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The End of All Flesh

An excerpt from Dragon's Blood #5: The Adversary

Pairika Ewa Borowska

After the primordial light was withdrawn there was created a membrane for the marrow, a klifah husk
or shell, and this klifah expanded and produced another, who was Lilith (Zohar)
Lilith is a dark form of the feminine Self encountered in many mythologies, from Sumerian, Babylonian
and Assyrian, to such cultures as Hebrew or Teutonic. Originally a night demon haunting both men and
women at night and causing erotic dreams, throughout ages she has become a witch, a vampire, a hag, and
a personification of all that is viewed as evil, impure, dark, and feared. She is Adams first wife and first
female in the world. Later on she becomes the wife of Samael the Devil and Ashmodai. She is the Queen
of Sheba and Zemargad. In some sources it is her who becomes the female of Leviathan. And finally, she
is even the consort of God himself in the absence of Shekinah. Liliths energy is that of the night, dark and
fiery. She appears in dreams, ruling the first astral level on the Qabalistic Tree of Night, the Gamaliel
qlipha. She is the dark feminine aspect of the Self, the feminine transpersonal shadow by men
experienced as a seductive but violent and fatal succubus, by women as a dark shadow of the Self. The
integration of Lilith into ones consciousness is a necessary step on the path towards psychological
individuation, or in esoteric terms - to individual self-deification.

The Invocation
I invoke you you who first opened your womb for a human male! Come to me!
Answer my calling and protect your Children of the Night!
Goddess of the Moon, whose shrieking moan tears the night apart,
Give me power to satisfy my dreams and desires!
Oh, Lilith!
Spider Vampire! Look at me with your bloody eyes
And illuminate the path of my existence!
Show me the threads of Truth, Time and Dreams
Reveal to me the pattern of Destiny!
Through the gate of ecstasy the Great Dragon will awaken
And you will ride him to tread the deceits and illusions of this world,
And restore the sacred union of opposites!
From the depths of my soul Darkness and Light will emerge
In an infernal union!
The fallen Angel Samael is born!
Impure Female, Alien Woman, Woman of Harlotry, Vixen Bogey, End of Day, End of All Flesh! Come to
So mote it be!
Visualize that you walk at night through a thick forest. Above you can see a pale moon and the silence
around is only sometimes broken by the voice of an owl. Something grasps your leg and you fall on the
ground. You can feel something moving underneath and you know it is a living creature. You are
paralyzed with fear but after a while you move back and look at the ground where you were lying a
moment before. From the ground arises a huge cobra. First it assumes a normal size but it grows very
quickly and after a while it is as big as a tree. While it is growing, a silver aura starts to surround it. You
cannot take your eyes away from it. You are paralyzed again and you look into the reptiles eyes with
growing fascination and excitement. Its jaws open and you can see its forked tongue touching you. The
cobra is hissing and suddenly you realize that you can understand its language. You declare your magical
name and speak the words of greeting: Ho Drakon Ho Megas!
With one quick move the cobra bites you in your forehead, in the place of the third eye. A hole in the
ground opens underneath and you fall into a tunnel which leads to the bowels of the earth, in the depths of
your subconscious. You do not have a physical body while falling, it is torn apart by the claws of the
dead and spectral wraiths. In front of you there is a blood-red light. You are drawn to this place. After a
while you realize that it is a cave which is lit by the glow radiating from the giant blood-red ruby. It lies in
the centre of the cave and resembles a strange altar. You come closer to have a look at it and you notice
ancient paintings. Most of them depict a beautiful naked woman with reptiles eyes or a serpents tail. You
can also see there characters and symbols.
Suddenly you can hear a whisper. You turn around and you can see a black-haired woman looking at you.
She makes a gesture to tell you to come closer, points at the ruby and hands you a dagger. She opens her
mouth and speaks the language of the serpents but you can understand her words: make a sacrifice for
our mother Lilith and gaze into the stone.. She leaves and you stay alone. You cut your left hand with the
dagger and pour the blood on the ruby altar. There you also put the dagger. You gaze into the jewel and
you absorb the visions. The Goddess will show you her seal with which you will be able to find her again
in your dreams. When the vision ends, slowly return to your normal consciousness.

B. Black Koltuv: The Book of Lilith

Lodge Magan

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