Application of Drugs On Foot

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Application of Drugs on Foot

Different combinations of drugs made of Chinese herbs are applied over the reflecting
areas and acupoints of foot to treat diseases.

Effects of this treatment:

The local application of drugs may produce a direct stimulation to the reflecting areas
and acupoints or have an indirect therapeutic effect on the body after they are
absorbed through the skin to resolve inflammation and swelling, expel cold and damp
pathogens, and relieve pain and fatigue.

Principles for selecting acupoints:

(1) According to location of lesion: The lesion's reflecting areas on the foot may be
selected for treatment. For example, the eye (8) area is used to treat eye diseases; and
the lung and bronchus (14) area is used to treat coughs and asthma.
(2) According to traditional Chinese medical theory: The theories of meridians and
internal organs and the change of physiological and pathological functions are also
bases for selecting acupoints. For example, the acupoints of the gallbladder meridian
are used to treat migraine because it passes through the lateral side of the head, and
the acupoints of the liver meridian are used to treat redness, swelling and pain of eyes
because the eye is the external orifice of the liver.
(3) According to the precepts of modem medicine: The pituitary gland (4) area is used
to treat irregular menstruation; and the adrenal gland (21) area is used to treat
reactions to fluid infusion.

Treatment methods:

Because fresh plant herbs contain juice, after pounding an herbal paste may be
directly applied over the reflecting areas and acupoints. Dry herbs must be ground to
prepare powder first and then mixed with excipients (alcohol, vinegar, water, ginger
juice, egg white or bee honey) to produce a paste for application. The methods of
preparing external drugs are very simple, and patients often can prepare the drugs for

(1)Herbal powder: Prescription herbs are mixed up and ground to prepare a powder,
which is then stored in a container and put in a cool, dark place. Before application,
the powder is mixed with water or other excipients to prepare small cakes or pills
which are applied and fixed with adhesive plaster on the reflecting areas or acupoints
of the foot.
(2) Herbal pills: Prescription herbal powder is mixed with alcohol, vinegar, egg
Appl i cati on of Drugs on Foot
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white, or honey to prepare pills of different sizes according to the size of the reflecting
areas and acupoints. These pills are Usually applied and fixed with adhesive plaster
on small reflecting areas and acupoints.
(3) Herbal paste: Prescription fresh plant herbs may be pounded to directly prepare a
paste. Dry herbal powder may be mixed with alcohol, vinegar, egg white or honey to
prepare a paste for application over the reflecting areas or acupoints in an even
thickness and shapes the same as the reflecting areas to produce a long-lasting
therapeutic effect by the slow absorption of the herbs.
(4) Herbal ointment: Prescription herbal powder is evenly mixed with an excipient
and fried in a pot to prepare an ointment for application over the reflecting areas or
acupoints of the foot.
Herbal ointment is easily spread and affixed to the skin, and the herbal ingredients in
the ointment are easily absorbed through the skin.
(5) Herbal cakes: Prescription herbal powder and wheat flour are mixed with water to
prepare small cakes. After steaming, the hot cakes are applied over the reflecting areas
or acupoints. The penetration of the herbal ingredients from the hot cakes is very
effective in producing good therapeutic results.
(6) Herbal decoction: Prescription herbs are soaked in warm water for half an hour,
then boiled over a strong fire until the volume of water is reduced to one half the
original amount, and then boiled again on a low flame. A wet compress of the hot
herbal decoction soaked in soft cloth or gauze is applied over the reflecting areas or
acupoints to promote blood circulation, relax muscles, and moisten the skin. The skin
always should be carefully protected from burn injuries.


1. The above methods are contraindicated for patients who are allergic to herbs.
2. They are also contraindicated for patients with severe ulceration, erosion, and
trauma of the foot skin.
3. Patients with acute abdominal conditions that may require surgery should not be
treated with the above methods.

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Appl i cati on of Drugs on Foot
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