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A Web quest for 7th grade Design by Ian Dwight H.

To collect information about the biological world, we use two mechanisms: our sensory perception and our ability to reason. We can count the types of trees in a forest with our eyes, we can identify birds in the rainforest canopy with our ears, and we can identify the presence of a sampaguita flower with our nose. However, our reason permits us to make predictions about the natural world. Scientists attempt to predict and perhaps control future events based on present and past knowledge. The ability to make accurate predictions hinges on the seven steps of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. This Web quest is designed for you to guide you with all the steps needed in conducting laboratory experiments and even reality-connected experiments, such as making choices and decisions.


In this web quest, you and your group mates will be responsible in giving brief information about the seven steps of Scientific Method. The group will be asked to present the output in an interactive PowerPoint which requires the following: 1. Visual Representation The texts size and boldness must be visible. The slideshow must contain 10-20 pictures that are appropriate and have connections to the topic. Background of the presentation must fit with the theme used. Enough and concise information are written. 2. Clarity of Delivery This will involve the loudness and way of delivering the presentation. The message must reach to the student situated at the last row. English is the mode of communication however, vernacular is allowed in terms of clarification such as raising questions. 3. Content The presentation must contain maximum of 12 slides and minimum of 8 slides. There must be detailed information in every step of the Scientific Method. There must be closeended questions for the viewers. 4. Student Engagement This will compromise the active participation of the viewers. 5. Scientific Analysis Presentation reflects thorough grasp of scientific method. The presentation must last for maximum of 15 minutes but now go lower than 10 minutes. A hardcopy must be provided for the evaluator and handouts for the viewers.


1. Refer to your book on Scientific Method Check on the following websites for some analysis of the 7 steps which will help you in understanding:

2. Do online quiz 3. State in 5 sentences the information of each step in logical order on a piece of paper. Definition Examples

4. Create a graphical representation depicting the 7 steps of Scientific Method. For more detail visit this page:


In this Web Quest, you get evaluated according to your performance in the ONLINE QUIZ, INTERACTIVE SLIDESHOW PRESENTATION and in your GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION of the 7 steps of Scientific Method. Below are the rubric and checklist for INTERACTIVE SLIDESHOW PRESENTATION and GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION respectively. INTERACTIVE SLIDESHOW PRESENTATION Rubric

Group Name: _________________________________ TASKS FAIR Words are not legible. The design of the presentation is in contrast with the color of the letter used. English was used not all the time. The loudness of voice is not sufficient. Presentation contains less than 8 slides. Descriptions are lacking. Steps are not organized. Low number of students had participated. No questions are raised. Steps are lacking and not in order. GOOD The presentation is not clearly organized, letters are visible. Lack of information. Used English often and partnered with vernacular language. Voice is audible. Contains greater than 8 slides but less than 10 slides. Information is present but not consistent. Minimal student engagement. Enough numbers of questions rose. Able to understand the steps but not consistent. GREAT The presentation is organized, the words and pictures are visible and information is satisfactory. English is the mode of communication throughout the presentation. The voice is audible Follows required slides. Information is present and is informative. Additional facts are given. Multiple students have participated. Questions were raised and answer properly. Able to distinguish each steps and clearly defined each.

Visual Representation

Clarity of Delivery


Student Engagement

Scientific Analysis Total Points: _______ Legend: Fair 5; Good 10;

Great 15

GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION Checklist Student Name: ___________________________________

SKILLS Organized Information are present Creative Neat and Clean Completeness TOTAL POINTS: _____________________ 5 10 15

The rubric and checklist is created by Ian Dwight H. Sabellina. CONCLUSION

Congratulations on completing your task! These are the following that you have accomplished!:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Understanding and Mastery of the 7 steps of Scientific Method Creativity Use of Technology Research Stage Confidence


1. (guide for Scientific Method) 2. (picture of Next Step) 3. 94-abstract-word-cloud-for-scientific-method-with-related-tags-and-terms.jpg (picture of Scientific Method) 4. (overview of Scientific Method) 5. (overview of Scientific Method) 6. (picture to do list) 7. (picture process) 8. (online quiz) 9. (picture evaluation) 10. (picture exclamation point) 11. (picture credits)

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