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Evaluating the Child with Purpura

ALEXANDER K.C. LEUNG, M.B.B.S., University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, Alberta, Canada
KA WAH CHAN, M.B.B.S., University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Purpura is the result of hemorrhage into the skin or mucosal membrane. It may rep-
resent a relatively benign condition or herald the presence of a serious underlying
disorder. Purpura may be secondary to thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction,
coagulation factor deficiency or vascular defect. Investigation to confirm a diagno-
sis or to seek reassurance is important. Frequently, the diagnosis can be established
on the basis of a careful history and physical examination, and a few key labora-
tory tests. Indicated tests include a complete blood cell count with platelet count, a
peripheral blood smear, and prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin
times. (Am Fam Physician 2001;64:419-28.)

urpura results from the extrava- vessel wall and, in response to the exposed
sation of blood from the vascula- subendothelial collagen, release adenosine
ture into the skin or mucous diphosphate (ADP) and thromboxane A2.3
membranes. Therefore, purpuric The released ADP and thromboxane A2 cause
lesions do not blanch with pres- further platelet aggregation and the formation
sure. Depending on their size, purpuric of a platelet plug that is responsible for pri-
lesions are traditionally classified as petechiae mary hemostasis.2,3
(pinpoint hemorrhages less than 2 mm in Secondary hemostatic mechanisms consist
greatest diameter), purpura (2 mm to 1 cm) of a series of sequential enzymatic reactions
or ecchymoses (more than 1 cm).1 Although involving various coagulation factors and
purpura itself is not dangerous, it may be the leading to the formation of a fibrin clot. The
sign of an underlying life-threatening disor- intrinsic pathway is activated by the exposed
der. This article reviews the etiology of pur- collagen, and the extrinsic pathway is activated
pura in children and suggests an approach to by tissue thromboplastin (Figure 1).3
evaluating the problem. The integrity of the vascular system depends
on three interacting elements: platelets, plasma
Normal Hemostasis coagulation factors and blood vessels. All three
The normal hemostatic mechanisms are elements are required for proper hemostasis,
vascular response, platelet plug formation and but the pattern of bleeding depends to some
activation of coagulation factors with the for- extent on the specific defect. In general, platelet
mation of fibrin to stabilize the platelet plug. disorders manifest petechiae, mucosal bleed-
Following a vascular injury, vasoconstric- ing (wet purpura) or, rarely, central nervous
tion and retraction usually occur immediately system bleeding; coagulation disorders present
and decrease blood flow to the affected area. as ecchymoses or hemarthrosis; and vasculitic
Factor VIII–von Willebrand’s factor (factor disorders present with palpable purpura.1
VIII–vWF) is released from endothelial cells
and adheres to the exposed collagen matrix.2 Platelet Disorders
Facilitated by factor VIII–vWF, platelets Simple purpura strongly indicates the pres-
adhere to the endothelial cells of the damaged ence of a qualitative or quantitative platelet

Because purpura results from extravasation of blood into the
Thrombocytopenia may be caused by in-
skin, the lesions do not blanch with pressure.
creased platelet destruction, decreased platelet
production or sequestration of platelets.

Increased Platelet Destruction. Immune respiratory tract infection, is common. The
thrombocytopenia is the most frequent cause peak incidence is between two and four years
of increased platelet destruction. Idiopathic of age. Both genders are equally affected.
(immune) thrombocytopenic purpura is by Fever, lethargy, weight loss, bone pain, joint
far the most common etiology of thrombocy- pain, pallor, lymphadenopathy and hepato-
topenia in childhood. The disorder is caused splenomegaly are characteristically absent.
by the development of IgG autoantibodies to Minimal splenomegaly occurs in about 5 to 10
platelet membrane antigens as a result of an percent of symptomatic children.5 Idiopathic
unbalanced response to an infectious agent or thrombocytopenic purpura is usually a tem-
autoimmunity.4 The characteristic presenta- porary disorder, with 80 to 90 percent of chil-
tion is the sudden onset of bruises, purpura, dren recovering within six to 12 months, usu-
mucosal hemorrhage and petechiae in a child ally within a few weeks.6 Chronic idiopathic
who is otherwise in excellent health. An thrombocytopenic purpura is more likely to
antecedent viral infection, especially an upper present in teenage girls and children with

Coagulation Cascade

Intrinsic pathway Extrinsic pathway

Vascular surface changes Tissue




Common pathway
Prothrombin (II)

Xa + V

Thrombin XIIIa XIII

Fibrinogen (I) Fibrin monomer Fibrin polymer Stable fibrin

Clot formation

FIGURE 1. A simplified version of the coagulation “cascade.” An abnormality in the extrinsic

pathway results in a prolonged prothrombin time (PT). An abnormality in the intrinsic pathway
results in a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). An abnormality in the com-
mon pathway results in prolongation of PT and aPTT.
Adapted with permission from Cohen AR. Rash—purpura. In: Fleisher GA, Ludwig S, et al., eds. Textbook of
pediatric emergency medicine. 3d ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1993:430-8.


underlying immune disorders. It has a more

insidious onset. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is the most common
Drugs that act as a hapten with platelet sur- cause of thrombocytopenia in children.
face antigens to form an immunologic moiety
can also cause an immune thrombocytopenia.
This has been shown to occur with penicillin,
valproic acid (Depakene), quinidine, sulfon- Escherichia coli O157:H7. The pathologic
amides, cimetidine (Tagamet) and heparin. process is initiated by toxin-induced endothe-
Thrombocytopenia secondary to immune lial injury and is followed by fibrin deposition
destruction may rarely be the presenting fea- in the renal microvasculature and destruction
ture of human immunodeficiency virus, of red blood cells and platelets. In addition,
cytomegalovirus and herpesvirus infections.5 vasoactive and platelet-aggregating substances
It also occurs in approximately 10 percent of are released from damaged endothelial cells
patients with systemic lupus erythematosus; and result in the formation of platelet
at times, thrombocytopenia may be the pre- thrombi.8
senting manifestation. In hemolytic-uremic syndrome, thrombo-
Post-transfusion purpura is characterized cytopenia may result from platelet destruc-
by the acute onset of thrombocytopenia tion, increased consumption of platelets,
approximately five to 14 days after a transfu- intrarenal aggregation of platelets, sequestra-
sion.7 Previous transfusions may sensitize tion of platelets in the liver or spleen, or a
patients to foreign platelet antigens. combination of these factors.8 The remaining
Neonatal isoimmune (alloimmune) throm- platelets in the circulation appear to be
bocytopenia develops when the mother pro- “exhausted” and circulate in a degranulated
duces alloantibodies in response to a fetal form, depleted of nucleotide and granule con-
platelet antigen, most commonly P1A1, which tents. From a functional perspective, these
is not present on maternal platelets. These IgG platelets demonstrate a pattern characteristic
antibodies cross the placenta and cause of impaired aggregation.
thrombocytopenia in the fetus. The condition Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
occurs most commonly in P1A1-negative and hemolytic-uremic syndrome have gener-
women who have been previously sensitized ally similar clinical and laboratory findings.
to P1A1-positive platelets.2,5 However, thrombotic thrombocytopenic pur-
Neonatal autoimmune thrombocytopenia pura occurs more often in adults, and neuro-
may be caused by idiopathic thrombocyto- logic (rather than renal) symptoms are more
penic purpura, systemic lupus erythematosus prominent.
or drug-related immune-mediated purpura. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy is
In these disorders, maternal autoantibodies characterized by generalized activation of the
cross the placenta, bind to fetal platelets and plasma coagulation pathways within small
cause their destruction.5 blood vessels, with the formation of fibrin
Nonimmune thrombocytopenia may occur and the depletion of all coagulation factors
because of hemolytic-uremic syndrome, and platelets. This disorder may result from
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura or overwhelming sepsis, incompatible blood
disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. transfusion, snake bite, giant hemangioma
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome is characterized and malignancy. Children with disseminated
by the triad of microangiopathic hemolytic intravascular coagulopathy are generally
anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal quite ill and may present with extensive pur-
injury. The syndrome is most often associated puric lesions and petechiae, as well as multi-
with infection by verocytotoxin-producing focal hemorrhage.9

Purpura fulminans is an acute, often lethal recurrent infections secondary to immuno-
syndrome of disseminated intravascular coag- deficiency.9 The disorder is transmitted as an
ulopathy. The skin lesions are rapidly progres- X-linked recessive trait. The thrombocytopenia
sive and characterized by microvascular results from abnormal platelet formation or
thrombosis in the dermis, which ultimately release, despite quantitatively adequate num-
results in perivascular hemorrhage and bers of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow.
necrotic gangrene with minimal inflamma- Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocyto-
tion. Purpura fulminans may develop because penia is a rare cause of isolated thrombocy-
of a severe bacterial infection, notably menin- topenia in the neonatal period.9 Both autoso-
gococcal disease, or because of protein C or S mal dominant and recessive modes of
deficiency.10 inheritance have been described. In some chil-
Decreased Platelet Production. A number of dren, the condition may be due to thrombo-
rare or uncommon congenital syndromes are poietin deficiency.
associated with decreased platelet production. Acquired causes of decreased platelet
Thrombocytopenia–absent radii (TAR) formation include drug reactions, infections
syndrome is inherited as an autosomal reces- and malignancies. Drugs such as alkylating
sive trait. Purpura may present in the first few agents, antimetabolites, anticonvulsants,
days of life or may be delayed for weeks.9 chlorothiazide diuretics and estrogens can
Fanconi anemia, also an autosomal inhibit platelet production by suppressing
recessive disorder, is characterized by pancy- megakaryocyte production.2,3
topenia, hyperpigmentation and café au lait Thrombocytopenia resulting from bone
spots, short stature, skeletal abnormalities and marrow suppression is a common complica-
a wide array of integumentary and systemic tion of viral and bacterial infections, especially
abnormalities. Although the condition is con- septicemia. Intrauterine infection with
genital, hematologic abnormalities are not TORCH organisms (toxoplasmosis, other
usually observed until the affected child is two [viruses], rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes
to three years of age.9 [simplex] viruses) may lead to thrombocy-
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome is characterized topenia in the neonatal period.9
by microthrombocytopenia, eczema and Infiltration of bone marrow in patients with
leukemia, histiocytosis, storage diseases,
neuroblastoma, myelofibrosis and granulo-
matosis may result in thrombocytopenia. In
The Authors osteopetrosis, the bone marrow space is
ALEXANDER K.C. LEUNG, M.B.B.S., is clinical associate professor of pediatrics at the replaced with frank bone formation.2
University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, pediatric consultant at Alberta Children’s Sequestration of Platelets. Splenomegaly or
Hospital and medical director of the Asian Medical Centre, which is affiliated with the
University of Calgary Medical Clinic, all in Alberta, Canada. Dr. Leung is also honorary giant hemangioma can result in thrombocy-
pediatric consultant to Guangzhou Children’s Hospital, People’s Republic of China. Dr. topenia because of platelet sequestration.
Leung graduated from the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine and com- Normally, approximately one third of the total
pleted an internship at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. He also completed a resi-
dency in pediatrics at the University of Calgary. platelet mass is in the spleen. Sequestration of
platelets in an enlarged spleen, regardless of
KA WAH CHAN, M.B.B.S., is professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston. Dr. Chan graduated from the University of Hong the cause, may lead to mild thrombocytope-
Kong Faculty of Medicine and completed an internship at Queen Mary Hospital. In nia. Rarely, accelerated destruction of platelets
addition, he completed a residency in pediatrics at Vancouver General Hospital, British may also occur.
Columbia, Canada, and a residency in pediatric hematology and oncology at Memor-
ial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, N.Y. The association of thrombocytopenia and
giant hemangioma is referred to as Kasabach-
Address correspondence to Alexander K.C. Leung, M.B.B.S, Alberta Children’s Hospi-
tal, 1820 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2T 5C7. Reprints are not Merritt syndrome.9 In addition to platelet
available from the authors. trapping, consumption of coagulation factors


and an increase in fibrin degradation products

may also be present. Henoch-Schönlein purpura is the most common form of
vasculitis in children, and the purpuric rash is almost always
Congenital Etiologies. Glanzmann’s throm-
basthenia is an autosomal recessive disorder
caused by congenital deficiency in the platelet
membrane glycoproteins IIb and IIIa.9 The Hereditary deficiencies of virtually all coag-
result is defective binding of platelet fibrino- ulation factors have been described, but most
gen and a decrease in platelet aggregation with are quite rare. The most commonly encoun-
all stimulants except ristocetin. tered disorders are coagulation factor VIII
Bernard-Soulier disease is an autosomal deficiency, coagulation factor IX deficiency
recessive disorder caused by a congenital defi- and von Willebrand’s disease. Coagulation
ciency in platelet membrane glycoprotein Ib factor VIII deficiency and coagulation factor
and coagulation factors X and V.9 Affected IX deficiency (hemophilia type A and B) are
patients have large platelets and decreased ris- inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. Spon-
tocetin-induced platelet aggregation. taneous hemarthrosis is common in patients
Storage pool disease is a deficiency of dense with these deficiencies but is rarely encoun-
granules, alpha granules, or both types of gran- tered in other coagulation factor deficiencies.
ules.9 Patients with storage pool disease have Types I and II von Willebrand’s disease are
defective platelet release of ADP and serotonin. autosomal dominant, whereas type III is auto-
Acquired Causes. Drugs such as aspirin can somal recessive. Type I disease is most com-
cause inhibition of prostaglandin synthetase mon. Its severity is quite variable, and labora-
and thereby prevent the release of endogenous tory findings in the individual patient may
ADP and thromboxane A2, which are essential vary over time.9
for platelet aggregation. Other drugs that may Acquired deficiencies of coagulation factors
impair platelet function include furosemide may be due to disseminated intravascular
(Lasix), nitrofurantoin (Furadantin), heparin, coagulopathy, circulating anticoagulants, liver
sympathetic blockers, clofibrate (Atromid-S) disease, vitamin K deficiency or uremia.3
and some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs).9 Vascular Factors
Reduced platelet adhesiveness has been CONGENITAL CAUSES
demonstrated in uremic patients. Postulated Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, an
causes include a nonspecific inhibitor or autosomal dominant disorder, is character-
increased proteolytic activity in the circulation, ized by the development of fragile telangiecta-
which may enhance the catabolism of vWF. sia of the skin and mucous membranes.
Deficiency of coagulation factors and a variety Because these blood vessels do not have suffi-
of abnormalities in platelet function have been cient muscle or connective tissue in their
described in patients with chronic liver disease. walls, hemostatic control is poor. Epistaxis
The impairment of fibrinolysis and the accu- and purpura are common presenting features.
mulation of fibrinogen degradation products Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a group of genet-
can inhibit platelet aggregation.9 ically heterogenous connective tissue disor-
ders, is characterized by skin hyperelasticity,
Coagulation Factor Deficiencies joint hypermobility and fragility of the skin
Purpura can be the presenting symptom of and blood vessels. Type IV is the ecchymotic
congenital or acquired deficiency of coagula- form of the syndrome, and the collagen has a
tion factors.3 deficiency of hydroxylysine.9

Henoch-Schönlein purpura is an IgA-medi-
ACQUIRED CAUSES ated systemic vasculitis of small blood vessels.
Acquired causes of vasculogenic purpura The hallmarks are nonthrombocytopenic pur-
include Henoch-Schönlein purpura, infec- pura, abdominal pain, arthritis and nephri-
tions, mechanical causes and psychogenic tis.11,12 This condition is the most common
conditions. form of vasculitis in children.1 Approximately

Findings of the History and Possible Etiologies of Purpura

Historical data Possible etiology Historical data Possible etiology

Age of onset Drug use

Birth Intrauterine infection, maternal Alkylating agents Thrombocytopenia
idiopathic thrombocytopenic Antimetabolites Thrombocytopenia
purpura, maternal systemic
lupus erythematosus, maternal Past health
medication, TAR syndrome, Antecedent viral infection, Idiopathic thrombocytopenic
congenital amegakaryocytic especially an upper purpura, Henoch-Schönlein
thrombocytopenia respiratory tract infection purpura
2 to 4 years Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Systemic lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus
purpura Liver disease Cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis
4 to 7 years Henoch-Schönlein purpura Renal disease Chronic renal failure
Onset/chronicity Family history
Acute onset Idiopathic thrombocytopenic von Willebrand’s disease von Willebrand’s disease
purpura, Henoch-Schönlein
purpura, medication, TAR syndrome TAR syndrome
mechanical cause Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Long duration Abnormality of platelets, Maternal history
coagulopathy Maternal idiopathic Immune thrombocytopenia
Pattern of bleeding thrombocytopenic purpura
Mucosal bleeding Thrombocytopenia, Maternal systemic lupus Immune thrombocytopenia
von Willebrand’s disease erythematosus
Intramuscular and Hemophilia
intra-articular bleeding
Associated symptoms
Abdominal pain, blood Henoch-Schönlein purpura
in stools, joint pain
Lethargy, fever, bone pain Leukemia
Intermittent fever, Systemic lupus erythematosus
musculoskeletal symptoms
Lethargy, polyuria, polydipsia, Uremia
failure to thrive
Purpura, but otherwise Idiopathic thrombocytopenic
healthy purpura

TAR = thrombocytopenia–absent radii.


75 percent of cases occur in children between tion syndrome or Gardner-Diamond syn-

two and 11 years of age.1 The condition is drome) is characterized by spontaneous
twice as prevalent in males as in females.11 painful ecchymoses in patients who often have
From 60 to 75 percent of patients with psychologic instability.16
Henoch-Schönlein purpura have a history of a
preceding upper respiratory tract infection. Clinical and Laboratory Evaluation
Streptococcus is the most common infecting A thorough history (Table 1) and a careful
organism.13 Palpable purpura is present in physical examination (Table 2) are critical first
almost 100 percent of patients with Henoch- steps in the evaluation of children with pur-
Schönlein purpura. It is the presenting sign in
50 percent of patients.12 Some patients present
with predominantly petechial lesions, some
present with mainly purpuric lesions, and oth-
Physical Findings and Possible Etiologies of Purpura
ers present with a mixture of lesion types.
Some patients have target-like lesions, with
Physical findings Possible etiology
each lesion consisting of a central punctate
hemorrhage surrounded by circumferential General findings
regions of pallor and hemorrhage.12 The rash Poor growth Chronic disorder
is gravity and pressure dependent.14 Fever Infection
Drugs such as atropine and chloral hydrate Hypertension Chronic renal failure, renal vasculitis
may occasionally cause a purpuric lesion sec- Characteristics of purpura
ondary to vascular involvement. This vascular Location on lower extremities Henoch-Schönlein purpura
purpura usually subsides when the drug is dis-
Location on palms and soles Rickettsial infection
continued. Patients receiving long-term cortico-
Palpable purpura Vasculitis
steroid therapy may develop purpura sec-
ondary to defective vascular supportive tissue. Associated signs
Mild transient nonthrombocytopenic pur- Arthritis, abdominal tenderness, Henoch-Schönlein purpura
subcutaneous edema, scrotal
pura may result from measles, scarlet fever or swelling
typhoid. Meningococcemia and rickettsial
Hemarthrosis Hemophilia
diseases may cause direct damage to blood
vessels, with resultant purpura. Butterfly rash, pallor, arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus
Increased venous back pressure following
violent coughing, vomiting or strangling may Lymphadenopathy Infection, drugs, malignancy
cause petechiae in the head and neck area. Jaundice, spider angioma, palmar Liver disease
Linear lesions limited to readily accessible erythema, hepatosplenomegaly
areas should raise the suspicion of factitious Pallor, lethargy, generalized bone Leukemia
purpura. Some ecchymoses of bizarre shape tenderness, hepatosplenomegaly,
are the result of religious rituals or cultural
practices (e.g., cupping, coin rubbing or Skeletal anomalies TAR syndrome, Fanconi’s syndrome
spoon scratching).15 Pallor, café au lait spots, Fanconi’s syndrome
Child abuse should be suspected if short stature
petechiae and bruises are widespread or found Telangiectasia Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
on areas of the body not normally subjected to Hyperelasticity of skin, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
injury. Typically, the platelet count and coagu- hypermobility of joints
lation studies are normal in such children.5
Psychogenic purpura (also termed painful TAR = thrombocytopenia–absent radii.
bruising syndrome, autoerythrocyte sensitiza-

pura. Bruises located only on the arms and laboratory screening studies may include a
legs of an active child are common findings complete blood count, peripheral blood
and probably do not indicate a bleeding disor- smear, prothrombin time (PT) and activated
der. Careful observation, rather than exhaus- partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). With few
tive investigation, should be employed. exceptions, these studies should identify most
When the history and physical examination hemostatic defects (Figure 2).3
suggest the presence of a bleeding disorder, A low hemoglobin level is indicative of

Diagnosis of Purpura

History and physical examination

Etiology clear Etiology unclear

Trauma, drug, Complete blood cell count,

infection, peripheral blood smear,
hemangioma, PT and aPTT

Yes No

Prolonged PT and aPTT Prolonged PT and aPTT

Yes No Yes No

Sepsis Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Coagulation factor Bleeding time

Disseminated purpura deficiency
intravascular Hemolytic-uremic syndrome von Willebrand’s
coagulopathy Thrombotic disease
thrombocytopenic purpura Circulating
Normal Prolonged
Systemic lupus anticoagulant
erythematosus Liver disease
Bone marrow aplasia Child abuse Platelet dysfunction
Sequestration of platelets von Willebrand’s von Willebrand’s
disease disease
Vascular purpura

FIGURE 2. Algorithm for the diagnosis of purpura in children. (PT = prothrombin time; aPTT =
activated partial thromboplastin time)
Adapted with permission from Cohen AR. Rash—purpura. In: Fleisher GA, Ludwig S, et al., eds. Textbook of
pediatric emergency medicine. 3d ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1993:430-8.


blood loss, hemolysis or bone marrow failure. of the immaturity of hepatic synthesis of
The presence of schistocytes points to coagulation factors, infants have physiologic
hemolytic-uremic syndrome, thrombotic prolongation of aPTT until they are three to
thrombocytopenic purpura or disseminated four months of age. Patients with von Wille-
intravascular coagulopathy. An elevated retic- brand’s disease often have mild and variable
ulocyte count is found in hemolytic anemia.8 prolongation of PT and aPTT.3
Neutrophilia and increased numbers of Additional tests should be performed when
band forms or toxic granulations suggest a indicated by the findings of the history, phys-
bacterial infection. Atypical lymphocytosis is ical examination or screening laboratory
seen in patients with infectious mononucleo- tests. Measurements of coagulation factors
sis or cytomegalovirus infection. This finding (VIII, IX or vWF) are needed to confirm a
may sometimes be confused with the blast specific diagnosis.
cells of leukemia. Platelet-associated antibodies may be pres-
Anemia with thrombocytopenia indicates ent in patients with immune thrombocytope-
leukemia, systemic lupus erythematosus or nia, but they are not sensitive enough for diag-
aplastic anemia. If the platelet count is low but nostic purposes. If a platelet function defect is
the rest of the complete blood count is nor- suspected, the following tests should be con-
mal, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura is sidered: platelet aggregation tests using activa-
the most likely diagnosis. tors (e.g., ADP, collagen, epinephrine, throm-
The mean platelet volume (MPV), now rou- bin and/or ristocetin), clot retraction,
tinely reported by the automated cell counter prothrombin consumption test (for platelet
(Coulter counter), can be of diagnostic signifi- factor III) and serotonin release.18
cance. Macrothrombocytes (MPV greater than A bone marrow examination may be indi-
10 fL) are seen in patients with idiopathic cated if the cause of thrombocytopenia is not
thrombocytopenic purpura, Bernard-Soulier obvious, but it should definitely be performed
disease or May-Hegglin anomaly, whereas if a second bone marrow cell line (i.e., red
microthrombocytes (MPV less than 6 fL) are blood cells or white blood cells) is depressed.
seen in patients with aplastic anemia, Wiskott- On the other hand, it has been shown that
Aldrich syndrome, TAR syndrome and some bone marrow aspiration rarely reveals an
forms of storage pool disease.9 unexpected diagnosis when the clinical and
Bleeding time is a measure of the interval laboratory findings are typical for idiopathic
required for bleeding to stop after a standard- thrombocytopenic purpura.19
ized superficial incision is made on the fore- Hematuria may be present in Henoch-
arm. This test is rarely indicated in children. Schönlein purpura, systemic lupus erythe-
The PT is the time taken for citrated plasma matosus and hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
to clot after the addition of tissue factor Rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibody
(thromboplastin) and calcium. A prolonged tests should be ordered if a patient has signif-
PT indicates a deficiency involving coagulation icant prominent arthralgia or arthritis.
factors II, V, VII, X or fibrinogen.17 The aPTT Appropriate laboratory tests should be per-
is the time taken for citrated plasma preincu- formed if kidney or liver failure is suspected.
bated with kaolin to clot after the addition of Abdominal ultrasonography or computed
calcium and platelets. A prolonged aPTT is tomographic scanning with contrast medium
found in deficiencies involving coagulation is appropriate when organomegaly is present.
factors II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII or fibrinogen. Cranial ultrasound examination is appropri-
It should be remembered that an abnormal ate if the neonatal platelet count is less than 50
PT or aPTT only occurs when coagulation  103 per µL (50  109 per L), even in the
factor levels are less than 40 percent. Because absence of neurologic abnormalities.


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