Protecting The Present

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Protecting the Present, Building the Future.


SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 2014 BUDGET

Citywide Vision:

We will deliver a world-class city where everyone matters

Public Works Mission:

The Department of Public Works aims to deliver high quality, cost effective, efficient, safe services involving public infrastructure to enhance the quality of life in Denver.
Alignment with Mayors/ Councils/Stakeholders Priorities Strategic Transportation Plan
Grant Funding / Brighton Blvd. Planner Bridge Maintenance Development Services Review Engineer

Downtown Denver BID IGA Increase

Weekend ROW Inspections Special Events Program

Strategic Parking Plan

Sunday Enforcement PMIS Contract Increase

Denver Moves Solid Waste Master Plan

Denver Moves / Aerotropolis Planner Barrel & Recycling Route Expansion Globeville Conversion Barrel Expansion


Street Sweeping Expansion


Public Works Mission Level Metrics

Core Function Metrics 2011 Actual 60% 2012 Actual 58% 2013 Budget 58% 2014 Projected

Quality (Avg % Good or Excellent)



Operation $/Capita





Quality (Avg % Good or Excellent)

53% $124.31

59% $124.74

59% $147.22

60% $146.26


Operation $/Capita

Quality (Avg % Good or Excellent)

70% $38.61

73% $39.67

73% $41.84

74% $43.82

Solid Waste Department Level

Operation $/Capita

Operations Cost Per Capita Avg Quality of Service (Avg% Good or Excellent) PW Emp. Engagement Index














Public Works Base Budget Overview

Expenditures General Fund Internal Service Fund Enterprise Fund * Special Revenue Fund Capital Improvements**
TOTAL $212,619,554 $225,199,064

2011 Actual
$80,026,888 $29,159,692

2012 Actual
$83,163,824 $31,019,740

2013 Revised
$90,307,834 $32,462,027

2014 Proposed Budget

$95,497,200 $33,233,300

$5,189,366 $771,273











$87,655,036 $357,545,951

$108,234,226 $406,604,006

$20,579,190 $49,058,055

*Budget includes transfers to Capital funds and a transfer between Storm and Sanitary **Includes Better Denver Bond and capital grant funding


2011 Actual

2012 Actual

2013 Revised

2014 Proposed Base


General Fund







Public Works General Fund CSA Personnel Overview

Career Service Authority (CSA) Employees
Total Personnel Budget Comp Time Overtime Snow Overtime On-Call Budget On-Call FTE Total FTE CSA

2011 Actual

2012 Actual

2013 Revised Budget

$53,295,620 $0 $686,064 $580,927 $597,198 19.3

2014 Proposed Budget

$55,419,552 $0 $697,809 $580,927 $685,746 21.5


$47,017,255 $3,184 $591,081 $476,862 $872,843 18.3

$48,539,033 $2,939 $747,447 $400,358 $942,216 18.3

$2,123,932 $0 $11,745 $0 $88,548 2 .2 11 .2





Key Drivers:

General Fund Agency Overtime Activities: Right-of-Way Services Special Event Parking Enforcement, Residential Snow Program Traffic Engineering Services Emergency Response, Weekend Work to Avoid Traffic, Snow Removal Solid Waste Management Trash and Recycling Collection during Holiday Weeks Street Maintenance Snow Removal

2014 Budget Decisions for Public Works

Key Solid Waste Management Expansions
Title: Trash and recycling collection in Green Valley Ranch and Stapleton 2 FTE Description: Due to the growth of over 4,000 homes in the GVR and Stapleton neighborhoods since 2011 and current
construction that will add 1,600 homes in 2013 to 2014, additional equipment (2 trucks), personnel (2 equipment operator specialists), and 3,200 barrels are needed to provide adequate trash and recycling collection services.

Financial Impact: $794,014

Title: Globeville conversion, recycling 1 FTE Description: Convert approximately 3,000 homes in the Globeville/Elyria/Swansea neighborhoods to automated barrel
services in areas that currently have manual and dumpster collection. The proposal includes a $300,000 in-kind grant from the Department of Environment Health to support the conversion, recycling services, education, and outreach.

Financial Impact: $275,781

Title: Barrel expansion Description: Convert 2,000 homes to automated barrel service in areas that currently have manual and dumpster
collection to increase route efficiencies.

Financial Impact: $100,000

2011 Actual # HH serviced in GVR and Stapleton Routes Mission Level Metric: % of citizens rating trash collection as good or excellent 2012 Actual 2013 Estimated 2014 Projected









2014 Budget Decisions for Public Works

Key Maintenance/Service Expansions
Title: 16th Street Mall Business Improvement District IGA Description: Increase contract payment to DDP for 16th Street Mall cleaning, snow removal, and graffiti removal Financial Impact: $105,240
Title: Bridge maintenance contract Description: Contract for on-call bridge cleaning. Financial Impact: $200,000 Title: Street sweeping addition 3 FTE Description: Since 2003, 381 lane miles have been added to the Citys street network, and 950 alleys have been
paved. An additional crew (3 FTE, 2 street sweepers, and a tandem truck) is needed to provide adequate street sweeping services.

Financial Impact: $851,068

2011 Actual Workload Metric: Estimated % of total lane miles not being swept at standard frequency Workload Metric: Estimated cubic yards of uncollected debris Mission Level Metric Impact: % of citizens rating Street Cleaning as Good or Excellent 2012 Actual 2013 Estimated 2014 Projected

20% 1,800 55%

20% 2,092 61%

20% 2,580 61%

0 0 Increase

2014 Budget Decisions for Public Works

Other Key Expansions
Title: Planner for outside grant funding identification/planning/application & Brighton Blvd/ River North planning 1 FTE Description: This city planner position will have two responsibilities: identifying and understanding capital grant
funding cycles and planning and application and reporting processes; and planning, programming, and implementation for the Brighton Boulevard/River North neighborhoods.

Financial Impact: $85,928 Title: Administrator positions for Special Events permitting 2 FTE Description: A new administrator position will be created in addition to moving an existing administrator position to
Public Works from Arts & Venues Denver. These positions will provide support, coordination, and additional administrative/reporting resources.

Financial Impact: $160,262 Title: Inspector for weekend inspections Description: A new inspector to work Tuesday-Saturday, addressing the recent rise in permits/development, and
filling in the gap in weekend inspections. Includes an increase in Street Occupancy Permit revenue ($250,000).

Financial Impact: ($116,952) Title: Sunday Enforcement 2.5 FTE (1.5 on-call) Description: Enhancement of safety by freeing up DPD resources. Meets citizen requests and expectations by
facilitating compliance associated with ongoing neighborhood events and public space usage. Will enforce for issues related to safety, permits, valet and special events.

Financial Impact: ($97,390)

2011 Actual Workload Metric: % DPD/ROWE Sunday enforcement 2012 Actual 2013 Estimated 2014 Projected





2014 Budget Decisions for Public Works

Key Development Services Expansions
General Fund
Title: Engineer for Site Engineering Transportation 1 FTE Description: This position will allow Site Engineering to maintain the capacity to complete transportation development
reviews accurately and on-time. Development reviews have increased continuously since 2009, and is expected to be even higher in the future. Includes $93,747 in permit revenue.

Financial Impact: $6,415

Wastewater Enterprise Fund

Title: 2 Engineers for Site Engineering Wastewater 2 FTE Description: Development Services Wastewater has new responsibilities and is at historic highs for projects review per
person. 2 new engineers will bring reviews per reviewer to a more manageable level, preserving quality and timeliness.

Financial Impact: $102,214 Title: Sewer Use and Drainage Permit Review 3 FTE Description: 2 plans review technicians and 1 plans review supervisor to address a significant increase in SUDP reviews.
Additional staff will ensure timeliness and improve customer service.

Financial Impact: $235,306

2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Estimated 2014 Projected

Late Reviews (Site Engineering - Trans) Late Reviews (Site Engineering WW) Average days to permit (SUDP)

20 100 25

40 198 30

83 209 33

40 50 28

2014 Budget Decisions for Public Works

Key Denver Moves Expansions
Title: Planner for Denver Moves / Aerotropolis 1 FTE Description: This new city planner position will both accelerate completion of planned improvements identified in
the Denver Moves plan and initiate, identify, develop, and complete plans for existing and future infrastructure needs in Aerotropolis.

Financial Impact: $85,928 Title: Extension of limited planner, engineer to 12/2015 2 FTE Description: A planner and an engineer position with an original ends date of 6/2014 have been extended to
12/2015. The positions will work to accelerate the implementation of the Denver Moves plan, with a particular focus on bicycle and pedestrian safety.

Financial Impact: $85,566 Title: Denver Moves implementation2014 discretionary capital funding Financial Impact: $500,0000 Description: Design and construction of projects related to the implementation of Denver Moves. Funds will be
used for the update of the Denver Moves network maps, development of criteria and locations for protected bike lanes.
2011 Actual Workload Metric: Cumulative miles of Denver Moves network built Mission Level Metric Impact: % of households within Mile of a High Ease of Use Facility 2012 Actual 2013 Estimated 2014 Projected

107 40%

138 49%

148 Increase

163* Increase

* PW responsible for 311 of total 442 network miles -148 miles constructed, 163 miles remaining

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2014 Budget Decisions for Public Works

Summary of Enterprise Fund & Internal Service Fund Expansions
Wastewater Enterprise Fund
Title 2 Engineers for Site Engineering Wastewater 2 FTE Sewer Use and Drainage Permit review 3 FTE Water quality pilot study Equipment for water quality investigator Increase in Metro Wastewater District charge Limited inspector for Dakota Outfall 1 FTE Financial Impact $102,214 $235,306 $50,000 $39,600 $1,551,083 $88,048

Fleet Internal Service Fund

Title Overtime increase Increase in parts budget Tire carousel Punch station Financial Impact $57,800 $267,959 $30,000 $20,000

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Public Works Capital Improvement Program

Public Works annual capital maintenance projects include street rotomill and overlay, curb ramps, traffic signal reconstruction, bridge repairs, rehabilitation of systems critical to the integrity of buildings and facilities, etc. Only $8-$10M available each year for all citywide capital discretionary project requests including requests from Parks, Public Works, DPL, OED, CPD, DEH, Safety, General Services, Denver Health, etc. - 12 -

Public Works Capital Program Highlights

$4.5M for ongoing street paving, including an additional 75 lane miles funded by the passage of Measure 2A. $6.4M in local match commitments that leverage alternative funding sources.
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Responsible Acceleration of Maintenance and Partnerships (RAMP) program (pending). Awarded FASTER Safety funding for pedestrian and intersection safety upgrades.

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Accomplishments from 2013

Sustainability Accomplishments
Composting Expansion Compressed Natural Gas Creation of an Environmental Officer Creation of a Water Quality Manager Launch of Car Share Program Storm Water Initiative

Transportation Accomplishments
Paving expansion due to passage of 2A Support of FasTracks development Expansion of Bike Lanes 16th Street Mall Two Way Streets Managed Delay Traffic Signal Timing RAMP

Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness Accomplishments

Strategic Leadership Team / Board of Directors Road to Excellence Peak Performance Employee Engagement Better Denver Bond Legacy Programs Program Resource Office Textura Implementation Fleet Optimization

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