Drug Study: Name of Drug Classification Adverse Effect Indication Contraindication Nursing Considerations

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Drug Study

Name of Drug


Adverse effect



Nursing Considerations

Cefuroxime IV 50mg q6


Body as a Whole: Thrombophlebitis (IV site); pain, burning, cellulitis (IM site); superinfections, positive Coombs' test. GI: Diarrhea, nausea, antibioticassociated colitis. Skin: Rash, pruritus, urticaria. Urogenital: Increased serum creatinine and BUN, decreased creatinine clearance.

It is effective for the treatment of penicillinaseproducing Neisseria gonorrhoea (PPNG). Effectively treats bone and joint infections, bronchitis, meningitis, gonorrhea, otitis media, pharyngitis/tonsilliti s, sinusitis, lower respiratory tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections, urinary tract infections, and is used for surgical prophylaxis, reducing or eliminating infection.

Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins and related antibiotics; pregnancy (category B), lactation.

Determine history of hypersensitivity reactions to cephalosporins, penicillins, and history of allergies, particularly to drugs, before therapy is initiated. Inspect IM and IV injection sites frequently for signs of phlebitis. Report onset of loose stools or diarrhea. Although pseudomembranous colitis. Monitor I&O rates and pattern: Especially important in severely ill patients receiving high doses. Report any significant changes.

Name of



Mechanism of


Special Precaution

Nurses Responsibilities

Drug Tranexamic Hemostati Acid c (Hemostan )

Short-term management of hemorrhage Treatment and prophylaxis of hemorrhage associated with excessive firbinolysis

Inhibits breakdown of fibrin clots Blocks binding of plasminogen and plasmin to fibrin Hypersensitivity Severe renal insufficiency Patients with microscopic hematuria Pregnancy and lactation Monitor closely in disseminated intravascular coagulation. Mild to moderate renal impairment, irregular menstrual bleeding, previous history of thromboembolic disease, hematuria Assess patient history on intravascular clotting, hemorrhage Obtain prothrombin time of patient May be mixed with most solution, not with penicillin Advise patient about possibility of skin reaction (rash, blisters) Advise patient to report visual abnormalities Instruct patients to monitor for and report occurrence of drug-induced adverse reaction

Name of Drug Ranitidine (Zantac)

Histamine H2 antagonist Anti-ulcer

Treatment and prevention of heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour stomach. Prophylaxis of GI hemorrhage from stress ulceration

Mechanism of Action
Inhibits the action of histamine at the H2 receptor site located primarily in gastric parietal cells, resulting in inhibition of gastric acid secretion has some antibacteri al action against H. pylori

Hypersensitivity, Cross-sensitivity may occur; some oral liquids contain alcohol and should be avoided in patients with known intolerance

Special Precaution
Pregnancy Lactation (excreted in breast milk) Geriatric patients (more susceptible to adverse CNS reactions) Renal impairments Cirrhosis

Nurses Responsibilities
Instruct patient not to take new medication w/o consulting physician Instruct patient to take as directed and do not increase dose Allow 1 hour between any other antacid and ranitidine Avoid excessive alcohol Assess patient for epigastric or abdominal pain and frank or occult blood in the stool, emesis, or gastric aspirate Nurse should know that it may cause false-positive results for urine protein; test with sulfosalicylic acid Inform patient that it may cause drowsiness or dizziness Inform patient that increased fluid and fiber intake may minimize constipation Advise patient to report onset of black, tarry stools; fever, sore throat; diarrhea; dizziness; rash; confusion; or hallucinations to health car professional promptly Inform patient that medication may temporarily cause stools and tongue to appear gray black Instruct patients to monitor for and report occurrence of drug-induced adverse reaction

Name of Drug Metronidazo le (Flagyl)

Class Antiprotozoal s Antiinfective s

Indication Amebicide in the manageme nt of amebic dysentery

Mechanism of Action
Disrupts DNA and protein synthesis in susceptible organisms Bactericidal, or amebicidal action

Contrain dication Hypersen sitivity

Special Precaution
Pregnancy (should be avoided during the 1st trimester because mutagenicity is a concern.) Lactation (excreted in breast milk)

Nurses Responsibilities
Administer with food or milk to minimize GI irritation. Tablets may be crushed for patients with difficulty swallowing. Instruct patient to take medication as directed, evenly spaced between dose. Do not skip doses or double up on missed doses. May cause dizziness or lightheadedness. Caution patient on activities requiring alertness until response to medication is known. Inform patient that medication may cause an unpleasant metallic taste. Inform patient that medication may cause urine to turn dark. Advise patient to consult health care professional if no improvement in a few days or if signs and symptoms of superinfection (black furry overgrowth on tongue; loose or foul-smelling stools develop). Instruct patients to monitor for and report occurrence of drug-

induced adverse reaction

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