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Fate of Pakistan- One more division

Pakistan is fighting against its destiny. After Bangladesh in 1971, one more independent nation
will emerged out of Pakistan.

Declared as a nation on 14th August 1947, 9.33AM at Karachi, Pakistan is Virgo ascendant
according to Vedic astrology, Gemini Moon sign and Punarvasu constellation. Right now Pakistan
is under major period of Venus and sub period of Rahu. Combust Venus is Lord of house of
fortune and the major period will continue up to September 2020 in which Pakistan will be facing
humiliation, sub-division and will loose sovereignty over few parts of country. The sub period of
Rahu will continue up to 13.11.2010 and during this period Pakistan is destined to be sub-divided
and one more country will come into existence but under check by a number of countries.

Pakistan’s horoscope is very difficult right now. Saturn

slowly approaching towards Kanya will influence Pakistan
adversely remaining in Leo after May 2009, preferably
after direct motion during May. Saturn in Virgo after
September is detrimental for Pakistan as it is influencing
7th and 10th house of Pakistan. In mundane astrology,
10th house is reckoned with ruling party and its rulers,
while 7th house connotes diplomatic relations and
international treaties. 10th house happens to be Moon
ascendant also for Pakistan ascertaining decline in
elements of harmony, nationalism and symbiosis. After
September 2009, state of affairs will be consistently
towards lawlessness, terrorism and power hunger. Mutual
clash will be on peak, perhaps worst in the history.
Similarly, 7th house will be dreadly damaged inflicting
deep desire of independence amongst the states claiming
to be future nations within the country. Swat Valley alone will not be the example, few more
corners will raise the voice for more autonomy which will result in desire for independence in the
future course of history. Retrograde Jupiter tends to lead the country towards bankruptcy. Even
forces will find it difficult to manage working capital. Foreign aid invites more compromises which
is the fate of the Pakistan. Pakistan now will no more reliable for any of the country, even its God

Worst can happen in the year 2010, when Saturn becomes retrograde from 14th January to 30th
May 2010. During this period Mercury will be transiting Aries from 30th March to 6th June, out of
which period spent in retrogression from 18th April to 11th May will prove fatal for Pakistan.
Pakistan’s horoscope of Virgo ascendant leaves for Mercury managing political matters and
sovereignty apart from fiscal matters. 10th Lord in 8th house along with 6th 8th relationship is
worst for Pakistan, specially when both are retrograde. This is the period when history of Pakistan
starts changing. Pakistan will be in the weakest phase of its history.

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