Cell Structure and Function PDF

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Name: Grade: 7 Course: Science ! ! ! ! !


Unit Title Signicant Concept(s) GM food and food insecurity Unit Question(s) What are the fundamental differences between living and non-living things? What is energy and why is life dependent on it? What would happen to Earth if the Sun disappeared tomorrow? Why do different foods impact on different people in different ways? Why is food insecurity a global challenge for the future? How should society evaluate whether particular genetic technologies should be allowed to be developed and released into the environment? How can I be the best learner that I can be?

Are GMF technologies effective in addressing the global issue of food insecurity? How can such an evaluation be done?

Teacher Task Overview What do you have to do? Students demonstrate their understanding of cell structure and function and the seven characteristics of life. Students will be presented with a case study of a specialised cell that is not working normally e.g. sickle red blood cell. Students will: Part A: a) explain the normal structure and function of the specialised cell and b) compare and contrast this with the malfunctioning cell. Part B: c) analyse response to (a & b) to evaluate how this malfunction will impact on survival of the organism based on the characteristics of life How will you be assessed? When is the task due? You will be assessed against Criterion B - Communication in Science. 7h: 9 October, 2013 7f: 7 October, 2013

Student Self Reection What did you learn from this task?

What helped you to be successful?

What would you change if you had to do this task again?

Teacher Signature and Comment Parent Signature and Comment

Criterion B
Achievement level

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. Consistent with the complexity of the work covered: The student uses a limited range of scientic language correctly. The student communicates scientic information with limited eectiveness. When appropriate to the task, the student makes little attempt to document sources of information.

Task Specic Clarications

An attempt has been made to describe the structure and function of the red blood cell with some success in (a). Superficial similarities and/or differences have been presented in (b). Some correct facts presented in (c). Occasionally scientific terms used correctly. Diagram presented, but with limited usefulness. A reference list has not been included.


Consistent with the complexity of the work covered: The student uses some scientic language correctly. 3-4 The student communicates scientic information with some eectiveness.

An attempt has been made to explain the structure and function of the red blood cell with some success in (a). Both similarities and differences have been presented in (b). The analysis has been presented in (c) including many correct facts. An attempt has been made to make an evaluative judgement. Many sections use scientific terminology correctly. An attempt has been made to include one or more appropriate diagrams have been presented, with a title. A reference list has been included. The structure and function of the red blood cell has been explained not just described in (a). Both similarities and differences have been presented in (b). The analysis in (c) has depth and an evaluative judgement has been made. All sections use scientific terminology required for clarity in expression. One or more appropriate diagrams have been presented, with a title. These diagrams have been referred to in the text. A reference list has been included and is mostly formatted correctly.

When appropriate to the task, the student partially documents sources of information.

Consistent with the complexity of the work covered: The student uses sucient scientic language correctly. The student communicates scientic information eectively. When appropriate to the task, the student documents sources of information correctly.


Cell Structure and function Part A: a) explain the normal structure and function of the specialised cell (red blood cell) To explain is to talk about WHY. Here, you need to talk about why structure is related to function in a normal red blood cell.

b) compare and contrast this with the malfunctioning cell (sickle-cell) To compare and contrast is to talk about how things are similar and how they are different. Here, you need to talk about how normal red blood cells and how a sickle red bloods cell are similar and different.

Part B: c) analyse response to (a & b) to evaluate how this malfunction will impact on survival of the organism based on the seven characteristics of life To analyse something is to break it down into parts. To evaluate something is to make a judgement. Here you need to analyse the ways in which the the sickle cell impacts on the survival of the organism. Relate these ways to the related seven characteristics of life. Finally, make an overall judgement as to how the cell malfunction impacts on survival of the organism.

Reference List:

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