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A Vision Evangelizing Nations

Issue #8 September 25, 2013


Contentment Page 2

Prayer 3
Mark 11:24 NLT

Faith Speaks 5
1 Corinthians 4:13

Inspiration 6
Book, Song, and Joke of the Month

Faith Confession:
Thank You Lord that the devil is a powerless, defeated foe! And, in Christ Jesus I am victorious! I am not moved by overwhelming feelings or past failures because God is bigger and more powerful than anything and everything Ive ever been through. I walk in the promises God has for me and my mind is transformed by His Word. I command all strongholds to bend their knee to the authority of Jesus Christ! No matter what my situation looks like, I choose to believe Gods truth and tear down the devils lies. I am not defeated! I have set my hope in Jesus and by faith I walk in OVERWHELMING VICTORY! (Colossians 2:13-15, I Corinthians 15:57, I John 4:4, Romans 12:2, II Corinthians 10:3-5, II Corinthians 1:10-11, I John 5:4 Romans 8:37 NLT)

Remember: In order to get faith to work for you, you must bring your conversation, your thinking, and your believing in line with your faith! Let your FAITH be so loud that you won't be able to hear what doubt is trying to say! It is written: I believed; therefore I have spoken. Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak!! (2 Corinthians 4:13 NIV) Start declaring over your life what the scriptures have already spoken...."All my needs are met; No weapon formed against me shall prosper; I have favor with God and man; I am strong; I am healed; I have abundance and no lack." etc. When you believe and speak those words, you are blessing yourself and those words will come back to you manifested! FAITH SPEAKS!

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

Issue #8 September 25, 2013


"Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6

I am a woman that loves to plan. Many people who know me often make fun of my many planners and my ability to schedule away the day! lol! But in this season of my life God has been dealing with me about giving up my agenda/plans and following His. Proverbs 19:21 NLT says, "You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." This summer God said, "I'm interrupting your plans, for my purpose." Little did I know that this interruption would be at times very difficult and uncomfortable, but ultimately joyful because it was and is the will of God for my life. Word for this season: Contentment In this season, I'm learning to be content. I'm learning to embrace my place. I'm learning to bloom where I am planted. I'm learning to let God have complete and full control and to follow Him no matter what! It is definitely a processand if you are like me and are experiencing the same know exactly what I mean. In Philippians Ch. 4, we read about being content with what we have. But my favorite scripture on contentment is 1 Timothy 6:6, "But godliness with contentment is great gain." Formula of the day: Godliness + Contentment = GREAT GAIN

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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

Issue #8 September 25, 2013


"I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours Mark 11:24 NLT

Recently Ive been studying about prayer. I believe that prayer is a very important thing when it comes to the life of a blood bought believer. I also believe that effective prayer will destroy the devil's kingdom of darkness and release the ability of God in the earth! I also believe that prayer is a key to heaven's storehouse, but FAITH unlocks the door. What Ive learned is that a prayer without faith is like a key without a hand to turn it! Hebrews 11:6 tells us what pleases God..and that is FAITH! And then we read 1 John 5:14-15, and we find some great truths about prayer. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears uswhatever we askwe know that we have what we asked of him. Then we read James 1:6-8, "let him ask in FAITH, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways!" Now for another witness let's go to Mark 11:23-24, "I tell you the truth, you can say

to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours." Now, let me be honest, since I've been studying about prayer and allowing the Lord to pour into me, I have noticed some things about myself. Often times, I have prayed in fear and not in faith. How do I know that I prayed in fear and not in faith? By my actions. I was still fearful, still worrying, still losing sleep some nights..basically I was a double minded woman (James 1:6-8). Maybe you can relate.. t Friend, today we are going to discuss prayer.the power of it.and the results that come from it when mixed with faith (confidence) in God and His Word! First of all, we need to determine what is the will of God. I have heard many pastors (Pastor Creflo Dollar, Pastor Kenneth Hagin, and Pastor Bill Winston) that I listen to say this and I completely 3

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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations


Issue #8 September 25, 2013

agree: "Faith begins where the will of God is known." The will of God is the Word of God. The bible says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17) Many times we are not confident about what we are praying for because we don't know if it is in the Word of God. The bottom line is that if you don't have the Word of God on the subject you won't be confident and have faith when you pray. This is why we must not just merely get into God's word---but we need to allow His word to get into us. Remember: the Word of God in YOU makes you armed and dangerous. The more Word.....the more FAITH. Less Word.......less faith. Prayer gets its power from faith, and faith works by love. Faith makes prayer work. This is why James 5:15 says, "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up." The prayer of faith shall.....not of fear, doubt, and unbelief. This is why we must pray in faith and then rest in the Lord. This is why when we pray, we must believe that we receive right then and right there. If we believe that we receive when we pray....the manifestation WILL COME! Many of us say that we believe that we received already what we have prayed for, but our daily conversations and actions do not back up what we believed we received. The key to answered prayer is to speak and act in agreement with your prayers daily. We must control the words

that come out of our mouths and we must be doers of the Word and not just hearers! When you believe that you received are going to act as though you already have it. Maybe, like me you're believing God for a particular degree (or many lol).....say it is to be a nurse, a lawyer, a teacher, or a should act as though you already are one. It's just like when God changed Abrams name to Abraham. Abraham means a father of many nations. Had it manifested yet? Nope. But was he the father of many nations? You betcha! How? Because God said so! Every time someone called him by his named they were speaking in agreement with what God had already said. And get this, every time Abraham answered when someone called his name.......he was acting in agreement with what God had said. What are you answering to? What are you responding to? Is your conversation in line with what you have prayed and believed for? It is imperative for you to believe God, and then ACT like you believe!

the problem over and over again. Also, I would find myself asking God over and over again to do "it".........INSTEAD of believing that I received..........I would keep on asking as if I did not receive it! I did not have persistent faith; persistent faith means faith that asks God once, and then stands it's ground until it is manifested. It is not moved by whats going on or by overwhelming emotions and feelings. True faith asks and receives....because it is FAITH that receives from God! The truth is, if you want to change your circumstances or if you desire something, you must have faith in two places: in your heart and in your mouth!

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Second, we must learn to be specific and accurate in prayer. Pray what you desire (Mark 11:24). Don't pray the problem! Pray and speak the answer; cast the problem over to God! Many times I would find myself praying 4

Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

Issue #8 September 25, 2013

More Faith Confessions I believe and therefore speak! 2 Corinthians 4:13

Faith Confession: I am Graced to Win God has graced me to be successful in every arena of life! I WILL NOT receive, be discouraged, or be moved by the negative words of the enemy! I declare that I am graced to win! Faith Confession: Living the Abundant Life I decree, I will not leave this earth living in not enough or just enough. I declare the abundant life of more than enough shall begin to manifest in my life starting today! Faith Confession: Nothing But Increase I declare that there is no limits and no boundaries. I declare that I see nothing but increase all around me! Faith Confession: I Receive Every Good Thing That You Have Promised for Me to Have Tell God: "Yes Father, I agree with every word that you have spoken, and I receive every good thing that You have promised for me to have." Remember, it's His good pleasure to give you the Kingdom! (Luke 12:32) Faith Confession: Expecting the Extraordinary Extraordinary things will become the norm in my life. Things that never happened to most people in a lifetime will happen to me in one year's time! Today, I expect the extraordinary! Declare today: This is my year for the extraordinary and I'm expecting it everyday of my life! Faith Confession: Philippians 4:19 My God supplies all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! Faith Confession: 2 Corinthians 2:14 I am a winner; an overcomer and I always triumph in Christ!

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Restoring A Vision Evangelizing Nations

Issue #8 September 25, 2013

Book of the Month: "If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy...He can't keep your goods!"

Book of the Month By: Pastor Jerry


Song of the Month: "Empty Me" By: William Murphy (wriRen by Jeremy Camp)

Joke of the Month: Lol!!!!

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