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23rd September 2013


Just over one month ago, the Bahraini capital of Manama, and a number of surrounding villages, witnessed pro-democracy demonstrations in response to a call put out by a loose group of youth activists calling themselves the Bahrain Rebellion or Tamarod Bahrain. Ostensibly, 15 August marks the anniversary of Bahrains independence from British rule back in 1971, and the day before was chosen as the date for the escalation in protests for freedom and democracy which have been taking place since 14 February 2011. But the protests were stied by security forces who confronted demonstrators with tear gas, pump-action shotguns and birdshots. Read More custody. Sign the petition and demand that the Bahraini government comply with international human rights standards and protect Ali Hatem Ali Salman from further illtreatment. Ali Hatem Ali Salman was in a coffee shop playing a board game with friends when police arrested him and ve others. He was blindfolded and taken to the police station, where he eventually confessed to rioting. However, Ali Hatem Ali Salman claims that he only confessed after being beaten and electrocuted. Read More

Bahrain: ANHRI Demands Urgent Release of Haider Abdul Rasoul, and Instant Investigation into the Attempt to Burn Alwefaq HQ
The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, ANHRI, deprecates the ongoing arbitrary detetntions by Bahrains security forces againt the citizens, and the escalating hostitlity to the politicans as well as the political associations that oppose the Bahraini regime.AlWefaq National Islamic Societys headquarters in Bilad Qadeem was

attacked on 22 September by terrorists in military wear, resulting in leaving burn effects and minor damages in the building. In addition, some provocative proregime slogans were written on the walls. On the same context, Bahrain security forces on 22 September arrested Haider Abdul Rasoul, who is known in the media as citizen of slap, in raid on his home, south the capital of Manama. Over the past year, a video for Haider was published, in which he narrated the incident of being slapped by a police ofcer while he was holding his baby. Read More

Condemn Torture of Child in Bahrain

Target: Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa, Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs Goal: Protect 14-year-old detainee from further illtreatment and hold accountable those implicated in his torture. Fourteen-year-old Ali Hatem Ali Salman, arrested by Bahraini police during a period of severe civil unrest, has been denied contact with his family and has beentortured while in

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