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From the Publisher’s desk

“Sometimes you gotta create what you want to be a

part of.”

~ Geri Weitzman

Two and a half years ago, Humanity Healing was started from
a very simple concept: when we help others through
Compassionate Action, we help our own healing and through
us, Humanity as a whole. We “opened our doors” as a Yahoo
Om-Times online magazine is a Virtual periodic published Group with the intention of bringing together “wounded”
12 times a year. Om Times is a Multi- media outreach of Healers with those in need of healing.
Humanity Healing Network.
Little did we know how that one tiny pebble in the pond would
Editor in Chief : Gloria Henry ripple out.
Co-Director &Editor: Liane Legey
Publisher Christopher Buck
Our original Yahoo Group is still doing what it was created
Associate Sales Manager Andy Buck
Graphic design & Art: Beatrice Caffe
for; but today, Humanity Healing is a multifaceted,
Production Liane Legey multidimensional organization. OM-Times Magazine is the
Photography Image after newest addition to the Humanity Healing family. The intent
Webmaster: Gloria Henry& Jodi Littlewood of this magazine is not only to bring our readers new
Cover Design: Beatrice Caffe perspectives in healing and spirituality, but to open the debate
to new voices. As a result, we will not only be featuring
Digital art Humanity Healing Network
internationally-known experts, such as Dr. Judith Orloff in this
Subscription inquiries:
issue, but opening the doors to new and talented authors from
Advertising Inquiries our extended networks.
Writers’ guidelines
Reprint Policy Humanity Healing is an extended family, and we are blessed
Terms of Use
that you are a part!
Please refer to our website
Much Metta,
Christopher Buck & Liane Legey
Om-Times™ is a Trademark of Humanity Healing Network, HHN, LLC. Cofounders
Humanity Healing Network
9947 Hull Street Road,
Suite 117
Richmond, VA 23236
©2009 Humanity Healing
All Rights Reserved

OM-Times is published by Humanity Healing Network.

All editorial material including comments, articles,
opinions and statements of fact appearing in this
publication, represents the views of the respective
authors and does not necessarily carries the endorsement
of Humanity Healing and its Officers. All the information
gathered from the sources is considered to be reliable,
but the accuracy of the information cannot be
Editorial Views
Om–Times Magazine

Table of Content
By Category

Spotlight Interview: Judith Orloff MD

Note from the Editor Another Look at Emotional Freedom page 6

“The time is now for transformation. It is a new era and

Recent News:
we are poised with the opportunity to bring in a new What is Up with Humanity Healing Foundation Page 10
consciousness, and co-create a new
reality. Why? Because the light within each of us has
been turned on, and it's our job to turn that light on Art & Poetry
brighter and brighter until all false thought forms dissolve Darkness Unraveled Page 12
in the light of our Truth” Reality Check Page 13

~Dr. Michelle L. Casto Cuisine


With the launch of our first edition of Om-Times

Magazine we are hoping to expand our reach to bring
Digital Media
The Earthmark Page 16
our collective awareness of the new reality to new
readers worldwide. The diversity of our contributing
community brings a unique style unseen in today’s Health & Healing
spiritual type magazines. Unhealthy Navel Page 17
Negative emotion/stress creates disease
Using the Mind to Heal the Heart
We invite you to join us on this cooperative journey Emotional Healing: A Step towards Oneness
into the new reality. RESPONSES TO STRESS AND ANGER
3 ways to empower your soul
Our World Vision Page 28
Gloria Henry Iran
Editor In Chief Iran and the need for international election monitors

The Art of Isabelle Rajotte page 32

But I thought I was the cloud! Page 33
Why do we hate? Page 34
Spiritual Page 35

The Shift
“Follow the path What Is Truth And Does It Exist? Page 37
of sincerity within your heart.” About Cellular Memory Release - C.M.R. Page 39
Uganda Outreach is a program that envisions the generation of income to benefit Children
from diverse walks of life. Those are children with HIV/AIDS Orphans, Albino Girls, and
Displaced children from the wars. Learn more about this project at:
in the muck of negativity, you can’t lead a
liberated, happy life. As a physician, I see
that most people don’t have the everyday
tools to transform frustration, depression,
anxiety, worry, and fear into positive
emotions. This book is a how-to guide that
offers you these tools.

I work in a mainstream medical system that

doesn’t generally deal with emotions in an
expanded way. As a UCLA psychiatric
resident I learned to prescribe medications
and use traditional psychotherapy. In this
book, I also bring spirituality, subtle energy,
and intuition into this equation and offer
strategies that go beyond mainstream

Another powerful reason I wrote this book is

that I watched my mother, a physician,
literally loose her life to stress and fear. I
loved her more than anything, but I didn’t
want to do the same thing to myself, as I
have similar tendencies.

Barbara: What is emotional freedom, and

Emotional Freedom: why is it so important for individuals and
our world today?
Liberate Yourself from
Negative Emotions and
Transform Your Life Judith Orloff MD: Emotional freedom is
your ability to love by cultivating positive
emotions and being able to compassionately
An Interview with Judith Orloff, MD witness and transform negative ones,
on her new book, Emotional Freedom whether they’re yours or another’s. This
By Barbara Stahura skill liberates you from fear and lets you
navigate adversity without attacking
someone, losing your cool, or being derailed
Barbara: Why did you write Emotional
by negativity. With emotional freedom you
can choose to react constructively rather
than relinquishing command of the situation
Judith Orloff M.D. I’m passionate about
when your buttons get pushed (This book is
teaching people to transform negative
emotions into positive ones. If you get mired
unrelated to the tapping technique of the
same name).

Barbara: What is the role of compassion in

emotional freedom?

Judith Orloff MD: Compassion is key

because unless you have self-compassion,
it’s hard to heal difficult emotional states.
And also when a loved one is going through
a trying time, being compassionate without
judging them is essential. My spiritual
teacher says we make progress on the
spiritual path by beating ourselves up a little
bit less each day. I believe that. It’s about
baby steps.

Traditional psychiatry often views them

more as tormentors, something to get rid of.
Barbara: You say that emotions have four
crucial components. What are they and why I believe that emotions come to us—even
is it vital to know about them? wrenching ones like depression—to
spiritually awaken us. Each emotion is a
prompt for us to get more in touch with our
hearts and expand our light. This perspective
Judith Orloff MD: To experience emotional really changes how you deal with all
freedom it’s necessary to understand these emotional challenges. Barbara: How can
four basic components of emotion: their emotional freedom help us to not absorb
biology, spirituality, energy, and negative emotions from others?
psychology. With fear, frustration,
loneliness, worry, and more, the book
teaches you to proactively shift your
biochemistry as well as your energy, and to Judith Orloff MD: Many sensitive people
see the spiritual and psychological meaning come to me, as patients and in workshops,
of what you’re going through. This will give who’ve been labeled “overly sensitive.”
you all the tools you need to change. These people, including me, are what I call
“emotional empaths.” Because we are so
Barbara: You believe that emotions are a sensitive, we absorb the energy of others.
path to spiritual awakening. Please explain. We sense their fear, anxiety, and stress and
take them into our bodies. Then we get
Judith Orloff MD: I see difficult emotions as exhausted or feel ill ourselves. As a child, I
a laboratory for spiritual growth--whereas couldn’t go into shopping malls or crowded
places because I’d walk in fine and then
walk out exhausted or with some ache or
pain I didn’t have before. I didn’t realize
what was happening. I went to my mother, a
physician, who said, “Oh, no, dear, you just Barbara: In the book, you also define four
don’t have a thick enough skin.” Not a good emotional types. What are they and what
thing to tell an intuitive child! But as I’ve can they tell us about ourselves?
matured intuitively and as a physician, I’ve
realized that people on a spiritual path tend Judith Orloff MD: They are “the
to gain more sensitivity as they develop. intellectual,” “the empath,” “the gusher,”
Thus, they need to learn how not to absorb and “the rock.” These are the filters through
outside energy so they can feel joyous and which you see the world—the default setting
free. This book discusses how to be of your personality to which you revert,
compassionate but stay centered without especially under stress. Each type is
becoming a n emotional sponge. determined by inborn temperament,
upbringing, and perhaps karma. Since
emotional freedom means being able to
remain sensitive but centered in an
Barbara: When dealing with difficult overwhelming world, it’s essential to know
personalities, it’s easy to lose our cool or your emotional type. Without this
attack back. How can Emotional Freedom knowledge, many people dysfunctionally
teach us to cope in a calmer manner? hunker down in their type for decades
without examining which aspects do and
don’t serve them.

Judith Orloff MD: There’s a chapter on

emotional vampires, which is my term for
many difficult people—for instance, a Barbara: Your section of the book about
criticizer, a victim, a narcissist, or a sleep and dreams is fascinating. What can
controller. I say, let them be our teachers, they teach us about emotional freedom?
rather than tormentors. We must ask
ourselves: How do they teach us to
communicate with more heart and better
boundaries? How can we deal differently Judith Orloff MD: Sleep and dreams are a
with feeling irritated, controlled, or insulted? conduit for emotional freedom. Sleep is a
The old way is to get nasty or withdraw. The great awakener because your linear mind
new way is to not simply react when your quiets down, and you enter a purely intuitive
buttons get pushed—a behavior that state where you can better understand your
perpetuates war. Practice what I call “the emotions and other realms. Dreams are
namaste effect,” which is, ”I respect the revolutionary states of consciousness that
spirit within you even if I don’t like what impart intuitive wisdom about being free.
you’re doing.” Your victories over
emotional vampires are not small—they’re Here’s a personal example. Once, I went
huge. With every success, you are creating through a period of complaining a lot when
more hope for the world. From an intuitive nothing was working. Projects were falling
standpoint, we are all interconnected: my through, patients were canceling
emotional freedom affects your emotional appointments, I couldn’t even get the
freedom affects everyone in the world. plumber to come and fix the toilet. I was in
victim mode. Then I had a dream in which
my deceased father came to me, and he was
moving from one location to another. I to use emotions as a chance to become
asked, “Daddy, is there anything I can get stronger, brighter, more. This is critical on a
you?” Smiling, he said, “No, darling, I don’t personal level because it frees you from
need anything except a pen and a piece of suffering. But it’s just as important on a
paper in case I want to write a thank-you collective level because if we don’t face the
note.” For me, this was a wake-up call that fear and anger in ourselves, then we risk
highlighted the importance of gratefulness projecting it onto a global sphere. This
here and in the Hereafter. It was all I needed creates war and massive suffering to our
to adjust my attitude to being more grateful human family. We must find inner peace
for my life. before we can have outer peace. That’s why
I consider emotional freedom an inner peace
Barbara: The world seems to get wackier movement.
and scarier every day. How can your book
help us overcome fear during times of
terrorism, economic turmoil, and natural

Judith Orloff MD: To be free, we must view

fear as something to overcome, not
something to be defeated by. When you see
a world with so much to be afraid of—
skyrocketing gas prices, the failing About Judith Orloff MD.
economy, and violence—you must chose not
to come from fear. Part of emotional Judith Orloff MD, a psychiatrist and intuition expert, is
freedom is making a vow not to lead a fear- author of the new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate
driven life. That must be a deep desire in Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your
your heart. Then do everything possible to Life (Harmony Books, 2009) Her other bestsellers are
overcome fear and worry with faith in Positive Energy, Intuitive Healing, and Second Sight. Dr.
goodness, and trying stay in the moment Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with
cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and
rather than catastrophizing the future. I’ll
spirituality. For more information visit
show you how to develop the courage to be
centered and find non-fear based solutions to
anything! Courage or fear is a choice. It’s
not something that just happens to you.

Barbara: I love that you say emotional

freedom offers us opportunities to be heroes
in our own lives. Would you elaborate?
Barbara Stahura, a freelance writer in Tucson, Arizona, has
Judith Orloff MD: Absolutely. If you suffer interviewed many of the major transformative individuals of our
loss, if you’re having an anxiety attack or time including Louise Hay, Carolyn Myss, and Wayne Dyer.
feeling depressed or lonely—these are all
very spiritual experiences to me. You
become a hero in your own life as you learn
Coming Home to calm
Awakening to divine

In these troubling and

turbulent times, we all
need a message that the
grit of experience can be
transformed into peaceful
pearls of wisdom. With a
voice that uniquely
addresses both human
existence and the life of
the spirit, Donna Strong
delivers an inspiring
message of redemption in
this poignant personal


While the storms blow and

life seems to fall apart again
and again, at a crucial point a
shift begins from reaction to
response. Through letting go
and embracing what life
brings, the author shows how
Humanity Healing
Walk of Inspiration Fundraiser

The HH Foundation Team would like to thank

Michael Green and the students of the
Integrated Academy of Queensland,
Australia raised over $2250 for the Seeds
of Humanity Projects.

The HH Foundation was chosen to be the

featured charity of the Annual Walk of
Inspiration. Michael, 78 walkers and
numerous community supporters
participated in the most successful
campaign to date. Our sincere Gratitude to
everyone who gave of their time and energy
to demonstrate that Compassion in Action is
the hallmark of the true Spiritual Activist.

Facebook: Our Gratitude to are

growing Facebook Community for their
support of our projects. If you are on
Facebook, please join with us there.

The HH Foundation is honored to have Jennifer Sky Band join us as a Celebrity Ambassador. Jennifer’s
successful battle with a serious illness of her own fuel her own commitment to help others in need of Healing.
Please read her story in this issue and visit her page on the Foundation website.

Outstanding Individuals

The HH Foundation would like to express it Gratitude to Mehal Darji and Brenda K. for their generous
contributions to the Seeds of Humanity Initiatives.
By M Johnson

You are what you eat….!

Kidney Beans actually heal

You are what you eat, so eat
and help maintain kidney
well. A stupendous insight of A Tomato has four chambers function and yes, they look
civilizations past has now and is red. The heart is red exactly like the human
been confirmed by today's and has four chambers. All of kidneys.
investigative, nutritional the research shows tomatoes
sciences. They have shown are indeed pure heart and Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb
that what was once called blood food. and more look just like
'The Doctrine of Signatures'
bones. These foods
was astoundingly correct. It Grapes hang in a cluster that specifically target bone
now contends that every has the shape of the heart. strength. Bones are 23%
whole food has a pattern Each grape looks like a blood sodium and these foods are
that resembles a body organ cell and all of the research 23% sodium. If you don't
or physiological function and today shows that grapes are have enough sodium in your
that these patterns acts as a also profound heart and diet the body pulls it from
signal or sign as to the blood vitalizing food. the bones, making them
benefit the food provides the
weak. These foods replenish
eater. Here is just a short list A Walnut looks like a little the skeletal needs of the
of examples of Whole Food brain, a left and right body.
Signatures. hemisphere, upper
cerebrums and lower
A sliced Carrot looks like the cerebellums. Even the
human eye. The pupil, iris wrinkles or folds are on the
and radiating lines look just nut just like the neo-cortex.
like the human eye…and We now know that walnuts
science shows that carrots help develop over 3 dozen
greatly enhance blood flow neuron-transmitters for
to and function of the eyes. brain function.
sperm as well to overcome
male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the

pancreas and actually
balance the glycemic index of
Olives assist the health and
function of the ovaries.
Grapefruits, Oranges, and
other citrus fruits look just

Eggplant, Avocadoes and

Pears target the health and
function of the womb and
cervix of the female – they
look just like these organs.
Today's research shows that
when a woman eats 1
avocado a week, it balances
hormones, sheds unwanted
birth weight and prevents
cervical cancers. And how
profound is this? .... It takes
exactly 9 months to grow an like the mammary glands of
avocado from blossom to the female and actually assist
ripened fruit. There are over the health of the breasts and
14,000 photolytic chemical the movement of lymph in
constituents of nutrition in and out of the breasts.
each one of these foods
(modern science has only Onions look like body cells.
studied and named about Today's research shows that
141 of them). onions help clear waste
materials from all of the
Figs are full of seeds and body cells; they even
hang in twos when they produce tears which wash
grow. Figs increase the the epithelial layers of the
motility of male sperm and eyes.
increase the numbers of M Johnson, Reiki Master Teacher - Website:
Reality Check
By Nichespur

To be Quantum-ly Mechanic
Requires you become
Something less then manic
For your depression simply can not
Divine the dream.

Nor does your derision

Make the worlds decision
To just enjoy
Each and every Day today
Any way it can

For you are nothing more

Then just a another smiling face
Beneath the stars
Who can be quite certain “They” smile too
When looking down on you.

Even though our division does not equate

To the equality we must create
Nor sameness the nameness
To all the diversity we must learn “how to”
Just appreciate for who and what

It Is.
Humanity Healing
Holistic Directory
Make your presence Visible to the

The Holistic Directory is designed to reflect the Community of Humanity Healing.

Humanity Healing is built around Twelve Houses that we believe define the areas
where individuals can find their own Path to Healing and through them, Humanity as a

 Individuals can be listed in up to five categories with one subscription

 Individuals have the ability to customize their entry to add personal touches to
a description of what they do.
 Individuals can upload a personal photo or company logo. This image will show
both in the entry and scrolling at the top of the Directory.
 Linking to your Home Website

 Advanced Search features to allow worldwide searches for Category and

 Special features include:

 mapping to your location

 allowing clients to write testimonials and comments

 allowing clients to rate you

 allowing individuals to subscribe to your listing

 receive emails on comments to your listing

This Directory is located within a fast-growing Community of individuals with

an interest in these areas.
By M Johnson

You are what you eat….!

Kidney Beans actually heal

You are what you eat, so eat
and help maintain kidney
well. A stupendous insight of A Tomato has four chambers function and yes, they look
civilizations past has now and is red. The heart is red exactly like the human
been confirmed by today's and has four chambers. All of kidneys.
investigative, nutritional the research shows tomatoes
sciences. They have shown are indeed pure heart and Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb
that what was once called blood food. and more look just like
'The Doctrine of Signatures'
bones. These foods
was astoundingly correct. It Grapes hang in a cluster that specifically target bone
now contends that every has the shape of the heart. strength. Bones are 23%
whole food has a pattern Each grape looks like a blood sodium and these foods are
that resembles a body organ cell and all of the research 23% sodium. If you don't
or physiological function and today shows that grapes are have enough sodium in your
that these patterns acts as a also profound heart and diet the body pulls it from
signal or sign as to the blood vitalizing food. the bones, making them
benefit the food provides the
weak. These foods replenish
eater. Here is just a short list A Walnut looks like a little the skeletal needs of the
of examples of Whole Food brain, a left and right body.
Signatures. hemisphere, upper
cerebrums and lower
A sliced Carrot looks like the cerebellums. Even the
human eye. The pupil, iris wrinkles or folds are on the
and radiating lines look just nut just like the neo-cortex.
like the human eye…and We now know that walnuts
science shows that carrots help develop over 3 dozen
greatly enhance blood flow neuron-transmitters for
to and function of the eyes. brain function.
sperm as well to overcome
male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the

pancreas and actually
balance the glycemic index of
Olives assist the health and
function of the ovaries.
Grapefruits, Oranges, and
other citrus fruits look just

Eggplant, Avocadoes and

Pears target the health and
function of the womb and
cervix of the female – they
look just like these organs.
Today's research shows that
when a woman eats 1
avocado a week, it balances
hormones, sheds unwanted
birth weight and prevents
cervical cancers. And how
profound is this? .... It takes
exactly 9 months to grow an like the mammary glands of
avocado from blossom to the female and actually assist
ripened fruit. There are over the health of the breasts and
14,000 photolytic chemical the movement of lymph in
constituents of nutrition in and out of the breasts.
each one of these foods
(modern science has only Onions look like body cells.
studied and named about Today's research shows that
141 of them). onions help clear waste
materials from all of the
Figs are full of seeds and body cells; they even
hang in twos when they produce tears which wash
grow. Figs increase the the epithelial layers of the
motility of male sperm and eyes.
increase the numbers of

M Johnson, Reiki Master Teacher - Website:
The EarthMark
Individuals tend to label themselves as
belonging to separate groups: race,
nationality, religion, gender, age, to name
just a few. We do not see these labels.
We see Souls. Peel away all the outer
layers we wear, and at the core of each
individual there exists a beautiful Soul, no
more or less deserving than any other. We
each are deserving of love and we each are
deserving of the chance to live a life
without fear, whether that is fear of
violence, fear of hunger, fear of
acceptance or just fear of living.

There is just One Planet. There is

only One Humanity.

We all bear the Earthmark.

The Earthmark represents the Seal a Soul

wears when it is incarnate here on Earth.
It is the Soul’s bond to our common
humanity. Each of us has one. The time
has come to remember it is your
Earthmark that is more important than any
of the external labels we wear.

The Humanity Healing logo is the Flower

of Life with a transparent Earth in the
center. The Flower of Life is the symbol
of the growth and the interconnection of
the human spirit. The globe is centered
and transparent because we do not see
boundaries separating humanity and
shows our growth must be together and
world-wide. Our evolution as race is not
limited to a few "chosen". The Flower of
Life encompasses us all.
Health & Healing energies into life force energy that is useful
to the body.
Innovative new approaches to healing as
The area needs to be clear of congestion and
well as holistic methods of dealing with tension so that energy can easily flow in and
health issues and personal growth out.

Sri Param Eswaran some times does psychic

surgery, during which he removes ones
inner demons via the Navel. Para-Tan uses
the bija sounds of the center to remove all
forms of blockage, thus returning the navel
to its original state.

In the past the navels that you see below

generally belong to older people who have
lived a stressful life, but today you can see
this distortion in very young children. These
distortions are more so seen in women then
men. Women tend to internalize their
emotion and men externalize it.

The navel forms the center of the physical

and spiritual body. When the navel moves
from its original rounded shape to any other
direction, it can cause many physical,
emotional, and mental problems.

These navels belong to models, between the

ages of 18 to 25, who aspire to actresses,
The Unhealthy Navel failing which will remain models. Looking
at their navels, what would their lives be
By Shri Param Eswaran when they in their thirties.

The navel is considered the most important

center in both the Ayurveda, Kundalini
Yoga, and Taoist healing practice. Energy This girl has a pull both right
enters the human fetus at the navel and upwards, and downwards. She also has bad
circulates prana, and harmonizes the moon circulation. Hate to consider her life, with
(female) and sun (male) energies. internal pain, menstrual, urinary tract and
sexual organ, frequent bad dreams, pain in
The body is nourished from the navel the lower part of the body, coughs and cold
energy. It balances all forces and is the will be a common feature.
center of physical gravity. It processes and
transforms the Universal, Cosmic and Earth
sensual pleasure. Body piercing reduces
inner vitality, and then what good is
enhancing stimulation and sensual pleasure.
Looking at the navel piercing navels above,
This person and both they all look sick.
upward and down wards pull, and very
narrow navel. There is scant evidence in the literature of
body piercing actually transmitting hepatitis
B or C virus, or HIV.1 However, body
piercing, like a tattoo, is a recognized
epidemiological marker for increased risk of
hepatitis B and C and HIV infection,5 and
What the practice carries the real risk of blood
navel piercing has done to this navel and borne transmission. Canadian Blood
person? Body piercing is a popular art form, Services will not accept blood from a donor
where the traditional piercing was the who has had body piercing within the year
earlobe and the nose in India and other
Asian countries, but now the ear cartilage,
nasal septum, eyebrow, tongue, cheek,
nipple, navel, labia, penis.
The other areas mentioned above should be
free form piercing, as one can block the This will create
nadis from flowing, this can bring about problems with rectum, acetum, appendix,
energetic imbalance. Apart from normal and anus, as they are also pulling towards
ailments, one will lack energy, and age their reproductive organs.

Shri Param Eswaran is the Father of Para-Tan

healing from the Mahavidya Temple, Tamil Nadu,

The nature of Para-Tan is to awaken and activate

the Divine Feminine within, whose primary qualities

Look how deformed all the navel

are, all were taken from girls between the
age of 18 to 25. What would their lived be
when they grow old.

Functionality is not a motivating factor for

body piercing. According to a survey of 134
readers of Body Art magazine, most people
do it because they like the way it looks and
because piercing enhances stimulation and
Negative emotion/stress creates

By Dr. MTKvis, MD

~ Everything is Energy ~

Everything in the universe is energy. Nothing is

actually solid. Instead objects are made up of
microscopic particles vibrating at such a fast rate
that they appear solid. Our limited sense of sight
doesn't let us see the movement, or vibration, of
the particles. Every object, including the human
organs, has a natural healthy vibratory rate
referred to as "resonance". If a part of the body
begins to vibrate out of resonance or harmony, it
creates what we term dis-ease
Jonathan Goldman, says:

"If parts of the body become imbalanced, they

may be healed through projecting the proper and
correct frequencies back into the body"

~ Disease Prevention is Possible ~

Part of the intense interest in the field of

vibrational medicine is the knowledge that
disharmony shows up in the energy field before
it becomes a problem in the body. If imbalances
can be detected while still in the energy field,
theoretically dis-ease can be avoided altogether.
Another plus for vibrational medicine is that it
seems to have no negative side effects. It does;
however, tend to produce more smiles, more
energy, and an overall feeling of wellness. Most
vibrational medicine techniques are
complementary to one another and to traditional
(acupuncture, yoga, meditation associated with
adequate nutrition, healthy lifestyle)
chakra affect the physical, mental, and
~ Negative Emotion Creates Disease ~ emotional state of the person. Specific
vibrational healing tools are suggested for
Gregg Braden, author of Awakening to Zero correcting imbalances depending on the
Point and Walking Between the Worlds, has particular energy center involved. These energy
research results which indicate that negative centers and the energy field surrounding the
emotion causes the frequency of the body to body, called the aura, can now be seen using
decrease. On the other hand, feelings of love, Kirlian and other special photographic
joy, laughter, and other positive emotions cause equipment. The latest technology in the health is
the frequency of the body to increase called "Vibrational Healing" or "Energy
Jane Buckle, M.D., international lecturer, and Medicine". Vibrational healing and energy
former Assistant to the Queen's Physician of medicine are nothing new. These healing
England, says that if a person has an auto modalities have been successfully practiced in
accident and doesn't deal with the fear that it numerous forms all over the world for thousands
caused, within 2 years it will show up as disease of years. Only recently has it come to the
in the body forefront in western society. That's because
scientists have finally developed instruments
that are sophisticated enough to measure how
The Harmonic Scale of Emotion, as described and why this mode of healing works. Considered
by Robert Tennyson Stevens, indicates which "quackery" in the past, many of these
emotions is high frequency and which ones are "alternative techniques" are now being used in
not. The highest frequency emotion is tandem with mainstream medical treatment. The
enthusiasm. Love and joy also fall into this new term is "Complementary Medicine"
category. This is followed by pain (emotional or
physical) which is followed by anger. The next
lower frequency emotion is fear, which is
followed by grief. Below grief is apathy. Finally,
the lowest frequency emotion is
unconsciousness (meaning it is so awful we have
completely blocked out those situations from our
lives) . If we are experiencing anything less than
enthusiasm in any area of our life, we have
lowered our frequency and are running the risk
of dis-ease. In order to be healthy, people must
increase their frequency

~ Chakras and the Human Energy System ~

Ancient Indian texts accurately describe the ~ Healthy Lifestyle ~

human energy system. Information and diagrams
describe in detail where the main energy centers, Better lifestyle habits can help you reduce your
called chakras, are located. They also suggest risk for heart attack. Learn what you can do to
what part of the endocrine system each chakra help prevent heart disease and stroke
center works with and how imbalances in the
*Managing Your Weight
We can help you manage your lifestyle to better
manage your weight and reduce your risk for *Kids and a Healthy Lifestyle
heart attack The American Heart Association is working to
raise public awareness about the serious threat
*Exercise & Fitness posed by childhood obesity. Learn more about
Swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, dancing, the various ways on how you can become
walking and dozens of other activities can help involved in improving children's health
your heart. Whether it is included in a structured
exercise program or just part of your daily *It's Not Just a Man's Disease
routine, all physical activity adds up to a Heart disease is far and away the leading cause
healthier heart of death of American women, but you can do a
lot to help protect yourself and women from it.
Dr Martha or MTKvis, MD is a The InCor, Read this section for some important advice.
Heart Institute Hospital, is recognized by the American
Heart Association and the AHA developments References:
resources with the Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia.
natural life force impulse is to move. If you
restrict its path, in one direction, it will look for
movement in a different direction. If you
continue to restrict its path until it can no
Using the Mind to longer find a path for movement, it will pulsate
Heal the Heart
By Laura Fine

In Saint Exupery's The Little Prince, he states, "It

is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
what is essential is invisible to the eye."

The heart is not just a physical organ, it is an

energy center, a place of consciousness, a space
of expanded awareness of the existence of
essence, the essence of the universe which is
love, that lives and pulsates inside of us. It is our
most natural state. Our "other" states are those
of lifetimes of learned distortions of the
essence of our True Self.

My teacher says, "We use the mind to heal the

mind." He is referring to the True Mind, which
lives near the physical heart, not the brain. All
distress that isn't life threatening is based in
In place, its walls will begin to thicken, and
learned distorted perspectives of our mental
finally, it dies. Inherent in our nature are
patterns, sometimes referred to as "belief
spontaneous creative impulses looking for life
systems." These belief systems repetitively
force expression in every direction. When one
replay like cassette tapes in our mind. Our
direction is thwarted, we create defenses; we
belief systems can either perpetuate a state of
then look in another direction until we can find
well being and ease, or a state of distress. Some
movement. The more restricted our possibilities
of us who may already be working with positive
for movement, the thicker our walls become.
thinking, understand this concept. But the
These restrictions and walls create rigid
question is, if "positive thinking" were really
patterns in the neurological matter of the mind.
that effective, why hasn't it worked for me
consistently? Why do I still struggle with old
The subconscious and unconscious mind retain
repetitive negative hurts?
these deeply patterned thought rigidities. These
patterns have an energetic dynamic that
If you look at a cell under a microscope its
originated in our childhood, infancy, and
uncountable past life times. These unconscious cognitive understanding, release the cellular
patterns express themselves as restrictions to trauma from its rigidified state and allow that
our present life interactions, relationships and once stagnant rigidified energy of the belief
ambitions. They cause us pain, distress, a sense systems to again flow freely.

It can feel something like an internal shower of

tingling sensations that can be experienced as
invigorating, highly stimulating, small body
spasms or fluid electricity that floods
throughout the body. This energy then
"washes" over the mind, the experience itself
bringing new insights and clarity where there
might have been confusion or doubt.

This process is not "magical," it is physiological,

though our responses to it sometimes feel as
though it is miraculous, enlightening, and
uplifting. This process is the activation of the
body's natural innate self-correcting healing
mechanism bringing us closer to the heart's
of low self esteem, insecurity and other natural state which is one of unconditional love
limitations. As much as we may possess an and The True Mind's natural state, which is one
intellectual, rational understanding about "why" of clarity and serenity.
we may feel defensive or insecure in a
particular situation, it often does not diminish
our feelings of discomfort. Our frustration lies in Laura Fine is the Director of Lionheart Institute West
the knowing presence of our True Mind that
senses we are capable of more pleasure.

When we explore the invisible electromagnetic

realm of the physiological and energetic
dynamic that contains the constricting
experience of discomfort, the light of
consciousness exposes the distorted cellular
memory message and brings about a
"combustive experience" that necessitates
change. Conscious awareness of the emotional
content, life force (unconstricted breath), and
Spiritual Awakening:
From the Unreal to the
By Michael David Lawrience

"Lead me from Darkness into Light, from

the Unreal to the Real, from
Death to Immortality."

*Sanskrit Prayer.

The voices of all of humanity

thunder in an agonizing roar,
clamoring for the unreal upon our
planet. In this din a voice like that of
the Golem from Lord of the Rings
raises above all sounds, My precious
… mine … all mine, which echoes
the voice inside us that clutches at
having more and more material stuff.
next with no real value. Our paper
money has no real value either for no
Inside each of us lurks a facade of
gold standard backs it. We accept the
illusion. Within this facade we
illusion of the value of money yet; it
believe we know our real selves. We,
has no inner value within itself as
however, attach our identity to the
gold does.
facade, which is unreal.
This unreality we live in calls out to
This facade attaches to all the false
destroy life. It crushes our souls. It
things around us. Our facade
creates misery, pain, and suffering.
struggles in a war within us as most
Yet, we cling in desperation to our
things in the world reflect and
unreality for fear of losing all the
maintain the illusion of the facade
material “stuff” we have
such as accumulation of more and
accumulated and create more
more products, clothes, cars, houses,
suffering for ourselves.
and money. If we had more
sensitivity, we would feel the pain
What if we could move beyond this
this illusion of reality creates in our
unreality rather than being trapped
within it forever? Would we be
willing to take the necessary steps?
For example, what we grasp for as
What if we could gradually loosen
money exists only as electronic bits
the hold of illusion upon us? This
passing from one computer to the
would mean a shift in our
consciousness from material may take many years or lifetimes.
accumulation and comfort to a This occurs as we evolve in
yearning for spiritual awakening. consciousness when we become a
fuller expression of our Soul. All the
aspects of our warring personality
come under the influence of our
Souls. Our Soul replaces the illusions
of our unreal self held in our mind.
The seed of illusion binding us
tightly to our unreal self breaks open.
This seed loses its foothold in our
body and only memory remains,
which also eventually dissolves.

For the seed to dissolve, however,

we need to enter the pain, to go
inside the pain. Outside exists only

Lana on her path of spiritual

awakening explains her experience
of the seed of illusion dissolving. "I
awoke with the weight of all of
humanities illusion crushing down
upon me. Voices of all the false
selves in the world roared in my ears.
I sensed the world’s illusion in every
cell of my body and in my spine and
neck. I feared I would implode from
the agony. My husband, a healer,
One of the first steps towards physically held my left and right
spiritual awakening means desiring occipitals. As I writhed in pain upon
and practicing methods to bring the floor, he remained in an empty
more light into our physical bodies. place neutral of any emotion or
It means shifting from the outer to a reaction.
focus on improving our inner lives.
More light enters our bodies once we Unwilling to hold on to my unreal
experience a “soul merge.” self any longer and the illusion I had
Receiving more light assists to begin lived for all my life, I entered the
to know our Real Self, shifting from pain, which moved up my body and
the unreal to the real, from death into head and into the frontal lobes of my
life. Our Real Self has also been brain where I saw with inner vision
known as our soul and the divine light circulating. Then I sensed
spark with us. movement down my body, bit by bit,
until it reached my tailbone and legs.
I mentioned a soul merge, which The false, the illusion of my unreal
self, finally moved out of my body. I own physical bodies. Inner and outer
sensed it like a giant jellyfish with teachers can only take us so far. We
tentacles. need spiritually awakened beings in
physical bodies to take us the rest of
Throughout my ordeal the music of the way to awakening. These
the Moola Mantra played. It has been awakened beings embody Divine
given by two spiritually awakened Grace, the other 50% of the equation
masters from India, Amma and to liberate us from suffering, which
Bhagavan. They say it awakens the we otherwise would be trapped in
divine presence in our heart, among forever.
other things. For me it sounded as
the voice of freedom and like the Amma and Bhagavan, two awakened
breath of the Divine moved through beings, from the Oneness University
my body. As the light came through in Chennai, India have assisted me.
the body, it also came back up my “They are like the spirit, all
body. My body opened like a rose. pervading yet abiding in the deepest
recesses of one's Being,” Oneness
As a result of my experience, which University.
differs for each of us, I aligned more
with my life purpose, which involves I have traveled twice to India to
realigning the DNA in people. retreats where I received daily
Oneness Blessings – a transfer of
I believe most humans remain divine energy, which dissolves the
unaware of their attachment to illusion of separateness. A
illusion. Like hermit crabs humans neurological shift in the brain results
constantly shift the sands of illusion as awakening gradually occurs. I will
on the lookout for more and more clarify that I have had no direct
things to consume. Like some hermit contact with either Amma or
crabs some humans seek a bigger Bhagavan. They instruct and bring
shell to settle into to feel safer their students known as “dasas” into
because of fear of attack from others. awakening who than work with the
public giving Oneness Blessings and
The illusions of our unreal self held teachings."
in our minds drive us to anger and
attack. These illusions cling to life at
any cost, which keep us trapped in
suffering. In reality we really only
attack ourselves, like one arm
wielding a knife and slicing away at
our other arm, for we only fight
against our own misery.

Our unreal self has no life, it only

believes in the illusion of life. We
need help to unlock the illusion
which has become trapped in our
Bhagavan also gives public transmissions of
the Oneness Blessing and teaching over the Only Divine Grace carries us through the
internet, which reaches people all over the doorway beyond suffering into feeling and
world. knowing the oneness of all life.

I stress again we can only make the final

shift from the unreal to the real, from
separateness into oneness, and from
suffering into joy and compassion through RESPONSES TO STRESS
the Grace of awakened beings.
By Mary Cook

Stress and anger are natural, normal human

responses to internal and external elements in
life. Expressing these feelings in ways that do
not harm us or others, and ultimately focusing
on what will help us recover, and find solutions,
improvements or insight, is healthy and mature.
It is when anger and stress become chronic or
intense enough to exacerbate or create
problems that a re-evaluation of our responses
is in order.

Our bodies react to stress and anger by

becoming tense, rigid, constricted or
destructively expansive. With stress, we tend to
have scattered, fragmented, or low energy.
Anger generally results in narrowly focused high
energy with adrenalin surges. People can
become addicted to the excessive adrenalin
associated with anger. Its’ feeling of exciting
high intensity aliveness can hide feelings of
depression, lethargy, a sense of inferiority, fear
and emptiness. The stress hormone cortisol is
present in high amounts with anger or stress.
When we allow ourselves to experience we had no control. Significant self-centeredness
underlying feelings of sadness, pain and loss, likewise, is a common response to an absence
our tears lower the level of cortisol. Breathing of sufficient attention, interest, value and
during periods of stress and anger tends to be feelings of love in childhood. When our
shallow, erratic, withholding, hard, and rough or childhood experiences with vulnerable feelings
hyperventilating, which increases stress and were not met with acceptance, understanding
anger. and helpfulness, we may deny them. This then
sabotages our ability to identify the roots of
Our bodies maintain the energies of unhealed problems and resolve them. This denial also
anger and stress in tissues, muscles and organs. prevents us from developing a firm identity and
They become weak areas of the body, a supportive, nurturing, positively empowering
vulnerable to aches, pain, injury, disease, relationship with ourselves. Our relationships
lowered mobility, strength or functioning. with others then lack acceptance and tolerance
Destructive behavior increases the amount of or have excessive fear associated with them.
negative energy held in the body, thereby
lowering immune system support. Chronic Other consequences of past maltreatment
anger or stress hijacks our internal guidance include maintaining tension in the body, having
system, giving us physical sensations that startle responses, being hypervigilant and
promote greater strife, rather than healthy self- hypersensitive to any cues of danger, and
care. When we lack healthy personal needing to control our environment and people
caretaking, we are more dependent upon around us. If we keep our body braced, tensed
others for gratification. This inevitably leads to and alerts, we think we’ll be prepared for any
more disappointment and anger. necessary defensive or offensive actions to
protect ourselves. Conversely we believe that if
If we were physically or sexually abused, we allow ourselves to relax and be vulnerable,
especially in childhood, our brain may have then when we are hurt, it will hurt more. The
protected us from painful body awareness. truth is contrary to this notion. Maintaining the
Whether we disassociated, denied or repressed tension or intention of harm, attracts harmful
painful sensations, we learned to disconnect people and situations to us, creating a self-
from signals of danger that in later life can fulfilling prophecy. And we are not learning
prompt us to set boundaries, disengage or cry resiliency, recovery, or healing, nor are we
for help. Sometimes in the absence of healthy cultivating positive emotions in our bodies. This
bonding, harmful interactions are defined as stance also places us in an adversary role with
positive, because they are the only sign of life and keeps us in a child dependent reactive
attention. In this case we may have learned to state.
idealize abuse. We may think that our tolerance
for abuse indicates strength, adaptability, lack Hopefully at some point, we realize that our
of neediness and vulnerability. This can also relationship with stress and anger has
precipitate self-harm. compounded our problems. We can find
healthy, safe support in which to heal earlier
Willfulness and excessive need for control is pain, and explore, understand and release
typically a reaction to earlier trauma over which vulnerable feelings and physical tension. We
can choose which thoughts to empower and
which to disempower. We are not meant to be We can appreciate being an adult and accept
puppets to dominant habit thoughts, nor to our responsibility for our own well being, rather
childhood experiences. We can learn calm, than over-depend on others through blame,
deep, relaxed breathing, and practice feeling intimidation or submission and passivity. We
peace inside of us. We can develop greater can meet stress and anger with compassionate
tenderness and empathy for ourselves and inquiry that leads to support, insight, healing
others. We can accept the constancy of change and solutions. We can develop greater faith in a
and know that it is enough to choose responses Higher Power by accepting periods of
to life that further our psychological and emptiness, confusion, and loss of what is
spiritual growth. familiar, in order to become more enlightened.
We can understand that what allows us to
move forward is what we leave behind. And we
can use daily prayer and meditation to remind
ourselves that the greatest power does not
come from stress and anger, but from spiritual
For an easy kick-off I recommend to read "Thich
Nhat Hanh" - he is just amaaaaazing!

He will instantly change your life, because he

teaches you why you should SMILE even at the
red traffic light or in traffic jam, because this is a
god-sent whiff to give you a little extra moment
of peace and rest, especially (!) when you are in
a hurry..... And you can't change the situation
anyway..... Then I'd recommend that you
continue with Neale Donal Walsch "Talks with
God" - fascinating!

God is my best friend and just a brilliant coach,

who does both: supporting my dreams but also
slowing me down in order to re-reflect or to
have me see the reality behind the veil of the
reality; i.e to see the fourth dimension (i.e. my
and other soul oscillations and vibrations which
delete our visually very delimited three-
dimensional view of constantly "higher, further
and faster")

If you want to dig deeper in your soul and spirit,

then read Viktor Frankl : "Man's search for
MEANING" - stunning!
Three ways to empower
your soul This doctor-philosopher from Vienna propelled
a new era of psychology, called logotherapy! As
By Dirk Boehmer opposed to the Freud'ian and Adler'ian narrow
perspectives on lust- and/or status-driven
Dear friends,
neuroses, he emphazises (wo) men’s FREE WILL
I'd love to share with you three spiritual jewels
to find proper MEANING in everything we do or
which you may enjoy in little slices in quiet
experience: provided we listen to our sound
moments in your daily life (i.e. in bed, when you
and quiet conscience which is telling us what
are on vacations or go on a retreat)....
we shall (divinely become) and devote
ourselves in self-distance (yet self-awareness!)
They are fairly easy to read and grasp, chapter-
with humility to personal missions and / or
by-chapter, leaving ample time to reflect and let
other people.
your thoughts, spiritual perceptions and self-
awareness slowly sink into your soul and
The key to a meaningful life is hence "taking on
full responsibility" in everything we do, in the LUCK and FLOW are NOT the result of having
sense of answering the abundance questions reached the top of the Maslow pyramid in
life poses us each day, every minute (and not terms of self-actualization (if not often even
vice versa ;-) mental self-"masturbation") - LUCK and FLOW
Hence the word Response.ibility and not are just the outome of the quite simple fact that
Ask.ibility ;-))) we excel in striving and aspiring to just BE
(according to our sound conscience! - and not
And our free will heals us to always decide to to our narrow alleged consciousness - this is a
act in this way or in that way or in another of very fine distinction! ;-))
1.001 possible ways.
Hence we should appreciate and LOVE who we
Therefore, if we fill our decisions with love and really ARE (as given upon birth!) , because each
dedication and devotion, than we find true of us is in truth an individual and UNIQUE uncut
meaning. jewel - and it is our OWN response.ibility to cut
We even can find meaning in suffering; it is just this divine gift to perfection - and not to let
a question of the adequate perspective. others to mis-shape and squander us ...

Hence, finding true satisfying meaning in life And that's exactly how we should educate our
every day is the result of proper self- children... because education means in Latin
questioning: educare "to bring up / bring out", in the sense
What. FOR (divine destination) am I inborn here of ex- "out" + ducere "to LEAD"... Proper
onto this planet? education is hence help for self-help of our kids
And not: WHY did I land just on this weird to "lead" their own TRUE lives according to their
planet and what the heck am I actually doing own kernel of being, their own predispositions,
here? ;-)) skills, virtues and soul vibrations, which (if
(Btw: Frankl earned for his thinking’s nearly 25 properly interlaced all together) form a human
honorary doctorates and various lecture seats being which manages the evolution from pure
at America's top ten Universities in the 60's-90's being over person up to being a (hopefully
....) sustainable) true authentic personality.....
But reaching down to your soul and living
inside-out (and not vice versa) might feel like a So start to climb your own evolutionary spiritual
butterfly's arduously emerging out of his "ladder" right now.....
cocoon..... ;-))

But I am sure that one day you will fly and soar
and feel light like a hot-air balloon without all
this parental, social, conjugal etc. pseudo-
ballast which so far kept you involuntarily
grounded all the time.....

As to Frankl, Walsh, Thich N.H, Csikszentmihalyi

and many other great modern spiritual minds,
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Iran and the need for

international election monitors massive show of democratic stirring by a
show of force and by cutting off means of
By Rene Wadlow communication — web sites and cellphones.
However, the fact that hundreds of
thousands came out on the avenues of
Tehran and in less numbers in other cities
Dear Friends,
indicates a failure of the repressive policies.
Even if large protests do not continue, a
Since the protests concerning the contested
‘wind of change’ has blown over Iran.
elections in Iran continue and have become
'front page news', the call of citizens of the
world for permanent UN election monitors
The Iranian government had declined the
is timely. Thus I would be glad if you could
offers of international monitoring of the
share it with others. With best wishes,
elections, and thus the world community is
~ Rene Wadlow left with only the word of the Iranian
government that the election process was
free and fair. The wide victory of President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — 62.6 percent
against some 34 percent for his main
challenger, Mir Hussein Moussavi, goes
against earlier opinion polls and an
increasing popularity of Moussavi in the late
stages of the election campaign. Mir
Hussein Moussavi had been Prime Minister
The post-election demonstrations in Iran during the long and costly-in-life war with
which have led to deaths and arrests indicate Iraq (1980-1988).
that a large number of Iranians believe that After four years of President Ahmadinejad’s
the election count has been the result of weak economic policies as well as his
fraud. The regime had hoped to prevent a confrontation with many other countries,
many Iranians were looking for a change. rights, to strengthen the rule of law and to
For the elections, President Ahmadinejad ensure pluralistic democracy.
tried to build his support in the rural areas
with last moment rural development efforts Election observation work is an important
which his opponents saw as transparent activity for the 56 member States of the
‘bribes’. He had lost much support among Organization for Security and Cooperation
educated Middle Class urban voters who in Europe (OSCE) and its Office for
wanted a better standard of living, Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
employment opportunities for the young and housed in Warsaw, Poland. The Office for
greater personal freedoms. Democratic Institutions, originally called the
Office for Free Elections, first played an
Thus, the election could have been close important role in the democratic transition in
even if Ahmadinejad had won fairly, having post-communist countries. While its
the resources of the State at his control. observation of elections is its most visible
Now, there is great scepticism concerning task, the Office also conducts a number of
the outcome both in Iran and in the world other useful election-related activities:
community. The scepticism is so great that a reviewing electoral legislation, training
promise by the Guide of the Iranian regime, observers, and publishing guidelines and
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has been made handbooks about electoral issues.
concerning a recount in certain contested
areas. However, electoral fraud is rarely at
the counting stage. One can recount a
stuffed ballot box and come up with the
same number of votes. This is why the
whole electoral process needs to be
monitored by independent election agents.

Citizens of the World have often called for

international, basically UN supervision, of
elections. The organization of elections
The Office for Democratic Institutions is
remains a prerogative of the national –
concerned with a” wholistic” approach to
administrative sub-divisions of the State,
election monitoring including the following:
and local governments. However, in cases
where the election campaign can be tense
- Respect for basic fundamental freedoms such
and prone to violence as was the presidential
as the freedom of assembly, of association, and
election of Zimbabwe, or when there has expression;
been a past history of fraud, international, - Respect for the civil and political rights of the
independent monitors are important agents candidates and voters;
of fair elections and help to protect human - Compilation of accurate voter lists;
- Equal opportunities to campaign in a free to request international monitoring for its
environment; presidential elections. Now it is too late. It is
- Equitable access to the media; unlikely that a new election will be held to
- Impartial election administrative bodies; replace the contested one. The Iranian elections
- Unhindered access for international and have indicated a wide current of support for
domestic election observers; change. The hesitations of the ruling circle
- Effective representation and participation of concerning post-election manifestations have
women: highlighted division of views within this ruling
- Effective representation of national minorities; circle. The demonstrations have also indicated to
- Access for disabled voters; the world community as a whole the need
- Honest and transparent counting and tabulation for independent election monitoring. Steps
of the votes; should be taken quickly for the UN to
- Effective complaints and appeals process with provide such services drawing on the rich
an independent judiciary.
experience of the OSCE.

The United Nations has no comparable

permanent election monitoring office, but on an
ad hoc basis the UN played an important
monitoring role in the first multi-racial elections
in South Africa, and the Office of the High
Rene Wadlow, Representative to the UN, Geneva,
Commissioner for Human Rights has provided
Association of World Citizens
election aid and monitoring in countries such as
Nepal as that country was coming out of a
decade of armed violence.

The Iranian government would have been wise

By EtherEagle

There has been a very strong push in the

mainstream media to demonize the
government of Iran. This has been going on
a long time. Every since they were declared
part of the "axis of evil" there has been
constant negative attention given to them. I
remember when the propaganda machine
was rolling on another country within the
"axis of evil", Iraq.

The nightly declaration of weapons of mass

destruction, Iraq was linked to 9-11; the people
I find it resonating with truth. Sometimes the
are being oppressed by the Iraqi government.
truth is very hard to accept. We learn a great
Does anyone else see the correlation?
deal about ourselves when we see how easily we
can be deceived. The great spiritual people of
our time were rarely deceived by the powers that
The murder of one young woman, as tragic as it be. If we are half the spiritual beings we think
was, pales in comparison to 1 MILLION we are, we will learn to be honest with
murdered in Iraq. It saddens me to no end to live ourselves. We must, as spiritual beings stand up
in a world where anyone must be murdered. I to all oppression, not just what the nightly news
understand. I understand more then I want to. tells us to! Let’s not let the rising consciousness
My whole point of this post is to ask you to look of this phenomenon known as Neda, go on
beyond the mainstream propaganda, and let’s without turning the brilliant shining light on
not turn Neda into another mass murder, made ourselves.
possible by the weapons of mass deception. We
speak out for Neda, as well we should, but we Let us have the same courage and shine that
should speak out for All victims of murder, light in our own backyard. We might be amazed
oppression, and genocide. at what we shall find. Thank you, and may all
who are oppressed and weak of spirit find the
courage and strength to stand up and civilly
About Ethereagle disobey their oppressors. For in my mind that is
the ultimate act of love, to peacefully stand up to
I'm an Independent Researcher, Artist, the oppressors and say no! For in doing so you
Musician, Poet, and social commentator at are giving the ultimate gift to your fellow man,
- the chance of true freedom.
her voice to aid in
meditation programs and
healing sessions.
was indifferent to the lyric
chart. With the passing of Isabelle has performed
Maestra Narici, was around the globe and has
surprised to learn that her been featured in
humble master had kept documentary and movie
her title of Napolitain soundtracks.
Barona a secret.

During this time, she also

The Art of shared classes and space
with at an art school for

teenagers with the teacher,
Yoland Guérard. Celine
Dion also attended this
Rajotte school, but the two had.
Isabelle Rajotte
works with
At seventeen years of age, Humanity
Isabelle embarked on a Healing as an
three year singing tour of Ambassador of
Isabelle Rajotte was born
Quebec with her uncle. At the House of
in Chicoutimi, Quebec,
twenty, she left for a five Creation and is
Canada and started singing
year tour of Europe. currently
at the age of three. Isabelle
During this time, she had a developing a
was a gifted and a natural
mystical crisis which series of sacred
singer and began to study
resulted in the awakening chants to be used
opera at 15 years old in
of her Kundalini. This in meditations
private class five days a
added a spiritual layer to and
week with the great master
her singing and people visualizations
Maestra Dina Maria
have been known to enter
Narici. In exchange for the
trances and have visions
lessons, Isabelle cooked
during her performances:
for the master. Maestra
memories of angels and an
Narici found Isabelle to be
awakening in the listener
a curious student: she had
knowledge of the divinity
great passion and talent for
within. Isabelle has seen
the vocal exercises, but
firsthand the ability of
music to heal and has used
But in time I've realized, she does
indeed--and sees it much better than
most of us. She sees it for the
illusion causing it. What she sees truly
is the amazing, powerful being the
person truly is--yet they have decided
to stay in the cloud. In fact, they have
decided to BECOME the cloud.
Now, I have certainly experienced a
lot of pain myself, and to those of you
especially who still are in the pain of
losing a loved one, ill-health, financial
mess-- my heart goes out. But I am
learning, time and time again, that
those things we feel IN that pain--
that we are alone, that we are a
failure, that we are
corruptible, weak, vulnerable

at the core of your being, as your true

self--simply are not true

Relationships We are always connected. As you learn

to really feel this connection, you will
The interconnectiveness among all human know.
beings and, consequently, the relationship
Make a habit each day to remember
among all beings is the limelight of this
your connection-- pray, meditate, and
think happy thoughts. Hold the
intention that you will be more aware
of your true self and your connection to
God, Source, and the Universe.
But I thought I was the cloud!
You will be answered. You are not the
by GypsyJewel cloud. Connect with the light and let it

I've seen several energy workers in action, and

with one in particular, I thought--doesn't she
seem a bit callous about this other person's
pain and issues? Callous is far too strong a
word--just a little impatient,
listening in a "get to the point" sort of way.
Being the sensitive person I am, I wondered at
this. Doesn't she see their pain?
Why do we hate? our pain, miseries, anguish inside a chest and
we lock it and throw the key away. See the
"DO WE HATE BECAUSE WE DO NOT LOVE OR DO problem is that no matter what we all do life
WE HATE BECAUSE WE LOST WHAT WE ONCE goes on with or with out us. Do we really want
to be standing still? oo Do we live for the
LOVED" moment and face the future without regrets or
do we continue a path of destruction by endless
By Lourdes Pagan hate?

We move thru life wondering how we got there

and trying to figure out "WHO WE ARE", after
all that is the whole point for us as we join the
human race experience. There are going to be
trials and tribulations that will be happen as we
move thru everyday life, even when we try to
avoid them, we still have to accept them.

Things that perhaps are out of necessity we all

most learn even when our hearts are saying
"NO". That include letting go of people that are
in our lives, when we do not want to. There are
times that we are going to experience blessings
and there are going to be times that we are
going to experience turmoil.

But because of all of these "DO WE START TO

HATE". Because our lives had changed! Do we
hate as a Defense Mechanism so as to protect
ourselves from others? Or do we hate because
we do not know how to deal with our lives
anymore. We surround our lives with a wall so The Light University on line you were waiting
as to protect us, it is almost as if we place all for.
Coming soon !!

The following day he told me that there was not

Specialness a spot anywhere in the universe that the
presence of the Creator did not fill; I could not,
By Chris Anderson/Onefeather
in fact, find a place that was not sacred.
As a teenager I often roamed throughout the
Over the next few days I considered his words
foothills of the Rocky Mountains and sought out
and visited a number of places where I had felt
places along the Arkansas River that I imagined a separate and personal connectedness that I
to be “sacred”. I revealed one of these hallowed could not recognize in the greater world that I
areas to my grandfather and he asked me what
inhabited. I knew that “my places” were special
it was that I thought made this particular spot
for me even if God was all pervasive and
unique. I was at a loss for words and finally I
everywhere. While he (my grandfather) had not
said, “I don’t know. I think it’s just a feeling that rebuked me, he had caused me to consider the
I have when I go there.”
bigger picture.
He smiled and asked me to think about it more.
Finally, I approached him, looking for resolution
in the quandary that he had presented me with.
“Why do some places seem different ... Miracles

“You have made them special because you still This was my
imagine yourself to be apart from the Greater affirmation
Life that surrounds you. This dirt, these trees today:
and stones ... everything that exists, knows TODAY IS
itself to be within the mind of God and THE MOST
therefore God’s expression. Only man reasons GLORIOUS
himself to be apart from all existence. In your DAY OF MY
life you shall meet many who hold one idea of
God above others, people who look for special-
ness as a way to validate their separation. Do
not confront them, allow yourself to honor EXPECTING
them and their need to make a place or an FIVE
event especially their own. But know that MIRACLES
whenever you place one thing or one person TODAY!!!!!!!!
above another you have created a belief that !!!!!!
ultimately puts gaps in the presence of the Beautiful
Creator ... places where you will fall through the miracles today;
web of life and imagine yourself to be weak,
vulnerable ... separate. It is all one ... all one life; From joyous
and therein lays your power, your strength ... emails, calls,
your invulnerability. experiences,
laughter and
The little man who is separate can be maimed divine grace.
and destroyed. The man who has come to know
that he is Life can never be overwhelmed ... he’s Each day is
invulnerable ... he will exist forever. Always
filled with
know that you are that Life.”
To the mind of a fourteen year old his words O I had all
were an ocean and I was standing on the shore,
kinds of nice
afraid to enter the surf and attempt to swim.
we see that
Three years later his death caused me to
recognize that I was standing on the beach every moment
alone. I began to allow the tide to engulf my contains a
feet but it was not until after I returned from miracle, affirm
Viet Nam that I started to enter the sea. it, breathe it in
It has taken me nearly forty years to learn how know…that
to swim. every moment
is new.
Writer, artist and mystic, Chris now devotes himself , Om Shanti
in the latter half of his life to the quest for spiritual beloveds
truth. His first novel, written under the pen name of
Sanyasuk Andekshkwe (Silver Crow) is about to be Jacqui
released in late July of2009. Johnson
The Story

Penned & Illustrated by

Sanyasuk Andekshkwe

A Song of Silver Crow

The Story
A Song of Silver Crow

A Song of Silver Crow is the story of a descendent of Indian and White ancestors, a man raised and educated in the
prevailing White Man’s society... yet schooled in the ways of the Red Man by his Native American grandfather.

Hip to the living conditions of Twenty First Century America and being of a mystical and intuitive bent, Silver
Crow recognizes he’s being drawn into a quest that will eventually aid in resolving his personal inner conflicts and,
ultimately, those between the two races of his origin... presenting the world with a new understanding of the tran-
scendental nature of love and truth.

Aware of First Nation legends of a pale-skinned healer who had walked among “the People”, Silver Crow has long
held this teacher of peace and forgiveness in great respect. A revered part of their history, the legend has been
passed thru oral tradition by storytellers from generation to generation within his and many other tribes on both con-
tinents. He realizes why, upon first encounter with the White Man, the Indians found the Gospels of the Apostles to
be familiar ... even comforting.

The Story is the tale of elemental wisdom, inspiration and optimism that takes the reader from a cottage on a small
lake in the backwoods of Wisconsin to Jerusalem, the spiritual heart of three of the worlds great religions... and be-
yond. Packed with intrigue adventure and mayhem, the pace is sensuous, engrossing and rich in detail, often filled
with rational conjecture and verifiable yet little known fact. Secret societies like the Illuminati and the Knights Tem-
plar run a dark current of opposition to the quest, seeking to gain control of or destroy the prize being sought by Sil-
ver Crow, his client Timothy and their cohorts along the way.
The shift
What Is Truth And Does It Exist?
(Excerpt from the Original Article)

By Posted Un1v3rs@t1l3

Truth is a child of Time can no longer be considered a planet because it

- Don Ford. does not meet the new definition of a planet.
This is a more recent discovery hinging on our
Certain truths change as time goes on. It was experience with space. New species are
once believed that the world was flat. We now discovered everyday in the depths of the
know this idea to be false. Scientists claim Pluto oceans; places humans were unable to reach
before now. Time continues and we discover correlations. This is likened to the
things previously believed to be non-existent or transformation of a hypothesis into theory
deemed to be untrue. So, what is truth? By using the scientific method accepted by
definition truth is conformity to fact or psychologists. Next, reality is divided into two
actuality. Is that to say that truth conforms to forms: the sensible and the intelligible. In other
facts? I think that might be a human words, the sensible world changes and has a
misconception. It seems as though facts sense of order to it; seasons, growth, etc. The
conform to truth since facts change with the intelligible world is unchanging. What is true
passage of time. Truth is and always will be. will be true for eternity since it transcends
Nothing will ever change it. What will change space and time. Plato exemplified this notion in
are our perceptions, understandings, and his theory of forms labeled Platonic Form.
evidence brought forth by the ever inconclusive These forms are “independently existing, no
quest for the truth. Plato says truth relies on spatial, no temporal “somethings” (“kinds,”
knowledge. According to Descartes anything “types,” or “sorts”) that cannot be known
that can be doubted cannot be true. James through the senses. Knowledge is always about
countered that truth is always personal. These Forms”. Plato’s forms are ideas in the mind, yet
men hold a few of the many beliefs that form are free from the mind. These forms are real
the structure of the universe. Some believe and pure in actuality. They do not rely on
objectivity equals untruth. Objectivity stifles the changing times and opinions. Meaning, they are
oneness of the individual. Others proclaim truth real, but are not physical. Examples of these
be subjective. It is manipulated by our ideas of forms include: virtues like goodness;
relativity. What the real truth is, we shall never mathematical relations like triangularity: the
know. There are no forms of truth that can be concept of having three sides; and sensible
agreed on by everyone. Hence, the truth properties, like, beauty. He claims there is only
remains on the tips of our tongues and fingers; one form of a particular thing. There are many
well within reach. It will always rest in the palm things, though, that can share the qualities of
of our hand, only to slip through our fingers as that form. Ex: One owns a red car. Due to sun
we close our iron clad fists, destroying a large exposure the color fades over time becoming
part of that truth. less red. Meaning, it is still a form of red, yet
due to fading its shared properties in the form
Plato’s position was that truth is relative to red decreases. However, this does not change
knowledge and that knowledge must be the original form of the color red. So, we are to
determined first. Meaning, one must first come believe that the truth does not exist solely due
up with a way to differentiate opinion from to our belief in it. Truth exists independently of
genuine knowledge. Knowledge is defined as perception and perspective.
true belief. Also, knowledge is categorized as
being theoretical or practical. Practical Descartes on the other hand felt that truth, in
knowledge consists of those things that we general, is what we conceive of with clarity and
need the skills to do, such as, play an distinction. In reality then, only mathematical
instrument, use appliances, or make a cake. deduction is reliable in discovering the truth.
Theoretical knowledge is that which has to be Descartes was a rationalist. He rejected
proven through evaluation of systematic knowing anything that was not clear and
distinctive. Rationalists’ belief is that reason is meaning or truth value to the extent that they
the main source of knowledge. Therefore, produce practical results and effectively further
anything that can be doubted is not true. Two our aims”. We live in accordance with beliefs
kinds of knowledge are: a posteriori and a that match our own feelings and experiences.
priori. A posteriori knowledge is verifiable The will to believe rests on the foundation that
through empirical means. This particular life demands two things: response and action.
knowledge is changeable and not regarded as We must believe in something. Forced options
universal. A priori knowledge is reasoned and are decisions that have to be made one way or
without reliance on the senses. Experience does another. Not deciding on something is a
not play a role in this knowledge. The decision, also, and life does not allow us to live
coherence theory of truth evaluates new ideas unattached, without interest. The pragmatic
on their basis of rational coherence and on theory of meaning states that truth happens to
previously tried and proven truths. There were an idea. In essence, we test ideas to see if they
rules to be followed in finding the truth. In his are true. Only when we have tested an idea
work, Rules for the Direction of the Mind, against our own experience and deemed it to
Descartes laid out twenty-one rules. His method be so can we accept that truth. Beliefs are
for finding truth is known as methodic doubt viewed as adaptations. They are only valid if
which holds one to doubt everything that can they help us through life. Truth is not
possibly be doubted. Even by the most important. What is important is the usefulness
miniscule doubt. Before then philosophy did not of an idea as applied in our personal lives.
demand individual, rational comprehension. He James’ belief in self-fulfilling prophecy justifies
elaborated on his beliefs through a series of how we manifest truth in our own lives by
meditations titled Meditations on First believing so strongly in something that it comes
Philosophy. In his second meditation he queried true. Ex: A friend believes they are unintelligent
a piece of wax for its truth. This piece of wax and cannot pass a class they are enrolled in.
was found to have certain qualities about it, Meanwhile, they continue to do all their
such as, taste, shape, color, etc. When heated assignments constantly reminding themselves
this piece of wax took on completely different of that belief. This leads to self-sabotage and
characteristics. The color and consistency they end up fulfilling that prophecy that they
changed. It was liquefied and did not taste of are unintelligent and will fail the class.
the sweetness of the honeycomb as it once had Therefore, their belief was so strong in this that
before. He found this to be the same piece of they caused themselves to fail the course.
wax, yet different due to his perception of it. Henry Ford was credited with reasoning,
So, the truth found in that piece of wax is not “Whether you think you can or think you can’t,
based on sensory information. It must be left to either way you are right”. If one believes
the intuition of the mind. something is true about them whether negative
or positive, either way it is true due to their
William James felt that truth was always belief in that truth.
personal, being contingent on the eye of the
beholder. He was a philosopher and a Many different beliefs are prevalent in the
psychologist who believed in pragmatism. study of philosophy and the ideas contained
“Pragmatism is the belief that ideas have therein. Kant’s belief in truth encompassed
both empirical and rationalist views. Empiricism ability to think, reason, and believe in ideas that
is the belief that all knowledge is derived from spawn new creations. Nietzsche said that God is
the senses only. Rationalism believes all dead. He has been killed off by our ideas,
knowledge comes from reason. He united these restriction, and advancements. Our true faith
two views with his findings that knowledge is rests in ourselves. We have killed God and
subject to both sensory experience and reason. named ourselves to be his worthy successors.
This is referred to as Kantian Formalism. Humans have the ability to explore space
Bertrand Russell introduced what we know as through the invention of spaceships. What we
the correspondence theory of truth. This asserts are raised to believe keeps us in these beliefs.
that an idea, belief, or thought is true if what it Where we are from, what religion we believe in,
refers to actually exists. This theory is the and what is common in our culture backs these
foundation of empiricism. Nietzsche chalked beliefs. Truth exists, but is relative and
truth up to a matter of mere perspective. Truth dependent upon individual factors: culture,
transcends what we believe religiously or experience, and knowledge. For instance, I have
morally. He deemed knowledge to be merely an four children by an African man from Gambia.
invention. Kierkegaard reasoned to discover So, I speak to Africans on a daily basis. Some of
truth is to find the truth that works for me, them are still in Africa and some have made it
individually. If one does not recognize the truth to the United States. Most Africans still residing
when one sees it, it becomes inconsequential to in Africa believe that the streets of America are
them. Accepting objectivity is a bias in itself. paved with gold and it is one of the greatest
David Hume’s position opposed that there is no places to live. The Africans I know who live in
logical way to trust in the existence of an America all say, “If I had known it was this hard
external reality. We create our own world of to survive in America, I would have stayed in
truth and lies through the imagination. Also, our Africa.” This leads me to believe that truth is
experiences have a pattern to them. We are relative. It is a game of perspective and
able to accumulate different perceptions of perception
ourselves looking in a mirror while changing our
stance, but we can never see the whole Truth is relative. Opinion or “truth” is subject to
perspective at once due to the shift of our many things that can alter it. Real truth is
perceptions. These views can be seen and unchanging. Many times we lack the ability to
expressed through the many different cultures see the truth clearly. The truth may present
and individual belief systems that we encounter itself to us in a variety of ways. We see it when
through contact with others. it becomes relevant to us. An old adage says
love is blind. The same could be said about
From my point of view, truth is a first cousin to truth representative of the fact that Lady Justice
knowledge. It seems as though truth relies on stands with her double-edged sword
the fundamentals of knowledge. Truth for the unsheathed and the scales of truth tipped in
most part is relative. So, truth is a fundament of time’s favor. At the same time her eyes are
perception. Some examples are: Time is blindfolded against the injustice of belief,
restricted to a twenty-four hour period, yet it is knowledge, and relativity.
said that time waits for no man. God is the
ultimate creator, although, He gave us the
Will we ever unite in our search for the truth? One must be able to differentiate belief from
Or will we forever leave this boxed belief of knowledge and relativity from actuality.
relevance, time, and truth to stagnate within its Therefore, time is the bearer of all relevant
own walls. Are we doomed to endlessly sit Time truth and only the universe knows what that
is the beholder of this truth and all humanity truth may be.
can do is patiently wait for the day of reckoning.
Three main things came up time after time in
my research on truth: belief, knowledge, and

Mahavidya Girls School Project: Support this Cause.

Cellular Memory
By Gary Jacobsson

No matter how deep the challenges are that you

meet in life, no matter what limitations you face,
there is the possibility for you to permanently free
and heal yourself. If you are seriously willing to take
responsibility for everything that manifests and has
manifested in your life, then you are capable of
getting to the root causes and allow transformation
and healing to take place at all levels.

Cellular Memory Release (CMR) is an effective,

practical synthesis of tools for accessing and
freeing the trapped, stagnant life force held
inside the cells of your body. The crystallization
of this life force within the cellular memory of
your being is the root cause of most manifested Cellular memory. We make decisions about
life imbalances, be it physical, emotional, ourselves and others and carry out behaviors
psychological or spiritual. There is a vast that resonate with the energy field inside that
intelligence in you just waiting to set you free. It we are experiencing in the moment. This
has the wisdom to heal, the knowledge to dynamic only reinforces and strengthens the
share, and the information to help show you unconscious smokescreen that leaves us
how to live life at your maximum potential. unaware of it as the cause of our afflictions and
illnesses. We were never taught a healthy way
There is an urging within all of us to know a to get in touch with our own unique truth and
permanent peace with whatever it is we face, face our fears directly.
but somehow we feel blocked from or unable to
access what is truly our soul's birthright. Just as Through carefully guided sessions in Cellular
our potential is trying to come out, we seem to Memory Release lies the opportunity to
be shut down by unconscious strategies. These transform our fears into peace allowing the
unconscious strategies are manifested in a way process of healing to begin. As we unveil and
to match the energetic field of repressed fears, release what is no longer serving us in the
traumas and wounds that are stored within the present moment, we open the door to newer,
lighter and healthier possibilities of living. The
vast intelligence within you never manifests
what you cannot overcome, and it is longing to
set you free.
"Humanity Healing Hour" is geared toward
interviewing a wide array of interesting,
diverse and highly knowledgeable souls
who work in different arenas within the
world of healing and spiritual or peaceful
activism or advocacy throughout the globe.
It is the purpose of this show to openly and
honestly discuss, in depth, the myriad of
modalities which they employ; their unique
gifts they offer this world, their experiences
and their graciousness to allow us to share
their lives

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