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TENSES Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple USES Acciones habituales Hechos Stative verbs Accin ocurriendo ahora Acciones en una unidad de tiempo no terminada Futuro agenda Accin acabada en el pasado Accin inacabada en el pasado o Interrumpida por otra accin o Paralela a otra accin Horarios Predicciones Decisiones espontneas Intencin en el futuro Evidencia fsica de algo

KEY WORDS Always, twice a week, on Sundays Contexto sentidos, pensamiento, emociones At the moment, at present, now This year/month/week..., tonight, today Next Saturday, tomorrow at 6.00 Yesterday, last week, two days ago, when, then At 8 oclock o While, as o While, as In an hour, later, at 3 oclock I think/believe/hope that... Contexto tener pensado ir a+infinitivo At this time tomorrow/next week/next month, at 4 oclock Ever, never, just, yet, recently, already For, since, how long (lleva+gerundio) Already, by the time that, until, before By this time tomorrow/next week/next month, by 4 oclock

EXAMPLES Mike seldom goes to the gym during the week. Cars produce a lot of pollution. I dont remember his name now. Right now Keith is doing the washing up. Barcelona isnt doing very well in the Champions League this season. Shes going back to work on Monday. Last month Gina finished her studies, and then she decided to move to Sheffield. At 10 oclock my friends were having a drink. While Paul was taking a shower, the phone rang. While ... shower, his sister was cooking. The plane will leave in 30 minutes. I dont think Nadal will lose his next tournament. Doesnt anybody want to drive? OK, Ill drive. Im going to become a lawyer after university. Look at those angry men! Theyre going to fight! At this time next year my family will be living in another city. Have you ever eaten curry? No, I havent, but I would like to some time. How long have you waited? Ive waited for 15 minutes. Nina hadnt seen any famous person until she met Robert de Niro. By this time next month I will have probably read my Harry Potter book.

Past Continuous

Will Going to Future Continuous

Accin inacabada en el futuro

Present Perfect

Accin acabada en el pasado (sin saber cundo) Accin empezada en el pasado que llega hasta el presente Accin anterior a otra accin en el pasado

Past Perfect Future Perfect

Accin acabada en el futuro

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