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Divine Love Society

Issue 5 September-october News Letter Malta

It is such a shame that people allow their children and grandchildren to develop habits of wasting food at each meal. Many of them no longer have the wisdom to understand that food is being wasted in front of their very own eyes. They have become so oblivious about wrapping food in plastic bags to be thrown away even if the food is still good enough to eat. In fact, good enough to be considered as 'Five Star' in quality. Sad to say, but that is today's reality and most of us are guilty of doing this without any remorse. More so, there seems to be pride in disposing of good food because we see ourselves as rich enough to be able to dispose of excess food in spite of its good quality. This is just as bad as heroes of ancient times returning from the battle with the heads of their enemies to show to their people. Food is the result of very hard work. Food is God's blessing. Some people might read prayer books that teach what should be said before and after meals. They then chant: "Ong kang kasol kaya svasti svasti., Om annapate anna., Om sahanau vavatu sahanau bhunaktu., Om brahmarpanam brahma havir., harih Om mahaprasade govinde., Om purnam bhavantu..." and other similar mantras. For one reason or another, there are some that do not like to pronounce mantras, they prefer to express themselves with their own words and language as a sign of gratitude to God. However, I have to emphasize and have put my words in bold that before people learn to treat and respect food in a good way, any kind of prayers or mantras said will be in vain. For it provides nothing but drama for people who only care about outward appearances. Having irregular meals can also give cause to a variety of eating disorders and cause stomach problems such as gastric pain. Another bad habit worth noting is the tendency to look down at or insult food. An example of this is when you say "Well, what kind of food is this ...?", or, "Is this food or .?", or, "What the hell

To see the difference between you and others, first you have to see that you are equal to others.
Untuk membedakan dirimu dengan orang lain, pertamatama lihatlah bahwa engkau sama dengan mereka .Prabhu Darmayasa

A message to us all from



Beware, illusion some time creeps up even in knowledge and happiness.

Kepalsuan sering muncul dalam pengetahuan dan kebahagiaan. Prabhu Darmayasa



Om Swastyastu Om swastyastu Om Swastyastu

Welcome to the August September issue of the Divine Love Society news letter, in this issue we will cover the visit to Russia by Prabhu Darmayasa and the activities that have been taking place her on or little island of Malta. We will bring you the teachings of Guru Darmayasa, and the testimonials of people who have been touched and blessed by the power of Dhuna Guru.

Angka Number Meditation Divine Love Society Malta NGO Email: info@angkameditation,org Website: Angka Caf Triq Aldo Moro, Marsa, Phone: 21224317 Email: Website: http//www.angkac Look for us on Facebook on any of the following address: Angka Number Meditation Divine Love Society Angka Meditation Europe Angka Caf Rejuvenation Centre & Green Clinic

If we could honestly see the way of life not just with children or grandchildren but also the way of life with adults these days, we will find that very often, food at home is wasted for no reason. This never happened in olden times. People often refer to the ways of ancient times as old fashioned, outdated, worthless. Things that can be done away with. But the fact is that they are not. Not long ago, people respected food and treated it in a good way. Nowadays, however, drastic changes have taken place. Changes that are saddening to witness.

is this ..?", or, "This looks like pigs food ...", or, "What, are you kidding me? This food is for me?!" and any other similarly insulting words. The scriptures say, Annam na nindyat - do not despise food. Food is God's blessing. Food is vrata or sacred vow (annam vratam). Food is sadhana, a spiritual practice (bhojana-sadhanam). Food is very helpful and even detrimental to one's spiritual progress. Therefore, we still need our elders advice and guidance. This bad attitude when it comes to food can be mostly seen in children. It is nothing new to see children throwing their plates to the ground and insulting their food. It is in fact understandable. However, when the same action is done by adults, especially educated parents and ones who are respected within their community --- it is a lot more serious and embarrassing than when done by children who often do not know any better. A good habit inherited by our ancestors in terms of treating food well is mauna (not saying any words) during meals so that food can be digested properly. Food is a sacred vow (vrata). Food is a sacred gift from God (prasadam), therefore we need to respect food. (Ofcourse we need to be careful in feeding our body with food full of chemical etcs which is a very big matter to be disccussed). May all be happy.

Prabhu visits Rome and the Vatican with Vanessa and Dr. Marina
by Dr. marina
One day, late in the evening we were sitting together in Prabhu's room in the hotel. Our hotel was situated on the outskirts of Rome. We were listening to the Guru's teachings, when suddenly our attention was disturbed by some dogs loudly howling somewhere outside in the nearby village. It sounded really freaky, as it wasn't just a dog but a good sized pack of them. We all got up and opened the window, the sound was coming from the fields in a farm outside the village. However, it was just after the midnight, so we could only see a few lights in the fields. It reminded me a scene from a horror movie. Prabhu immediately went back to his small altar, took 3 small bottles of Musk oil and gave one to each of us. He started praying and reading mantras while sprinkling few drops of oil outside through the window. Then he asked us to repeat the same. We did it. Less than in a minute the howling started to diminish and in another 2 or 3 minutes there was a complete silence. The village continued its slumber peacefully. Sriguru.

The Travelling Guru

Food for thought at Angka caf

Triq Aldo Moro, Marsa tel: Phone: 21224317 Email: Website: http//www.angkac Look for us on Facebook

Testimonials Divine Love Society and the

power of

Too much hearing, too much seeing, lessens your chance to feel. Banyak mendengar, banyak melihat; mengurangi kesempatan untuk engkau merasakan.
By Prabhu Darmayasa

started to lift, and as I sang more and more the pain got less, until it just stopped completely. The power of Dhunaguru is here for everyone to feel, all you have to do it open your heart and let the power of Divine Love in. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Sri Dhunaguru. Here is my story, for people to know how amazing, the divine power of Vabhuti is. The other day I was exercising with Poi, and hit my face at a very fast speed with the metal clinch on the Poi. It hit me just under the eye on my cheekbone. The pain sent a shock right through my body that made my knees shake. I run to the kitchen to get some ice to put on my cheek, but soon after I realized that it was not helping and there were 3 little balls forming under the skin... I try not to panic, but, the next day I had to meet people, with my face in this state! Suddenly in my mind I saw VAPUTI! I put a thick layer of Vabhuti under the eye and somehow all the worries and bothered left my mind. I applied more Vabhuti before going to bed on my face and the next day, no bruise, no swelling, just a little 1mm scratch!!! Believe in divine! Thank you,

Number meditation has changed me and is still changing me, for me it is a journey that started around 2 years ago. I am not one of those that change happened over night, it is like putting on a pair of specs and you start looking at life from a different angle. I have many experiences and would like to share each one with you but I would take all the newspaper. Today I would like to share the power of vabhuti. I have problems with my right leg this happened after an accident i had some years back, lately my ankle has been giving me problems the pain is so intense that it makes it very difficult to walk. After about 3 days trying anything to get rid of the pain as I could hardly walk I decided to use vabhuti with oil that Gurugi had given me, after a few minutes the pain got less and I could walk, everyday I apply vabhuti and Gurugi oil and the pain is bearable and I can continue my day normally. Sri Guru Marisa

So many stories can be told about the healing powers of Vibhuti, many of us have felt and been witness to its healing properties, from human to animal, the healing power is endless. But nothing is greater than the healing power of Dhunaguru, not that long ago I lay on my bed in agony, I was having a gall bladder attack. It felt like a hot knife sticking in my side, I was in so much pain I decided to sing the song to Dhunaguru, over and over again, to my amazement the pain

I don't need any body but I need everybody. I don't need everybody but I need somebody. I don't need somebody but I need myself. And I don't need myself but I need nothing, because nothing is everything, and everything is in nothing.
By Prabhu Darmayasa

Here is Roxanne story

Prabhu came at the right time when I needed help the most. The moment I sat there in his presence I looked into his eyes and felt some sort of energy, just by looking at him, he managed to help me bring out all my tears, that I had been keeping inside me for a whole week. He asked me if I wanted to make a promise with God to take away a bad habit. I decided to follow his path that day and he cleansed me from negative energies. I then felt my spirit light and relaxed. He gave me a mantra to sing throughout my day and till today I still chant my mantra... and every day I have the red ribbon around my wrist to reminds me about my old bad habit.

Volodin Sammut Story
Ok, here is my story. Once I was having a hard time in my personal life. I was stressed and tensed and disappointed. At that time I could physically feel that my heart chakra was totally blocked. I wrote an e-mail to Prabhu Darmayasa and described my situation hoping to get some help and advice from him. A few hours later, I was driving my car when all over sudden I got an amazing feeling, it was like my heart was opening widely and becoming so light and ethereal, and my chest had no bones and even my body was feeling so light. The feeling is really difficult to describe, but I can say it was an incredible experience! And at that very moment I realised that this was Prabhu working with me, praying to DhunaGuru for me! I just kept saying "Thank you, dear Prabhu!" Thank you, Thank you. Sri Dhunaguru

Divine Love Society

joins the

hindu Society
Malta at the

Hindu Temple in
San Gwann. For

Krishnas Birthday

Bahrija Oasis
We dont grow veggies, we cultivate Super foods and hairy monsters Meaning Amaranth, tomatoes, varies herbs, rainbow chard, squashes, peppinas and surprises too. All of which are grown bio-dynamically with lots of love and care. You can order a box for Friday delivery at Angka Cafe or fresh pick your own on Saturday between 8am & 9am from the Bahrija oasis. With a homegrown cuppa t ea. Permaculture, ecological education, design sciences and eco-international communities with a holistic vision, Bahrija Oasis is a permaculture observation and eco research centre on the West Coast of Malta. It functions as a small bio-tope of micro-driverse life working syncronistically in a symbiotic relation with nature. This group is open to anyone who wishes to join on basis of interest, education, voluntary work, activity sharing etc. More info can be found on

Darmayasa flys
to with


Dr. Lydia and Masha

Blissful Meditation God blessed us all! Today Meditation was confirmed. In our flat number 54 on the 9 floor we start doing a small 5 minutes Meditation for some people who did not try it before. A Mother of two great children, who happened to met Prabhu Darmayasa during his first visit in Rostov on Don, Russia, started with us for the first time in her life. How did it happen you ask?! On 6 of August they came here, a Mother of two children, her name is Lena, boy named Maksim, girl named Ksenya, and thier grandmother is well. They came here in our flat asking for healing of their young 22 years old son as his health and future was in danger. Prabhu Darmayasa healed him and also paid lot of attention to everyone in this family. After second time session, he did ask them to count their numbers and to do a small Meditation. When we came from our trip in Russia, I did call everyone to come to our Friday evening Meditation. I notify them all, include my Father, Brother, who also met Prabhu and received a healings with big Blessings from him. My father arrives first, he got some fruits for us and I did an offering to Dhunu Guru straight away, following the Prabhus teaching. Than Olga came, she was in Bali with us in Angka Meditation Ashram for two weeks in Febrary 2013 and also visited Prabhu here in Rostov. Unfortunately my Father did not wanted to stay for Meditation and after seeing a photos of Prabhus trip in Russia he decided to go home. First strange thing happened when he said to me before leaving the house - Give those aromatic oil, the one you brought it

from Bali and did give it to me some time ago, to your Mum. It really helped me to be relived from the headache, so it will help her is well. I said- Yes, but was not quite sure if there are anything else left and i can found it. I went to look for it and the minute I opened my cupboard and saw a two small bottle under the clothes. It was two people in the house, my mum and Olga, so the bottles meant to be for them and my Father was a messenger who reminds me about it. Thank you! Shortly after my Father left, Lena did arrive but no children came with her. They fight with the son and her mood was very frustrating, a lot of angry, complaining worlds were coming out. I told her to have a sit and to relax a bit before we can start. While seeing some pictures and talking to us, she came down a little bit.

sending her a message through the meditation to keep on practicing it. My Mum said that she was relived from the headache. We got it All! Thank you! I ask them to confirm the weekly Meditation meetings on Friday or Thursday if it is more comfortable for them, as I will be out of Russia in a 5 days time. I said if you practise your Meditation at home daily and once a week as a group your life will change in a 6 months. As it does happen with everyone and this what Prabhu said to me when we met first time in December 2010 in Malta. Yes, it did change exactly after my practise of Angka Meditation and in a 6 months time. Do you know what they answer?! Lena and Olga said:- In a 9 months time it will change. So they choose it! Sri Dunu Guru Thank You for your Kinds Miracles and Blessings Namaste!

So, it was 4 people in a room, me, my mums, Olga and Lena (Mother of two children). Our Meditation was short but very joyful and peaceful, filled with the beautiful music coming from outside. Someone start playing on the violin outside, exactly in our Meditation time. When we are ready, i shared the fruits that my Father brought in early and guess what..?! It was exactly 4 of it for 4 of us. No one knew this and my Father did not see how many people will stay in our evening Meditation. Thank you! By sharing our experience I heard Lena saying (it was her very first Meditation time). While counting and imagining her number in Root chakra or Muladhara chakra she couldnt hold her number on the right place in the end of the tail bomb, because it was moving and flying around like a butterfly. You have to see how relaxed she became and unconditionally quiet after such a small but very powerful Meditation on number. Another girl Olga also shared her experience with us and I did record on video. Sorry it is in Russian. Just in a few sentence to translate. She speaks about seeing her number in a various types of appearance. Than in a first time she saw her number in an Ajna chakra, Third eye chakra, very big and bright. In the centre of this number Prabhu was sitting, in his white beautiful clothes in a lotus position and she felt how he was helping her to do meditation. In the meantime he is

In the next issue we hope that Ning will share with us the beautiful blessed experience she received while meditating infront of DhunaGuru in Malta on Ganeshas Birthday Celebrations, (as seen below in the photo). She was speechless all evening, with a big smile on her face, filling the room with pure bliss.

2013 September program International Divine Love Society

On the 9th September 2013 will be the celebrations of Ganeshas Birthday

from our


Malta July 2013
1/7/2013 - 20:42 I want to make it clear, one thing, which all of you need to give more attention to.. or underline it. Many, many people they knowingly or unknowingly understand that they are already in the spiritual way. When they are just discussing spiritual or learning something spiritual or joining some spiritual organisation. Or they are writing something about spiritual things. We will correct ourselves, we will correct ourselves, not to enter this way. Not to understand like that. Spirituality is something very, very different from that kind of understanding.

Spirituality is an experience. When you experience inside yourself, that is spiritual. When you experience something extra...that is spiritual. Misguidance is also there. You need to be careful to understand what is spiritual experience? And what is experiencing a mask of spiritual. You need to be careful not to be misguided. Not by a person, but by yourself. Some imagination will misguide you, so we need to be careful in this matter. That is why, in this visit, we will give importance to the practice. We will practice, be silent - not talking too much but experiencing something. By inside, journey, by inner experience, you will change yourself. You will change yourself. You can judge for yourself, whether you are entering spirituality yet or not.. by seeing if you have changed something in yourself. Have you changed in a significant way or not? That is the way to confirm for yourself, whether you are already in spiritual practice or not. In the true spiritual way or not. So we will give importance to the practice not to discussion. If you want to discuss anything you have another place. And in our practice we are practising number meditation, it is a very simple practice - like a game of children. And mostly when people come I used to say we are doing nothing. We are not doing meditation, you can join another meditation, they have good techniques, I tell people like this. Because I need the one who will practice. And the one who has no complicated desires, which will bring them to nowhere. So I need simple people. And in Malta I am sure we have many, many, people who will think in this way,,, in a very simple way. And will practice in a simple way, and be happy with this simple way. Although this meditation is a simple technique but my master used to say, "it is very simple but it is very powerful". And yes, it is very powerful, what people experience is not ordinary. People change in a big way, a very significant changing occurs. We just published one book, about this, about how people experienced they changed their life. From, bottom to top. In a very short time. So, be one of them. And you can see in this picture what we are is not an ordinary thing. From outside when you see by your material eyes, when you think by your material intelligence, by your brain, you cannot understand this. But when you open yourself, you use your spiritual senses and not using your brain, then you will come to this blissful practice.

Ever Friday evening from 7pm at Angka Caf, meditation center Malta we will have Number Meditation lead by Dr. Lydia. Please call 035699469922 to confirm time and place. Agni Hotra ceremony will also be held every full moon and dark moon, please call to confirm time and place on 0035699469922/ 0035699858914. For more information on Angka Number Meditation, Divine Love Society Malta/Bali

Angka Number Meditation Divine Love Society, Number Medition Europe, Angka Caf


And in the beginning I used to arrange, this big, big gathering like this (shows video) people just in 5 minutes they got a big result. And this person I gave a garland to, and now he is a very famous member of parliament, every day in television. So when we practice this and we give something to people that is a blessing, that is not an ordinary garland...that is a blessing. And this is the beginning of my meeting with Lydia (shows video). As soon as I sprayed the energy, the power, it is directly touching people, people with bad energies will feel this, and leaving the gathering they will become a good one. They will be released from the problem. And when we do Agni Hotra, the fire ceremony, you will see it is not ordinary, we have many, many photos about this. (shows photo) do you see the fire? has a form Nose, crown, back of head and neck. Facing me to receive the offering. Yes? How does the fire became like this? Is Isabelle here? She was here this time. Inside my meditation room, which I don''t allow people to enter,. By seeing this photo you can understand what is inside. You will never see so many orbs accompanied by a perfect aura. And this (photo) when I transfer power to somebody, when the power enters their body, the picture is changing in less than half a second. The power is there. You can see what I do this, all the room is changed with spiritual energies. Like is changing. And this is when Guruji transfers power (photo). The difference is only between the right and left side. I transfer power to this person, you see? and after this day that person is not using his spectacles anymore. And this person, after I blessed him, 2 3 seconds after this he said, 'Prabhu I feel sleepy'. After this he gave up so many things, including chain smoking. Now he is a priest, he became vegetarian. And this is our first anniversary of our centre. This lady, she was a candidate for receiving the Nobel Prize, you can see the room is changing when I transfer power, and the same in this photo from Jakarta, the room is changing. We have many pictures like this. I am showing this to you, not to ask you to come and join our meditation, but to show you that this very simple meditation is not simple in the result. Now before we do meditation, I want to show you that we are nothing in this world, we are very small beings here. But our ego will make us very important, you will fight with all to keep your ego. One who already practiced this very simple technique, you will understand that you are not practicing something small. A small thing but, you are doing a very significant thing for yourself. You are rebuilding yourself, you should understand that and you need nothing anymore, just to practice. We have no time, to learn. No time. I will show you one song which I learnt in India in the year of 1984.

So knowledge is unlimited, but our age is very short and at the same time obstacles are also unlimited. What will you do? See Marisa, you want to learn meditation ok? You need to understand what is meditation. For that you need to learn the language. Say you are not a master of English and you will learn English from zero. How much time will you need? How many months or years? Marisa: 6 months Prabhu: 6 months? haha no? To master not speak just yes or no Marisa: 2 or 3 years Prabhu: If you learn the source of meditation, it is in Sanskrit. You have to come to the source, to the root. They have unlimited scriptures describing the meditation, for this you need to learn Sanskrit. It is very difficult to learn. It is said that to learn Sanskrit language you need 12 years to learn. Then you can start to read books on meditation and The Vedas. You waste your time 10 years just to learn the language, then you need years just to learn one book. Then you need time to sleep, eat and gossip in the middle. You see you have no time no for spiritual thing. now you come to spiritual organisation for discussing. God is like this or like that, so many things you will discuss. In the Upanishads it is said... You will make a cycle, going here and there without any purpose, just talking, talking high things without experiencing that. So you waste your life totally. Yes? No value, zero life, you add nothing. Sorry I talk to you, it's not actually to you it's also to me. We are wasting our what to do? Ananta param - very limited time Kils shastra -knowledge is unlimited your age is very short and also your obstacles are also unlimited. What to do? tell me! I am in this difficulties, now give me advice David: do number meditation Prabhu haha, tell me Dr. Marina, Lydia, or anybody Julia: Pray to God Prabhu: All of you have the answer, but what is the answer from the scripture? I will tell you the answer from the scripture What to do? I try to remember haha Saram tato grahyam ...Then you need to receive (Grahyam mean to receive) and saram mean the essence. You need to receive the essence of all unlimited knowledge. you take the essence. Apashya.. All unnecessary things you just forget, you ignore. The small, small things you ignore, just come and get the essence because you have no time to learn. As a swan.

cannot face the obstacles. But by the essence of knowledge you will pass, you will conquer all the obstacles, not only 1,2,3 obstacles but you will conquer all. You will defeat all obstacles... by, the essence of knowledge. So now keep your mind concentrated on the essence of knowledge, forget small, small things. Yes so many things we need to learn, you can go to Google. Google can give you unlimited knowledge also, but maybe 80% of it is not true. But the presentation is very good and you are happy with the presentation. So we come to the essence of knowledge to make our life a success. This is the purpose of life. Why you come to this earth? Why did you come to this Malta? Why did you come and see the sun, the trees, everything... why? Because you came here to understand who you are. We have no time, so come inside yourself and understand.. who you are? Why you came to this world? Forget small, small things. When you bring your mind to small, small things, the broken glass, to small, small things...then you will come to the unreal world. You will become an enjoyer of material enjoyment... which is not real. So come inside through meditation... just practice meditation, when you practice meditation your journey becomes an inner journey and the real journey is inside. Real enjoyment is inside not outside. When you bring your thoughts outside you will find nothing so come inside through the meditation. The answer is in your practice. So take the essence of knowledge, take the essence of life - be a human being. Be a human being. Now we have an available gift from god, this human body. It is our duty to make it as a human being. And you have a tool for that number meditation. I think it is clear yes? Our life, what we need to understand is unlimited, knowledge is unlimited, but you need only essence. Come to the essence. The intelligent one will come to the essence not wasting time learning this and that. The answer is inside in your practice. Whilst practicing this, it will be like a journey, you will see so many things. In the same way, when your journey is inside journey you will see so many things that you never heard about, never read about, you never experienced. So many things. Then when you experience so many things inside another world, things will become not so powerful, to catch you. You will become peaceful inside, you will see everything very clear, what is true what is not true. What is real and what is not will see for yourself, so the answer is practice. ok? Thats we practice.

Lydia: Prabhu what do you mean when you say be a human being? Prabhu: Animals do four things; eating, sleeping, mating and dying. If you do only these - same. You are not better than an animal. You are not out from this group, this category, this animal. You are still in this group... so you make a difference. But till now, we give importance to this all. We give importance to these 4. Like eating we give importance to the eating. We eat and when we eat we are wasting our time, we are wasting the real value of the food. We cook, very well till all protein is finished and nowadays many people they became a vegetarian. And they will buy 3 months worth of food, then they keep it for 3 months more...and then they will

Anantaparam.... It is said here.. that knowledge is unlimited. But! Our age is very short. Svalpam tathayur. But in the same time, bahawaschita bahu means many, bahawa means many many many. wigna- obstacles

When you give the swan a mix of water and milk, the swan will take just the milk. You cannot do that, but a swan can do that. So in the same way you need to bring your attention only to the essence of knowledge not to all knowledge, because you have no time, and with small, small knowledge you will waste your time and by that small, small knowledge you

cook. What kind of food is this? So when you are making progress in eating. You are not better than an are same. You are the brother and sister of the animal. When you have a good success in eating. And sleeping also. Maybe you have a rich person. They will buy a very expensive bed. Like in Indonesia you have a 2,500usd one bed, a good bed. Maybe here you can tell me what the amount is? haha don't worry I won't buy. Audience: same Prabhu: I want o buy that one, because what high class people enjoy, I want to try... except whiskey etc. Good things I want to enjoy, so once I had in my mind that I will buy a very expensive and good bed. But then many rich people came to me and said, "Prabhu I cannot sleep, all night I was just staring at the ceiling." And then I thought ah the expensive bed is not helping. So I cancelled my desire to buy that. Just joking! I have no money to buy that. So when you are good in sleeping, buying a good house, good are not better than animal, you are still sister and brother of animal. Then producing children. Nowadays many people have difficulties to produce children. But say you can produce 101 children but still you are not better than an animal, because an animal they have 1000 children. Or if you are if you are in a good family planning, animal is also better than you. Many animals they have only one. You have 2, 3. What is a good number of family planning here? in India they have two also? so animal is also better.

Like this...when we are making progress in our life but still that progress is the same as an animal can do. you see pig - you know pig? How are pigs living? - (snoring sound) It means when you make that noise you have a good sleeping. So the pigs sleeps in a very good way, in the mud. But you cannot sleep even in a good animal is better in this matter also. So you are not better than animal in many things. See animal eats grass leaves eat what? Rice, pizza so many things. But no protein... and many of us we don't understand that some food is poison, you are eating poison. Then our talk will continue. So to become a human being means to take ourselves out of this group. Sanskrit scriptures tell us very clear about this...when you make progress in these four things you are not better than animal, you are still an animal. It's called dwipadasu..animal with two legs. We are two legged animal, so we are still in this animal group. You will go out from this when you are not only doing these 4, not only using your time for sleeping, producing and making material progress. What is this? Come inside! Who am I? Why did I come to this world? Animal cannot do this. Right? We can do this...that will make you a human being. But if you repeat this in your brain, in your mind, like school children preparing for an exam. I am not this body, I am not this mind, who am I? you repeat this like preparing your an exam.

Who am I? When you practice this, when you realise yourself, you come inside yourself that is a human being. So every morning please do this. As soon as you wake up, honestly do this. You wake up sitting on the bed facing east. Because the eastern direction will help you to make good progress in meditation, in your spiritual way. So sitting facing east, you do one minute meditation. Come inside yourself, inside, inside as deep as you can come inside and ask..who am I? Try to realise I am not this body...this body is not me. I am not this body, then the realisation inside will come, you will feel you are something different. You are the owner of this body. Slowly, slowly you will have this realisation and you will understand, you will feel you that will become that. When you practice this every day very soon you will realise what is this world? What is this life and how to become a human being. You will rebuild yourself. That is what I mean by human being.

Now we will practice meditation.

The traveling Guru

Prabhu Darmayasa in Rome

Prabhu Darma for the firs

Prabhu Darmayasa in Russia 2013

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