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t Firs r a e Y on

m m o C g n i d a e R
KNOPF DO UBLED AY publishes a b road selection of ction and non-ctio n books appro priate for First-Year Exp erience and commonreading progra ms. The books suggested here should help instigate reection and discussio n among you r incoming rst-year stud ents, who will begin their academic life w ith a shared exp erience ready to discuss the stories of o thers and thus ready to share their ow n as well.



Dear First-Year Program Administrator, We are excited to present to you new recommendations for First-Year students. Selected with Common Reading programs, freshman seminars, and composition courses in mind, youll nd a variety of critically acclaimed and award-winning titles that will engage, challenge, and captivate your students. Chosen from a broad range of interdisciplinary subjects, these books are meant to spur discussion, model excellent writing, and hone critical thinking. This years catalog features inspirational stories such as Justice Sonia Sotomayors My Beloved World; timely social and political issues as in Aftershock by Robert Reich; present compelling calls to action like Stephen Emmotts Ten Billion; and the best book ever on writingVerlyn Klinkenborgs Several Short Sentences About Writing. If you have questions about our titles, author availability for campus visits, or need sample copies for your committee, please contact any one of us. Were happy to help you in any way we can. Sincerely, The Knopf Doubleday Academic Resources Team Keith Goldsmith Rachel Krupitsky Maxwell Friedman

Keep in Touch on Social Media The latest information on our authors and titles, common reading resources, special promotions, and a place to connect with others in the common reading community. @Knopfacademic Follow us for education news, resources for your classroom, and to see what our authors are up to. Check out our Common Reading in Action board to stay current with Common Reading programs across the country.
For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Sonia Sotomayor My Beloved World



In her own often straightforward, occasionally soaring writing style, Sotomayor succeeds in My Beloved World in crafting an often old-fashioned tale of overcoming obstacles.
Hector Tobar, Los Angeles Times

With candor and intimacy Justice Sonia Sotomayorthe rst Hispanic and third woman appointed to the United States Supreme Courtrecounts her life from a Bronx housing project to the federal bench, a journey that offers an inspiring testament to her own extraordinary determination and the power of believing in oneself. Here is the story of a precarious childhood, with an alcoholic father (who would die when she was nine), a devoted but overburdened KNOPF | 978-0-307-59488-4 | 336 PAGES | $27.95 mother, and of the refuge a little girl took from eXAM PRiCe $14.00 the turmoil at home with her passionately spirited paternal grandmother. With only television PAPeRBACK AVAilABle JANUARY 2014 characters for her professional role models, and little understanding of what was involved, she determined to become a lawyer, a dream that would sustain her on an unlikely course, from [My Beloved World] stands very much on its own becoming valedictorian of her high school class not unlike Barack Obamas rst book, Dreams from My Fatheras a compelling and powerfully written to the receiving the highest honors at Princememoir about identity and coming of age. . . . This ton, to Yale Law School, the New York County account of her life is revealing, keenly observed and District Attorneys ofce, a private practice, deeply felt. . . . This insightful memoir underscores just and appointment to the Federal District Court how well Justice Sotomayor mastered the art of narbefore the age of forty. rative. Its an eloquent and affecting testament to the Through her eyes, Americas innite possi- triumph of brains and hard work over circumstance, bilities are envisioned anew in this warm and of a childhood dream realized through extraordinary honest book, destined to become a classic of will and dedication. The New York Times self-invention and self-discovery.
For questions regarding Sonya Sotomayors speaking availability, please contact Kate Runde ( SELECTED BY: Arcadia University; Smith College; Southern Connecticut State University; St. Johns University; University of Delaware; Westchester Community College


Elena Seiberg

SONiA SOTOMAYOR graduated summa cum laude from Princeton in 1976 and from Yale law School in 1979. She worked as an assistant district attorney in New York and then at the law rm of Pavia & Harcourt. From 1992 to 1998, she served as a judge of the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, and from 1998 to 2009 on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. in May 2009, President Barack Obama nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and she assumed this role on August 8, 2009.

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Jonathan Haidt
The Righteous Mind
Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion

A landmark contribution to humanitys understanding of itself.

The New York Times Book Review

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-45577-2 | 528 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


Haidts work feels particularly relevant now. . . . Haidts perspective can help us better understand our own political and religious leanings.
San Francisco Chronicle

The Righteous Mind is a tour de forcea brave, brilliant, and eloquent exploration of the most important issues of our time. It will challenge the way This elegantly written book has far-reaching you think about liberals and conservatives, atheism implications for anyone interested in politics, religion, or the many controversies that divide modern and religion, good and evil. This is the book that societies. If you want to know why you hold your everyone will be talking about. moral beliefs, and why many people disagree with Paul Bloom, Yale University, author of you, read this book. How Pleasure Works
Simon Baron-Cohen, Cambridge University, author of The Science of Evil

Why cant our political leaders work together as threats loom and problems mount? Why do people so readily assume the worst about the motives of their fellow citizens? In The Righteous Mind, psychologist Jonathan Haidt challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion in a way that speaks to everyone on the political spectrum. Drawing on his twenty-ve years of groundbreaking research on moral psychology, he shows how moral judgments arise not from reason but from gut feelings. He shows why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and he shows why each side is actually right about many of its central concerns. In this subtle yet accessible book, Haidt gives readers the key to understanding the miracle of human cooperation, as well as the curse of our eternal divisions and conicts. Students who wish to better understand each other and their society will be greatly rewarded by reading The Righteous Mind.

JONATHAN HAiDT is the Thomas Cooley Professor

of ethical leadership at New York Universitys Stern School of Business. His previous book is The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. He lives in New York City .

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Daniel Addison

Robert B. Reich
The Next Economy and Americas Future
This thoughtful and detailed account of the American economyand how we can x itis a practical, humane, and much-needed blueprint for rebuilding our society. Robert B. Reich, one of the most experienced and trusted voices on public policy, urges Americans to nd a common cause in xing our poor economy and mobilize to get the United States back on track. The American political system is in crisisparalyzed by gridlock, beset with cynicism, and sabotaged by competing interests that have perversely made even common-sense policy virtually impossible. Reich argues nothing important can happen in Washington unless citizens are energized and organized to make sure politicians honor their promises. But in order to be effectively mobilized, we need to see the big picture. Aftershock connects the dotsshowing why the increasing share of income and wealth going to the top has hobbled jobs and growth for everyone else, undermined our democracy, and caused Americans to become increasingly cynical about public life. Here is a call to action for all who care about the future of America. Reich provides a thoughtful dialogue about the structural problems that led to the recent recession. . . . His ideas are worth exploring.
The Washington Post

VINTAGE | 978-0-345-80722-9 | 208 PAGES | $14.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

One of the best ways to help people understand the challenges we face, is with a movie that can grab an audience and move them to action. Robert Reich
From director Jacob Kornbluth comes the award-winning documentary iNeQUAliTY FOR All starring Robert Reich.

[Reich] suggests a number of innovative ways to reverse the trend toward greater inequality and usher in another, more hopeful phase in American history. The Charlotte Observer One of the clearest explanations to date of . . . how the United States went from . . . the Great Prosperity of 1947 to 1975 to the Great Recession.
Bob Herbert, The New York Times






Important and well executed. . . . Reich is uent, fearless, even amusing.

The New York Times Book Review

Perian Flaherty

ROBeRT B. ReiCH is Chancellors Professor of Public Policy at the Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley . He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton, and he served as an adviser to President Barack Obama. He has written twelve books, including The Next American Frontier, The Future of Success, and Beyond Outrage. His bi-weekly commentaries on public radios Marketplace are heard by nearly ve million people.

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen

The New Digital Age
Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business

KNOPF | 978-0-307-95713-9 | 336 PAGES | $26.95 eXAM PRiCe $13.50


In an unparalleled collaboration, two leading global thinkers in technology and foreign affairs give us their forward-thinking account of where our hyperconnected world is headed and what this means for people, states, and businesses. Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen take on some of the toughest questions about our future as the greatest information and technology revolution in human history continues to evolve: Who will be more powerful in the future, the citizen or the state? Will technology make terrorism easier or harder to carry out? What is the relationship between privacy and security, and how much will we have to give up to be part of the new digital age? On individual, community, and state levels, across every geographical and socioeconomic spectrum, Schmidt and Cohen reveal the dramatic developmentsgood and badthat will transform both our everyday lives and our understanding of self and society, as technology advances and our virtual identities become more and more fundamentally real. Jared Cohen and Eric Schmidt have written a brilliant book that should be required reading for anyone who wishes to understand the huge ramications of the Age of Google not only for our lifestyles but, more importantly, for our privacy, our democracy and our security.
Niall Ferguson, author of Civilization: The West and the Rest

This is the most importantand fascinating book yet written about how the digital age will affect our world. With vivid examples and brilliant analysis, it shows how the internet and other communications technologies will empower individuals and transform the way nations and businesses operate. How will different societies make tradeoffs involving privacy, freedom, control, security, and the relationship between the physical and virtual worlds? . . . Profoundly wise and wondrously readable.
Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs

eRiC SCHMiDT is executive chairman of Google, where he served as chief executive ofcer from 2001 to 2011. A member of the Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology , Schmidt also chairs the board of the New America Foundation and is a trustee of the institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey . JAReD COHeN is director of Google ideas and an
Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a Rhodes Scholar and the author of several books, including Children of Jihad and One Hundred Days of Silence. He is a member of the Directors Advisory Board at the National Counterterrorism Center .

Google Inc.

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Michael Lionstar

Carlin Flora
The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We Are

Many of the friendships formed between college students will last for years to come. Drawing from the latest scientic research, Carlin Flora uses ever-relatable anecdotes to explain the unexpected ways friends inuence our personalities, choices, emotions, and even physical health. The evidence suggests that friends may have a greater hand in our development and well-being than do our relatives and romantic partners. The skills one needs to make good friends are among the very skills that lead to success in life, and scientic research has recently exploded with insights about the meaningful and enduring ways friendships inuence us. Flora traces friendship from its evolutionary roots to its starring role in childhood and adolescence to its subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) impact on adultsboth positive and negative, online and ofine. Told with warmth as well as rigor, Frienduence not only illuminates and interprets the science of friendship but will help readers reect thoughtfully on their social history and wisely navigate present and future friendships. Carlin Flora has written a delightful book on the power of friendship. Combining the latest research with engaging stories, Frienduence shines with authenticity and is a must-read for anyone who wants to know more about our ancient human desire to connect.
James H. Fowler, co-author of Connected

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-94695-9 | 288 PAGES | $16.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

We tend to think of friends as relationships we simply have, when in profound ways, friends both reect and determine who we actually are. Happiness and success begin with self-knowledge, and as Carlin Flora shows us in her compelling and delightful book Frienduence, the key to understanding yourself may well lie in your friendships, past and present. This is a must-read for anyone looking to experience greater well-being . . . in other words, for everyone.
Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D., author of Succeed, and Director of the Motivation Science Center, Columbia Business School

CARliN FlORA was on the staff of Psychology Today

for eight years, most recently as features editor . She is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Columbia University School of Journalism and has written for Discover, Glamour, Womens Health, and Mens Health, among others. She has also appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Today Show, CNN, Fox News, and 20/20. She lives in Queens, New York.

Erin Patrice OBrien

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Peggielene Bartels and Eleanor Herman

King Peggy
An American Secretary, Her Royal Destiny, and the Inspiring Story of How She Changed an African Village

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-74281-0 | 368 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


SELECTED BY: Russell Sage College; One Book, One Maryland

King Peggy is the charming real-life fairy tale of an American secretary who discovers she has been chosen king of an impoverished shing village on Ghanas central coast. In rising to the new challenge of governing 7,000 souls, Peggy is herself transformed, from an ordinary secretary to the heart and hope of her community. Upon arriving for her crowning ceremony in beautiful Otuam, she discovers the dire reality: theres no running water, no doctor, and no high school, and many of the village elders are stealing the towns funds. To make matters worse, her uncle (the late king) sits in a morgue awaiting a proper funeral in the royal palace, which is in ruins. The longer she waits to bury him, the more she risks incurring the wrath of her ancestors. Peggys rst two years as king of Otuam unfold in a way that is stranger than ction. In the end, a deeply traditional African town has been uplifted by the ambitions of its headstrong, decidedly modern female king.

King Peggy is a wonderous tale of how a woman Captivating. . . . King Peggy is a great case rose to great heights in circumstances one would study on how one personwith the proper never dream of, in a place where most of us cannot encouragement and supportcan bring light and life to a community. . . . Extremely well-written and imagine living. Compelling and heartwarming, it is a most enjoyable and absorbing read. amusing. . . . Candid and humble.
The Baltimore Times Deborah Rodriguez, author of Kabul Beauty School

In the moving story of Peggielene Bartels, all of us Theres an unlikely new leader in West Africa. . . . can feel a connection to our ancestors, and a reBartels had to quickly and forcefully let tribal elminder of the good that can come from courageously ders know that despite being far away and female, embracing unexpected responsibilities. she had every intention of taking her position seriJeffrey Zaslow, author of The Girls from Ames ouslyand being taken seriously in turn. NPR
PeGGieleNe BARTelS was born in Ghana and moved to Washington, DC, in her early twenties to work at Ghanas embassy . She became an American citizen in 1997. in 2008, she was chosen to be king of Otuam, a Ghanaian village of 7,000 people on the west coast of Africa. She lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, still works at the embassy , and spends several weeks each year in Ghana. eleANOR HeRMAN is the author of three books of
womens history , including the New York Times bestseller Sex with Kings and Sex with the Queen. Her prole of Peggy was a cover story for The Washington Post Magazine. She lives in Mclean, Virginia.
Deborah Feingold

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Half the Sky
Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide
From two of our most ercely moral voices, a passionate call to arms against our eras most pervasive human rights violation: the oppression of women and girls in the developing world. With Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn as our guides, we undertake an odyssey through Africa and Asia to meet the extraordinary women struggling there. Drawing on the breadth of their combined reporting experience, Kristof and WuDunn depict our world with anger, sadness, clarity, and, ultimately, hope. Half the Sky helps us see that the key to economic progress lies in unleashing womens potential. Kristof and WuDunn make clear how so many people have helped to do just that, and how we can each do our part. Throughout much of the world, the greatest unexploited economic resource is the female half of the population. Countries such as China have prospered precisely because they emancipated women and brought them into the formal economy. Unleashing that process globally is not only the right thing to do, its also the best strategy for ghting poverty. Urgent. . . . Passionate. . . . Compelling. . . . Half the Sky is a grab-the-reader-by-the-lapels wakeup call. Bill Williams, The Boston Globe
SELECTED BY: Boise State University; Eastern Illinois University; George Washington University; Illinois College; IUPUI; Linfield College; Luther College; Meredith College; Mills College; Mount Mary College; Mt. Holyoke College; New England College; North Carolina State University; Rochester Community and Technical College; Rollins College; Smith College; St. Edwards University; St. Johns University; Sweet Briar College; Trinity University; University at Buffalo, School of Social Work; University of California, Davis; University of Connecticut; University of Maryland; University of Richmond; University of South Alabama; Vanderbilt University; Webster University; Wellesley College; Westfield State University

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38709-7 | 320 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


Visit WWW.PBS.ORG/INDEPENDENTLENS/HALF-THE-SKY to learn more about the independent lens documentary. The site includes lesson plans, videos, and information on how students can get involved with these important human rights issues.

Half the Sky is a passionate and persuasive plea to all of us to rise up and say No more! to the seventeenth-century abuses to girls and women in the twenty-rst-century world. This is a book that will pierce your heart and arouse your conscience. It is a powerful piece of journalism by two masters of the craft who are tireless in their pursuit of one of the most shameful conditions of our time. Tom Brokaw


are the rst married couple to win a Pulitzer Prize in journalism for their coverage of China as New York Times correspondents. They received the 2009 Dayton literary Peace Prize for lifetime Achievement and many other prizes including the George Polk and Overseas Press Club awards.

Geoffrey Kristoff

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Sheryl Sandberg
Lean In
Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

KNOPF | 978-0-385-34994-9 | 240 PAGES| $24.95 eXAM PRiCe $12.50

A landmark manifesto. . . . Lean In will be an inuential book. It will open the eyes of women who grew up thinking that feminism was ancient history, who recoil at the word but walk heedlessly through the doors it opened. And it will encourage those women to persevere in their professional lives. The New York Times What Sandberg offers is a view that shows 20-somethings that choices and tradeoffs surely exist, but that the old normal of blunting ambition so that you can t in one category or another does not have to be the way it is. And that each of us has a say in what comes next. And that includes men. The Atlantic

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating ofcer of Facebook and one of Fortunes 50 Most Powerful Women in Business, examines why womens progress in achieving leadership roles has stalled, explains the root causes, and offers compelling, commonsense solutions that can empower women to achieve their full potential. In Lean In, Sandberg combines personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to cut through the layers of ambiguity and bias surrounding the lives and choices of working women. She recounts her own decisions, mistakes, and daily struggles to make the right choices for herself, her career, and her family. She provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career, urging women to set boundaries and to abandon the myth of having it all. She describes specic steps women can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulllment and demonstrates how men can benet by supporting women in the workplace and at home. Written with both humor and wisdom, Lean In is an inspiring call to action, destined to change the conversation about women in the workplace. To tackle societys most pressing problems we need to unleash the leadership of both women and men. Lean In shows us the path and is an absolutely invaluable resource for the next generation of leaders and those who support them.
Wendy Kopp, founder and CEO, Teach for America

Lean In is an inauguration more than a last word, and an occasion for celebration. . . . Many, many women, young and old, elite and otherwise, will nd it prescriptive, refreshing, and perhaps even revolutionary. The New Yorker

SHeRYl SANDBeRG is chief operating ofcer at Facebook. Prior to Facebook, she was vice president of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google and chief of staff at the U.S. T reasury Department. Sheryl lives in Northern California with her husband and their two children.

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Matt Albiani

Cheryl Strayed
From Lost to Found on the Pacic Crest Trail

Following the death of her mother and the destruction of her marriage, Cheryl Strayed resolved to hike the Pacic Crest Trail from the Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washington Stateand to do it alone. Though she had no experience as a long-distance hiker, the journey held the promise of piecing back together a life that had come undone. Told with sparkling warmth and humor, Wild vividly captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddened, strengthened, and ultimately healed her. This isnt Cinderella in hiking boots, its a woman coming out of heartbreak, darkness and bad decisions with a clear view of where she has been. . . . There are adventures and characters aplenty, from heartwarming to dangerous, but Strayed resists the temptation to overplay or sweeten such moments. Her pacing is impeccable as she captures her impressive journey. The Seattle Times The clarity of Ms. Strayeds prose, and thus of her person, makes her story, in its quiet way, nearly as riveting an adventure narrative as Jon Krakauers Into the Wild. The New York Times Strayeds journey was at least as transcendent as it was turbulent. She faced down hunger, thirst, injury, fatigue, boredom, loss, bad weather, and wild animals. Yet she also reached new levels of joy, accomplishment, courage, peace, and found extraordinary companionship.
The Christian Science Monitor

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-47607-4 | 336 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


SELECTED BY: Sonoma State University

An addictive, gorgeous book that not only entertains, but leaves us the better for having read it. . . . Strayed is a formidable talent.
The Boston Globe

[Strayed] reminds us, in her lyrical and courageous memoir Wild, of what it means to be fully alive, even in the face of catastrophe, physical and psychic hardship, and loss.
Mira Bartk, author of The Memory Palace

CHeRYl STRAYeD is the author of the critically acclaimed novel Torch and Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on love and life from Dear Sugar. Her stories and essays have appeared in numerous magazines and journals, including The New York Times Magazine and The Washington Post Magazine. Her essays have been included in the Pushcart Prize anthology and twice in The Best American essays. She lives in Portland, Oregon.
Joni Kabana

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Climate Central
Global Weirdness
Severe Storms, Deadly Heat Waves, Relentless Drought, Rising Seas and the Weather of the Future

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-74336-7 | 224 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


Written in straightforward prose and factchecked by the worlds eminent climate scholars, Global Weirdness reads like the 9/11 Commission Report: all of the facts, none of the hyperbole. In four succinct sections, its authors detail the truth about climate change. CBS Smart Planet Slim and elegant . . . written in the kind of plain English of which Strunk and White would approve, that lays out what we know about climate change while hewing to the facts and taking great care to avoid bias and hysteria.
The New York Times

Finally, in clear, accessible prose, a fascinating new book that explains climate change to the layperson. Produced by Climate Centrala highly regarded independent, nonprot journalism and research organizationand reviewed by scientists at major educational and research institutions the world over, Global Weirdness summarizes everything we already know about the science of climate change, explains what is likely to happen to the climate in the future, and lays out, in practical terms, what we can and cannot do to avoid further shifts. In fty easy-to-read entries, Climate Central tackles basic questions such as: Is climate ever normal? Why and how do fossil-fuel burning and other human practices produce greenhouse gases? What natural forces have caused climate change in the past? What risks does climate change pose for human health? What accounts for the diminishment of mountain glaciers and small ice caps around the world since 1850? What are the economic costs and benets of reducing carbon emissions? Illustrated throughout with clarifying graphics, Global Weirdness enlarges our understanding of how climate change affects our daily lives, and arms us with the incontrovertible facts we need to make informed decisions about the future of the planet, and of humankind. A breath of fresh air: just the facts, efcient and easy to understand. Scientic American

Produced collectively by scientists and journalists at CliMATe CeNTRAl , a nonprot, nonpartisan science and journalism organization, Global Weirdness was written by emily elert and Michael D. lemonick prior to external scientic peer review; it was reviewed by staff scientists Philip Duffy , Ph.D. (chief scientist), Nicole Heller , Ph.D. (ecosystems and adaptation), Alyson Kenward, Ph.D. (chemistry), eric larson, Ph.D. (energy systems), and Claudia Tebaldi, Ph.D. (climate statistics).

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Stephen Emmott Ten Billion


Every so often, a book completely changes our perception of the problems that we face: Silent Spring, An Inconvenient Truth, and now, Ten Billion. In this shocking call to arms, scientist Stephen Emmott dramatically reveals the dangers of human population growth, clearly and concisely explaining our effects on climate, the environment, and our dwindling resources. Just over two hundred years ago, there were one billion humans on Earth. There are now over seven billion of us. And, sometime this century, the world population will reach at least ten billion. As the population grows, our planets resources will continue to be strained, causing deforestation, desertication, species extinction, global warming, and growing threats to our food and water supply. The only sure way to address these issues is to focus on the burden that each human places on the earth, the better to see how each individual can consume less. Told through diagrams, photos, and graphs to support Emmotts argument, Ten Billion is a snapshot of our planet, and our species, approaching a crisis. Powerful. . . . Compelling. . . . The shift in thinking that will be needed if we are to prepare ourselves for living in a different world begins with reading Emmotts indispensable book.
The Guardian (UK)

VINTAGE | 978-0-345-80647-5 | 224 PAGES | $12.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

This is a book about us. its a book about you, your children, your parents, your friends. its about every one of us. its about our failure: failure as individuals, the failure of business, and the failure of our politicians. its about the unprecedented planetary emergency weve created. its about the future of us. from Ten Billion

A stark, simple and short warning about the coming catastrophe, which [Emmott] feels is inevitable, resulting from human overpopulation and overexploitation of the worlds resources. . . . A valuable contribution to rekindling a discussion on global population that has waxed and waned in the two centuries since Thomas Robert Malthus rst brought the issue to public attention. Financial Times (UK)

STePHeN eMMOTT is the head of Microsoft Researchs Computational Science laboratory in england, which is recognized around the world for its research into novel computational approaches to advance understanding of complex natural systems. This year marks the tenth anniversary of its project to assess the impact of nonhuman biological species on climate change.
Juergen Bauer
For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, M.D., and Kathryn Bowers

The Astonishing Connection Between Human and Animal Health

Winner of the Discover Prize

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-47743-9 | 416 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


[Zoobiquity] will change medicine more than any new machine or drug. Randolph Nesse,
M.D., Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan and author of Why We Get Sick

Inspired by an eye-opening consultation at the Los Angeles Zoo, which revealed that a monkey experienced the same symptoms of heart failure as her human patients, cardiologist Barbara NattersonHorowitz embarked upon a project that would reshape how she practiced medicine. This remarkable medical parallel led NattersonHorowitz to search for other connections between the human and animal worlds, and her ndings were astonishing: Dinosaurs suffered from brain cancer; koalas catch Chlamydia; reindeer seek narcotic escape in hallucinogenic mushrooms; stallions self-mutilate; and gorillas experience clinical depression. Joining forces with science journalist Kathryn Bowers, Natterson-Horowitz employs fascinating case studies and meticulous scholarship to present a revelatory understanding of what animals can teach us about the human body and mind. Both authoritative and accessible, this provocative book encourages us to see our essential connection to all living beings. The connections we share with the rest of life on our planet are a source of beauty and, in NattersonHorowitz and Bowers luminous new account, the inspiration for an emerging and powerful approach to human health. Zoobiquity is a book that explodes barriers and myths all in the purpose of bettering the human condition.
Neil Shubin, author of Your Inner Fish

Illuminating. . . . This very engaging book is difcult to put down. It provides lots of information in an easy-to-understand manner that doesnt feel overwhelming, perhaps because of the liberal use of humor throughout. Reading Zoobiquity gave this reader a totally new perspective on his furred and feathered neighbors.
The Boston Globe


her degrees at Harvard and the University of California, San Francisco. She is a cardiology professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UClA and serves on the medical advisory board of the los Angeles Zoo as a cardiovascular consultant. Her writing has appeared in many scientic and medical publications.

KATHRYN BOWeRS was a staff editor at The Atlantic

Joanna Brooks

and a writer and producer at CNN international. She has edited and written popular and academic books and teaches a course at UClA on medical narrative.

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Joanna Brooks

Adrian Bejan and J. Peder Zane

Design in Nature
How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization

This groundbreaking book takes the recurring patterns in naturetrees, tributaries, air passages, neural networks, and lightning boltsand reveals how a single principle of physics, the Constructal Law, accounts for the evolution of these and all other designs in our world. Written in an easy style that achieves clarity without sacricing complexity, Design in Nature is a paradigm-shifting book that will fundamentally transform our understanding of the world around us. Bejan masterfully uniesunder a deep common lawphysics, chemistry, biology, and even part of the social sciences. His treatment of natural design, ow systems, and complex order as spontaneously arising from ow optimization is novel, powerful, and highly plausible.
Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini, co-author of What Darwin Got Wrong

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-74434-0 | 304 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Presents complex ideas in an understandable context. . . . Source of food for thought. . . . Interesting. . . . Excellent reection on the history of science.
Winnipeg Free Press

Fascinating. . . . By reframing things as ow systems, they reveal how function determines form in everything from corporate hierarchies to Canada geese. Nature After reading this deeply inspiring and liberating book, you will never look at the worldthe whole worldthe same again. It not only helps us to better understand the natural environment, but it has profound implications for how we all need to act if we want to sustain success. This perspective is not just for scientistsit helps to reframe agendas for entrepreneurs, business executives, educators, and policy makers.
John Hagel, co-author of The Power of Pull
Duke University Photography

Design in Nature is an elegant exposition of a unifying principle so simple that it demysties our comprehension of the ow of the universe. An absorbing and thoughtful account of why nature is designed that way it is; Bejan engages the reader from the very rst sentence to last word.
Donald Johanson, Founding Director of the Institute of Human Origins and discoverer of Lucy

ADRiAN BeJAN has pioneered numerous original methods in thermodynamics. He is ranked among the hundred most cited authors in all of engineering by the institute of Scientic information. He was appointed as a full professor of mechanical engineering at Duke University in 1984, and J. A. Jones Distinguished Professor in 1989. J. PeDeR ZANe is an assistant professor of journalism and mass communications at St. Augustines College in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is an award-winning columnist who has worked for the The New York Times and the News & Observer (Raleigh).

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Elle Tyler

Eli Saslow
Ten Letters
The Stories Americans Tell Their President
Every day, President Obama reads ten representative letters from among the thousands he receives from citizens across the land. The letters come from people of all ages, walks of life, and political points of view. Some are heartbreaking, some angry, some hopeful. In this inspiring and powerful look at the issues facing Americans today, reporter Eli Saslow creates vivid portraits of the lives of ten citizens who corresponded with President Obama. Their letters, and the presidents handwritten responses, tell of the personal struggles behind everything from health care to immigration to war. One mother writes to express her fears about the well-being of a son currently deployed in Afghanistan. A young girl in Kentucky shares her frustrations while attending one of the countrys worst schools, and the president relies on her story in his push for education reform. What these ten letters reveal about the relationship between a president and the people he governs is deeply affecting, and what ultimately emerges from within the stories is the incredible endurance and optimism of the American people. Saslow has a feel for the tender spots in these peoples stories. . . . The plainspokenness, decency, and human dignity they display leave a lasting impression.
The Washington Post

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-74255-1 | 304 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

SELECTED BY: University of North Carolina Wilmington; University of Louisville; University of Toledo

A luminous book. . . . Saslow has found his way around the cynicism and superciality of Washington politics to show the profound reallife connections between the White House and the people. David Maraniss, author of Barack
Obama: The Story

eli SASlOW has been a staff writer at The Washington Post since 2004. He covered the 2008 presidential campaign, wrote prole stories about Barack Obama, and then chronicled the presidents life inside the White House. Saslow has won multiple awards for news and feature writing. He lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and daughter .

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Steel Brooks

Barbara Garson
Down the Up Escalator
How the 99% Live

The Great Recession has thrown huge economic challenges at almost all Americans save the superafuent few, and we are only now beginning to see the human toll it is taking. Down the Up Escalator presents a sobering picture of what happens to a society when it becomes economically organized to benet only the very rich and the quick-buck speculators. But it also demonstrates the wit and resilience of ordinary Americansand why they deserve so much better than the hand theyve been dealt. Garson has interviewed an economically and geographically wide variety of Americans to show the painful waste in all this loss and insecurity, and describes how individuals are coping. Her broader historical focus, though, is on the causes and consequences of the long stagnation of wages and how it has resulted in an increasingly desperate reliance on credit and a series of ever-larger bubbles stocks, technology, real estate. An engaging, insightful account of the changes that have swept through an America where good, hardworking people are learning to make do with less money. Los Angeles Times Barbara Garson has written a small masterpiece of wise and alarming reportage about how ordinary Americans are surviving during extraordinarily rotten times. Down the Up Escalator is a necessary antidote to all the blather about freeing banks and investment houses from crippling regulations. Michael Kazin, author of American
Dreamers: How the Left Changed a Nation

DOUBLEDAY | 978-0-385-53274-7 | 288 PAGES | $26.95 eXAM PRiCe $13.50


Barbara Garson knows that the hard times so many people are living through are not just composed of headlines about corporate prots, unemployment rates, and foreclosures, they are composed of human beings. This book is a compassionate, probing, pointillist mural of the Great Recession and of the decades-long erosion of the average Americans economic position that preceded it, all told through the experiences of individual men and women. Adam Hochschild,
author of King Leopolds Ghost

BARBARA GARSON is an award-winning journalist, and

the author of three books, All the livelong Day: The Meaning and Demeaning of Routine Work, The electronic Sweatshop, and most recently Money Makes the World Go Around: One investor Tracks Her Cash Through the Global economy. Her writing has appeared in Harpers, The New York Times, Newsweek, and The Nation. She lives in New York City.
Frank Leonard
For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Raymond Bonner
Anatomy of Injustice
A Murder Case Gone Wrong

Masterful. . . . Eloquent, important, and accessible. . . . The book of the century about the death penalty. The Atlantic Anatomy of Injustice is Pulitzer Prize winner Raymond Bonners moving, suspenseful, and vital contribution to our nations ongoing, increasingly important debate about inequality and the death penalty. In January 1982, an elderly white widow was found brutally murdered in the small town of Greenwood, South Carolina. Police immediately arrested Edward Lee Elmore, a semiliterate, mentally retarded black man with no previous felony record. Although only loosely connected to the victim, Elmore was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. He had been on death row for eleven years when a young attorney named Diana Holt rst learned of his case, and would spend the next decade ghting on Elmores behalf. With the exemplary moral commitment and tenacious investigation that have distinguished his reporting career, Bonner follows Holts battle to save Elmores life and shows us how his case is a textbook example of what can go wrong in the American justice system. He reviews police work, evidence gathering, jury selection, work of courtappointed lawyers, latitude of judges, iniquities in the law, prison informants, and the appeals process. Throughout, the actions and motivations of both unlikely heroes and shameful villains in our justice system are vividly revealed.

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-94854-0 | 336 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Most of us Americans dont have a clue about how the criminal court system really operates and we need a good writer like Bonner to take us through, step by step. But be warned: If you have pressing duties waiting, dont begin reading this book. This is seductive storytelling at its best.
Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking

Accomplished and meticulously researched. . . . Masterful. Bonner builds the story, and his argument, carefully, rarely editorializing, mixing in a prcis of capital punishment in the United States. . . . Bonners book is an important addition to the body of evidence against the death penalty. The Boston Globe

RAYMOND BONNeR practiced law for a decade and

taught at the University of California, Davis, School of law. He later became an investigative reporter and foreign correspondent for The New York Times, where he was a member of a Pulitzer Prizewinning team in 1999. He is the author of Weakness and Deceit: U.S. Policy and el Salvador, which received the Robert F . Kennedy Book Award, and Waltzing with a Dictator: The Marcoses and the Making of American Policy, which received the Cornelius Ryan Award from the Overseas Press Club and the Hillman Prize for Book Journalism.

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Hazel Thompson

Sarah Burns
The Central Park Five
The Untold Story Behind One of New York Citys Most Infamous Crimes

An important cultural document, and unquestionably worth reading. . . . Burnss gripping tale may serve as an allegory for some of the most pressing criminal justice issues of our time.
The New York Times Book Review

On April 20, 1989, the battered body of a woman is discovered in Central Park, and within days, ve black and Latino teenagers confess to her rape and beating. Following a media frenzy and hysterical public reaction, the young men are tried as adults and convicted of rape, despite the fact that the teens quickly recant their inconsistent and inaccurate confessions and that no DNA tests or eyewitness accounts tie any of them to the victim. They serve their complete sentences before another man, serial rapist Matias Reyes, confesses to the crime and is connected to it by DNA testing. Intertwining the stories of these ve young men, the police ofcers, the district attorneys, the victim, and Matias Reyes, Sarah Burns unravels the forces that made both the crime and its prosecution possible. Most dramatically, she gives us a portrait of a city already beset by violence and deepening rifts between races and classes, whose law enforcement, government, social institutions, and media were undermining the very rights of the individuals they were designed to safeguard and protect.

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38798-1 | 272 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Now a documentary from iFC Films, co-directed by Sarah Burns, David McMahon, and Ken Burns.

A controversial and important book. . . . It demonstrates that our justice system is far from fool proof even in the face of alleged confession, eyewitness and forensic evidence. Were these false convictions based on understandable mistakes? Or were they based on racial stereotyping? Read this ne book and make up your own mind.
Alan M. Dershowitz, author of The Trials of Zion

SARAH BURNS graduated from Yale University in 2004

with a degree in American studies and went on to work for Moore & Goodman, a small civil rights law rm based in New York. Burns wrote, directed and produced the Central Park Five documentary along with her father, documentarian Ken Burns and her husband, lmmaker David McMahon. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Michael Lionstar

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For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Dave Eggers A Hologram for the King


National Book Award Finalist

In a rising Saudi Arabian city, far from weary, recession-scarred America, a struggling businessman named Alan Clay pursues a last-ditch attempt to stave off foreclosure, pay his daughters college tuition, and nally do something great. In A Hologram for the King, Dave Eggers takes us around the world to show how one man ghts to hold himself and his splintering family together. A novel poised on the central meridian of our times. . . . Eggers maintains an exquisite balance of irony, empathy, dark humor, and unexpected tenderness in this taut exploration of the ever-increasing price of ordinary survival. A book as heartbreaking as the global economy it explores with such beauty and ferocity. National Book Awards citation A Hologram for the King is not only a portrait of a man in midlife trying desperately to salvage his future. The book is emblematic of what Eggers sees as wrong in America today: the collapse of homegrown industry, the outsourcing of labor, a loss of condence, soured ideals. . . . But [it] isnt a bummeror if it is, its a bummer beautifully enlivened by oddball encounters and oddball characters, by stranger-in-a-strange-land episodes. . . . A Hologram for the King moves forwarda momentum of melancholy and possibility, driven by the meditations and memories of its once-noble American salesman hero. The Philadelphia Inquirer

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-94751-2 | 352 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Eggers understands the pressures of American downward-mobility and in the protagonist of his novel, Alan Clay, has created an everyman, a post-modern Willy Loman. . . . The novel operates on a grand and global scale, but it also is intimate. Chicago Tribune [A] clear, supremely readable parable of America in the global economy that is haunting, beautifully shaped, and sad. . . . A story human enough to draw blood. . . . Groundbreaking.
The New York Times Book Review

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Michelle Quint

DAVe eGGeRS is the author of six previous books, including Zeitoun, winner of the American Book Award and the Dayton literary Peace Prize. eggers is the founder and editor of McSweeneys, an independent publishing house based in San Francisco that produces a quarterly journal, a monthly magazine, The Believer, and an oral history series, Voice of Witness. in 2002, with Nnive Calegari he co-founded 826 Valencia, a nonprot writing and tutoring center for youth in the Mission District of San Francisco.

Toni Morrison Home


Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison extends her profound take on our history with this twentiethcentury tale of redemption. When Frank Money joined the army to escape his too-small world, he left behind his cherished and fragile little sister, Cee. After the Korean War, his shattered life has no purpose until he hears that Cee is in danger. Frank is a modern Odysseus returning to a 1950s America mined with lethal pitfalls for an unwary black man. As he journeys to his native Georgia in search of Cee, it becomes clear that their troubles began well before their wartime separation. Together, they return to their rural hometown of Lotus, where buried secrets are unearthed and where Frank learns at last what it means to be a man, what it takes to heal, andabove allwhat it means to come home. Haunting. . . . [Morrison] maps the day-to-day lives of her characters with lyrical precision. . . . Home encapsulates all the themes that have fueled her ction, from the early novels Sula and The Bluest Eye, through her dazzling masterwork, Beloved.
The New York Times

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-74091-5 | 160 PAGES | $14.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

SELECTED BY: University of North Carolinia Chapel Hill; United States Military Academy

Perhaps Morrisons most lyrical performance to date. . . . Home has a sparer, faster pace than earlier Morrison novels like Beloved or Jazz, as though a drumbeat is steadily intensifying in the background and the storyteller has to keep up.
The New York Review of Books

A short, swift, and luminescent book. . . . A remarkable thing: proof that Toni Morrison is at once Americas most deliberate and exible writer. She has almost entirely retooled her style to tell a story that demands speed, brevity, the treat of a looming curtain call. . . . There is no novelist alive who has captured the beauty and democracy of the American vernacular so well.
The Boston Globe

TONi MORRiSON is the author of ten novels, including The Bluest eye (1970) and A Mercy (2008). She has received the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize. in 1993 she was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature. She lives in New York.
Michael Lionstar
For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

S O C i e T Y

Avi Steinberg
Running the Books
The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian
While Avi Steinbergs classmates advance in the world, he remains stuck at a crossroads, unable to meet the lofty expectations of his Orthodox Jewish upbringing. Seeking direction, Steinberg takes a job as a librarian in a tough Boston prison. Running the Books is a trenchant exploration of prison culture and an entertaining tale of one young mans earnest attempt to nd his place in the world. Hilarious enough to make you want to read its lines to anyone who happens to be around, and profound enough to have you care deeply about many of the men and women whose crimes have brought them to Bostons Suffolk County House of Correction.
San Francisco Chronicle

ANCHOR | 978-0-7679-3131-1 | 416 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Heartbreaking and entertaining. . . . Steinbergs compassion for those he mentored clearly comes through. Yet, this is far from a preachy memoir on prison reform. Its a young mans blundering, but touching, journey to nd a place in the world. Fortunately, he makes us laughand sometimes cryin the process.
The Seattle Times


David K. Shipler
The Working Poor
Invisible in America
A powerful, humane study of American families struggling against insurmountable odds to escape poverty and take part in the American dream. The working poor ought to be an oxymoron, because no one who works should be impoverished. In this thoughtful assessment of poverty in twenty-rst-century America, David Shipler shows why so many working Americans remain poor, and offers a powerful guide for how to resuscitate the American dream.
Robert B. Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor and author of Aftershock

This is one of those seminal books that every American should read and read now.
The New York Times Book Review
SELECTED BY: Alaska Pacific University; Carleton College; Case Western Reserve University; Community College of Baltimore County; Indiana University Southeast; Joliet Junior College; Lafayette College; Ohio State University Mansfield; Presbyterian College; Roger Williams University; University of Alaska Anchorage; University of Arkansas; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of New Mexico; University of North Texas

VINTAGE | 978-0-375-70821-3 | 352 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Christopher McDougall
Born to Run
A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
Isolated by Mexicos deadly Copper Canyons, the blissful Tarahumara Indians have honed the ability to run hundreds of miles without rest or injury. In this riveting narrative, journalist Christopher McDougall sets out to discover their secrets and mans history as runnerfrom prehistoric persistence hunting to modern-day ultra-marathons. In the process, he takes his readers from science labs at Harvard to sun-baked valleys and freezing peaks across North America, where ever-growing numbers of ultra-runners are pushing their bodies to the limit, and, nally, to a climactic race in the Copper Canyons that pits Americas best ultrarunners against the tribe. Compelling. . . . [McDougall] uses an extended portrait of one of the worlds least-known cultures, the Tarahumara Indians of Mexicos Copper Canyons, to put modern American running under an exacting magnifying glass. San Francisco Chronicle The book is wonderful. Its funny, insightful, captivating, and a great and beautiful discovery. There are lessons here that translate to realms beyond running. The book inspires anyone who seeks to live more fully.
Lynne Cox, author of Open Water Swimming Manual

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-27918-7 | 304 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

SELECTED BY: Appalachian State University; Bowling Green State University; Millburn High School (NJ); Monmouth University

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

Daniel L. Everett
Dont Sleep, There Are Snakes
Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle
Part passionate memoir, part scientic exploration, Everetts life-changing tale is a riveting look into the nature of language, thought, and life itself. Daniel Everett arrived among the Pirah with his wife and three young children hoping to convert the small tribe of Amazonian Indians to Christianity. Everett quickly became obsessed with their language and its cultural and linguistic implications, becoming so impressed with their peaceful way of life that he instead devoted his life to the science of linguistics. Genuine and engrossing. . . . Sharp and intuitive. . . . Impossible to forget. Sacramento Book Review Absorbing. . . . Shares its authors best traits: perseverance, insight, humor, and humility. Both the Pirahs and their interpreter make splendid company.
The Plain Dealer
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38612-0 | 320 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

SELECTED BY: Belmont University; Wilfrid-Laurier University (Canada)

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Josh Neufeld
New Orleans After the Deluge
A.D. is a masterful portrait of a city under siege. Cartoonist Josh Neufeld depicts seven extraordinary true stories of survival in the days leading up to and following Hurricane Katrina. As beautiful as it is poignant, A.D. presents a city in chaos and shines a bright, profoundly human light on the tragedies and triumphs that took place within it. A.D. is one of the best-ever examples of comics reportage, and one of the clearest portraits of post-Katrina New Orleans yet published. An essential addition to the ongoing conversation about what Katrina means, and what New Orleans means. Dave Eggers, author
of Zeitoun and What Is the What

PANTHEON | 978-0-375-71488-7 | 208 PAGES | $16.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

SELECTED BY: SUNY Brockport; St. Edwards University; University of Wisconsin Madison; Washington State University Vancouver

Josh Neufeld is a master storyteller. A.D. is intimate and yet seismic in its scope. Through six nely drawn lives, we end up with new understanding of both devastation and redemption. His art takes us to the depth of the humanity of those we cherish.
Cornel West, author of Race Matters

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

Dave Eggers Zeitoun

From critically acclaimed author Dave Eggers comes the harrowing story of Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun in the days leading up to and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Fifty years from now, when people want to know what happened to this once-great city during a shameful episode of our history, they will still be talking about a family named Zeitoun.
Timothy Egan, The New York Times Book Review

Zeitoun offers a transformative experience to anyone open to it, for the simple reasons that it is . . . an adventure story, a tale of suffering and redemption, almost biblical in its simplicity, the trials of a good man who believes in God and happens to have a canoe. Anyone who cares about America, where it is going and where it almost went, before it caught itself, will want to read this thrilling, heartbreaking, wonderful book. Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times
SELECTED BY 58 SCHOOLS INCLUDING: California State University Chico; Emmanuel College; Kansas State University; Michigan State University; North Central College; Northeastern University; Southern Methodist University; Tufts University; University of Missouri; University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; University of Iowa; Wallace State Community College; Wright State University
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38794-3 | 368 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Lucas Mann
Class A
Baseball in the Middle of Everywhere

An unforgettable chronicle of a year of minor-league baseball in a small Iowa town that follows not only the travails of the players of the Clinton Lumber Kings but also the lives of the teams dedicated fans and of the fading town itself. Part sports story, part sociological inquiry, part memoir, Class A is a moving and unique study of American life. Its Manns knowledge of and affection for people that truly resonates. And what elevates Class A beyond being just an entertaining and poignant work of narrative nonction is the books most winning character Mann himself. As a writer and observer, he is patient, sympathetic to a fault, optimistic in spite of himself, and, despite his gifts, impressively unassuming.
Adam Langer, The Boston Globe

Class A is unapologetically intimatea deeply compassionate, blessedly unrelenting, and sometimes uncomfortably insightful portrait of a town and a team that might have too much invested in one another. Lucas Mann beautifully blends reportage and lyricism to create a story of vibrant consequence.
John DAgata, author of About a Mountain

PANTHEON | 978-0-307-90754-7 | 336 PAGES | $26.95 eXAM PRiCe $13.50


Jim Yardley
Brave Dragons
A Chinese Basketball Team, an American Coach, and Two Cultures Clashing

Former New York Times Beijing bureau chief Jim Yardley tells the wonderfully original story of a struggling Chinese basketball team and its quixotic attempt to right its fortunes by hiring a former NBA coach. What follows is a season of cultural misunderstanding that transcends sports and reveals Chinas ambivalent relationship with the West. Rollicking. . . . Lively and often hilarious. . . . Yardleys tale resonates far beyond sports. . . . He manages to capture, in touchingly human detail, the essence of a nation in transition. The Washington Post Brave Dragons has all the ingredients of a farce: larger-than-life characters, sudden plot twists, and dont-let-the-door-hit-you-on-the-way-out moments. But Jim Yardley sees the bigger picture: In many ways, basketball is a metaphor for the emergence of China as an economic power and its relationship with the rest of the world. The Seattle Times

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-47336-3 | 336 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit


Jaron Lanier
You Are Not a Gadget
A Manifesto
Among the rst to predict the revolutionary changes the World Wide Web would bring to commerce and culture, Jaron Lanier takes a provocative and cautionary look at the way the Internet is transforming our lives for better and for worse. He offers insight on everything from the origins of the Internets structure to its effects on our nancial markets and social networking. A provocative and sure-to-be-controversial book. . . . Lucid, powerful, and persuasive. It is necessary reading for anyone interested in how the Web and the software we use every day are reshaping culture and the marketplace.
Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times Book Review

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38997-8 | 240 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

At the bottom of Laniers cyber-tinkering is a fundamentally humanist faith in technology, a belief that wisely designed machines can bring us closer together by expanding the possibilities of creative self-expression.
Ben Ehrenreich, Los Angeles Times


SELECTED BY: Indiana University Southeast; Lane Community College; University of California, Santa CruzCrown College

Brian Christian
The Most Human Human
What Articial Intelligence Teaches Us About Being Alive
A provocative, exuberant, and profound exploration of the ways in which computers are reshaping our ideas of what it means to be human. The Most Human Human is immensely ambitious and bold, intellectually provocative, while at the same time entertaining and wittya delightful book about how to live a meaningful, thriving life.
Alan Lightman, author of Einsteins Dreams

A book exploring the wild frontiers of chat-bots is appealing enough; I never expected to discover in its pages such an eye-opening inquest into human imagination, thought, conversation, love, and deception. Who would have guessed that the best way to understand humanity was to study its imitators?
David Eagleman, author of Sum

Machines are getting so smart that it forces us to take a completely fresh look at what smart is, and at what human is. Brian Christian takes on this very weighty task, and somehow makes it fun.
David Shenk, author of The Genius in All of Us

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-47670-8 | 320 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Neil Shubin
The Universe Within
The Deep History of the Human Body


In The Universe Within, Neil Shubin reveals the connection between the evolution of the cosmos and the evolution of the human body. With Shubins trademark clarity and exuberance, he takes an expansive approach to the question of why we are the way we are. Starting with fossils, he turns his gaze skyward to show how the entirety of the universes 14-billion-year history can be seen in our bodies. As he moves through our very molecular composition, Shubin shows how the evolution of the cosmos has had profound effects on the development of human life on earth. What is special about the book is its sweep, its scope, its panoramahow physics, biology, geology, chemistry, and seemingly every other science are brought to bear on the most intricate details of human life.
The Wall Street Journal
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-47327-1 | 240 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Neil Shubin
Your Inner Fish
A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body
Neil Shubin, a leading paleontologist and professor of anatomy who discovered Tiktaalikthe missing link that made headlines around the world in April 2006tells the story of evolution by tracing the organs of the human body back millions of years, long before the rst creatures walked the earth. By examining fossils and DNA, Shubin shows us that our hands actually resemble sh ns, our head is organized like that of a long-extinct jawless sh, and major parts of our genome look and function like those of worms and bacteria. Your Inner Fish is science writing at its nestenlightening, accessible, and told with irresistible enthusiasm. An entertaining and original book. Cleverly weaving together adventures in paleontology with very accessible science, Neil Shubin reveals the many surprising deep connections between our anatomy and those of sh, reptiles, and other creatures. You will never look at your body in the same way again.
Sean B. Carroll, author of The Making of the Fittest

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-27745-9 | 256 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


SELECTED BY: Penn State Brandywine; Skidmore College; University of Montana; University of Pennsylvania

look for the upcoming three-part series

Your inner Fish on PBS in April 2014.

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m
For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

S P e C U l A T i V e

Yasutaka Tsutsui
Translated by Andrew Driver

F i C T i O N
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38918-3 | 352 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

When prototype models of a dream-invading device go missing at the Institute for Psychiatric Research, it transpires that someone is using them to drive people insane. Threatened both personally and professionally, brilliant psychotherapist Atsuko Chiba has to journey into the world of fantasy to ght her mysterious opponents. As she delves ever deeper into the imagination, the borderline between dream and reality becomes increasingly blurred, and nightmares begin to leak into the everyday realm. The scene is set for a nal showdown between the dream detective and her enemies, with the subconscious as their battleground, and the future of the waking world at stake. Yasutaka Tsutsui is the doyen of avant-garde Japanese writers. His work is by turns innovative, thought-provoking andnot leastextremely entertaining. The Independent (UK)

Margaret Atwood The Year of the Flood

Set in a visionary future, The Year of the Flood is at once a tale of lasting friendship and a landmark work of speculative ction. By turns dark, tender, violent, and thoughtful, the book portrays the aftermath of a long-predicted natural disaster that leaves the earth in ruins and a handful of survivors to navigate this strange new world. Leave it to Atwood to nd humor in a postapocalyptic world as she covertly, and brilliantly, addresses questions of how we need to live on an imperiled planet. Kansas City Star Atwood is funny and clever, such a good writer and real thinker. . . . The Year of the Flood isnt prophecy, but it is eerily possible.
The New York Times Book Review
ANCHOR | 978-0-307-45547-5 | 448 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Colson Whitehead Zone One

At once a chilling horror story and a literary novel by a contemporary master, Zone One is a dazzling portrait of modern civilization in all its wretched, shambling glory. [Zone One] resembles Cormac McCarthys The Road. . . . An intense meditation on the way we cope with disaster and the stubborn, often inexplicable, persistence of the human will to survive.
Minneapolis Star Tribune

A zombie story with brains. . . . [Whitehead is a] certiably hip writer who can spin gore into macabre poetry. The Washington Post Uniquely affecting. . . . A rich mix of wartime satire and darkly funny social commentary. . . . Whether charged with bleak sadness or bone-dry humor, sentences worth savoring pile up faster than the body count. Los Angeles Times
ANCHOR | 978-0-307-45517-8 | 336 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


SELECTED BY: Austin College

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Kazuo Ishiguro Never Let Me Go

From the Booker Prizewinning author Kazuo Ishiguro comes a devastating novel of innocence, knowledge, and loss. As children, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy were students at Hailsham, an exclusive boarding school in the English countryside. Years later, with the dawning clarity of hindsight, the three friends are compelled to face the truth about their childhoodand about their lives now. A gothic tour de force. . . . What Mr. Ishiguro has done so artfully in these pages is not only assemble a chilling jigsaw puzzle, but also create a distinct ctional world. Michiko Kakutani, The New York
Times Book Review
SELECTED BY: Augustana College; California State University Chico; Florida State University; Juniata College; Lehigh University; Middlebury College; Murray State University; Pomona College; Rider University; Spokane Community College; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; University of Minnesota Twin Cities; University of North Carolina Wilmington; University of South Carolina

VINTAGE | 978-1-4000-7877-6 | 304 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Peter Heller The Dog Stars


Alan Lightman Mr g
A Novel About the Creation
From Alan Lightman, author of Einsteins Dreams comes a playful and profound novel that combines science, theology, and moral philosophy to tell the story of creation as narrated by Goda stunningly imaginative work that celebrates the tragic and joyous nature of existence on the grandest possible scale. A charming, comic explanation of how The Maker might have created the cosmos. . . . If your philosophy allows for the possibility that science and faith in a creator can coexist, youll enjoy this clever and witty creation. The Boston Globe A scientic vision laced with the mirthful aura of divinity. . . . Aglow with wonder.
The Washington Post

A riveting, powerful novel about a pilot living in a world lled with loss and what he is willing to risk to rediscover, against all odds, connection, love, and grace. [A] ravishing doomsday novel. . . . There are moments of unexpected happiness, of real human interaction, infused with love and hope, like the twinkling of a star we might wish upon, which makes this end-of-the-world novel more like a rapturous beginning. San Francisco Chronicle An elegy for a lost world turns suddenly into a paean to new possibilities. In The Dog Stars, Peter Heller serves up an insightful account of physical, mental, and spiritual survival unfolded in dramatic and often lyrical prose.
The Boston Globe
SELECTED BY: Muir College at University of California, San Diego
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-95047-5 | 336 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

A cosmic wink at the innite loop of creativity and mystery. The Miami Herald
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-74485-2 | 224 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m
For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit


Julie Otsuka When the Emperor Was Divine

Julie Otsukas commanding debut novel paints a portrait of the Japanese internment camps unlike any we have ever seen. With crystalline intensity and precision, Otsuka uses a single family to evoke the deracinationboth physical and emotionalof a generation of Japanese Americans. In ve chapters, each awlessly executed from a different point of view she has created a small tour de force, a novel of unrelenting economy and suppressed emotion. Exceptional. . . . Otsuka skillfully dramatizes a world suddenly foreign. . . . [Her] incantatory, unsentimental prose is the books greatest strength. The New Yorker
SELECTED BY 40 SCHOOLS INCLUDING: Brandeis University; Cornell University; Graceland University; Gustavus Adolphus College; Loyola College in Maryland; New York Institute of Technology; Saint Louis University; St. Marys College of Maryland; Temple University; University of Southern Illinois Edwardsville
ANCHOR | 978-0-385-72181-3 | 160 PAGES | $12.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

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Ayana Mathis The Twelve Tribes of Hattie


In this indelible encounter with the driving force of the American dream Ayana Mathis tells the story of the children of the Great Migration through the trials of one unforgettable family. Mathis never loses touch with the geography and the changing national culture through which her characters move. The Twelve Tribes of Hattie is infused with African Americans conicted attitudes about the North and the South during the Great Migration. . . . In the long family arc that Mathis describes, the painful life of one remarkably resilient woman is placed against the hopes and struggles of millions of African Americans who held this nation to its promise.
The Washington Post

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-94970-7 | 320 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Raw and intimate. . . . A brutal and poetic allegory of a family beset by tribulations. . . . Mathis tempers the more operatic elements with tenderness and knowing glimpses into the human heart struggling to love. . . . Deeply felt.
Isabel Wilkerson, The New York Times Book Review

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

n e a b ig r e a d
is a program of the National endowment for the Arts, designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The initiative includes innovative reading programs, providing comprehensive resources for discussing classic literature as well as an extensive website with information on authors and their works. Communities applying must select from the Big Read reading choices. Organizations selected to participate will receive a grant, access to online training resources and opportunities, educational and promotional materials, and an Organizers Guide for developing and managing Big Read activities. Communities may apply for matching grants ranging from $2,500 to $20,000. Grant funds may be used for such expenses as book purchases, speaker fees, and travel, salaries, advertising, and venue rental. For more information go to:
W W W. N e A B i G R e A D. O R G .

Ernest J. Gaines A Lesson Before Dying

Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction

We did use A Lesson Before Dying at UNCG as part of our All Freshman Read program that we do each fall. This novel was very well received by both the teachers and the students. It is a story that is set in the 1940s, but easily translates to today. Many of us used it as a springboard for discussions and writing assignments about race, capital punishment, the judicial system, prisons, the South, gender, and relationships, literacies, and family ties. Jackie Grutsch McKinney, Director of Composition, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
SELECTED BY 27 SCHOOLS INCLUDING: Baylor University; Champlain College; Clemson University; Georgetown University; Howard University; LaGuardia Community College; Saint Josephs University; Texas A&M University; Troy University; Xavier University
VINTAGE | 978-0-375-70270-9 | 272 PAGES | $13.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


Naguib Mahfouz
The Thief and the Dogs
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature

Translated by Trevor Le Gassick and M. M. Badawi

Naguib Mahfouzs haunting novella of post-revolutionary Egypt combines a vivid psychological portrait of an anguished man with the suspense and rapid pace of a detective story. After four years in prison, the skilled young thief Said Mahran emerges bent on revenge. But he nds that Egypt has undergone a revolution and, on a more personal level, his beloved wife and his trusted henchman, who conspired to betray him to the police, are now married to each other and are keeping his six-year-old daughter from him. As Saids wild attempts to achieve his idea of justice badly misre, he becomes a hunted man, driven by hatred.

ANCHOR | 978-0-385-26462-4 | 160 PAGES | $14.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Americanah


From the award-winning author of Half of a Yellow Sun, a powerful new novel: a story of love and race centered around a young woman and man from Nigeria who face difcult choices and challenges in the countries they come to call home. Spanning three continents and numerous lives, Americanah is a richly told story set in todays globalized world. Adichie is an extraordinarily self-aware thinker and writer. . . . Americanah [is] a deep-seated discussion of race [that is] also a steady-handed dissection of the universal human experience. Trenchant and hugely empathetic, both worldly and geographically precise, [it] holds the realities of our times fearlessly before us, [and] never feels false.
The New York Times Book Review

KNOPF | 978-0-307-27108-2 | 496 PAGES | $26.95 eXAM PRiCe $13.50


Whats as American as the invention of race? Selfinvention. So we are reminded by Adichies engaging third novel . . . Adichie is uniquely positioned to compare racial hierarchies in the United States to social striving in her native Nigeria. She does so in this new work with a ruthless honesty about the ugly and beautiful sides of both nations.
The Washington Post

Mark Haddon The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Narrated by a fteen-year-old autistic savant obsessed with Sherlock Holmes, this dazzling novel weaves together an old-fashioned mystery, a contemporary coming-of-age story, and a fascinating excursion into a mind incapable of processing emotions. At fteen, Christophers carefully constructed world falls apart when he nds his neighbors dog, Wellington, impaled on a pitchfork, and he is initially blamed for the killing. Christopher decides that he will track down the real killer, and turns to his favorite ctional character, the impeccably logical Sherlock Holmes, for inspiration. Moving. . . . Think of The Sound and the Fury crossed with The Catcher in the Rye and one of Oliver Sackss real-life stories.
Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times
SELECTED BY 54 SCHOOLS INCLUDING: Arcadia University; California State University Northridge; Edgewood College; Hiram College; Idaho State University; Illinois Wesleyan University; Nebraska Methodist College; Pace University; SUNY Brockport; University of Tennessee

VINTAGE | 978-1-4000-3271-6 | 240 PAGES | $14.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Jonathan Odell The Healing

The pre-Civil War South comes brilliantly to life in this warmhearted novel about unbreakable bonds and the power of story to heal the body, the spirit and the soul. Compelling, tragic, comic, tender and mystical. . . . Combines the historical signicance of Kathryn Stocketts The Help with the wisdom of Toni Morrisons Beloved. Minneapolis Star-Tribune When the young slave Granada Sattereld reluctantly undertakes a quest to recover her own identity, she nds that she must begin by seeking the answers to two questions: Who are my people and what are their stories? . . . A lyrical parable, rich with historical detail and uninching in the face of disturbing facts.
Valerie Martin, author of Property

A terric novel that will take its place in the distinguished pantheon of Southern ction.
Pat Conroy, author of The Prince of Tides
ANCHOR | 978-0-307-74456-2 | 352 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Edwidge Danticat Claire of the Sea Light


Told with piercing lyricism and the economy of a fable, Claire of the Sea Light is a tightly woven, breathtaking tapestry that reveals the mysterious bonds we share with the natural world and with one another. In Danticats luminous new novel, the search for [a] missing seven year-old girl serves as a way of reexamining what we overlook and undervalue in life. Set on a single day, Danticat tells the story through a kaleidoscope of perspectives that illuminate life in the island nation where the roles of ex-pats, gangs, radio journalists and shopkeepers crisscross the landscape. . . . A remarkably well-plotted combination of mystery and social critique. Amy Driscoll, Miami Herald Claire of the Sea Light [is] a collection of episodes that build on one another, enriching our understanding of a small Haitian town and the complicated community of poor and wealthy, young and old, who call it home. From the rst page to the last covers only a single day, but Danticat dips into the past to illuminate the recurring coincidence of life and death among these people.
The Washington Post Book World

KNOPF | 978-0-307-27179-2 | 256 PAGES | $25.95 eXAM PRiCe $13.00

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

e X T R A O R D i N A R Y

Dave Eggers What Is the What

What Is the What is the epic novel based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, who, along with thousands of other childrenthe so-called Lost Boys was forced to leave his village in Sudan at the age of seven and trek hundreds of miles by foot, pursued by militias, government bombers, and wild animals, crossing the deserts of three countries to nd freedom. When he is nally resettled in the United States, he nds a life full of promise but also heartache and myriad new challenges. Moving, suspenseful, and unexpectedly funny, What Is the What is an astonishing novel that illuminates the lives of millions through one extraordinary man. Told with humor, humanity, and bottomless compassion for his subject. . . . It is impossible to read this book and not be humbled, enlightened, transformed.
Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38590-1 | 560 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

J O U R N e Y S

A testament to the triumph of hope over experience, human resilience over tragedy and disaster.
Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times

SELECTED BY: Champlain College; Duke University; Eckerd College; Macalester College; Miami University; Ohio State University; University of Maine; University of Maryland; University of Tampa; University of Texas Tyler; West Texas A&M; Whittier College

Fabio Geda
In the Sea There Are Crocodiles
Based on the True Story of Enaiatollah Akbari
Translated by Howard Curtis

In early 2002, Enaiatollah Akbaris village fell prey to the Taliban. His mother, fearing for his life, led him across the border. So began Enaiats remarkable and often punishing ve-year ordeal trekking across bitterly cold mountains, riding in the suffocating false bottom of a truck, steering an inatable raft in violent watersthrough Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, and Greece, before he eventually sought political asylum in Italy, all before he turned fteen years old. Extraordinary. . . . A gripping, strangely sweet tale. . . . Reading of Akbaris efforts to nd a better life alone and at an age when children in our country cant even drive yetwill leave you shaken, but his resilient joy leavens the story. The Washington Post Its sobering and heart lifting to see the stoical determination and achievement of someone who makes our world look like paradise. This little gem, beautifully and unobtrusively translated, will raise tears of sorrow and joy. The Independent (UK)

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-74382-4 | 224 PAGES | $14.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

SELECTED BY: Brookhaven College

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Wangari Maathai
A Memoir
The winner of the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize recounts her life as a political activist, feminist, and environmentalist in Kenya. Maathais Green Belt Movement has shown the world that good governance and the wise use of resources can bring peace and create sustainable surroundings free from fear, famine, and drought. Maathai tells her remarkable story with characteristic simplicity, generosity, and strength of spirit. Wangari Maathais memoir is direct, honest, and beautifully writtena gripping account of modern Africas trials and triumphs, a universal story of courage, persistence, and success against great odds in a noble cause. President Bill Clinton [Maathais] story provides uplifting proof of the power of perseveranceand of the power of principled, passionate people to change their countries and inspire the world. The Washington Post
SELECTED BY: CUNY Lehman College; Meredith College; Mississippi State University; Pace University; Richard Stockton College of New Jersey; Salem College

M e M O i R

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-27520-2 | 368 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


Marjane Satrapi The Complete Persepolis

Persepolis is the story of Satrapis unforgettable childhood and coming of age within a large and loving family in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution, of the contradictions between private life and public life in a country plagued by political upheaval, of her high school years in Vienna facing the trials of adolescence far from her family, of her homecomingboth sweet and terribleand, nally, of her self-imposed exile from her beloved homeland. It is the chronicle of a girlhood and adolescence at once outrageous and familiar, a young life entwined with the history of her country yet lled with the universal trials and joys of growing up. Youve never seen anything like Persepolisthe intimacy of a memoir, the irresistibility of a comic book, and the political depth of the conict between fundamentalism and democracy. Marjane Satrapi may have given us a new genre. Gloria Steinem
PANTHEON | 978-0-375-71483-2 | 352 PAGES | $24.95 SPeCiAl eXAM PRiCe $3.00


SELECTED BY 84 SCHOOLS INCLUDING: Agnes Scott College; Carleton College; California State University Los Angeles; Georgia College & State University; Murray State University; New York University; University of California Santa Cruz; University of Connecticut; University of Wisconsin Milwaukee; Wheaton College

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit


Brian Castner
The Long Walk
A Story of War and the Life That Follows



Brian Castner served two tours of duty in Iraq as the head of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit, often making the long walk to disarm a bomb by hand when robots and other remote means failed. This lethal game of cat and mouse was, and continues to be, the real battle within Americas wars in the Middle East. This thrilling, stunningly honest book is an uninching portrayal of the toll war exacts on the men and women who are ghting it, and alternates between two harrowing realities: the terror, excitement, and camaraderie of combat, and the lonely battle against the unshakeable fear, anxiety, and survivor guilt that Castnerlike so many veteranscarries inside. Castners book maps out this new and sorrowful territory with the skill and focus of someone who has had to defuse a bomb inside his own body.
ANCHOR | 978-0-307-95087-1 | 240 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Minneapolis Star Tribune

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

The enduring treachery of memory . . . remains the real, unnished story of The Long Walk. It takes as much courage for Castner to confront that memory as it does to face an active fuse.
The New York Times Book Review

Richard Wiseman
59 Seconds
Change Your Life in Under a Minute
From mood to memory, persuasion to procrastination, resilience to relationships, Wiseman outlines the research supporting the new science of rapid change and, with clarity and infectious enthusiasm, describes how these quirky, sometimes counterintuitive techniques can be effortlessly incorporated into students lives every day. Richard Wiseman has distilled decades of experiment, theory and analysis in behavioral science into 59 Seconds. The result of his labors is a witty, scientically accurate, and astonishingly powerful owners manual for the human brain.
Neil Shubin, author of Your Inner Fish

Wiseman is a brilliant name for a psychologist, and this book proves the professor is not misnamed. . . . [59 Seconds] contains dozens of fascinating and useful nuggets, and they all have science on their side. The Independent (UK)

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-47486-5 | 336 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Leonard Mlodinow
How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

An eye-opening examination of how the unconscious mind shapes our experience of the world. Leonard Mlodinow, explores the complexities of the subliminal self, increasing our understanding of how the human mind works and how we interact with friends, strangers, spouses, and coworkers. In the process he changes our view of ourselves and the world around us. With the same deft touch he showed in The Drunkards Walk, Mlodinow probes the subtle, automatic and often unnoticed inuences on our behavior.
Daniel J. Simons, professor of psychology, University of Illinois

Mlodinow plunges into the realm of the unconscious mind accompanied by the latest scientic research . . . [with] plenty of his trademark humor.
Los Angeles Times

Mlodinow never fails to make science both accessible and entertaining.

Stephen Hawking, author of A Brief History of Time

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-47225-0 | 272 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe 3.00

David Eagleman
The Secret Lives of the Brain
In this sparkling and provocative book, the renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman navigates the depths of the subconscious brain to illuminate surprising mysteries: Why can your foot move halfway to the brake pedal before you become consciously aware of danger ahead? Why do you hear your name being mentioned in a conversation that you didnt think you were listening to? Why is it so difcult to keep a secret? Taking in brain damage, plane spotting, dating, drugs, beauty, indelity, synesthesia, criminal law, articial intelligence, and visual illusions, Incognito is a thrilling subsurface exploration of the mind and all its contradictions. Although Incognito is fast-paced, mind-bending stuff, its a book for regular folks. Eagleman does a brilliant job rening heavy science into a compelling read. He is a gifted writer. Houston Chronicle
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-38992-3 | 304 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


Incognito reads like a series of fascinating vignettes, offering plenty of pauses for self-reection. Eaglemans anecdotes are funny and easily tie to the concepts he explains. Spectrum Culture

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

i N S P i R A T i O N A l
KNOPF | 978-0-394-40428-8 | 128 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Kahlil Gibran The Prophet

The Prophet is a collection of poetic essays that are philosophical, spiritual, and, above all, inspirational. Gibrans musings are divided into twentyeight chapters covering such sprawling topics as love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, work, joy and sorrow, housing, clothes, buying and selling, crime and punishment, laws, freedom, reason and passion, pain, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, talking, time, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, religion, and death. Each essay reveals deep insights into the impulses of the human heart and mind.

in spring 2014, The Prophet will be interpreted as an animated lm, starring liam Neeson, Salma Hayek and John Krasinski

Karen Armstrong Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life

One of the most original thinkers on the role of religion in the modern worldauthor of such acclaimed books as A History of God, Islam, and Buddhagives us an impassioned and practical book that can help us make the world a more compassionate place. In this straightforward and thought-provoking book, Karen Armstrong sets out a program that can lead students toward a more compassionate life, teaching them that becoming a compassionate human being is a lifelong project and a journey lled with rewards. Rich with wisdom and provocative ideas that stimulate deeper thinking and encourage individuals to identify a particular contribution to the global effort. . . . Chock-full of practical ideas for examining ones life and modifying aims and behaviors.
The Christian Science Monitor

Leaning on the wisdom of disparate faiths and belief systems, Armstrong lays out a pluralistic and, ultimately, secular way to spread compassion thats easy to believe in. The Washington Post

ANCHOR | 978-0-307-74288-9 | 240 PAGES | $14.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Mark Matousek
Ethical Wisdom
The Search for a Moral Life
In this insightful and important book, Mark Matousek examines a question that has plagued humanity since the days of the rst primitive tribes: What makes one man good and another evil? Drawing on the latest scientic research and interviews with social scientists, spiritual leaders, ex-cons, altruists, and philosophers, Mark Matousek examines morality from a scientic, sociological, and anthropological standpoint, making this book both utilitarian and fun. Mark Matousek guides us through a revolution in ethical science with deft, thought-provoking style. Ethical Wisdom is a riveting, fun, and insightful tour of lifes meaning and purpose, essential reading for anyone drawn to the query, How ought we to live?
Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence

Ethical Wisdom is a beautiful work. Bringing together the best of todays scientic research with a plainspoken forthrightness, Ethical Wisdom does what few books of this type can do: it inspires.
Mark Epstein, M.D., author of Thoughts Without a Thinker

ANCHOR | 978-0-7679-3068-0 | 272 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


George Prochnik
In Pursuit of Silence
Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise
In Pursuit of Silence gives context to our increasingly desperate sense that noise pollution is, in a very real way, an environmental catastrophe. Listening to doctors, neuroscientists, acoustical engineers, monks, activists, educators, marketers, and aggrieved citizens, George Prochnik examines why we began to be so loud as a society, and what it is that gets lost when we can no longer nd quiet. A brilliant, far-reaching exploration of the frontiers of noise and silence, and the growing war between them, In Pursuit of Silence is an important book that shows us the benets of decluttering our sonic world. George Prochnik has gifted us with an impassioned, searching meditation on the antique virtues of silence, the evolving natural history of our most overtaxed sense, the etiology of sound in the modern world and the discrete joys of earbud-free listening.
ANCHOR | 978-0-7679-3121-2 | 352 PAGES | $15.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

Tom Vanderbilt, author of Trafc


[A] genial and informative study of the noisiness of modern life. The New Republic

SELECTED BY: Fairmont State University; Hawaii Pacific University

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

H i S T O R Y

Isabel Wilkerson
The Warmth of Other Suns
The Epic Story of Americas Great Migration
Winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonction

In this beautifully written masterwork, Pulitzer Prize winning author Isabel Wilkerson chronicles the decades-long migration of black citizens who ed the South for northern and western cities, in search of a better life. With stunning historical detail, Wilkerson tells this story through the lives of three unique individuals. [A] deeply affecting, nely crafted and heroic book. . . . Wilkerson has taken on one of the most important demographic upheavals of the past century . . . and told it through the lives of three people no one has ever heard of. . . . What Wilkerson urges, nally, isnt argument at all; its compassion. The New Yorker Told in a voice that echoes the magic cadences of Toni Morrison or the folk wisdom of Zora Neale Hurstons collected oral histories, Wilkersons book pulls not just the expanse of the migration into focus but its overall impact on politics, literature, music, sportsin the nation and the world. Los Angeles Times

VINTAGE | 978-0-679-76388-8 | 640 PAGES | $16.95 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


SELECTED BY: Commonwealth School (Boston, MA); Grand Valley State University; Howard University; One Book, One Chicago; Paine College; University of California Davis; University of Northern Iowa; Whitman College

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

Jill Lepore
The Mansion of Happiness
A History of Life and Death

Renowned Harvard scholar Jill Lepores strikingly original and beautifully crafted history of American ideas about life and death from before the cradle to beyond the grave. As much a meditation on the present as an excavation of the past, The Mansion of Happiness is delightful, learned, and altogether beguiling. A fascinating and startlingly original guide to the ways in which the human life cycle has been imagined, manipulated, managed, marketed, and debased in modern times. . . . A fast-paced, hilarious, angry, poignant, and richly illuminating book.
Stephen Greenblatt, author of The Swerve: How The World Became Modern

Lepore has a brilliant way of selecting just the right historical detail to illuminate a larger point. . . . The most valuable lesson here is that of impermanence. Everything changes. And although, as Lepore writes, its best to have a plan, as her multifaceted, sometimes dizzying joyride of a book reveals, the next roll of dice could, in fact, change everything.
The Boston Sunday Globe

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-47645-6 | 320 PAGES | $16.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

For excerpts and a complete list of Freshman Reading adoptions, visit

Verlyn Klinkenborg Several Short Sentences About Writing


W R i T i N G

Drawing on years of experience as a writer and teacher of writing, Verlyn Klinkenborg offers an indispensable and unique book that gives students a clear understanding of how to think about the process of writing and how to construct clear, lucid prose. No other book, old or new, is as well reasoned as this, as entertaining or as wise. . . . Best book on writing. Ever. . . . To paraphrase Voltaires statement concerning the Almighty, if Verlyn Klinkenborg did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. Because having read Several Short Sentences About Writing, I do not think that it would be possible to not have this book on hand. . . . Indeed, no other book is as lled with as much grounded, practical advice for putting words to the paper or electronic page or gives better, more helpful exercises. New York Journal of Books Powerful. . . . Each sentence miraculously contains an idea or insight that lesser writers would have milked for several pages. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
VINTAGE | 978-0-307-27941-5 | 224 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00


R e A D i

Will Schwalbe The End of Your Life Book Club



A profoundly moving testament to the power of reading in our lives. Mary Anne Schwalbe is waiting for her chemotherapy treatments when her son Will asks her what shes reading. The conversation they have grows into tradition: soon they are reading the same books so they can have something to talk about in the hospital waiting room, choosing books that range from classic to popular, from fantastic to spiritual, and we hear their passion for reading and their love for each other in their intimate and searching discussions. Schwalbe . . . highlights not just how relevant but how integral literature can be to life.
The Washington Post

VINTAGE | 978-0-307-73978-0 | 352 PAGES | $15.00 eXAM PRiCe $3.00

A book that is expressly about books, about the purpose and pleasures of books, and the ways they connect us even as we read them as a solitary pursuit. . . . [Its also] about, in part, the consolations we can nd in art, books in particular, as we struggle to face the terrible awareness of our own mortality.
The Plain Dealer

w w w. r h s p e a k e r s . c o m

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