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Ihsan El Kanfoud Introduction What TED is like an institution and what it does?

TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) is a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan "ideas worth spreading". TED was founded in 1984 as a one-off event. The annual conference began in 1990, in Monterey, California. TED's early emphasis was technology and design, consistent with its origins in the Silicon Valley. The TED main conference is held annually in Long Beach, and its companion TED Active is held in Palm Springs. Both conferences will move from Long Beach and Palm Springs to Vancouver and Whistler, respectively, in 2014. TED events are also held throughout the U.S. and in Europe and Asia, offering live streaming of the talks. They address a wide range of topics within the research and practice of science and culture, often through storytelling. The speakers are given a maximum of 18 minutes to present their ideas in the most innovative and engaging ways they can. Which kind of people TED takes? TED doesnt have any requirements for take people of any nacionality, age, religions and races. TED programs: TEDGlobal: a more internationally oriented sister conference was added, under the name TEDGlobal. It was held, in chronological order: in Oxford, UK (2005), in Arusha, Tanzania (2007, titled "TEDAfrica), and again in Oxford (2009 and 2010). Additionally there was TED India, in Mysore (2009). In 2011 and 2012 TEDGlobal took place in Edinburgh, Scotland. TEDMED: An annual conference focusing on health and medicine. TEDMED is an independent event operating under license from the nonprofit TED conference.

TEDWomen: A series of conferences focused on women-oriented themes, including gender issues and reproductive health.

TEDPrize: The TED Prize was introduced in 2005. Until 2010, it annually granted three individuals $100,000 and a "wish to change the world". Each winner unveils their wish at the main annual conference. Since 2010, in a changed selection process, a single winner is chosen to ensure that TED can maximize its efforts in achieving the winner's wish. In 2012, the Prize was not awarded to an individual, but to a concept connected to the current global phenomenon of increasing urbanization. For 2013, the prize amount has been increased to $1 million. History

TED was conceived by architect and graphic designer Richard Saul Wurman, who observed a convergence of the fields of technology, entertainment and design. The first conference, organized by Wurman and Harry Marks in 1984, featured demos of the Sony compact disc, and one of the first demonstrations of the Apple Macintosh computer. Presentations were given by famous mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot and influential members of the digerati community, like Nicholas Negroponte and Stewart Brand. The event was financially unsuccessful, however, and it took six years before the second conference was organized. From 1990 onward, a growing community of "TEDsters" has been gathering annually at the invitation-only event in Monterey, California, until 2009, when it was relocated to Long Beach, California due to a substantial increase in attendees. Initially, the speakers came from the fields of expertise behind the acronym TED, but during the nineties, the roster of presenters broadened to include scientists, philosophers, musicians, religious leaders, philanthropists and many others. Important personalities in TEDxTalks

BILL GATES: Bill Gates is founder and former CEO of Microsoft. A geek icon, tech visionary and business trailblazer. He made Microsoft a personal computing powerhouse and a trendsetter in the Internet dawn. Whether you're a suit, chef, quant, artist, media maven, nurse or gamer, you've probably used a Microsoft product today.

A top-quartile teacher will increase the performance of their class based on test scores by over 10 percent in a single year. That means that if the entire U.S., for two years, had top-quartile teachers, the entire difference between us and Asia would go away. Until recently, over 98 percent of teachers just got one word of feedback: Satisfactory. If all my bridge coach ever told me was that I was satisfactory, I would have no hope of ever getting better.

BILL CLINTON: Elected President of the United States in 1992 and again in 1996, Bill Clinton left office determined to continue his life of service -- to build the kind of world he wants to hand down to his daughter. His William J. Clinton Foundation is focused on four critical areas: health security, with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS; economic empowerment; leadership development and citizen service; and racial, ethnic and religious reconciliation. In a world with no systems, with chaos, everything becomes a guerilla struggle, and predictability is not there. It becomes almost impossible to save lives, educate kids, develop economies. We have a chance here to prove that [Rwanda], a country that almost slaughtered itself out of existence, can practice reconciliation, reorganize itself, focus on tomorrow and provide comprehensive, quality health care with minimal outside help.

TAYLOR WILSON: Physics wunderkind Taylor Wilson astounded the science world when, at age 14, he became the youngest person in history to produce fusion. The University of Nevada-Reno offered a home for his early experiments when Wilsons worried parents realized he had every intention of building his reactor in the garage. I started out with a dream to make a star in a jar, and I ended up making things that I think can change the world. The stars are giant fusion reactors. They're giant nuclear cauldrons in the sky.

ANDRES LOZANO: The chair of neurosurgery at the University of Toronto. Andres Lozano has pioneered the use of deep brain stimulation for treating Parkinsons, depression, anorexia and Alzheimers disease. Andres Lozano remembers the most satisfying case of his career helping a boy with a genetic form of dystonia which had twisted his body to the point where he was only able to crawl on his stomach. While he didnt respond to drugs, he responded wonderfully to deep brain stimulation. Three months after surgery, he was w alking like a normal child. Hes now a college student leading a normal life. Dystonia Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder, in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures.

Shabana Basij-Rasikh: Shabana helps girls and young women in Afghanistan get and education. Shabana Basij-Rasikh was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan. Under the Taliban, she dressed as a boy to escort her older sister to a secret school -- with dire consequences if they were caught. She attended a high school in America under the YES exchange program, and graduated from Middlebury College in Vermont. During college, she founded HELA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering Afghan women through education. She also raised funds through foundations and public talks across the US to build a high school for girls in her ancestral village, and to build wells on the outskirts of Kabul to give communities access to clean drinking water.


Ferrocarils Ihsan El Kanfoud Introduccio ONCF (Office national des chemins de fer) el que seria en catala oficina nacional de ferrocarils. Es una institucio del marroc que sencarrega de les xarxes feroviaries del pais. Historia

ONCF es va fundar l1 de gener de 1963, per el grupament de la CFM (Compagnie des hemins de fer du Maroc), la CMO (Compagnie du hemin de fer du Maroc oriental ) i la companyia franco-espanyola TF (Compagnie francoespagnole du Tanger-Fs ). Per tal de que les xarxes ferroviaries marroquines estiguissin unides i amb unes infrastructures potents. ONCF part de varies organitzacions ferroviaries: UACF: Union arabe des chemins de fer . UIC: Union internationale des chemins de fer. CTFM: Comit du transport ferroviaire maghrbin. Institucio

Linstitucio es publica amb la seva seu a Agdal, Rabat i un capital net de 68,6 milions deuros. Volum de negocis ONCF es una institucio bastant potent en el pais. Volum de negocis el seu creixement en els viatges de el 2012 s d'uns 3800000000 de dirhams, un augment del 5,1% respecte a l'any 20111. Passatger: ms de 36 milions de passatgers (6,1%) Crrega: 37 milions de tones. Condicions del tren

El tren disposa de tres classes (1r, 2n i 3r). I les seves installacions son bastants bones. I les xarxes arriben a tots els llocs del pais. Tarifes Les tarifes son bastant economiques tenint en compte el tipus dinstallacions de les que disposen les installacions. Tambe hi ha tarjetes de viatjes que sadapten segons les teves necessitats i frecuencia en la que es viatje. TGV

Lultim projecte presentat en el mercat laboral daquesta institucio ha sigut fer un TGV ( Train grande vitesse) del nord del pais fins la costa central. Un tren d'alta velocitat, segons la Uni Internacional de Ferrocarrils (UIC): Un tren de ms de 250 km/h lnies arrendades de velocitat. Un tren que viatja a 200 km / h en les lnies convencionals adequats Un tren que pot funcionar a velocitats ms baixes a causa de les condicions especials d'alleujament, l'entorn topogrfic o urb.

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