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Generic name

Brand name

General classifi cation Antianx iety agents, anticon vulsant, sedativ e/hypno tics, skeletal muscle relaxant (central ly acting)

Mode of action



Actual dose

Usual dose

Side effect

Nursing responsibility


Valiu m

Depresses the CNS, probably by potentiating GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter Produces skeletal muscle relaxation by inhibiting spinal polysynaptic afferent pathways. Have anticonvulsant properties due to enhanced presynaptic inhibition. Therapeutic effects: Relief of anxiety Sadation Amnesia Skeletal muscle relaxation Decreased seizure activity.

Adjunct in the managemen t of: anxiety pre operative sadation, conscious sadation. Provides light anesthesia and anterograde amnesia. Treatment of status epilepticus/ uncontrolle d seizure. Skeletal muscle relaxant. Manageme nt of the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

Hypersensitivi ty Cross sensitivity with other Benzodiazepin es may occur Comatose patient Pre-existing CNS depression Uncontrolled severe ain Narrow angle glaucoma Pregnancy or lactation Some products contain alcohol, propylene glycol, or tartrazine and should be avoided in patients with known hypersensitivit y or intolerance

500m g IVTT TID

5-15 mg 510 min.

CNS: Dizziness, Drawsiness, Lethargy, Depression, Hangover, headache, paradoxical excitation. EENT: Blurred vision Resp: Respirator depression CV: Hypotention GI: Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting Derm: Rashes Local: Pain (IM), phlebitis (IV), venous thrombosis Misc: Physical dependence, tolerance.

Check the 10Rs for the administration of medication. Keep the patient on bedrest and observe for at least 3hrs following parenteral administration. Administer slowly at a rate of 5mg over at least 1 min. Monitor BP, pulse, and respiratory rate prior to and periodically throughout therapy and frequently during IV therapy.

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