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Walking alone down the empty street, Life felt the loneliness in his heart springing out, taking a physical shape and embracing him, cutting him off the chilly wind of spring slashing at his face. He knew he had lost everything; there was no way ahead; there was no place to retrieve. Should he kill himself? The thought was haunting him. Yet, he had no answer. If he killed himself, would it do him any good when he wouldnt even be there to receive the share of his end? Of course, it would. He wouldnt be ever there to receive any end! A small smile appeared on his grim face and then, all his life, suddenly, flashbacked before him, one last time. When he was twenty six years old, he fell in love with Love. Life was a lonesome writer with no friends because, he was just too bizarre to the liking of anyone- he would talk loudly to himself when everyone was quiet; he would be quiet when everyone was talking; he would fight when there was no need to fight whereas he would run away of cowardice in the face of a challenge; he was more interested in death rather than in living; he wouldnt understand when a joke was played on him and sometimes, he would get angry with everyone because he thought his legs were being pulled by everyone; he liked doing stuff he had no talent for and he could never do stuff he presumed he had talent for; he was, as put in by his enemy, Friend, A story with contradictions; with no sense of purpose; with no sense of destiny; just a one night fling

with a few virtues like laughter and happiness and a few vices like jealousy and anger. Anyway, moving on, Life was a lonesome writer who had lost his story in Love who first loved him; and then, she calmly and nonchalantly broke up with him. Life had tried to befriend with her. But, she had been too arrogantinitially, she didnt even talk to him. She just gave him a glimpse of herself, intentionally, tempting him to walk after her- Life was ignorant of it. And he fell for her. And who wouldnt? Now, lets take a look at Love- she was what the Greek Goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, couldnt possibly be- insanely beautiful. She was a pretentious individual- inexplicably inexpressible in her emotions; would betray when the other person began trusting her; moody but very interesting; cold yet would make the people attached to her emotional; had got all the looks and brains, however, suffered from the absence of heart; expectedly surprising; she was, as put in by her enemy Ugliness, A poem with no lyrical quality, however, she still touches your soul; she fills in the emptiness in you; she lets you live for once before cruelly snatching your lifeline away from you i.e. herself; her writer is unknown; the poet must have murdered himself after crafting her! Why? Because, at the end, who can live with her and who can live without her? Now, to woo Love, Life had to undergo a lot of problems- he had to become romantic by talking when he was asked to talk; he would bring cheap gifts and black roses for her; he would dance to the beats of her and make her sing on the beats of his dance; he presented himself as a Charming on a white horse galloping towards her with the title of prince- Alas!- missing; he had to pour all his secrets into her to show her she was the one for him; he held her hands under the starry nights because he was afraid she

might disappear into unreality; he became, as put in by his other most dangerous enemy Pity, A lover boy with only love in his heart; who mistakenly fell in love with a girl who didnt believe in love. But when one day, he proposed to her, she enthusiastically agreed; Love wanted to settle down for once and all and change her notorious image and she knew there wouldnt be anyone better than Life to make babies with. And for the first time in his life, Life felt truly euphoric and truly alive. It was an altogether different feeling for him and he wished it never to end. Nevertheless, his invisible immortal enemy God had something else for him in store. He sent Destiny into the life of Love- a more interesting fellow with a bitter sense of humor and Love decided she had grown tired of the whimpering of Life and there would be ample times in her life when she could settle down; and, on a sunny spring day, when the autumn was shook off by the blooming red flowers, she asked Life to go to hell. *** The next day, in that empty street, the corpse of a human being was found by a stray dog. The dead had strangled himself with his big sturdy raw hands. His name was Life. When Love heard the news, she was a bit upset but Destiny cracked a joke to make her forget all about it for ever. He said, It was in his destiny. And she laughed like anything till tears of happiness and joy streamed down her cheeks. She never recalled Life again as she never recalled her past life. *** A few days back, my best friend, Death, told me, Love is in a relationship with Innocence. Beware Innocence, you are about to be corrupted!

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