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January, 1982 Dear Co-workers,


Things have been happening since we were last able to sent a full news letter. Not all have been encouraging. On the positive side, we were delighted on this past Friday to welcome home the minister of the Kimberley Road Church of Christ, brother Ron Whisman and his family. I have been ministering at Kimberley road during his

furlough and we started the building progranme during that time. The Lord willing,
the first phase of this should be completed in the next few weeks now that the compulsory "builders holidays" are over and the builder will be returning to work. A large group of church folk gathered at our home this week to welcome the Whisman^s back. (They are presently living in the tent-camper in our back yard).

This introduces the negative side. For the past two months, our eldest daughter and
her children have been living with us and we have cared for all the financial needs

of both families as well as the extra driving resulting from the fact that her youngest was born during that time and she had to make repeated trips to the hospital in Johannesburg. Baby Michelle is a beautiful little thing and she and her grand parents get along famously. Lee is back in Johannesburg now and again working but has contributed nothing towards these expenses, only the children's Christmas toys and a partial contribution towards school uniforms. The children are having to be enrolled in school from our home. Our salary is not adequate for two let alone
seven. At the moment there are eleven here counting the Whismans. Their home is only available from the 8th. To further complicate matters, Phyllis is ill with

"shingles" as well, and tomorrow we shall have an additional four grandchildren for
the day.

But we praise the Lord that during Deconber I printed 14,500 tracts, a new book and the Mission's Directory of the Ministry. Most of the tracts were new translations or
entirely new tracts. These make most of our tracts available in both Xhosa and Zulu as well as English and they should be of great use in the churches. We also printed special copies of our Catalogue for furlough distribution even though the press is giving more trouble than ever. Most of you will receive copies of this by surface mail later, probably just before we arrive in America, the Lord willing. It will show the variety and scope of our printing ministry, both as to the type of material printed as fhn in which it is printed. In the catalog is pictured

a possibjLeCfeplacement pres^-for pur present one for your prayer information or

should you know of any cnurch lodcing folf~3"^^n;eraor^ial pro]fe2rt-^of some size and future influence for the Lord. Without doubt, we would ITrefer a new press of the same type we have been using but it probably would be wiser to replace with this one that is
well known, and serviced locally. One of our first projects on our arrival in America is to attend the "Midwest Graphic 82" print show and to take at least two
seminar courses to improve our own training as well as see what is available to

better the work, the Lord leading. We have advertised the tent-camper for sale in order to use the funds for part of our travel expenses. We especially wish to thank those churches and individuals who have contributed toward this need. Some have made what must have been very sacrificial contributions. We do appreciate it, most humbly, but as still more is urgently needed, we have decided to sell the camper and perhaps replace it when we return with a lighter one that will be easier erected on site and easier towed behind our small car. Another fare increase was announced this past week so we really have no idea what the tickets will actually cost by March. We must just be

We praise God daily for your faithfulness; locking forward to seeing you soon if it
be His will.

YounsliDJesus Christ

Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents 706 E. Vfeshington, Urbana, IL. 61801
Phone (217) 328-2955

Robert & Phyllis Mills

Webber St. Church of Christ, sponsors.

February, 1982 Dear Friends and Co-Workers, '


Praise the Lord for His wonderful provision. Kathy and Lee have rented a house

not far away which means that the children will be able to attend the school in which they enrolled. Kathy and the children plan to move shortly. She has hired
a full time "help" as she is also taking a job as book-keeper and switchboard

operator. With Michelle and Cameron, there has to be someone at home to care
for them and meet the others when they come from school. This should give us a short time of relative quiet before we leave for America,

We are also thankful that Phyllis' shingles are no longer bothering her. I can not truly s^y that her nerves are much better though.

Becky and Chris will be moving in at the first of March. They are to look after
the house while we are away. We are scheduled to attend the Missionary fran the 3rd to the 6th at Margate near there and then to fly from Jan Smuts

Fellowship Meeting at Umzumbe on the 2nd and 3rd of March, the Minister's Week
airport for Amsterdam and hence to Chicago by K.L.M. airline. We leave the 9th

and arrive in Chicago on the 10th. The Lord willing, we hope to be in Lincoln, for the College Homecoming the next two days and to stay over for the Illinois Christian Convention. Perhaps we will see some of you there. (We will be dead on our feet, but we are looking forward to it anyway.)

One problem, and we have received the last money transfer before they have to be paid, is that we find cash on hand is not sufficient for tickets and salary^ with other essential expenses. (Trailer licences, car insurance renewal, James' sal airy, Compugraphic lease, etc.) God will provide, but it will be interesting
to see how.

The Lord does answer pr^ers in such a wonderful way. I had been concerned that we might be forced by availability to change to an unfamiliar press when we come to replace the present one, but have discovered that a new Davidson agency has just opened in Johannesburg. The new model of the press we have been using is now available locally. The ideal machine for our work is on the show floor.
Also an ideal collator replacement is on show at another firm, though it is

takes up more space, has a smaller capacity, and is slower than the one we
really had in mind.

or none next month as well because of paper costs. Instead, I have been setting

I have done no printing at all this month, and have no choice but to do little

In order to cut our expenses to the "bone" in anticipation of the ticket costs,

managed to utilise the time very usefully to set type for eleven books. Though
we advertised the camper for sale, and we had a stream of viewers, often in
between torrential showers and hail stornis, no one had the money on hand so we

type and recording it on floppy disks for the time that we are ready to re-print some of the books. This took no additional funds at all, but I have

still have the camper. I just conclude that the Lord means us to keep it, and that He is going to provide the needed funds in some other way. We will not be
does not have a trailer hitch in any case.

planning to use it for this coming trip as we can stay with friends there and are planning to share car expenses and travel down and back with Bill Weber. He
We are eagerly looking forward to seeing you all soon, the Lord willing.
Yours in Jesus Christ,

Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents 706 East Washington, Urbana, IL. 61801 Phone (217) 328-2955
Webber Street Church of Christ, sponsors

,11 is Mil Is

Dear Friends and Co-wrkers,

- -

> lOQ?

March, 1982


are scheduled to arrive in Chicago at 2:45 the 10th of March and must make our

God has been good to us and we were able to pay for the air tickets today. We
wn arrangements to get fron there to Urbana v/here we shall be making our

headquarters_for the next few months. As we shall not have any of our equipment
available, we shall not be able to send the usual monthly 1etter until after August when we return to Alberton, the Lord willing. If you wish to contact us, you may find us mid-week in care of 706 East Washington Street, Urbana, Illinois, (phone 217 328-2955). Of course v/e hope to see as many of you in
person as is at all possible.

away and she will keep an "eye" on James who, we hope, will try to keep our correspondence viork moving. I have been training him this past month. Unfortunately he has just broken the news to us that he wants to buy a house several hundreds of miles away, and if he does that, we will be left with NO 01^ to cope with our mail and probably have upwards of ten thousand pieces"^f mail to care for v^en we return. We just pray that he stays for most of the period if not all of it. He can not operate the word-processer so all the addresses will have to be entered vhen we get back in any case.

Our daughter Becky and her husband wil 1 be living in our home here while we are

The first v/eek of February, brother Ben Pennington, who was visiting frcm Fort

James*. We had a delightful day, and I preached to the more than sixty people
assembled in the small room, perhaps 8' x 18'in size. It had a flat tin roof

Victoria, Zimbabwe, and I attended services on a new farm preaching point of

and no ceiling. I wondered if we might faint when they closed the door for the
prayers, as is their custom. There was one baptism and were two confessions of

faith that day, for which we give the Lord praise.

During the month, again in order to conserve funds for the tickets, I spent much of my time setting type on the Compugraphic. I lost count of how many more booklets completed. The last one, a larger one was finished a few minutes ago.
The rest will have to wait until we return and th^ are needed as we shall have
other urgent things to do Oien we get back to South Africa.

The church house at Kimberley Road now has the roof on, though there is a lot of finishing work to be done before it can be used. I plan to take a picture at the very last moment before we leave in order to have the latest progress on film. All that has been done to date is fully paid for by the congregation itself, but they will na/ have to start using borrowed money for the finishinq
work. ^

The first week of March, Phyllis and I will be travelling with Bill Weber and Ron Whisman to Umzunbe where we will be the guests of the Lynn Stanley family for a missionary retreat and the African Minister's Meeting. I still do not know if I will be teaching a class or not. I was asked and at first declined, then decided I could manage if th^ real ly need me. Perhaps they have someone else. If so, I am not sorry as we have so very many details to cope with just
al 1. -

now In reguard to our planned trip and absolutely no time after that meeting at

We thank God for your wonderful support over the years. We look forward to seeing you soon the Lord willing. Our special appreciation to the Andersons who have offered us their basement apartment for our visit and to the Lears who have again offered the use of a car for oi;|r transport.

Yours aji^His Servants,


Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents

706 E. Washington, Urbana, IL. 61801
Chn-st. sponsors


MAY 10 1982


Publisher's Office
57 Collet Street, Raceview P.O. Box 1347, Alberton, 1400 phone (Oil) 869-8331
Robert B Phyllis Mills

4th May, 198 2 706 T/ashington

TJrbana, Illinois

Bear Friends and Co-workers,

already we are missing the work and our family and loved ones very
much. Our thoughts are turning increasingly to Africa.

Our furlough in America is^now nearing the half way mark and

however, and we do look forward

He rejoice in the wo nderful reception we have had in America

filled. It would appear that the Summer months will be far busier

to those appointments still to be

than these past two have been and that time will pass quickly.

lie have changed banking facilities recently and the new bank has made the request that all checks in the future be written, not in the personal name of June or myself, but that they be written to
-TRACT Cj^MTFv^/' instead. You will also find this endorsement

rubber stamped on the reverse of returned cancelled checks in the

future. I know that you will all be helpful in this request.

one or more of our grandchildren and they, naturally, have not mentioned anything about how James is coping with his work at all. We have not

Hews from Africa has been sketchy. Most letters have been from

even been informed in the Kimberley Road Church is meeting in the new

building yet or not.

and that while we are on Furlough God will raise up an individual, or group who wish to establish a "working memorial" in Africa and will help in the replacement of our press and collator. Both are equally vital to
the ministry and are in urgent need of replacement before we can resume
the printing ministry. ^

Please remember to keep in prayer our requests that God will raise other language groups to train for the ministry,

Yours in Jesus Christ,

^oj0e: is/^i^ills

Praia# Ood for over a quariar millionaiudant oiolimant* Irtth* BIbl*Corratpondanca Couna.

Publlthari of Bible Lataon Book* and Tract. In: English - Afrikaans - Poriuguew - Otrman - French - lialian - Spanish - XhoM - Zulu - Tswana - N, Soiho - S, Soiho - Tsonga - Venda Ndonga Sintcbele Shona Nyanja, and Tracisonly in; TwiTonga Bmba.


Dea.r Frietids and Co-Wo rker s,

flUG 16 1982
Auj^st, 1982

It was not an easy trip, but we have arrived. Praise God. I knew the possibility of
troubles when we heard of the attempted coup in Kenya as Nairobi was o_ur one stop in

Africa before Johannesburg. After Chicago's traffic and getting a lecture for being over on baggage, we had a lovely trip to Ansterdam. We all had three seats each and

iaid down for the short night's flight, .In j^sterdam we slept most of the day

through and in the late afternoon took a bus down town and enjoyed a very nice tour of the inner city by canal boat. We did a little shopping and sightseeing and

returned to the airport where we were told that our plane would be departing only at
2:00 a.m. and would not stop at Nairobi. This meant a very long wait, but eventually

we did depart and it was only about 7:30 a.m. that we suspected that something was

wrong. The plane turned bade over the.-^wan.D^ in Egypt and a half an hour later we
landed at Cairo where we were not allowed to'disembark. Sudan had refused us

permission to fly over for Johannesburg. Radio messages flew back and forth and Egyptian officials dashed in and out, but in the end after asking how many South African passports we had on board we were told that we could not stay and must
return to Holland. At noon, we took off again for Holland and so we arrived there in the late afternoon. The airline arranged busses and hotel rooms and we had a meal at the hotel and Phyllis arid I limbered tip a bit with a long stroll in a beautiful city

park we discovered near the hotel. After that, it was back to bed, and sleep till 11:30 and another 2:00 departure, this time stopping in Nairobi as scheduled. The plane was loaded and we left passengers, while the boarding passeiigers told us of the looting and mahem they had endured. They were delighted to get aboard as was the replacement crew. We arrived in Johannesburg, thus, a day and severed hours later than expected and having flown many extra hours. Bed and home never looked so good. Most of our family was at the airport, happy to have us back and anxious to know why
we had been delayed.

Guests arrived the second day we were home, they had flown the same route, but two days later and'are on a tour of South Africa and then on to other countries North. I put them on the Blue Train this morning headed for Cape Town.

Yesterday we attended church in the new building at Kimberley Road for the first time. There were 92 present and there was enough room, though crowded. We found that they have deviated from the plans in many ways, and all of them much more expensive than originally planned, but it is a lovely building and one we can be proud of, built to the Lord's glory. Phyllis and I say a sincere "Tharic You" to all the wonderful Christian people with whom we have had the privilege to fellowship during this delightful break, and particularly to the Andersons with whom we lived and the Lears who supplied us with a much needed car. May God bless you all in His service. June asks that you please
remember to make all checks out to Gospel Tract Centre. A few have forgotten.

We returned without funds being promised for the replacement of the printing

equipment, to find our old press in a pretty depressing state. But we do know that
our Lord cares for His work and His workers. I find that I can get a reconditioned

"Rotaprint" as is shown in our catalog, like new and for about $10,000. Book making machinery is also available which would fill in for James Mabaso who plans to leave us at the beginning of the new year. He does all the binding for us. If the Lord has moved you or anyone you know, to help with either of these two projects, please let
us know urgently so that we can make our plans accordingly.
Yours and His Servants

Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents 706 E. Washington, Urbana, IL. 61801
Phone 217 328-2955

Webber St. Chuorch of Christ, sponsors.

Dear Friends and Co-Workers,

SFP 1 ] 198?

September, 1982

What a month. The month started late, of course with our arrival well into the

month, then was started off with touring visitors whom we thoroughly enjoyed, but it was a bit of a distraction. Never, the less, we have pretty well cleared the
desk of accumulated work James had saved for us. The new student enrollments have been key-boarded into the Word processer, accumulated lessons marked and mailed and we are actually "current" already, much to my supprise. I am finding that books are being returned from students for whom he has left no information at all though, so he could not have kept his records up to date. (At least he sent them books in the start.)
A real highlight of our month was the Christian Booksellers Convention which was

held in Alberton this year. I would not normally attend this as it is a "closed" convention, but Ben Pennington of Zimbabwe is a member and, as he was not able to

attend, he arranged for me to attend in his place and use his registration.


were many workshop type sessions which I found very enlightening. "Breaking into

the African Market", "Bookkeeping & Cash Register Systems", "Shopfitting & Layout",
"Why Businesses Go Bust" for example. The wholesale displays were fabulous, and I

did meet a lot of people and learn much that will be a blessing in our own printing
and distribution of materials. We were reassured that the African people are searching for reading materials as never before. The Lord may be preparing the way to something along the line of a Bible Bookstore one day.
I found our print shop to be shockingly filthy and it took several days to replace supplies and to clean that up for use again. The camera, typesetter and everything

else had to be cleaned inside and out. It is now ready to "roll" again. Today the servicanan for the Davidson came and he plans to service the printing press for me
and to replace broken parts so that I can properly get at the printing in earnest. He will come Wednesday next week. I have three booklets ready for the press as soon as it is ready to go. One smal 1 job must be done before then as it is essential for our mission conference which starts the I5th at Graaff Reinet. (550

miles each direction.) As he is a specialist in our particular type of press, he has offered to help me locate a replacement for this press some time in the early
new year. He knows of a firm which is planning to install larger presses and their former ones, ideal for our needs, will be available. In the meantime, his quote

for repairs and servicing is very reasonable. Again several days have been spent "tidying up" partly finished jobs at the Kimberley Road Church. It is lovely to be meeting in the new building, but there is much to be done yet. I have put up signs on the lavatories, closed off the
tools and builder's debris from the auditorium, cleaned, and laid the ceramic tiles

on the kitchen floor. The gouting is still to be done, so I am not finished there yet, then I plan to start to tile the walls in the men's lavatory. Material is on hand for that job. Yesterday I returned five boxes of excess floor tiles for credit and picked up gouting materials. James had an accident at a garage this month and had to have a finger on his right hand amputated at the first joint. It slows him down, but amazingly, he is still able to type. I am thankful that it did not happen in my shop. He is still planning to move to White River at the end of the year. Again we say thank you to those of you opened your homes so wonderfully to us while we were in America and those who have faithfully remembered us in prayer and financially. Do continue to pray on our behalf.
Yours in His Service Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents 706 E. Washington, Urbana, IL. 61801
Phone 217 328-2955

Webber Street Church of Christ, sponsors







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v. iic uw r t cojjv i iuc:i iv>c

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u c j jw 11

Dear Friends and Co-Workers,

October, 1982

Praise God for the exciting things that have happened this past month. I had expected a "difficult" conference as there have been problems in the host church and the area, but the Lord was wi th us and we had a wonderful, even if rather "casually" planned week. Probably it was less difficult for me as I am no longer on the executive committee, too. It was a very large gathering of people and they were a happy lot. I found that I had a sermon assignment when we returned from furlough, then the sibject was changed after I had started preparations. In the end I preached on the subject of the "Christ is the Lord of our Money". I preached from the point of view that Christ is the Lord of ALL

of our life, money Included. ("Christ 1s Lord" was the general theme.)
We were also delighted to find that the man who serviced Davidson printing

presses for many years for Spicers Pty. Ltd., has started his own business and so I had him service the press for me. He replaced many parts with new ones and cleaned and re-adjusted everything so that it runs beautifully for the present at least. One Important part 1s unavailable, so we can still not do good
register work. His price was not low, but aside from the parts he worked two solid days on it. He is also keeping me in mind for a larger Davidson with all
attachments, that will be available early next year, the Lord willing. He

figures that the present press will be well worth this investment In time and money 1n resale. The larger press would make possible, two colour work, faster turnout, double sheet size, and because of the roll attachment, cheaper paper. We have also bought a proper processer for our typesetting machine so that I can develop the paper in daylight in a few moments without problems fron light
leaks. It is a great boom.

We also printed both our own catalogue and the Umzumbe School Catalogue during
the month and James is assembling these. Unfortunately the collator could use a

similar working over. We use the Bible School catalogues in our follov/-up on

students who complete our correspondence lessons and the catalogue of other books and supplies goes to all South African students. The first English lesson
book is scheduled for as soon as there is space in the print shop to stack the finished sheets. Space is a real problem for us. I am very pleased with the

quality of the work and the saving on damaged papers since the repairs. At the present price of paper, savings there alone will soon cover the cost of the

I pulled some muscles in my shoulder putting the camper up and down on the
conference trip so I have been working at a real handicap since v;e returned. It

is presently much better, though not well. For more than a week, I suffered a
lot of pain, especially at night and I was taking strong pain pills every three
hours. We have decided to try again to sell that camper as it is just too

difficult to set up and to dismantle for two people and virtually impossible
for me alone. We need something much easier to handle, perhaps one of the newer types that sets up easily. New enrollments are starting to come in for the correspondence lessons

following the lull of our furlough. South Africa is leading the recovery list in number, naturally as we have started to promote again in an easy way. Fasy because we have to watch the budget very carefully now with inflation so bad. We are ever grateful for those who stand so firmly behind us in prayer and

Yours in His Service,

Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents 706 E. Washington, Urbana, IL. 61801
Phone 217 328-2955

Webber St. Church of Christ, sponsors

Dear Friends and Co-vcrkers,

November, 1982

After all t he h assels of errecting t he c amper a nd di sma ntl i ng it for t he 1 ast conference followed by over a week of pain and sleepless nights with a strained shoulder, we decided to sell it. I simply placed a small advertisement in the local weekly "advertiser" paper. There were a few calls, then on Saturday we had one fron out of town. Mrs Moekrke, the wife of a strav/berry farmer, was interested. She made an appointment to look at it Sunday afternoon, when she and two sons arrived, looked it over, and she wrote out a company check for the full amount and took it with her. They have strapping large boys so the size and struggles putting it up and down did not bother them at all. God is good. We really thought that He was directing to a suitable replacement when a few days later a local person advertised a much smaller fiber-glass camper which cost only half what I had gotten for the larger one. However, it developed that
It had not been licenced for two years, the seller was not the owner and did

not know how to locate him, and he was not prepared to make it roadworthy or to assist with the paperwork. I was very disappointed that I did not feel I could take it, but it all worked out for the best when a really like new fibre glass and aluminum one came available complete for only a little more than we had gotten for the one we sold. It also has a very large tent should we wish to put it up, and is ideal and ready for fitting to take my books and tracts for display. I must just build the display panels and fit them with hanging hooks. James has completed the assembly of the catalogues printed last month as well as the 33rd reprint of the main English workbook, "New Testament Doctrines". He
had run out of this while we were in America and had been sending the second book first until we could print this one which should be before the other one again. The collator has been working much better since I was able to find replacement parts at the local agency. They are makeshift substitutes, but seem

to work fine. Best of all, the cost was only about $10.
Unfortunately James has just told me that he is planning to move to his house in the homeland about the middle of Decenber. We shal 1 miss his help in the print shop. Pray with us for a suitable replacement for him, particularly in

the ministry of the local black churches which are coming right after so many
problems in the past as the result of not having a resident minister. We also re-printed Tsonga tracts as we were out of one of these. There is presently a "run" on this language which is spoken by a people who live about 250 miles North of us near the Zimbabwe border area. We have presently about

13,500 students enrolled out of the total population of three million Tsongas,
or one out of every 222 people. I must re-print the basic Tsonga book very

shortly as well as we are down to less than a hundred copies on hand. We find

'cttat we rsaaViy'1r^^'"tnes'e'^Vuns'*^ one language at a time until we reach a

saturation point. This happened with the Vendas where we reached the point of one enrollment for eve^y 1.8 peopl e i n the country, then new enrollments
stopped almost completely. I am praying that the next such growth will be with and Chris have bought north of Pretoria. That would make an ideal base from which to do some follow up, using the camper to live in. The last time we were

the S. Ndebele as these people live only a few miles frcm the land that Becky

at their place we met forty busses headed for the homeland as we returned home
about five o:clock in the evening.

We ranain ever grateful for your constant remembrances in prayers and gifts
that we might abound the more in His work.
Yours in His Service
, ,

Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents 706 East Washington, Urbana, IL. 61801
Phone 217 328-2955

Bo>^d PMlisiy^ls

Webber Street Church of Christ, sponsors

Dear Friends and Co-Workers,

December, 198^^^

We learned as I was finishing the news letter for November, and managed to get Unfortunately, the gynecologist is a very busy man and as he only canes to Alberton once a week it took until the 14th of December to be able to reserve

a foot-note on the letters for close friends and family, that Phyllis st be scheduled for a hysterectomy as soon as th^ could make arrangements. In tact many have already sent cards and told of prayers. We appreciate this immensely.
the surgery when he woul d be available. Thus, Phyl lis is to go into sma\\ private hospital In Alberton on the 13th for surgery on the 14th. Plans go ahead for the usual family Christnas Eve dinner, but much will be done in
advance and the girls will come and do the actual work involved.

Our Johanneiurg based fanily of American missionaries all met at the Weber home for Thanksgiving dinner. There were over thirty of us including all of our own married daughters and t hei r f amil i es. (not actually missionaries, but
American or half so anyway.)

Next week end is planned to be a major "happening" with visitors from the coast

to take part in the farewell for James Mabaso at the Kathlehong church.

sane occasion is to be used for his ordination service and that of Simon Mtshavisa their former minister. This is a big occasion for us as Oames has

verged with us so long and Simon was a contact of the correspondence work a
who will be able to translate into Tswana and Afrikaans, or for separate

nunber of years ago and we count him as a very good friend as well as being one of the mission's best ministers. Pray us with for a repl acanent to do his work We now have the canper-trail er fitted out and ready to roll. We can display all of the English, Xhosa, Zulu, Tswana and Afrikans books and tracts in it at

transl ators.

Te abl^io make use o? this fo? area rallies, ca^ps, the minister's
just is jTOt paid a sal ary.

time Those are the languages we need for our existing churches. We hope to

conference as well as my own travels, as my name has been put forward to take the examination to become a marriage officer particularly for Inland part of South Africa. Amarriage officer is virtually a civil servant s

post as he has to be government appointed and must write an exami nation. He

During the month we actually printed a new edition of one of the Tsonga books that was out of stock and three new study books in translation ^ of "baptian". During sizzling tenperatures, I have set most of the type for two
much larger books dealing with spiritual growth.

We had a break-down with the press this month, but Mr Kerker repaired it in a few hours and also added the jogger it had missing since we owned it, and a worn part that is vital to prevent double impressions, "ow it is rea ly capa^^ of close register work for the first time since we have had it. Our last three books which were a study on Baptisn in English, Xhosa and Zulu, have a full photo-cover for the first time we have tried this. After I realized needed darker irk and darkened the yellow to brcwn, th^ cane out beautifully.

you all in time), that Phyllis will have no canpl ications and all will go well
for her.

We particularly ask your prayers on the 13th. (We are about 8

ahead of

Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, F. Agents

706 E. Washington, Urbana, IL. 61801

Phone 217 328-2955

^llYs Mills

Webber Street Church of Christ, sponsors


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