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NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION WHEAT & PULSES Government of India has launched centrally sponsored National Food

d Security Mission in the State from Rabi 2007-08. Two crops namely wheat and pulses have been covered under the Mission. It has been envisaged to focus on districts having high potential but relatively low level of productivity. Seven districts of the state namely Ambala, Yamunanagar, Bhiwani, Mahendergarh, Gurgaon, Rohtak and Jhajjar have been covered under NFSMWheat. In case of pulses, five districts i.e. Bhiwani, Hisar, Sirsa, Rohtak & Sonepat were covered during 2007-08 to 2009-10. From the year 2010-11, all the districts have been covered under NFSM-Pulses. Main objective of the Mission is to increase production of wheat and pulses through area expansion and productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner in the identified districts of the state.

INTERVENTIONS UNDER NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION To achieve the objectives of the Mission following interventions have been envisaged in the scheme: Distribution of certified seed Existing Seed Replacement Rates of wheat and gram are about 33% and 10% respectively. Under the Mission, it has been planned to raise/maintain the SRR of wheat to 33%. Therefore, financial assistance on distribution of certified seed of wheat and pulses @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 500/- and 1200/- per quintal respectively is provided to farmers. Demonstrations Demonstrations of improved package of practices in wheat and pulses are organized with financial assistance of Rs. 2000/- per acre. In these demonstrations inputs like seed, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals are provided to farmers. Seed minikits Seed minikits of new and promising varieties of wheat are distributed among the farmers free of cost to assess the performance of these varieties in our State in comparison to the existing varieties. These minikits are supplied by NSC and SFCI which are Government of India undertakings. Micronutrients Deficiency of micronutrients, particularly Zinc Sulphate, is being reported from various parts of the State. Deficiency of micronutrients affects the productivity of crops. Therefore, financial assistance on micronutrients @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 500/- per hectare is provided to farmers. Gypsum Gypsum is the cheapest source of Sulphur which is an essential element for plants. Widespread Sulphur deficiency is being reported from various parts of the State. Therefore, financial assistance on gypsum @ 50% of cost of material plus transportation cost limited to Rs. 750/- per hectare is provided to farmers. Gypsum is arranged and distributed by Haryana Land Reclamation & Development Corporation (HLRDC). Farm Machinery To improve the efficiency of farming operations and to reduce the cost of cultivation, assistance on farm machinery is provided to farmers. Under the Mission, financial assistance is provided on Zero till seed drill, Multi-crop planter & Seed drill @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 15000/- and Rotavator @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 30000/- per machine. Assistance @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 150000/- is also available on Laser Land Leveller to a group of ten farmers. Knap sack sprayers For timely and better management of pests and diseases in wheat and pulse crops, Knap sack sprayers are provided to farmers on 50% of cost limited to Rs. 3000/- whichever is less. Farmers Field School Farmers Field Schools are organized on farmers fields to provide practical knowledge about the incidence of various pests and diseases on the crops and their management practices. Financial assistance @ Rs. 17000/- per FFS is provided for organizing these Schools. Integrated Pest Management A number of pests and diseases affect the productivity of pulse crops. An integrated approach is necessary to manage their incidence and minimize the loss to the crop productivity. Demonstrations on IPM technology are organized with financial assistance @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 750/- per hectare. Bio-fertilizers

Bio-fertilizers like Rhizobium and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) help the pulse crops in better utilization of atmospheric Nitrogen and Phosphorus fixed in soil. To facilitate this, Bio-fertilizer packets are distributed with financial assistance @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 100/- per hectare. Plant Protection Chemicals If biological control measures do not result in effective control of various pests and diseases, then use of chemical pesticides and fungicides becomes necessary. For timely control of these pests, Plant Protection chemicals are provided to pulse growing farmers with financial assistance @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 500/- per hectare. Weedicides Weeds compete with the crop plants for water, nutrients, sunshine etc. Therefore, infestation with weeds affects the water and nutrients uptake efficiency of the crop plants. In order to promote timely and better management of weeds, weedicides are provided to pulse growing farmers with financial assistance @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 500/- per hectare. Sprinkler sets To improve water use efficiency of pulse crops, sprinkler sets are provided to farmers with financial assistance @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 7500/- per hectare. Water carrying pipes Assistance is also available on pipes for carrying water from the source to the field in pulse crops @ 50% of cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per farmer. Seed components Financial assistance is provided to HSDC for the purchase of Breeder seed, production of Foundation seed and production of Certified seed of pulse crops @ full cost and Rs. 1000/- per quintal respectively.

To formulate the Action Plan and supervise its implementation, there are Executive Committees both at State level as well as at district level under the chairpersonship of Chief Secretary and Deputy Commissioner respectively. State Food Security Mission Executive Committee (SFSMEC) Composition and functions of SFSMEC are as under: 1 2 Chief secretary, Haryana Financial Commissioners & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana Agriculture Department 3 Financial Commissioners & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana Irrigation Department 4 Financial Commissioners & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana Power Department 5 Financial Commissioners & Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana Cooperation Department 6 7 8 9 Vice Chancellor, CCS HAU, Hisar Director, Directorate of Wheat Research, Karnal Lead Bank Officer State mission Director Member Member Member Member Member-Secretary Member Member Member Chairman

The State Food Security Mission Executive committee shall perform the following function: 1) Review and approve State annual action plans prepared under national food Security Mission.


Review the progress of National Food Security mission from time to time and provide feedback and directions for effective implementation of the mission Programme.


Facilitate greater involvement of the private sector in providing inputs, technical support, agro-processing and marketing services to farmers.


Encourage Credit Lending Institutions to increase the availability of capital to poor and marginal farmers, especially Scheduled Caste and women farmers.


Encourage each line department plus the krishi vigyan Kendra and Zonal research Station to provide feedback and input into their respective Research & Extension (R&E) Programmers.

District Food Security Mission Executive Committee (DFSMEC) Composition and functions of DFSMEC are as under: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 District Collector Regional Director, Regional Research Institute, CCS HAU, Hisar or his nominee Senior Coordinator of KVK XEN Irrigation Department District Horticulture Officer Progressive Farmer (to be nominated by the Chairmen) Representative from Self Help Groups Farmers (To be nominated by the chairman) Representative from reputed NGO (to be nominated by the Chairman) Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member

9 10 11

Director, HAMETI or his nominee Joint/Addl. Director of Agriculture to be nominated by state Mission Director Project Director (ATMA)-cum-Deputy Director of Agriculture

Member Member Member-Secretary

The District Food Security Mission Executive Committee shall perform following functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Project formulation keeping in view the natural resources available in the district. Implementation of the Mission activities in the district. Monitoring of the mission programme though the district Agriculture Department. Provide necessary guidance and feed back to the implementing agency of the programme.

PATTERN OF ASSISTANCE UNDER NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION WHEAT Component Pattern of Assistance Demonstrations Rs. 2000/- per acre. Certified seed distribution Seed minikits Micronutrients Gypsum 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 500/- per qtl. Free of cost 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 500/- per ha. 50% of cost of material plus transportation cost limited to Rs. 750/- per ha. Total assistance on Gypsum and Micronutrients should not exceed Rs. 1000/per ha. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 30000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 150000/- per machine for a group of farmers 50% of cost limited to Rs. 3000/- whichever is less 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 7500/- per Ha. Rs. 17000/- per training.

Zero till seed drill Seed drill Multi-crop Planter Rotavator Laser Land Leveller Knap sack sprayer Sprinkler sets Farmer Field School PULSES Component Purchase of breeder seed Production of foundation seed Production of certified seed Distribution of certified seed Gypsum

Pattern of Assistance Full cost Rs. 1000/- per quintal Rs. 1000/- per quintal 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 1200/- per qtl. 50% of cost of material plus transportation cost limited to Rs. 750/- per ha. Total assistance on Gypsum and Micronutrients should not exceed Rs. 1000/- per ha. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 500/- per ha. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 750/- per ha. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 7500/- per Ha. Rs. 17000/- per FFS Rs. 1.00 lakh per training 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 30000/- per machine. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 150000/- per machine for a group of farmers

Micronutrients Integrated Pest Management Sprinkler sets FFS Training of Extension workers Zero till seed drill Seed drill Multi-crop Planter Rotavator Laser Land Leveller

Knap sack sprayer Bio-fertilizer PP Chemicals Weedicides Water carrying pipes

50% of cost limited to Rs. 3000/- whichever is less 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 100/- per Ha. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 500/- per Ha. 50% of the cost limited to Rs. 500/- per Ha. 50% of cost limited to Rs. 15000/- per farmer

PROGRESS REPORT OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-WHEAT (NFSM-WHEAT) 2007-08 S. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Approved Interventions 2 Demonstration Distribution of certified seed Seed minikits Micronutrients Gypsum Zero Till Seed Drills Rotavators FFS Misc. expenses District level State level 10 Local initiative Total Unit 3 Acre Qtl. No. Ha. ,, No. ,, ,, Physical Tar. Ach. 4 5 2284 2284 68400 26000 81400 90000 650 910 120 750 26000 1155 120 443 776 120 (Rs. in Lakhs) Financial Allo. Exp. 6 7 45.68 36.665 342.00 407.00 450.00 97.50 273.00 20.40 44.66 13.87 180.00 1874.11 3.75 3.18 0.26 58.77 232.79 12.90 2.45 5.62 356.385

REVISED PROGRESS REPORT OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES (NFSM-PULSES) 2007-08 S. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Approved Interventions 2 Purchase of Breeder Seed Production of Foundation Seed Production of Certified Seed Distribution of Certified Seed Strengthening of SSCA Micronutrients Gypsum IPM Sprinkler sets Extension, Trg. & Mass media Misc. expenses Total Financial Unit 3 Qtl. ,, ,, ,, Ha. ,, ,, No. Physical Tar. Ach. 4 5 10 500 1000 2500 3200 4000 2134 300 335 371 173 100 24 (Rs. in Lakhs) Financial Allo. Exp. 6 7 0.50 5.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 16.00 30.00 16.00 22.50 50.00 25.00 215.00 2.16 3.36 1.22 2.93 0.24 3.70 0.79 1.22 15.62

PROGRESS REPORT OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-WHEAT (NFSM-WHEAT) 2008-09 Sr. No. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Approved Interventions 2 Demonstration Distribution of certified seed Seed minikits Micronutrients Gypsum Zero Till Seed Drills Rotavators Sprinkler sets FFS Misc. expenses District level State level 11 Local initiative Total Financial allocation 121145 113583 Unit 3 Acre Qtl. No. Ha. ,, No. ,, Ha. ,, Tar. 4 2500 86000 13000 21060 27660 850 1170 10200 150 Physical Ach. 5 2500 64138 13000 19216 27272 569 1096 9893 150 (Rs. in Lakhs) Financial Allo. Exp. 6 7 50.00 41.82 430.00 0 80.03 171.49 127.50 351.00 765.00 25.50 44.66 13.87 494.00 2553.05 373.68 0 69.26 166.26 78.83 320.40 735.50 21.26 5.36 4.86 406.23 2223.460

PROGRESS REPORT OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES (NFSM-PULSES) 2008-09 (Rs. in Lakhs) Sr. Approved Interventions Unit Physical Financial No. Tar. Ach. Allo. Exp. 1 Purchase of Breeder Seed Qtl. 34 1.78 1.92 0.10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Production of Foundation Seed Production of Certified Seed Distribution of Certified Seed Strengthening of SSCA Micronutrients Gypsum IPM Sprinkler sets FFS Training of Extension workers Misc. expenses District level State level 13 Local Initiatives Total Ha. 30000 ,, ,, ,, Ha. ,, ,, ,, No. ,, 90 200 290 2300 2300 2302 106 8 1 0.90 2.00 3.48 11.50 17.25 17.265 7.95 1.36 1.00 22.35 6.28 75.00 168.115 9700 41 252 222 2300 1200 1525 106 8 2 0.41 2.52 2.66 7.06 9.64 6.11 11.33 7.34 0.99 0.77 8.51 0.50 16.02 73.96

PROGRESS REPORT OF NFSM-WHEAT IN HARYANA DURING 2009-10 Component Demonstrations Distribution of Certified seed Seed minikits Micronutrients Gypsum Zero till Seed drill Rotavator Seed Drill Sprinkler sets Hand sprayer FFS Local Initiatives Misc. expenses District level State level Total Unit Acre Qtl. No. Ha. ,, No. ,, ,, Ha. No. ,, Ha. Physical Target Ach. 2523 2523 95071 17613 87336 47734 567 665 40 7400 8570 145 96152 17613 89722 47545 542 679 229 7810 6483 145 54305 (Rs. in Lakh) Financial Allocation Expenditure 50.46 42.86 665.50 0 243.45 294.52 85.05 199.50 6.00 555.00 38.57 24.65 140.00 10.71 8.00 2321.41 609.27 0 250.44 293.36 81.30 203.25 28.13 586.66 28.02 21.97 115.81 5.16 5.54 2271.77

PROGRESS REPORT OF NFSM-PULSES IN HARYANA DURING 2009-10 (Rs. in Lakh) Financial Allocation Expenditure 0.10 0.10 0.41 7.28 48.00 234.20 94.79 35.00 237.00 58.50 225.00 0 21.05 1.70 1.00 100.00 8.00 2.17 1074.20 0.41 7.28 47.21 231.51 87.83 24.29 189.89 57.00 217.80 22.59 17.76 1.25 0.82 84.80 3.71 0.50 994.75

Component Purchase of breeder seed Production of foundation seed Production of certified seed Distribution of certified seed Gypsum Micronutrients Integrated Pest Management Distribution of Sprinkler sets Zero Till Seed Drill Rotavator Seed Drill Hand sprayer FFS Training of Ext. workers Local Initiatives Misc. expenses District level State level Total

Unit Qtl. ,, ,, ,, Ha. ,, ,, ,, No. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, Ha.

Physical Target Ach. 2 1.68 41 728 3200 37957 34000 6000 3160 390 750 4677 10 1 41 728 3598 37523 31482 5550 2614 380 726 201 4275 10 2 63871

PROGRESS REPORT OF NFSM-WHEAT FOR 2010-11 (Rs. in Lakh) Financial Allo. Exp. 50.40 43.58 450.00 0 208.05 85.80 45.30 276.00 0.15 90.00 1074.97 30.00 21.25 60.00 8.00 8.73 2408.65 444.90 0 206.44 83.87 39.90 256.80 0 92.83 983.35 21.67 20.58 54.66 4.12 4.75 2257.45

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Component Demonstrations Seed distribution Seed minikits Micronutrients Gypsum Zero Till Seed Drills Rotavators Multi-crop Planters Seed Drills Sprinkler sets Knap Sack Sprayers Farmers Training (FFS) Local Initiative Misc. exp. District Level State level Total

Unit No. Qtl. No. Ha. ,, No. ,, ,, ,, Ha. No. ,, Ha.

Physical Target Ach. 2520 2520 90000 12613 73000 12000 302 920 1 600 14333 6670 125 12000 88980 12613 72434 11732 266 856 724 14333 5215 125 22032

PROGRESS REPORT OF NFSM-PULSES FOR 2010-11 (Rs. in Lakh) Financial Allocation Exp. 0.283 0.26 0.78 2.40 42.00 35.00 82.58 101.75 4.14 15.00 21.50 23.00 21.75 1.20 41.25 255.00 339.75 7.50 3.40 0.76 60.00 21.00 2.00 1082.043 0.79 2.40 41.31 28.94 81.53 101.01 3.20 8.04 13.20 18.83 21.15 0.45 47.88 287.70 243.26 0 3.07 0.75 44.98 11.66 0.50 960.91

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Component Purchase of Breeder seed Prod. Of Foundation seed Prod. Of Certified seed Certified Seed distribution Technology Demonstrations Gypsum Micronutrients Biofertilizer Integrated Pest Management PP Chemicals Knap Sack Sprayers Zero Till Seed Drills Multi-crop Planters Seed Drills Rotavators Sprinkler sets Pipes for carrying water Farmers Training (FFS) Training for Trainers Local Initiative Misc. exp. District Level State level Total

Unit Qtl. ,, ,, ,, No. Ha. ,, ,, ,, ,, No. ,, ,, ,, ,, Ha. Mtr. ,, ,, Ha.

Physical Tar. Ach. 3.28 3.28 78 912 3500 2000 11550 35700 16500 2800 5000 5100 145 8 275 850 4530 40000 20 1 15000 78 912 3442 1993 11403 35443 16500 2325 4650 4527 141 3 371 869 4530 40000 20 1 15000

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