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Planta (1996)199:118-125 P l m a t a

9 Springer-Verlag 1996

Long-term drought stress induces structural and functional

reorganization of photosystem II
M.T. Giardi 1, A. Cona 1, B. Geiken 1, T. Ku(zera 1., J. Masojidek 1.*, A.K. Mattoo 2
1 Italian National Council of Research (BEV-CNR), Area della Ricerca di Roma, Via Salaria km 29.3, 1-00016 Monterotondo Scalo, Italy
2 Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, BARC, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA
Received: 26 April 1995/Accepted: 21 August 1995

Abstract. Long-term drought stress on photosystem II Introduction

(PSII) was studied in pea ( P i s u m s a t i v u m L.) seedlings.
Drought stress (reduction of water content by 35-80%)
Drought is one of the most important environmental
led to a considerable depletion of the PSII core, and the
factors limiting photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. It has
remaining PSII complex appeared to be functional and
been shown that at moderate leaf-water deficits [relative
reorganized, with a unit size (LHCP/PSII core) twofold
water content (RWC) down to 70%], photosynthesis is
greater than that of well-irrigated plants. By immunoblot-
impaired mainly as a consequence of stomatal closure,
ting analysis of the PSII proteins from grana and stroma
without any significant decline in mesophyll capacity.
lamellae, the enhanced degradation of CP43 and D1 pro-
Only when drought is prolonged leading to cell dehydra-
teins was observed in water-stressed plants. Also, water
tion below 70% RWC, or other stresses are superimposed
stress caused increased phosphorylation of the PSII core
(heat, high light), electron transfer and CO2 fixation are
and increased D1 protein synthesis. Water-stress-me-
additionally affected (Boyer and Bowen 1970; Chaves
diated increase in D1 synthesis did not occur when
1991; Cornic et a1.1992). Thus, the photosynthetic appar-
plants were exposed to photoinhibitory light. The de-
atus appears to be relatively resistant to dehydration
pletion of the PSII core was essentially reversed when
(Chaves 1991). However, depending upon which system is
water-stressed plants grown at low visible irradiance were
used, water stress may (Kaiser 1987; Masojidek et al. 1991;
watered. We suggest that the syndrome caused by the
Havaux 1992) or may not (Genty et al. 1987; Cornic et al.
effect of long-term water stress on photosynthesis is
1992; Jefferies 1994) predispose photosynthetic mem-
a combination of at least two events: a reduction in the
branes to photoinhibition (for a review on photo-inhibi-
number of active PSII centres caused by a physical de-
tion, see Powles 1984; Critchley 1988). Photosystem II is
stabilization of the PSII core and a PSII reorganization
believed to play a key role in the response of leaf photo-
with enhanced D1 turnover to counteract the core de-
synthesis to environmental perturbations (Baker 1991).
Recently, photoinhibition has been proposed to target
various sites associated with the PSII reaction centre,
Key words: D1 protein (turnover, modification) -
including components of the primary photochemical reac-
Drought High irradiance - Photosystem II (core
tion sequence between the intermediate electron donor
phosphorylation) - P i s u m s a t i v u m (drought stress) - Stress
(Tyrz) and the quinone acceptor QA, and between QA and
the secondary plastoquinone acceptor QB (Eckert et al.
1992; Aro et al. 1993). The PSII reaction center is com-
posed of a D1-D2 heterodimer which carries all of the
components essential for electron transport (Mattoo et al.
1989; Baker 1991). Under natural stress conditions, where
water deficit develops gradually, high light intensities
* Permanent addresses: could impair photosynthetic capacity and cause photo-
Department of Biology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic inhibition. In this regard, it is important to distinguish
** Institute of Microbiology, 37981 T~ebofi, Czech Republic between photoinhibition as a mechanism of downregula-
Abbreviations: Chl = chlorophyll; CP43 and CP47 = [3-carotene- tion~ of PSII function in vivo (Horton and Ruban 1992;
Chla-proteins of PSII core; DCPIP = 2,6-dichlorophenolin- Oquist et al. 1992; Anderson and Aro 1994; Critchley and
dophenol; DPC = diphenylcarbazide; Fv/Fm = the ratio of yield of
variable fluorescence to yield of maximal fluorescence when all Russell 1994), and irreversible damage of PSII structure and
reaction centres are closed; LHC(P)= light-harvesting complex function observed in vitro under strong damaging illumina-
(proteins); Wc = water content tion of isolated thylakoids (Barber and Anderson 1992).
Correspondence to: M.T. Giardi; FAX: 39 (6) 9064492, In the present work, we have examined the effect of
E-mail: long-term water deficit on PSII activities. We show that
M.T. Giardi et al.: Long-term drought stress 119

d r o u g h t c a u s e s s t r u c t u r a l r e o r g a n i z a t i o n of P S I I a n d Analysis by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and autoradiography. Im-

alters t u r n o v e r of the D1 p r o t e i n . munoblotting was carried out following electrophoretic transfer of
proteins separated on denaturing 12-17% polyacrylamide gels to
nitrocellulose filters. Polyclonal antibodies against D1 protein were
raised as previously described (Elich et al. 1993). Monoclonal anti-
Material and methods bodies against phosphothreonine were purchased from Sigma
(St. Louis, Mo., USA). The immuno-complexes were detected using
Plants. Pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Progress 9; Sementi Dotto S.p.a., anti-rabbit or anti-mouse secondary antibodies, coupled to alkaline
Rome, Italy) seedlings were grown in a greenhouse, in plastic con- phosphatase. For autoradiography, the gels were stained with
tainers (25 x 25 x 7 cm), on vermiculite and watered with a Hoag- Coomassie Blue, dried and then exposed to an X-ray film (Kodak-
land solution. The temperature was maintained at 25~ while the Safety light) after a 20-min treatment with amplifier (Amplify,
growth light was kept under 300 Bmol-m- 2.s- 1. Plants were used at Amersham).
two to three weeks of age when they had six to eight leaves. To
impose drought stress on plants, watering was stopped at day Chlorophyll fluorescence and measurements of chlorophyll, cyto-
7 when plants were about 5 cm in height. The drought-stressed chrome b559, and electron transfer. The photochemical efficiency of
plants were smaller and darker than watered plants and leaves PSII was measured as the ratio of yield of variable fluorescence to
started to wilt when water content (We) was reduced by about yield of maximal fluorescence when all reaction centres are closed
20%. The amount of water in plant material was measured as Wc (Fv/Fm) using the Plant Efficiency Analyzer (Hansatech, King's
according to the following mathematical expression: 100 (fresh Lynn, Norfolk, UK) after 40 min dark adaptation at an irradiance of
weight - dry weight)/dry weight (Beadle et al. 1993). The values of 3000 lamol-m- 2.s - 1.
Wc have been expressed as a percentage of the control value. Chlorophyll (Chl) content was determined in 80% (v/v) acetone
(Lichtenthaler and Wellburn 1983). Cytochrome b559 was deter-
Isolation of membranes and PSII components. Thylakoids, PSII mined from differential oxidized minus reduced spectra at 559 nm
grana and stroma-exposed particles were prepared from control and (Giardi 1993a). Electron transport activity was measured spectro-
stressed plants as previously described (Giardi 1993a). For isolation photometrically as 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) photo-
of grana particles, digitonin was used at a final concentration of reduction at 600 nm with diphenylcarbazide (DPC) as an electron
0.4%. Particles (1 mg chlorophyll) of PSII were solubilized with 1 ml donor (Giardi 1993a). Chlorophyll, cytochrome b559 as well as
of 1% n-dodecyl-D-maltoside (DM), loaded on a linear sucrose electron transfer activity were determined in at least three indepen-
gradient (0-0.6 M sucrose) in a solution containing Mes (pH 6.3), dent experiments each performed with two replicates. Values re-
15 mM NaC1, 5 mM MgCl2 and 0.1% DM, and centrifuged at ported are typical of those obtained.
55000"9 for 5 h at 5 ~ (SW56 rotor, Beckman Instruments, Palo
Alto, Calif., USA). The light-harvesting complexes were collected as Herbicide binding. Herbicide binding was performed on isolated
a green band at the position of 0.4 M sucrose while the PSII core thylakoids as previously reported, using radiolabelled ioxynil
preparation was recovered as a pellet at the bottom of the tube. (3.3" 1011 Bq.mmol-i; Giardi et al. 1992; Giardi 1993b), a kind gift
Alternatively, the PSII membranes were gently solubilized with from May and Baker Ltd. (London, UK). The QB content, the
0.3% DM and applied to an isoelectrofocusing bed of Ultrodex gel dissociation constant and the number of herbicide-binding sites were
(pH range 3.5-5; LKB, Bromma, Sweden) to separate light-harvest- obtained from double reciprocal plots of free versus bound herbicide
ing complex protein (LHCP) from the remaining PSII cores (Giardi concentration.
et al. 1992). The gel bed was cut into sections 1 cm wide and the
polypeptide profile was assessed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblot-
ting as described by Barbato et al. (1991). Results
Pulse-labelling with [35S]methionine. For pulse experiments, cut
petioles of the seedlings were incubated in a solution containing
Photosynthetic activity of drought-stressed pea
50 mM Tricine, pH 7.2, 15 mM NaCI, 5 mM MgCI2 and [35S]me- plants. L e a v e s a n d t h y l a k o i d s of t w o to three w e e k old
thionine (Du Pont Newtown, Conn., USA; 18.5-107 Bq'mmo1-1, p e a p l a n t s g r o w n at 300 t x m o l - m - Z - s - a at v a r y i n g W c
1.11.1014 Bq.mmol- 1) for 30 min in the dark, and then illuminated were a n a l y z e d . Since the t u r g i d - w e i g h t m e a s u r e m e n t s in
for 1.5 h with an irradiance of 300 pmol.m 2.s-1. In some cases, y o u n g d r o u g h t - s t r e s s e d p e a seedlings are n o t r e p r o d u c -
200 mM NaC1 was used in the incubation medium of control and ible, the a m o u n t of w a t e r in p l a n t m a t e r i a l was m e a s u r e d
stressed plants. Then, PSII particles were isolated as described as We.
As s h o w n in Fig. 1A, there was a slight b u t c o n s i s t e n t
Pulse-labelling with [33p]orthophosphate. Pea seedlings were left in decrease in the F v / F m r a t i o p a r a l l e l to t h a t in the P S I I
the dark overnight to dephosphorylate phosphorylated proteins. e l e c t r o n t r a n s p o r t a c t i v i t y of the t h y l a k o i d s as the W c was
Petioles were cut in the dark and each incubated in a solution decreased. B u t m o r e severe was the r e d u c t i o n i n the elec-
containing 20 mM Na2 CO3 (pH 8.3), and 1.3.106 Bq of [33p]ortho- t r o n t r a n s f e r a c t i v i t y f r o m D P C to D C P I P p e r u n i t of
phosphate (Amersham International, Amersham Bucks., UK; c h l o r o p h y l l as a f u n c t i o n of r e d u c e d W c (Fig. 1A).
7.4.107 Bq.mmol-1, 1.11.1014 Bq.mmol-1, 33p: tl/2 = 25.4d, I n p l a n t s g r o w n at 3 7 % W c , i n h i b i t i o n of e l e c t r o n t r a n s -
0.246 MeV). The leaves were illuminated for 4 h with an irradiance
of 300 Bmol'm-2"s -1 and then frozen in liquid nitrogen prior to fer of the c o r r e s p o n d i n g t h y l a k o i d s i l l u m i n a t e d w i t h
extraction of grana and stroma-exposed membranes. 1 8 0 0 1 a m o l . m - Z . s - 1 ( D C P to D C P I P p h o t o r e d u c t i o n )
o c c u r r e d m u c h earlier in t h o s e i s o l a t e d f r o m d r o u g h t -
Illumination with strong irradiance. High-irradiance treatment of stressed p l a n t s t h a n in t h o s e f r o m c o n t r o l p l a n t s (Fig. 1C).
plants was performed for 7 h using a mercury pressure lamp O n e of the c o m m o n t a r g e t s of h i g h - l i g h t a n d u r e a - a n d
(1000 W, Osram, Miinchen, Germany). The light reaching the leaves t r i a z i n e - t y p e h e r b i c i d e stress i n p h o t o s y n t h e s i s is the r a p -
was about 3000 txmol.m-2.s -I. To avoid overheating of the leaf idly t u r n i n g - o v e r D1 p r o t e i n of the P S I I r e a c t i o n c e n t r e
surface, a 10-cm-deep circulating water bath was placed under the
( D r a b e r et al. 1991). T h e r e f o r e , we tested w h e t h e r the
lamp. This set-up also cut off the range of wavelength below 340 nm.
Experiments with isolated thylakoids were performed in Q a - b i n d i n g site o n D1 is a l t e r e d b y d r o u g h t stress. T h i s
a cuvette of 3 mm thickness illuminated with an irradiance intensity was d o n e b y m e a s u r i n g the n u m b e r of sites o n D1 for the
of 1800 ~tmol-m- 2-s - 1. h e r b i c i d e i o x y n i l t h a t displaces QB f r o m its b i n d i n g n i c h e
120 M.T. Giardi et al.: Long-term drought stress

100_ =
~ 0.9
<1 80 -- E 1.2
o c

=0.8 80 o

5 A "

~ D.8
A (9

0.7 \.
Z o.e
, i i i
0 uJ
B ~ 0.4
8.0 c
v 700 o 0 Confrol K=3OnM r=0.96

600 m ().2 W5 K=14nM r=0.94

~_ 5.0 @
t.j 500 "~
..c 0.0
10 20 30 40 50

= 4.o
~ 400

Free herbicide (1/p~M)

i , i , i i , r

100 80 60 40 20
Fig. 2. Double reciprocal plots for the binding of the herbicide
Wc, % of control vcllue ionyxil to thylakoids from leaves of control (control) and water-
stressed (WS) pea plants. The Wc of stressed plants was 37%. K,
dissociation constant for the herbicide binding; r, correlation coeffic-
_~ 1oo ~C ient. Experiments were performed three times, each with two repli-
cates. The plots represent a typical result
>o 8o

~ 6o
9- ~ . Con Control Drought
20 e~ 559 nm 5 5 9 nrn
e~ e W S
o A
0 20 40 60 80
- Pt
IlluminotTon time (min)

Fig. 1A-C. Characteristics of pea leaves and isolated thylakoids 0 0

during drought stress. A The Fv/Fm ratio of leaf samples (A) and
electron transfer activity (&), measured as DPC to DCPIP photo-
reduction at 600 nm, of isolated thylakoids from plants at different 0 |1

Wc stages. B The Chl/QB ratio (O), measured by the herbicide-

o ~
binding method, and the ChlLnc/Chlps, ratio (0) of thylakoids from
I | _ J
plants at different Wc stages. Chlorophyll associated with LHCII
and the PSII core was determined after fractionation of PSI! mem-
brane fragments followed by solubilization with 1% digitonin in
a sucrose gradient. The light-harvesting complexes were collected as
a green band in the position of 0.4 M sucrose while the PSII core t I

preparation was recovered as a pellet at the bottom of the tube. 25 nm

C Inhibition of electron transfer (ET), measured as DCP to DCPIP
photoreduction at 600 nm, in thylakoids from control (Cont) and Wavelength
drought-stressed (WS) plants (Wc 37%) under high light conditions
(1800 gmol-m 2.s-t) as a function of illumination time. Experi- Fig. 3. Cytochrome b559 signal (measured spectroscopically as the
ments were performed three times each with two replicates, and difference of the oxidized and reduced spectra at 559 nm) in PSII
reproducible results were obtained of which the plots represent particles from leaves of water-stressed (Wc 37%) and control pea
a typical result. The error bars in A represent the +SE (four plants. The measurements were performed at room temperature and
replicates) the suspensions of thylakoids used for the measurements contained
the same amount of chlorophyll. Experiments were performed three
times each with two replicates. Reproducible results were obtained
of which the plots represent a typical result

(Draber et al. 1991 and references therein). T h y l a k o i d s

were isolated from control and water-stressed (Wc 37%)
than in control plants. Together, these data provide
plants and incubated with radiolabelled ioxynil. Both the
evidence for the reorganization of PSII c o m p l e x under
n u m b e r of i o x y n i l - b i n d i n g sites and the dissociation con-
drought stress, which, in turn, results in a greater PSII
stant were reduced twofold in stressed versus control
unit size in these plants than in the controls.
plants (Fig. 2). The ratios of Chl/QB and ChleHc/ChlpsH
increased with the decrease in W c content of the plants
(Fig. 1B), suggesting that the content of PSII core is re- Composition and organization of PSII. The preceeding
duced under drought stress. This is further supported by results implicated PSII as a site for drought-stress dam-
the data in Fig. 3 s h o w i n g a high difference in the age. Therefore, we tested PSII particle c o m p o s i t i o n and
a m o u n t of c y t o c h r o m e b559 in the PSII m e m b r a n e s from organization in detail. T h y l a k o i d s were subfractionated
control plants c o m p a r e d to drought-stressed plants. Thus, into grana and stroma membranes and the polypeptide
at the same chlorophyll concentration the Chl/cyto- profiles of the isolated m e m b r a n e s were analyzed. The
c h r o m e b559 ratio was higher in drought-stressed plants yields of grana and stroma m e m b r a n e s were significantly
M.T. Giardi et al.: Long-term drought stress 121

to the controls (stroma, lanes marked WS versus C).

Steady-state levels of CP47 (a [3-carotene-Chla-protein of
the PSII core) and the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b
apoproteins (LHCII) remained more or less unchanged in
grana and stroma membranes isolated from control and
water-stressed plants. Some of the results obtained by
protein staining were further confirmed by immunoblot-
ting analysis (see corresponding immunoblot panels for
CP43, D1, CP47 and L H C I I in Fig. 5). The decrease in D2
observed in water-stressed samples on stained gels was
not corroborated by immunoblot analysis (Fig. 5C). The
decrease in the contents of CP43 and D1 in grana mem-
branes from the water-stressed plants seems to be due, in
part, to their enhanced degradation rates as shown by the
accumulation of their degradation products identified by
antibodies (see 22 kDa band in Fig. 5A for D1 and several
bands in the region of 20 kDa in Fig. 5B for CP43). The
immunoblots further confirm the dual location of PSII
proteins in chloroplast membranes (Callahan et al. 1989)
and show that the steady-state levels of CP43, CP47 and
L H C I I are higher in the grana than in the stroma mem-
branes of pea plants. On the other hand, almost equal
proportions of D1 and D2 are seen distributed in these
membranes. A protein band of 18 kDa in stroma mem-
branes of control plants immunoreacts with the anti-D1
antibody and is missing in the corresponding sample from
water-stressed plants (Fig. 5A), suggesting that it might be
a degradation product of D1 which has a shorter half-life
in water-stressed plants.

Enhanced PSII protein phosphorylation and D1 synthesis in

water-stressed plants. Proteins of PSII undergo light-
dependent reversible phosphorylation in vivo (Giardi et al.
1991, 1994; Elich et al. 1992, 1993). Phosphorylation of the
D1 protein was shown to result in lowered electrophoretic
mobility of D1 (Callahan et al. 1990), thus allowing visual
Fig. 4A, B. Characteristics of particles isolated from leaves of con- distinction between the phosphorylated and non-phos-
trol and stressed pea plants. A Yield of grana and stroma-exposed phorylated D1 (Elich et al. 1992, 1993). A perusal of the
membranes isolated from leaves of drought-stressed (WS, Wc 22%) D1 immunoblot (Fig. 5A) indicated the presence of
and control plants, using the digitonin method as described in a higher amount of phosphorylated D1 (D1-P) in the
Material and methods. B SDS-PAGE (12-17% polyacrylamide- grana membranes of the water-stressed plants than in the
gradient gels with 5 M urea) analysis of grana and stroma-exposed controls. We therefore surmised that water stress may
regions of thylakoids isolated from leaves of control (C) and water- result in an enhancement of phosphorylation of PSII
stressed plants (WS, Wc 37%). M, molecular-weight standard in
kilodaltons (kDa). The position of specified proteins is indicated on proteins. To test this, we first incubated control and
the left water-stressed pea plants overnight in the dark to allow
turnover of phosphate on phosphorylated proteins, and
then radiolabelled them in vivo with [33p]orthophos-
lower in drought-stressed than in control plants, the re- phate for 4 h under 300 ~tmol.m-Z.s -1. In preliminary
duction in yield being particularly severe for stroma mem- experiments, we found that the radiolabel was taken
branes (Fig. 4A). up by the plants within the labelling period, with the
The protein profiles of grana and stroma membranes water-stressed plants having only a slightly lower rate of
in control (C) and water-stressed (WS) plants are shown in uptake than the c o n t r o l s . Following labelling, grana-
Fig. 4B. Distinct separation of the two membrane types is associated proteins were isolated, fractionated by
shown by their distinct protein profiles, as seen before SDS-PAGE and radiolabel associated with D1, D2,
(Callahan et al. 1989). Grana isolated from water-stressed CP43, L H C I I and the psbH gene-product quantified
plants appeared to have lower contents of CP43 (a 13- by densitometric scanning. Figure 6A shows that, with
carotene-Chla-protein of the PSII core), D1, D2 and a the exception of the psbH gene-product, PSII core
20-kDa protein (Fig. 4B, left panel, compare lanes C with proteins had a higher level (ca. average increase of 50%) of
lanes WS). Stroma membranes from water-stressed plants, phosphorylation in water-stressed plants than in the
on the other hand, showed a lower content of the 13- control plants. Little or insignificant phosphorylation
subunit of the proton-ATPase and a slight increase in of stroma-membrane-associated proteins was seen (data
some proteins between 27 kDa and 36 kDa compared not shown), consistent with the observation that stroma
122 M.T. Giardi et al.: Long-term drought stress

Fig. 6. A Phosphorylation index of PSII core proteins under water-

stress conditions, expressed as the ratio of phosphorylation per unit
protein in water-stressed versus control plants. Plants were labelled
Fig. 5A-C. Immunoblot analysis of proteins associated with grana in vivo with [3~P]orthophosphate for 4 h at 300 gmol'm-2"s-t.
and stroma-exposed membranes isolated from leaves of control (C) Grana-associated proteins were isolated and fractionated by SDS-
and water-stressed (WS, Wc 37%) pea plants. Polyclonal antibodies PAGE. The amount of each protein on the gel and that of labelled
against the D1 (A), CP43 (B), and D2, CP47 and LHCII (C) were protein (after autoradiography) were determined densitometrically.
used in conjunction with the alkaline-phosphatase detection system. Relative ratios (labelled protein/total protein) are shown.
In order to see differences in the PSII polypeptides of stroma- B Autoradiograph of an SDS-polyacrylamide gel analysis of PSII
exposed membranes isolated from control and drought-stressed membranes from leaves incubated with [3SS]methionine for 1.5 h.
plants, the amount of chlorophyll loaded on the gel was twice as C, control treated with light of 300 gmol-m 2.s ~; C + HL, control
much as for grana membranes treated with light of 3000gmol.m-2.s-1; WS, water-stressed
(Wc 37%); WS + HL, water stressed (Wc 37%) treated with light
of 3000gmol.m Z.s-~. The samples were loaded on an equal-
membranes lack protein kinase activity (Elich et al. 1992). chlorophyll-concentration basis
Using antibodies that recognize either D1 or D1 plus
phosphorylated-D 1 on immunoblots (data not shown), we
estimated the ratio of phosphorylated-D1 to D1 to be 0.35 unstressed plants D1 synthesis was increased compared
in control plants compared to 1.15 in water-stressed to the low-light control. However, higher light (HL) in-
plants. Similarly, using monoclonal antibodies against tensity was detrimental to water-stressed plants in that
phosphothreonine (threonine is the residue phos- the drought-stimulated D1 synthesis was prevented
phorylated in PSII core proteins, see Allen 1992), we (WS + HL/C + HL = 0.6-0.8). The presence of NaC1 did
determined that phosphorylation of D2, CP43 and L H C I I not alter the results. These data suggest that D1 degrada-
in water-stressed plants was higher than in the control tion rather than D1 synthesis caused a decreased steady-
plants (data not shown). Together, these data provide state level of D1 in water-stressed plants and that
strong evidence that drought increases the extent of phos- high-light stress superimposed on water stress is deleterious
phorylation of the PSII core proteins D1, D2, CP43 and for the plant.
L H C I I in pea plants.
Although it was apparent that drought caused less Recovery studies. To ascertain the severeness of water
accumulation of the PSII core proteins, perhaps due to stress imposed on the pea plants, variously stressed plants
enhancement in the rates of their degradation, we tested were re-watered. The PSII particles were then isolated and
whether D1 synthesis was also affected, since this could be analyzed for Fv/Fm ratio, electron transfer activity and
a limiting factor as well. Plants were radiolabelled for 2 h cytochrome b559 content (Table 1). Results show that
with [35S]methionine. To avoid rehydration and recovery water-stressed plants (Wc 40%) recovered 90% of the
during the pulse-chase experiments, in some cases, initial cytochrome b559 content after 2d, whereas the
2 0 0 m M NaC1 was used in the incubation medium of desiccated plants (Wc 23%) took 6 d following re-water-
control and stressed plants. The PSH particles were iso- ing to recover 80% of cytochrome b559 content. Plants
lated, fractionated on S D S - P A G E and autoradiographed. that were water-stressed at the high light intensity were
Figure 6B showed that, surprisingly, drought-stressed not able to recover.
plants were able to synthesize D1 several-fold more than Finally, if the stressed plants were rewatered with
the control (WS/C = 2.5-4.0). Experiments conducted at 30 gg.l- 1 of the herbicide atrazine (that is known to bIock
a higher irradiance showed that under these conditions in D1 degradation and phosphorylation as well; Mattoo
M.T. Giardi et al.: Long-term drought stress 123

Table 1. Fv/Fm ratio, electron transfer activity (ET; Control value was 455 txmol'm- 2"s- x of reduced DCPIP), and cytochrome b559content
of leaves from control, water-stressed (WS; Wc 40% and 23%), and water-stressed/strong illumination (WS + HL; Wc 40%) pea plants before
and after re-watering (recovery). Recovery time was 2 d from rewetting at initial Wc 40% and 6 d from rewetting at initial Wc 23%.
Experiments were performed three times each with two replicates. Data are means (_ SE) for Fv/Fm from three replicates
Wc Fv/Fm ET (% of control) Chl/Cyt b559
before after before after before after before after
recovery recovery recovery recovery
Control 100% 100% 0.870 + 0.005 0.870 + 0.005 100 100 314 314
WS1 40% 80% 0.810 + 0.006 0.800 + 0.013 35 65 488 335
WS2 23% 41% 0.798 + 0.018 0.762 _ 0.033 22 43 500 351
WS1 + HL 40% 35% 0.654 + 0.038 0.633 +_0.041 0.5 0.5 480 500

et al. 1989; Allen 1992; Elich et al. 1993) the recovery in 1993, 1994; H o r t o n and Ruban 1992; Giardi 1993a, b;
the first few days was found to be accelerated (data not H u r r y et al. 1993; for a recent review on phosphorylation,
shown). see Allen 1992). In line with this idea, it has been suggested
that D1 turnover has a physiological significance leading
to downregulation of PSII activity under high light stress
Discussion (Mattoo and Edelman 1985; Oquist et al. 1992; Critchley
and Russell 1994; O s m o n d 1994; Russell et al. 1995) be-
In the present work we demonstrated that drought (the sides constituting a damage-repair cycle (for review, see
decrease of Wc by 40%) affects photosynthesis at the level Barber and Anderson 1992). In-vitro phosphorylation of
of PSII, causing a considerable depletion of the PSII core, PSII proteins has been shown to protect against irrevers-
enhanced CP43 and D1 protein degradation, and en- ible light inactivation of PSII function (photoinhibition,
hanced phosphorylation of PSII core proteins, most prob- H o r t o n and Lee 1985); however, the contribution of each
ably by activating the kinase activity. This reduction in PSII core polypeptide seems to be different (Giardi et al.
the PSII core complex is accompanied by a reorganiza- 1994).
tion of the remaining PSII to a functional form since the The lower steady-state level of D1 and CP43 caused by
F v / F m ratio was high as well as the electron transfer from water stress parallels their enhanced phosphorylation,
D P C to D C P I P , when considered per unit of protein. suggesting that phosphorylation of these proteins, but not
Thus, the "surviving" PSII core seems functionally reor- of D2 and L H C I I , m a y be a committed step for their
ganized. These observations are in accordance with pre- degradation. The role of in-vivo phosphorylation in the
vious results (Bj6rkmann and Powles 1984; Ogreen and dynamics or function of any of the PSII core proteins is
Oquist 1984; Masojidek et al. 1991) showing that drought not well defined. D1 phosphorylation has been linked to
halved the active PSII reaction centres but are at variance D1 degradation (Callahan et al. 1990; Elich et al. 1992),
with the conclusion drawn by Meyer and Kouchkovsky protection of D1 against photoinhibition (Aro et al. 1993)
(1993) that the inactivation is not due to a physical de- and to chromatic adaptation of photosystems (Elich et al.
struction of the PSII core. Our results further show that 1993).
thylakoids from water-stressed plants are highly suscep- The results presented here indicate that altering the
tible to high irradiance, as was also observed previously phosphorylation state of PSII core proteins could have
(Masojidek et al. 1991; Masojidek and Hall 1992). It seems direct consequences on D1 turnover and on the half-lives
possible that this synergism of light and water stress is the of the PSII core proteins as well. These indications are
reason for the reduced content of PSII core. Thus, the consistent with other reports. For instance: (i) In-vitro
drought-stress syndrome is a combination of two compo- phosphorylation of the peripheral antenna proteins and
nents. One, a water-stress effect, enhanced by illumina- psbH protein protects electron transfer from photoinhibi-
tion, that leads to a disassembly of a part of PSII core. tion (Horton and Lee 1985; Giardi et al. 1993, 1994). (ii) A
Second, a reorganization process that rebuilds and main- heterogeneity of PSII core phosphorylation has been
tains the remaining PSII functional to counteract the shown. Four differently phosphorylated PSII core popu-
depletion of PSII core. The importance of these two lations, which are interconvertible, are present in grana
drought consequences depends on specific growth membranes (Giardi et al. 1991, 1994). Thylakoids with
conditions and the intensity of light, offering an explana- highly phosphorylated forms of PSII core result in PSII
tion for the conflicting results seen in water-stress experi- disassembly within a few minutes of illumination (Giardi
ments carried out in a growth chamber versus those car- 1993a). (iii) In-vivo phosphorylation of D1 is an integral
ried out under field conditions (Kaiser 1987; Cornic et al. part of light-mediated D1 metabolism (Elich et al. 1992).
1992; Jefferies 1994). Recently, it has been proposed that D1 turnover is regu-
Phosphorylation of PSII polypeptides as well as D1 lated by a light-dependent kinase activity (Bracht and
turnover have been proposed as two protective mecha- Trebst 1994).
nisms for the structural and functional integrity of PSII Greatly enhanced synthesis of D1 in water-stressed
(Mattoo et al. 1989; G o d d e et al. 1991; Giardi et al. 1991, leaves and yet a lower D1 content suggest that a decreased
124 M.T. Giardi et al.: Long-term drought stress

a m o u n t of D1 is due to its e n h a n c e d degradation. The Bracht E, Trebst A (1994) Hypothesis of the control of D1 turnover
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