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Kath and Kim Episode 1 Sex Episode 2 Gay

What is satire? Write a clear definition. The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices.

Write a brief synopsis of the episodes. What is it about? What is its context? Sex - Kath's recently married daughter Kim moves back in insisting her marriage to Brett is over. Kim begins to suspect Brett is having an affair and has her second best friend Sharon stalk him. Meanwhile Kim is disgusted that her mother Kath is dating butcher Kel Knight. Kel proposes to Kath at Harvey Norman's. Gay - Kim swears off men and takes up golf with Sharon. This leads Kath to suspect Kim is a lesbian. When Kath voices her theory to Kel, he reasons that homosexual activity isn't unusual or uncommon: afterall he was in the navy for six years. Kath begins to question her relationship with Kel. Kim goes speed dating with Sharon, who meets fiddler Mark. None of the men are interested in Kim and she calls Brett to come rescue her.

What is being satirised? Examples Purpose & effect Suburban middle class and their aspirations Examples? Purpose and effect?

The sitcom genre and reality TV shows The over dramatisation of Kim leaving Brett again is very similar to the relationship break downs in a range of reality TV shows. The big marriage proposal Kathleen Darleen Day The cattiness between Kim and Kath creates drama Kim Ive got one word to say to you go back to Brett youll never any better! Mother daughter dynamic, Kath is controlling Kim still acts like a child youre a grown women, and thats enough tiny teddys

Visual humour of what they wear as they think theyre fashionable Kath's exercise out fit Clothes in general Dresses with clothes from the 80s Kim still dresses like a teenager The muffin top The purpose of attempting to parody reality TV shows is successful and this is because of the use of satiric techniques like irony, visual humour, sarcasm, the use of malapropisms such as I want to be effluent mum and the way the show is shot so the audience feels like the third person in the room.

Superficiality of relationships/marriage Examples? The technique of a voice over is used in the scene where Kim is admiring herself in the mirror, stating Im not your typical housewife.Im a horn bag! Kim sees herself as a horn bag higher than everyone else therefore making her marriage superficial to keep up appearances, then she continues to contradict herself. Satirising the younger generations attitude towards getting married as more of a title rather than the coming together of two people. Through the use of dialogue the audience grasps the superficiality of Kim and Kaths relationship. For instance, Heres ma smalls mum.. and then Kath replies in a sarcastic tone Pfftsmalls.. If I had known that the flowers and the dinners out would have stopped I never would have gotten married The technique used was Kims voice over ontop on a flashback, it allows the audience to see how Kim was the instigator of their marriage going south. Kim thinks that she deserves much more than she is getting from Brett. I want to be effluent mum, Its not enough, I deserve more.. Ironic pun: she means to say affluent instead of effluent. The technique used is also malapropism as she confuses being effluent and affluent, creating a light hearted view of Kims character. The technique of hypocrisy is seen through the characterisation of Kim ridiculing Brett about the state of their marriage. Purpose and effect?

Sexuality the older generation vs the younger generation Kath has a better sex life than her daughter. The older generation are not as open to homosexuality as they are not used to homosexuality

being so openly represented, mainly because they didnt grow up in a society like today where homosexuality is widely accepted. This allows for the audience to realise that the older generation are not as open to gay relationship as they think they are, especially when its seen right in front of them.

PUN: When Sharen tells Kath to just come out Kath gives her the cold shoulder as she takes it as a sexual reference to coming out about being gay. The older generation dont have as much experience with homosexuality therefore it is a big taboo for them, whereas the younger generation have grown up with sexuality being open, accepting all sexual orientations. This is shown through Kaths initial mindset on homosexuality when she first thought that her daughter is gay. This most likely embarks the initial response that most parents would go through. Once Kath learns more about homosexuality she becomes more accepting. This shows the audience that the older generation may need to keep an open mind about different peoples sexuality and educate themselves to understand that being gay isnt wrong nor should it be seen as a bad thing. Older Generation find it harder to start a relationship as middle aged people because they think that they have to care for their own families, as they have other priorities to worry about rather than their own personal relationships. Societys obsession with image/the body/weight/ dieting Satire relating to the obsession with image and weight is present throughout this episode. Society these days is extremely judgemental and this is shown all through the show. The episode sex begins with Kath on. low backlines were once sexy in the 80s, however Kath wears a cross trainer wearing workout clothes that are now out dated but were formally seen as attractive. Kath wears tights and a leotard with a low backlineit with her bra showing ,completely defeating the purpose of being sexy and exaggerates the satire of this costume. As Kim enters the scene, the clothes she is wearing creates an extreme first impression. Kim wears a mid drift shirt and tight jeans, the clothes she wears are obviously intended for teenager. Kath immediately comments on Kims weight. Although Kim is not overweight, the clothes she wears accentuates the fat she does have. Further focus on the obsession of weight loss and body image continues in the following scenes where Kath tells Kim her bedroom is now dedicated to fitness. In the first 5 minutes of the episode its very apparent the extreme differences in Kath and Kim. Kim thinks she looks great in clothes that are not what society would deem appropriate for a women her age, and doesnt have any intentions of changing her body. Whereas Kath Is willing to do everything to be happy with her body, and even says I'm on a diet. The food Kim eats is under constant scrutiny by Kath in both episode. Kath is constantly

telling Kim that she eats too much, or comments on her size or weight. Despite Kaths constant comments, and societys expectations of women's bodys Kim looks in the mirror sucking in her stomach saying Im a horn bag. Kims thoughts about herself cause humorous satire, because the viewer knows that society would not find Kim to be as attractive as she sees herself. In the episode Gay the focus on body image is on Kim again. Kath uses sarcasm when she states Ha! More like a Country Road size 10. This creates humour and is used to ridicule Kims weight. During the episode Kel says and wears things that society would perceive as gay clothing. Such as using a manbag and having super slicked back hair. Due to societies perception of stereotypical homosexual outfits this creates ironic humour as Kel is engaged to Kath, and Kath is oblivious to the signs that are obvious to the audience. When Sharon invites Kim to a golfing day out, she is expected to dress in manly clothing. This parodies the outfits female golfers wear. A perfect example of the influence of the media in society these days would be the opening title of Kath and Kim. In particular the suit that Kath wears is ridiculing what Celine Dion once wore to a red carpet event. It triggered controversy throughout the media and caused people to make comments about it. The influence of the media has a massive impact on Kath in particular. She turns Kims old room into a pump and pilates room as thats what all the celebrities are doing these days. She is trying different diet pills, just to fit in with what society's is acceptable of these days. She reads self help books to try and get the most out of her diets. When Kel proposes to her, she immediately responds with Lock it in Eddy, Yes!. This shows that society is so controlling and powerful that we are even using expressions that we hear on TV without realising it. The use of sarcasm is present when Kim returns home from Bretts house once again, Sharon comes over to visit and Kel is also over all at the same time. Kath announces that Its like Big Brother around here! She is making a comment about how busy her house has suddenly become when not long ago, it was only her living in the house.

The influence of the media Examples? Purpose and effect?

Societys attitudes on various issues such as homosexuality,


What else?

What techniques are used to create the humour and the satire? Language used in the script: Use of ornate words rather than the simple in order to appear literate and sophisticated.

Examples and effect of these techniques

Tout de suite

Malapropisms words used incorrectly

Kim: effluent rather than affluent. Creates humour and reflects her lack of sophistication and education

Misunderstanding is also a form of humour

What techniques are used to create the humour and the satire? Colloquialisms or melange (mixture or jumble) of Australian expressions: hornbag hunk of spunk What are you doing here at the crack of sparrows? Any others?

Examples and effect of these techniques

hornbag hunk of spunk What are you doing here at the crack of sparrows? Any others?

Paradox is a situation, person, or thing that Kim - I am a very strong person, very combines contradictory features or independent and as such I will be staying qualities. at my mums at the moment

Irony: (Irony is a contradiction between appearance and expectation and reality-it can be verbal irony or situational/dramatic irony) There are a number of verbal ironies as well as ironic situations. Cliches, puns, sexual innuendo

Visual technique, which reinforces this is: Jump cut from the scene where Sharon spies on Brett then tells Kim that Brett is having an affair

Exaggeration and stereotyping: The characters speak in broad Australian accents thatd be noice


Kath and Kels (the older couple) relationship appears to be highly sexual whereas Kim and Bretts is on the rocks. This is not what we expect. This is also irony. What camera work provides us with a visual representation of this? What do we see and hear? What shots are used to highlight this? Give examples Examples and effect of these techniques

What techniques are used to create the humour and the satire? Visually this can be created through costume

Kath wears an aerobic outfit which reveals a G string. This is meant to make Kath look young and fit. The effect is the opposite.

Recurring motifs

dippity bics

Parody imitation of the original

The film techniques for the show mimic the Bold & the Beautiful

Film techniques: Montage & music

Opening credits: The montage of images and the song The Joker is me introduce the key characters in a variety of exaggerated poses in what is meant to look like a fashion shoot. The clothes are excessive and in bad taste. The irony is that they look ridiculous and their lack of sophistication and class make a mockery of their middle class aspirations. This is followed by a birds eye shot panning over a vast area of suburbia then finally focussing an the drive way to Kaths home we are in no doubt that this is middle class suburbia More examples Examples:

More Film Techniques: No studio audience Lack of laughing track The hand held camera what is the effect of this film technique?

Visual signifiers of a documentary when in Effects: fact it is a docusoap The purpose is to blur the normal distinctions between the various genre in Fast paced editing style and chopping the television world. together of short sequences- give examples It questions assumptions about aspects of sitcom the way they are shot, their Voiceovers in a sitcom not the usual- as relationship with other genres and the well as more use of close ups this allows role of the audience. the audience to empathise much more with the characters. Note that there is It also questions the reality of always an element of humour in these. documentaries anyway which are supposed to reflect reality but in fact are constructed by the producer of the documentary. Allusions to popular culture movies,

books, TV stars, TV shows, songs, etc

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