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Science & Spirituality

All beings are evolved from food: Production of food is dependent on rain: rain ensues from sacrifice, and sacrifice is rooted in action. Know that action has origin in the Vedas, and Vedas proceed from indestructible (GOD); HENCE ALL-PREVANDING INFINITE IS ALWAYS PRESENT IN SACRIFICE. (CHAPTER III (14 &15) CONCEPT OF BHAGVAD GEETA BY SWAMI VIVEKANADA SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA The Relation between Science and God are defined as under THE DEFINATION OF GOD THE KNOWLEDGE OF UNIVERSE E=MC2====MC2 ===<= E E= ATOM OF UNIVERSE ATOM OF UNIVERSE (LIGHTS MATTER+DARK MATTER) SOUNDS WAVESATOMIC BIO CHEMESTRY COMPOUNDS IN TO VARIOUS OBJECTSGALEXYPLANETSBIOPHYSICS SRISHTI (HARD SYSTEM+SOFT SYSTEM+OPERATING SYSTEM+APPLICATION SYSTEM)(NATURE+MALE) ENVIOURMENT AND MANY MOR MASIC (Those who have knowledge of Super Natural Invisible Objects are the Forms of Mine) SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA (GNANI MARU SWARUP CHEE) Reverse and Forward Process will be continued. E INVISIBLE VISIBLEINVISIBLE In Science Terms Religion is defined as we are following the Un-identified Super natural invisible objects in our various imaginary Forms for accepting satisfaction of the entire truth. In Terms of Science Prayer and Faith are defined as we are respecting those Un-identified super natural invisible objects for satisfying our physics necessity with the best help of them. In terms of Prayer Zone we respect those un-identified super natural invisible objects in only one form that is the Part of Universe. Every thing, which we are getting from the Universe, ultimately we should invest and utilize in setup the proper network of distribution & management
MASIC (Teleportation) YOGMAYA Mechanisms of Atomic-biochemistry Structure to form various Compounds for making into Certain Objects Physics Under Supervisions of Some souls of another world is called knowledge of Universe (BRAHAMA GNANA) The Knowledge Included Integration in Direct source (Universe) Derivation in Indirect source (all leaving non leaving SHRISHTI) Transformation (one form of physics in to another form of physics), Disappeared and Appeared (From Convert in Universe Original Form Either Lights or Dark Matter and through the law of Speed of light Moving one place and again reform their body from same mechanisms) knowledge is called Knowledge of Universe BRAHAMAGNANA which is controlled by Another world souls. (Concept of SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA) There might me sure that some another world are interfering in making in to various MASIC with predefined destine software which we all physics are called as future. We are under power of Universe, which is under controlled of another world for Birth to Death each and every event of life cycle are operated

2 My Goal towards this religion

We Will Respect the Nature and what we will receive through the sources of nature we will obey the order of nature i.e. we shall back the wastage by product for the recycle process.
We will never accept any professionalisms attitude of any religion but what our duties towards faith and dedication we will do at ourselves directly through the sources of things not direct sources of money.
We will never encourage the begging process in India or any world through the utilization of boundaries of religion but we will help to setup them for employment according to their physical capabilities.
We work at least in one a week or one a month for the society like collecting database regarding health and necessity supply chain process and help them to solve the issues.
We will setup proper channel network of supply of our necessity supply and also exchange of daily wastage for recycle process for the purpose of reuses of energy.
We tried to make an inspiration towards next decade for the solution of Fuel Problem through the alternate of Hydrogen electricity power mechanism by use of water as fuel.
Global warming is warning to this earth for deletion of the entire earth through various super natural powers programming (THE END OF EARTH). We will try to utilize our maximum energy for solving this crisis.
We never differentiate any human beings through the skin but we only work together towards unity and sincerity for the sake of earth.

The Clues and Questionnaires observed from general religious books To whom we have to Pray? Why we have to Pray? To whom we have to must accept last choice of religion What is our Religion? Who we are? What we will experience our self after our soul light will leave our body Physics? Why all Planets of our sky boundaries are follow round with the Universe Father of light? 8. Should another world OF Super energy light are responsible for the Transformation of earth various leaving and non-leaving physics in one form to another form? 9. How evaluation of earth occurs? 10. How the Powerful Electrical forces combine to forms various electrical force and then turn in to liquid and then turn in to various forms of physics forms 11. Which is called Enviourment Physics Leaving Body Physics Atmosphere and etc. 12. The Knowledge of Atomic biochemistry compounds to forms various body physics 13. Could The Treatment of Light Would be helpful to solve the entire medical science problem regarding Dangerous disease? 14. Indian Vedas culture treat how a human beings should leave and what is their god 15. The Holy Book of Indian Vedas SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA tells the Scientific Meaning 16. Comparing the Albert Einstein Principle with SHRIMAD BHAGVAD GEETA. 17. Indian Temple of Lord Shiva And SHAKTI Indications 18. What tells spiritual books RAMAYANA comparing with millions years age the Leaving world of magic at that time by third world representative SHRI RAM (Supreme Power Energy) for the sake of physics existence as MANUSHYA JAGAT. 19. How Atomic biochemistry compounds combination creates magic of all metal Physics biophysics and many more. 20. Should millions years ago Indian MAHARASHI had knowledge of disappearing their Body, expand their body, reduce their body and transferred the body physics in Another shape of body physics 21. How Millions years ago Indian MAHARSHI leave without food and water for long Through Light Acceptances and convert the energy to food and liquid it self by the body at ancient time. 22. What is the knowledge of universe? 23. Why we all of all religion of various communities spark a light in various forms like wise Candle?, Dhoop, Deep, Agiayari ? Loban ? Etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Research: Working on Socio-Economic Information Technologies M The economy coin had two side one side is Business & Growth and the other Side is Family and Socialism. M To develop national level communication center for direct trade and market of Agriculture product and also develop self-employment plan for the various project. M The Wide level of international service enterprise network based on to connect the social enterprise of business, education employment, and entertainment through net information technologies. Subject: Retail Trade and Home Service Network With Database Role of Various Communication center for the growth of economy Process Save the Childhood A supply chain procedure and Related With economics BHARTIYA VEDA and Secret of universe Prayer Zone A Unique Concept of Pray for All Communities Various tradition and sociology linked with Business Operational Process System. Euro-India Business Euro-India Communication Euro-India Combine Economics Public Administration Social Science Sociology Womens Studies Socio Economics concept Socio Economics Information Technologies. European sources of various taxation funds Indian sources of various taxation funds European application for the funds Indian application of funds Loss of funds in India through major system management disturbances.


Natural Laws
Seven Universal Principles 1. Everything is a different parts of infinity 2. Everything change 3. All antagonisms are complementary. 4. There is nothing identical. 5. What has a front has a back 6. The bigger the front, the bigger the back 7. What has a beginning has an end. Twelve laws of change 1. Infinity is unmistakably visible as complementary and antagonistic tendencies yin and yang. 2. Yin and yang are evident continuously from the eternal movement of the universe. 3. Yin represents movement away from the center yang represents movement towards the center. Yin and yang together producer energy and all phenomena. 4. Yin and Yang attracts each other. 5. Yin and Yang repels each other. 6. Both combined in varying proportions produce different visible results. The greater the difference between both forces, the greater the attraction or repulsion will be. 7. All things are transient, constantly changing their composition of Yin and Yang qualities eventually yin changes into Yang, Yang changes into Yin. 8. Neither is solely Yin nor solely Yang. Everything is composed of both qualities in varying degrees. 9. There is nothing natural. Either Yin or Yang is excess in every occurrence. 10. Large Yin attracts small Yin. Large Yang attracts small Yang. 11. Extreme Yin producer Yang and Extreme Yang Procedures Yin. 12. All physicals things are Yang at the center and Yin at the surface.

Meridian logy Yin & Yang

The fourteen major channels of energy that run through the body are called meridian lines. Each one is named for the organ or function connected to its energy flow. The meridian lines are divided into positive and negative forces or Yang and Yin and Yang. The Yang lines begin at the top of the head, face and descend toward the earth or to the center of the human body. The Yin lines start from the toes and center of the body and ascend upward toward the head and the fingertips. The Yin side if your body is the front and the Yang side is back. There are six Yang meridians, three in the lags; six Yin meridians, three in the arms and three in the legs; and two vessel lines that run on the ventral and dorsal side of the body. The same meridians are located on both the left and right halves of the body. The six Yang meridians are Large Intestine, Stomach, and small Intestine, Bladder, Triple Heater and Gall Bladder. The six Yin meridians are Lung, Spleen, Kidney, Heart Constrictor, and Liver. There is of course, no such organ in the human body as the Heart Constrictor; this term is used to describes the function ion of circulation triple describes the system that produces and delivers heat to all parts of the body. Spleen is an Oriental term for pancreas. The Governing Vessel Meridian (Yang) and the Conception Vessel Meridian (Yin) control the energy flow in all the meridian lines and correlate their activities.

6 On the ventral side of the body we have Bo, or Alarm Points, and on the back, Yu, or Associated Points, Which are connected to different organ in the body and are painful to the touch when those organs are malfunctioning.

How the Face is made

Faced Prosperities tell us a great dead about persons constitution and condition at birth. Days 1.28 the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the depth of the womb where implementation occurs and the organism rapidly increases in size for the neat 21 days. This days account for the main development of the top of the face. Birthmarks may occur at this time. Days 2163 the middle section of the face is formed Days 63-189 the Bottom section of the face is formed with an increasing Preposition of 1:3 the three systems develop continuously but the principle development. - First three month :- Second three month - Final three month :nervous system correspondingly the intellectually nature. :the circulatory and excretory systems emotional Nature. the digestive reproductive system the strength of will.

1. Nervous system and rattail Tendencies 2. Circulatory, Excretory and Respiratory systems and related tendencies. 3. Digestive and reproductive systems and related tendencies.

Information of chakras
The ancients saints and sages found out with their divine vision the seven chakras of energy in our body of the human being they also experienced their importance and experience them to the masses. They explained that because of pressure through stress and strain these chakras are affected their power and momentum are minimized and in turn balance of five elements is disturbed which result in various diseases. As these chakras are not parts of physical body it is different to visuals them by modern techniques. But because of their power and momentum their import is experienced. This requires

7 some meditation and some practice. The ancient sages of India have described these chakras and their functions are as. 1. color of chakras 2. Relationship with element 3. Control over human body organs. operation 5. Power flow 6. Relationship with element. 4. Area of

All these chakras are situated on the backside of body. Two chakras are near the head. The remaining five chakras are an spinal Corel. The opening of all the chakras are in front side of the body and their import is felt all round the body. Starting from lower three chakras Muladhor, Swadhishdhani and Manipur chakras are considered to be wordily or social chakras. They look after individuals wordily aspiration. When persons lastly desired are satisfied or fulfilled the fourth chakras Anahata chakras opens. The spiritual development of the person starts only after the opening of Anahata Chakras. Four Anahata - Chakras vishudha chakras, Ajna chakras and sahastrara chakas are considered to be the centers of divine energy or spiritual development. Expect sahastra Chakras all the remaining six chakras generate a continuous flow of energy right from birth till death. This energy is either positive or negative. For positive energy one has to practice good values, prayer bhakti, sadhna, pranyama, Yoga etc. Otherwise it will be converted into negative force. The nature has given a momentum to our consciousness Chatnashekh by the medium of pranshakh that we take through breathing. A person who is not living a regular life does not affiant fullest advantage of this energy. For getting more momentum of Chakras shakti the nature has put one more medium in our body. It is called DIVINE CHANNEL. This channel is situated in the top 4 chakras which are useful for spiritual development. This channel is active up to an innocent age of 5 years. This channel wraps up gradually when the individual starts. Getting involved in social affairs. The individual then fails to desire benefit of this channel eventually the channel become inactive. For rejuvenation and reopening of this channel blessing of a divine soul or shaktipat from an expert or several years of meditation is necessary. The Nature has given as very important medium of energy called Kandalini Energy which is situated in Maladhara Chakra? It is made up of the element fire and it contributes a lot in the individuals life. In a common man, it may be harmful it is activated too much. For diving benefits of Kanadalini it essential to practice Yoga and meditate under proper guidance, as it is not easy for a common man to activate it.

Sahastrar Chakras ( Crown chakra )

Color Violet Related with pineal glands Controls upper portion of the head Area of operation Spiritual progress This chakras needs to be developed for spiritual development and MUKTI (Liberty). It is said that during last moments of life is the pran of an individual is liberated through this chakra them he achieved Mukh. It is believed that few seconds before death this chakra. A doorway to Mukti: opens only few Scholars/ Saints/ Sagas get its benefits because when the pran leaves the physical body the person experiences a jolt, which frightens the individual common man thus fails to achieve Mukti. The saints and spiritual scholars often experience

8 such shocks during the meditation and sadhna. So such jolts do not frighten them. Only those who are fearless and tranquil in their pursuit can achieve mukh.

Sahastrar Chakras ( Crown chakra )

Colour: - Dark Blue Related with pituitary gland Control the autonomous nervous system. When a person is in sound sleep or in comma or unconscious, this CHAKRAS controls Area of Operation :It is the center for desires and intuition. It inspires the person for good deeds, makes him aware of bad deeds and keeps him away from it. The balance sheet of keeps deeds is recorded here and the individual accordingly derives its benefits. It is believed that the soul dwell in this charka. It is the center point of divine energy. Its development also increase telepathy and intuition power. This chakra is also known as Shiva Netra Energy Source: - Awakening, wrath or anger with some kind of meditation Sadhna and awakening his soul grows and Controls anger and wrath without Sadhna an individual may remain ignorant whole life and give a life full of wrath and insecurity

Vishuddha Chakra :
Color light blue; Related with thyroid Control neck and lungs; Area of operation is expressions and conversation. Energy source gratitude or unhappiness. The sadhaks or saints always express gratitude and admiration and thus always enjoy the happiness. The common man most of the time is unhappy and does not enjoy the happiness. Vishuddha Chakra is related to the sky element. Imbalanced in sky elements results in Tridosh. Because of the excess of vet. Pitt and kaf. The individual coughs continuously when this happens he is unable to either express his views and experiences or tolerate them.

Anahata Chakra :
Color green; Related to thymus glands; Controlled heart, Lungs, Liver and Blood circulation. Area of operation: - Center of Love, emotion. This is the base of human life. Energy Source: - Love or hatred fear or timidity any kind of social service or mediation increases ability of an individual to become helpful to others. He believed lovingly with others. Anahata Chakra is related to air element. Imbalance air element affects nervous System which results in heart diseases, blood pressure, depression, frustration, Suicide tendency.

Manipur Chakra :Color : - bright yellow,

9 Related to Adrenal glands, Control: - Stomach; liver and pancreas Area of operation: - It is a center of power and wisdom. It is also known as sun chakra. It provides energy to entire body and helps maintain normal body temperature. Energy Source: - Pleasure or jealousy. In the modern scientific era the individual has become more intelligent but is losing his wisdom. As a result he has become jealous and is losing happiness from life. It is related to fire element. Imbalanced in the five element results in diseases like skin diseases, diseases related with blood, diarrhea and vomiting, including acidity gastric problem, diabetics etc.

Svadhishthana Chakra :
Color saffron; Related to Gonads; Control reproductive organs, Area of operation: Reproduce active power and allied emotions. Energy Source: - Human reproduction or growth of community. It is related to water element Imbalanced of water element in our body results in cough and cold; increase or decreases of urine, bed wetting, edema, disorder in unproductive organs, gynecological problems etc..

Muladhara Chakra :Color: - red Related to supra renal gland; Control kidneys: bladder and spinal corals. Area of operation: physical energy: reproductive power; Center of Kundalini. The meaning of physical energy here is the power to stabilize of physical energy. Energy source: - Consciousness end cheerfulness or drowsiness and dullness. Some type of meditation and social services. Some type of can live tranquil, happy and pleasant life and can be self reliant; otherwise he becomes unhappy dissatisfied and dependent. Related with Muladhara chakra to Earth element imbalanced of the earth element in the body results in stiffness or heaviness of body. Diseases related to bones, melancholy etc.

Emotions and Body

As is mind so is body. So the tranquility of mind and body depend on each other. Our ideas and thoughts mould our body. The positive thoughts make our body supple, tranquil and attractive. The negative thoughts make our body stiff, constrained and had. Due to negative characteristics we remain disturb in life . Each part of our body expresses different thoughts and emotions, so a personality can be easily identified. Let me give you a brief recount of storage of emotions and thoughts in

10 individuals in body. Some importation about help is know the methods of guiding negative thoughts and restoring positive thoughts for tranquility, pleasure and peace in life.

Front side of Body

The front side of the human body reflect feeling of anger, awaking, gratitude, unhappiness, Love, Hatred, Pleasure, jealousy etc.

Front side of Body

The problem and question which we what to conceal and hide or do not desire to solve all stored here. The thoughts and emotions which we do not like a alleviate are all also collected here. Our motion and thoughts of unconscious state are stored here. Nose: Mouth: it gives impression of smalls and foul odor. It also reveals reaction of manwoman physical relationship. it protects nutritive elements of life. It shows acceptation or rejection of thought or incidents. Head: it reveals whether the person is intelligent and bright or not. it becomes stiff because of two much pressure of thoughts and emotions. Our personality is expressed here. It shows whether we are capable of facing the life or not. it is a window to our sow. It shows our sense of vision. It shows Love, Kindness, and respect for all the living beings as well as objects. The acupressure of centers of all parts of body is here. It reveals our ability to here. Due to pressure of thoughts and emotions this part experiences strain and it expresses sense of bear as well as safety. This is an area of anahata chakra. It expresses feeling of love.

Neck: Face: Eyes: Ears: Jaws: -

Arms :Hand

The five Transformation of Energy

Understanding the philosophy of the five transformation of energy is the corners tone of oriented medicine and diagnosis. The cyclic interplay between yin and yang is expressed and manifested in nature, our environment and our bodies. This change manifests through five phases or movement of energy that can be experience during the seasons and through out our daily cycles. These five elements are descriptions of energy in deferent stage of change, each element having its own characteristics, properties and quality. This process can be easily understood on both on intuitive and a common level. Wood: Fire: Earth: Wood energy is the raising and expanding energy, manifested in spring and in the morning. Fire energy is the peak of outward or dispersing energy, manifested in full summer and during the middle of the day. Earth energy is centered and balanced when it starts to tarn downwards and back to the centre of the earth, manifested in late summer and during the afternoon.

11 Metal: Water: Metal energy is the consolidating and gathering energy as we prepared for autumn return home in the evening. Water energy, resting time ennoble change and rejuvenation action to take place in winter and during the night.

The five transformations in Nature

Fire: Heart / small intestine Radiant Yang -Season summer - Mid day. Color red -Environment hot Spleen and stomach Depending Yang -Season late summer -afternoon; -Color Yellow/ Orange -Environment Damp Lungs and large Intestine Rising Yin -Season autumn, Season of life. Old age. -Evening; -Color white / gray Environment - Day Kidney and bladder Condensed Yin Season Winter; Season of life Birth/Death/renewal Liver and gallbladder Rising Yang Season of life infancy / Expansion Early morning Color green Environment Wind

Earth: -

Metal: -

Water: Wood :-

Positive and negative chart of five elements by three ways. Mind, Body, and Emotions
Fire :Primary organs :- heart and small intestine Secondary organs :- Pericardium and triple heater. Governo :- Circulation; emotion,blood vessels Energy ;- conversion / assimilation Sense :speech ( tongue) Voice :Laughing, high pitch Emotion :- High and lows, joy and Love Mental :Spiritual and stomach

12 (Soil / Earth ) Organs :Govern :sense :Voice :Energy Emotion :Metal :Metal Spleen and Stomach lymphatic; immune and digestive systems reproduction ( female) taste sing song :ingestion / digestion Worried, low in self esteem and sense of self worth, caring supportive. Ideas / opinions / and concentration

Large and large intestine Govern :respiration, skin, elimination Sense :small ( Nose ) Voice :Weepy , breathy. Energy :exchange / examination Emotion :- Cant let go, grieving, insular, positive, open enthusiastic Metal :Leadership, clarity, inflation strength

Water -

Kidney and bladder Govern :bones, skeleton, hormones, reproduction, adrenal glandss. Energy :Purification, regulation Sense :hearing ( ears) Voice :trembling, groaning. Emotion :- anxious, insecure, lacks direction, courageous, secure, determined Metal :memory, ambition, will-power. Liver and gallbladder Govern muscles, joints Energy distribution, storage, sexual, vigor (male) Sense sight Voice Shouting, clipped Emotion energy, impatient, humor on, gentle Mental Flexibility, Freedom, vision, Creativity.

Wood -

Phases of Energy the creating Cycle.

Five seasonal Cycle
+ Corresponding color + corresponding element + corresponding hours of the day + corresponding meridians/ organ partnerships Fire Earth Metal Water Wood summer season, mid day hours. late summer, afternoon Autumn, evening hours. winter, evening hours spring morning hours

13 Water feeds food Wood fuels fire The ashes from fire, feel and Moorish the earth. Earth supplies Metal ( minerals ) Metals are carried by water Water puts out fire Fire melts metal Metal cuts wood Wood sustains the earth Earth contains water Health is governed by natural laws. To restore it you simply reality the imbalance and create a suitable environment so healing maturely takes place. Our constitution related to the capacity and potential. We are born with it is formed by hereditary and potential from our parents and ancestors, the metal and physical influences of the mother during pregnancy and the nourishment through food and the environment during gradation and early growth. This manifests in our structure which is unlikely to change during the course of our lives.

Examples of influences.
Father influence Sperm Active : female child more likely Nervous and respiratory Mother influence Egg active : a male child more likely Digestive, circulatory and reproductive Right Side Physical, social, emotional sensory,

Sex of child Major System Face and Body

Left side

Intellectual, ideological Foods if eaten to excess during pregnancy and the growing period also have certain influences:

Mental and physical

Sentimentality/ sensitivity Gentle/slow/dull responses Emotional irritability

Stimulants and spices Meat, poultry, eggs Sugar and sweets

Weaker digestive function Skin problem, formation of mucus, heart/ circulatory disorder. insecurity, Heart/ circulatory disorder high blood pressure

Determination / Heart/ circulatory disorder materialism/ stubbornness Nervousness, illusion Obesity, diabetes, skin disease, kidney and excretory disorder


Face shapes and personality

The wood type :- Rectangular in appearance longer than it is wide, the forehead is high and the cheeks are narrow this type is both genial and dignified and is associated with being romantic, idealistic and optimistic. They are strong leader organizers and can shoulder a lot of responsibility. They will stand for a point principal and have philosophical attitude towards life. The five type :- This type has prominent cheekbones and pointed features like a triangle which is the shape symbolic of five. Often with red hair or freckles. They tend to be emotional articulate, tactile and communicative and their gaze can be somewhat daunting. The temperament of the fire person is sociable, excisable and ambitions and they have a strong desire to burn brightly, seeking excitement. The Earth type:- This type is notification square with its height and width apparently the same, making the nose and mouth seem wide. Their energy is high. They are practical and reliable and desire involvement, commitment and loyally, but they have a tendency to immediately jump to continuous before the facts are known. The metal type :- This face is oval and the eyes large and lively, denoting intelligence and sharp perceptions. Their mind is usually active and they have hard working but may have difficulty in letting go and relaxing. They value definition quality correctness and precision and seeking a high standard. They like lose strength people. They are good politician and organizers. It they lose strength they are prone to negative thinking, depression and intestine prob. The Water Type :- The face is round, sometimes chubby and often referred to as a moon face. It can be pole or drained of color and the eyes, like the element can be watery. They are generally quite and gentle by nature. They rend too work to hard and suffer from exhaustion and then become easily tired. They thrive on mystery privacy and originality, but if they find themselves alone for too long they can put off decision so it is good for them to set themselves goals. They suffer kidney infection or back problem.

The Balanced face :If the three areas are equal, the person has a balanced native and is not dominated by mind emotion or will. They attempt to make relation decisions based on harmony between the three aspect of their being. Balanced features but a large round head indicates that the person has tremendous power, a rare blend of intellectual development an understanding of the emotional needs of other, a strong will and the courage to bring their plays to fruition.

High Forehead and Smaller mid and chin section :This is the face of someone who is dominated by their high intellect and conceptual mind. They are great planners and abstract thinkers who can serve as advisers to powerful leaders. They must guard against being aloof, critical and avoid intrigues or struggles for power. They cannot endure the

15 demands of leadership because the chin area shows their will is weak. They can posses visionary ideas but need help from more practical and down to earth people to carry them through.

The well-developed mid region :This parsons tends to be very emotional or even sentimental and they can sympathies with the pain of others. They understand the suffering of life and seek to heal it. They have highly developed material or sensitive nature. Their chief weakness us that they can be thrown about by their feeling. They are volatile and lively.

The prig jaw :These people have a power full will and strong sense of purpose. They can endure conflict and remain focused on their objective. Such people are practical, goal-oriented and often work who lies. But they can be dominating. They have courage and tenacity and will fight till the battle is won. They often ignore the ideas and feeling of others to follow their own course. You cant control the beauty of the face but you can choose the expression on it. You cant control lifes difficult movement but you can choose how to respond to them. You cant control a negative atmosphere around you but you can choose the atmosphere of your mind.

The shape of the forehead :The vertical forehead (vertical from brow to hairline.)
Indicates a thinker who is very thorough and likes to have detailed information to understand fully. They work better in unhurried atmosphere with a schedule give them time to question for clarification and to process information step by step. Stress factor for them is having to skin through information without enough detail and not having live to think things through. Under stress they can confused.

The sloping forehead :- (slopes look from brow to hairline)

They often come to concussions or reach decisions very quickly. Stress factor for them is side tracking, unnecessary chit chat or giving details without bottom line. The greater the angle of the forehead the taster the thinker they are.

Ridge above the eyebrows :This person likes to have an order, structure routine to work with which they stick to quite unconsciously sometimes but which gives them security and control stress factor from them is a lack of order so structure being told to go with the flow or being short of time to complete all the tasks in set order.

Gently shaped forehead with no ridge :-

16 This person likes to go with the flow works best when doing things their own way. They like to be spontaneous and have a relaxed routine with the minimum of order and structure. Stress factor for them being forced to stick to a ridge schedule or structure with no allowance for spontaneity and freedom. So they fell trapped and stifled.

Lines on the forehead :The normal pattern is to have three lines that ideally should be straight, distinct and unbroken. Top Line :- spiritual line This represents our height ideals and more spiritual nature. Middle Line:- Personality line -This represents our human personality and weakness of our age . strength or

Lower Line :- Earth line :- This represent our capacity for earthly matters such as work finance and the ability to reside our ideas. When all three lines are distinct, unbroken and strong. This indicates the person possesses a balanced view of themselves in relationship to their spiritual nature ego and earthly roles and has an integrated personality that leads to good health and sound judgments if they continued to take care of their health. They are likely to do well in life and succeed.

When there are many unbroken lines:Indicates a problem or conflict in the corresponding aspect of life, so the person with have to work harder to gain mastery of this area. They often show where a person trends to focus in their life , and how compelled they may to be accomplish something in their area, which requires the greater effort and more attention than the other aspects.

A Broken Earth Line:Indicates that the person needs to take good care of material matters and maintain a steady income and an orderly work schedule. They need to consciously develop good habit to sustain security in this unpredictable world, yet avoid overworking or becoming obsessive.

Broken Earth line with strong personality and spiritual line :Indicate that the person is working to realize an idealistic goal or vision.

Many broken lines :Indicates as unreliable personality or changing health condition, care and attention is needed in order to sustain good health.

Flying bird broken line:-

17 Indicate a more extreme personality who is continually changing or who has unstable health.

Wavy lines:Can indicate changes in health or imbalanced thinking .They may tend to change direction, job or partners more often that most people or just away be wondering if the grass is greener on the other side.

A missing line can reveal either of two things.

Firstly an absent line can mean that the person has the misconception that this aspect of their life is unimportant or irrelevant to their existence. Secondly it can indicate the opposite a very deep concern for that aspect, as if searching for something missing. The person goes to great lengths to discover more, or even become obsessed about it. Vertical lines are an indication of intellect some one who thinks a lot and who may be caution or critical. Vertical and horizontal lines indicate extreme intelligence, Sensitive and Nervousness. Deep vertical lines between the eyebrows indicate tension. Stress anger and nervousness. A strong personality and earth line indicate the person has a strong sense of self with potential for leadership but their materialistic goals are not necessarily balanced by spiritual ideas. One strong line can indicate the person has a strong sense of that area but be orientated to seeking the others. It can also indicate steady health and consistent energy for life. A single spiritual line indicates a highly idealistic but impractical person who must work at developing their own personality sense of self and understanding of earthly matters.

Texture of the hair: The hair of undeveloped races is coarse as compared to that found among civilized peoples. Coarse Hair :- Coarse strange, stupid , a dull individual of a low grade of mentality often Rude, violent rough and unsympathetic. Coarse stilt straight hair :- Indicates rigid firm, Consociations traits, more principal item Emotions, Obstinacy. Coarse black duck brown: - Lower range of moral and intellectual power. Soft pliable hair: - Tractable, Amiable, Reasonable, Disposition Very fine flashy, silken of a light lure: associated with refinement, relative delicacy and extreme sensitiveness of its nervous system. Very fine flassy silken of a black or brown denotes more constitutional refinement, more intense feeling and greater mental power.


Quantity of the hair

(No single sign will give entire character of any individual)
A thick long suit of hair denotes considerable constitution vigor and is one sign of longevity, great reproductive power. Thin, scattered fine hair denotes delicacy of comtitulion fine and keen perception, sensation and shy nature & new us irritability, sometimes associated with brilliant mental powers.

The Various Colour Of the Hair

The character of colour, its length, thickness, quantity and Luctre The color most frequently met with in civilized races are black, brown, red flaxen, golden, gray and white Deep color denotes power, heat, force and Intensity. Dark Brown Hair: - If fine & glossy, indicates normal power, both of mind and body together with refined taste excellent color sense. Intelligence amiability, good sense and a certain depth of feeling without acrimony. Light Brown: - Indicative of good intellect, exhibiter mental & physical power neither very week nor strong fine hair denotes delicacy of though and feeling golden tinge it is to kens excitability and an exalted mind.

Red hair :- Fine & gorsy denote intensively of feeling, ambition and refinement red hair also shows quick temper, lively and intense emotions great agree ability and amativeness, and a love of outdoor life and active pursuits.

Coarse red hair devotes ordinary intelligence.

Very Light Hair :- Individuals are often showy, sprightly and amusing entertaining, gray and lively, with inordinate love of dress and amusement and who exhibit a great fondness for spectacular plays, burlesques and sensational literature. Golden Hair: A better colour sense, more constitutional vigor, philosophical, but refined and amiable and good artiest.

Gray Hair :-

It is a sign of age but it is in a youth indicate sum variation of the nervous system, nervous shock,


The Eyes The Window of the

The Size of Eyes


The Large eyes indicate a yin constitution suggesting that more yin foods were eaten during and every childhood, making the person mentally sensitive, initiative, emotional, delicate and gentle in character. Abnormally large eyes indicate nervous disorders, extreme sensitivity, nervousness, humidity end lack of confidence. Small eyes indicate a more yang constitution and that more yang food was eaten at the time of childhood these are people who have a down-to-earth attitude to detail and who are good figures and statistics. Abnormally small eyes can indicate a sharp or aggressive character. Round eyes are more yin indication a more soft, sensitive, artistic and feminine quality, which can be the case for a man or woman. Thin eyes are more yang so for man it is a sign of an active strong constitution and for woman more physical, active and masculine approach to life.

Distance Between the eyes

In the early stage of foetal development the eyes are at the sides of the head like a fish. A strong contraction force draws the face together, if there is not enough to this or too much it will affect the space between the eyes. A shorter distance between the eyes and indicates an intellectually and emotionally sharp character who can be aggressive, narrow minded and stubborn. A wide distance between the eyes a slow and gentle character and who is more laid back and who could be indecisive or lack vitality. They can have a tendency towards isolation or separation.


The Shape of the eyebrow

Smooth curving brows suggest a well balance dait was eaten during pregnancy indicating physical and mental balance.

Crescent shape:-

This person likes to make decisions initiatively and prefers to work with others. everything better

Pointed eyebrow:- This person is innovative and determined and likes to do

then the next person.

+ Eyebrows that splay out at the ends can indicate a thyroid problem. + Peaked eyebrows mean the person is active socially and physically but if gentle and sometimes timid in mentality. Later in their life they will become occupied with more mental and spiritual things. + The length of hair-the longer the hairs the more mentally and spiritually active the person is in character while shorter hairs indicates a more physically active character.


The Nose The emperor of the


The shape of nose can tell us much about the way we think and subsequently behave. Normal well formed nose with average length and roundness shows a balanced mentality and good fortune. Large nose shows a capacity for thinking straight and longer nose shows more sensitive nervous quality. Thin nose is indicative of someone with an independent nature, inwardly shy but may not show it they may be in at ease in company bad have difficulty and revealing enough of their personality to make friend. Thin, beak like May high in the centre of the face is a sign of a lover of luxury who has to be careful this does not lead to them spending more they can afford. Bony nose, if the nasal bones are clearly visible or the nose seems bony this person may find it difficult to accept advice and withdraw into themselves rather than struggle against opposition. Soft, flat nose shows a tendency to be determined and rigid in their thinking. Soft, rounded nose is the mark of someone who has a sympatric warm and loving nature, they are free with compassion, good and money but c an be a soft touch or be taken advantage of. Raised or rounded sides on the nose indicate cloudy, fuzzy or unclear thinking. High nose indicated a tendency to be proud, competitive prejudiced and disseminating. In the case of a woman it indicated a tendency towards frigidity or immobility to conceive. Lower, flatter nose indicated a person with who is more generous and accepting of differences.

The Ears
Small ears indicate a more delicate physical constitution. This person seems to think more conceptually and take account of immediate problems rather then taking the broader view of situation and their meaning.

22 Ears that stick out indicate the person will develop more mental activity then physical. If the angle is greater then 30 degree this can indicate skepticism and discrimination. Ears that lie flat and close to the head indicate a person able to hear all sides and make sound judgment. May great leaders have such ears. Pointed ears indicate a person who had a sharp intellect and tendency to be highly suspicious of others. Critical or aggressive, they are apt to think that defense is the best weapon. They are inclined to see the darker side of other and can fully prey to paranoids. Red ears can mean the adrenals are under stress. Cut on stimulants and caffeine. Purple ears; suggest a weak circulation, so it is best to avoid sugar, alcohol, and extremely yin foods.

The mouth and lips:The Philtrum.

A deep philtrum indicates deep constitutional strength and an ambitious focused and good oriental person. They have a strong appetite for life, sex and food and these appetites are more pronouns ceded where the distance between the nose and lips in long. A light and shallow philtrum indicate a more in constitution than their bodies. They trend to have fewer children and more slender means. Long, deep philtrum indicates fertility, good fortune and a long life the area above the mouth represents the reproductive system, and in woman is specially related to uterus. Narrow at mouth broad at nose denotes some one born less strong but where health gains strength. They have fewer children as their energy is slightly restricted. Wide at mouth and narrow at nose denotes someone born strong whose health weakness Chinese face reading says it indicates having more sons then daughters. Faring in the middle indicate a shorter life but one with remarkable achievement in it. Short, strong philtrum can indicate loss illness or isolation.

Fading philtrum can mean the holding loses direction in life and experiences frustrated purpose or failure, depression or financial hardship. Creased philtrum indicate worrying times.

The upper lip

23 Where the upper lip meets the skin, if this is obscured the stomach is week and need protecting. Swollen upper lips indicate the stomach is expanded or if red than it is inflamed so avoid sugar, spices. A hardness and white colour around the border of the upper lips indicate stubbornness overeating or chaotic eating. Eat less and avoid extremes of yin and yang food. The lower lips should ideally be full and wet. An expanded upper lip can mean that peristalsis is week leading to diarrhea or constipation. Tightness of the upper lip indicates a tendency towards constipation or holding on to emotions or expression of disagreement. Avoid animal food, backed food and salt. Purple colour lip indicates hardness and inactivity of organ function. Shyness as well as lack of energy in intestines caused by cold foods, liquids and medicine. Sores in the corner of the mouth correspond to the duodenum and reveal too much fat is being consumed and there is an excessive secretion of bile. A small mouth indicates a yang constitution or that the digestive system is losing strength. A tight mouth indicate the intestines are tights or in woman that the vagina is tight. Sagging corners of the mouth indicate of spleen weakness in woman it incites of weakness of ovary. So avoid dairy food. The ideal size of the mouth, when you draw parallel lines vertically though the center of the pupils the lines should touch the ends of the mouth. If the ends extend further than the lines, this person has a big mouth.

The Tongue.
A wide tongue with a round tip indicates a person who is generally harmonious gentle and understanding. A narrow tongue with a sharp pointed tip indicates a person who has a tendency to be physically rigid or tight, mentally aggressive of offensives. Tongues with a divided tip indicate a person with a tendency to be indecisive and changeable so support the wood and fire element. Thick tongue indicate a person with a more active, offensive or aggressive character who should avoid excessive facts and arrival protein. Stiff tongue indicates tension in the body on the deviated side or internal wind.

See the colour of tongue:-

24 Pale red normal Red- internal head. Purple stagnant blood. Blue internal cold. Pale deficient condition

The Voice :Noise is an expression of life but it can reveal to us imperfections is function or construction. A machine makes all kind of noises if it is faulty or being used incorrectly. The voice is the body is from of expression. Now haw the element are contacted with voice.

Wood element:Showing, clipped, sharp, empathic or loud indicates an excess of the wood element. A lack of or repressed wood is displayed by an inability to depart from a soft placatory voice.

Fire Element:Excess fire is often manifested by inappropriate laughter or giggling also by fast or hysterical speech riving in pitch. Lack of fire can be indicated by a dull monotone without or joy.

Earth Element:Imbalanced in the earth element is manifested by an up and down singing quality as if the person were trying to comfort. Someone also typified by an inability to complete sentences or sighing.

Metal Element:Imbalanced in metal gives the voice a weeping, crying, or plaintive tone with a lack of power. Or it can have a gasping or breathy quality.

Water Element:Imbalanced in the water element makes the voice tremble and sound like a fearful or weak also gives rise to a sound like a groaning quality from deep inside the bones.


Meridian associations and imbalances

Lung: Psychological Associations: - Making boundaries and structures, positivist, expression of grief; feeling of self worth; self as an individual. Imbalance :Isolation and withdrawing, depression, melancholy, negativity, lack of self worth.

Large intestine :Psychological Associations :- Being to Let go ; boundaries between self and the out side. Imbalance :Stomach :Psychological Associations :- The mind and Intel led ; feeling in harmony with the earth ; home and family Imbalance :Too much thinking ; worrying, confusion, obsession ; felling ungrounded ;anxiety; self pity. In ability to let go to much holding on erolation ; rigidity or negativity in thinking and outlook.

Spleen:Psychological Associations:Appetite; flesh and fat ; menstrual cycle, blood. Imbalance :controlling

Digestive problem ; involving insufficient or excessive secretion digestive enzymes; overeating or lack of appetite, irregular painful or heavy periods or lacks of period anemia.

Heart :Psychological Associations :- Heart organ central nervous system; tongue speech; sweat emotion; sleep; Imbalance :and

Heart disease; and circulatory problems; sweating; mental realties ness; emotional ; instability; lack of emotion; hysteria; dream disturbed sleep.

26 Small Intestine :Psychological Associations:- Clarity of Judgment; dealing with mental anxiety; emotional excitement and sock; determination. Imbalance :Inability to make decision; cloudy judgment; inappropriate reaction to shock.

Bladder:Psychological Associations :- Fluidity; Courage Imbalance :Restlessness; fearfulness and timidity recklessness.

Kidney :Psychological Associations:Will power; drive; ancestral; genetic inheritance; courage; fluidity of emotion; short term memory. Imbalance :Lack of determination and drive inherited psychological condition; fear and phobias; restless ness; forgetfulness.

Gall bleeder:Psychological Associations: Decision Making; creativity; good honor; irritable. Imbalance :Indecision; lack of creativity; overwork; attention to detail; frustration; impatience; constant irritation.

Liver: Psychological Associations:- Control; planning; harmonious; emotion; hardworking Over control or feeling of being out of control; excessive Imbalance.:planning; Inflexibility; frustration repression; temper tantrums. Triple Heater: Psychological Associations:- Social interaction; emotional protection Imbalance :Lack of warmth; socially over protective or over protected.

Heart Governor:Psychological Associations:- Protection of the emotions and Shem; social relation; sleeps and Dreams. Imbalance :Emotionally vulnerable; sky; excessive or disturbed dreaming incoming.

The two control channels:Conception vessel Psychological Associations:The abdomen; chest; lungs; thought and face; fertility; childbirth; menopause.

27 Imbalance :Reproductive problem; fibroids; lumps; hernia; coldness; weakness; lack of will power.

Governing vessel: The spine; the brain; Yang aspects of kidney Psychological Associations:meridian. Imbalance : Backache; nervous disorders; tremors; epilepsy; lack of vitality; sexual disorders;

This is the sign disease if the organ & imbalanced.

Lungs :- Cough, Asthma; hot air running in chest ; warm or hot in arm; smelling in mouth; congestion
in chest; pain in ring arm and hand; skin problem; surfeiting with imbalance; shoulder; participation; change of urine colour; tuber lesion If lungs constitution patient Vein are hard; cough; painful breaths; chattering of teeth; tension on left abdomen and pain.

Spleen:- Tiredness; pain in chest midriff worming at eating; jaundice swelling stomach pain under
tongue cold feeling on hand and legs. Spleen constitution patient Vein is law; tension; digesting power; always dizziness; joint pain; too much sleep;

Stomach:- Continue Sneezing; mind is always thinking for crying, black face; aloneness; blood from
nose; change of voice; pain in sternum; malaria; middle finger is not working. Stomach constitution patient Slow vein; yellow colour; avidity; depressed; absent minded; proudly

Heart: - Pain near heart; trusty; hot arm; problem in vision.

Heart constitution patient Foot vein; vomiting; angry; pain in solar plexus; hot arm; smelting.

Large intestine:- Skin problem; dizziness; pain in teeth; swelling on thought; blood coming out from
nose; closing of nose; cough of T.B.; shoulder pain. Large Intestine Constitution Patient Continued Sneezing, depressed, crying


Small intestine: - Swelling on thought; under in tousillar ring; stiff neck; earring problem; skin
problem. Small intestine constitution patient. Fast vein; readies face; any face; good in social work; laughing in every talk. Skin problem; black body and face; chest pain; cough with blood; unconsciousness; absent mid level; red tongue; pain is thought; loss motion; burning saurian of foot. Kidney constitution patient;Slow vein cold leg, stomach pain, loss motion so many times in a day, fens ion and stiffness of stomach.


Chest: -

It contains life it is closely connected with respiratory system its center is the heart it shows our relationship with other reproduction. emotions

Abdomen: - It is a center f digestion system reproduction and emotion. The deep rooted
are stored hear.

Genitals: - The danger of existence of life can be heard. Thighs: Knees: Feet: It expresses complete or incomplete energy of the individual it stimulates the sexual relationship. Fear of physical change aging effects, damage of respectability, death etc. affect these parts severely. Failure in achieving target and lack of stability affects these parts.

Shoulders:- The senses of maintaining balance responsibilities shouldering hire responsibility are
expressed hear. The ladies store most of their emotions hears.

Five Basic Rules for Good health and long life.

Combining or ordering, regulated way of life with observation of the five rules outlined below and regular shiatsu will help make life longer and more pleasant. 1) Proper Diet :Eating as much of everything you like is a diet that must be corrected no matter how wholesome the foods you eat, balance must be maintained among them. First of all, it is essential to ensure enough of these major energy foods-proteins; fats & carbohydrates to facilitate an active life in addition, the required amount of minerals ,water and various vitamins needed to break down these foods and connect them in the energy must be included in this diet. Even with balanced manner, the body must be able to digest and assimilate the nutrients it takes in. ensure that this is possible by eating at regular times in proper quantities and by chewing your food well, breakfast is a must, even if it is only a small amount of highly nutritious food. Furthermore, the connection between the organs of digestion & the vague nerves that emotional stress can cause in the alimentary system. Avoid this by eating slowly and in a pleasant, calm atmosphere. This is all the more important since worry and invitation disrupt the function of the older intend organs as well

29 shiatsu on the abdomen impasse the functioning of the slimed and intestines, then simulating digestion & absolution of nutrients. It may be self administered.


Proper Sleep :Human being sleep about one third of their lives if they eight full hours of rest nightly. Sufficient sleep is more emotion to recovery from fatigue than any therapy or drugs. No matter how static one remains as long as the body is awake the organs continue to function and the muscles preserve a state of tension. In sleep however the organs and the cerebral never rest and the muscle relax. Enabling the body to recover from weariness and be refreshed upon awaking. There are many sleep patterns. The idea one is falling asleep shortly after retiring dropping info deep sleep soon there after and remaining is deep sleep until sleep gradually becomes increasingly shallow and walking occurs. This process can be compared to an aircraft that takes off immediately gains fight altitude, remains on attitude for the majority of the trip; and gradually descends to land aging at the destination paint. It is said that, through they are often forgotten; everyone has dreams every night. The level of sleep in which dreams occurs is the rapid eye movement state, which less desirable than deep sleep. Overindulgence in result in sleeping state that is only half sleep and half intoxication; since he does not enjoy restful, deep sleep suffer from the state known as hangover on the morning after. There is no doubt that early to bed and early to rise are linked with longevity. But the tempo of modern urban living makes it difficult to follow the sound advice inherent in these words.

Proper Elimination :Normally the bowels should move once a day often immediately after breakfast. If this regimen is regularly observed, the alimentary system will function correctly and nutrients will be readily observed. The amount and nature of foods eaten determine the kinds of the qualities of food eliminated. Excess, consumption of difficult to digest foods causes constipation or diarrhea, psychological states too influence elimination. To stay in good condition eat a balanced diet regularly and perform self administered abdominal ach morning. Proper Sleep :One of the most direct ways to prompt good health is proper energetic exercise combining work ports or some other active recreation. Human being Lind a reason for living in purposeful, goal-oriented activity but in todays mechanized society, opportunities to display vitality are becoming increasing limited work is now subdivided ant automated to the extent that human being frequently do nothing but monotonous repetitive operation. Means of transportation have become so convenient that people use their legs less than they should and prefer an elevator or escalator to even a moderate light of steps. Vigor declines. Recently, jogging has become popular with those who want to supplement their exercise or to achieve good results merely by walking more and moving the body as much as possible in ordinary daily activities walking s especially good since it activates circulation in the legs and relieves sluggishness that inactivity cause. In addition it is important to make full use of the bending stretching, reading and lifting that are parts of the movements performed in many apparently minor daily tasks. 4)


30 5) Laughter :Laughter is unique to the human being, a naturally laughing face is leasing and of blood. In contract, anger beautiful, physiological, laughter is healthful and improves the color and fear cause the dace to become livid and great pathological tensions in the internal organs. The up-down movement of the diaphragm covered by laughter stimulates the operation of the heart, improves the circulation and activates the functioning of the stomach and intestines. It helps regulate the internal secretion of the endocrine system. Illness makes truly beautiful laughter difficult or impossible. A good guffaw from the bottom of the belly once a day contributes to a better way of life. As the old saying have it Laughter is the gate to happiness A laugh rejuvenates, a frown ages.

Lifestyle Solution for Elements

Water Element :- Kidney and bladder
1. 2. 3. Recommendations Take exercise such as swimming or sports involving water. Keep entertainment more restful such as the cinema = romantic films. communication with others can be more deep and profound with a slow cautions approach to relationships. use oil such as jasmine and sandalwood oil in your both. Take up meditation Get properly of rest and for a few days try to fit in with hours of daylight or go to bed before 10pm. A steam or sound that induces sweating can reduce the load on the kidney Avoid :1. 2. 3. Becoming overtired Environment that are cold or damp Too many changes at work in relationships and environment till your energy has replenished Procrastination. Exercise sexual activity Becoming obsessive about secrecy.

4. 5. 6.


4. 5. 6.


Wood Element :- Liver and Gallbladder

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Recommendations Keep life free and active Develop Enthusiasm Water humorous films or television programs A detox diet is good for liver, especially in spring Shouting dancing or supporting a team to receive pent up energy. Early morning exercise out of doors and prior to eating is good for liver which give off oxygen and energies the raising wood element. Recreation time can be more active, physical, challenging and energetic such as climbing tracking and exploring the news. use oils such as grapefruit, chamomile and lavender. Avoid :1. 2. obsessive about time or too fanatical about exercise Stagnant, monotonous or pressurized lifestyles which leave little possibility for creativity, innovation and humour. Over eating and eating late at night. Being overbearing and controlling.


3. 4.

Fire Element:- Heart & Small Intestine

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Recommendations Reestablish some order calm & rhythm in your life Include means of self-expression such as dancing, singing, laughter. Take up art and playing on instrument Pre eating exercises will support the heart Yoga builds up stamina and heat in the body. Spend time with others, family and friends.

32 7. 8. Allow time for outward expression Used as rose and Rosemary. Avoid :Burning out and being chaotic in week and private life or letting thing get out of control. Extremes of any kind, such as in behavior, environment or food. Being isolated or alone. Becoming excessively self indulgent or obsessed with your appearance. but also time for rest too.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Earth Element :1.

spleen, pancreas and stomach

Recommendations Include activities that bring you nearer to the earth such as gardening, digging, waking and making clay pot. Ask yourself regularly whether your thoughts are nourishing and supporting you. Walk barefoot for 10 minutes a day on the earth to get a natural charge of earth energy. Spend time with family and friends doing home based thing. Entertain and look after others but balance it with doing things just for you. Have regular massage and reflexology. Get out into nature. Avoid :Working too hard, studying, or having long period of concentration without taking a break. Taking regular breaks given you time to digest the information. Over analyzing things or situation. Worry, obsession, self doubt, over extending yourself meddling and being too protective. Burdening yourself. Becoming obsessive about food. Jealousy.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Metal Element :- Lung & Large intestine.

33 Recommendations Clear away finished projects and bring things to conclusion. Sort out finances. Learn breathing exercises and meditation. Create structure in your life. Communicate your ideas, thoughts and emotions. Get thing off your chest. Focus on mental clarity. Go for regular walks and have plenty of fresh air in your environment both at home at work. Surround yourself with green plants to oxygenate. Avoid :Exposure to nicotine, carbon dioxide, lead and nitrogen dioxide. Central heating ( use humidifier) Sitting still or slumped for long periods. Putting yourself under intense pressure or feeling trapped in solution. Becoming isolated in your life or indifferent to the word outside yourself. Perfectionism or becoming obsessed with details.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Ayurvedic View :- A Glossary

The twenty terms below are important elements in the Ayurvedic view of creation, Philosophy and practice. A broad understanding helps to appreciate this unique wisdom. SANDHYA :This Philosophy from a theory of creation based on the idea that the cosmos divides into is elements or components of which the two fundamental principal of PURUSHA and PRAKRITI represent the merging of matter and essence or anti matter. PURUSHA:Purusha together with Prakriti from the two persuasive forms of the universe if presents the divine spark of life it has no form, no colour, no substance, no qualities. It is pure awareness. Also called the universal soul. Purusha is perfect unity.


34 PRAKRITI:Also called urn-matter. It is passive yet when combined with active principle Purusha an evolutionary process sets forth which manifests the 23 principal qualities which make up the necessary building blocks of all creation. KARMA:Purusha or soul is subject to the law of karma or Action. The aim of all life is the union of the individual soul with soul with the universal soul. All actions are important because they either help in achieving this union or lead away from it disease can be result of bad Karma. DAIVA :Daiva is a part of karma which refers to a previous life. As health and happiness in Ayurvada depend on Karma it is important to consider the source of a persistent ailment to be a result of Daiva. PURUSAKARA :Purusakara refers to the part of karma connected to this life. The principle of personal responsibility of conduct is central to Ayurveda. Achieving longevity and happiness requires a constant assessment of all action are good or bed Karma. of

MICROCOSM:The entire universe in made up of five basic elements. Diversity is a result of infinite combinations fundamental unity between all living things results from the fact that all share the same constituents. Thus mirrors the microcosm. GUNAS :Sattva, Rayas, Tamas :- The three gunas are constitutions of prakriti. They are in a permanent state of flux changing combinations , reaching, giving cause to creation and destruction. Also called omni substances. BUDDHI :One of the three constitutes necessary to form on individual identity. It enables image creation and recognition. This is a prerequisite to the fundamental qualities of cognition memory, rationality and the ability to think in abstract terms. AHAMKAR :-

35 One of the three constituents necessary to form an individual identity as a result of Buddhi. A Self image is recognized and acceptance of this is recognition if the self. The knowledge of I am is the very first step of the principle of individuation. MANAS :One of the three constituents necessary to form an individual identity. Psyche refers to that part of a being that cannot be dented by any other sensory organ. Also called the eleventh sense. It enables intention imagination and feeling like love and hate. RAJAS :One of the three non-material constituents of Prakriti. Rajas Provides activity movement disturbing balance and stimulating action. Its dynamic force and imputes can lead to aggression. To the whole it provides a sense of material reorganization. TAMAS:One of the three non-material constituents of Prakriti. Tamas acts as an opposing force to both Rajas and Saltva. It restrains, obstruct, resists and inhibits motion can lead to lethargy. To the whole it provides a sense of inhibition and caution.

SATTVA :One of the three non material constituents of prakrit. Its qualities are virtue, truth, beauty, balance, intelligence, aspects of purity, essence and light heads to peace, happiness and knowledge. It provides a sense of ideological conception. FIVE ELEMENTS :Ayurveds holds that everything is composed of five deuse or great elements, Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. They are omni portions. Each has distinctive attributes and qualities. EATHER :In the structure of the universal Ether represents space. Its essential quality sound. It is related to wind and it represents the principle of subtlety. Characteristics :- Light, fine, smooth, soft Effects :- Porous, lightness, producing. AIR :Represents motion in structure of the universe its essential quality is related to wind and it represents the principle of production. Touch, ideas is

36 Characteristics :- Light, cold, dry, rough, fine. Effects :- stimulating motion activating. FIRE :Representing energy its essential qualities is appearance. It is related to the Represented the principle of conversion transformation. Characteristics :- hot, sharp fine, light , dry clear Effects :- Stimulating. WATER :Represent cohesion. Its essential quality is taste. It is related to moon. the principle of cooling. Characteristics :- liquidity, cold, slow, soft , mucous Effects :- Moistening, Dissolving Represent sun.

EARTH :Represent mezzo. Essential quality is smell. Related to moon. Represent the principle of solidity. Characteristics :- heavy, soil, hard, slow, rough, clear Effects :- growth stimulating.

A food & Diet guide for the three Ayurvedic types.

Food should be natural, cooking freezing etc. changes the naturally quality of food how hoods can be combined how much food should be eaten. The environmental history of food growing seasonal effects on the food. Eating habits and manners how a persons attitude can affect food. Buttermilk is good balancing all three dashes.

VATA a combination of the elements of Ether and Air requires Sweet, Salty and moistening foods. Avoid eating when stressed, anxious or nervous. Try to develop regular eating habits drink milk, spice herb tea. Avoid dried fruit, apples, melons, Eat sweet food & fruit, avocado, banana, brown rice or red cabbage.


The element of PITTA is predominantly fire. PITTA people benefit from foods that have a cooling effect. Avoid faulty and spicy foods including sour fruits, peanut butter, orange, banana, tomatoes or garlic. Dont drink much alcohol. Concentrate on raw fruits and vegetables try to eat in an atmosphere of calm and order. Take time when eating. Drinks dots of cool water, fruit juices and tea.


Its water and earth are the elements of KAPHA. Avoid foods that are sweet and sour and salty. Concentrate on food that is bitter spicy and tangy eat light, warm meals. Avoid overeating do not eat between meals and do not let emotional disturbances make you eat more never sleep after a meal as this will increase weight drink as little as possible especially avoiding cold drinks.

Now this three types of PRAKRITIS yes and no in food and nut.


YES Apricots, Avocado, Banana, Berries, Cherries, coconut, figs (fresh) Grapes, Lemon, Mango, Melon, Orange, Papaya, Peaches, Pineapple, Plum, Prunes. NO Fig (dry) , Pears, Raisins (dry), Prunes (dry), watermelon, most dried fruit, Apples, Cranberries dates(dry) PITTA TYPES YES :Most Sweet fruits such as apples, avocado, Apricot, Berries, Cherries, Coconut, Grapes, Mango, and Orange. NO :Most Sour Fruits such as apricots, Berries, Banana, Grapes (green), Pineapples, plums; KAPHA TYPES

YES: Astringent, fruits, such as apples, apricots, figs (dry), peaches, pears, prunes, Raisins.

38 NO: Most Sweet & Sour fruits as Avocado, Banana, Coconut, fig, Kiwifruit, Melon, Orange, Papaya, and Pineapple, plums, Watermelon.



YES: Cooked Veggies, Asparagus, Broccoli, Beats, Carrots, Cucumber, Garlic, Green Beans, Leeks, Onions (cooked), Potatoes ( Sweet ), Radish, Pumpkin. NO : Raw, frozen, Dried Veggies, Broccoli, Cabbage(raw), Cauliflower, Celery, Eggplant, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Peppers, Spinach, Tomatoes.


PITTA TYPES YES: Sweet & Bitter veggies such as Artichokes, Asparaguses, Beets, Broccoli, Leafy greens, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onion, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Sprouts. NO: Pungent Veggies, Beets, Carrots, Garlic, Chilies, Onions ( raw ), Tomatoes. KAPHA TYPES YES: Pungent & Prettier as Artichokes, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Corn, garlic, Green Beans. NO: Most Sweet & Prettier Veggies such as Cucumber, Olives, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, Squash, tomatoes



YES: Buttermilk and all other dairy in moderation. NO: Cheese (Hard), Milk (Powder)

39 PITTA TYPE YES: Butter unsalted, Cheese (soft), Ghee, NO: Butter, Cheese, Sour, Gleam. KAPHA TYPE: YES: Goats, Cheese, Goats milk. NO: Most are Ok.


VATA TYPE YES: Beef Chicken, Duck, Eggs, Seafood, Turkey. NO: Lamb, Pork, Venison.

PITTA TYPE YES: Fresher fish, Egg (white), Chicken. NO: Beef, Duck, Egg (Yellow), Lamb, Seafood. KAPHA TYPE YES: Chicken, Eggs, Rabbit, Shrimp. NO: Beef, Duck, Lamb, Park, Seafood


VATA TYPE YES: All nuts in moderation NO: None

PITTA TYPE YES: Coconut NO: No nuts

40 KAPHA TYPE YES: no nuts NO: CONDIMENTS : no nuts VATA TYPES YES: All Spices are ok NO: Chocolate, Horse radish, Chili, Peppers.

PITTA TYPE YES: Coriander, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Fennel NO: No spices Other than listed

KAPHA TYPE YES: All spices are good, chutney, sprouts NO: Chocolate, Mayonnaise, Salt, Vinegar


VATA TYPE YES All oils are ok NO: PITTA TYPE YES: Coconut, Olive, sunflower, soy NO: Almond, Corn, Sesame

KAPHA TYPE YES: Almond, Corn, Sunflower NO: Most are ok


According to Ayurveda and other Indian philosophies like Sankhya. Nyaya etc. humans like the universe are made up of five elements ( called are MAHABHOOTAS) and the soul. Hence the human body is a microcosm of the universe within itself. In Ayurveda the five elements is their biological from in the living body are known as doshas, or the homeruns, namely Vata, Kapha, Pitta. All activities and functions ( normal or abnormal ) of the body and mind are state of these three doshes in the body.

41 VATA : A combination of the elements of ether and Air. Anxious, Nervous, Fearful evidencisive Personality :Sign of Hyperactivity :Penis, Nervous Disorders, Paralysis Physical Function :Blood Circulation, breathing, excretion, brain functions, anxiety, grief, enthusiasm, Activities all movements of body and mind. Physical characteristics :- Propulsive, dry, cool, rough, mobile, abundant clear.


The fire elements is dominant. Personality :Sensitive to heat, often hungry or thirsty, angry, inpatient, intolerant Sign of Hyperactivity :Acidity, Skin problem heat sensitive. Physical Function :Body temperature, hunger, thirsty, vision, anger, sexual desire, cheerfulness, Governs metabolism Physical Characteristics : Slightly anestrous, slight odor, hot and sharp.

KAPHA :- Combination the elements of water and earth Personality :Act, Eat, Speak Slowly, Stable movement, eat & drink little. Sign of Hyperactivity :Anorexia laziness, Obesity, minas Physical Function :Firmness, lubrication, Potency, fertility, resistance to illness knowledge retention, Govern Structural integrity of body and mind. Physical Characteristics :- Unctuous, smooth, soft, heavy cold, slimy, immobile.

The three prakriti are contacted to our body part is

SKIN: VATA :PITTA KAPHA thin, dry, cool, fairly, dark, tans easily :pale, lustrous, freckles, rashes, sunburns easily :thick, whitish, oily, cold.


Thin, Scrawrry, very long, very short :Average, in proportion to body. :Solid, like a tree trunk

MOUTH: VATA :PITTA KAPHA Small or Large, gums receding :Medium, sire :Large




Thin, Small Average Large



Light, delicate, narrow lips, shoulders Medium Large shoulder, hips are broad

SWEAT : VATA :PITTA KAPHA very little, often little smell :A lot when hot, strong, sour smell :Moderate a little sweet present


Busy, involved, fidgety :Moderates :Slow, lethargic, heavy


Low ::-

Average High



Good, short term, poor long term. good, rapid recall slow, very good, long term

WORK PREFERANCE :VATA :Creative imaginative PITTA :Intellectual KAPHA :Caring

HAIR :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Thin, Dark, Dry, Curly, Cares, Kidney, Frizzy :Fine, Soft, Fair, Radish :Thick, Plenty, wavy, shiny, brown

43 NOSE :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Small, Narrow, Long, Crooked, asymmetrical :painted, average size :Large, Rounded, Oily

LIPS :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Thin, Narrow, Tight , Dry, Unbalanced :Medium, Well Proportioned, Soft, Red :Big, Full, Smooth, Oily



Very Short, Very Tall Medium Tall sturdy, short stocky



Underdeveloped, prominent tendons Firms, Well Developed Solid, Strong

Prefers Warmer environment :Prefers Color Enviourment :Hates, Coldness

SLEEP :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Fitful, Scanty, interrupted, not restful :Not long but very sound :Very deep, Prolonged likes plenty


Fast not lost for words. :Sharp, Clear, Cutting, Precise :Slow, monotonous


Few deep, changeable :Strong fanatical :Deep, steady does not change



Fast, erratic, no plans Plans ahead, ambitions busy

44 KAPHA :Steady, does not change regular

FACE :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Long, Angular, Small chin :Heart shaped, Pointed Chin :Large, Round, Full

EYES :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Small, Narrow, Sunken, Dark, Brown, Grey :Average, Hazel, Light blue, Gray, Intense Luster :Large , Attraction, Blue, Light Brown

TEETH :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Irregular, big, crooked , little :Medium Size, Soft, Soft gums, Yellowish :Strong, White, Healthy gums


Low hard to put on weight :Moderate, easy, to put on or take off weight :Heavy tends to overweight Dry, tend to crack, knobby :Normal in proportion to limbs :Large, Healthy, Well Lubricated

STOOL :VATA :PITTA KAPHA Dry, Hard, Irregular, Constipated :Soft, Oily, Loose, regular :Slow, Oily, thick, Heavy, Plenty


Superficial, theorizes, few actions :Logical, Precise, Plans Well ahead :Slow, Refuses to be rushed


Fearful, Unpredictable :Aggressive, Judgmental :Calm, Greedy, Positive



45 Spender, Unwise, Poor :Moderate Like luxuries :Saves, Prudent, Rich


HAPPINESS :Although it is not an exclusive signal of happiness, a smile is the most obvious sign of this feeling. Smiling chiefly affects your eyes and lower face. 1. EYES :- the lower eyelids become slightly raised, with wrinkles appearing below them. Crows feet may crinkle the skin at the outside corners of your eyes. 2. MOUTH :- Your mouth lengthens as the corners of your lips move out and up. Yours lips may part enough to show (usually your upper) teeth. A strong smile also creates a pair of wrinkles that run from outside the corners of your lips up to your nose. 3. CHEEKS :-Your cheeks rise and bulge, perhaps high enough to make your eyes narrower, and to emphasize the mouth-to-nose and crows feet wrinkles. SADNESS :1. MOUTH :- Sadness is generally betrayed by the mouth which tends to droop at the corners, so emphasizing the generally slack and unanimated appearance of the face. The lips may quiver if you are on the verge of terms. 2. EYBROWS AND FOREHEAD :- The inner ends of the eyebrows may rise, so that the space between them, the root of the be slight wrinkles in the middle of your forehead above this triangular shape. 3. EYES :- These might glisten with unshed tears.

SURPRISE :1. FOREHEAD AND EYEBROWS :- When you are startled, your eyebrows curve and shoot upwards and wrinkles corrugate your forehead right across its breadth. 2. EYES :- The whites of your eyes are displayed as you open your eyes wide. 3. MOUTH :- Your jaw drops, opening your mouth slackly.

FEAR :- When your are scared, parts of your face react much as they do in surprise. In most parts of the world, however, there are subtle differences. 1. EYEBROWS AND FOREHEAD :- Your eyebrows rise and are pulled together. They appear to be somewhat less curved than in a surprised expression. Once more wrinkles furrow your forehead, but this time not right across its breadth. 2. EYES :- Your upper eyelids rise, exposing the whites of your eyes; your lower eyelids tense and rise too. 3. MOUTH :- Your lips may be tensely pulled back around your open mouth.

46 ANGER :1. EYEBROWS :- When you feel angry, muscles pull your eyebrows down and inward, and vertical wrinkles crease the skin between them. 2. EYES :- These narrow as your upper and lower eyelids move and they might even seem to protrude. 3. MOUTH :- Your lips are likely to be tightly closed and straight and turned down at the corners, or tautly open as if fixed in a shout. 4. NOSE :- Some enraged people flare their nostrils.

DISGUST :- When something disgusts you, the feeling is reflected mainly in your eyes and the lower part of your face. 1. EYES :- Your lower eyelids rise and lines appear in the skin below them. 2. MOUTH, NOSE and CHEEKS: - You wrinkle your nose and your cheeks move up. You might raise both lips, and just your upper lip, lowering your lip and making a slight pout.

ROUND - EMOTIONAL You can easily recognize a "watery", emotional human being as the short and stocky type. If your facial shape and body structure is distinctly rounded and tending to a somewhat fleshy look, you'll fall into this category. Another designation for you is an endomorph Your body type means that you are predominantly emotional, sensitive and caring. Cancer is the Cardinal water sign of the zodiac and symbolizes motherhood and nurturing. This makes you extremely considerate and compassionate. You like to extend this facet of your nature into every area of activity, including your work which is not to say you are a blob of maudlin sentimentality? You do however, seem to have a natural tendency to interact with others from an emotional base, making you "mother" to your peers. And that is also the case if you are a male. You may take intense interest in your projects, desiring to nourish concepts from an inceptive stage, watering the idea at each and every step - much like a mother feeding her newborn infant. And just as a mother fearing the flight of her teenagers, at some point you also may have some lessons to learn about delegating tasks and letting go. You are generally a conservative who is best suited to social situations and perform very well in professional arenas where a social and playful environment accommodates your naturally easy going style. You also need and desire security and stability very much. You therefore have a natural affinity with money and finance and can do well in the home sciences, sales careers and the socially interactive professions like catering and hospitality. The banking and real estate sectors would also be ideal for your innate talents. You may be prone to weight disorders and emotional difficulties if you slot into this category at the other end of the scale. It means that emotions are perhaps not dealt with or "digested" correctly in your experience. This "indigestion" has its counterpart in the alimentary tract of your body. It's no

47 coincidence that the medical fraternity refer to love food. your type as an alimentive class of being. You do

You also tend to retain excess fluid in the body, have a large chest, large magnetic eyes and thick hair. With Endomorphs, the Moon or Jupiter is usually prominent at the time of birth and so, according to astrologers and other alternative practitioners, weight problems may become an issue for you. The Water Signs are Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. According to Hindu Ayurveda, the ruling water planets are Venus, Moon and Jupiter and hence Taurus, Libra and Sagittarius may be taken as water signs as well. The Chinese face readers agree that you are a liquid and adaptable, sensitive and pliable individual. With other positive features this is a good basis for success in midlife. It is more so if your neck is thick. The reverse holds true for thinner necked water types. The Chinese readers also believe that being a full faced endomorph means that you may feel family life imposes upon you and that your time is never fully capable of being devoted to your other social passions. Compromise will mark the evolved types while the less develeloped amongst your class will struggle and perhaps fail at reaching the golden mean, as Buddha called it. Strong sexual fantasies also feature strongly for you. Coupled with your natural charm and demonstrative affection, you can provide very loving and satisfactory romantic alliances which last. Men of your nature prefer to stay in committed partnerships and function at their best when love and home are stable. OBLONG - PRACTICAL The Earth Type is considered as part and parcel of the other three categories in the Ayurvedic discipline. You'll recognise yourself as belonging to this category by the longer, more oblong shaped face. You will also find yourself taller and possibly bonier than your squatter, ligamentuous brother Meosmorphs mentioned above. As an earth type you are practical, methodical and deliberate but may tend to overwork. You will probably find the lion's share of workaholics in this category. You can be excessively concerned about material and financial security, so you push yourself to the limits in trying to acquire those things that remove this sense of worldly inadequacy. In the process of your striving for success, you are severe on yourself and others. Hopefully you are not of the lower type which is quite the opposite - tending to gross sensuality and emotional and dietary excess. Some areas of physical weakness which may need to be watched include the skeletal and subcutaneous regions as well as your teeth and hair. The Earth Signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. As Taurus reflects the earthy Mesomorph, it regulates the throat and neck region so the thyroid and also lymphatic system is a constitution flashpoint. Often the Virgoan (another earth sign) suffers a nervous condition affecting the digestion. Vedic astrologers consider the sign of Virgo as the most sensitive in the Zodiac. The leaner Mesomorphs, especially those given to the 100 hour work week, must learn to be less fastidious and worried about results and simply relax and sleep a little more.

48 Modern western society in particular, has glorified the earthy Mesomorphic physique. The best looking actors and models, both male and female, tend to reflect the ideal mesomorphic shape. The danger of beauty lay in narcissism, which in the lower examples of Mesomorphy, is quite pronounced. This gives rise to numerous psychological issues creating obstacles in the area of relationships. Many mesomorphs find it hard to transcend the body idea and find themselves relating to others on this body to body level. You will find meditation and spiritual contemplation a medicine for you if this experience happens to be part of your journey. SQUARE - PHYSICAL Well built, muscular and energetic people are called Mesomorphs. If your physical structure is like on. Your face and head have a squarish shape, as may even your ears. You have a solidly built frame, which indicates your ardent interest in physical activities, sports and outdoor movement in general. As a fire type you are seen to be aggressive, ambitious and dominating. You may be irritable and quick to anger but usually cool off just as suddenly. Others are intimidated by the sheer force of your approach but they will always know where you and they stand. Your mind is sharp and analytical and so you make a good practical worker, scientist, engineer or mechanic. Dexterity is one of your strengths. Others at first may not notice but your mind likes to look beneath the surface of things. So you'd make a good researchers as well. In health, you are prone to skin disorders, rashes and muscular strains and tears as a result of overexertion. In extreme cases, you may be accident prone through your impulsive streak. Your eyes too may also cause you problems at times. Fortunately, being endowed with strength and vitality, you are also blessed with strong recuperative powers. You have a voracious appetite and love eating but unlike the endomorphic water type you tend to burn up calories rather quickly due to your continual activity. Furthermore, you have an excess of bile which may create a need for a careful dietary program to assist your digestion because of overacidity. The Fire Signs include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Scorpio can also be taken as fire as its sub ruler is Mars. The eastern characterologists consider the square a sign of stability and earthiness. No wonder you are regarded as an earthy no nonsense type of individual who shoots from the hip. The "Statesman's" face - e.g. Winston Churchill possesses the square earthiness which you share and portrayed his serious demeanour, deliberate and decisive decision making . It's not usually evident but if you are a more refined type Mesomorph you also have good communication and understanding with your romantic/marriage partners. You are able to reflect on problems and are capable of affectionately demonstrating your love. TRIANGULAR - MENTAL A rational temperament is known more technically as ectomorph nature. If you fall into this category of humans, your head and face are easily recognized, as is your body type. You possess a slender wiry frame and your head is of an inverted triangular or pear shape. The high forehead indicates good

49 intelligence, good high hairline, unblemished = good intelligence. You may make errors of judgment and choice in relationships & be suspicious, mistrusting and highly strung. Your veins are quite prominent with hair that is fine, soft or silky. Your type is usually very restless. You are one of those people always on the go - active, quick, versatile and talkative. Your voice may also seem somewhat high pitched. Because the mental type is curious and investigative, all of the areas that allow free reign to your thirsty intellect will provide the best fulfilment for you. For the most part you are known as an active, athletic and energetic individual but may somehow lack stamina and burn out quickly. You must learn the art of pacing yourself to maximise energy reserves. Astrologically speaking, the air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Even though Capricorn is an earth sign astrologically it is assigned the property of air in Ayurveda. The planets ruling air are Mercury, Dragons Head (Lunar North Node) and Saturn. The Chinese Face readers refer to your face as a Fire Face and this results in you being bright, intelligent, sensitive, creative and very active. These traits do reflect a fiery nature, and so coupled with your fine thinking capacity, you possess positive traits of both elements - fire and air. ************************* In introducing the general overview of the face, a couple more important points are noteworthy. They relate to the height and width of the head and face. A person with a developed backhead is more emotional, family and socially orientated. The narrower the backhead - the less so. The height of the crown indicates the idealism but more so the authority of the person. When the crown is low the person lacks in confidence to the degree that the crown is underdeveloped. Obviously, an overdeveloped crown produce a tyrannical, authoritarian nature. Next time you're in the office you'll be inspecting a few crowns on superiors heads I suspect! An ambitious nature is also revealed by a well developed crown. The upper portion of the top of the head relates to imagination in proportion to its development and the dominance Passivity can be detected by the width or narrowness of the head when viewed front on. The length of the head reveals foresight. A short head, when viewed side on indicates lack of forethought and a more live-in-the -moment attitude. The Hair Your hair is a measure of physical insulation, endurance and overall strength. If your hair is fine, delicate and silky, you are sensitive and also likely to be fragile physically especially if you are of a slender build. Thick wiry hair is an indication of your physical prowess and your resilience in life. You have great recuperative powers and may like a challenge in life.

The Forehead The Forehead can be broadly categorised as follows - A wide forehead expresses your cleverness and practicality - being someone capable of executing duty diligently. This gives you high idealism

50 and a wealth of ideas. A high rounded and deep forehead depicts your idealism, but with a focus on strong friendship. A narrow forehead is considered an obstacle to fulfilment,especially in social situations. Constraints in family life. Need to think things through. Shallow forehead with a low hairline may cause many obstacles to your career success and parental troubles between the ages of 15 and 30. Flat forehead gives you a more pragmatic nature, given to factual expression. Exaggerated forehead reveals you are certainly a dreamer - one who needs to anchor your ideas firmly to a plan of achievement. The receding or "flying" forehead betrays your impatient and spontaneous manner in life. Possessing an indented forehead is not a good omen for you employment or business prospects. Plan and work carefully. Indented with powerful eyebrow ridge means you are quick tempered, impulsive and ambitious. A pointed forehead shows your high intelligence if your hairline is set back and not too narrow.

The Eyes Most importantly, look to the eyes. Prominent eyes with bright sparkle or glitter are preferable to small, squinty or shifty eyes which reveal an introverted and secretive nature. In fact the eyes are the most important feature in your close encounters of the business kind. In your search for that employee or partner, look for eyes that sit firmly whilst gazing steadily. This reflects a solid and persevering nature and a person of stability and forthright disposition. In contrast, a wandering or shifty eye portends a nature given to unsettled and inconsistent habits. Restlessness will be evident and other features supporting your observation and gut feeling, a tendency to dishonesty and unreliability will be marked in this type. In short, this is a person of meagre commitment. Unevenly set eyes convey an unique meaning. Firstly, the person is capable of seeing things from a different perspective and applying lateral thought processes to resolving problems. These people will analyse your comments and observations with a "left-of-field" mentality. Often you will be amazed at the impromptu insights that they offer. If you are looking for someone with a flair for shifting paradigms - then here's your man or woman. These people become invaluable assets to a company looking for enginuity in it's approach. If the eyes slant upwards the person is an opportunist - more so if the brows also slant in that direction (cats eyes look). Many models like Elle McPherson and Claudia Schiffer possess these eyes. They know how to get what they want. If the eyes are of the opposite slant i.e. slanting downwards, the person may be a little self deprecating and at the mercy of others. They are hardly able to say "no". The late Princess Dianna and Michael Jackson share a feature of the eyes. They possess floating irises also known as sampaku. The whites are visible under the iris. This indicates an inner turbulence - a person at odds with the world. Though spiritual in nature, they are hard to please or understand and have very high expectations of others. Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln also shared these traits.

51 The whites visible above the irises may indicate some dangerous elements within the personality. An explosive temper may be latent in this type and the nature very forceful. Caution is the operative word in this case. Charles Manson exhibited these eyes. Chinese face readers call them wolves eyes. Look at how close or widest the eyes are. Ideally, there should be at least one eye width between both eyes. That being the case, you can assume your subject has a balanced judgement and clear view of the world. The closer set the eyes the narrower the opinion and view of the world at large. It may also reflect an overdependence on parental and family structures. These people may need a nudge to develop their own independent lifestyles. Their willpower should be strengthened in the search for their own self assurance. Employees and workers displaying eyes of this type certainly need continual encouragement to grow in self confidence. You will find these types possess little forbearance or tolerance and may crack under stress. Trivial matters can be blown out of all proportion. In contrast, the wideset eyed character is far more tolerant and broadminded in perspective. People of this class may present a flagrant disregard for authority and advice. A delicate blend of firmness and understanding will iron out the initial stresses between you and this type. Offer them alternative choices in their decision making processes. In respect of career, these types need room to breathe. Give them plenty of space to explore their creative potential. At times these types possess too broad and superficial an opinion. Pauline Hanson is a case in point. Deepset eyes betoken an intense, possessive, yet observant nature. When you look into the deepset eyed person you can be sure that the mind motivating them is idealistic and inspirational. Often writers and creatively driven personalities possess deepset eyes. They are romantic to the core. Omar Shariff's or Val Kilmer's eyes represent this class. This idealism is tempered after the age of 35 and surprisingly, reveals a more than capable ability in financial matters. They are of sound judgement, compassionate and serious minded. A philosopher's face may often also display a deepset "soul window". You will need to carefully analyse and balance the other facial features to see whether this type is scattered and impractical. The square or round chin will anchor this type to a more empirical lifestyle. In this case, from a commercial point of view, the middle aged with deepset eyes may be a positive asset to you. Besides, a roving and unsteady eye, one incapable of looking at you directly, is an attempt to mask inner intentions. Sometimes though, the shy and discouraged will also reflect a similar eye. The look in these cases is an important factor in discriminating between one or the other. Through practice the "look" can be ascertained quite easily and can reveal amazingly accurate character snapshots of your subjects. What does the look entail? Some looks are cold, others endearing, angry, weak or strong. It is the look which can override an otherwise attractive face. Soft, enticing features will be neutralised by a stern and unfeeling eye or a look which is hard and cruel. Always balance your judgement of character by the look in the eyes that present themselves before you. Be watchful of people who look drunk even when they haven't had a single beer. Their eyelids sit very heavily over the eyes. Remember, don't jump to conclusions in any of your assessments. For example, the heavy lidded one may have had little sleep the night before. A sleepy or drunken look is one that is seen in both men and women. It offers a preview of a personality given to strong sexual desire, more so if the lips are excessively thick and slightly opened. Here is a libidinous nature, but one which may be lazy too. Periods of misfortune and despondency are also revealed in this look.

52 Unless you prefer a casual and uncommitted worker or please. Cold and unflinching eyes with small pupils and sharp eyelight may appear cruel. If the person possesses other features such as a pointed and downward turning nose, sharp angular shaped face and tightly pursed thin lips, be certain that the individual is indeed cruel - both mentally and even perhaps physically. This is a combo for ruthlessness. Accentuated jowels add more weight to your testimony. The "look" of the eye and its internal expression is something that cannot be taught in words but doesn't necessarily require years of experience to learn. In fact we more or less instinctively do it when we meet people in various situations. The colour of the iris is also an important determinant in your appraisal of character. A deep blue colour means that you are in the company of a highly sexed yet gentle and sensitive being. Light blue eyes suppose an individual who is likely to enjoy flirting with the opposite sex. Deep green eyes are not only highly energised like their blue eyed cousins but very inventive too both in practical and personal affairs. You will need a lot of time to understand the spontaneous and sometimes wilful mind of a green eyed person. Men and women of genius often possess this coloured eye. You'll need to sharpen your intellectual skills with green eyed people. Grey eyes reveal a high degree of intelligence and imagination but passion may be less pronounced in this type as reasoning may subdue a part of their initiative. They are a refined class of people with a fastidious streak. Black eyes are very rare and when encountered are extremely striking. They are somewhat strong natured individuals and dont always present their case with what you'd call, finesse. You'd need to toughen up your skin to live or work with a black eyed character. A tumultuous road lay ahead if you opt for a life of black eyed fun??.

The Eyebrows The eyebrow speaks of reputation, fame and temperament too. In many cases I have found a developed brow line also shows a high degree of dexterity or ability with the hands (engineers, electronics, civil engineers, drafts persons and architects). Individuals who are observant and who have to combine refined measurements with dexterity will have the brow line well developed. The highly arched or ideal brow often seen in the faces of film stars is described as a dramatic brow. The low set brow reveals an impulsive temperament whilst a higher brow signals a more cautious attitude to decision making. A single thick brow over the nose bridge is a sign of intensity and possessive or jealous nature. A straight brow is the sign of an aesthetic and sensitive temperament.

53 The Nose The intensity of physical action is related to oxygen intake, and the external instruments of the body responsible for that function is the nose. A good sized nose is certainly an indication of wealth too and the capacity to earn money. It shows the attitude a person has to the issue of finances. Ideally the nostrils should be well concealed for the best financial prospects. The ages of 40 to 50 are ruled by the nose. The Ideal nose has a high, straight, full and fleshy tip with gently flared but protected nostrils. The fleshy tip indicates cordiality and warmth of personality. Deep empathy with others. Set high standards for themselves and are good mannered (Lailin). Oversized nose tip results in violent tendencies. The larger - the more prone to an act of violence An Aquiline Nose portrays strong will, independence and enterprise with successful mid years. An upturned nose betokens a luck in social circumstances and a love of mixing with people. Other noses may include :

High bridge & pointed: High degree of energy and very curious mind. Large: High energy levels but may be more materially concerned than spiritual. Small: Reserved, shy type. Thin: Highly strung, on edge and somewhat irritable with trifles. Wide: Expressive but may develop a devil may care attitude. Long: Prudent but anxious. Short: Happy, natural. Short Snub: Friendly but also secretive. Slow meticulous approach to life. Straight: Disciplined nature which is methodical.

The Philtrum The groove on the upper lip, below the nose is worth mentioning. It is called the philtrum. If it is clearly marked, deep and long, it augurs well for a strong and healthy energy levels and vitality. Flat, weak and unpronounced philtrums are a mark of reduced life force and drive.

The Mouth The mouth is related to communication, speech and the sensual appetites like eating and sex. The lips relate to our ability to nurture others in loving relationships. If the upper lip is considerably thinner than the lower lip, it reveals an inability to reciprocate in relationships. Conversely, a thinner lower lip indicates an overly giving nature. Lips which are full, round and even convey to you that the person is caring and sensitive. The upper and lower lips in equal distribution reveal a well meaning and communicative personality.

54 If the lips are large it means an expensive and somewhat luxurious taste - but an expressive and generous temperament nonetheless. Often the large mouthed person can be very vocal under pressure, needing to verbalise, sometimes excessively, their dissatisfaction and frustration. Small lips which are also tightly pursed warn of a self centred and mean character. The downward curvature of the lips is an marking pointing to discontent in most matters. You may find it hard to please these types irrespective of what you do or say. Look for upward curved lips which indicate the opposite - someone cordial and optimistic with a sunny disposition. Ex Prime Minister Bob Hawke exhibited the thin downward turned lips. Narrow lips reveal an unemotional character who lives more or less an internalised life, never able to enjoy the pleasure of sharing deeper feelings. As well:Large lips mean a rich and luxurious taste. Expressive and generous temperament.

Small: Selfish, miserly. Curving down: Discontented. Large lips: Hedonistic. Curving up: Cheerful. Curved lips: Changeable. Straight lips: Self-controlled. Narrow lips: Unemotional.

The Chin This relates to the stamina of the individual and the stronger the jaw line the greater the degree of stamina and endurance. People with very strong jaw lines can sometimes be considered stubborn. If the jaw line exceeds the balance of other features in the face, don't be too hasty in your judgement as this may simply mean a person who has strong convictions and who is not easily swayed by the opinions of others. The chin should be rounded or square in shape with a gentle fullness. If this is the case, the latter part of life, during the 60's and 70's will be satisfying and lucky. A protruding chin displays a strongly independent, determined individual. Weak or receding chin reveals a weaker willed personality. Jawline extending beyond earline betokens an individual who doesn't like losing and who may brook no opposition.

The Ears

55 The ears fall in the mid section of the head but represent the early, formative years of life between birth and 15. As such, look to the ears to determine the foundation of life and the potential for achievement especially during the mid life ages 40 - 50. The ears should exhibit good, fleshy inner and outer helixes. Thin and poorly shaped outer helixes may reveal diminishing health. Some other general types of ears are as follows:

Set Close to Head: Plans ahead and is thrifty. Doesn't like to leave too much to chance. Protruding: An original thinker. Lonely. Non conformist. Ears with small lobes: Not easy to achieve sexual fulfilment Dependant and may lack initiative. Ears with large lobes: Independent, strong minded. Large ears: Intellectual. Longer than wider ears: Keen, impractical. Small ears: Instinctive. Ears with no lobes: Unresponsive and lacks purpose.

The Cheeks If status and position mean anything at all to you, you'll begin paying a lot more attention to this part of your own and others' faces. Cheeks tell the story of industriousness, power and authority in a person's life. Although as westerners we have a preference for a prominent and bonier style of cheek, the eastern (especially Chinese face readers) have a different perception. Ideally, your cheeks should be prominent, fleshy and high set with full body, colour and a warm glow. These attributes must be balanced against the position and strength of your nose. Both these features should harmonise with each other. The cheeks should stand somewhat apart from the nose not crowding it, nor too distant. The height of both should not detract from each other. If you do indeed possess fine cheeks of this description you will have very good chances of all round happiness. In describing the ideal cheeks, Santa Clause may spring to mind with his rosy and shiny set of chubby cheeks. But according to eastern opinion, the excessively shiny cheek is indicative of digestive trouble. The cheeks are a pretty good barometer of health changes from time to time. Keep a close watch on your own biological gauge your cheeks. Other cheek colours to take note of in yourself and others are...

Overly red cheek: lung and bronchial imbalance Shiny and red: gallbladder and/or heart problems Red and rashy: trouble in the intestinal region

And in the sphere of personal relationships the colour of the cheeks may also herald some very important changes. For example,

Blue or greenish tinge - turbulence or difficulty in love life Dark or grey tinge - inner dissatisfaction and poor circumstances generally


Any moles or marks which appear trouble through deception

suddenly are indicators of danger or

The stronger the cheeks, the more authoritative you are. Those in positions of control, executive power and leadership will often be seen to possess very strong, prominent cheeks. In romance and marriage, the partner with the more powerful cheeks is said to control the other. When meeting others of the opposite sex take note of the strength of the cheeks. Compare your own and study the play of energies between you. Who is the dominant partner? Do you or the other person own the stronger cheeks? In this way you should foster the spirit of understanding and insight into your relationships both for business and pleasure. If your cheeks are prominent yet not fleshy it shows your frugal and economical disposition. You have a natural thrift not only where money matters are concerned but in virtually every department of life. You hate waste! You may be the one in the family who must eat the last vegetables left on your child's plate for fear that they may end up in the bin. Or, if you have a pet, you take pleasure in seeing that no scraps have been discarded by being offered at the door of the kennel for the next morning's breakfast. In the case of undeveloped cheeks means you or not that forceful in your communication style and tend to be a little laid back but usually quite happy with what providence brings along. You must be a little wary that this doesn't deteriorate into an apathetic stance, which may cause lost opportunities for you. Sometimes the cheeks appear to be strong in their presentation and are pronounced but lacking at the base. This means you are a forceful individual who is combative by nature. You are reactive to the circumstances and people around you and are learning the lessons of graciously living and letting live. If your cheeks are narrow but strong you have a very stubborn streak in your nature. You are not easily changed in opinion or swayed from the course of action you set your mind upon. You are also extremely forceful in the way you present your opinions and ideas to others. This may not serve you as well as you think - especially if you require the support of your peers and superiors in your professional arena.

The Wood element Celebrity Wood faces include David Beckham and Tony Blair. Wood encompasses growth, learning, new ideas, changing and moving. They are business people (often in Government) and in terms of health, wood is related to the liver and gal bladder. The Wood face is long and they are generally tall with a good physique. Wood people are sensitive, indecisive and can often drink and eat too much rich food. They often harbour anger through frustration. An example of this was when David Beckham kicked a member of the Argentina team on the pitch during the World Cup in 1998. They like to control and this can be seen in the power Tony Blair likes to possess.

57 The Fire element Celebrity Fire faces include Mick Hucknall, Duchess of York and David Bellamy. Fire element deals with extroverts who like outdoor living (David Bellamy) and adventure. In terms of health it deals with the heart, circulatory system and small intestine.

The Earth element Celebrity Earth faces include Gwyneth Paltrow, Judy Dench, David Coulthard and Minnie Driver. Those who possess an Earthy face are grounded, practical energetic, enjoy dealing with materials, and are good with money. They are traditional types and take things slowly in a methodical way. Their physical appearance is robust and in health terms, the earth element governs the digestive element. The Metal element Celebrity Metal faces include Victoria Beckham, Kate Winslet, Madonna and Shania Twain. They are happy being in structure, very independent, excel in legal affairs and are media savy. A prime example of this is Victoria Beckham and Madonna who are both always ahead with the latest trends and know exactly how to manipulate the media. They are also good Councellors.

The five elements of the face The face falls into five different categories. What are they? And what do these elements symbolise? It is important to note that most people are a mixture of elements with one prominent element. The Wood element Celebrity Wood faces include David Beckham and Tony Blair. Wood encompasses growth, learning, new ideas, changing and moving. They are business people (often in Government) and in terms of health, wood is related to the liver and gal bladder. The Wood face is long and they are generally tall with a good physique. Wood people are sensitive, indecisive and can often drink and eat too much rich food. They often harbour anger through frustration. An example of this was when David Beckham kicked a member of the Argentina team on the pitch during the World Cup in 1998. They like to control and this can be seen in the power Tony Blair likes to possess. The Fire element Celebrity Fire faces include Mick Hucknall, Duchess of York and David Bellamy. Fire element deals with extroverts who like outdoor living (David Bellamy) and adventure. In terms of health it deals with the heart, circulatory system and small intestine.

58 The Earth element Celebrity Earth faces include Gwyneth Paltrow, Judy Dench, David Coulthard and Minnie Driver. Those who possess an Earthy face are grounded, practical energetic, enjoy dealing with materials, and are good with money. They are traditional types and take things slowly in a methodical way. Their physical appearance is robust and in health terms, the earth element governs the digestive element. The Metal element Celebrity Metal faces include Victoria Beckham, Kate Winslet, Madonna and Shania Twain. They are happy being in structure, very independent, excel in legal affairs and are media savy. A prime example of this is Victoria Beckham and Madonna who are both always ahead with the latest trends and know exactly how to manipulate the media. They are also good Councellors. A match of Wood and Metal together in the Celebrity world is David and Victoria Beckham. Metal tends to organise the wood element and this is exactly how their relationship is perceived by the press - she wears the trousers. Victoria Beckham has a typical Metal face. She has naturally pale skin, larger cheekbones and a triangular face. The Metal element governs the mind, lungs and colon. They also have a strong constitution. The Water element Celebrity Water face's include Russell Grant, Vanessa Mae, John Prescott and Queen Victoria. The Water face is a rare one. Water personalities can be recognised by their round, chubby, soft faces. Large soft eyes are a water feature as is dark hair and colouring. Water people are quiet, gentle and sensitive. They are good communicators and re sensitive. They can be psychic and make good listeners, carers and counsellors. If the water is clear, they have strong reserves and the ability to flow freely in any situation. If it gets stagnant through unexpressed emotions, the skin can develop a blue tinge with dark rings under the eyes.


When we start to look at faces one of the first things we notice is that faces are not symmetrical. This fact gives a tremendous insight into the changes in a person's life. When reading a face one of the first thing I do is to mentally draw an imaginary line down the center (from forehead to chin) and notice all the differences between the left half and the right half of the face. (Remember it is not your left and right but the left and right of the person being read.) Everything counts, including the differences in the lines, eyebrows, eyes, the sides of the nose, nostrils, cheeks, ears, etc. The more noticeable the difference the more significant the meaning. It is scientific fact that the left half of our brain controls the right side of our body including everything on the right side of our face. While, at the same time, the right half of our brain controls everything on the left side of our body including the left side of our face. (It does not make any difference if you are left or right-handed, This is true regardless of dominance.)

Left brain functions can be described as dividing the world into monads of data, which we organize into logical sequences to predict an outcome. Our left brain is like our computer. It is concerned with facts, logic, data and linear time and that part is reflected on the right side of our face. We could say that the right side of our face reflects how we take ourselves out into our external or business world. On the other hand the right half of our brain is concerned with non-linear or global consciousness. For our purpose we can describe right brain functions as our imaginative, intuitive, emotional, dream, or childhood world which is reflected on the left side of our face. We could say the left side of our face is our personal side. When we see a face that is asymmetrical we can see that the person may have one style in their personal life but have a very different perspective in their professional or business life. For example,from the difference in "eye angle" we may be able to determine that a person who has a left eye that angles up but a right eye that angles down is optimistic when it comes to personal matters or relationships but expects problems in their external world and may be more guarded or pessimistic about outcomes in business. Each time there is a very noticeable difference between features on the left side of the face from those on the right there is a difference between the person's personal life or inner world and their business life or external world.


These are idea people, so use an approach based on ideas and facts.

Especially if high, round and pencil thin, they need reassurance. Concerned with being judged, they want to be above reproach. In sales, a sincere compliment or two will help pave the way. Dont rush them. Remember, they may be selfconscious.


These are people-oriented individuals, so give them anecdotes and personal endorsements. Show them how it works in the real world.


Use all the details and technicalities. You must know what you are talking about. They are mentally tidy and thrive on involvement in all the details.



These are powerful thinkers whose minds are always at work. Let them tell you some of their ideas.


They will test your position by taking a devils advocate stance. Dont start waffling when they challenge you; just clearly explain your side and be prepared to give facts. Dont let them get you rattled. They just like to shake things up to test the validity of the information.


Ask for their opinions and how you can assist them. Let them know that their opinions are important, and allow them to feel in control.


These people are visionaries. Its best to use some facts but cut out excessive detail. Show them the big picture and paint an enthusiastic vision of the possibilities.


Face is a mirror it tells all you think and feel .There are lines on your face which our experts can read and tell you your future. Some faces are warm, some are pale and some are intimidating why it is like this? Some faces are more catchy then other? What is there in a face which expresses even the inner feelings of a person? Some faces attract you and some warn you to stay away.

61 Face reading is science which help and his facial expressions and facial features. enables us to understand a person by reading

Think how easy our job will be if we are able to read a face , we will be able to understand the mood of our boss, wives, husbands, children, friends and others. Face reading is not limited to the realms of art alone. You can actually scientifically explain each premise. Physiognomists believe that internal qualities are manifested accurately on the face, so this is one analysis that cannot go wrong. Consider this - if you are constantly tensed, you are actually liable to have taut features. On the other hand, if you are carefree, you will have laugh lines and wrinkles! Interesting, is it not?

Shree Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Man Mukar Sudhari, Barnau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo dayaku Phal Chari
With the dust of Guru's Lotus feet, I clean the mirror of my mind and then narrate the sacred glory of Sri Ram Chandra, The Supereme among the Raghu dynasty. The giver of the four attainments of life. Budhi heen Tanu Janike, Sumirow, Pavan Kumar, Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar Knowing myself to be ignorent, I urge you, O Hanuman, The son of Pavan! O Lord! kindly Bestow on me strength, wisdom and knowledge, removing all my miseries and blemishes. Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar Jai Kipis Tihun Lok Ujgaar Victory of Thee, O Hanuman, Ocean of wisdom and virtue, victory to the Lord of monkeys who is well known in all the three worlds Ramdoot Atulit Bal Dhamaa, Anjani Putra Pavansut naamaa. You, the Divine messager of Ram and repository of immeasurable strength, are also known as Anjaniputra and known as the son of the wind - Pavanputra. Mahebeer Bikram Bajrangi, Kumati Nivaar Sumati Ke Sangi. Oh Hanumanji! You are valiant and brave, with a body like lightening. You are the dispeller of darkness of evil thoughts and companion of good sense and wisdom. Kanchan Baran Biraaj Subesaa,

Kanan kundal kunchit kesa. Shri Hanumanji's physique is golden coloured. His dress is pretty, wearing 'Kundals' ear-rings and his hairs are long and curly. Hath Bajra Aur Dhvaja Birjai, Kandhe Moonj Janeu saage. Shri Hanumanji is holding in one hand a lighting bolt and in the other a banner with sacred thread across his shoulder. Shankar Suvna Kesari Nandan, Tej Pratap Maha Jag Vandan. Oh Hanumanji! You are the emanation of 'SHIVA' and you delight Shri Keshri. Being ever effulgent, you and hold vast sway over the universe. The entire world proptiates. You are adorable of all. Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chatur, Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Atur Oh! Shri Hanumanji! You are the repository learning, virtuous, very wise and highly keen to do the work of Shri Ram,

Prabhu Charittra Sunibe Ko Rasiya, Ram Lakhan Sita man basyia.

You are intensely greedy for listening to the naration of Lord Ram's lifestory and revel on its enjoyment. You ever dwell in the hearts of Shri Ram-Sita and Shri Lakshman.

Sukshma roop Dhari Siyahi Dikhwana, Bikat roop Dhari Lank Jarawa
You appeared beofre Sita in a diminutive form and spoke to her, while you assumed an awesome form and struck terror by setting Lanka on fire. Bhim roop Dhari Asur Sanhare, Ramchandra Ke kaaj Savare. He, with his terrible form, killed demons in Lanka and performed all acts of Shri Ram.

Laye Sajivan Lakhan Jiyaye, Shri Raghubir harashi ur laye.

When Hanumanji made Lakshman alive after bringing 'Sanjivni herb' Shri Ram took him in his deep embrace, his heart full of joy. Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badaai, Tum Mama Priya Bharat Sam Bahi. Shri Ram lustily extolled Hanumanji's excellence and remarked, "you are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat" Sahastra Badan Tumharo Jas Gaave, Asa kahi Shripati Kanth Laagave. Shri Ram embraced Hanumanji saying: "Let the thousand - tongued sheshnaag sing your glories" Sankadik Brahmadi Muneesa, Narad Sarad Sahit Aheesa

Sanak and the sages, saints. Lord Brahma, the great hermits Narad and Goddess Saraswati along with Sheshnag the cosmic serpent, fail to sing the glories of Hanumanji exactly Jam Kuber Digpal Jahan Te, Kabi Kabid Kahin Sake Kahan Te What to talk of denizens of the earth like poets and scholars ones etc even Gods like Yamraj, Kuber, and Digpal fail to narrate Hanman's greatness in toto. Tum Upkar Sugrivahi Keenha, Ram Miali Rajpad Deenha Hanumanji! You rendered a great service for Sugriva, It were you who united him with SHRI RAM and installed him on the Royal Throne. Tumharo Mantro Bibhishan Maana, Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana. By heeding your advice. Vibhushan became Lord of Lanka, which is known all over the universe. Juug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhaanu, Leelyo Taahi Madhur Phal Jaanu Hanumanji gulped, the SUN at distance of sixteen thousand miles considering it to be a sweet fruit. Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukha Maaheen, Jaladhi Langhi Gaye Acharaj Naheen. Carrying the Lord's ring in his mouth, he went across the ocean. There is no wonder in that. Durgam Kaaj Jagat Ke Jeete, Sugam Anugrah Tumhre Te Te. Oh Hanumanji! all the difficult tasks in the world are rendered easiest by your grace.

Ram Duware Tum Rakhavare, Hot Na Aagya Bin Paisare.

Oh Hanumanji! You are the sentinel at the door of Ram's mercy mansion or His divine abode. No one may enter without your permission. Sab Sukh Lahen Tumhari Sarna, Tum Rakshak Kaahu Ko Darnaa. By your grace one can enjoy all happiness and one need not have any fear under your protection. Aapan Tej Samharo Aapei, Tanau Lok Hank Te Kanpei When you roar all the three worlds tremble and only you can control your might. Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahi Avei, Mahabir Jab Naam Sunavei.

Great Brave on. Hanumanji's name keeps all the Ghosts, Demons away from his devotees. Nasei Rog Hare Sab Peera, Japat Niranter Hanumant Beera On reciting Hanumanji's holy name regularly all the maladies perish the entire pain disappears. Sankat Te Hanuman Chhudavei, Man Kram Bachan Dhyan Jo Lavei. & evils spirits

Those who rembember Hanumanji in thought, word and deed are well guarded against their odds in life. Sub Par Ram Tapasvee Raaja, Tinke Kaaj Sakal Tum Saaja Oh Hanumanji! You are the caretaker of even Lord Rama, who has been hailed as the Supreme Lord and the Monarch of all those devoted in penances. Aur Manorath Jo Koi Lave, Soi Amit Jivan Phal Pave. Oh Hanumanji! You fulfill the desires of those who come to you and bestow the eternal nectar the highest fruit of life. Charo Juung Partap Tumhara, Hai Parsiddha Jagat Ujiyara. Oh Hanumanji! You magnificent glory is acclaimed far and wide all through the four ages and your fame is radianlty noted all over the cosmos. Sadho Sant Ke Tum Rakhvare, Asur Nikandan Ram Dulare. Oh Hanumanji! You are the saviour and the guardian angel of saints and sages and destroy all the Demons, you are the seraphic darling of Shri Ram. Ashta Siddhi Nau Nidhi Ke Data, Asa Bar Din Janki Mata. Hanumanji has been blessed with mother Janki to grant to any one any YOGIC power of eight Sidhis and Nava Nidhis as per choice. Ram Rasayan Tumhare Pasa, Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Dasa. Oh Hanumanji! You hold the essence of devotion to RAM, always remaining His Servant. Tumhare Bhajan Ramko Pavei. Janam Janam Ke Dukh Bisravei. Oh Hanumanji! through devotion to you, one comes to RAM and becames free from suffering of several lives. Anta Kaal Raghubar Pur Jai,

Jahan Janma Hari Bhakta Kahai. After death he enters the eternal abode of Sri Ram and remains a devotee of him, whenever, taking new birth on earth. Aur Devata Chitt Na Dharai, Hanumant Sei Sarva Sukh Karai You need not hold any other demigod in mind. Hanumanji alone will give all happiness. Sankat Kate Mitey Sab Peera, Jo Sumirei Hanumant Balbeera

Oh Powerful Hanumanji! You end the sufferings and remove all the pain from those who remember you.

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosai Kripa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naiee Hail-Hail-Hail-Lord Hanumanji! I beseech you Honour to bless me in the capacity of my supreme 'GURU' (teacher). Jo Sat Baar Paath Kar Koi, Chhutahi Bandi Maha Sukh Hoi. One who recites this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times daily for one hundred days becames free from the bondage of life and death and ejoys the highest bliss at last. Jo Yah Padhe Hanuman Chalisa, Hoy Siddhi Sakhi Gaurisa As Lord Shankar witnesses, all those who recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly are sure to be benedicted Tulsidas Sada Hari Chera, Keeje Nath Hriday Mah Dera. Tulsidas always the servant of Lord prays. "Oh my Lord! You enshrine within my heart.!

Pavan Tanay Sankat Haran, Mangal Murti Roop. Ram Lakhan Sita Sahit, Hriday Basahu Sur Bhoop. O Shri Hanuman, The Son of Pavan, Saviour The Embodiment of blessings, reside in my heart together with Shri Ram, Laxman and Sita

Dhaneshver babu You may reach me at: +912697225316 Address for Communication are 90, Hari Darshan Naria Pada, Danabazar Road, Petlad-388 450 Dist Anand (Gujarat) India Phone 0091-2697 225316 E-Mail


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