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Surname 1 Name Tutor Subject Date How does body language affect the communication process?

Introduction Communication is the process through which human beings relay information from one person to the other or from one location to another. There are various modes of communication including electronic devices, written word, face to face verbal communication, gestures and many others. Of all forms of communication only face to face communication is aided by body language, making it the most effective form of communication. When having a conversation with a friend, communication experts claim that 50 to 70 per cent of the message is passed across by ones body language. As a result, face to face conversations are deemed to be the most effective form of communication. No wonder job interviews and court proceedings utilize this mode. Effects of body language to communication Body language includes gestures, postures, signals and facial expression that people use when communicating face to face. Apart from very skilled actors and psychiatrists, most individuals make use of body language unconsciously. This means that it is difficult to lie using body language. It is therefore advisable to pay attention to a persons body language in order to gauge his or her sincerity. Most dishonest people avoid eye contact when conversing. They may also appear nervous for no apparent reason and their speech might be fast. They also overuse gestures. Should one notice

Surname 2 two or more of these of these signs concurrently, then they should question the integrity of the individual. Some feelings are hard to express verbally, and body language is used to express them. Often times, it is considered rude to state what one feels about a particular person directly. An example would be if a person dislikes another. He may not express it directly when conversing with the subject of his dislike, but his body language will most likely betray him. he most probably will assume a body posture facing away from his adversary. His eyes will be glancing at the nearest point of exit very frequently. His face will show mild frowning especially when the adversary is talking. If the despised person is his subordinate, he may give him the accusing continuous glare. Body language is invaluable in the dating scene. When a person likes another they have to be sure that feeling is mutual to avoid embarrassment and disappointment. They therefore use body language, albeit unknowingly to express their feelings. They may do this by smiling whenever the person they desire enters the room. Stealing mischievous glances is also common. Ladies may add a sensual touch to their walking style whenever a man they fancy is around, and may lick their lips such that only he notices it. A man may deepen his voice without knowing to impress a lady he likes. He also assumes a posture that increases the broadness of his chest. If the response (in form of body language) is positive, then they can express how they feel verbally. Groups of people who are who are discriminated against by the dominant culture have developed a form of body language only familiar amongst themselves. They use it to express words and intentions which would otherwise put them in danger if communicated verbally. Such groups include gay persons, prisoners and slaves. The

Surname 3 army also has its set of gestures that allow them to communicate in the battle field without being detected by the enemy. This has led to new form of body language only expressed by military personnel. Conclusion Body language is a language without words, one that is used by everyone. Our understanding of it is not explicit, but is guided by intuition. It is the component of face to face communication that spices up the message passed across.

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