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rob lindsay pictures

_______________________________________________________________________ Nashville TN 37220 6 1 5 - 4 1 9 - 2 2 9 9 r oblins @co m ca st .net Rob Lindsay offers twenty-five years of professional experience in the communications industry as a creative and technical manager on hundreds of video and television productions based in New York, Los Angeles, and Nashville. He has learned the value of a company's brand and has helped communicate it to hundreds of thousands of viewers using the following skills: Problem solving: technical, creative, and logistic, in a high pressure, result oriented environment, working directly with clients and a creative team: o Rob has spent the past two years working for the National Guard as a civilian contractor tasked to produce, write, direct, shoot and edit short-form videos and stills for recruitment. Interacting and shooting with commanders and vendors all across the country, he has created unique and varied sales/recruitment tools for the Guard. Mr. Lindsay strategized and concepted a regional television campaign for Doctors Hospital of Augusta, Georgia for their emergency room. Working with their marketing director, he wrote and produced the four commercials of the campaign, which generated a 22% increase in new patients for the ER. Recently Mr. Lindsay wrote, developed and produced two national television commercials for the University of Tennessee from rough concepts supplied by the client, who was looking for a fresh approach to promoting the schools outreach program. The spots won two Silver Addys for UT, the first for that client. Rob concepted, wrote, and produced a complete television ad campaign and a web-based identity video for the Walton Rehabilitation Center in Augusta, Georgia, on tight budgets and schedules. The commercials were awarded a Bronze Telly. Working with the retail chain Goodys Clothing, Mr. Lindsay concepted, wrote and directed a commercial campaign highlighting the companys community involvement by focusing on the children theyve helped, elevating Goodys profile among their customers. It won a Bronze Telly. Working with the Anoroc Agency, he co-concepted, wrote, produced, and directed a commercial campaign for Community Health and Hospice which has increased customer queries by 19% and earned a Bronze Addy. Analysis and breakdown of departmental project needs in equipment, staffing, and time, based on preliminary outlines and schedules: Mr. Lindsay scheduled, budgeted, and staffed the photographic needs for a nationally broadcast television pilot, The Sullivan Sisters. The show came in on time and on budget, although it was funded at approximately 60% of the level of comparable network shows. He produced a fund-raising video for The Trousdale School for learning-impaired adults on extremely tight resources, bringing it in on time and budget. 1

Conceptualization of the finished project in coordination with other key people on the team: Mr. Lindsays work has brought him into creative relationships with scores of project teams. Developing clear understandings of project goals and collaborating seamlessly with others are fundamental elements of his work style. Writing hundreds of proposals, commercial scripts and treatments, many of them award-winners, has honed Mr. Lindsays strength in understanding words and images and their impact on the viewer. Samples are available on request. All of the commercial spots directed by Rob were written by him as well. Many are award-winners. Direction and motivation of a vertically and horizontally integrated staff of trained professionals toward the goal of successful project completion within a time/budget framework: Creating a fair and supportive atmosphere in which input is welcome from any quarter is key to getting the best from a staff. Equally important is hiring personnel who bring something extra to the party in experience, motivation, and talent. Editorial Supervision has been performed by Mr Lindsay on virtually all of the projects he has produced. He works closely with the editor on the structure and flow of all projects. Over the past two years he has worked in Final Cut Pro and Sony Vegas to edit his work himself.

Rob carries a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in communications and television production from New York University. He taught for two years at the Watkins Institute of Art and Design in Nashville, Tennessee, and was a guest lecturer at The New School in New York and the Pacific School of Design in Los Angeles. He is credited with creating a hands-on learning process for still photography that has been adopted by the Nossi College of Art. He has won numerous awards in the entertainment industry, including two Silver Addys and three Silver Tellys. Alius Primorus, a short he co-wrote and DP'd, has won the Silver Award at the 2008 Doorpost Festival and Best Film at the Artlightenment Festival in Nashville in 2012. He offers the creative and leadership qualities he has developed over twenty-five years in television production: conforming projects to the needs of the client, adapting quickly to changing conditions and job specifications, experience working under time pressure and budget constraints, and the enjoyment of motivating a staff to do its best work.

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