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L}TV']ERSIT.I IL,}-KU ABDI] L R,{E\LA\e:iing & Science : j Bachelor ofEnprneerrng rF-srneerrE, 1: : " , ' - , " 1 u Q{ons)Biomedcal Unit Code

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Flad ti?da/i.':.-

Year l/ SemesrE-l

Experimentf : Flow through a Convergent-Di.i,ergent Duct Objective of Experiment

1o oeEronstate the applicatiol oiihe Beinoulli equation as appliedto the floq, rn a convergentdirergent riuct. TheBerrtoulli equaijonis gjven by the follo,,\,ing relationship

P' Prc

Y,, 2e



\"he'e o ard p. -re iLe c--ts.J of !.d,er g s rnegrav[a.ionaJacce]eror.on is ilte velocityat doss section1 v, is '!hevelocitl,at crossseclion 2 zr and z, are the elevatton js the toial pres$ne H iead vr

W-aler may be considered ro be inconlpresslble,p, =p, =p For a holjzonial corvergenr- dlvergenr duc! 21 : z^ = z The velociryof _rhe flo-'tuvr and v2 canbe calculared Aom the crosssectional area

& thevolumeflow rateQ Thevolumeflow rate Q =vrAr

4 AssumingnoAictionallossesintheldealcase,Hrelnains constant. -

-' =u ' o:9 -g Prg TheldealPressure Headis obiained ftom

(= Idealheightof manomeier column) zg PtE Howeverbecause of friciional losses, the aciualH dropsalongtheverturi duct. Therefore the Actualpressure headis lessthan the IdealPressure Head. p, .. v,

P ' ll lIlrl,l , l l l l l l l l= l P,,f= -,


'1 . ldeai' ease

VelocB.head v%g Pressolehead p/pg


Eievalion z

2. Aetual Case
Velocltyhead v:/2g Presslrehead p/pg



Friclional lcsses

Elevation z

P rocedr.: re 1. Make sureibat the rvaiei outlet tLrbe is direcredto the sr.Lmp of rhe apparafus. 2. Switch on 'rie water pump. 3. Keepingthe majn input water flcw vaive fully open, adjust the bypass \rater valve to control iie volume flow lare. 4. Adj'Jsrthe waler flow iaie io the malimuin possjble floiv iaie by closing e bypass valve. A11o\rthe flo\r to siabilize anCto rernove all air bubblesrn the s.vslem'

:j_tl1i1el]ne m aJoiacr:r'

ro ihetgil erd oiite i,.laniiotd eroviCea' on top oilhe

6. Thepum! is us3dio coritlol tbe baseline level ofthe rnanomet3r readingsby ncreasingor d_ecreaslng rhe pressure in rle ararii"ld it ;;;li;;;#;;. Ia1texac y ar the zero lhe because the velociry calculations use onlli the pressure diflbrence. 7. The pressure in the n-ranifold can be tncreased by pumping action ofthe air pumP. 8. The pressu.e in tbe maDifoldcan be decreased by on to the needle valve on the fighr hand sjde oiihe manifold jJ*" t" tli"J'i" ,n;;;;,i;, t Oow ratereadingand allthe manometer readirgs.Enter the I*",_1:""1y" readrngs tnto the spreadsheet in the compirter pro"ia"a for th" p,r:rpos..


i 0 I dj'rsr-nebypa. s r. Jr- 166. r.,a, rhe .lo^ ra e .o ooLa,n d, I" sersof manomeier readjrigs4or flow ratesof 6.5, 6.0, j.0, 4.0 ""d 3.t;;l;;";i".

LeboraroryReporl l. You may usethjs laboratoryinstmction sheeiaJ the front page of your repon. 2. Print out the spreadsheet containij ng your own experimental dataand use it as'de resultsofthe expe meni. L P r o w i da e, : n p l e o l a ' . . o j c L , a r j o n - .

4. Samplecalculaiions and discussion must be in..the studenr,s oqin

handwritin s.

5. Your report musteensistsof Intuoduciion, Resul! Djscussionand Concl!sion n 6 . m y o u rd , . c u s s i o : n .c ' r oe: Compare.theActual measu-red pressure,ieadwith the ldeal pressure.

usins the Bemoulii equatior. Discuss any ::"j_":1"]1I9 ' berweer c 5dgreeme, ."ro,,. 1i.
* o Ifthe Convergenr-Divergent ductis inclined upwards, bethe .of-fie distibulion of the correspondr,ngwhat\r,i1l changes totaj headH, the dlnanic (v2l2g)andprFssure G/pg) heads.

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