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They related the whole episode to him and he was much grieved to hear how iva
had burnt Love. The sages then told him of the boon granted to Rati and Himavn was
much relieved to learn this. Recalling to his mind the glory of ambhu Himcala
respectfully summoned great sages. He had an auspicious date, asterism and hour
ascertained and speedily got the exact time of wedding fixed and noted down according
to the Vedic precepts. Himcala handed over the note recording the exact time of
wedding to the seven seers, and clasping their feet made entreaties to them. Calling on
Brahm they delivered the note to him; and as he went through it his heart overflowed
with joy. Brahm read the note aloud to all; the sages as well as the whole concourse
of gods was delighted to hear it. Flowers were showered from the air, music flowed from
various instruments and auspicious jars were placed in all directions. (14)
0n r r ff fr
rf n n f r nr+ {+
Do.: lage sa vrana sakala sura bhana bibidha bimna,

saguna magala subhada karahi

apachar gna.91.
All the gods began to adorn their vehicles and aerial cars of various kinds; happy
and auspicious omens were visible and celestial damsels sang for joy. (91)
0ff n f fnrr r f = rr+
z f rr a ffa f rr+ {+
f r f nnr atf sta nr+
n s f rr f fr rr+ +
fr = z= frr f rf rr+
f ff fr rt r ff n rt+ -+
fr ff rf rar f f r rar+
r rfa r f ra =r+ +
Cau.: sivahi sabhu gana karahi

sigr, ja mukua ahi mauru sa vr.

kuala kakana pahire byl, tana bibhuti paa kehari chl.1.
sasi lala sudara sira gag, nayana tni upabta bhujag.
garala kaha ura nara sira ml, asiva bea sivadhma kpl.2.
kara trisula aru damaru birj, cale basaha caRhi bjahi

dekhi sivahi suratriya musukh

, bara lyaka dulahini jaga nh

binu biraci di surabrt, caRhi caRhi bhana cale bart.
sura samja saba bh

ti an up, nahi

barta dulaha anurup.4.

The attendants of ambhu began to adorn their lord. His matted locks were formed
into a crown and decked with a crest of serpents. He had serpents for His ear-rings and
bracelets, smeared His person with ashes and wrapped a lions skin round His loins.
He bore the crescent on His charming brow and the river Gag on the crown of His
head and had three eyes and a serpent for the sacred thread. His throat was black with
the poison swallowed by him at the beginning of creation and had a wreath of human
skulls about His neck. Thus clad in a ghastly attire, He was nonetheless an embodiment
of blessings and merciful to the core. A trident and a Damaru (a shall drum shaped like
an hour-glass) adorned His hands. iva rode on a bull while musical instruments played.
Female divinities smiled to see Him. The world has no bride worthy of the bridegroom,
They said to one another. Viu, Brahm and hosts of other gods joined the bridegrooms
procession and rode on their respective vehicles. The gathering of the immortals was
incomparable in every respect; the procession, however, was hardly worthy of the
bridegroom. (14)
0fr r ff a rf ffr
fn fn r; f f fa r+ +
Do.: binu kah asa bihasi taba boli sakala disirja,
bilaga bilaga hoi calahu saba nija nija sahita samja.92.
God Viu then called all the guardians of the different quarters and smilingly said,
Everyone of you should march separately, each with his own retinue. (92)
0 rf ra r; t r;+
fr f r f f fa fnr+ {+
t rt f f f rt+
fa f a f fnf f n + +
f r f r t fa- r+
rr r rr r f f r f r+ -+
rs t f r f rs r+
f rs ftr fyy rs fa atr+ +
Cau.: bara anuhri barta na bh, ha s karaihahu para pura j.
binu bacana suni sura musukne, nija nija sena sahita bilagne.1.

mana mahesu musukh

, hari ke bigya bacana nahi


ati priya bacana sunata priya kere, bhgihi preri sakala gana ere.2.
siva anussana suni saba e, prabhu pada jalaja ssa tinha ne.
nn bhana nn be, bihase siva samja nija dekh.3.
kou mukhahna bipula mukha kh u, binu pada kara kou bahu pada bhu.
bipula nayana kou nayana bihn, riapua kou ati tanakhn.4.
The procession, brothers, is no way worthy of the bridegroom; you will make
yourself a butt of ridicule in a strange city! Hearing the words of Viu, the gods smiled
and parted, each with his own group. The great Lord iva laughed in His sleeves and
noticed that r Haris humour never failed. As soon as He heard these most pleasing
remarks of His beloved friend, He sent Bhg to call all His attendants. And they all
came when they heard ivas command and bowed their head at the lotus feet of their
lord. iva laughed to see His host in their motley attire riding every kind of vehicle. Some
were headless, while others were hydra-headed monsters; some were without hands
and feet, while others had numerous hands and feet. Some had numerous eyes, while
others had no eyes at all; some were stout and well-built, while others had very slim
bodies. (14)
U0a t rs fa t r rs r nfa
r r u rfa a +
tr r n nfa r n
f a fr rfn ra a f +
Cha.:tana khna kou ati pna pvana kou apvana gati dhare ,
bhuana karla kapla kara saba sadya sonita tana bhare .
khara svna suara skla mukha gana bea aganita ko ganai,
bahu jinasa preta pisca jogi jamta baranata nahi

Some had lean and thin bodies, while others were very stout; some were tidy,
while others had dirty habits. They had frightful ornaments, carried skulls in their hands
and were all smeared with fresh blood. They bore heads of donkeys, dogs, swine and
jackals and the varieties of their clothes could not be counted. The troops of spirits,
goblins and fairies of various kinds beggared description.
0rf nrf nta ant a
a fa fta rf ffr ff+ -+
So.: ncahi


gta parama tarag bhuta saba,

dekhata ati biparta bolahi

bacana bicitra bidhi.93.

The ghosts danced and sang; they were all extremely fantastic. They looked most
absurd and spoke words in a peculiar style. (93)
0 af t rar a ff rf n rar+
;r fr s farr fa ffr f r; rr+ {+
fn n rt rr fr f f frt+
rn t arr ffnf a rr+ +
r= a rt fa r fa rt+
n afr nr nrf n fa r+ -+
f fnf n r rrn a a r+
rr rf r; rn; rr ff fr;+ +
Cau. : jasa dulahu tasi ban bart, kautuka bibidha hohi

maga jt.

himcala raceu bitn, ati bicitra nahi

ji bakhn.1.
saila sakala jaha lagi jaga mh

, laghu bisla nahi

barani sirh

bana sgara saba nad

talv, himagiri saba kahu nevata pahv.2.

kmarupa sudara tana dhr, sahita samja sahita bara nr.
gae sakala tuhincala geh, gvahi

magala sahita saneh.3.


giri bahu gha sa vare, jathjogu taha


saba che.
pura sobh avaloki suh, lgai laghu biraci nipun.4.
The procession was now quite worthy of the bridegroom; the processionists
indulged in gaieties of various kinds as they went along. On the other side Himcala
erected a most wonderful pavilion which beggared description. As many mountains as
existed in the world, small or big, more than man can count, and the whole host of
woods, seas, rivers and ponds* were all invited by Himcala. Capable of taking any form
they liked, they assumed handsome figures and repaired to the house of Himlaya
alongwith their retinues and fair consorts. They all sang festive songs out of affection.
The mountain-king had already caused a number of houses to be tastefully decorated;
all the guests were lodged therein, each occupying a house befitting ones status. The
splendour of the city was so captivating that after a glance at it the creative skill of
Brahm himself looked very small. (14)
U0rr rn ff t far rf rr t
rn azrn far n r t+
n f ar arr a n n rt
far = a f f f rt+
Cha.:laghu lga bidhi k nipunat avaloki pura sobh sah,
bana bga kupa taRga sarit subhaga saba saka ko kah.
magala bipula torana patk ketu gha gha sohah

banit purua sudara catura chabi dekhi muni mana mohah

A glance at the beautiful city made the creative art of Brahm himself pale into
insignificance. Groves and gardens, wells and ponds and rivers, all looked charming
beyond words. Every house was decorated with a number of triumphal arches, flags and
buntings. Men and women of the city were so lovely and ingenious that they enraptured
the hearts even of sages.
0nr at r = f f r;
ffq ffq f-r fa a fr;+ +
Do.: jagadab jaha avatar so puru barani ki ji,
riddhi siddhi sapatti sukha nita nutana adhiki.94.
The city in which the Mother of the universe had bodied Herself forth baffled
all description. Prosperity and success, wealth and happiness were always on the
increase there and presented a new aspect. (94)
0n f ra f r; = rr fr;+
f r f r rr r nrr+ {+
f frt ff f fa rt+
f r rn fzf r rn+ +
f t a r r t r+
n f fa rar f fa nrar+ -+
* According to the Hindu scriptures every natural object is believed to be presided over by a spirit; it
is these spirits that are referred to here.
f r f r; rar r f frar+
= r rr r r f rr+ +
Cau.: nagara nikaa barta suni , pura kharabharu sobh adhik.
kari banva saji bhana nn, cale lena sdara agavn.1.
hiya harae sura sena nihr, harihi dekhi ati bhae sukhr.
siva samja jaba dekhana lge, biari cale bhana saba bhge.2.
dhari dhraju taha

rahe sayne, blaka saba lai jva parne.
gae bhavana puchahi

pitu mt, kahahi

bacana bhaya kapita gt.3.

kahia kha kahi ji na bt, jama kara dhra kidhau

baru baurha basaha asavr, byla kapla bibhuana chr.4.
When it was heard that the bridegrooms procession was close at hand, there was
commotion in the city, which added to its charm. Adorning themselves and decorating
their vehicles of various kinds, a party proceeded in advance to receive the procession
with due honour. They were gladdened at heart to see the gathering of the immortals.
And they were all the more happy to behold r Hari (Viu). But when they started
looking at ivas retinue, every animal they rode started back and fled in panic. The
adults recovered themselves and remained where they were, while every child that came
ran for its life. On their reaching home when their parents questioned them, they spoke
as follows, their limbs still shaking with fear, What shall we say? The sight was such
as could not be described. We wonder whether it was a bridegrooms procession or the
army of Death. The bridegroom is a maniac, riding on a bull; serpents, skulls and ashes
are his ornaments. (14)
U0a r r r n f r
n a a fr rfnf f tr+
r fa ff ra a - z af t
ff r sr fr rr rr ra f f- t+
Cha.: tana chra byla kapla bhuana nagana jaila bhayakar,
sa ga bhuta preta pisca jogini bikaa mukha rajancar.
jo jiata rahihi barta dekhata punya baRa tehi kara sah,
dekhihi so um bibhu ghara ghara bta asi larikanha kah.
His body is smeared with ashes and adorned with serpents and skulls. He is
naked, has matted hair on his head and is dreadful to look at. He is accompanied by
ghosts and evil spirits, goblins and fairies and demons with a frightful countenance. He
who survives on seeing the bridegrooms procession is a man of great luck indeed and
he alone will witness the wedding of Um. These were the words uttered by the children
from house to house.
0fr r f rf
r rr ff ff fz r z= rf+ ~+
Do.: samujhi mahesa samja saba janani janaka musukhi

bla bujhe bibidha bidhi niara hohu daru nhi

The parents smiled; for they knew that the children were talking of ivas retinue.
They reassured the children in many ways and said, Be not afraid, there is no cause
for fear. (95)
0 nr raf r f f r r+
r rat rt n n nrf rt+ {+
r r rt f t f rt+
f =f r - s s fr+ +
rfn t fa rrr n r rr+
r z s rt t-t rf fntrt+ -+
f nr rt tr r rt+
f ff arf = t-r af z = rs t-r+ +
Cau.: lai agavna bartahi e, die sabahi janavsa suhe.

subha rat sa vr, saga sumagala gvahi

kacana thra soha bara pn, parichana cal harahi haran.
bikaa bea rudrahi jaba dekh, abalanha ura bhaya bhayau bise.2.
bhgi bhavana paih

ati trs, gae mahesu jah

main hdaya

bhayau dukhu bhr, lnh boli girsakumr.3.
adhika saneha

goda baihr, syma saroja nayana bhare br.

bidhi tumhahi rupu asa dnh, tehi

jaRa baru bura kasa knh.4.

The party which had gone ahead to receive the bridegrooms procession returned
with the procession and assigned beautiful lodgings to all the guests. Men (Prvats
mother) kindled auspicious lights for waving round the bridegroom and the women
accompanying her sang melodious songs of rejoicing. A salver of gold adorned Mens
fair hands and she proceeded to welcome Lord Hara with great delight. The women were
seized with excessive fear when they saw Rudra (iva) in frightful accoutrements. They
fled in great panic and entered the house; while the great Lord iva repaired to the
lodgings of the bridegrooms party. Men was sore distressed at heart and sent for
Prvat. With great affection she seated her in her lap; and tears rushed to her eyes;
which resembled a pair of blue lotuses. To think that the Creator, who has made you
so beautiful, should have been stupid enough to give you such a raving madman for a
bridegroom! (14)
U0 t- = r ff f arf ar ;
r f a=f r f rn;+
ar fa fnf a fn r ff
rr= rs rs n ta fr +
Cha.: kasa knha baru baurha bidhi jehi

tumhahi sudarat da,

jo phalu cahia surataruhi

so barabasa baburahi

tumha sahita giri te girau

pvaka jarau jalanidhi mahu

parau ,
gharu ju apajasu hou jaga jvata bibhu na hau karau .
How strange that the Creator, who has made you so lovely, should have given
you a crazy fellow for a bridegroom! A fruit which should have adorned the wish-yielding
tree is helplessly appearing on a thorny Babula. Taking you in my arms I would sooner
fall from a mountain-top, cast myself into the flames or drown myself into the sea. Let
my home be ruined and let me earn a bad reputation throughout the world; but in no case
would I marry you with this maniac so long as there is life in me.
0; f r fa f fnfrf
f fr rfa fa ar rf+ +
Do.: bha

bikala abal sakala dukhita dekhi girinri,

kari bilpu rodati badati sut sanehu sa bhri.96.
All the ladies assembled there were distressed when they saw the consort of
Himcala sad. Recalling the affection of her daughter she wailed, wept and exclaimed as
below: (96)
0r r fnrr r f- a srr+
s sf f- t-r f rfn a t-r+ {+
r s- r rr srt r rr+
rr rrr r tr rr f r tr+ +
ff f frf rt rt a f rt+
frf rf fa rar r ; r ; frar+ -+
fr rs r a a r nr; r+
ar ff f ff r ra f r+ +
Cau.: nrada kara mai

kha bigr, bhavanu mora jinha basata ujr.

asa upadesu umahi jinha dnh, baure barahi lgi tapu knh.1.
scehu unha ke moha na my, udsna dhanu dhmu na jy.
para ghara ghlaka lja na bhr, b

jha ki jna prasava kai pr.2.

jananihi bikala biloki bhavn, bol juta bibeka mdu bn.
asa bicri socahi mati mt, so na arai jo racai bidht.3.
karama likh jau

bura nhu, tau kata dosu lagia khu.
tumha sana miahi

ki bidhi ke ak, mtu byartha jani lehu kalak.4.

What harm have I done to Nrada that he should have ruined my happy home
and tendered such advice to Um as made her undergo penance for securing a crazy
husband? In good sooth the sage is passionless and without affection; he has no wealth,
no dwelling and no wife and is indifferent to all. That is why he destroys others homes.
He has neither shame nor fear. What does a barren woman know of the pains of
childbirth? Seeing Her mother distressed, Bhavn addressed the following soft yet
prudent words to her. Whatever is ordained by Providence cannot be altered. Realizing
this be not worried, mother. If I am destined to have a crazy husband, why should
anyone be blamed for it? Can you alter the decree of Providence? Therefore, take no
reproach on you unnecessarily. (14)
U0f ra =r f t
r fr fr r rs at+
f sr fta r r rt
rfa fff nr; rf frt+
Cha.: jani lehu mtu kalaku karun pariharahu avasara nah

dukhu sukhu jo likh lilra hamare jba jaha puba tah

suni um bacana binta komala sakala abal socah

bahu bh

ti bidhihi lagi duana nayana bri bimocah

Take no reproach on you; cease lamenting; this is no occasion for it. The amount
of joy and sorrow that has fallen to my lot I must reap wherever I go. Hearing the soft
and polite words of Um all the ladies became sad. They blamed the Creator in many
ways and tears flowed from their eyes.
0af r fa = ff e a
rr f affnf n aa fa+ +
Do.: tehi avasara nrada sahita aru rii sapta sameta,
samcra suni tuhinagiri gavane turata niketa.97.
On hearing the news that very moment Himcala came to his house alongwith
Nrada and the seven seers. (97)
0a r t rrr = rn rr+
r - rt nr a ar rt+ {+
r rf f+ frff r n frff+
n r rff f ;-r tr rff+ +
t - n r; r at a r;+
a at f frt r fq n rt+ -+
r ra f nr s rr anr+
s r f r t-r t t-r+ +
Cau.: taba nrada sabah samujhv, puruba kathprasagu sunv.
mayan satya sunahu mama bn, jagadab tava sut bhavn.1.
aj andi sakti abinsini, sad sabhu aradhaga nivsini.
jaga sabhava plana laya krini, nija icch ll bapu dhrini.2.

prathama daccha gha j, nmu sati sudara tanu p.

taha hu sati sakarahi bibh

, kath prasiddha sakala jaga mh

eka bra vata siva sag, dekheu raghukula kamala patag.
bhayau mohu siva kah na knh, bhrama basa beu sya kara lnh.4.
Then Nrada reassured them all, narrating to them the past history of Um. He
said, Men, hear my true words: your daughter is none else than Bhavn (the eternal
Consort of iva), Mother of the universe. She is the unborn and imperishable divine
energy, which has no beginning; She is ambhus inseparable half. She creates,
maintains and then dissolves the universe and assumes the semblance of a material
form of Her own will. First she was born in the house of Daka. Sat was Her name and
charming was Her form. Even in that incarnation Sat was married with akara. The
story is well-known throughout the world. One day, while She was returning home with
iva, She beheld r Rma, who is a sun as it were to the lotus-like race of Raghu.
Bewildered by His sight, She did not listen to ivas advice and was beguiled into
assuming the disguise of St. (14)
U0f at r t- af r ft
f r; rf fa rnr t+
f ar f fa rfn r= a fr
rf a fnfr r fr+
Cha.:siya beu sat

jo knha tehi

apardha sakara parihar

hara biraha ji bahori pitu ke jagya jognala jar

aba janami tumhare bhavana nija pati lgi druna tapu kiy,
asa jni sasaya tajahu girij sarbad sakara priy.
akara repudiated Her because She had offended Him by assuming the
disguise of St. Separated from Hara, She then visited the sacrifice undertaken by Her
father and burnt Herself in the fire of Yoga (meditation) there. Now, reborn in your house,
She has undergone terrible penance for the sake of Her lord. Knowing this, give up all
doubt; Girij (your daughter) is ever beloved of akara.
0f r a fr fr
rs rr rr r+ c+
Do.: suni nrada ke bacana taba saba kara mi bida,
chana mahu

bypeu sakala pura ghara ghara yaha sabda.98.
When they heard Nradas explanation, the sadness of all was dispersed. In a
trice the news spread from house to house throughout the city. (98)
0a r fa f f rat +
rf = f r r n rn fa r+ {+
n r nnrr f r rr rr+
rfa ; rr rtr rr+ +
r r f r; rt f f ra rt+
r r rat fr ff rat+ -+
ff rfa t rr rn = f rr+
rf a rt nt nrt rt+ +
Cau.: taba mayan himavatu anade, puni puni prabat pada bade.
nri purua sisu jub sayne, nagara loga saba ati harane.1.
lage hona pura magalagn, saje sabahi

haka ghaa nn.


ti aneka bha jevanr, supasstra jasa kachu byavahr.2.

so jevanra ki ji bakhn, basahi

bhavana jehi

mtu bhavn.
sdara bole sakala bart, binu biraci deva saba jt.3.
bibidhi p

ti baih jevanr, lge parusana nipuna sur.

nribda sura jeva ta jn, lag

dena gr

mdu bn.4.
Then Men and her consort Himavn rejoiced and bowed at Prvats feet again
and again. All the citizens, including men, women and children, youngmen as well as
elderly people, were immensely delighted. Festive songs began to be sung in the city;
vases of gold of every pattern were displayed by all. Dishes of various kinds were
prepared in accordance with the processes given in gastrological works. Is it ever
possible to describe the varieties of dishes prepared in the house where lived Mother
Bhavn? Himcala respectfully summoned all the members of the bridegrooms party,
including Viu, Brahm and other gods of all classes. The dinner guests sat in many
rows; and expert cooks began to serve. Finding the gods dining, batches of women
began to banter and rail at them in pleasant strains. (14)
U 0nrt t f f f rt
r f fa f fr f rt+
a r vr r rf vr
r; t- r n r rr vr+

madhura svara dehi

sudari bigya bacana sunvah

bhojanu karahi

sura ati bilabu binodu suni sacu pvah

jeva ta jo baRhyo anadu so mukha koihu

na parai kahyo,

i dnhe pna gavane bsa jaha

jko rahyo.
Charming women railed in sweet strains and poured innuendoes. The gods felt
much amused to hear them and dined for an unusually long time. The joy that swelled
at the dinner cannot be described even with millions of tongues. Having been served with
water for rinsing their mouths at the end of the dinner, they were given betel-leaves; and
then they returned to their respective lodgings.
0f f- fa n r; r;
frf fr rr;+ +
Do.: bahuri muninha himavata kahu lagana sun i,
samaya biloki bibha kara pahae deva boli.99.
The seven sages called once more and read out to Himavn the note recording
the time fixed for the wedding; and perceiving that the hour had arrived, the latter sent
for the gods. (99)
0rf r t- f rfa r t-+
t fr rt n n nrf rt+ {+
frrr fa f rr r; f ff rr+
f f- f= r; z ff f rrr;+ +
f t- sr rr; f fnr= t r;+
a = r f n f r + -+
nfr rf rr - f t- rr+
ar r rt r; rf rt+ +
Cau.: boli sakala sura sdara lnhe, sabahi jathocita sana dnhe.
bed beda bidhna sa vr, subhaga sumagala gvahi

sighsanu ati dibya suhv, ji na barani biraci banv.
baihe siva bipranha siru n, hdaya sumiri nija prabhu raghur.2.
bahuri munsanha um bol

kari si

gru sakh


dekhata rupu sakala sura mohe, baranai chabi asa jaga kabi ko hai.3.
jagadabik jni bhava bhm, suranha manahi

mana knha pranm.

sudarat marajda bhavn, ji na koihu

badana bakhn.4.
Himavn politely sent for all the gods and assigned an appropriate seat to each
of them. An altar was prepared in accordance with the Vedic ritual and women chanted
charming festal strains. A divinely beautiful throne with the images of a pair of lions for
its arms was placed on the altar; being a handiwork of the Creator himself, it beggared
description. Bowing His head to the Brhmaas and calling to His mind His own Master,
the Lord of Raghus, iva took His seat on the throne. The great sages then sent for
Um, who was brought in by Her girl companions richly adorned. All the gods were
enraptured at Her beauty. What poet in the world could describe such loveliness?
Recognizing in Her the Mother of the universe and Spouse of iva, the divinities
mentally bowed to Her. The perfection of beauty that Bhavn was could not be
adequately praised even with millions of tongues. (14)
U 0rf f a n f rr r
f a >rfa r fa at r+
frf ra rf nt z f r
rf f fa = ar +
Cha.: koihu

badana nahi

banai baranata jaga janani sobh mah,


kahata ruti sea srada madamati tulas kah.

chabikhni mtu bhavni gavan

madhya maapa siva jah

avaloki sakahi

na sakuca pati pada kamala manu madhukaru tah

The superb beauty of the Mother of the universe could not be described even with
millions of tongues. When even the Vedas, ea (the serpent-god) and rad (the
goddess of learning) shrink abashed, of what account is the dull-witted Tulasdsa?
Mother Bhavn, the mind of beauty, walked to the middle of the pavilion, where iva
was. Out of shyness She could not gaze on Her lords lotus feet, although Her heart was
fixed thereon like a bee.
0f r nfaf s rf
rs f f rf f rf+ {+
Do.: muni anussana ganapatihi pujeu sabhu bhavni,
kou suni sasaya karai jani sura andi jiya jni.100.
At the direction of the sages ambhu and Bhavn paid divine honours to Lord
Gaapati. Let no one be puzzled to hear this; for one should bear in mind that gods have
existed from time without beginning.* (100)
0f fr ff >rfa nr; rf- r r;+
nf fnt -r rt f t rf rt+ {+
rfn t- r f a r+
r f s-t t+ +
rf r ff frr fy ff rr+
fnfr s fr f r sr+ -+
rt r an rnr f ta frnr+
- r f rr r; t- r; rr+ +
Cau.: jasi bibha kai bidhi ruti g, mahmuninha so saba karav.
gahi girsa kusa kany pn, bhavahi samarap

jni bhavn.1.
pnigrahana jaba knha mahes, hiya

harae taba sakala sures.
bedamatra munibara uccarah

, jaya jaya jaya sakara sura karah


bjana bibidha bidhn, sumanabi nabha bhai bidhi nn.

hara girij kara bhayau bibhu, sakala bhuvana bhari rah uchhu.3.

dsa turaga ratha ng, dhenu basana mani bastu bibhg.

anna kanakabhjana bhari jn, dija dnha na ji bakhn.4.
The great sages had the nuptial ceremony performed in all its details as laid down
in the Vedas. Taking sacred Kua grass in his hand and holding the bride by Her hand,
the mountain-king Himlaya made Her over to Bhava (iva) knowing Her to be His
eternal consort. When the great Lord iva took the hand of the bride, all the great gods
were glad at heart. The principal sages chanted the Vedic formulas, while the gods
exclaimed, Victory, victory, all victory to akara ! Musical instruments of various kinds
were sounded and flowers of different varieties were rained down from the heavens. The
wedding of Hara and Girij was thus concluded. A spirit of rejoicing pervaded the whole
universe. Men-servants and maid-servants, horses and chariots, elephants and cows,
raiment, jewels and various other articles and even so cart-loads of foodgrains and gold
utensils were given as dowry, which was more than one could describe. (14)
U0r; fr rfa f rf f nr
r s r nf nr+
f rrn ar rfaf fr
f n rr r f fr+
* Lord Gaapati is reputed to be an offspring of iva and Prvat. It may, therefore, be asked how He
came to be worshipped by the divine pair even at the time of their wedding. The poet meets this question by
stating that Gaea and the other gods are eternal and unbegotten and that they only appear to be born.
Cha.: dija diyo bahu bh

ti puni kara jori himabhudhara kahyo,

k deu

puranakma sakara carana pakaja gahi rahyo.

kpsgara sasura kara satou saba bh


puni gahe pada pthoja mayan

prema paripurana hiyo.
Himcala gave presents of various kinds as dowry; then, joining his palms, he
said, I have nothing to give you, akara; You have all Yours desires sated! He could
say no more and remained clasping the latters feet. The ocean of mercy that iva is
reassured His father-in-law in every possible way. Then Men, with her heart overflowing
with love, clasped His lotus-feet and said:
0r sr r nft
r r; r = + {{+
Do.: ntha um mama prna sama ghakikar karehu,
chamehu sakala apardha aba hoi prasanna baru dehu.101.
Lord, Um is dear to me as life; take her as a maid-servant of Your house and
forgive all her faults. Be pleased to grant this boon to me. (101)
0 ff r rr; nt f= r;+
t sr rf a t-t sn f t-t+ {+
r r rf fa s r+
a r rt f r; s tf- rt+ +
a ff t rf n rt rt rt+
fa f art t t- frt+ -+
f f ffa fa nf r r; r+
rf- ff f rt r; f s f rt+ +
Cau.: bahu bidhi sabhu ssu samujh, gavan bhavana carana siru n.

um boli taba lnh, lai uchaga sudara sikha dnh.1.

karehu sad sakara pada puj, nridharamu pati deu na duj.
bacana kahata bhare locana br, bahuri li ura lnhi kumr.2.
kata bidhi sj

nri jaga mh

, pardhna sapanehu sukhu nh

bhai ati prema bikala mahatr, dhraju knha kusamaya bicr.3.
puni puni milati parati gahi caran, parama premu kachu ji na baran.
saba nrinha mili bhei bhavn, ji janani ura puni lapan.4.
ambhu comforted His mother-in-law in ways more than one; and she returned
home bowing her head at his feet. The mother then sent for Um, and taking Her into
her lap gave Her the following excellent advice. Ever adore the feet of akara this
sums up the duty of a wife. Her husband is her deity; there is no other god for her. As
she spoke these words, her eyes filled with tears and she pressed the girl to her bosom.
Why has god created woman in this world? One who is dependent on others can never
dream of happiness. The mother was overwhelmed with emotion; but knowing as she
did that it was not an opportune moment for betraying ones weakness, she recovered
herself. Men met Prvat again and again and fell down clasping the girls feet; her
supreme love was beyond all words. Bidding adieu to all the ladies Bhavn ran and
clung to her mothers breast once more. (14)
U0ff f ff t sfa t r ;
f ff frfa ra a a t f f n;+
r arf = sr fa
f fr r +
Cha.: jananihi bahuri mili cal ucita assa saba khu


phiri phiri bilokati mtu tana taba sakh

lai siva pahi


jcaka sakala satoi sakaru um sahita bhavana cale,
saba amara harae sumana barai nisna nabha bje bhale.
Taking leave of Her mother once more, Bhavn departed; everyone uttered
appropriate blessings to Her. She often turned back to have a look at Her mother; Her
girl companions then took Her to iva. Having gratified all beggars. akara proceeded
to His home (Mount Kailsa) with Um. All the divinities delightfully rained down flowers
and kettledrums produced a charming sound in the heavens.
0 n fa a r fa a
ff rfa far f fr t- a+ {+
Do.: cale saga himavatu taba pahu cvana ati hetu,
bibidha bh

ti paritou kari bid knha baketu.102.

Himavn then accompanied iva in order to escort Him with great affection. iva,
however, sent him back, consoling him in various ways. (102)
0aa r fnfr; f rr;+
r r f rr fr t- frr+ {+
f rf r f f r fr+
na ra fa rt af fnr= s rt+ +
f ff ff rn frr n- a f rr+
fnfr fr fa f ff f r f n+ -+
a s rr ar = f rr+
rn fn fq rr - - n rr+ +
Cau.: turata bhavana e girir, sakala saila sara lie bol.
dara dna binaya bahumn, saba kara bid knha himavn.1.

sabhu kailsahi

e, sura saba nija nija loka sidhe.

jagata mtu pitu sabhu bhavn, tehi

sigru na kahau


bibidha bidhi bhoga bils, gananha sameta basahi

hara girij bihra nita naya u, ehi bidhi bipula kla cali gayau.3.
taba janameu aabadana kumr, traku asuru samara jehi

gama nigama prasiddha purn, anmukha janmu sakala jaga jn.4.
The mountain-king returned home at once and summoned all other mountains and
lakes. Himavn greeted them with due attention, gifts, polite words and great honour and
allowed them all to depart. No sooner had ambhu reached Mount Kailsa than all the
gods returned to their respective realms. ambhu and Bhavn are the parents of the
universe; hence I refrain from portraying their amorous sports. Indulging in luxuries and
enjoyments of various kinds the divine pair lived on Mount Kailsa alongwith Their
attendants. Hara and Girij enjoyed some new delight everyday. In this way a considerable
time elapsed. Thereafter was born to them a boy with six heads, who (later on) killed the
demon Traka in battle. The story of amukha (the six-headed deity) is well-known in
the Vedas, Tantras and Puras, and the entire world knows it. (14)
U0n r - - ar =r r
af a a a fa f r+
sr fr rf f nrt
rr r fr n r rt+
Cha.: jagu jna anmukha janmu karmu pratpu pururathu mah,
tehi hetu mai

baketu suta kara carita sachepahi

yaha um sabhu bibhu je nara nri kahahi

je gvah

kalyna kja bibha magala sarbad sukhu pvah

The tale of the birth, exploits, glory and surpassing strength of amukha is
known to the whole world. That is why I have briefly touched the narrative of ivas son.
Men and women who narrate or sing this story of the wedding of Um and ambhu shall
ever rejoice in their auspicious undertaking as well as during festive occassions such as
wedding etc.
0fa f fnfr rf r=
atr ff fa fa nr=+ {-+
Do.: carita sidhu girij ramana beda na pvahi

baranai tulasdsu kimi ati matimada gav

The exploits of Girijs lord are illimitable like the ocean; even the Vedas cannot
reach their end. How, then, can Tulasdsa, a most dull-witted clown, succeed in
describing them? (103)
0 fa f rr r f fa rr+
rr r rt f- t= rrf rt+ {+
f r rt r f f rt+
r - a - tr arf r f ntr+ +
f f-f fa rt rf a rrt+
f ftr r na - + -+
f r rrfa art f rr at at f rt+
f rrfa nfa r; r f rf f r;+ +
Cau.: sabhu carita suni sarasa suhv, bharadvja muni ati sukhu pv.
bahu llas kath para bRh, nayananhi nru romvali hRh.1.
prema bibasa mukha va na bn, das dekhi harae muni gyn.
aho dhanya tava janmu muns, tumhahi prna sama priya gaurs.2.
siva pada kamala jinhahi rati nh

, rmahi te sapanehu

na sohh

binu chala bisvantha pada nehu, rma bhagata kara lacchana ehu.3.
siva sama ko raghupati bratadhr, binu agha taj sat asi nr.
panu kari raghupati bhagati dekh, ko siva sama rmahi priya bh.4.
Bharadvja was much delighted to hear the sweet and charming story of ambhus
deeds. His passion for hearing the story grew to be inordinate; tears rushed to his eyes
and the hair on his body bristled with joy. Overpowered with emotion he could not utter
a word. The enlightened sage Yjavalkya was delighted to see his condition. Blessed
indeed is your birth. O great sage, he said, to you the Lord of Gaur is dear as life.
Those who love not ivas lotus feet cannot even dream of pleasing Rma. A guileless
love for ivas feet is the surest sign of a devotee of Rma. Who is so faithful to the Lord
of Raghus as iva, who renounced a sinless wife like Sat, and demonstrated ideal
devotion to Rma by His pledge of unswerving fidelity? Brother, whom does Rma hold
so dear as iva? (14)
0f f f fa rr arr
f ar r fa ta fr+ {+
Do.: prathamahi


kahi siva carita bujh maramu tumhra,

suci sevaka tumha rma ke rahita samasta bikra.104.
Having begun by recounting the deeds of iva I have come to know your secret.
You are indeed a faithful servant of Rma, free from all impurities. (104)
0 rr arr n tr s rrfa tr+
f r rn ar f r; r+ {+
r fa fa fa tr f f a rf tr+
af r>ra s rt ff fnrfa rt+ +
r r=rf trt r r art+
f r f rt f s f rf rt+ -+
s r; r rrrr s f ar n nrr+
r fnf= r r r f sr fr+ +
Cau.: mai

jn tumhra guna sl, kahau

sunahu aba raghupati ll.
sunu muni ju samgama tore , kahi na ji jasa sukhu mana more .1.
rma carita ati amita muns, kahi na sakahi

sata koi ahs.

tadapi jathruta kahau bakhn, sumiri girpati prabhu dhanupn.2.
srada drunri sama svm, rmu sutradhara atarajm.
jehi para kp karahi

janu jn, kabi ura ajira nacvahi

pranavau soi kpla raghunth, baranau bisada tsu guna gth.
parama ramya giribaru kailsu, sad jah

siva um nivsu.4.
I have come to know your virtues and disposition. Listen, therefore, while I narrate
the story of the Lord of Raghus. O sage, I cannot say how glad I am at this meeting with
you today. O lord of sages, the exploits of r Rma are much beyond measure; even
a thousand million eas (serpent-kings) cannot recount them. Nevertheless, fixing my
thoughts on the Lord who wields a bow in His hand and is the lord of speech, I repeat
the tale as I have heard it. rad (the goddess of speech) is like a puppet; while r
Rma, the inner controller of all, is the master of the puppet show, who holds the strings
in his hands. When He blesses a poet knowing him to be a devotee, He causes the
goddess to dance in the courtyard of his heart. To Him, the benevolent Lord of Raghus,
I bow and commence the recital of His fair virtues. Of all mountains the most charming
and the best is Kailsa, where iva and Um eternally dwell. (14)
0fq ar rfn f f
f ar at f f + {~+
Do.: siddha tapodhana jogijana sura kinara munibda,


sukt sakala sevahi

siva sukhakada.105.
Hosts of Siddhas (adepts) ascetics and Yogs (mystics), as well as gods, Kinnaras
and sages, all lucky souls, reside there and adore iva, the root of all joy. (105)
0f f fa rt a a f rt+
af fnf f frr fa a rr+ {+
frf t taf rr f f>rr f >rfa nrr+
r af a n a= frf s fa + +
f zrf rnf rr f rr+
; n tr f ftr+ -+
a= = r fa na z a r+
n fa frrt r f rt+ +
Cau.: hari hara bimukha dharma rati nh

, te nara tah~ a sapanehu



tehi giri para baa biapa bisl, nita nutana sudara saba kl.1.
tribidha samra sustali chy, siva birma biapa ruti gy.
eka bra tehi tara prabhu gaya u, taru biloki ura ati sukhu bhayau.2.
nija kara si ngaripu chl, baihe sahajahi

sabhu kpl.
kuda idu dara gaura sarr, bhuja pralaba paridhana municr.3.
taruna aruna abuja sama caran, nakha duti bhagata hdaya tama haran.
bhujaga bhuti bhuana tripurr, nanu sarada cada chabi hr.4.
Those who have their faces turned away from Hari and Hara and have no love for
righteousness cannot even dream of going there. On the summit of that mountain exists a
huge banyan tree, which is ever young and is charming during all seasons. Fanned by
cool, soft and fragrant breezes, its shade is very refreshing. It is the favourite resort of iva,
extolled by the Vedas. Once upon a time the Lord betook Himself beneath the tree and was
much gladdened at heart to see it. Spreading His tigerskin on the ground with His own
hands, the all-merciful iva sat down casually. His body fair in hue as the jasmine, the
moon and the conch-shell; arms of inordinate length; a hermits covering, consisting of the
bark of trees, wrapped round His loins; His feet resembling a pair of full-blown red lotuses
and their toe-nails shedding a lustre which dispelled the darkness of the devotees heart;
serpents and the ashes serving as ornaments of the Slayer of Tripura and His countenance
eclipsing the splendour even of the autumnal full moon. (14)
0r fa f r f fr
t r-ff r rf r+ {+
Do.: ja mukua surasarita sira locana nalina bisla,
nlakaha lvanyanidhi soha blabidhu bhla.106.
With His twisted coils of hair for a crown and the celestial stream (the Gag)
adorning His head, eyes as big as a pair of lotuses, throat dark with poison and with the
crescent shining on His brow, the Lord looked like a veritable mine of beauty. (106)
0 r rf t= ra +
rat = rt n; f ra rt+ {+
rf fr r= fa t-r r rn r t-r+
t f t r; = - r fa r;+ +
fa f a f rt ff sr rt f rt+
r r r fart r; rt+ -+
ftr r rt fr fr ffa arrt+
= rn r f r+ +
Cau.: baihe soha kmaripu kaise , dhare sarru starasu jaise .
prabat bhala avasaru jn, ga

sabhu pahi

mtu bhavn.1.
jni priy daru ati knh, bma bhga sanu hara dnh.

siva sampa hara, puruba janma kath cita .2.

pati hiya

hetu adhika anumn, bihasi um bol

priya bn.
kath jo sakala loka hitakr, soi puchana caha sailakumr.3.
bisvantha mama ntha purr, tribhuvana mahim bidita tumhr.
cara aru acara nga nara dev, sakala karahi

pada pakaja sev.4.

Seated there, the Destroyer of Cupid looked like an incarnation of the sentiment
of Quietism. Finding it a good opportunity, Mother Bhavn called on ambhu. In
recognition of Her wifely love Lord Hara showed Her great courtesy and assigned Her
a seat on His left side. Prvat gladly sat down beside iva and recalled the history of
Her past life. Presuming that Her lord cherished in His heart greater love for Her than
before, Um smilingly spoke the following sweet words to Him: the Daughter of Himlaya
sought to elicit from Her lord the story which is profitable to the whole world. O Lord of
the universe, O my Master, O slayer of the demon Tripura! Your glory is known to all
the three spheres. Animate as well inanimate beings, Ngas, men and gods, all do
homage to Your lotus-feet. (14)
0 f r n r
rn r r ff a a= r+ {+
Do.: prabhu samaratha sarbagya siva sakala kal guna dhma,
joga gyna bairgya nidhi pranata kalapataru nma.107.
My Lord, You are all-powerful, all-wise and all-blissful; You are a repository of all
arts and virtues and a storehouse of Yoga (askesis), wisdom and dispassion. Your
Name is a wish-yielding tree as it were to the suppliant. (107)
0 r r rt rf - rf f rt+
a r rr f rrr r ff rr+ {+
r a= a r; f f f fa r;+
f z frt r fa rt+ +
f rrt f r zr rt+
rr rr f rrfa n nrr+ -+
ar f r r f rat r n rrat+
r r fa a r; t n nfa r;+ +
Cau.: jau

mo para prasanna sukhars, jnia satya mohi nija ds.
tau prabhu harahu mora agyn, kahi raghuntha kath bidhi nn.1.
jsu bhavanu surataru tara ho, sahi ki daridra janita dukhu so.
sasibhuana asa hdaya bicr, harahu ntha mama mati bhrama bhr.2.
prabhu je muni paramrathabd, kahahi

rma kahu

brahma and.
sesa srad beda purn, sakala karahi

raghupati guna gn.3.

tumha puni rma rma dina rt, sdara japahu an~ a ga rt.
rmu so avadha npati suta so, k aja aguna alakhagati ko.4.
O blissful Lord, if You are pleased with me and know me to be Your faithful
servant, then, my Master, disperse my ignorance by repeating to me the various stories
of the Lord of Raghus. Why should he who has his abode beneath a wish-yielding tree
undergo the suffering born of want? Bearing this in mind, O Lord with the crescent on
the forehead, dispel the great confusion of my mind. O Lord, the sages who discourse
on the supreme Reality speak of Rma as the Brahma who has no beginning; ea and
rad, as well as the Vedas and the Puras, all sing praises of the Lord of Raghus.
You too, O Subduer of Love, reverently repeat the word Rma night and day. Is this
Rma the same as the son of the King of Ayodhy or some other unborn, unqualified and
imperceptible Being? (14)
0 a a zr ff rf f fa rf
f fa fr a fa fq fa rf+ {c+
Do.: jau npa tanaya ta brahma kimi nri birah~a

mati bhori,
dekhi carita mahim sunata bhramati buddhi ati mori.108.
If a kings son, how could he be Brahma (the Infinite)? And if he were Brahma,
how could his mind get unhinged by the loss of his wife? When I see his acts on the one
hand, and hear of his glory on the other, my mind gets utterly confused. (108)
0 t r f r rr; r rf r+
rf f s f f ff r f r; + {+
tf r ar; fa f arf r;+
af f r rr r t rfa rr+ +
s r r fs r+
a rf rfa rr r r fr f rr+ -+
a fr rt rr =f rt+
ta r n nrr nr rr+ +
Cau.: jau

anha bypaka bibhu kou, kahahu bujhi ntha mohi sou.
agya jni risa ura jani dharah u, jehi bidhi moha miai soi karahu.1.

bana dkhi rma prabhut, ati bhaya bikala na tumhahi sun.

tadapi malina mana bodhu na v, so phalu bhal bh

ti hama pv.2.

kachu sasau mana more , karahu kp binavau kara jore .

prabhu taba mohi bahu bh

ti prabodh, ntha so samujhi karahu jani krodh.3.

taba kara asa bimoha aba nh

, rmakath para ruci mana mh

kahahu punta rma guna gth, bhujagarja bhuana suranth.4.
If, my lord, there is any other desireless, all-pervading and all-powerful Brahma,
instruct me about the same. Be not angry at my folly, but take steps to wipe out my ignorance.
In the wood (in my previous birth) I witnessed r Rmas glory, although I was too awe-
stricken to tell You. Yet, my mind was so impure that I did not understand, and I reaped a
good return for my folly. Some doubt still lingers in my mind. Be gracious to me, I implore
You with joined palms. Lord, You instructed me then in ways more than one; yet I did not
understand. Do not allow this thought to anger You. I have no such delusion now; I find
developed in me a taste for hearing the story of Rma. Recount the sacred virtues of r
Rma, O Lord of immortals, having the serpent-king (ea) for an ornament. (14)
0s f f f= f s rf
rr f >rfa fqra frf+ {+
Do.: badau pada dhari dharani siru binaya karau kara jori,
baranahu raghubara bisada jasu ruti siddhta nicori.109.
Placing my head on the ground, I adore Your feet and entreat You with joined
palms to recount the unsullied glory of the Chief of Raghus, giving in substance the
conclusion of the revealed texts (the Vedas) on the subject. (109)
0f rfar f frt rt arrt+
ns a- r rf ra frt rf+ {+
fa rfa s rr rrfa r f rr+
r r frt fn zr n rt+ +
f r arr rfa f srr+
r rt frt r ar r rt+ -+
f t- fa rr r ff r rr+
r f t-t tr tr+ +
Cau.: jadapi joit nahi

adhikr, ds mana krama bacana tumhr.

guRhau tattva na sdhu durvahi

, rata adhikr jaha pvahi

ati rati puchau surary, raghupati kath kahahu kari dy.
prathama so krana kahahu bicr, nirguna brahma saguna bapu dhr.2.
puni prabhu kahahu rma avatr, blacarita puni kahahu udr.
kahahu jath jnak bibh

, rja taj so duana kh

bana basi knhe carita apr, kahahu ntha jimi rvana mr.
rja baihi knh

bahu ll, sakala kahahu sakara sukhasl.4.

Though as a woman I am not qualified to hear it, I am Your servant in thought,
word and deed. Saints do not withhold even an esoteric truth wherever they find a man
smitten with agony, and therefore qualified to receive it. I ask You with a heart sore
distressed; be gracious enough to narrate the story of the Lord of Raghus. First tell me
after a mature thought what makes the unqualified Brahma assume a qualified form.
Then, my lord, relate the story of r Rmas descent, and tell me next the charming
exploits of His childhood. Then let me know how He wedded Janakas daughter, St,
and the fault for which He had to renounce His fathers kingdom later on. Then describe
the innumerable deeds performed by Him while He lived in the forest; and further tell me,
my lord, how He killed Rvaa. Then relate, O blissful akara, all the numerous sports
that were enacted by Him after his coronation. (14)
0f =ra t- r r
r fa rrf ff n f r+ {{+
Do.: bahuri kahahu karunyatana knha jo acaraja rma,
praj sahita raghubasamani kimi gavane nija dhma.110.
Thereafter relate, O gracious Lord, the miracle wrought by Rma, viz., how that
Jewel of Raghus line proceeded to His divine Abode alongwith all His subjects. (110)
0f r a- rt f fr n f rt+
nfa r fr frnr f fa frnr+ {+
s r t r r fa f fr+
r r f r; rs r r f nr;+ +
ar fr n rr r t r r rr+
t sr r; ft f f r;+ -+
f rfa r r r+
>rtrrr = s rr r fa rr+ +
Cau.: puni prabhu kahahu so tattva bakhn, jehi

bigyna magana muni gyn.

bhagati gyna bigyna birg, puni saba baranahu sahita bibhg.1.
aurau rma rahasya anek, kahahu ntha ati bimala bibek.
jo prabhu mai

puch nahi

ho, sou dayla rkhahu jani go.2.

tumha tribhuvana gura beda bakhn, na jva p

vara k jn.
prasna um kai sahaja suh, chala bihna suni siva mana bh.3.
hara hiya

rmacarita saba e, prema pulaka locana jala che.
rraghuntha rupa ura v, paramnada amita sukha pv.4.
Then expound, my lord, the truth in the realization of which enlightened sages
remain absorbed. And thereafter discuss in detail the conceptions of Devotion, Jna or
Knowledge of the formless Absolute, Vijna or the Knowledge of qualified Divinity with
and without form, and Dispassion. Over and above this, O Lord of purest understanding,
reveal to me the many other mysteries connected with Rma. And if there be anything
which I have omitted to ask, do not keep it back, my gracious lord. You are the preceptor
of all the three spheres, so declare the Vedas; what can other poor creatures know?
iva was glad at heart to hear these questions of Um, naturally pleasing and guileless
as they were. All the exploits of Rma flashed on His mind; the hair on His body bristled
with rapture and His eyes filled with tears. The figure of r Rma was reflected on the
mirror of His heart. This brought immense joy to iva, who is an embodiment of supreme
bliss Himself. (14)
0n r z n f r t-
rrfa fa a fa t-+ {{{+
Do.: magana dhynarasa daa juga puni mana bhera knha,
raghupati carita mahesa taba haraita baranai lnha.111.
For an hour or so iva was lost in the ecstasy of meditation. He then recovered
Himself and thereafter began joyfully to tell the story of Rma. (111)
0rs - rf f r ff n f fr+
f r n r; r; rn r r;+ {+
s r= r; r ff a f r+
n n rt s r f frt+ +
f r rf frrt f r fnr srt+
- - fnfrrt ar r f rs srt+ -+
rrfa r nr r n rf nnr+
ar rrt rnt tf- t na fa rnt+ +
Cau. : jhuheu satya jhi binu jne , jimi bhujaga binu raju pahicne .
jehi jne jaga ji her, jge jath sapana bhrama j.1.

blarupa soi rmu, saba sidhi sulabha japata jisu nmu.
magala bhavana amagala hr, dravau so dasaratha ajira bihr.2.
kari pranma rmahi tripurr, harai sudh sama gir ucr.
dhanya dhanya girirjakumr, tumha samna nahi

kou upakr.3.
pu chehu raghupati kath prasag, sakala loka jaga pvani gag.
tumha raghubra carana anurg, knhihu prasna jagata hita lg.4.
Due to lack of knowledge about r Rma even the unreal passes for real, just
as ignorance about a rope leads us to mistake it for a snake. Even so the moment we
know Him the world of matter vanishes, just as the delusion of a dream disappears as
soon as we wake up. Him do I reverence in the form of a Child, the repetition of whose
Name brings all kinds of success within our easy reach. May that Home of bliss and
Bane of woe take compassion on meHe who sports in the courtyard of king
Daaratha. After thus paying homage to Rma, the Slayer of the demon Tripura joyfully
spoke in mellifluous accents as follows: You are indeed blessed and worthy of
applause, O daughter of the mountain-king; there is no such benefactor as you. You
have asked Me to repeat the history of the Lord of Raghus, which is potent enough to
sanctify all the spheres even as the Gag purifies the whole world. You are full of love
for the feet of the Hero of Raghus race; You have put questions to Me only with an eye
to the good of the world. (14)
0r r a rfa a rf
r r fr rf+ {{+
Do.: rma kp te prabati sapanehu tava mana mhi

soka moha sadeha bhrama mama bicra kachu nhi

By the blessing of Rma, O Prvat, not even in dream can grief, infatuation,
doubt or error enter your mind, so far as I can judge. (112)
0af r tf- r; a a fa r;+
f- f r t f rr >r f rr+ {+
f- a f r r r r+
a f af ar a f n r+ +
f- fnfa z f rt ta r a; rt+
r f ; r n nrr t r r t rr+ -+
f r f r; rat f ffa r rat+
fnfr r tr fa frtr+ +
Cau.: tadapi asak knhihu so, kahata sunata saba kara hita ho.
jinha hari kath sun nahi

kn, ravana radhra ahibhavana samn.1.

nayananhi sata darasa nahi

dekh, locana morapakha kara lekh.

te sira kau tubari samatul, je na namata hari gura pada mul.2.
jinha haribhagati hdaya nahi

n, jvata sava samna tei prn.

jo nahi

karai rma guna gn, jha so ddura jha samn.3.

kulisa kahora nihura soi cht, suni haricarita na jo harat.
girij sunahu rma kai ll, sura hita danuja bimohanasl.4.
Yet you have expressed the same old doubts again, so that all those who repeat
or hear this account may be benefited thereby. The ears of those who have never heard
the stories of r Hari are no better than snake-holes. The eyes of those who have not
blessed them with the sight of saints are as good as the sham eyes in a peacocks tail.
The heads that bow not at the soles of r Hari or of ones preceptor are just like bitter
pumpkins. Those who have cherished not in their heart the spirit of devotion to r Hari
are as good as dead, though living. The tongue that does not sing the praises of Rma
is just like the tongue of a frog. The heart which does not rejoice to hear the tales of r
Hari is hard as adamant and cruel indeed. Hear, O Girij, the exploits of r Rma, which
prove beneficial to the gods and mystify the demons. (14)
0rr a rf
ar r r rf+ {{-+
Do.: rmakath suradhenu sama sevata saba sukha dni,
satasamja suraloka saba ko na sunai asa jni.113.
Like the cow of plenty, the story of Rma bestows all blessings on those who
devote themselves to it; and the assemblages of saints are the various abodes of gods.
Knowing this, who would not listen to it? (113)
0rr art fn szrfrt+
rr f f rt r fnfrrt+ {+
r r n fa r nfa >rfa nr+
r a r nrr ar r tfa n rr+ +
af r >ra f fa rt fs f tfa fa art+
sr t a r; aa rf r;+ -+
ra f rf rrt f r rt+
ar r r r rs rr f >rfa nr f f rr+ +
Cau.: rmakath sudara kara tr, sasaya bihaga uRvanihr.
rmakath kali biapa kuhr, sdara sunu girirjakumr.1.
rma nma guna carita suhe, janama karama aganita ruti ge.
jath anata rma bhagavn, tath kath krati guna nn.2.
tadapi jath ruta jasi mati mor, kahihau dekhi prti ati tor.
um prasna tava sahaja suh, sukhada satasamata mohi bh.3.
eka bta nahi

mohi sohn, jadapi moha basa kahehu bhavn.

tumha jo kah rma kou n, jehi ruti gva dharahi

muni dhyn.4.
The story of Rma is the lovely clap of hand-palms which scares away the
birds of doubt. Even so the story of Rma is an axe to the tree of Kaliyuga (the
impurities of the Kali age); listen to it with reverence, O daughter of the mountain-king.
The charming names of r Rma, as well as His virtues, stories, births and deeds
have all been declared by the Vedas to be beyond number. As there is no end to the
divine Rma, even so His stories, glory and virtues are also endless. Yet, seeing your
great love, I will tell them even as I have heard of them to the best of my intellectual
capacity. Um, your inquiries are naturally winning and delightful and such as are
approved of by the saints; as for myself I am particularly pleased to hear them. But
there was one thing, Bhavn, which I did not like, although you uttered it under a spell
of delusion: you suggested that the Rma whom the Vedas extol and on whom the
sages contemplate is someone else! (14)
0f f n r fr
rzt f f rf r r+ {{+
Do.: kahahi


asa adhama nara grase je moha pisca,

pa hari pada bimukha jnahi

jhuha na sca.114.
Such words are spoken and heard by those vile men alone who are possessed
by the devil of infatuation, are impious and averse to the feet of r Hari and know no
difference between truth and falsehood. (114)
0 rf rnt r; f rnt+
t f ft ar f t+ {+
f a a rt f- r r f rt+
f = ftr r = f ff tr+ +
f- n n fr rf fra r+
frr na rt fa-f a rrfa rt+ -+
ra a f ar a f rf fr+
f- a rr rr fa- r f f rr+ +
Cau.: agya akobida adha abhg, k biaya mukura mana lg.
lapaa kapa kuila bise, sapanehu

satasabh nahi


te beda asamata bn, jinha ke sujha lbhu nahi

mukura malina aru nayana bihn, rma rupa dekhahi

kimi dn.2.
jinha ke aguna na saguna bibek, jalpahi

kalpita bacana anek.

harimy basa jagata bhramh

, tinhahi kahata kachu aghaita nh

btula bhuta bibasa matavre, te nahi


bacana bicre.
jinha kta mahmoha mada pn, tinha kara kah karia nahi

Foolish, ignorant and blind wretches, the mirror of whose heart is clouded by the
film of sensuality, lecherous, deceitful and grossly perverse, who have never seen an
assemblage of holy men even in a dream and who have no sense of gain and loss, they
alone make statements which are repugnant to the Vedas. The mirror of their heart is
soiled and they have no eyes to see; how-then, can those wretched souls behold the
beauty of r Rma? For those who have no knowledge either of the unqualified Brahma
or of qualified Divinity, who indulge in fantastic utterances of various kinds and who spin
round in this world under the influence of r Haris deluding potency, no assertion is too
absurd to make. Those who are delirious or mad, those who are possessed and those
who are inebriated do not talk sense. None should give ear to the ravings of those who
have drunk the wine of infatuation. (14)
0 f z frf a r
fnfr rf a f + {{~+
So.: asa nija hdaya bicri taju sasaya bhaju rma pada,
sunu girirja kumri bhrama tama rabi kara bacana mama.115.
Thus assured in your heart, discard all doubt and adore r Rmas feet. O
daughter of the mountain-king, hear my words, which are sun-beams as it were for the
darkness of error. (115)
0nf nf f r nrf f r r+
n = r; na n r r;+ {+
r n fa n r; f s fn f +
r r faf anr af ff f fr nr+ +
r frr fr f a r fr r+
r= nrr f a f fr frr+ -+
fr r rr t ffa frr+
r zr r n rr r rr+ +
Cau.: sagunahi agunahi nahi

kachu bhed, gvahi

muni purna budha bed.

aguna arupa alakha aja jo, bhagata prema basa saguna so ho.1.
jo guna rahita saguna soi kaise , jalu hima upala bilaga nahi

jaise .
jsu nma bhrama timira patag, tehi kimi kahia bimoha prasag.2.
rma saccidnada dines, nahi

taha moha nis lavales.

sahaja praksarupa bhagavn, nahi


puni bigyna bihn.3.
haraa bida gyna agyn, jva dharma ahamiti abhimn.
rma brahma bypaka jaga jn, paramnada paresa purn.4.
There is no difference between qualified Divinity and the unqualified Brahma: so
declare the sages and men of wisdom, the Vedas and the Puras. That which is
attributeless and formless, imperceptible and unborn, becomes qualified under the
influence of the devotees love. How can the Absolute become qualified? In the same
way as water and the hail-stone are non-different in substance. Infatuation is out of the
question for Him whose very Name is like the sun to the darkness of error. r Rma,
who is Truth, Consciousness and Bliss combined, is like the sun; the night of ignorance
cannot subsist in Him even to the smallest degree. He is the Lord whose very being is
light; there is no dawn of understanding in His case (for the dawn presupposes night and
night there is none in the sunlight of r Rma). Joy and grief, knowledge and ignorance,
egoism and pridethese are the characteristics of a Jva (finite being). r Rma is the
all-pervading Brahma; He is supreme bliss personified, the highest Lord and the most
ancient Being. The whole world knows it. (14)
0= fq r ff n r r
rrf trf r; f f rs r+ {{+
Do.: purua prasiddha praksa nidhi pragaa parvara ntha,
raghukulamani mama svmi soi kahi siva nyau mtha.116.
He who is universally known as the Spirit, the fount of light, manifest in all forms
and is the lord of life as well as of matter, that Jewel of Raghus line is my Master. So
saying iva bowed His head to Him. (116)
0f f rf rt r f z rt+
r nn rr frt rrs r f frt+ {+
fa r r nf r n n f af r+
sr r f; rr a f ff rr+ +
f t ar a ar+
r r; r rf fa r;+ -+
na rt r r rrt r n r+
r -ar a z rr r - ; r rr+ +
Cau.: nija bhrama nahi


agyn, prabhu para moha dharahi

jaRa prn.
jath gagana ghana paala nihr, jh

peu bhnu kahahi

citava jo locana aguli le , pragaa jugala sasi tehi ke bhe .
um rma biaika asa moh, nabha tama dhuma dhuri jimi soh.2.
biaya karana sura jva samet, sakala eka te eka sacet.
saba kara parama praksaka jo, rma andi avadhapati so.3.
jagata praksya praksaka rmu, mydhsa gyna guna dhmu.
jsu satyat te jaRa my, bhsa satya iva moha sahy.4.
Fools do not perceive their own error; on the other hand, those stupid creatures
attribute infatuation to the Lord, just as on seeing the sky covered with clouds, men of
unsound judgment declare that the sun has been screened by the clouds. To him who
sees with a finger stuck into his eyes the moon appears as doubled. Um, infatuation
is attributed to Rma in the same way as darkness, smoke or dust appears in the sky.
The objects of the senses, the senses and their presiding deities as well as the Jva
(embodied soul)all these derive their illumination one from the other. (That is to say,
the objects are illumined by the senses, the senses are illumined by their presiding
deities and the deities presiding over the senses are illumined by the conscious Self).
The supreme illuminator of them all is the eternal Rma, king of Ayodhy. The world of
matter is the object of illumination, while Rma is its illuminator. He is the lord of My
and the abode of wisdom and virtues. It is due to His reality that even unconscious
Matter appears as real through ignorance. (14)
0a t r ff r r rf
f r fa r r; ; rs rf+ {{+
Do.: rajata spa mahu bhsa jimi jath bhnu kara bri,
jadapi m tihu kla soi bhrama na sakai kou ri.117.
Just as a shell is mistaken for silver and a mirage for water even though the
appearance is false at all times (in the past, present and future), nobody can dispel this
delusion. (117)
0f ff n f rf>ra ; f - a ;+
f r r; f rn f r;+ {+
r r ff r; fnfr r; r rrr;+
rf a rs r rr fa rf fn nrr+ +
f ; ; f rr f ; ff rr+
r fa rnt f rt ar z rnt+ -+
a f f r n; rrr f r r+
f rfa f t fr r r; f t+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi jaga hari rita raha, jadapi asatya deta dukha aha.
jau sapane sira kai ko, binu jge na duri dukha ho.1.
jsu kp

asa bhrama mii j, girij soi kpla raghur.

di ata kou jsu na pv, mati anumni nigama asa gv.2.
binu pada calai sunai binu kn, kara binu karama karai bidhi nn.
nana rahita sakala rasa bhog, binu bn bakat baRa jog.3.
tana binu parasa nayana binu dekh, grahai ghrna binu bsa ase.
asi saba bh

ti alaukika karan, mahim jsu ji nahi

In a like manner is this world of matter superimposed on Hari. Though unreal,
it gives us pain nonetheless, just as if a mans head is cut off in a dream, he is not
rid of pain till he wakes. Girij, He whose grace wipes out such delusion is none else
than the benevolent Lord of Raghus. Nobody has been able to discover His beginning
or end. Basing their conclusions on speculation the Vedas have described Him in the
following words. He walks without feet, hears without ears and performs actions of
various kinds even without hands. He enjoys all tastes without a mouth (palate) and
is a most clever speaker even though devoid of speech. He touches without a body
(the tactile sense), sees without eyes and catches all odours even without a nose (the
olfactory sense). His ways are thus supernatural in every respect and His glory is
beyond description. (14)
0f ;f nrf rf f f r
r; a na fa rfa nr+ {{c+
Do.: jehi imi gvahi

beda budha jhi dharahi

muni dhyna,
soi dasaratha suta bhagata hita kosalapati bhagavna.118.
He who is thus extolled by the Vedas and men of wisdom and whom the sages
love to contemplate is no other than the divine Rma, son of Daaratha, lord of Ayodhy,
the friend of His devotees. (118)
0rt a a rt r r s frt+
r; r r trt rr s art+ {+
f r r t fa rr t+
r f t rff nr ; at+ +
r r rar rt a fa ffa a rt+
ra s rt r frn n rt+ -+
f f r ff n a r+
; rrfa tfa atat r= rr tat+ +
Cau.: ks

marata jatu avalok, jsu nma bala karau bisok.

soi prabhu mora carcara svm, raghubara saba ura atarajm.1.
bibasahu jsu nma nara kahah

, janama aneka racita agha dahah

sdara sumirana je nara karah

, bhava bridhi gopada iva tarah

rma so paramtam bhavn, taha

bhrama ati abihita tava bn.
asa sasaya nata ura mh

, gyna birga sakala guna jh

suni siva ke bhrama bhajana bacan, mii gai saba kutaraka kai racan.
bhai raghupati pada prti pratt, druna asabhvan bt.4.
When I behold any creature dying in the holy K (the modern Vras), it is by
the power of His Name that I rid it of all sorrow (liberate it). He is my Lord, the Chief of
Raghus, the sovereign of all creation, animate as well as inanimate, the witness of all
hearts. If men repeat His Name even in a helpless state, sins committed by them in a
series of previous existences are burnt away; while those who devoutly remember Him
are able to cross the ocean of mundane existence as if it were a mere hollow made by
the hoof of a cow. Rma is no other than that supreme Spirit. Bhavn; your assertion
that He is subject to delusion is wholly unwarranted. The moment a man harbours such
a doubt in his mind, his wisdom, dispassion and all other virtues bid adieu to him. When
Prvat heard ivas illuminating words, the whole structure of her sophistry collapsed.
Attachment and devotion to the feet of the Lord of Raghus sprang in her heart and her
shocking incredulity disappeared. (14)
0f f nf rf = rf
rt fnfr rf+ {{+
Do.: puni puni prabhu pada kamala gahi jori pakaruha pni,

girij bacana bara manahu prema rasa sni.119.

Clasping the lotus-feet of her lord again and again, and joining her lotus-like palms,
Prvat spoke the following fine words, steeping them as it were in the nectar of love:
0f f fnr arrt fr r ra rt+
ar r s r t= rf rf + {+
r r ns frr t s rr+
rf rf ff rt f z rf rt+ +
r r r; r - +
r zr f frt fa s rt+ -+
r s a f a rf rr; a+
sr f ftar rr tfa tar+ +
Cau.: sasi kara sama suni gir tumhr, mi moha saradtapa bhr.
tumha kpla sabu sasau hare u, rma svarupa jni mohi pareu.1.
ntha kp

aba gayau bid, sukh bhayau

prabhu carana prasd.
aba mohi pani kikari jn, jadapi sahaja jaRa nri ayn.2.
prathama jo mai

puch soi kahah u, jau

mo para prasanna prabhu ahahu.
rma brahma cinamaya abins, sarba rahita saba ura pura bs.3.
ntha dhareu naratanu kehi het u, mohi samujhi kahahu baketu.
um bacana suni parama bint, rmakath para prti punt.4.
Now that I have listened to Your words, which were refreshing as moonbeams,
my ignorance, like the feverish heat of the autumnal sunshine, has faded away. You
have removed all my doubt, O gracious Lord, and the reality of Rma has been revealed
to me. By Your grace, my lord, my gloom has been lifted and I feel happy now by the
blessing of my lords feet. Now, regarding me as Your slave, even though I am a woman,
ignorant and stupid by nature, answer my former question, if You are pleased with me,
my lord. Rma, I now understand, is no other than the indestructible Brahma (God), who
is consciousness itself and who, though bereft of all, yet dwells in the heart of all. Why
did He take the form of a human being? Explain this to me, O akara. Hearing Ums
most polite words and seeing Her unadulterated love for the story of r Rma(14)
0f rrf a r
ff sf f f r rfr+ { (+
Do.: hiya harae kmri taba sakara sahaja sujna,
bahu bidhi umahi prasasi puni bole kpnidhna.120(A).
The all-merciful and all-wise akara, the Destroyer of Cupid, was glad at heart
and, extolling Um in so many ways, said : (120A)
0 r rf rfar f
r fz rf r fn r n=z + { (+
r r sr f ff r rn
r ar fa rr+ { (n+
f n r r r = nfa fa
f fa r s sr r + { (rr+
So.: sunu subha kath bhavni rmacaritamnasa bimala,
kah bhusui bakhni sun bihaga nyaka garuRa.120(B).
so sabda udra jehi bidhi bh ge kahaba,
sunahu rma avatra carita parama sudara anagha.120(C).
hari guna nma apra kath rupa aganita amita,

nija mati anusra kahau um sdara sunahu.120(D).

Hear the blessed story of the holy Rmacaritamnasa, which was narrated at
length by the sage Bhuui and heard by the king of birds, Garua, I shall tell you later
on how that great dialogue took place. First listen to the most charming and sanctifying
story of His descent. The virtues, names, stories and forms of r Hari are all unlimited,
innumerable and immeasurable. Yet I proceed to tell them according to the best of my
intellectual capacity; listen, Um, with reverence. (120 BD)
0 fnfr ffa r f f fnrn nr+
f ar a f r; ;f- f r; r;+ {+
r a fq rt a r f rt+
af a f rr f tfa rr+ +
a f rs art fr ; r rt+
r; rt rf frt+ -+
f tfa r; f t tf f t+
a a f ff tr f rff r tr+ +
Cau.: sunu girij haricarita suhe, bipula bisada nigamgama ge.
hari avatra hetu jehi ho, idamittha kahi ji na so.1.
rma atarkya buddhi mana bn, mata hamra asa sunahi sayn.
tadapi sata muni beda purn, jasa kachu kahahi

svamati anumn.2.
tasa mai

sumukhi sunvau toh, samujhi parai jasa krana moh.

jaba jaba hoi dharama kai hn, bRhahi

asura adhama abhimn.3.


anti ji nahi

baran, sdahi

bipra dhenu sura dharan.

taba taba prabhu dhari bibidha sarr, harahi

kpnidhi sajjana pr.4.

Hark, O Girij: the Vedas and the Tantras have sung numerous charming and
sinless exploits of r Hari. The cause of r Haris descent cannot be precisely stated.
Listen, O sensible lady: r Rma is beyond the grasp of intellect, mind or speech: such
is my conviction. Yet, O charming lady, I tell you the reason as I understand it and even
as the saints and sages, the Vedas and the Puras have stated according to their
intellectual level. Whenever virtue declines and vile and haughty demons multiply and
work uniquity that cannot be told, and whenever Brhmaas, cows, gods and earth itself
are in trouble, the gracious Lord assumes various (transcendent) forms and relieves the
distress of the virtuous. (14)
0 rf rf - rf f >rfa a
n ftarf f r - a+ {{+
Do.: asura mri thpahi

suranha rkhahi

nija ruti setu,

jaga bistrahi

bisada jasa rma janma kara hetu.121.

Killing the demons He reinstates the gods, preserves the bounds of propriety
fixed by the Vedas, which represent His own breath, and diffuses His immaculate glory
throughout the world. This is the motive of r Rmas descent. (121)
0r; nr; na at rf fa a t+
r a r ffr a r+ {+
; s rt rr fa rt+
rr f f r = f r r+ +
f >rr a s r; ar fa- r;+
f = r r na ffa fa r+ -+
f; t f=rar f r frar+
r; f f rr r ftarr+ +
Cau.: soi jasa gi bhagata bhava tarah

, kpsidhu jana hita tanu dharah

rma janama ke hetu anek, parama bicitra eka te ek.1.
janama eka dui kahau bakhn, svadhna sunu sumati bhavn.
dvrapla hari ke priya dou, jaya aru bijaya jna saba kou.2.
bipra rpa te dunau bh, tmasa asura deha tinha p.
kanakakasipu aru haka locana, jagata bidita surapati mada mocana.3.
bija samara bra bikhyt, dhari barha bapu eka nipt.
hoi narahari dusara puni mr, jana prahalda sujasa bistr.4.
Singing this glory the devotees cross the ocean of mundane existence; it is for
the sake of His devotees that the compassionate Lord bodies Himself forth. The motives
of r Rmas birth are many, each more wonderful than the other. I will refer to one
or two such births at some length; please listen attentively, O wise Bhavn. r Hari
has two favourite gate-keepers Jaya and Vijaya, who are known to everybody. Due to
the curse of certain Brhmaas (Sanaka and his three brothers) both these brothers
were born in the accursed species of demons. One of them was known as Hirayakaipu
and the other as Hirayka. They became known throughout the universe as the
tamers of the pride of Indra (the chief of gods). Both of them were celebrated heroes
who came out victorious in battle. The Lord assumed the form of a Boar in order to
kill one of the two brothers (viz., Hirayka); while bodying Himself forth as a Man-
Lion, He killed the other (Hirayakaipu) and spread the fair renown of His devotee,
Prahlda (Hirayakaipus son). (14)
0 fr r; a; rt r
r f; n r+ {+
Do.: bhae niscara ji tei mahbra balavna,
kubhakarana rvana subhaa sura bija jaga jna.122.
It is these two brothers that were born again as the powerful and most valiant
Rkasas. Rvaa and Kumbhakara, who were great warriors and, as all the world
knows, conquered even gods. (122)
0a a nrr atf f rr+
r fa- fa rnt s t na rnt+ {+
t ffa ar fa rar rr f=rar+
f ff arr fa fr f rr+ +
f r r+
t- nr rr r ; rr+ -+
at rf rt af arf faf rt+ +
Cau.: mukuta na bhae hate bhagavn, tni janama dvija bacana pravn.
eka bra tinha ke hita lg, dhareu sarra bhagata anurg.1.
kasyapa aditi tah

pitu mt, dasaratha kausaly bikhyt.

eka kalapa ehi bidhi avatr, carita pavitra kie sasr.2.
eka kalapa sura dekhi dukhre, samara jaladhara sana saba hre.
sabhu knha sagrma apr, danuja mahbala marai na mr.3.
parama sat asurdhipa nr, tehi

bala thi na jitahi

Even though slain by the Lord, the two brothers (Hirayka and Hirayakaipu)
did not attain liberation; for the Brhmaas had doomed them to three births. It was on
their account that the Lover of the devotees bodied Himself forth on one occasion. In that
birth Kayapa and Aditi were His parents, who were known by the names of Daaratha
and Kausaly respectively. This was how in one Kalpa (round of creation) the Lord
descended from heaven and performed purifying deeds on earth. In another Kalpa all the
gods were worsted in their conflict with the demon Jalandhara. Seeing their distress
ambhu waged war against him, which knew no end; but the demon, who possessed
a great might, could not be killed in spite of His best efforts. The wife of the demon chief
was a most virtuous lady. Armed by her strength of character the demon could not be
conquered even by the Vanquisher of Tripura. (14)
0 f rs ar a r t-
af rs a >rr r f t-+ {-+
Do.: chala kari reu tsu brata prabhu sura kraja knha,
jaba tehi

jneu marama taba rpa kopa kari dnha.123.

By a stratagem the Lord broke her vow of chastity and accomplished the purpose
of the gods. When the lady discovered the trick, she cursed Him in her wrath. (123)
0ar >rr f t- rr aff r nrr+
ar r fa r + {+
r r f fn r t r+
fa ar r t f t f- rrt+ +
r >rr t- rr af fn arr+
fnfr fa ; f rt r frna f rt+ -+
r >rr f t-r r r rfa t-r+
n rf rt f r r rt+ +
Cau.: tsu rpa hari dnha pramn, kautukanidhi kpla bhagavn.

jaladhara rvana bhaya u, rana hati rma parama pada dayau.1.

eka janama kara krana eh, jehi lagi rma dhar naradeh.
prati avatra kath prabhu ker, sunu muni baran kabinha ghaner.2.
nrada rpa dnha eka br, kalapa eka tehi lagi avatr.
girij cakita bha

suni bn, nrada binubhagata puni gyn.3.

krana kavana rpa muni dnh, k apardha rampati knh.
yaha prasaga mohi kahahu purr, muni mana moha caraja bhr.4.
The sportive and gracious Lord accepted her curse. It was this Jalandhara who
was reborn as Rvaa in this latter Kalpa. Killing him in battle r Rma conferred on him
the supreme state (final beatitude). This was the reason why r Rma assumed a
human form in one particular birth. Hark, O Bharadvja; the story of each birth of the Lord
has been sung by poets in diverse ways. On one occasion Nrada cursed the Lord; this
served as an excuse of His birth in one particular Kalpa. Girij was taken aback to hear
these words and said, Nrada is a votary of God Viu and enlightened soul too.
Wherefore did the sage pronounce a curse? What offence had Lakms lord committed
against him? Tell me the whole story, O Slayer of the demon Tripura. It is very strange
that the sage should have fallen a prey to delusion. (14)
0r ff a rt r;
f rrfa f r a af r;+ { (+
Do.: bole bihasi mahesa taba gyn muRha na koi,
jehi jasa raghupati karahi

jaba so tasa tehi chana hoi.124(A).

The great Lord iva then replied with a smile, There is no one enlightened or
deluded. Man instantly becomes what the Lord of Raghus wills him to be at a particular
moment. (124 A)
0s r n nr r r
rr r a t af r + { (+
So.: kahau rma guna gtha bharadvja sdara sunahu,
bhava bhajana raghuntha bhaju tulas taji mna mada.124(B).
Said Yjavalkya, I am going to recount the virtues of Rma, O Bharadvja; listen
with a devout mind. Renouncing pride and intoxication, O Tulasdsa, adore the Lord of
Raghus, who puts an end to metempsychosis. (124 B)
0ffnf nr fa rf t t rf+
r>r ta rr f ff fa rr+ {+
ff f ff frnr s rfa rnr+
fa ff >rr nfa rt f rfn rt+ +
f nfa f zrr rf rf t- rr+
fa r r a s f f a+ -+
rt f rrr a ff rr+
rt r n rt f r ; f zrt+ +
Cau.: himagiri guh eka ati pvani, baha sampa surasar suhvani.
rama parama punta suhv, dekhi devarii mana ati bhv.1.
nirakhi saila sari bipina bibhg, bhayau rampati pada anurg.
sumirata harihi rpa gati bdh, sahaja bimala mana lgi samdh.2.
muni gati dekhi suresa ern, kmahi boli knha sanamn.
sahita sahya jhu mama het u, caleu harai hiya

sunsra mana mahu asi trs, cahata devarii mama pura bs.
je km lolupa jaga mh

, kuila kka iva sabahi erh

In the Himlaya mountains there was a most sacred cave; the beautiful heavenly
stream (Gag) flowed near by. The sight of this most holy and charming hermitage highly
attracted the mind of the celestial sage Nrada. Seeing the mountain, the river and the
forest glades, his heart developed love for the feet of Lakms lord. The thought of r Hari
broke the spell of the curse* (pronounced by Daka, which did not allow him to stay at one
place); and his mind, which was naturally sinless, fell into a trance. Seeing the sages
condition, Indra (the chief of gods) became apprehensive. Summoning the god of love, he
received him with great honour and said, For my sake go with your associates! The god
of love (who has a fish emblazoned on his standard) set out gladdened at heart. Indra
apprehended that the celestial sage sought to occupy his abode. Those who are lustful and
grasping are afraid of everyone like the evil-minded crow. (14)
0 rz rn tr ff nr
tf ; f r z faf faf r+ {~+
* For the cause of the curse see Caup I following Doh 78 (p. 85)
Do.: sukha hRa lai bhga saha svna nirakhi mgarja,
chni lei jani jna jaRa timi surapatihi na lja.125.
Just as a foolish dog, on seeing a king of beasts, should run away with a dry bone,
fearing in his crass ignorance lest the lion should rob him of it, Indra too in his
shamelessness thought as above. (125)
0af r>rf n f rr a f+
fa ff f nr f rf nf nr+ {+
t rf frf rt r r rfrt+
rf rf tr r tr+ +
f nr ar anr ff tzf rf anr+
f r rr t-f f ff rr+ -+
r r ff rt f zs r rt+
t f rf ; rs ar z r rfa r+ +
Cau.: tehi ramahi

madana jaba gaya u, nija my

basata niramayau.
kusumita bibidha biapa bahurag, kujahi

kokila gujahi

cal suhvani tribidha bayr, kma ksnu baRhvanihr.
rabhdika suranri nabn, sakala asamasara kal prabn.2.

gna bahu tna tarag, bahubidhi krRahi

pni patag.
dekhi sahya madana haran, knhesi puni prapaca bidhi nn.3.
kma kal kachu munihi na byp, nija bhaya

areu manobhava pp.
sma ki c

pi sakai kou ts u, baRa rakhavra rampati jsu.4.

When the god of love reached that hermitage, he created a semblance of the
vernal season by his illusory power. Many-coloured blossoms appeared on the trees of
different kinds; cuckoos sang and bees hummed. Delightful breezes, cool, soft and
fragrant, blew, fanning the flame of passion. Rambh and other heavenly damsels, who
looked ever young and were all past masters in amorous sports, sang in undulating
tones of various kinds and sported in many ways, ball in hand. The god of love was
delighted to see his associates there and employed a variety of deceptive tricks. But his
amorous devices had no effect on the sage. Guilty Cupid was now apprehensive of his
own destruction. Can anyone dare to trespass the bounds of him who has the Lord of
Lakm as his great protector. (14)
0fa r ta fa rf rf
nf r; f a f f ra + {+
Do.: sahita sahya sabhta ati mni hri mana maina,
gahesi ji muni carana taba kahi suhi rata baina.126.
In dire dismay the god of love with his accomplices acknowledged his defeat and
clasped the sages feet, addressing him in accents of deep humility. (126)
0s r rr f f r farr+
r; f= r r; ns a fa r;+ {+
f tar rf t fa r r; t+
f rr ff f ff f= rr+ +
a r n f rt far r ffa rt+
r fa f r faf rf fr+ -+
r r fs f art ff r r rt+
faf f ff r n r a+ +
Cau.: bhayau na nrada mana kachu ro, kahi priya bacana kma parito.
ni carana siru yasu p, gayau madana taba sahita sah.1.
muni suslat pani karan, surapati sabh

ji saba baran.
suni saba ke mana acaraju v, munihi prasasi harihi siru nv.2.
taba nrada gavane siva ph

, jit kma ahamiti mana mh

mra carita sakarahi sune, atipriya jni mahesa sikhe.3.
bra bra binavau

muni toh, jimi yaha kath sunyahu moh.
timi jani harihi sunvahu kabah u

, calehu

prasaga durehu tabah u

There was no anger in Nradas mind; he reassured the god of love by
addressing him in friendly terms. Then, bowing his head at the sages feet and
obtaining his leave, Love retired with his accomplices. Reaching the court of Indra (the
chief of gods) he related his own doings, on the one hand, and the sages clemency,
on the other. Hearing the tale all were astonished; they extolled the sage and bowed
their head to Hari. Then Nrada called on iva; he was proud of his victory over Love
and told Him all Loves doings. Knowing him to be His most beloved friend, the great
Lord iva admonished him as follows:O sage, I pray you again and again: never
repeat this story to Hari as you have repeated it to me. Even if the topic ever comes
up before Him, please hush it up. (14)
0 t- s fa f rf rr
r a f ;-r r+ {+
Do.: sabhu dnha upadesa hita nahi

nradahi sohna,
bharadvja kautuka sunahu hari icch balavna.127.
Wholesome was the advice given by ambhu; but it did not please
Nrada. Bharadvja, now hear what interesting thing happened. The will of Hari is
predominant. (127)
0r t- rf r; r; -r f r;+
f f r a ff r fr+ {+
r a tr nra f n nr tr+
tf n frr >rtfr >rfarr+ +
f f sf rfar r fff ar+
r ff r rr a f tf- f rr+ -+
r fa r r uf f f r+
fa z rrfa rr f r r n rr+ +
Cau.: rma knha chahi

soi ho, karai anyath asa nahi

sabhu bacana muni mana nahi

bhe, taba biraci ke loka sidhe.1.

eka bra karatala bara bn, gvata hari guna gna prabn.
chrasidhu gavane muninth, jaha

basa rnivsa rutimth.2.
harai mile uhi ramniket, baihe sana riihi samet.
bole bihasi carcara ry, bahute dinana knhi muni dy.3.
kma carita nrada saba bhe, jadyapi prathama baraji siva rkhe.
ati pracaa raghupati kai my, jehi na moha asa ko jaga jy.4.
The will of r Rma alone prevails; there is no one who can alter it. ambhus
advice fell flat on the sage. Then he went to the abode of Brahm (the Creator). Singing
the glories of r Hari, to the accompaniment of the excellent lute he had in his hand, the
lord of sages, Nrada, who was skilled in music, once repaired to the ocean of milk.
Where dwells the abode of Lakm, Bhagavn Nryaa, who is Vednta (the crown of
all Vedas) personified. The abode of Ram (Lakm) rose to meet him in great joy and
shared His seat with the sage. The Lord of the entire creation, animate as well as
inanimate, said with a smile, It is after a long time that you have showed Me this favour,
reverend sir. Nrada told Him all the doings of Love, even though iva had already
forbidden him to do so. Most formidable is the My (deluding potency) of the Lord of
Raghus. No one was ever born in this world, who is beyond its charm. (14)
0= f r >rtnr
ar f a ff r r r+ {c+
Do.: rukha badana kari bacana mdu bole rbhagavna,
tumhare sumirana te miahi

moha mra mada mna.128.

With an impassive look, yet in coaxing accents, said the Lord, By your very
thought self-delusion, lust, arrogance and pride disappear. (128)
0 f r r; ar r frn z f r+
zr a a fatr arf f ; r tr+ {+
r s fa frr r arrf nrr+
=rff t frt s s n a= rt+ +
fn r zrfs srt r fart+
f fa a r; f sr f r;+ -+
a r f f r; z ffa fr;+
>rtfa f rr a t f t af t+ +
Cau.: sunu muni moha hoi mana tke , gyna birga hdaya nahi

jke .
brahmacaraja brata rata matidhr, tumhahi ki karai manobhava pr.1.
nrada kaheu sahita abhimn, kp tumhri sakala bhagavn.
karunnidhi mana dkha bicr, ura akureu garaba taru bhr.2.
begi so mai

rihau ukhr, pana hamra sevaka hitakr.

muni kara hita mama kautuka ho, avasi upya karabi mai

taba nrada hari pada sira n, cale hdaya ahamiti adhik.
rpati nija my taba prer, sunahu kahina karan tehi ker.4.
Hark, O sage! the mind of him alone is susceptible to delusion, whose heart is
devoid of wisdom and dispassion. You are steadfast in your vow of celibacy and
resolute of mind; you can never be smitten with pangs of Love. Nrada replied with
a feeling of pride, Lord it is all due to Your grace. The compassionate Lord pondered
and saw that a huge tree of pride had sprouted in his heart. I shall soon tear it up by
roots; for it is My vow to serve the best interest of My servants. I must contrive some
plan which may do good to the sage and serve as a diversion for Me. Then, bowing
his head at the feet of r Hari, Nrada departed. The pride in his heart had swelled.
The Lord of Lakm (the goddess of prosperity) then set His My into operation. Now
hear of her relentless doings. (14)
0fs n n af a r ftar
>rtfr a f r ff r+ {+
Do.: biraceu maga mahu nagara tehi

sata jojana bistra,

rnivsapura te adhika racan bibidha prakra.129.
The Lords My (deluding potency) created on the way a city with an area of eight
hundred square miles. The manifold architectural beauties of that city excelled even
those of Vius own capital (Vaikuha). (129)
0f n rt f fa art+
af ; tff rr nfa n rr+ {+
a f frr = a tfa frr+
ftrt ar rt >rt fr f = frt+ +
r; frr n rt rr ar f r; rt+
; t r rr r a nfa frr+ -+
f at n af n rf- a +
f fa n r f r f r+ +
Cau.: basahi

nagara sudara nara nr, janu bahu manasija rati tanudhr.


pura basai slanidhi rj, aganita haya gaya sena samj.1.

sata suresa sama bibhava bils, rupa teja bala nti nivs.
bisvamohan tsu kumr, r bimoha jisu rupu nihr.2.
soi harimy saba guna khn, sobh tsu ki ji bakhn.
karai svayabara so npabl, e taha aganita mahipl.3.
muni kautuk nagara tehi

gaya u, purabsinha saba puchata bhayau.

suni saba carita bhupagha e, kari puj npa muni baihe.4.
It was inhabited by graceful men and women, whom you would take to be so many
incarnations of the god of love and his wife Rati. A king, lanidhi by name, ruled over
that city; he owned numberless horses, elephants and troops. He possessed the
grandeur and luxury of a hundred Indras, and was a repository of grace, splendour, might
and wisdom. He had a daughter, Vivamohin by name, whose beauty enraptured even
Lakm. She was no other than r Haris own My (enrapturing potency), the
fountainhead of all virtues; who can describe her charm? The princess was going to
marry by self-choice; hence kings beyond number arrived there as suitors. The sportive
sage (Nrada) entered the city and inquired everything from the people. Hearing all that
had been going on there, he wended his way to the kings palace. The king paid him
homage and gave him a seat. (14)
0rf r; rf fa rrf
r n r f z frf+ {-+
Do.: ni dekh nradahi bhupati rjakumri,
kahahu ntha guna doa saba ehi ke hdaya

The king brought and showed the princess to Nrada and said, Tell me after
mature thought all that is good or bad about her. (130)
0f = f ffa frt zt r fn frt+
- ar frf r z f n r+ {+
r f ; r; r; f af ta r;+
f r art ; tff -r rt+ +
- frf s r r; r+
ar - f rt r r rt+ -+
r; r; a frt f r rf rt+
a r; af rr ff f; ff rr+ +
Cau.: dekhi rupa muni birati bisr, baR bra lagi rahe nihr.
lacchana tsu biloki bhulne, hdaya

haraa nahi

pragaa bakhne.1.
jo ehi barai amara soi ho, samarabhumi tehi jta na ko.

sakala carcara th, barai slanidhi kany jh.2.

lacchana saba bicri ura rkhe, kachuka bani bhupa sana bhe.
sut sulacchana kahi npa ph

, nrada cale soca mana mh


ji soi jatana bicr, jehi prakra mohi barai kumr.
japa tapa kachu na hoi tehi kl, he bidhi milai kavana bidhi bl.4.
Seeing her beauty the sage forgot all about his dispassion and remained gazing
on her for a long time. When he read the auspicious marks on her body, he was lost
in reverie. He was gladdened at heart, but he would not openly mention the happy
characteristics. He who weds this girl, he said to himself, Shall become immortal;
and no one shall be able to conquer him in battle. He whom lanidhis daughter selects
for her lord shall be adored by the entire creation, both animate and inanimate. Having
read these characteristics the sage kept them to himself, and mentioned a few
fabricated ones to the king. Telling the king that his daughter was of good promise,
Nrada left. He thought within himself, Let me devise and try some means whereby
the princess may choose me for her husband. He had no more zeal to practise Japa
(muttering of sacred formulas) or austerity. Good God, how am I to get the girl? he
said to himself. (14)
0f rf rr = fr
r frf tr f a r+ {-{+
Do.: ehi avasara chia parama sobh rupa bisla,
jo biloki rjhai kua ri taba melai jayamla.131.
What is needed on this occasion is great personal charm and surpassing beauty,
whereby the princess may be enamoured of me and place the wreath of victory round
my neck, he continued. (131)
0f rn ar; r;f ra n= fa r;+
r fa f f r f r r; r+ {+
ff f tf- af rr ns at rr+
frf f zr r;f r f r+ +
fa rfa f r r; r f r r;+
r = rt r rfa f r rt+ -+
f ff r r; fa rr r fn r arr+
f rr f frr f f r trr+ +
Cau.: hari sana mgau sudarat, hoihi jta gaharu ati bh.
more hita hari sama nahi

kou, ehi avasara sahya soi hou.1.

bahubidhi binaya knhi tehi kl, pragaeu prabhu kautuk kpl.
prabhu biloki muni nayana juRne, hoihi kju hie harane.2.
ati rati kahi kath sun, karahu kp kari hohu sah.
pana rupa dehu prabhu moh, na bh

ti nahi


jehi bidhi ntha hoi hita mor, karahu so begi dsa mai

nija my bala dekhi bisl, hiya

ha si bole dnadayl.4.
Let me ask Hari for a gift of beauty. But, alas! much time will be lost in going to
Him. Yet I have no such friend as Hari; let Him, therefore, come to my rescue at this
juncture. Then Nrada prayed in manifold ways and lo! The sportive and merciful Lord
appeared before him. The sight was soothing to the sages eyes. He was glad at heart
and felt assured that his object would be accomplished. In great humility he told the Lord
all that had happened, and said, Be gracious to me and be good enough to help me.
Lord, bestow on me Your own beauty; in no other way can I get possession of her.
Speedily do that which may serve my best interests; I am Your own servant, my lord.
Seeing the mighty power of His My, the Lord, who is compassionate to the poor,
smiled to himself and said: (14)
0f ff r;f fa r arr
r; r r r+ {-+
Do.: jehi bidhi hoihi parama hita nrada sunahu tumhra,
soi hama karaba na na kachu bacana na m hamra.132.
Nrada, listen to me; I shall do that alone which is good to you, and nothing else
My words can never be untrue. (132)
0 rn = r rnt ; f rnt+
f ff fa arr f afa + {+
rr f f r rt f f fnr fnr+
n aa ar ffr; r t f r;+ +
f f r rr r f fa rr+
f = fa r rf af rf ff r+ -+
f fa r rfrr t- = r; rr+
r fr f r rr r rf f f rr+ +
Cau.: kupatha mga ruja bykula rog, baida na dei sunahu muni jog.
ehi bidhi hita tumhra mai

haya u, kahi asa atarahita prabhu bhayau.1.

my bibasa bhae muni m uRh, samujh nahi

hari gir niguRh.

gavane turata tah

riir, jah

svayabara bhumi ban.2.

nija nija sana baihe rj, bahu banva kari sahita samj.
muni mana haraa rupa ati more , mohi taji nahi barihi na bhore .3.
muni hita krana kpnidhn, dnha kurupa na ji bakhn.
so caritra lakhi khu na pv, nrada jni sabahi

sira nv.4.
Hark, O contemplative ascetic! if a patient distracted by his malady asks for
something which is harmful to him, the physician would not give it. In a like manner I have
resolved on doing what is good to you. So saying, the Lord disappeared. Under the spell
of His My the sage was so mystified that he could not understand even such
unambiguous words of r Hari. The chief of seers hastened to the spot where the arena
for the choice-marriage had been prepared. Richly adorned, the royal suitors had
occupied their respective seats, each with his retinue. The sage was glad at heart; for
he thought within himself, My beauty is so surpassing that the princess will never
commit the error of choosing for her husband anyone else than me. In the sages own
interest the gracious Lord had made him hideous beyond description. But no one could
mark the change that had taken place in him; everyone knew him to be Nrada and
greeted him as such. (14)
0 ar ; = n a rf s
f a ff at as+ {--+
Do.: rahe tah

dui rudra gana te jnahi

saba bheu,
biprabea dekhata phirahi

parama kautuk teu.133.

Two of ivas attendants too happened to be there. They knew the whole secret
and, disguised as Brhmaas, went about seeing the fun. (133)
0f r f r; z = ffa fr;+
a n r f nfa ; r+ {+
f f rf r; tf tf- f ar;+
tfrf rf f t ;-f ff f rf ft+ +
ff r r r f n fa r+
f f f f rt fr ; fq rt+ -+
r r r fa fr r = -r r+
t a z r r at+ +
Cau.: jehi

samja baihe muni j, hdaya

rupa ahamiti adhik.

baihe mahesa gana dou, biprabea gati lakhai na kou.1.

kui nradahi sun, nki dnhi hari sudarat.

rjhihi rjakua ri chabi dekh, inhahi barihi hari jni bise.2.
munihi moha mana htha pare , ha sahi

sabhu gana ati sacu pe .

jadapi sunahi

muni aapai bn, samujhi na parai buddhi bhrama sn.3.


na lakh so carita bise, so sarupa npakany

markaa badana bhayakara deh, dekhata hdaya krodha bh teh.4.
In the row where sat Nrada, exceedingly proud of his beauty, the two attendants
of Mahea too seated themselves. Being disguised as Brhmaas they could not be
detected. They flung sarcastic remarks at Nrada, saying, Hari has given this man such
excellent beauty that the princess will be enamoured to look at it and shall certainly
choose him, taking him for Hari* Himself. The sage was under a spell of delusion; for
his heart had been stolen by love. The attendants of iva felt amused at this and greatly
enjoyed the fun. Even though the sage heard their ironical talk, he could not follow it, his
reason being clouded by infatuation. No one perceived this extra-ordinary phenomenon;
the princess alone saw his ugly form. The moment she beheld his monkey-like face and
frightful form she was filled with rage. (14)
0t n f a f rr
a f; t r r+ {-+
Do.: sakh

saga lai kua ri taba cali janu rjamarla,

dekhata phirai mahpa saba kara saroja jayamla.134.
Accompained by her girl companions the princess then glided as a swan. With
a wreath of victory in her lotus hands she moved about surveying each of her royal
suitors. (134)
0f ff r t r ff af frt t+
f f f sf rt f r n rt+ {+
f a a ns rr f f s rr+
ff n f-frr r s frr+ +
f fa f r fa rt f fnf n; f nrt+
a n r r; f fr r;+ -+
f rs rn rt t f rf frt+
frf r fa rr fa-f r t- fa nrr+ +
Cau.: jehi disi baihe nrada phul, so disi tehi

na bilok bhul.
puni puni muni ukasahi


, dekhi das hara gana musukh

dhari npatanu taha

gayau kpl, kua ri harai meleu jayaml.
dulahini lai ge lacchinivs, npasamja saba bhayau nirs.3.
* The word Hari also means a monkey: the attendants of iva, therefore, indirectly hinted that the
sage looked like a monkey.
muni ati bikala moha

mati nh, mani giri ga chui janu g

taba hara gana bole musuk, nija mukha mukura bilokahu j.3.
asa kahi dou bhge bhaya bhr, badana dkha muni bri nihr.
beu biloki krodha ati bRh, tinhahi sarpa dnha ati gRh.4.
She did not care to look even casually at the quarter in which Nrada sat elated
with pride. Again and again the sage would raise himself and fidget about; the
attendants of Hara smiled to see him in that state. The gracious Lord too went there
in the form of a king; the princess joyfully placed the wreath of victory round His neck.
The Lord of Lakm carried off the bride to the despair of all assembled kings. The
sage felt much perturbed; for infatuation had robbed the sage of his reason. He felt as
if a gem had dropped from a loosened knot in the end of his garment. The attendants
of Hara then smilingly said, Just look at your face in a mirror. Uttering these words
both ran away in great alarm and the sage looked at his reflection in water. His fury
knew no bounds when he beheld his form; and he pronounced a terrible curse on the
attendants of iva: (14)
0r fr r; ar t rt rs
f r f f rs+ {-~+
Do.: hohu niscara ji tumha kapa pp dou,
ha sehu hamahi so lehu phala bahuri ha sehu muni kou.135.
O you sinful impostors, go and be reborn as demons. You mocked me; therefore,
reap its reward. Mock again a sage, if you dare. (135)
0f t = f rr af z ar rr+
a r rt f rfa rt+ {+
s >rr f fs r; na rf sr r;+
tf f rt n r r; rrt+ +
r r; f f t r;+
a sr fa rr rr r rr+ -+
r f t ar ;fr ft+
a f =f r - f f r r+ +
Cau.: puni jala dkha rupa nija pv, tadapi hdaya

satoa na v.
pharakata adhara kopa mana mh

, sapadi cale kamalpati ph


rpa ki marihau j, jagata mori upahsa kar.

patha mile danujr, saga ram soi rjakumr.2.

bole madhura bacana suras

, muni kaha cale bikala k n

sunata bacana upaj ati krodh, my basa na rah mana bodh.3.
para sapad sakahu nahi

dekh, tumhare iri kapaa bise.

mathata sidhu rudrahi bauryahu, suranha preri bia pna karyahu.4.
Looking again in water, he saw that he had regained his real form; yet his heart
found no solace. His lips quivered and there was indignation in his heart. At once he
proceeded to where the Lord of Lakm was. I shall either curse Him or die at His door,
he said to himself, seeing that He has made me a butt of ridicule throughout the world.
The terror of the demons, r Hari, met him right on the way. He was accompanied by
Goddess Ram and the princess referred to above. The lord of immortals spoke in
gentle tones, To what destination, holy sir, are you betaking yourself like one distracted?
As soon as he heard these words Nrada was filled with rage. Dominated as he was
by My, there was no reason left in him. He said, You cannot bear to look upon the
good fortune of others. You are richly endowed with jealousy and fraud. While churning
the ocean You drove Rudra mad and inciting Him through the gods You made Him quaff
the poison. (14)
0 r f f r r f r=
tr r f ar r r=+ {-+
Do.: asura sur bia sakarahi pu ram mani cru,
svratha sdhaka kuila tumha sad kapaa byavahru.136.
Apportioning intoxicating liquor to the demons and poison to akara, You
appropriated Ram and the lovely gem (Kaustubha) to Yourself. You have ever been
selfish and perverse, and treacherous in Your dealings. (136)
0 tar f r; r; f ar r;+
f f f f + {+
zf zf f r fa r sr+
r arf rr fn arf r rr+ +
r t-r rn r t-r+
rf f f r r; a >rr r+ -+
f rfa ar tf- rt ff t r arrt+
r t- ar rt rf f ar r rt+ +
Cau.: parama svatatra na sira para ko, bhvai manahi karahu tumha so.
bhalehi mada madehi bhala karah u, bisamaya haraa na hiya kachu dharah u.1.
ahaki ahaki paricehu saba kh u, ati asaka mana sad uchhu.
karama subhsubha tumhahi na bdh, aba lagi tumhahi na khu

bhale bhavana aba byana dnh, pvahuge phala pana knh.
bacehu mohi javani dhari deh, soi tanu dharahu rpa mama eh.3.
kapi kti tumha knhi hamr, karihahi

ksa sahya tumhr.

mama apakra knha tumha bhr, nri biraha

tumha hoba dukhr.4.
You are absolutely independent and subordinate to none; therefore You do whatever
pleases Your mind. You debase a good soul and redeem a vile person and neither rejoice
nor grieve over it. Deceiving everyone You have become habituated to such tricks.You
entertain no fear and are always zealous in pursuing Your object. Good and evil deeds do
not come in Your way; no one has so far been able to correct You. You have this time
played with fire and shall reap what You have sown. Take that very form in which You have
imposed upon me: this is my curse. You made me look like a monkey; therefore You shall
have monkeys for Your helpmates. And as You have grievously wronged me, so shall You
suffer the pangs of separation from Your wife. (14)
0>rr t f f f fat tf-
f rr ar f rff tf-+ {-+
Do.: rpa ssa dhari harai hiya

prabhu bahu binat knhi,
nija my kai prabalat karai kpnidhi lnhi.137.
Gladly accepting the curse, the compassionate Lord made many entreaties to the
sage, and withdrew the irresistible charm of His My. (137)
0 f rr f frt f a r rrt+
a f fa ta f r n rf arfa r+ {+
r rs >rr rr ;-r trr+
a f r fff ff + +
r; a rr r;f z aa f>rrr+
rs f f r f r f atfa a f r+ -+
f r f rt r r f nfa rt+
s f f f r; arf rr fr;+ +
Cau.: jaba hari my duri nivr, nahi


ram na rjakumr.
taba muni ati sabhta hari caran, gahe phi pranatrati haran.1.
m hou mama rpa kpl, mama icch kaha dnadayl.

durbacana kahe bahutere, kaha muni ppa miihi

kimi mere.2.
japahu ji sakara sata nm, hoihi hdaya

turata birm.
kou nahi

siva samna priya more , asi paratti tajahu jani bhore .3.
jehi para kp na karahi

purr, so na pva muni bhagati hamr.

asa ura dhari mahi bicarahu j, aba na tumhahi my niar.4.
When r Hari lifted the spell of His My, there was neither Ram nor the
princess to be seen by His side. In dire dismay the sage then clasped the feet of Hari
and said, O Reliever of the distress of the suppliant, save me! O gracious lord! let my
curse prove ineffectual. It was My will, replied the Lord, who is so merciful to the
humble. I poured many abuses at You, the sage repeated, how shall my sins be
expiated? Go and repeat the names of akara a hundred times; your heart will be
disburdened at once. No one is so dear to Me as iva: never give up this belief even
by mistake. O sage, he who does not earn the good-will of iva shall never attain true
devotion to Me. Bearing this in mind, go and perambulate the globe. My My shall haunt
you no more. (14)
0ff ff rf a ar
-r r a r n nr+ {-c+
Do.: bahubidhi munihi prabodhi prabhu taba bhae ataradhna,
satyaloka nrada cale karata rma guna gna.138.
Having thus reassured the sage, the Lord then disappeared; while Nrada
proceeded to Satyaloka (the seventh paradise, the abode of Brahm) chanting r
Rmas praises as he went. (138)
0 n ff ra t fnar ft+
fa ta r f r nf ra r+ {+
n f frr z r t- rr+
>rr n rr r r trr+ +
ff r; r ar r f a r+
ft fa ar fr ff fr a afr+ -+
f r arrr r; a f rr+
n f f r; fr rf r;+ +
Cau.: hara gana munihi jta patha dekh, bigatamoha mana haraa bise.
ati sabhta nrada pahi

e, gahi pada rata bacana sune.1.

hara gana hama na bipra muniry, baRa apardha knha phala py.
rpa anugraha karahu kpl, bole nrada dnadayl.2.
nisicara ji hohu tumha dou, baibhava bipula teja bala hou.
bhujabala bisva jitaba tumha jahi, dharihahi

binu manuja tanu tahi.3.

samara marana hari htha tumhr, hoihahu mukuta na puni sasr.
cale jugala muni pada sira n, bhae niscara klahi p.4.
When the attendants of iva saw the sage moving along the road free from
delusion and greatly delighted at heart, they approached him in great alarm and, clasping
his feet, spoke to him in great humility, We are servants of iva and no Brhmaas, O
great sage; we committed a great sin and have reaped its fruit. Now rid us of the curse,
O benevolent sage. Nrada, who was full of compassion to the humble, replied, Both
of you go and take the form of demons. You shall possess an enormous fortune,
grandeur and strength. When you have subdued the universe by the might of your arm,
God Viu shall take a human form. Dying at His hands in battle, you shall be liberated
and shall never be reborn. Bowing their head at the sages feet, both departed and were
reborn as demons in due course. (14)
0 f a t- ar
f f r+ {-+
Do.: eka kalapa ehi hetu prabhu lnha manuja avatra,
sura rajana sajjana sukhada hari bhajana bhubi bhra.139.
In one Kalpa (round of creation) it was for this reason that Lord r Hari assumed
a human form. It is His vow to gladden the gods, to delight the virtuous and to ease the
earth of its burden. (139)
0f ff f ffr rr+
fa at r= fa rrff t+ {+
a a r t- nr; ta r;+
ff n r f f r r+ +
f a fr ar f f ff ar+
r fa r rf fn rf nr+ -+
n r rt frr rf f rt+
at a fart a rt+ +
Cau.: ehi bidhi janama karama hari kere, sudara sukhada bicitra ghanere.
kalapa kalapa prati prabhu avatarah

, cru carita nnbidhi karah

taba taba kath munsanha g, parama punta prabadha ban.
bibidha prasaga anupa bakhne, karahi

na suni caraju sayne.2.

hari anata harikath anat, kahahi


bahubidhi saba sat.

rmacadra ke carita suhe, kalapa koi lagi jhi

na ge.3.
yaha prasaga mai

kah bhavn, harimy


muni gyn.
prabhu kautuk pranata hitakr, sevata sulabha sakala dukha hr.4.
Thus r Haris births and exploits are many; they are all charming, delightful and
marvellous. In every cycle of creation the Lord manifests Himself and enacts lovely
sports of various kinds; and the great sages have on each such occasion sung His story
in most sacred strains, relating wonderful anecdotes of diverse kinds, hearing which the
wise marvel not. Infinite is r Hari and infinite are His stories; each saint sings and hears
them in divergent ways. The lovely sports of Rmacandra cannot be sung even in crores
of Kalpas.This episode, O Bhavn, has been narrated by me in order to show that even
enlightened sages are deluded by r Haris My. The Lord is sportive and a friend of
the suppliant; He is easy to serve and rids one of all sorrows. (14)
0 f rs rf f r rr
frf rf f rrr faf+ {+
So.: sura nara muni kou nhi

jehi na moha my prabala,

asa bicri mana mhi

bhajia mahmy patihi.140.

There is no god, man or sage whom r Haris powerful My cannot infatuate.
Bearing this in mind, one should adore the Lord of this great My. (140)
0 a rt s ffr r ftart+
f r n =r zr s r r+ {+
r ff fa ar r a fr+
r fa rf rt at t f rt+ +
rr ffa arrt ar fa = rt+
tr tf- r af arr r fs fa rr+ -+
r f rt f sr rt+
n f a r ar s f a+ +
Cau.: apara hetu sunu salakumr, kahau

bicitra kath bistr.
jehi krana aja aguna ar up, brahma bhayau kosalapura bhup.1.
jo prabhu bipina phirata tumha dekh, badhu sameta dhare munibe.
jsu carita avaloki bhavn, sat sarra rahihu baurn.2.

na chy miati tumhr, tsu carita sunu bhrama ruja hr.
ll knhi jo tehi

avatr, so saba kahihau mati anusr.3.

bharadvja suni sakara bn, sakuci saprema um musukn.
lage bahuri baranai baket u, so avatra bhayau jehi hetu.4.
Hear, O daughter of the mountain-king, another reason why the unbegotten,
unqualified and formless Brahma became king of Ayodhy. I shall relate at length the
marvellous story connected with it. The Lord whom you saw roaming in the forest with
His brother (Lakmaa) in the garb of hermits, and whose doings drove you mad in the
form of Sat to such an extent that the shadow of that madness haunts you even to this
dayhear His exploits, which serve as a cure for the disease of delusion. The sportive
deeds that were performed by the Lord in that birth, I shall relate them all to the best of
My talents. Hearing akaras words, O Bharadvja, Um blushed and smiled with love.
iva (who has a bull emblazoned on His standard) then began to relate the cause of the
Lords descent on that particular occasion. (14)
0r ar s t r;
r r f f n f r;+ {{+
Do.: so mai

tumha sana kahau sabu sunu munsa mana li,

rma kath kali mala harani magala karani suhi.141.
I proceed to tell you all about it, O Bharadvja; listen attentively. The story of r
Rma wipes out all the impurities of the Kali age, brings forth all blessings and is most
charming. (141)
0tr = a=r f- a fy r+
fa r tr nr >rfa f- tr+ {+
s-rrr a ar f na s a r+
rr a r fa art r f rt+ +
fa f ar rt r f f rt+
rf trr s f f rr+ -+
r= rtr f- n rr a- fr f nrr+
af r t- rr r ff farr+ +
Cau.: svyabhu manu aru satar up, jinha te bhai narasi anup.
dapati dharama carana nk, ajahu

gva ruti jinha kai lk.1.
npa uttnapda suta ts u, dhruva hari bhagata bhayau suta js u.
laghu suta nma priyabrata th, beda purna prasasahi

devahuti puni tsu kumr, jo muni kardama kai priya nr.
dideva prabhu dnadayl, jahara dhareu jehi

kapila kpl.3.
skhya sstra jinha pragaa bakhn, tattva bicra nipuna bhagavn.

manu rja knha bahu kl, prabhu yasu saba bidhi pratipl.4.
Swyambhuva* Manu had atarup as wife; of them was born this human race,
peerless in Gods creation. The piety and conduct of the pair were excellent; the
standard of morality set up by them is sung by the Vedas even to this day. Their son
* So-called because he was born of Swayambhu (the self-born Brahm). It is stated in the Puras
that the Creator divided himself into two halves, one of which was a male and the other a female. The former
was known by the name of Swyambhuva and the other as atarup. He was the first of the fourteen Manus
who rule over Gods creation in succession, each holding office for 71.1/2 Caturyugas or repetitions of the four
was king Uttnapda, who begot the celebrated devotee of r Hari, Dhruva. Manus
younger son was known as Priyavrata, who is mentioned with praise by the Vedas and
the Puras. They had a daughter too, Devahuti by name, who was the favourite consort
of the sage Kardama, and who bore in her womb the all-powerful and benevolent Lord
Kapila the primal divinity, who is compassionate to the humble and who openly
expounded the philosophy of Skhya, an adept as He was in the enquiry after the
ultimate principles. The said Manu ruled for a long period and followed the Lords
commandments (in the form of the scriptural ordinance) in everyway. (14)
0r; f frn a r
z a rn ns fnfa f+ {+
So.: hoi na biaya birga bhavana basata bh cauthapana,

bahuta dukha lga janama gayau haribhagati binu.142.
I have reached the fourth stage of my life (old age) while I am still living under the
roof of my house (as a householder); but I have not yet lost my relish for the pleasures
of sense, he said to himself. He felt sore distressed at heart that his life had been
wasted without devotion to r Hari. (142)
0 r af a t-r rf a n t-r+
at f f=rar fa ta r ff rar+ {+
f ar f fq rr a f f s rr+
ra rf fatr r nfa tr+ +
r; fa atr f r f tr+
r f fq f rt ff rt+ -+
at r f- r r+
t f frr a r fa f rr+ +
Cau.: barabasa rja sutahi taba dnh, nri sameta gavana bana knh.
tratha bara naimia bikhyt, ati punta sdhaka sidhi dt.1.


muni siddha samj, taha


harai caleu manu rj.
patha jta sohahi

matidhr, gyna bhagati janu dhare sarr.2.

pahu ce ji dhenumati tr, harai nahne niramala nr.
e milana siddha muni gyn, dharama dhuradhara nparii jn.3.

jaha tratha rahe suhe, muninha sakala sdara karave.
ksa sarra munipaa paridhn, sata samja nita sunahi

Manu then perforce resigned the throne to his son and departed for the forest with
his wife. Pre-eminent of all holy places is the celebrated Naimiraya (the modern
Nimsar in Oudh), which is most sacred and bestows success on those striving for
realization. Multitudes of sages and adepts lived there. Glad of heart, king Manu
proceeded to that place. Passing along the road, the king and queen of resolute mind
looked like incarnations of spiritual wisdom and devotion respectively. On reaching the
bank of the Gomat they bathed with delight in the limpid stream. Adepts and enlightened
sages came to see him, recognizing in the royal sage a champion of virtue. The sages
reverently took them to all holy and lovely spots that were scattered here and there. With
emaciated bodies and clad in hermits robes they daily listened to the Puras in the
assembly of saints. (14)
0r - r f f fa rn
r = fa fa rn+ {-+
Do.: dvdasa acchara matra puni japahi

sahita anurga,
bsudeva pada pakaruha dapati mana ati lga.143.
They further devoutly repeated the twelve-lettered formula ( r na rr.
Their mind was fondly devoted to the lotus feet of Lord Vsudeva (the all-pervading
Viu). (143)
0f r r r ff zr frrr+
f f a a rn rf r -rn+ {+
s fr fa r; f r;+
n z a rt f faf rrt+ +
fa fa f f=r fr f=rf r+
ff fr nrr sf r a rr+ -+
s ; na a tra n;+
- >rfa rr a r ff frr+ +
Cau.: karahi

ahra ska phala kad, sumirahi

brahma saccidnad.
puni hari hetu karana tapa lge, bri adhra mula phala tyge.1.
ura abhila niratara ho, dekhia nayana parama prabhu so.
aguna akhaa anata and, jehi citahi

neti neti jehi beda nirup, nijnada nirupdhi anup.
sabhu biraci binu bhagavn, upajahi

jsu asa te nn.3.

aiseu prabhu sevaka basa aha, bhagata hetu lltanu gaha.

yaha bacana satya ruti bh, tau hamra pujihi abhil.4.
They lived on vegetables, fruits and roots and meditated on Brahma (the Absolute),
who is truth, consciousness and bliss combined. Again, they started undergoing
penance for the sake of r Hari, giving up roots and fruits for water alone, Their heart
ever clamoured, Let us see with our eyes that supreme Lord who is without attributes,
without parts and without beginning or end, who is contemplated upon by the exponents
of the highest reality, whom the Vedas describe in negative terms such as Not this, not
this, who is bliss itself, unconditioned and without comparison, and from a particle of
whose being emanate a number of ambhus, Viracis and Vius. Even such a Lord
is subordinate to the will of His devotees and assumes for their sake a form suitable
for sport. If the above utterance of the Vedas is true, our desire will be surely
accomplished. (14)
0f ff ta rf rr
a e n f t r+ {+
Do.: ehi bidhi bte baraa aa sahasa bri hra,
sabata sapta sahasra puni rahe samra adhra.144.
In this way six thousand years elapsed even while they lived on water. Then for
another seven millennia they lived on air alone. (144)
0 -rns r r r+
ff f a f rr t r rr+ {+
rn rfa rr t f f r+
ftrr r; tr af rn f f tr+ +
r f rt nfa - ar rt+
rn rn = rt nt ra rt+ -+
a frf fnr r; >r r; s r;+
zyr a r r f a r+ +
Cau.: baraa sahasa dasa tygeu sou, hRhe rahe eka pada dou.
bidhi hari hara tapa dekhi apr, manu sampa e bahu br.1.
mgahu bara bahu bh

ti lobhe, parama dhra nahi


asthimtra hoi rahe sarr, tadapi manga manahi


prabhu sarbagya dsa nija jn, gati ananya tpasa npa rn.
mgu mgu baru bhai nabha bn, parama gabhra kpmta sn.3.
mtaka jivani gir suh, ravana radhra hoi ura jaba .
hapua tana bhae suhe, mnahu


bhavana te e.4.
For ten thousand years they refused to inhale even air (i.e., held their breath) and
remained standing on one leg. Beholding their great penance Brahm, Hari and Hara
repeatedly called on Manu and tempted him in many ways, saying Ask for a boon. But
the king and queen were most resolute and did not swerve in spite of the deities efforts
to deflect them from their course. Although their frame had been reduced to a mere
skeleton there was not the least anguish in their heart. The omniscient Lord now
recognized the king and queen as His own servants. The ascetic couple solely
depended on Him. In the meantime a most deep voice thundered from heaven, Ask, ask
for a boon. The voice was steeped in the nectar of compassion and was so charming
that it infused life into the dead. Entering through the cavity of the ears when it reached
their very heart, they found their body attractive, animated and robust as before, as if
they had just returned from home. (14)
0>r r f fa nra
r f za z ra+ {~+
Do.: ravana sudh sama bacana suni pulaka praphullita gta,
bole manu kari daavata prema na hdaya

As the royal couple heard these words, which were delightful to the ear as nectar
itself, the hair on their body bristled and a thrill ran through their limbs. Then, falling
prostrate on the ground and with his heart overflowing with love Manu spoke: (145)
0 a= ff f fa +
a r ar r r+ {+
r fa a - r; +
r = f rt f r f a rt+ +
r fz r r n n f fn r+
f r = f r r arfa r+ -+
fa f rn fta rn+
na rfrr ftr n nrr+ +
Cau.: sunu sevaka surataru suradhen u, bidhi hari hara badita pada renu.
sevata sulabha sakala sukha dyaka, pranatapla sacarcara nyaka.1.
jau antha hita hama para nehu, tau prasanna hoi yaha bara dehu.
jo sarupa basa siva mana mh

, jehi krana muni jatana karh

jo bhusui mana mnasa has, saguna aguna jehi nigama prasas.

hama so rupa bhari locana, kp karahu pranatrati mocana.3.

dapati bacana parama priya lge, mdula binta prema rasa pge.
bhagata bachala prabhu kpnidhn, bisvabsa pragae bhagavn.4.
Listen, O Lord! You are a wish-yielding tree and a cow of plenty to Your servants.
The dust below Your feet is adored by Brahm, Hari and Hara. You are easy to serve
and a fountain of all blessings. You are the protector of the suppliant and the lord of all
creation, both animate and inanimate. O friend of the forlorn, if You have any affection for
us, be pleased to grant this boon to us. The form which dwells in ivas heart and is
sought by sages, which sports like a swan in the lake of Bhuuis mind and is glorified
by the Vedas as both with and without attributesbe gracious to us and let us feast our
eyes on that form; O Reliever of the distress of the suppliant. The soft and humble
words of the royal couple, steeped as they were in the nectar of love, were liked by the
Lord very much. Full of affection for His devotees and a storehouse of compassion, the
all-powerful Lord, who pervades the whole universe, manifested Himself. (14)
0t r= t f t t tr
rf a rr ff rf rf a r+ {+
Do.: nla saroruha nla mani nla nradhara syma,

tana sobh nirakhi koi koi sata kma.146.

Billions and millions of Loves blushed to behold the elegance of His swarthy form,
which resembled a blue lotus (in the softness of its touch), a sapphire (in its gloss) and
a dark cloud (in its freshness). (146)
0 f tr r= r f ntr+
= rr f f ff rr+ {+
f tt faf fa rat t t+
f r r f rt fa r fart+ +
z f rr f rr+
s >rt- =f rr f r frr+ -+
f r= r f a+
f f n zr f fn rzr+ +
Cau.: sarada mayaka badana chabi sv, cru kapola cibuka dara grv.
adhara aruna rada sudara ns, bidhu kara nikara binidaka hs.1.
nava abuja abaka chabi nk, citavani lalita bhva t j k.
bhkui manoja cpa chabi hr, tilaka lala paala dutikr.2.
kuala makara mukua sira bhrj, kuila kesa janu madhupa samj.
ura rbatsa rucira banaml, padika hra bhuana manijl.3.
kehari kadhara cru janeu, bhu bibhuana sudara teu.
kari kara sarisa subhaga bhujada, kai niaga kara sara koda.4.
His countenance, which resembled the autumnal full moon, was the very perfection
of beauty. Lovely were His cheeks and chin and His neck resembled the conch-shell in
its spiral shape. His ruddy lips, teeth and nose were charming. His smile put to shame
the rays of the moon. His eyes possessed the exquisite beauty of fresh-blown lotuses
and His lovely glance captivated the heart. His eyebrows stole the beauty of Loves bow
and a sectarian mark shone on His forehead. Fish-shaped ear-rings hung from his ear-
lobes and a crown adorned His head. His curly locks looked like a swarm of bees. His
breast was marked by a curl of hair and adorned with a beautiful wreath of sylvan
flowers, a string of precious stones and other jewelled ornaments. His strong and well-
built neck resembled that of a lion and the lovely sacred thread was suspended from it.
His long beautiful arms resembled the trunk of an elephant. The ornaments adorning
them were also charming. A quiver was tied to His waist and His hands bore an arrow
and a bow. (14)
0afza ff ta s atf
rf r fa f tf+ {+
Do.: taRita binidaka pta paa udara rekha bara tni,
nbhi manohara leti janu jamuna bhava ra chabi chni.147.
His yellow robes put to shame streaks of lightning and His belly had three-
folds; while His attractive navel robbed, as it were, the eddies on the Yamun of their
beauty. (147)
0 rt f f rt f f - rt+
r rn rfa r rff+ fff nr+ {+
r sf nrt nfa f- sr zrrt+
f fr r n r; r r ff tar r;+ +
f f = frt rt+
faf r = r afta rf a=r+ -+
f a r rt z ; nf rt+
f f r aa sr =rr+ +
Cau.: pada rjva barani nahi


, muni mana madhupa basahi

jenha mh

bma bhga sobhati anuk ul, disakti chabinidhi jagamul.1.
jsu asa upajahi

gunakhn, aganita lacchi um brahmn.

bhkui bilsa jsu jaga ho, rma bma disi st so.2.
chabisamudra hari rupa bilok, ekaaka rahe nayana paa rok.

sdara rupa an up, tpti na mnahi

manu satarup.3
haraa bibasa tana das bhuln, pare daa iva gahi pada pn.
sira parase prabhu nija kara kaj, turata uhe karunpuj.4.
His lotus feet, which attract the minds of sages like so many bees, were beyond
description. On His left side shone His primordial energy, St, who is ever devoted to
Him, and who is a storehouse of beauty and the source of the universe. St, who stood
to the left of r Rma, was the same from a fragment of whose being emanate countless
Lakms, Ums and Brahms (Sarasvats), all mines of virtues, and the mere play of
whose eyebrows brings the cosmos into existence. On the form of r Hari, the ocean
of beauty, Manu and atarup gazed intently with unblinking eyes. That incomparable
beauty they looked on with reverence and would not feel sated with it. Overcome with
joy they lost consciousness of their body and fell flat on the ground, clasping His feet
with their hands. The gracious Lord touched their heads with His own lotus hands and
lifted them up at once. (14)
0r rfr f fa r rf rf
rn r; r rrf rf+ {c+
Do.: bole kpnidhna puni ati prasanna mohi jni,
mgahu bara joi bhva mana mahdni anumni.148.
The compassionate Lord then said, Knowing that I am highly pleased with you
and recognizing Me as a great donor, ask whatever boon you will. (148)
0f rf n rt f t rt rt+
r f arr r r+ {+
rr fz s rt n n f rfa r rt+
arf a fa n nrr; n rn rf f r;+ +
r f fa= r; fa rna r;+
ar rs r f r; ar z r;+ -+
r ar r art r r trt+
fr; rn rt r f art+ +
Cau.: suni prabhu bacana jori juga pn, dhari dhraju bol mdu bn.
ntha dekhi pada kamala tumhre, aba pure saba kma hamre.1.
eka llas baRi ura mh

, sugama agama kahi jti so nh

tumhahi deta ati sugama gos

, agama lga mohi nija kpan

jath daridra bibudhataru p, bahu sapati mgata sakuc.
tsu prabhu jna nahi

so, tath hdaya mama sasaya ho.3.

so tumha jnahu atarajm, puravahu mora manoratha svm.
sakuca bihi mgu npa moh, more nahi

adeya kachu toh.4.

On hearing the words of the Lord, Manu joined his palms and summoning courage
spoke in soft accents, Now that we have seen Your lotus feet, all our desires have been
fulfilled. Yet one ardent longing still lingers in my heart. It is easy of accomplishment and
at the same time hard to attain; hence it cannot be expressed. O Lord, it is easy for You
to grant it; but due to my wretched condition it appears to me so hard to attain. Just as
a pauper who has found a wish-yielding tree feels shy in asking for abundant wealth, little
realizing its glory, even so my heart is possessed by doubt. Being the witness of all
hearts, You know my mind; therefore, O my master, grant my desire. O king, ask of
Me unreservedly; there is nothing which I would not give you. (14)
0rf frf rff r s fars
rs arf r a rs+ {+
Do.: dni siromani kpnidhi ntha kahau


tumhahi samna suta prabhu sana kavana duru.149.
O crest-jewel of donors, O gracious lord, I tell You my sincere wish: I would have
a son like You. I can have nothing to conceal from You. (149)
0f tfa f r ta =rff r+
r f r r; a a r r;+ {+
a=f frf r f rn = r =f ar+
r = r a rnr r; r rf fa f rnr+ +
a f rfa fr; f na fa arf rr;+
ar zrrf n trt zr s art+ -+
ra r; r r r f r;+
f na r a t r rf r nfa t+ +
Cau.: dekhi prti suni bacana amole, evamastu karunnidhi bole.
pu sarisa khojau

kaha j, npa tava tanaya hoba mai

satarupahi biloki kara jore , debi mgu baru jo ruci tore .
jo baru ntha catura npa mg, soi kpla mohi ati priya lg.2.
prabhu paratu suhi hoti hih, jadapi bhagata hita tumhahi soh.
tumha brahmdi janaka jaga svm, brahma sakala ura atarajm.3.
asa samujhata mana sasaya ho, kah jo prabhu pravna puni so.
je nija bhagata ntha tava ahah

, jo sukha pvahi

jo gati lahah

On seeing his love and hearing his invaluable words, the compassionate Lord
said, Amen. But where shall I go to find My equal? I Myself, O king, shall be a son to
you. Then, seeing atarup with her hands still folded, He said, O good lady, ask
whatever boon you please. O gracious Lord, the boon which the clever king has just
asked has appealed to me much. But it is great presumption, my Lord, even though such
presumption is liked by You, O friend of the devotees. You are the progenitor even of
Brahm and other gods, the lord of the universe and the Supreme Being who dwells
within the heart of all. Realizing this, my mind is filled with doubt; but what You have said
is infallible. O my master, the bliss that is enjoyed and the goal that is reached by your
own devotees (14)
0r; r; nfa r; nfa r; f
r; f r; f f r f + {~+
Do.: soi sukha soi gati soi bhagati soi nija carana sanehu,
soi bibeka soi rahani prabhu hamahi kp kari dehu.150.
Grant me in Your mercy, O Lord, that very bliss the same destiny, the same
devotion, the same attachment to Your feet, the same insight and the same mode of
living. (150)
0f n =f r rf r r+
r =f ar rt r t- rt+ {+
ra f f ar fff n r+
f s rt fat rt+ +
a f; a fa r rf z f r+
f f f ff f tr t faf arf tr+ -+
= rfn nf ta =rff +
ar r rt r; fa rt+ +
Cau.: suni mdu guRha rucira bara racan, kpsidhu bole mdu bacan.
jo kachu ruci tumhare mana mh

, mai

so dnha saba sasaya nh

mtu bibeka alaukika tore , kabahu

na miihi anugraha more .
badi carana manu kaheu bahor, avara eka binat prabhu mor.2.
suta biaika tava pada rati hou, mohi baRa muRha kahai kina kou.
mani binu phani jimi jala binu mn, mama jvana timi tumhahi adhn.3.
asa baru mgi carana gahi rahe u, evamastu karunnidhi kaheu.
aba tumha mama anussana mn, basahu ji surapati rajadhn.4.
Hearing the soft, pregnant, charming and excellent speech of atarup, the
gracious Lord gently replied, Whatever desire you cherish in your mind I have granted;
you should have no doubt about it. Mother, by My grace your uncommon wisdom shall
never fail. Bowing at His feet, Manu again said, Lord, I have once more request to
make. Let me have attachment to Your feet, of the same type as one has for a son, no
matter if anyone calls me a big fool. Just as a snake cannot live without the gem on its
hood and a fish without water, even so let my life be dependent on You (let me not
survive without You). Asking this boon, the king remained clasping the Lords feet till the
All-merciful said, Let it be so. Now, obeying My command go and dwell in the capital of
Indra (the chief of gods). (14)
0a f rn fr ara n r f
r; r a r arr a+ {~{+
So.: taha kari bhoga bisla tta gae kachu kla puni,
hoihahu avadha bhula taba mai

hoba tumhra suta.151.

Having enjoyed extensive enjoyments there you shall, after some time, be born
as king of Ayodhy; then, dear father, I will be your son. (151)
0;-r r r;s n fa arr+
- fa f arar fs fa na rar+ {+
f r zrnt aff ar -rnt+
rff+ f n srr rs aff rf rr+ +
s fr arrr - - - rr+
f f f rfrr ar nrr+ -+
fa s f na rr af r>r f rr+
r; a af rr r; t- rfa rr+ +
Cau.: icchmaya narabea sa vre , hoihau pragaa niketa tumhre .
asanha sahita deha dhari tt, karihau carita bhagata sukhadt.1.
je suni sdara nara baRabhg, bhava tarihahi

mamat mada tyg.

disakti jehi

jaga upajy, sou avatarihi mori yaha my.2.

purauba mai

abhila tumhr, satya satya pana satya hamr.

puni puni asa kahi kpnidhn, ataradhna bhae bhagavn.3.
dapati ura dhari bhagata kpl, tehi

rama nivase kachu kl.

samaya pi tanu taji anays, ji knha amarvati bs.4.
Voluntarily assuming human guise I will manifest Myself in your house. Bodying
Myself forth with My rays I will perform sportive acts which will be a source of delight
to My devotees. Hearing of such exploits with reverence blessed men shall cross the
ocean of worldly existence, renouncing the feeling of meum and arrogance. This My,
who is no other than My primordial energy that has brought forth the universe, She too
will manifest Herself. In this way I will accomplish your desire and this pledge of Mine
shall never, never, never fail. Repeating this again and again, the gracious Lord
vanished out of sight. Cherishing in their mind the image of the Lord who is so
compassionate to His devotees, the wedded couple stayed in that hermitage for some
time more. And dropping their body, when the time came, without the least pain they went
and took their abode in Amarvat, the city of immortals. (14)
0 ;far ta fa sf t a
r f r a+ {~+
Do.: yaha itihsa punta ati umahi kah baketu,
bharadvja sunu apara puni rma janama kara hetu.152.
This most sacred legend was related by iva (who has a bull emblazoned on His
standard) to Um. Bharadvja, now hear yet another cause of r Rmas birth. (152)
0 f r ta rt r fnfr fa rt+
ft ffa -a a ; + {+
tfa frr a ar t rr+
af n a tr n r r tr+ +
r t r a rt r arr art+
af f rr a nrr+ -+
r;f r;f tat r fa tat+
af r t-r f fa r n t-r+ +
Cau.: sunu muni kath punta purn, jo girij prati sabhu bakhn.
bisva bidita eka kaikaya des u, satyaketu taha basai naresu.1.
dharama dhuradhara nti nidhn, teja pratpa sla balavn.
tehi ke bhae jugala suta br, saba guna dhma mah ranadhr.2.
rja dhan jo jeha suta h, nma pratpabhnu asa th.
apara sutahi arimardana nm, bhujabala atula acala sagrm.3.
bhihi bhihi parama samt, sakala doa chala barajita prt.
jehe sutahi rja npa dnh, hari hita pu gavana bana knh.4.
Listen, O sage, to an old and sacred legend which was narrated by ambhu to
Girij.There was a principality known by the name of Kaikaya, which was celebrated
throughout the world. A king named Satyaketu ruled there. He was a champion of virtue,
a storehouse of political wisdom, dignified, glorious, amiable and powerful. He had two
gallant sons, who were repositories of all virtues and most staunch in battle. The elder
of the two and the heir to the throne was named Pratpabhnu. The other was known
by the name of Arimardana, who was unequalled in strength of arm and steady in battle.
There was perfect unity between the two brothers and the affection each bore to the
other was free from all blemish and guile. To the elder son the king resigned the throne
and withdrew himself into the forest for the sake of devotion to r Hari. (14)
0 arf s ft rr;
r r fa ff a t rr + {~-+
Do.: jaba pratparabi bhayau npa phir doh desa,
praj pla ati bedabidhi katahu


agha lesa.153.
When Pratpabhnu became king, a proclamation to this effect was made throughout
the land. He looked after his subjects with utmost care according to the precepts of the
Vedas and there was not a speck of sin anywhere (in his kingdom). (153)
0 far f rr r =f rr+
f r tr r ar tr+ {+
n an rr fa rrr+
frf rs rr = r nn frr+ +
f a ; r; f rf s r;+
a t r; ta fr;+ -+
e t t- z rfz t-+
f z af rr arr frr+ +
Cau.: npa hitakraka saciva sayn, nma dharamaruci sukra samn.
saciva sayna badhu balabr, pu pratpapuja ranadhr.1.
sena saga caturaga apr, amita subhaa saba samara jujhr.
sena biloki ru haran, aru bje gahagahe nisn.2.
bijaya hetu kaaka ban, sudina sdhi npa caleu baj.

taha par

aneka lar

, jte sakala bhupa bari

sapta dpa bhujabala basa knhe, lai lai daa chRi npa dnhe.
sakala avani maala tehi kl, eka pratpabhnu mahipl.4.
The prime minister, Dharmaruci by name, was a second ukra* and was as
devoted to the king as he was wise. With a prudent counseller and a gallant and powerful
brother, the king himself was an embodiment of glory and daring in war. He owned a vast
army consisting of horse and foot, chariots and elephants. It had numberless excellent
warriors all of whom fought fearlessly in battle. The king rejoiced to see his army and
there was a tumultuous sound of kettledrums. He collected a special force for the
conquest of the world, and availing himself of an auspicious day marched forth with beat
of drums. A number of battles were fought here and there and all hostile kings were
brought to their knees by superior might. By the strength of his arm be reduced all the
seven sections of the terrestrial region and let the princes go on payment of tribute. Now
Pratpabhnu was the undisputed sovereign of the entire globe. (14)
0t ft f r f t-
rrf ; + {~+
Do.: svabasa bisva kari bhubala nija pura knha prabesu,
aratha dharama kmdi sukha sevai samaya

Having thus subjugated the whole universe by the might of his arm, the king re-
entered his capital. He devoted himself to the pleasures of wealth, religious practices and
sense-gratification etc., at the appropriate time. (154)
0 arr r; r f r;+
fa r rt t rt+ {+
f =f f tat fa a f fa tat+
n a fa fr ; r r+ +
r ; r r+
f fa ; ff ff rr ; rtr rr+ -+
rr rt azrnr rfr rnr+
f r at- ffr r+ +
Cau.: bhupa pratpabhnu bala p, kmadhenu bhai bhumi suh.
saba dukha barajita praj sukhr, dharamasla sudara nara nr.1.
saciva dharamaruci hari pada prt, npa hita hetu sikhava nita nt.
gura sura sata pitara mahidev, karai sad npa saba kai sev.2.
bhupa dharama je beda bakhne, sakala karai sdara sukha mne.
dina prati dei bibidha bidhi dn, sunai sstra bara beda purn.3.
nn bp

kupa taRg, sumana bik sudara bg.

biprabhavana surabhavana suhe, saba trathanha bicitra bane.4.
Invigorated by king Pratpabhnus might, the charming earth became a cow of
plenty as it were (yielded all ones coveted products). The people were happy and free from
all sorrows and both men and women were good-looking and virtuous. The minister,
Dharmaruci, was devoted to the feet of r Hari; in the interest of his royal master he
* The celebrated preceptor of the Daityas, who is noted for his political insight and is credited with the
authorship of the famous work on political science, ukranti.
advised him on state policy everyday. Preceptors, gods, saints, manes and Brhmaas
the king invariably served them all. Whatever duties have been enjoined on a king in the
Vedas, he gladly and devoutly performed. He bestowed gifts of various kinds everyday
and listened to the best scriptures including the Vedas and the Puras. In all holy places
he constructed many small and big wells and tanks, flower gardens and lovely orchards,
dwellings for the Brhmaas and beautiful temples of wonderful architecture. (14)
0 fn r >rfa rn
r n n f fa rn+ {~~+
Do.: jaha

lagi kahe purna ruti eka eka saba jga,
bra sahasra sahasra npa kie sahita anurga.155.
Whatever sacrifices have been enjoined in the Vedas and the Puras, the king
devoutly performed each one of them a thousand times. (155)
0z rr ft rr+
; rt r fa rt+ {+
f rf r rr nr rf rr+
fr nt n n ta ra + +
fa ff t r s ff nf r+
z f f ra rt r sfna rt+ -+
r r f nr; a fr t fr;+
rr=rrra r r fa fra r sr+ +
Cau.: hdaya na kachu phala anusadhn, bhupa bibek parama sujn.
karai je dharama karama mana bn, bsudeva arpita npa gyn.1.
caRhi bara bji bra eka rj, mgay kara saba sji samj.
bidhycala gabhra bana gaya u, mga punta bahu mrata bhayau.2.
phirata bipina npa dkha barh u, janu bana dureu sasihi grasi rhu.
baRa bidhu nahi

samta mukha mh

, manahu

krodha basa ugilata nh

kola karla dasana chabi g, tanu bisla pvara adhik.
ghurughurta haya rau pe , cakita bilokata kna uhe .4.
There was no seeking for any reward in his heart; the king was a man of great
intelligence and wisdom. Whatever meritorious act he performed in thought, word or
deed, the wise king dedicated it to Lord Vsudeva (the all-pervading God Viu).
Equipping himself with all the outfit of hunting, the king mounted a gallant steed one day
and, entering the dense forest of the Vindhya range, killed many a sacred deer. While
ranging in the wood he espied a wild boar. It looked as if with the moon in his mouth the
demon Rhu had hid in the forest. The orb was too large to be contained in the mouth,
yet in his rage he would not disgorge it. Thus have I chosen to portray the beauty of the
frightful tusks of the boar, while its body too was of an enormous size and bulk. Growling
at the tramp of the horse and pricking up its ears it gazed with a startled look. (14)
0t t f f fr r
f s f rf r; fr+ {~+
Do.: nla mahdhara sikhara sama dekhi bisla barhu,
capari caleu haya suuki npa h

ki na hoi nibhu.156.
On seeing the huge boar, which resembled a purple mountain-peak, the king
whipped the horse and advanced rapidly, challenging the boar at the same time and
saying it could no longer escape. (156)
0ra f f rt s r =a nfa rt+
aa t- rr f ff ns fra rr+ {+
af af at t rr f t rr+
na a r; n rnr f s n rnr+ +
ns f rr n r rf n rf fr+
fa f af n n a; + -+
r frf z tr rfn fnfnr ntr+
n f fa far; fs r s r;+ +
Cau.: vata dekhi adhika rava bj, caleu barha maruta gati bhj.
turata knha npa sara sadhn, mahi mili gayau bilokata bn.1.
taki taki tra mahsa calv, kari chala suara sarra bacv.
pragaata durata ji mga bhg, risa basa bhupa caleu sa ga lg.2.
gayau duri ghana gahana barh u, jaha

nhina gaja bji nibhu.
ati akela bana bipula kales u, tadapi na mga maga tajai naresu.3.
kola biloki bhupa baRa dhr, bhgi paiha giriguh

agama dekhi npa ati pachit, phireu mahbana pareu bhul.4.
When it saw the horse coming on with a great noise, the boar took to flight swift as
wind. The king lost no time in fitting the arrow to his bow and the boar crouched as soon as
it saw the shaft. The king discharged his arrows taking a steady aim each time, but the boar
saved itself by its wiliness. The beast rushed on, now hiding and now emerging into view;
while the king in much excitement followed closely on its track. The boar went afar into a
dense thicket, which was impenetrable by horse or elephant. Even though the king was all
by himself and was faced with untold hardships in the forest, still he would not abandon the
chase. Seeing the king so determined, the boar slunk away into a deep mountain-cave.
When the king perceived that there was no access to the cave, he had to return much
disappointed; and, what was worse, he lost his track in the great forest. (14)
0 fr fqa afa rr rf a
ra r fa f s a+ {~+
Do.: kheda khinna chuddhita tita rj bji sameta,
khojata bykula sarita sara jala binu bhayau aceta.157.
Exhausted with much exertion and oppressed by hunger and thirst, the king and his
horse kept searching for a stream or pond and almost fainted for want of water. (157)
0fa ff r>r r a fa fr+
r t- zr; af ns r;+ {+
arr rt r fa rt+
ns n a nrt fr rf frt+ +
f s rf ff rr ff ; ar rr+
ar t n t-r arf af a t-r+ -+
rs afa f r frr f rf rr+
saf an a t- rr a s f rr+ +
Cau.: phirata bipina rama eka dekh, taha

basa npati kapaa munibe.
jsu desa npa lnha chaR, samara sena taji gayau par.1.
samaya pratpabhnu kara jn, pana ati asamaya anumn.
gayau na gha mana bahuta galn, mil na rjahi npa abhimn.2.
risa ura mri raka jimi rj, bipina basai tpasa ke sj.
tsu sampa gavana npa knh, yaha pratparabi tehi

taba cnh.3.
ru tita nahi

so pahicn, dekhi subea mahmuni jn.

utari turaga te knha pranm, parama catura na kaheu nija nm.4.
While wandering in the forest he espied a hermitage. In that hermitage dwelt,
in the disguise of a hermit, a monarch who had been despoiled of his kingdom by
Pratpabhnu and who had run away from the field of battle deserting his army. Knowing
that the time was propitious for Pratpabhnu and most unfavourable to his own self,
he felt much disgusted at heart and refused to return home; and he was too proud
to come to terms with the victor. Suppressing the anger in his own heart the ex-king
lived in the forest like a pauper in the garb of an anchorite. It was to him that king
Pratpabhnu went and he for his part immediately recognized that the newcomer was
no other than Pratpabhnu. Overcome by thirst, the latter, however, could not recognize
the ex-king. Perceiving his holy garb Pratpabhnu took him to be a great sage and,
getting down from his horse, made obeisance to him. The king was, however, too astute
to disclose his name. (14)
0fa afa frf af = t- r;
r r a t- fa r;+ {~c+
Do.: bhupati tita biloki tehi

sarabaru dnha dekhi,

majjana pna sameta haya knha npati harai.158.
Seeing king Pratpabhnu thirsty, he showed him a good lake and the king as well
as his horse gladly bathed in it and drank from it. (158)
0n >r t f r>r ar n+
r t- ta f rt f ar rs rt+ {+
r ar f r t +
fa - ar a r rfn fa r+ +
r arr tr ar f tr+
fa s r; z rn s r;+ -+
arrr ra rfrr+
f ara s frr r -rf n= arrr+ +
Cau.: gai rama sakala sukh npa bhaya u, nija rama tpasa lai gayau.
sana dnha asta rabi jn, puni tpasa boleu mdu bn.1.
ko tumha kasa bana phirahu akele , sudara jub jva parahele .
cakrabarti ke lacchana tore , dekhata day lgi ati more .2.
nma pratpabhnu avans, tsu saciva mai

sunahu muns.
phirata ahere pareu bhul, baRe bhga dekheu

pada .3.
hama kaha durlabha darasa tumhr, jnata hau

kachu bhala honihr.
kaha muni tta bhayau a dhir, jojana sattari nagaru tumhr.4.
The whole fatigue was gone and the king heaved a sigh of relief. The hermit
thereafter took him back to his hermitage; and perceiving that it was sunset now he gave
him a seat and then spoke to him in polite terms, Who are you and wherefore do you
risk your life by roaming in the forest all alone, even though you are so young and
handsome? Reading the marks of an emperor on your person I am moved with great
pity. Listen, O great sage: there is a king named Pratpabhnu; I am his minister.
Ranging in pursuit of game I have lost my way and by great good fortune I have been
led into your presence. Your sight is a rare boon to me; it leads me to believe that
something good is about to befall me. The hermit said, It is now dusk, my son; and your
city is five hundred and sixty miles away. (14)
0fr rrr nt r
r rf a r r ra fr+ {~ (+
Do.: nis ghora gabhra bana patha na sunahu sujna,
basahu ju asa jni tumha jehu hota bihna.159(A).
Listen, O friend: dark and dreary is the night, and the forest is dense and
trackless; knowing this, tarry here overnight and depart next morning. (159 A)
at f aar at f; r;
r r; arf f arf ar r;+ {~ (+
tulas jasi bhavatabyat tais milai sahi,
punu vai thi pahi

thi tah

lai ji.159(B).
The inevitable, says Tulasdsa, is invariably preceded by circumstances that are
favourable to it. Either it comes to a man or takes him to the cause of his doom. (159 B)
0f r r f tr rf an a= tr+
rfa s art f f r rt+ {+
f rs fnr r; rf far s fr;+
rf t a rt r r f rt+ +
af r f r rr z r rr+
t f rt f rr t- ; f rr+ -+
fr r fa rat r ; n; rat+
f rr rf z rr+ +
Cau.: bhalehi

ntha yasu dhari ss, b

dhi turaga taru baiha mahs.

npa bahu bh

ti prasaseu th, carana badi nija bhgya sarh.1.

puni boleu mdu gir suh, jni pit prabhu karau

mohi munsa suta sevaka jn, ntha nma nija kahahu bakhn.2.
tehi na jna npa npahi so jn, bhupa suhda so kapaa sayn.
bair puni chatr puni rj, chala bala knha cahai nija kj.3.
samujhi rjasukha dukhita art, av

anala iva sulagai cht.

sarala bacana npa ke suni kn, bayara sa bhri hdaya

Very well, my lord, the king replied; and bowing to the hermits command he tied
up the horse to a tree and then sat down. The king extolled him in many ways and
bowing at his feet congratulated himself. He then spoke to him in soft and endearing
terms, Regarding you as a father, my lord, I venture to address you. Looking upon me
as your son and servant O great sage, pray tell me your name in full, my master.
Although the king did not recognize him, he recognized the king. While the king had a
guileless heart, the hermit was a pastmaster in fraud. Being an enemy in the first
instance, and a Katriya on top of it and again of royal blood, he sought to accomplish
his end by dint of his cunning. The thought of the pleasures of royalty had made the
enemy king sad; the fire of jealousy smouldered within his heart like that of a furnace.
On hearing the artless words of Pratpabhnu and recalling the grudge he had nursed
against him, the hermit felt delighted at heart. (14)
0 rf rt rs nfa a
r r frf f fa fa+ {+
Do.: kapaa bori bn mdula boleu juguti sameta,
nma hamra bhikhri aba nirdhana rahita niketa.160.
He uttered the following soft yet false and artful words, My name is now Bhikhr
(a mendicant), penniless and homeless as I am. (160)
0 fr frr ar rf nfa frr+
r f r ff r+ {+
af a f a >rfa f f f +
ar frf nr ra ff ff r+ +
rf rf a rt r r f trt+
tfa fa t r f ftr ft+ -+
r rf r; rs f r;+
fars s frr ;r a ta rr+ +
Cau.: kaha npa je bigyna nidhn, tumha srikhe galita abhimn.
sad rahahi

apanapau dure , saba bidhi kusala kubea bane .1.

tehi te kahahi

sata ruti ere , parama akicana priya hari kere .

tumha sama adhana bhikhri ageh, hota biraci sivahi sadeh.2.
josi sosi tava carana namm, mo para kp karia aba svm.
sahaja prti bhupati kai dekh, pu biaya bisvsa bise.3.
saba prakra rjahi apan, boleu adhika saneha jan.
sunu satibhu kahau mahipl, ih

basata bte bahu kl.4.

The king replied, Those who are repositories of wisdom and free from pride
like you always keep their reality concealed; even though proficient in everyway, they
prefer to remain in tattered clothes. That is why saints as well as the Vedas proclaim
that those who are supremely indigent are held most dear by r Hari. Penniless and
homeless beggars like you fill the minds of even Viraci and iva with doubt. Whoever
you may be, I bow at Your feet; now be gracious to me, my lord. When the hermit
saw the kings artless affection and extraordinary faith in him, he won him over in
everyway, and spoke with a still greater affection Listen, O king; I tell you sincerely
that I have dwelt here for long. (14)
0 fn rf f s rs rs r
rr-ar a r r+ {{ (+
Do.: aba lagi mohi na mileu kou mai

na janvau khu,
lokamnyat anala sama kara tapa knana dhu.161(A).
No one has come to me so far nor do I make myself known to anyone;
for popular esteem is like a wild fire, which consumes the forest of penance (i.e.,
neutralizes it). (161 A)
0at f f a
ff r f+ {{ (+
So.: tulas dekhi subeu bhulahi

muRha na catura nara,

sudara kekihi pekhu bacana sudh sama asana ahi.161(B).
Not only fools, says Tulasdsa, but even clever men are taken in by fair
appearances. Look at the beautiful peacock: though its notes are sweet like nectar, it
devours snakes. (161 B)
0ara na s n rt f af ff r rt+
ra ff r f ff r frr+ {+
ar f fa f r tfa atfa rf ar+
ara rs art r= r rr; fa rt+ +
ff ff ar ; srr faf faf f s ftrr+
r t rt a rr ar nrt+ -+
r r a r; f rs f f= r;+
r rt rf fa r rt+ +
Cau.: tte guputa rahau

jaga mh

, hari taji kimapi prayojana nh

prabhu jnata saba binahi

jane , kahahu kavani sidhi loka rijhe .1.

tumha suci sumati parama priya more , prti pratti mohi para tore
aba jau

tta durvau toh, druna doa ghaai ati moh.2.
jimi jimi tpasu kathai uds, timi timi npahi upaja bisvs.
dekh svabasa karma mana bn, taba bol tpasa bagadhyn.3.
nma hamra ekatanu bh, suni npa boleu puni siru n.
kahahu nma kara aratha bakhn, mohi sevaka ati pana jn.4.
That is why I live in this world away from the public gaze. I have little to do with
anything other than r Hari. The Lord knows everything without being told; tell me, then,
what is to be gained by humouring the world. You are sincere and intelligent and are therefore
supremely dear to me; and I too have earned your affection and confidence. Now, my son,
if I were to keep anything from you, I shall incur the most severe blame. The more the
hermit talked of his indifference to the world the more trustful grew the king. When the false
anchorite saw the king devoted to him in thought, word and deed, he said, My name,
brother, is Ekatanu. Hearing this, the king bowed his head and asked further, Kindly explain
to me the meaning of this appellation recognizing me as your faithful servant. (14)
0rffy st f a safa rf
r a a af t rf+ {+
Do.: disi upaj jabahi

taba utapati bhai mori,

nma ekatanu hetu tehi deha na dhar bahori.162.
My birth took place at the first dawn of creation. Since then I have never taken
another body; that is why I am called Ekatanu. (162)
0f r rt a a a rt+
a a n ; frar a fr frrar+ {+
a f rrrr a a n rr+
s f f fa rnr r ra r rnr+ +
;far r ; f= ffa fr+
s r rt f fa r rt+ -+
f t ar r r a +
ar rs art t- rn rt+ +
Cau.: jani caraju karahu mana mh

, suta tapa te durlabha kachu nh

tapabala te jaga sjai bidht, tapabala binu bhae paritrt.1.
tapabala sabhu karahi

saghr, tapa te agama na kachu sasr.

bhayau npahi suni ati anurg, kath purtana kahai so lg.2.
karama dharama itihsa anek, karai nirupana birati bibek.
udabhava plana pralaya kahn, kahesi amita caraja bakhn.3.
suni mahpa tpasa basa bhaya u, pana nma kahana taba layau.
kaha tpasa npa jnau toh, knhehu kapaa lga bhala moh.4.
Marvel not, my son, to hear this; for nothing is too difficult to obtain through
penance. By dint of penance Brahm creates the universe; by dint of penance Viu
assumed the role of its protector. By dint of penance, again, ambhu destroys the world;
there is nothing in this world which cannot be attained through penance. Hearing this,
the king felt much enamoured and the hermit commenced relating old legends. Having
discussed topics of Karma (action) and Dharma (duty) and told many legends bearing
on them he discoursed on dispassion and knowledge. And he further related at length
countless marvellous stories connected with the creation, maintenance and dissolution
of the universe. Hearing all this the king completely yielded to the influence of the hermit
and then proceeded to tell him his real name. Said the hermit, O king, I know you. Even
though you tried to deceive me, I appreciated this move on your part. (14)
0 t f tfa a r f
rf arf fa tfa r; aar frf a+ {-+
So.: sunu mahsa asi nti jaha taha

nma na kahahi

mohi tohi para ati prti soi caturat bicri tava.163.
O king, the political maxim is that kings should not disclose their name in all cases.
And when I thought of your political sagacity, I conceived great love for you. (163)
0r arr ar fr -a a far r+
n r rf rr f r rf rr+ {+
f ara a r; tfa atfa tfa fr;+
sf t ar r s r f ar+ +
- rt rn r r rt+
f fa rr nf f tf- ff rr+ -+
rf f ar rf r a r+
f arf - frt rfn n rs rt+ +
Cau.: nma tumhra pratpa dines, satyaketu tava pit nares.
gura prasda saba jnia rj, kahia na pana jni akj.1.
dekhi tta tava sahaja sudh, prti pratti nti nipun.
upaji par mamat mana more , kahau kath nija puche tore .2.
aba prasanna mai

sasaya nh

, mgu jo bhupa bhva mana mh

suni subacana bhupati haran, gahi pada binaya knhi bidhi nn.3.
kpsidhu muni darasana tore , cri padratha karatala more .
prabhuhi tathpi prasanna bilok, mgi agama bara hou asok.4.
Your name is Pratpabhnu; king Satyaketu was your father. O king, by the
grace of my preceptor I know everything; but foreseeing my own harm I refuse to tell
everything I know. When I saw your natural straightforwardness, affection, faith and
political wisdom, I conceived a spontaneous affection for you; and that is why I told you
my own story on your asking. I am now pleased; doubt not and ask what you will, O
king. Hearing these agreeable words, the king rejoiced and, clasping the hermits feet,
supplicated to him in many ways. O gracious sage, by your very sight I have within my
grasp all the four ends of human existence (viz., religious merit, wealth, enjoyment and
final beatitude). Yet, as I see my lord so gracious, I would ask a boon which is impossible
to attain otherwise, and thereby overcome sorrow. (14)
0r fa a fa f rs
r ft f r a rs+ {+
Do.: jar marana dukha rahita tanu samara jitai jani kou,
ekachatra ripuhna mahi rja kalapa sata hou.164.
Let my body be free from old age, death and suffering; let no one vanquish me
in battle and let me enjoy undisputed sovereignty over the globe for a hundred Kalpas
(repetitions of creation) and let me have no enemies. (164)
0 ar ; r r f r+
rs a r;f tr f rfz tr+ {+
a f r frr fa- r rs rr+
f- r a a ff fr r+ +
zr fr; - s rs r sr;+
f >rr f frr ar r f rr+ -+
s rs f ar r r; r r+
a r rfrr r r rrr+ +
Cau.: kaha tpasa npa aisei hou, krana eka kahina sunu sou.
klau tua pada nihi ss, eka biprakula chRi mahs.1.
tapabala bipra sad barir, tinha ke kopa na kou rakhavr.
jau bipranha basa karahu nares, tau tua basa bidhi binu mahes.2.
cala na brahmakula sana bari, satya kahau dou bhuj uh.
bipra rpa binu sunu mahipl, tora nsa nahi

kavanehu kl.3.
haraeu ru bacana suni ts u, ntha na hoi mora aba nsu.
tava prasda prabhu kpnidhn, mo kahu sarba kla kalyn.4.
Said the anchorite, So be it, O king. But there is one difficulty; hear it too. Even
Death shall bow his head at your feet (much more those who are subject to death). The
only exception shall be the Brhmaas, O ruler of the earth. The Brhmaas are ever
powerful by virtue of their penance; no one can deliver from their wrath. If you can reduce
the Brhmaas to your will, O king, even Brahm, Viu and the great Lord iva shall be at
your command. Might is of no avail against the Brhmaas; with both arms raised to
heaven I tell you this truth. Listen, O sovereign; if you escape the Brhmaas curse, you
shall never perish. Hearing his words, the king rejoiced and said, My lord, I shall no longer
die. By your grace, O benevolent master, I shall be blessed at all times. (14)
0ta f f rr f rf
f r r f a f rf+ {~+
Do.: evamastu kahi kapaamuni bol kuila bahori,
milaba hamra bhulba nija kahahu ta hamahi na khori.165.
Amen! said the false anchorite, and added with crafty intent, If you tell anyone
about my meeting with you and your straying away, the fault shall not be mine. (165)
0ara arf s rr r a rr+
>r a rt r arr - rt+ {+
n r f>rrr r ar rarr+
r sr f a rt f rf rt+ +
- r nf rr f n r r rr+
r; n r frar n fr f rs n rrar+ -+
arr rs r f r r+
f z za rr f >rr fa rrrr+ +

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