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t was unusual. Not everyday That also was 'unusual'.

does a female without a "It is surgery to make an
I vagina walk into a hospital. artificial vagina from the
And not everyday do doctors patient's own tissue," says Dr
labour to construct one for a Sanjay Saraf, Specialist Plastic
damsel in such a type of distress. Surgeon, NMC Speciality
J The NMC Speciality Hospital Hospital. "Congential anomalies
had one such visitor in recent of the female genital tract may
I days, and shortly thereafter, include an absence of the vagina
iii without much ado, she walked (vaginal atresia or agenesis),
out a 'woman' in every sense of either as an isolated
Dr Sanjay Saraf,
Dr Praveena Saraf that term, perfect to behold to developmental defect or within a
her own eyes! complex of more extensive
anomalies. Vaginal atresia is

September I 55 ~~
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Dr Praveena Saraf

associated most commonly with absence of periods. The patient

Rokintansky - Mayer - Kuster- was investigated and was found
Hauser (RMKH)syndrome, in to be suffering from Congenital
which the principal association Vaginal Agenesis (MRKH
is with the absent/non-developed Syndrome)," says specialist
uterus despite the presence of gynaecologist Dr Praveena Saraf.
normal external genitalia."
Wikipedia, the free Counselling
encyclopedia, explains
vaginoplasty as a surgical "Vaginal atresia is estimated to
operation with the aim of occur in 1 in 5000-7000 live
correcting structural defects in female births and is a significant
the vagina or even to construct threat to the mental health and
or reconstruct it. "When used to well-being of an otherwise
produce a new vagina when one norma" healthy young woman/,
is lacking (a neovagina) it is says Dr Praveena Saraf. "Such
called neo-vaginoplasty." cases are seldom diagnosed at
When the 27-year-old woman an early age, and diagnosis is
- for want of a name let us call frequently not made until
her IV' - walked into NMC adolescence when the patients
Speciality Hospital she was present with absence of
assessed by a gynaecologist and menstrual periods."
was found to be a fit candidate Dr Praveena Saraf says
for neo-vaginoplasty. "She came vaginal agenesis involves iSSL"eS
to the hospital's Gyn/Obs of physical abnormality, bod-
Department with complaints of image, sexual identity, aNi
absent vaginal orifice and

56 IUAE DIGEST,September 2006



The last required the expert

hands of a plastic surgeon. And
'Now, I'm a complete woman' Dr Sanjay Saraf took charge of
'Y' with a confidence born of
'Y' wouldn't meet us, any of us though 1O0s of surgeries where he
she was gracious enough to talk over repaired, reconstructed and
the telephone. Dr Sanjay ~araf fixed constructed most every human
the call in such a way that not even body part from cut off fingers to
the telephone number wa~ conveyed hands at the wrists and nose and
to the 'other party' i.e., 'We'. That the jaw. "The surgical
suited us just fine. From the round ot management of absence of the
her voice, 'Y appeared to be quite in control of the vagina constitutes a significant
situation, her situation, and she spoke just the right words to technical challenge, the
make that feeling felt. outcome of which affects both
"One woman out of every 5000 to 10,000 is diagnosed with this the physical and psychological
disorder. That's what I was told. But that, however, advancement health of the patient," says Dr
in science has ensured that post-surgery it is possible for women Saraf.
to lead normal, healthy lives. "The ideal reconstructive
"It was at the age of 19 that we finally visited a doctor. In the procedure should provide a
beginning, doctors in India thought I had some problem with vagina that has an appropriate
the ovaries but after a visit to the endocrinologist, we found that length, adequate caliber and
the problem was something else, altogether. Of course, I did not should be cosmetically
undergo the surgery in India, despite the fact that it was much acceptable. Neo-vaginoplasty fits
cheaper to get myself operated there. I came to Dubai two years the bill. It is a reconstructive
ago and decided to undergo the operation here. surgical procedure used the
"Doctors assure me that I can now lead a normal life. In fact, I'll reconstruct the vaginal tube."
be getting married in a few months' time. Earlier, I thought it But Dr Sanjay Saraf says the
would not be possible at all. Now, I feel like a complete patient should also fit the bill for
woman. I am not sure if I can have a baby, for I have some neo-vaginoplasty. "There is some
other complications as well, but women who have undergone debate as to when such patients
this surgery before could have children. My future in-laws are should be treated. My advice is
aware of this fact and so is my husband to be, who I will be that such treatment should be
meeting for the first time in September. Yes, I'm definitely glad deferred until the patient attains
to have had this makeover. I am normal, and I'm feeling just full growth, is psychologically
great. Isn't that great?" prepared and is socially and
It is! sexually mature."
The husband-wife of team Dr
Sanjay and Dr Praveena found
sexual/reproductive functioning 'Y" fit all these criteria for a
that require long-term medical made-to-specifications 'V'. And
and psychological management. just so that every thing fell into
"Counselling both for the patient its right place, a multi-
as well as for parents, regarding disciplinary approach was
the disease process, the recommended to best meet the
management options available challenge of providing good
and the need for long-term cosmetic and optimal functional
follow-up is one issue that is outcomes.
very important. In addition to the
surgical and non-surgical Good news
options, the discussion should
include future fertility, capacity It was an involved procedure.
for future physical relations and The construction of a vagina
genital appearance." where none existed took time -

September 2006, UAE DIGEST157 ~~ ~





Dr Sanjay Saraf, Specialist Plastic Surgeon, NMC Speciality Hospital.


a four-hour long procedure - be as woman as possible with

and it needed sure hands, much the exception of conceiving
manipulation of skin and tissue. because it's not possible to
Dr Saraf took graft skin from 'Y's' "transplant a uterus". Says Dr '.
thigh and buttocks to construct Praveena Saraf: "In terms of
the vagina, which when made fertility a number of options are
had an 11-12 cm length and a available. Many such women
4.5 cm diameter. choose to adopt children. One
The vagina in place, a mould mother of such a patient asked if
with a condom for cover was her own uterus could be
made and inserted into the transplanted and attached 0 her
vagina, to be retained there for daughter's ovaries. This is not
at least three months, to ensure medically possible now but it is
that the cavity did not collapse possible to harvest the patient's
into itself. eggs, inseminate them with her
"Over a period of time, nature partner's sperm, and implant
and bodily reactions would see them into another woman's
to it that the skin inside the uterus."
vagina took on the same The best news as far as 'Y' is
characteristics of any normal concerned is that she is all set to
vagina, have the same feeV' says tie the knot, and the man in her
Dr Saraf. "It assumes the life is aware of what she
characteristics of a normal underwent, and knows what he
vagina, secretes and lubricates can expect.
on its own." That, again, is quite the
The vagina will allow 'Y' to unusual.

September2006, UAE DIGEST!59 ~~

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