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Liking Versus Loving (menyukai lawan menyayangi) Sternberg presents an excellent overview of the dominant theories of liking and

loving. These theories fall into three groups: Sternberg menyatakan gambaran yang baik secara menyeluruh tentang teori dominan menyukai dan menyayangi i. those that view loving as more than liking on the same continuum; mereka yang melihat menyayangi adalah lebih daripada menyukai secara keseluruhan those that view loving as something qualitatively different to liking and mereka yang melihat menyayangi adalah berbeza daripada menyukai secara kualitatif those that view loving as involving something additional, on top of liking. Mereka yang melihat menyayangi melibatkan factor tambahan lain selain daripada menyukai



Think about how applicable the models are to different sorts of relationships - adultchild, same gender friendships, cross gender friendships, etc. The following questions may help you to focus your thoughts: Fikirkan bagaimana model ini dapat diaplikasikan pada pelbagai jenis hubungan: dewasa dan kanak-kanak, persahabatan sesama jenis, persabahatan belainan jantina, dll. Soalan-soalan berikut boleh membantu anda: 1. Can loving and liking be distinguished? Bolehkan menyayangi dan menyukai dapat dibezakan? 2. Is love an addiction? Adakah menyayangi / cintav sejenis ketagihan 3. Does love die or just fade away? Apakah cinta mati atau pudar? 4. Can different kinds of love be distinguished? Bolehkah pelbagai jenis cinta dibezakan? 5. Can truly platonic friendships exist between men and women or is there always some element of attraction? Bolehkah hubungan persahabatan platonic (lain jantina) antara lelaki dan perempuan benar-benar wujud atau ia mempunyai unsur daya tarikan?

Loving is something more than intense liking; it is the attachment to and caring about another person. Menyayangi adalah perasaan yang lebih kuat berbanding menyukai. Ikatan hubungan dan mengambil berat pada seseorang Friendship involves several qualities, including trust, understanding and mutual assistance. Persahabatan melibatkan beberapa factor termasuklah kepercayaan, memahami dan saling membantu Love involves all of these plus caring and passion( obsessive thought, sexual desire). Saying/cinta melibatkan semua perkara ini dan juga sifat ambil berat dan perasaan/emosi yang kuat terhadap pasangan. Passionate love- a state of intense psychological arousal and intense longing for union with another. It involves THREE components: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. I. Cognitive: preoccupied with the love one, an idealization of the person or the relationship, and the desire to know the other and be known by him or her. II. Emotional: physiological arousal, sexual attraction and desire for union. III. Behavioral: serving the other and maintaining physical closeness to him or her. cinta/saying yang kuat adalah Perasaan yang kuat meilbatkan keghairahan dan kecenderungan untuk bersama/bersatu dengan seseorang. Ia melibatkan tiga komponen utama iaitu kognitif, emosi, dan tingkah laku 1. Kognitif keasyikan dengan kekasih, idealisasi tentang seseorang atau hubungan, dan keinginan untuk mengenali dan dikenali satu sama lain. 2. Emosi keghairahan , dayatarikan seks, keinginan bersatu 3. Tingkah laku melayani satu sama lain dan mengekalkan hubungan erat dengan pasangan.

The nature of love has been explored by a number of theorists. According to social psychologist Zick Rubin (1970) , romantic love is made up of three elements: 1. Attachment: The need to be cared for and be with the other person. 2. Caring: Valuing the other persons happiness and needs as much as your own. 3. Intimacy: Sharing private thoughts, feelings, and desires with the other person. Based upon this view of romantic love, Rubin developed two questionnaires to measure these variables. Initially, Rubin identified approximately 80 questions designed to assess the attitudes a person holds about others. The questions were sorted according to whether or not they reflected feelings of liking or loving. These two sets of questions were first administered to 198 undergraduate students and a factor analysis was then conducted. The results allowed Rubin to identify 13 questions for 'liking' and 13 questions for 'loving' that were reliable measures of these two variables. Sifat-sifat cinta telah dikaji oleh beberapa orang. Menurut social psychologist Zick Rubin (1970), cinta romantic merangkumi tiga element 1. Attachment: kemahuan untuk diambil berat dan untuk bersama pasangan 2. Caring: menilai kegembiraan dan keinginan psanangn dan juga diri sniri 3. Intimacy: berkongsi fikiran, prasaan, dan keinginan dengan pasangn

Berdasarkan pandangan tentang cinta romantic ini, rubin telah membuat dua soal selidik untuk mengukur pembolehubah ini. Pada awalnya, rubin mengenalpasti hampir 80 soalan yang direka untuk menilai sikap individu terhadap seseorang. Soalan-soalan ini disusun mengikut samada ianya menggambarkan perasaan menyukai atau menyayangi. Dua set soalan ini dijalankan pada 198 pelajar ijazah sarjana muda dan seterusnya analisis factor dijalankan. Hasil keputusannya membolehkan rubin mengenalpasti 13 soalan untuk menyukai dan 13 soalan untuk menyayangi yang boleh dipercayai bagi mengukur dua pemboleh ubah ini. Aku dah x larat lagi dah. Bawah ni macam senang ja. Ang translate ar sniri eh..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz The following examples are similar to some of the questions used in Rubin's Liking and Loving: Items Measuring Liking 1. I feel that _____________ is a very stable person. 2. I have confidence in ______________s opinions. Items Measuring Loving 1. I feel strong feelings of possessiveness towards ____________. 2. I like it when __________ confides in me. 3. I would do almost anything for _____________. Rubin's scales of liking and loving provided support for his theory of love. In a study to determine if the scales actually differentiated between liking and loving, Rubin asked a number of participants to fill out his questionnaires based upon how they felt both about their partner and a good friend. The results revealed that good friends scored high on the liking scale, but only significant others rated high on the scales for loving. Love is not a concrete concept and is therefore difficult to measure. Rubin's scales of liking and loving offer a way to measure the complex feeling of love.

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