurring earning element, containing non-classified earning to be paid to employee and remarks for justification..

Designated Payroll Officer



ATM Custodian Compensation


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Other Earning


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Tawaruk Loan

Tawaruk Loan is Islamic loan provided for Samba employees. This loan will be requested through self service and the employee will have to generate Purchase Request Form and sign it as a hard copy and forwarded it to the payroll officer. After the request has been approved, the payroll officer prepares an agreement with the employee outside oracle system, where the communications between HR and CAB will also be outside oracle system. Upon the liquidation of the commodities related to the employee, the employee will earn the amount requested up to 30% of his ABS. Payroll officer, will enter the Tawaruk Loan amount and its recovery schedule plus the mourabaha amount. Eligibility - All Samba Employees are eligible - Khalda staff or other consultants are eligible for this loan - If employee has a cash flow loan, employee can not apply for this loan - Min. of two years in Service. With exceptions - Max. Loan Amount can be requested is 30% (parameter) of Annual Basic Salary - Max. Loan Settlement tenure should not exceed 36 Month -Total of current Deduction along with the Tawaruk loan installment should not exceed 43% of Gross Salary. - Gap of 18 Month Between two loan requests exceptions might exist - Murabaha of 3% will be applied on the Tawaruk Loan initial amount per year End Employment: The employee will settle the outstanding balance along with the murabaha amount from his final settlement

Designated Payroll Officer


Tawaruk Loan Transactions

Employee can perform the following transaction on his running tawaruk loan: 1- Freeze Recovery: In special cases the employee can request to freeze the recovery amount he has to pay 2- Partial Payment: The employee can pay a partial payment of his outstanding balance. A 3% murabaha will be deducted from the partial amount paid and the difference will be deducted from the outstanding balance. 3- Full Recovery : The employee can fully recover this amount including the murbaha amount

Designated Payroll Officer


End of Service

Refer for Indemnity Calculation document provided by SAMBA

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Deduction Elements Definition
ID Description Freq uency Once Notes Agent Automatio n Automatic


Sick Leave Deduction

An Employee is entitled of 120 Days as sick leave within the leave year , The first 30 Days will be considered as paid leave and any additional day above the 30 till 120 days will be considered as unpaid leave that to be deducted from employee salary and Other recurring allowances such as Transportation , Housing , Teller , Driver and shift allowances Sick Leave Deduction Rule: - Sick Leave request is approved - Sick leave balance during the Year is > 30 and <=120 - If sick leave balance is >=31 and < 90 Sick Leave Deduction = Basic Salary * 25% + Housing Allowance * 25% + transportation allowance * 25% + Teller Allowance * 25% + shift allowance * 25% + driver allowance * 25% - If sick leave balance is >=91 and <= 120 Sick Leave Deduction = Basic Salary * 100% + Housing Allowance * 100% + transportation allowance * 100% + Teller Allowance * 100% + shift allowance * 100% + driver allowance * 100% - If sick leave balance is >=121 The employee payroll will be suspended or terminated (based on the case)

Designated Payroll Officer


Examination Leave Deduction


An Employee is entitled for Actual Examination Schedule Days as paid leave, Any days between the examination schedule and its included on the absence duration it will be considered as paid leave days, if his paid leave balance is zero then these days will be considered as unpaid leave. Examination Leave Deduction Rule: -Examination Leave Request is approved - Examination Time Table schedule is entered along with Examination Leave if Annual Paid Leave is Zero Examination Leave Deduction = number of Days of non exact examination days If Annual Paid Leave is > 0 Examination Leave Deduction =0 Annual Paid Leave Balance = Annual Paid Leave Balance Examination Leave Duration (From Date To Date)

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GOSI Annuities Employee

For Saudi Nationality Employee , Deduction of 9% of GOSI reference salary (Basic (as per January Salary) + Housing ) will be deducted on monthly basis during his employment record within SAMBA GOSI Annuities Employee Eligible Criteria: -Applied to Saudi Nationality and some GCC nationality. - For Non Saudis, GCC nationality, they will have 2 times update per year, once in January and the other in July (Parameters) this means the reference will change 2 times (also a parameter) in a years -For Non Saudis, and non GCC reference salary is the basic salary + Housing Allowance not exceeding 45,000 For GCC Nationals: ** Refer to Excel sheet provided by samba for details of GOSI Calculation GCC nationals. GOSI Annuities Employee Deduction Rule: - GOSI Annuities Employee Deduction = GOSI Reference Salary * 9% (Saudis) End Employment Rule : - The Deducted Amount will be recovered to the employee represented by Reversal GOSI Annuities Employee payroll element on the same payroll period of Final Settlement processing.

Designated Payroll Officer


Samba Club Subscription


A monthly deduction of 20 Riyal (parameter) Called as SAMBA Club Subscription Fees prorated for employee who have enrolled on SAMBA Club , Such a deduction is applicable for specific country, Region and cities. SAMBA Club Subscription Eligible Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee - Employment Type is Khalda Staff - Samba Club is mandatory for all employees within the following locations: Riyadh, Jeddah. End Employment Rule: None Samba Club Subscription Rule: - Samba Club Subscription = SAMBA Club Subscription Fees prorated

Designated Payroll Officer



Parent Medical Insurance

This is an element requested by the employee to insure his parents. This will be done through self service. The employee will select either to insure his father, mother, or both. After approval the amount (Global Value) will be multiplied by the number of persons insured per request and the total amount will be created to the pay value of a deduction element. -All employees are eligible for this request -You can only apply for this request once a year (Calendar Year)

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Recurring Deduction Elements Definition
ID PAY01.02.04.01 Description Salary In Advance Recovery Frequency Once Notes For each salary in advance request, recurring deduction will be associated to recover any advance payment that was paid as salary in advance. The recurrence of such element depends on the salary in advance outstanding balance , In other meaning if the total advance payment was fully recovered this element will be automatically stopped. Salary In Advance Recovery Eligibility Criteria: - Salary In Advance Balance is greater than Zero End Employment Rule: - None Salary In Advance Recovery Calculation Rule: If Monthly Installment > Salary In Advance Balance Salary In Advance Recovery = Salary In Advance Balance Once the Salary in Advance balance is rested to zero, this element will be stopped automatically. If Monthly Installment < Salary In Advance Balance Salary In Advance Recovery = Monthly Installment Salary In Advance Balance = Salary In Advance Balance -Salary In Advance Recovery Agent Automation

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BF.015 Future Process Model ID PAY01.02.04.02 Description Advance House Allowance Recovery Frequency Once Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Enter Agent Automation

For each Advance House Allowance request, recurring deduction will be associated to recover any advance payment that was paid as Advance Housing Allowance. The recurrence of such element depends on the Advance Housing outstanding balance; In other meaning if the total advance payment was fully recovered this element will be automatically stopped. House In Advance Recovery Eligible Criteria: - House In Advance Balance is greater than Zero End Employment Rule : - None House In Advance Recovery Calculation Rule: If Monthly Installment > House In Advance Balance House in Advance Recovery = House In Advance Balance House In Advance Balance = -1 * House In Advance Balance - Once the House in Advance balance is rested to zero, this element will be stopped automatically. If Monthly Installment < House In Advance Balance House In Advance Recovery = Monthly Installment

PAY01.02.04.03 PAY01.02.04.04 PAY01.02.04.05

ESIP Employee Contribution ESPP Contribution Housing Loan Recovery

Once Once Once

Please Refer to ESIP Document Please Refer to LTBP Document Based on the amount requested in the housing loan and the number of installments, a monthly amount will be deducted from the employees account till the outstanding balance becomes zero. If the outstanding balance is zero, this element will be stopped and there will be no more deductions In special cases, the employee may ask for a freezing of his monthly payment, therefore the payroll user can interfere and set a freeze until date in the element entry screen in an update mode and the system will stop the recovery till that date, however the commission will always be calculated Employee can also request to pay a partial payment in addition to his recovery, or to fully recover the whole outstanding amount, and this is done through self service.



Housing Loan Commission


Currently no commission is being applied to the housing loan, however system will be adjusted to calculate the commission whenever samba management decides to apply such a commission


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BF.015 Future Process Model ID PAY01.02.04.07 Description Cash Flow Loan Recovery Frequency Once Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Agent Automation

Based on the amount requested in the Cash Flow loan and the number of installments, a monthly amount will be deducted from the employees account till the outstanding balance becomes zero. If the outstanding balance is zero, this element will be stopped and there will be no more deductions In special cases, the employee may ask for a freezing of his monthly payment, therefore the payroll user can interfere and set a freeze until date in the element entry screen in an update mode and the system will stop the recovery till that date, however the commission will always be calculated Employee can also request to pay a partial payment in addition to his recovery, or to fully recover the whole outstanding amount, and this is done through self service.


Cash Flow Loan Commission


For each Paid Amount as Cash Flow Loan, a percentage of interest Called as Cash Flow Loan Interest will be applied on the outstanding Cash Flow Loan Balance. The recurrence of such limit is to employment record within SAMBA and the outstanding balance of Cash Flow loan - The commission should be deducted once in a month at the time of the payroll run. Cash Flow Eligible Criteria: - Cash Flow Balance is Greater than zero Cash Flow Loan Commission: Commission = Outstanding balance * Interest Rate All employees ( Samba and Khalda) will have to pay a fixed (Global Value) amount, now it is 50 SAR



Family Medical Contributions



Other Deductions


Is a non recurring deduction element containing non-classified deductions to be paid by the employee and remarks for justification..


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Process Step Catalogs

Information Elements Definition
ID PAY01.02.05.01 PAY01.02.05.02 PAY01.02.05.03 PAY01.02.05.04 PAY01.02.05.05 PAY01.02.05.06 PAY01.02.05.07 PAY01.02.05.08 PAY01.02.05.09 Description ESPP Allocated Number of Shares ESPP Settlement ESPP Round Up Difference ESIP Settlement CAP Participation CAP Allocated Number of Shares CAP Round Up Difference CAP Settlement LTBP Round Up Difference Frequency Notes Please Refer to ESPP Document Please Refer to ESPP Document Please Refer to ESPP Document Please Refer to ESPP Document Please Refer to CAP Document Please Refer to CAP Document Please Refer to CAP Document Please Refer to CAP Document Please Refer to LTBP Document Agent Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic

ID Description Frequency Notes Agent Automatio n


Indemnity Accrual


Medical Insurance Accrual


Life Insurance Accrual War Premium Accrual


Management Bonus

-FCPG will provide a yearly amount (Parameter) for the whole bank - This amount will be allocated to each Department (Formula will be provided by SAMBA) - Payment is done in advance to BUPA - All employees and their dependents residing in Saudi Arabia and children aging up to 25years at the beginning of the contract will be counted in the head count - Khalda staff is included in this count - Premium is fixed amount defined in user table (Date Track) - The charge per employee is prorated based on his enrollment and deletion date -Paid to ALICO by a third payment as a percentage of the employee monthly basic salary of every active employee - All employees are eligible for this accrual -Khlada staff not included in this accrual - Headcount is done on the 15 th of every month (parameter) - If employee joins prior to 15 then he is included in the headcount - If employee resigns after 15 then he has to refund the value paid on behalf of the employee Premium = ABS of employee * Rate (Global Value) ** We need to Clarify if the charged amount is prorated. - A pool ( Percentage * ABS) - Based on the pool , we calculate the amount to be accrued over the period of 1 year - This amount will be allocated to each Department and based on the percentage we can calculate the amount for officials and non officials

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Retention Bonus

Based on the employee contract, the employee will be eligible for a retention bonus till a specific date. To accrue this amount, we take the bonus amount and split it over the period of time between the retention start date and the date of the retention. For the Retention Bonus paid for the performance of the employee, the accrual is done the similar way Management Bonus Accrual is done Payment of the retention bonus can be done as a single payment or as multiple payments Based on the employee contract, the employee will be eligible for a guaranteed bonus till a specific date. To accrue this amount, we take the bonus amount and split it over the period of time between the guaranteed start date and the date of the retention. Payment of the guaranteed bonus can be done as a single payment or as multiple payments



Guaranteed Bonus



Medical Insurance Retirees

Granted to a selected ex-employees and their resident (have iqama not necessary living in Saudi) and aging up to 25 and based on the age of the retired employee at the beginning of the contract - At the beginning of the contract, the head count of all employees, dependents , and retirees ( Less than 75years (at time of retirement agreement) - The total annual payment will be divided by 4


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Process Step Catalogs

Employer Charges Elements Definition
ID Description Freq uency Notes Agent Automatio n Automatic


GOSI Annuities Employer

This element shows SAMBA Contribution of 9% for Saudi employee to GOSI GOSI Annuities Employer Eligible Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee only - Employee Nationality is Saudi or Other Contributed GCC nationality End Employment Rule: - Reverse to the department the amount charged GOSI Annuities Employer Calculation Rule GOSI Annuities Employer = GOSI Reference Salary * 9% GOSI HAZARDS Employer = GOSI Reference Salary * 2%

Designated Payroll Officer


GOSI Hazard Employer

This element shows SAMBA Contribution of 2% for all employees to GOSI GOSI Hazard Employer Eligible Criteria: - Employment Type is Employee End Employment Rule: - Reverse to the department the amount charged if he is not working full month - If he works the full month, then you dont reverse the amount charged.

Designated Payroll Officer


GOSI (hazards Employer Calculation Rule GOSI Hazard Employer = GOSI Reference Salary * 2%

PAY01.02.06.03 PAY01.02.06.04 PAY01.02.06.05 PAY01.02.06.06

ESIP Employee Contribution Interest ESIP SAMBA Contribution ESIP SAMBA Contribution Interest ESPP Employee Contribution Interest

Please refer to ESIP document Please refer to ESIP document Please refer to ESIP document Please refer to ESIP document

Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer Designated Payroll Officer

Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic 35 of 63

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Freq uency Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Automatio n Automatic Comment [l4]: What is LTBP Award ?


LTBP Award

Please refer to LTBP document

Designated Payroll Officer

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

36 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Process Listing and Process Descriptions

Payroll To Payment
Process ID PAY02.01 Event Payroll to Payment Process Title Assign To Payroll Description of Process Each Employee Assignment Should be linked to a payroll registered defined in Step PAY01.01.01. Based on Employment type or Employee seniority Level , The designated HR Officer will assign the employee to the respective payroll register Date Track changes can be applied to the employee primary assignment, These changes may affect his payroll or may not. Such Changes are : - Change of Assignment Status - Change of Grade / Corporate Title as result of Promotion business process. - Change of Allowance Eligibility Matrix which is represented in the People Group Filed. All of these changes are date Tracked and can be traced by Date Track History functionality. For each employee assignment, one or more salaries can be entered. Two methods are used when entering a salary: 1- By correcting existing data, and this will not provide date track, 2- By updating the existing data, this is the most used for salaries since salaries are subject to change due to promotion and this will provide date tracked data For each employee assignment, only one payment method can be entered, The Authorized Payment Method for SAMBA is: - Direct Transfer - 10 Riyal for Non-official and 20 for Official, will be deducted from employee as monthly contribution in club (Jeddah and Riyadh only) - Female who have children only eligible. Employee will apply for an Advance Salary from Self Service. After passing through the designated approval workflow an advance salary element will be entered into his entries for that month. Another element will be inserted to calculate the monthly installment of the advance salary. Once the outstanding balance is zero, this element will stop. Output Linked To Payroll


Payroll to Payment

Assignment Change


Payroll to Payment

Salary Change


Payroll to Payment

Personal Payment Method

Pay Method


Payroll to Payment

Samba Club Contribution


Payroll to Payment

Advance Salary

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Listing and Process Descriptions (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

37 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model Process ID PAY02.07 Event Payroll to Payment Process Title Advance House Allowance Description of Process Employee will apply for an Advance House Allowance from Self Service. After passing through the designated approval workflow an Advance House Allowance element will be entered into his entries for that month. Another element will be inserted to calculate the monthly installment of the Advance House Allowance. Once the outstanding balance is zero, this element will stop. Employee will apply for this process through self service. Once his request is approved and based on the period he is claiming elements will be created. In case he is claiming a past period then he will earn a schooling expense element. In case the period he is claiming includes a future period, then for that future period he will get a schooling fees amortization element and a monthly amortization amount. Employee will apply for this request from self service. After passing through the designated approval workflow he will earn an element containing the amount he applied for after passing all the necessary validations Employee will apply for this request from self service. After passing through the designated approval workflow he will earn an element containing the number of hours he worked on a specific date and payroll will calculate the value of these worked hours In case he is applying for an overtime that happens on Thursday, then he has to apply for a Thursday compensation request Employee will apply for this request from self service. After passing through the designated approval workflow he will earn an element called Thursday compensation request containing the total number of hours he worked on a specific Thursday. Then based on the decision of his manager, either he will earn days in lieu leave, or a paid day , or just the value of the number of hours he worked on that day Employee will apply for this request from self service. After passing through the designated approval workflow he will earn an element called cash flow loan payment and another element to handle the monthly settlement of the loan called cash flow loan recovery. This element will trigger another element called Cash Flow Loan commission, and this element will calculate the commission of the loan

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Output


Payroll to Payment

Schooling Fees


Payroll to Payment

Medical Checkup Claim


Payroll to Payment

Overtime Request


Payroll to Payment

Thursday Compensation Request


Payroll to Payment

Cash Flow Loan

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Listing and Process Descriptions (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

38 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model Process ID PAY02.13 Event Payroll to Payment Process Title Housing Loan Description of Process Employee will apply for this request from self service. After passing through the designated approval workflow, where based on a flag in the request either a payment will go as a third party payment to be paid to the landlord, or a payment into the employees direct account will be made. Another element to handle the monthly settlement of the loan called Housing Loan recovery. This element will trigger another element called Housing Loan commission, and this element will calculate the commission of the loan based on a parameter specified in the housing loan parameter table value Employee Incentive Plan is plan that is based on the employee monthly contribution and SAMBAs contribution, and both contributions are eligible for a certain interest rate. Based on the policy employee will be able to withdraw his money after a certain time. Refer to ESPP Plan Document Refer to CAP Plan Document Refer to LTBP Plan Document We use element set in order to group one or more element into an element set, so that we can use this set whenever we run a payroll, or daily payroll We use assignment set to group 1 or more employee with some common points according to a specific criteria like Grade, Job, Position, Organization..etc, and whenever we need to run a payroll or daily payroll for these people only A Consolidation sets are the means by which you label payroll runs for further Processing, this enables you to process the results from more than one payroll in a single action. It is also used to label assignment sets when you use these for payroll processing. The same choices apply to assignment sets as to payrolls. By default there is one consolidation set its name same BG name, you can use it or make another one. Quick Pays is a functionality that allows you to run the payroll for single person assignment. It uses the same executable as that of actual Payroll run Daily payroll run is a payroll that will be used for special element sets and assignment set in order to manage daily transactions related to employees, it will be specific for some people and some elements. Before the run of every payroll, an enhanced retro pay should be launched to capture any changes in the data that have a retro effect on the payroll. Is a monthly payroll, it will include all employee of a certain payroll and all their elements except those that were processed in a previous daily payroll run or a quick pay

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Output


Payroll to Payment


PAY02.15 PAY02.16 PAY02.17 PAY02.18

Payroll to Payment Payroll to Payment Payroll to Payment Payroll to Payment

ESPP Plan CAP Plan LTBP Plan Element Set


Payroll to Payment

Assignment Set


Payroll to Payment

Consolidation Set


Payroll to Payment

Quick Pay


Payroll to Payment

Daily Payroll Run


Payroll to Payment

Retro pay


Payroll to Payment

Monthly Payroll Run

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Listing and Process Descriptions (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

39 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model Process ID PAY02.25 Event Payroll to Payment Process Title Rollback Payroll run Description of Process In case an error occurs, or due to any reason that requires the rollback of a payroll run, then we run this request to rollback the payroll and all its results In case of error in a payroll run, or some employees in that payroll, and we dont need to rollback all the payroll, then we can retry the payroll for all employees or we can retry the run for some selected people After finishing the payroll run successfully, we do a prepayment, so that the results of each employee will be applied deposited to his account entered in his payment method This request will generate kind of bank file for the result of the payroll run that is list of employees, their account numbers, net pay. Is a request that should be ran for the system to generate the Pay slip report and Payroll register report Is a request that run a report that display the detailed earning and deduction of each employee with than payroll in a listing way for all employees Is report that displays the earning, deductions, balances, and accruals for each employee alone

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Output


Payroll to Payment

Retry Payroll Run


Payroll to Payment



Payroll to Payment

Saudi Payment output file

PAY02.29 PAY02.30

Payroll to Payment Payroll to Payment

Saudi Archiver Saudi Payroll Register


Payroll to Payment

Saudi Pay slip Report

Process Relationships for Payroll to payment

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Listing and Process Descriptions (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

40 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Function Hierarchy

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Function Hierarchy (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

41 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Process Step Catalogs

Assign To payroll
ID PAY01.01 Description Log on HR Super User , navigate to People -> Enter & Maintain -> Enter Employee Number-> Assignment Frequency Once Notes Each Employee Assignment Should be linked to a payroll registered defined in Step PAY01.01.01. Based on Employment type or Employee seniority Level , The designated HR Officer will assign the employee to the respective payroll register Agent Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic

Assignment Change
ID PAY02.02 Description Log on HR Super User , navigate to People -> Enter & Maintain -> Enter Employee Number-> Assignment Frequency Once Notes Date Track changes can be applied to the employee primary assignment, These changes may affect his payroll or may not. Such Changes are : - Change of Assignment Status - Change of Grade / Corporate Title as result of Promotion business process. - Change of Allowance Eligibility Matrix which is represented in the People Group Filed. All of these changes are date Track and can be traced by Date Track History functionality. Agent Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

42 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Salary Change
ID PAY02.03 Description Log on HR Super User , navigate to People -> Enter & Maintain -> Enter Employee Number-> Assignment ->Salary Frequency Once Notes For each employee assignment, one or more salaries can be entered. Two methods are used when entering a salary: 1- By correcting existing data, and this will not provide date track, 2- By updating the existing data, this is the most used for salaries since salaries are subject to change due to promotion and this will provide date tracked data Agent Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic

Personal Payment Method

ID PAY02.04 Description Log on HR Super User , navigate to People -> Enter & Maintain -> Enter Employee Number-> Assignment ->Others -> Pay Method Frequency Once Notes For each employee assignment, one or more payment methods can be entered, The Authorized Payment Method for SAMBA are: - Direct Transfer - Cheque Agent Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic

Moving & Relocation Expenses

ID PAY02.05 Description Add description Frequency Once Notes Agent Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic

Samba Club Contribution

ID PAY02.06 Description Granted to all Samba employees within a certain region Frequency Once Notes Agent Designated Payroll Officer Automation Automatic

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

43 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Salary in Advance

ID PAY02.07

Description Employee Self Service -> Salary in Advance

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service - Salary in Advance Request - Fill in number of salaries required - Based on salaries requested approvers will be selected - Upon approval, salary in advance payment will be granted to employee and salary in advance recovery

Agent Employee Employee Employee System System

Automation Manual Manual Manual Automated Automated

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

44 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Housing in Advance

ID PAY02.08

Description Employee Self Service -> Housing in Advance

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service - Housing in Advance Request - Fill in amount required

Agent Employee Employee Employee

Automation Manual Manual Manual Process Step Catalogs 45 of 63

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

(v. Error! Reference source not found. )

BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Frequency Notes - Upon approval, housing in advance payment will be paid to the employee or to the contractor and an element housing in advance recovery will be deducted from his month housing allowance till outstanding balance of loan is zero Agent System

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Automation Automated

schooling Fees
Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. ) 46 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Frequency Multiple Notes - Log on to Self Service Schooling Fees request Submit for approval Element entry will be created based on the period selected by the employee as per the requirements Agent Employee Employee Employee System Automation Manual Manual Manual Automated

ID PAY02.09

Description Employee Self Service -> Schooling Fees Request

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

47 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Annual Medical Checkup Claim


ID PAY02.10

Description Employee Self Service -> Annual Medical Checkup

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service - Annual Medical Checkup Request - Fill in amount required After all validations are applied an element entry called Annual Medical Checkup Allowance will be inserted into the employees element entries

Agent Employee Employee Employee System

Automation Manual Manual Manual Automated

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

48 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Overtime Request

ID PAY02.11

Description Employee Self Service -> Overtime Request

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service - Overtime Request - Fill in the overtime hours

Agent Employee Employee Employee

Automation Manual Manual Manual Process Step Catalogs 49 of 63

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

(v. Error! Reference source not found. )

BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Frequency Notes -Submit the request - Once approved , system will calculate the entered hours and generate their pay value Agent

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Automation Manual Automated

Employee System

Thursday Overtime Request







Automation Process Step Catalogs 50 of 63

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

(v. Error! Reference source not found. )

BF.015 Future Process Model PAY02.11 Employee Self Service -> Thursday Overtime Request Multiple - Log on to self service - Thursday Overtime Request - Fill in the overtime hours -Submit the request

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Employee Manual Employee Employee Employee Manager System Manual Manual Manual Manual Automated

Before approving, approver should decide if this he will compensate this overtime as Leave in lieu, or paid day, or the number of hours worked Based on the managers decision, system will create element that corresponds to his decision and employee will have in his entries

Cash Flow Loan

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. ) 51 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

ID PAY02.12

Description Employee Self Service -> Cash Flow Loan

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service - Cash Flow Loan - Fill in requested amount and installment number -Submit the request - Once approved , system will create a cash flow loan payment that will be inserted into the employees entries, and another element Cash Flow loan recovery that will be the monthly deductions, and this element will generate the cash flow loan commission which resembles the interest charged over the loan

Agent Employee Employee Employee Employee System

Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Automated

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

52 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Cash Flow Loan Transactions


ID PAY02.13

Description Employee Self Service -> Cash Flow Loan Transactions

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service - Cash Flow Loan Transactions -Select type of transaction (Tenor Installments, Partial Payment, Full Recovery) Submit for approval Based on request type, system will create the required element entry. In Special Case Payroll user might need to freeze the recovery payment, therefore he should update the existing entry with a Freeze Till Date

Agent Employee Employee Employee Employee System

Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Automated

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

53 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Housing Loan Request


ID PAY02.14

Description Employee Self Service -> Housing Loan Request

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service - Select Housing Loan Type (Purchasing, Construction) Submit For approval

Agent Employee Employee Employee

Automation Manual Manual Manual

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

54 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Frequency Notes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent System Automation Automated

Before approving, if employee decides to pay for the house or land owner, then the system will create Housing loan payment for Contractor, and if the employee request to the money to be paid for his account then Housing Loan payment element will be created

Purchase Housing Loan Transactions







Automation 55 of 63

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

BF.015 Future Process Model ID PAY02.15 Description Employee Self Service -> Purchase Housing Loan Request Frequency Multiple Notes - Log on to self service -Select Request Type (Tenor Installments, Partial Payment, Full Recovery) Submit Request Once approved, system will apply the request changes

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Agent Employee Employee Employee System Automation Manual Manual Manual Automated

Construction Housing Loan Transactions

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. ) 56 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

ID PAY02.15

Description Employee Self Service -> Purchase Housing Loan Request

Frequency Multiple

Notes - Log on to self service -Select Request Type (Tenor Installments, Partial Payment, Full Recovery, Release Amount) If Request is partial payment then enter amount Submit Request Once approved, system will apply the request changes

Agent Employee Employee Employee Employee System

Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Automated

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

57 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Element Set
ID PAY02.19 Description Payroll User -> Payroll -> Element Set Frequency Multiple Notes Set Effective Date Enter Element Set Name Click Include element to include elements Click Exclude to exclude element Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual

Assignment Set
ID PAY02.20 Description Payroll User -> Payroll -> Assignment Set Frequency Multiple Notes Set Effective Date Enter Assignment Set Name Click Assignment Amendments Include/Exclude Employees Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual

Consolidation Set
ID PAY02.21 Description Payroll User -> Payroll -> Consolidation Set Frequency Once Notes Set Effective Date Enter Name for Consolidation Set Agent Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual

Quick Pay
ID PAY02.22 Description Enter & Maintain -> Employee Number >Assignment-> Others -> Quick Pay Frequency Multiple Notes Set Effective Date Enter and Maintain Enter Employee Number Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. ) 58 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Frequency Notes Click Assignment Click Others Select Quick Pay Click Element Selection, and select required elements Start Run Agent

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User

Daily Payroll Run

ID PAY02.23 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request Frequency Multiple Notes Payroll Run Select Payroll Select Assignment Set (if Needed) Select Element Set (If Needed) Click Submit System Will calculate all element entries Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User System Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Automated

Retro Pay (Enhanced)

ID PAY02.24 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request Frequency Multiple Notes Retro Pay (Enhanced) Enter Effective Date Select Payroll Click Submit System check any changes that happened and have a retro effect and recalculate with respect to them Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User System Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Automated

Monthly Payroll Run

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. ) 59 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model ID PAY02.25 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request Frequency Multiple Notes Payroll Run Select Payroll Select Assignment Set (if Needed) Select Element Set (If Needed) Click Submit Agent

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User

Rollback Payroll Run

ID PAY02.26 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request Frequency Multiple Notes Rollback Run Select Payroll Run Click Submit Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual

Retry Payroll Run

ID PAY02.27 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request Frequency Multiple Notes Retry Payroll Run Select Payroll Run Click Submit Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual

Pre Payment
ID PAY02.28 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request NB: This request requires a pre requisites which is a Payroll Run Frequency Multiple Notes Prepayments Select Payroll Enter Start Date Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. ) 60 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description Frequency Notes Enter End Date Click Submit Agent

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Automation Manual Manual

Payroll User Payroll User

Saudi Payment Output File

ID PAY02.28 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request NB: This request requires a pre requisites which is a Pre-Payment Frequency Multiple Notes Saudi Payment Output File Select Payroll Enter Start Date Enter End Date Select Payment Method Click Submit Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Saudi Payroll Archiver

ID PAY02.28 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request NB: This request requires a pre requisites which is a Saudi Payment Output file Frequency Multiple Notes Saudi Payroll Archiver Select Payroll Enter Start Date Enter End Date Click Submit Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Saudi Payroll Register

ID PAY02.28 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request (v. Error! Reference source not found. ) Frequency Multiple Notes Saudi Payroll Register Agent Payroll User Automation Manual Process Step Catalogs 61 of 63

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

BF.015 Future Process Model ID Description NB: This request requires a pre requisites which is a Saudi Payroll Archiver Frequency Notes Select Reporting Entity Select Payroll Select Reporting End Date Click Submit Agent

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009 Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual

Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User

Saudi Pay slip Report

ID PAY02.28 Description Payroll User -> Processes and Report -> View Requests-Submit Request NB: This request requires a pre requisites which is a Saudi Payroll Archiver Frequency Multiple Notes Saudi pay slip report Select Payroll Select Reporting End Date Click Submit Agent Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Payroll User Automation Manual Manual Manual Manual

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Process Step Catalogs (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

62 of 63

BF.015 Future Process Model

Doc Ref: MEO/SS/SAMBA/HRMS/BF015/ 15-11-2009

Open and Closed Issues

Open Issues


Accounting entries for all elements Costing of accruals No process flow diagrams 3rd party payments End of Service calculations Handling negative payments Salary Hold and Salary Release List of Alerts Payroll Reconciliation ( pre-run & Post Run) Transfer to GL Process Balances Adjustment Issuing cheques Reversal of Transactions Cost Allocation

Open Open Closed Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open

Oracle & Samba Oracle & Samba Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle

Target Date

Impact Date

Closed Issues





Target Date

Impact Date

Admin To Pay File Ref: BF015_Admins_To_Pay

Open and Closed Issues (v. Error! Reference source not found. )

63 of 63

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