Rubrics For Development of RFP

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AGBU 3006 Rubric for Assessment of the Group Coursework Assignment Names: ________________________________________ Due Date: October 23,

2012 Course: Agricultural Project Appraisal and Implementation This Rubric will be used to assess a groups identification of need/development and advertisement of RFP, and presentation skills.
Criteria Poor 3-0 Fair 5-4 Identification of agricultural issue/problem/opportunity/need Background and Background is Background to the loosely described. The issue/problem/opportuni overview very weak. need for the solution is ty/need not strongly supported. Objectives are not Clearly defined Objective well articulated objectives Total Needs Identification Development of Request for Proposal (RFP) Guidelines for proposal guidelines preparation included. Guidelines are generally incoherent. Evaluation factors for Major elements award overlooked Good 7-6 Clear overview and background of the issue/problem/opportunity/need provided Excellent 10-8 Clearly articulated background and overview of the issue/problem/opportunity/need. Score


Guidelines are disjointed or poorly explained Criteria for awards inadequate/inconsistent. Some major elements overlooked Scope of works is poorly defined. Areas of work are inappropriate. Events are inappropriately or inaccurately described. Poor relationships between deliverables and areas of work. RFP is concise with appropriate headings and subheadings. Maximum 2,500 words.

Sound guidelines that are well explained in most areas.

Generally presents sound criteria for awards.

Sound and clearly articulated guidelines that allow the proposer to effectively respond to the needs requirements. Very clearly presented criteria for awards.

Scope of works

Scope of works Areas of work are unclear or omitted Events are irrelevant or omitted or arbitrary No relationship between deliverables and areas of work Superfluous information in some places. Exceeds the 2,500 words limit.

Schedule of events


Scope of works is clearly defined. Most areas are appropriate to the issue/problem/opportunity/need. Events are appropriately and accurately described in relation to the proposed solution. Deliverables are linked to the areas of work.

Scope of works well defined and appropriate to the issue/problem/opportunity/need. Events are appropriately and accurately described in detail in relation to the proposed solution. Deliverables are clearly linked to the issue/problem/opportunity/need, and areas of work.

Conciseness of the RFP

Total RFP


Deliverables Clarity of Purpose presentation

of RFP is evident

of RFP is clear well-developed

Total Presentation Skills: Development of Advertisement for Publication Articulation of the Even though concept of procedures for graphic or narrative the collection of RFP concept is presented, procedures are generally incoherent. Articulation of the concept of procedures for the submission of proposals Even though narrative concept is presented, procedures are generally incoherent.


The concept is disjointed or poorly articulated in some areas. Either a graphic or narrative presented. The concept is disjointed or poorly articulated in some areas. Either a graphic or narrative presented.

Sound concept of procedure for the collection of RFP documentations. Both graphic representation and narrative presented. Sound concept of procedure for the submission of proposal documentations. Narrative presented.

Sound and clearly outlined concept of procedures for the collection of RFP documentation. Both graphic representation and narrative presented. Sound and clearly outlined concept of procedures for the submission of proposal documentation. Narrative presented.

Total Advertisement of Publication


Self -Assessment Total: Need identification, RFP development, and advertisement:


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