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After opening COMWIN, press Ctrl + T. or press LOGON key.(Green color.) LOGIN PASSW = _root___ = _hicom_

The LOGON message followed by > sign will appear on the screen. This > is the command prompt to enter a valid command. The screen is now divided in two windows.The lower window is to enter commands & the output can be seen in the upper window. 1) To list the analog extension details DIS-SCSU: STNO= ; <CR> <CR> Extension Number

2) To change the COS of an analog extension CHA-SCSU: STNO= DPLN= ITR= COS1= COS2= LCOSV1= LCOSV2= ; COS <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> Extension Number Day time Class of Service Night time/after locking Class of Service Day time Least Cost Routing COS Night time/after locking Least Cost Routing

3) To change the dialing type (DTMF/PULSE) for analog phone only. CHA-SCSU:STNO= ,DIAL=DTMF (For Tone instrument);<CR> DP (For Pulse instrument);<CR>

4) To change the extension number CHA-SCSU:STNO= ,NEWNO= ;<CR>

Pls. Note : for digital extensions the SCSU command is replaced by SBCSU.

5) To change the PEN (hardware port) of an extension CHA-SXSU: STNO= TYPE=PEN PEN= <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> Extension number whose PEN is to be changed

6) To Deactivate an extension DEA-DSSU: <CR> OFFTYPE=DI <CR> TYPE=STNO <CR> STNO= ; <CR> Extension Number 7) To Activate an extension ACT-DSSU: ONTYPE=AUL TYPE=STNO STNO= ; <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>

Extension Number

8) To check the extensions pickup group number DIS-AUN: TYPE=STN STNO= ; ; <CR> <CR> <CR>

Extension Number

9) To check particular pickup group DIS-AUN: TYPE=GR GRNO= ; ; <CR> <CR> <CR>

Pickup Group Number

10) To check all the pickup groups in the system DIS-AUN: TYPE=SYS ; <CR> <CR>

11) To add new Pickup group:


<CR> <CR>



First check the last pickup group existing in the system and then select the next figure. If no value is given, then the system will take the group no automatically Extension number(s) to be added in the group For e.g 2000&2005&3010;

12) To add new extension in an existing pickup group ADD-AUN: <CR> GRNO= <CR> Existing group no STNO= ; <CR> Extension Number(s) to be added 13) To delete an extension from a pickup group DEL-AUN: TYPE= STN GRNO= STNO= ; <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>

Group number in which the extension is present Extension number which is to be deleted

14) To delete pickup group completely DEL-AUN: TYPE= GR GRNO= <CR> <CR> <CR>

Pickup Group to be deleted

15) To see the name for a particular or all extensions DIS-PERSI: TYPE=NAME STNO= ; <CR> <CR> <CR>

Here if you give an extension number, the system Will provide the name for that extension. If you do not give any number, then system will list all the names entered in the system

14) To add name for an extension ADD-PERSI: TYPE=STN STNO= <CR> <CR> <CR>

Extension Number



15) To change the name of an extension CHA-PERSI: TYPE=NAME STNO= OLDNAME= NEWNAME= <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> ; <CR>

Extension Number Do not give any name here

16) To delete name of an extension DEL-PERSI TYPE=NAME STNO= NAME= <CR> <CR> <CR> ; <CR>

Extension number whose name to be deleted Enter the name as shown in the system listing

17) To see the particular / all locking code(s) programmed in the system DIS-PERSI: TYPE=STN STN= <CR> <CR> <CR>

Enter the Extension number or omit to see all the PINs entered in the system.


Enter the PIN number or omit to see all the PINs entered in the system.

18) To add the locking code / PIN for an extension ADD-PERSI: TYPE=STN STNO= NAME= ORG= PINC= COSXCD= <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>

Extension Number Do not give anything here Do not give anything here Do not give anything here Give four digit PIN number

NOTE: Locking PIN and Mobile PIN are different feature but both the codes are same

19) To delete particular PIN number DEL-PERSI: TYPE=PIN PIN= <CR> <CR> <CR>

Enter PIN to be deleted

20) To activate call forwarding under no reply condition to VMS (Also COS values need to be changed) => This will be used to give the VMS facility to the user. FOR HICOM300 SYSTEMS: ADD-ZIEL: <CR> TYPE=FWD <CR> SRCNO= <CR> SI=VCE <CR> DESTNOF=; <CR> FOR HIPATH4000 SYSTEMS: ADD-ZIEL: <CR> TYPE=FWD <CR> SRCNO= <CR> SI=VCE <CR> DESTNOF=; <CR> DTYPE=CFNR ITYPE=GEN CFVAR=SYSTEM; ADD-ACTDA TYPE=STN STNO= FEATCD=FWD CFVAR=SYSTEM SI=VCE;

Enter the extension to be forwarded

Enter the extension to be forwarded

Enter the extension as entered above

21) To see the system hardware status (board status) DIS-BCSU: TYPE=TBL; <CR> <CR>

22) To deactivate particular board in the system Note down the LTG, LTU and SLOT number of that card DEA-BSSU: <CR>


<CR> ; <CR> <CR> <CR>

23) To activate particular board in the system Note down the LTG, LTU and SLOT number of that card ACT-BSSU: ONTYPE=AUL LTG= LTU= SLOT= ; <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>

24) To display date and time of the system DIS-DATE; <CR>

25) To change date and time of the system CHA-DATE: YEAR= MONTH= DAY= HOUR= MINUTE= SECOND= <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR> 4-digit year 2-digit month 2-digit date 2-digit hour in 24 Hr. format 2-digit minute 2-digit second

26) To activate particular trunk line Note down the require trunk line PEN. This will be obtained by giving command REG-TACSU; (for analog trunk lines) <CR> REG-TDCSU; (for ISDN BRI or PRI lines) And then select the trunk and corresponding PEN by looking at the P&T number mentioned in the command string DEA-DSSU: OFFTYPE=DI TYPE=PEN PEN1= ; <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>


27) To activate the trunk line ACT-DSSU: ONTYPE=AUL TYPE=PEN PEN1= ; <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>


28) To check the operator console. DIS-ACSU; This will give you the PEN no. as well as the console type: AC-4 or ACWIN. 29) To deactivate Operator Console <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>



30) To activate Operator Console ACT-DSSU: ONTYPE=AUL TYPE=PEN PEN1= <CR> <CR> <CR> <CR>


30) To deactivate Serial port of the system PORT NO 1 2 3 DEA-LSSM: UNIT=A1 LN= LINE NO 8 9 10 <CR> <CR> <CR> USAGE Generally Connected to remote maintenance modem Generally Connected to Call Billing PC for call data Generally to VMS PC for local maintenance

Enter the corresponding Line number

31) To activate Serial port of the system ACT-LSSM: UNIT=A1 LN= <CR> <CR> <CR>

Enter the corresponding Line number

31) Status display of a particular extension DIS-SDSU:ALL,,STNO,PER3,(Extension number); <CR>

NOTE: If extension number is omitted, then system will provide status of all the extensions. 32) Status display of a particular trunk line DIS-SDSU:ALL,,PEN,PER3,1,(LTU No),(Slot No),(Channel No); <CR>

NOTE: If the channel number is omitted, then system will provide status of all the channels available on that particular slot (board) 33) Status display of Console DIS-SDSU :ALL,,PEN,PER3,1,(LTU No),(Slot No),(Channel No); <CR>

34) In case there is some problem in the voice mail and you need to shift the trunk line to the console, then the command is CHA-TACSU:PEN=LTG-LTU-SLOT-CHANNEL, DGTPR=*,COPNO=??,DEVTYPE=TC; Here the channel no. could be one in the complete group. Pls enter a COP here which doesnot have parameter DITW. 35) To revert back to VMS, CHA -TACSU : PEN=LTG-LTU-SLOT-CHANNEL, DGTPR=VMS hunt group no.,COPNO=??,DEVTYPE=TC; Pls enter a COP here which has parameter DITW. 36) To update system Hard Disk (HDD) EXE-UPDAT: A1, ALL; EXE-UPDAT: BP, ALL; <CR> <CR> Give this command twice. <CR>

Finally press LOGOFF key & close COMWIN.

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