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SMK Selandar, 77500 Selandar, Melaka.

TEST 1: ENGLISH FORM 1 FEBRUARY 2011 Name :____________________________ Form :____________________________

Date :__________________

Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers. Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B, C and B. Question 1 10 are based on the information given.

1. Which of the following activities is not available in Fun Club? A racing C cycling B angling D swimming

3. The mother can be described as A pleasant C encouraging B impatient D short- tempered

2. What information does the advertisement provide? A Sales C Job vacancies B Special offer D Special Menu

4. What does the above caption mean? A Carry and cash the cheque at a local bank. B Pay in cash and the company will deliver it. C You have to pay in cash and transport is not provided. D Pay in cash and the transport company will carry it home.

7. Just for Laughs is most probably a A comedy B feature film C documentary D news programme

Monthly Expenses of a Student

5% Transport

5. Which of the following is true? A Studying in American universities is free. B You can attend the exhibition in America. C Admission to American universities is free. D You do not have to pay to attend the

15% Entertainment 50% Books and Stationery 30% Food

Auntie May on air!

Do you have a relationship problem? Speak to Auntie May! There is a solution to every problem! Please tune to FM 90.5 at 2.00 pm every Tuesday. exhibition. 6. The advertisement is mainly about A Health advice B Medical service C Counselling service D Marriage counselling service NTV 7 4.00 pm My Way Chinese drama serial (episode 45) 5.00 pm Jiran Malay drama serial (episode 10) 6.00 pm Edisi 7 6.30 pm News in Mandarin 7.00 pm Just for Laughs 8. The pie chart shows how a student A travels to and from school B spends his or her money C manages his or her time D does his or her homework Time Management A good book for those who want to do well in life. The Owl - This thriller is for those who enjoy horror stories. - An insight into the mentally unstable. - A



9. Sushilah is worried about being overweight. Recommend a book that is suitable for her. A Time Management B The Owl C Workout D Voices

10. From the conversation we know that Jamie A comes from a rich family B has a heart disease C is a kind person D is a goldsmith

Questions 11-18 are based on the following text.

11. A is 12. A them 13. A if 14. A them 15. A allow 16. A compare 17. A have

B are B they B thus B him B allows B compares B had

C was C us C then C those C allowed C compared C having

D were D we D as D they D allowing D comparing D has

18. A from

B to

C at

D by

Questions 19 - 21 Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined. Bala : How about dropping by (19) this evening? I would like to show you my collections of stamps. Ragu : Id love to. Ill come after dinner. Bala : Ill introduce my brother to you. He is a great badminton player. Since you play badminton too, Im sure you will get along (20) well with him. Ragu : Thats great. I am looking forward to (21) seeing you tonight. 19. dropping by A hoping B visiting C meeting D discussing 20. get along A get used to B hate each other C admire each other D have a friendly relationship 21. looking forward to A enjoying every moment B worried about the outcome C expecting something to happen D thinking with pleasure about something

Questions 22 - 24 Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the expressions underlined. Rosmawati sorts Jin Hui Rosmawati Jin Hui : Jin Hui, what happened to you? You look a little out of (22). : Ros, can you do me a favour (23)? : Sure, just tell me what you need. : Could you please go to the office and give a call to my parents. Id like to go home. Rosmawati : You can count on me (24). Just take a seat here. C agree with me 22. out of sorts D decide for me A unusual C angry B different D feeling ill 24. count on me A trust me 23. do me a favour B rely on me A help me C believe me B support me D consider me

Questions 25 28 are based on the following advertisement. Read the information in the leaflet below and choose the best answer for the questions that follow.

25. Who can join as a member? A Adults C Children B Youths D Old people 26. How much is the membership fee? A RM 15.00 for life B RM 15.00 per year C RM 15.00 per month D RM 15.00 every three months 27. Which of the following would a member not learn? A Finance C Discipline B Tolerance D Leadership

28. What do you think the purpose of the club is? A To enable young people to organise parties. B To train young people to take part in tournaments. C To enable young people to develop lifelong skills. D To create opportunities for young people to have fun.

Questions 29 34 are based on the following text. Read the letter below carefully and choose the best answer for the questions that follow.

29. Why did Jun Ying write the letter? A To talk about herself, her family and her interests B To invite Jamilah to a game of netball C To talk about her school and classmates D To talk about her lifestyle 30. Which of the following statements is true? A Jamilah enjoys playing netball. B Jun Yings parents forbid her to play netball. C Jun Ying works hard to take care of her parents. D Jun Ying seldom bickers with her younger brother.

31. In Jun Yings opinion, what is important to a team during a competition? A Doing your best B Obeying the rules C Winning a victory D Maintaining team spirit 32. Which of the following adjectives does not describe Jun Yings parents correctly? A Loving C Troublesome B Supportive D Approachable 33. The expression patch up our differences can be replaced with A come up with a solution to our problem B allow ourselves to have different opinions

C discuss our differences and reach a conclusion D and an argument and be friendly to each other again 34. What dont Jun Ying and her brother do after a squabble?


They admit to their mistakes. They apologise for their mistakes They refuse to speak to each other They think about what they have done

Questions 35 40 are based on the following poem.

The River The Rivers a wanderer A nomad, a tramp, He doesnt choose one place To set up his camp. The Rivers a winder, Through valley and hill He twists and he turns, He just cannot be still. The Rivers a hoarder, And he buries down deep Those little treasures That he wants to keep. The Rivers a baby, He gurgles and hums, And sounds like hes happily Sucking his thumbs. The Rivers a singer, As he dances along, The countryside echoes The notes of his song. The Rivers a monster, Hungary and vexed, Hes gobbled up trees And hell swallow you next. Valerie Bloom

35. What is the river described as in the first stanza? A Baby C Hoarder B Singer D Wanderer 36. Why is the river described as a nomad? A A river is always moving. B A river is where the nomad is. C A nomad always stays near the river. D Nomads are always found near the rivers. 37. What happens when the river becomes a singer? A The camp is all set up. B The treasure is buries deep. C The sounds of gurgles and hums are heard. D The countryside echoes the notes of his songs.

38. The river gurgles and hums just like a A baby C hoarder B singer D wanderer 39. Which of the following would the river do when it is angry? A It becomes a tree. B It drowns people. C It swallows the fish. D It transforms into a monster. 40. Which theme best describes this poem? A Man and fun B Man and life C Man and danger D Man and his reflections



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